RSPO Training Modules

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This course is intended for participants who have the prerequisites listed. These
prerequisites may be demonstrated based on prior training and/or experience or maybe
provided by face to face or computer based training supplemented by experience. The
course provider must be able to demonstrate that these prerequisites have been met by
each participant prior to undertaking the course.
The course may be offered in modular form however it is expected that, most if not all
sections will need to be presented in a face to face mode to promote understanding and
allow for discussion.
The times shown are offered as guidance only and maybe varied to suite each training
providers syllabus providing the intent of the module is delivered. The practical exercise
must allow each participant to participate as a member of an audit team and to have a
face to face interaction acting as an auditor with an auditee for a sufficient time period to
enable the participant to understand the practical difficulties of auditing.
Guidance is offered in Appendix 1 on the material that should be covered in each
module and Appendix 2 offers further guidance on auditing the stakeholder consultation




Course Objective
To provide participants with the ability to participate as a member of an audit
team conducting a conformity assessment of an organisation claiming compliance with
the RSPO P&C and RSPO-RED.
Course Outcomes

Participants should have an understanding of the:

1. Context in which the palm oil sector operates, including key sustainability
issues affecting the palm oil sector.
2. Social, environmental and economic framework within which an oil palm
plantation and its associated mill operates.
3. Conservation including HCV and associated processes
4. Legislative framework within which an oil palm plantation and its associated
mill operates, including international, national and local laws and land
5. RSPO Certification Schemes, particularly those related to the:
a. Principles and Criteria
b. Supply chain of custody
c. RSPO-RED requirements
6. RSPO principles and criteria
7. The certification audit process

Course Prerequisites
Participants are required to possess the following prerequisites prior to attending
this course:
1. Advanced post high school education degree or diploma or equivalent
2. Technical skills and qualifications related to and as necessary for the
certification process, like demonstrable relevant experience in other relevant
certification schemes
3. A demonstrated technical knowledge of the social, environmental and
economic issues that relate to the production of sustainable palm oil. This can
be demonstrated by completion of the RSPO (Technical) Auditor training
4. Demonstrable successful completion of a recognised lead assessor course
e.g. an accredited QMS (ISO9000) or EMS (ISO14000) auditor training
Course Content

The course includes the following content:

1. Introduction (0.5 hrs). This is intended to provides an overview of the course
and reinforce the prerequisites needed for entry. It will address the following



a. Content
b. Outcomes
c. Examination

Palm oil context (1.5 hrs). This section of the course provides participants
with knowledge of the context in which oil palm is grown, processed,
transported and used.


Legislation and policy (2.0 hrs). This section of the course provides
participants with knowledge of international, national, state and local laws
related to palm oil operations and development.

4. Social, environmental and economic framework (2 hrs). This section of

the course provides participants with knowledge of the social, environmental
and economic framework related to palm oil operations and development. It
will briefly address the following topics:
a. Economics of oil palm establishment and operations
b. Social considerations of oil palm establishment and operations
c. Environmental impacts of oil palm establishment and operations
5. Conservation (2 hrs). This section of the course will introduce participants to
the identification and management of rare, endangered and threatened
species and high conservation value habitats.
6. RSPO and RSPO-RED certification processes (8 hrs). This section of the
course will explain the certification process including the principles and
criteria. It will address the following topics:
a. Accreditation and certification processes
b. Principles and criteria
c. Structure of the P&C
d. Objectives of each P&C
e. Use of indicators to demonstrate compliance with each P&C
f. Requirements of RSPO-RED
7. Principles of auditing (1.5 hrs). This section of the course will explain the
principles of auditing as they apply to the audit and certification processes. It
will address the following topics:
a. Integrity
b. Fair presentation
c. Due professional care
d. Confidentiality
e. Independence
f. Evidence based approach
g. Impartiality, including conflicts of interest
h. Competence,
i. Responsibility,
j. Openness,
k. Responsiveness to complaints
8. Audit Management Programme (2.5 hrs). This section of the course will
outline the purpose and management of an audit programme in the
certification context. It will address the following topics:
a. Establishing the audit programme
b. Initial and onsite audits
c. Peer review



