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Script for the CYIA PowerPoint

We want the teens to feel like they “know” the project and us.

(However, feel free to reduce the amount of information given each day to the 5 Day Club)

Slide numbers correspond with the complete powerpoint


Slide 1 Many of you have watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition where volunteer workers are able
to demolish a house and rebuild another house in one week for a deserving family. This week we will be
learning about an Extreme Makeover, CEF Fiji Edition. We wish the construction could be done in one
week. However, it will probably take six months or longer!

Slide 2 Many adults and churches have given to the project. Children of Fiji, Taiwan, Malaysia, Solomon
Islands, Israel, as well as children in many US states, including Alaska, Hawaii, Florida, Virginia, New
Hampshire, Minnesota, Indiana, Pennsylvania and California gave money in their clubs so we could
purchase this house and property in December 2007. It took 2 ½ years to raise $90,000! We call our
new office: the Moriah Project. God provided the funds for this property just as He provided the ram for
Abraham on Mount Moriah in the book of Genesis. This property was hand-picked by God in that the
main road for the largest island goes right pass our corner!

We “spruced the house up” with some paint and did lots of yard clean-up. We knew that we needed to
build a training hall. We thought that we could just renovate the little house. HOWEVER, we discovered
many problems which led to the engineers telling us that we need an ‘EXTREME MAKEOVER to demolish
the current house which is over 70 years old and build a new office, training center, and an apartment
where the director of CEF Fiji may live.

Slide 3 Money raised in part through CYIA of 2009 provided enough funds to erect our new boundary
fence! We began construction February 1, 2010. We have two driveways and one people gate. With all
the globes on top of the columns, we really “brighten the corner” at night!

Slide 4 Presenting our new office plan! The front third will be the new office area. The middle part with
the raised roof will be the new training center. The last third will be an apartment for the CEF national
director of Fiji. We need you to pray that God will provide the money to buy the building supplies and
that He will send us volunteers to build! The projected total cost is over $300,000. An Irish couple has
given a challenge. They will give $75,000.00 to finish the project IF we can raise $225,000.00 by

Slide 5

Step #1. Choose your project. (See the incentive PPT)

Step #2. Choose your daily goal for your project. Write that amount on this chart.
Step #3. Paint a portion of the building every time a daily goal is met. The final club offerings are given
to your director. Most states have the directors send the offerings to the State Director who in turn
sends the total 5-Day® Club offerings to Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc, PO Box 348, Warrenton, MO
63383 Designate Fiji Real Estate Account # AFJ0 270 . THANK YOU for your part in raising the funds for
this building!

Slides 6-11 Missions Song (Tune: Jesus Loves Me)

Slide 12 Day Two: Frequently Asked Questions

You learned about the EXTREME MAKEOVER for CEF Fiji’s national office which we call the Moriah
Project. Today, let’s explore Fiji.

Slide 13 Where is Fiji? We are three hours by plane north of Auckland New Zealand. We are five hours
west of Sydney, Australia. (If you have a world map or a globe, show where Fiji is.)

Slide 14 What is Fiji like? There are over 300 islands in the Fiji group. It is always hot (85 degrees or
hotter) and humid (above 50%)! Fiji is famous for its beaches and tropical flowers.

Slide 15 Why are you in Fiji? As beautiful as Fiji is, that is not why CEF is here. The boys and girls of Fiji
need to know that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to save them from their sins.

Our Extreme Makeover will give us a national office where we can direct the work and have a place to
teach children and teachers. Pray that many boys and girls will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ
because of our new office building.

Slide 16 Why We Need a New Office?

Although we painted, and spruced up, we still need a new building.

Picture 1:This is a crack on the kitchen wall. There is water damage to the foundation which caused
multiple cracks in the foundation and walls.( All kind of vermin: rats, mice, cockroaches make their way
into the building via the cracks.) There are even termites in the floor which means needing a new floor
as well.

Picture 2: The roof leaks so the ceilings inside the house are falling down.

During our six month rainy season. we have containers around the house to collect the ceiling leaks.

Picture 3 shows the windows which all need to be replaced as this type of window was discontinued
many years ago.

Picture 4 shows our training bure during a rain storm. Sometimes, we have to delay Good News Club
and training classes. Sometimes, we have to cancel.

Not pictured:
There is substandard electrical wiring which could cause an electrical fire. The water pipes have lead
corrosion (we did install one new pipe to the kitchen to provide safe drinking water.) The opinion of the
architects and the many engineers who have inspected the house all agree that it is cheaper to knock
the house down and begin over with a new building.