d. Certification decision and awards

e. Surveillance audits
f. Recertification audits
9. Audit activities (16 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide
participants with an understanding of the audit activities necessary to conduct
an RSPO audit. It will address the following topics:
a. Initiating the audit
b. Preparing audit activities
c. Conducting the audit activities
d. Acting as an audit team leader
e. Using technical experts
f. Practical exercise
10. Report writing (4 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide
participants with the ability to write effective audit reports. It will address the
following topics:
a. Report content and its format
b. Report review process
c. Preparation and distribution of the audit summary report
Course Assessment

The knowledge and understanding of participants will be assessed through an

examination and their ability through a practical exercise, as follows:
1. The examination will be of 2.5 hours duration based on fifteen multi choice
questions taken from the whole syllabus and four written short answer
questions and two long answer questions taken from Sections 3-6 and 8-9.
2. The practical exercise shall include a live audit, role play or other type of
practical exercise that places the participants in a position where they are
required to act one on one in an auditing role.

To obtain the RSPO Auditor Certificate, candidates will need to pass both the
examination and the practical exercise.
Practical exercises (role play, brainstorming, field visits, etc.) should be encouraged and
outcomes are assessed whenever the trainers deem fit to enhance participants learning
Course Duration
The course duration would be a minimum 40 contact hours, excluding breaks and
the examination spread over 5 days.
Course Numbers

A maximum of 16 participants per course using one course tutor is permissible.

Course Material
Each participant would receive a full set of course notes and this would be
supplemented by notes taken during syndicate work, any site visit, where applicable, and
other material generated by the participants.



Course Presenters

The names of the course tutors will be provided.

Course Recognition
10.0 Participants who pass the examination and practical exercise will receive a
certificate from the training providers endorsed by the RSPO indicating successful
completion of the course. Participants who do not sit or pass the examination or practical
exercise but participate in all other activities will receive a certificate of attendance from
the course provider. A participant who fails the examination and passes the practical
exercise may be allowed to resit the examination once. No resit of the practical exercise
is allowed.



Appendix 1
The information contained in the following paragraphs is intended to provide the course
developer with an outline of what should be covered under the heading specified. This
guidance is not intended to limit the course developers initiative but indicate the topics the
RSPO believes as a minimum should be covered under the relevant heading.
In developing the course material course developers must ensure that the course material is
based on the relevant RSPO reference documents and ISO 17021:2006 Conformity
assessment-Requirement for bodies providing audit and certification of management
systems or 19011:2011 Guidelines for auditing management systems and participants must
have access to these documents for reference purposes during the training.
1.0 Introduction (0.5 hrs). The intent of this clause is self-explanatory and no additional
guidance is offered.
2.0 Palm oil context (1.5 hrs). This section of the course provides participants with
knowledge of the context in which oil palm is grown, processed, transported and used. The
section would be expected to briefly address:
a. Locations where palm oil is grown and why in these areas;
b. The growth cycle;
c. How it is processed, transported and used;
3.0 Legislation and policy (2.0 hrs). This section of the course provides participants with
knowledge of international, national, state and local laws related to palm oil operations and
development. The section would be expected to briefly address:
a. International law as it relates to palm oil operations, including ILO, UN and other
conventions and treaties, such as those related to labour, safety and health in agriculture,
collective bargaining, discrimination, biodiversity, etc.
b. How international law is enacted;
c. National laws;
d. State, provincial, regional and local laws, as applicable
e. Customary law
Social, environmental and economic framework (2 hrs). This section of the
course provides participants with knowledge of the social, environmental and economic
framework related to palm oil operations and development. It will briefly address the
following topics:

a. Economics of oil palm establishment and operations,


Oil palm operations, including clearing, planting, maintaining, harvesting and

ii. Replanting cycle and costing
b. Social considerations of oil palm establishment and operations
i. Stakeholders and their roles and interests, including small holders, growers, millers,
users and the relevance of FPIC.
ii. Typical social impacts and their significance to the importance of social
considerations in the RSPO P&C, including local/indigenous communitys land
rights, access and benefits to lands that is significant to community, traditional and
cultural values preservations, loss of livelihoods, land clearing, transportation,
importation of workers from other communities and their associated impacts such
as demographic change, increased burden on family members, reduced levels of
air quality
iii. Assessment methods such as Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and dispute
settlement facilities.


Appendix 1

Mitigation methods such as habitat retention, family employment provisions, health

c. Environmental impacts of oil palm establishment and operations
i. Typical environmental impacts, including causes such as land clearing, planting,
harvesting and mill operations and their associated impacts such as air, water or
land pollution.
ii. Assessment methods, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
country equivalents such as Indonesian AMDAL, Brazilian EIA/RIMA
iii. Mitigation methods such as riparian reserves, conservation corridors, waste control.
5.0 Conservation (2 hrs). This section of the course will introduce participants to the
identification and management of rare, endangered and threatened species and high
conservation value habitats. It will briefly address the following topics:
a. HCV assessment process;
i. HCV 1-4 (including rare and endangered species - IUCN red/black list)
ii. HCV 5-6
b. Primary forest, peat and their roles in forest ecosystems
6.0 RSPO and RSPO-RED certification processes (8 hrs). This section of the course will
explain the certification process and principles and criteria. It will address the following
a. Accreditation process and its purpose
b. Certification process, including its application to:
i. growers, millers and oil palm users
ii. small holders, including group schemes
iii. the supply chain in terms of product traceability
iv. grievance mechanisms
v. control of claims
c. Principles and criteria, including:
i. Revision process
ii. National Interpretations,
iii. Local indicators
iv. New Planting Procedures
d. Structure of the P&C
e. Objectives of each P&C
f. Use of indicators to demonstrate compliance with each P&C
g. RSPO-RED requirements
7.0 Principles of auditing (1.5 hrs). This section of the course will explain the principles
of auditing as they apply to the audit and certification processes. It will address the following
a. Integrity
b. Fair presentation
c. Due professional care
d. Confidentiality
e. Independence
f. Evidence based approach
g. Impartiality, including conflicts of interest
h. Competence,
i. Responsibility,
j. Openness,
k. Responsiveness to complaints
8 .0 Audit Management Programme (2.5 hrs). This section of the course will outline the
purpose and management of an audit programme in the certification context. It will address
the following topics:
a. Establishing the audit programme, including:


Appendix 1
i. determining the audit scope and reviewing the time-bound plan
ii. identifying the specific competencies of audit teams
iii. informing stakeholders, including public announcements
iv. planning initial, on site and future surveillance audits
b. Initial and on site audits
c. Peer review
d. Certification decision and awards, including the public availability of documents
e. Surveillance audits
f. Recertification audits
Audit activities (16 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide participants with
an understanding of the audit activities necessary to conduct an RSPO audit. It will address
the following topics:
a. Initiating the audit
b. Preparing for the audit activities
i. Document review
ii. Planning for the on-site activities
c. Conducting the audit activities
i. Collecting and evaluating audit evidence
ii. Reviewing the work of HCV assessors
iii. Reviewing the stakeholders consultation process
iv. Raising non conformities
v. Working papers and records
d. Acting as an audit team leader
e. Using technical experts
f. Practical exercise
10.0 Report writing (4 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide participants with the
ability to write effective audit reports. It will address the following topics:
Report content and its format
Report review process
Preparation and distribution of the audit summary report