Slide 17 Future Moriah Project

Presenting the side view of the future office! The double doors in the middle will open into a large
training hall. The extra long windows allow for lots of breeze. The extra windows at the roof top to
allow for the rising hot air to escape!

Slide 18 Incentive Slide and sing the song. (Slides 6-11)

Slide 19 DAY 3

Slide 20 What Does CEF do in Fiji?

Our sign says it all: we provide literature, train teachers, and teach children.

Slide 21: We teach children the Bible

CHILD evangelism: we focus on telling boys and girls about the Lord Jesus Christ in Good News ® Clubs, 5-
Day® Clubs and Scripture Classes (Bible classes) in schools.

Slide 22: We train teachers

We train teachers: in weekly classes, in one-day seminars, in three-day conferences and in three month
schools. We have up to 40 teachers each week in our weekly classes.

Slide 23 We sell CEF literature

We sell CEF Press materials so the teachers have colorful visuals to use with the children.

Slide 24 We need a training center

Your offerings will help us have a large room to teach children AND train teachers. Right now, there is
nowhere to teach, other than our temporary open-air “bure” (pronounced boo-ray)! In the past years,
we have had to rent school auditoriums, a lawyer’s office, a camp site, and a hotel conference center in
order to teach our various seminars. We also need room to store all the literature we have to sell!

Slide 25 Our Good News “Bure”

In 2009, we added an open-air “Bure” (pronounced Boo-ray”). Bure is the Fijian word for house or hut.
We can have 25 -30 adults in the bure. We use our Good News Bure for a Good News® Club, weekly
training classes, training seminars, and even a two-week school. It must be set up each time it is used. .
At the end of the meeting, all the chairs and equipment must be stored inside.

Slide 26 Bure needs help

We have a six month rainy season. When it rains, it gets very interesting. We have to lower some plastic
tarpaulins which make it HOT inside and the sound of the rain on the tin roof makes it hard to hear.
During heavy downpours, the bure floods. Our bure is temporary until we have our new indoor training

Slide 27 Incentive slide: Presenting our new office plan! Do you see the ramp? (It won’t be that steep).
The demolished house will be the landfill for the retaining wall. This will build up the land so we won’t
have any more flooding during rain storms.

Slide 28 Incentive and Fiji’s Kids Song. (Slides 6-11)

to match the Irish Challenge!

29 Day Four Introducing the Bryants

Slide 30: The Bryants

Uncle Kent has been in Fiji since 1986! Aunt Becky arrived in Fiji in 1993, right after their wedding.
Uncle Kent is the Missionary Director of CEF Fiji. He does MANY jobs to keep CEF Fiji going in the right
direction: speaking in churches, teaching in seminars, writing newsletters, organizing the many
meetings. Uncle Kent just received his dual citizenship making him both an American and a Fiji citizen!
Aunt Becky helps with teacher training and does CEF office work. Aunt Becky also supervises their
children, Jeremy and Katelyn, in home school.

Pray for Uncle Kent and Aunt Becky as they direct the ministry in Fiji.

Slide 31: Jeremy and Katelyn Jeremy was born in Fiji in 1994. He loves to play squash (that’s a game
similar to racquetball). He is learning to play the guitar. He can dress like a Fijian to do the Fijian dance.
Jeremy has an American passport, but he can’t wait to get his Fiji passport as well.

Katelyn was born in Fiji in 1997. She was adopted by the Bryant’s in 1998. She loves to play tennis. She
loves going to AWANA! She is dressed in traditional Indian clothing. Katelyn is an American citizen, but
hopes to add Fiji dual citizenship as well.

Both children just finished their home school year.

Slide 32: Presenting our new office plan! Do you see the porch/veranda that goes all the way around
the building? We will not have to close the windows when it rains! If we have an overflow crowd for a
training seminar, extra chairs can be put on the veranda. Plus, everyone can enjoy snacks on the
veranda in between sessions. (
33 Incentive and ( Fiji’s Kids Song.)

34 DAY Five Introducing Shoma Dutt

Slide 35 Shoma Dutt

Auntie Shoma (pronounced “Show mah” ) loves to teach boys and girls. But she really loves to train
adults to teach boys and girls! She enjoys making visual aids and helping with other projects around the
office. Pray for Auntie Shoma as prepares to teach both the children and the adults.

Slide 36

Do you see the white part under the front porch? That is a LARGE basement room for storing our lawn
mower and other tools. It is so big that we will also have two dorm rooms for those longer schools that
we organize, a kitchenette, a small lounge and a visiting instructor guest room. THANK YOU for praying
and giving towards the extreme makeover of our CEF Fiji national office.

37 Incentive and Fiji’s Kids Song.)

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