Appendix 2
Stakeholders play an important part in the RSPO certification process and their views
and the consideration they are given by the organisation seeking certification are critical
to determining whether certification can be recommended. The purpose of stakeholder
engagement is to create opportunities for dialogue between an organization and one or
more of its stakeholders with the aim of providing an informed basis for the
organizations decisions. Stakeholder engagement should be interactive and is intended
to provide opportunities for stakeholders views to be heard. Its essential feature is that it
involves two-way communication.
An organization should determine who has an interest in its decisions and activities, so
that it can understand its impacts and identify how to address them. The P&C require
that the views of stakeholders be considered in a number of criteria. Stakeholders are an
individual or group with a legitimate and/or demonstrable interest in, or who is directly
affected by, the activities of an organisation and the consequences of those activities. It
may include statutory bodies, indigenous peoples, local and displaced communities,
workers organizations (including migrant workers), smallholders, local and local and
national NGOs and others. Many stakeholders may not be organized at all, and can
easily be overlooked or ignored and not all stakeholders of an organization belong to
organized groups that have the purpose of representing their interests. This problem
may be especially important with regard to vulnerable groups.
The audit team must determine whether the process used by the organisation for
identifying their stakeholders, soliciting, communicating and collecting information from
them and its consideration is effective. This includes:
1. Identification the intent here is to ensure that all the relevant stakeholders have
been identified and to confirm if any have been excluded and why. The means of
identification must be rigorous and not attempt to exclude any group without
justification. (1.1 & 6.2)
2. Soliciting the intent here is to ensure stakeholders are aware that consultation is
possible and this may be accomplished by newspaper advertisements, letter drops,
leaflets placed in local government offices, attendance at community meetings,
asking employees to advise their local community, placing information on the
organisations website, working through local NGOs. (1.1)
3. Communicating and Collecting the intent here is to ensure that stakeholders are
given the opportunity to express their views and this may be achieved through
informal or formal meetings and can follow a wide variety of formats such as
individual or community meetings, workshops, round-table discussions, advisory
committees, regular and structured information and consultation procedures,
collective bargaining and web-based forums. (1.2, 7.2 & 7.5)
4. Consideration the intent here is to ensure that the views of stakeholders have been
considered by the organisation. (6.2)
5. Complaints the intent here is to ensure any complaints have been addressed
especially post certification. (1.2 & 6.3)
The audit team is seeking to establish that there was a clear purpose for the
consultation, the relevant stakeholders were identified along with their interests; the
relationship that these interests establish between the organization and the stakeholder
is direct or important; the interests of stakeholders are relevant and significant to the
organisation and its intent to grow palm oil in a sustainable manner and the stakeholders
have the necessary information and understanding to make their decisions.
The audit team may use a range of methods to collect objective evidence, including
reviewing procedural documents and records, such as the list of stakeholders, issues



Appendix 2
identified and comments received. Where this is insufficient to determine the
effectiveness of the process including its outcome, they may need to perform in field
verification and conduct their own interviews with relevant stakeholders. Reliance may
be placed on the work of others, e.g. where this has already been conducted by a
certification body, other certification bodies may request for the summary report through
the organization.
Where operations have been established in areas which were previously owned by other
users and/or are subject to customary rights of local communities and indigenous
peoples, the certification body must consult directly with all these parties to assess
whether land transfers and/or land use agreements have been developed with their free,
prior and informed consent and check compliance with the specific terms of such
ISO 14063 Environmental management Environmental communication Guidelines
and examples, offers additional guidance on stakeholder consultation.




This course is intended for participants who have the prerequisites listed. These
prerequisites may be demonstrated based on prior training and/or experience or maybe
provided by face to face or computer based training supplemented by experience. The
course provider must be able to demonstrate that these prerequisites have been met by
each participant prior to undertaking the course.
The course may be offered in modular form however it is expected that, most if not all
sections will need to be presented in a face to face mode to promote understanding and
allow for discussion.
The times shown are offered as guidance only and maybe varied to suite each training
providers syllabus providing the intent of the module is delivered.
The training provider is reminded that this course is primarily for potential auditors and
thus the material is to be presented in such a way as to show its relevance to the audit


vers.1.1-July 2013


Course Objective
To provide participants with the technical competence necessary to meet the
prerequisites needed to undertake an auditor training course and then participate as a
member of an audit team conducting a conformity assessment of an organisation
claiming compliance with the RSPO P&C.
Course Outcomes

Participants should have an understanding of the:

1. Context in which the palm oil sector operates, including key sustainability
issues affecting the palm oil sector.
2. Social, environmental and economic framework within which an oil palm
plantation and its associated mill operates.
3. Legislative framework within which an oil palm plantation and its associated
mill operates, including international, national and local laws and land
4. Identification and management techniques used to protect and conserve
endangered or protected species, sensitive ecosystems, biodiversity and the
needs of local communities.
5. Role of management systems, especially ISO 14001, OHSAS18001 in
managing the organisations environmental and health and safety risks and
supporting the organisations commitment to the RSPO P&C and RSPO-RED;
6. Monitoring and measurement techniques needed to demonstrate the
achievement of compliance with the RSPO P&C and RSPO-RED
7. Supply chain custody schemes
8. Role of technical experts in auditing the RSPO P&C.

Course Prerequisites

Participants are required to posses the following prerequisites prior to attending

this course:
1. Advanced post high school education degree or diploma or equivalent
2. Demonstrated understanding of the RSPO P&C, the certification process and
its contribution to the production of sustainable palm oil.

Course Content

The course includes the following content:

1. Introduction (2 hrs). This is intended to provides an overview of the course
and reinforce the prerequisites needed for entry. It will address the following
a. Content
b. Outcomes
c. Examination
d. Review of P&C (to be demonstrated as prerequisite)
e. Review of certification process (to be demonstrated as prerequisite)


vers.1.1-July 2013

2. Palm oil context (3 hrs). This section of the course provides participants with
knowledge of the context in which oil palm is grown, processed, transported
and used. It will address the following topics:
a. What is palm oil and where is it grown
b. Why is palm oil important for food security
c. Who are the stakeholders in the palm oil sector
d. How is palm oil perceived in the public domain
e. Future developments in the palm oil sector.
3. Certification, supply chain custody and traceability (3 hrs). This section of
the course aims to provide participants with an understanding of supply chain
custody and its role in supplying sustainable palm oil. It will address the
following topics:
a. Standards, schemes and definitions
b. RSPO and RSPO-RED Certification processes
c. National interpretations
d. Supply chain models
e. Use of trademarks
f. Differences in auditing P&C versus Supply Chain
4. Legislation and policy (4 hrs). This section of the course provides
participants with knowledge of international, national, state and local laws
related to palm oil operations and development. It will address the following
a. International laws and agreements
b. National laws
c. State and local laws
d. Customary land ownership
e. Other related legislation
f. Non regulatory policy schemes



Social, environmental and economic framework (6 hrs). This section of

the course provides participants with knowledge of the social, environmental
and economic framework related to palm oil operations and development. It
will address the following topics:
a. Economics of oil palm establishment and operations
i. Development cycle (land clearing, planting, harvesting, processing
and transportation)
ii. Planning and economics of oil palm operations
b. Social considerations of oil palm establishment and operations
i. Land tenure
ii. FPIC
iii. Community considerations
iv. Labour rights (gender, freedom of association, migrant workers)
v. Occupational safety and health
vi. Social impact assessment


Bio Conservation (10 hrs). This section of the course will introduce
participants to the identification and management of rare, endangered and
threatened species and high conservation value habitats. It will address the
following topics:
a. HCV assessment process;
i. HCV 1-4 (IUCN red/black list)
ii. HCV 5-6
vers.1.1-July 2013

iii. Primary forest and peat and its role

b. Environmental impacts of oil palm establishment and operations
i. Soil degradation
ii. Ecosystem services, including biodiversity
iii. Land use change
iv. Greenhouse gas emissions and operational activities
v. Resource use (water, fertilizer)
vi. Chemical use (pesticides)
c. Riparian reserves
d. Wildlife corridors
e. Drainage
f. Monitoring and measurement
g. Waste management

Management Systems (4 hrs). This section of the course emphasizes the

importance of management systems in supporting compliance with P&C. It
will address the following topics:
a. Standards, schemes and definitions;
b. ISO 14001
c. ISO 18001
d. Competence, training and awareness
e. Risk assessment and control
f. Emergency planning

8. Monitoring and measurement (4 hrs). This section of the course aims to

provide participants with an understanding of the management practices used
to minimise the impact of oil palm operations and how they are monitored and
measured. It will address the following topics:
a. Performance indicators (eco system services, biodiversity)
b. Inspection and sampling techniques
c. Water courses, columns and sediment monitoring
d. IPM
e. BMP
f. Waste management
g. Use of fire
h. Greenhouse gas accounting

9. Technical experts (2 hr). This section of the course aims to provide

participants with an understanding of the role of technical experts in the audit
process. It will address the following topics:
a. Why are they needed
b. Their role in the audit team
c. Limitations in their use
Course Assessment
5.0 The knowledge and understanding of participants will be assessed through an
examination of 2.5 hours duration based on fifteen multi choice questions taken from the
whole syllabus and four written short answer questions and two long answer questions
taken from Sections 3-6 and 8. To obtain the Certificate of successful completion of
auditor training course, candidates will need a mark of at least 60% in the examination.
Practical exercises (role play, brainstorming, field visits, etc.) should be encouraged and
outcomes are assessed whenever the trainers deem fit to enhance participants learning


vers.1.1-July 2013

Course Duration
The course duration would be 40 contact hours excluding breaks spread over 5
Course Numbers

A maximum of 16 participants per course using one course tutor is permissible.

Course Material
Each participant would receive a full set of course notes and this would be
supplemented by notes taken during syndicate work, any site visit, where applicable, and
other material generated by the participants.
Course Presenters

The names of the course tutors will be provided.

Course Recognition
10.0 Participants who pass the examination will receive a certificate from the course
provider endorsed by the RSPO indicating successful completion of the course.
Participants who do not sit or pass the examination but participate in all other activities
will receive a certificate of attendance from the course provider. One resit of the
examination will be allowed where necessary.


vers.1.1-July 2013


This course is intended for participants who have the prerequisites listed. These
prerequisites may be demonstrated based on prior training and/or experience or maybe
provided by face to face or computer based training supplemented by experience. The
course provider must be able to demonstrate that these prerequisites have been met by
each participant prior to undertaking the course.
The course may be offered in modular form however it is expected that, most if not all
sections will need to be presented in a face to face mode to promote understanding and
allow for discussion.
The times shown are offered as guidance only and maybe varied to suite each training
providers syllabus providing the intent of the module is delivered. The practical exercise
must allow each participant to participate as a member of an audit team and to have a
face to face interaction acting as an auditor with an auditee for a sufficient time period to
enable the participant to understand the practical difficulties of auditing.




Course Objective
To provide participants with the ability to participate as a member of an audit
team conducting a conformity assessment of an organisation claiming compliance with
the RSPO Supply Chain Certification requirements.
Course Outcomes

Participants should have an understanding of the:

1. Context in which the palm oil sector operates, including key sustainability
issues affecting the palm oil sector.
2. The palm oil supply chain from plantation through to end user.
3. RSPO Certification Schemes, particularly those related to the:
a. Principles and Criteria
b. Supply chain of custody
c. RSPO-RED requirements
4. RSPO units of certification
5. Certification requirements for differing supply chain models
6. The certification audit process

Course Prerequisites
Participants are required to posses the following prerequisites prior to attending
this course:
1. Advanced post high school education degree or diploma or equivalent
2. Demonstrable field working experience in similar supply chains, or equivalent
related to and as necessary for the certification process
3. Technical skills and qualifications related to and as necessary for the
certification process, like demonstrable relevant experience in other relevant
certification schemes
4. Demonstrable successful completion of a recognised lead assessor course
e.g. an accredited QMS1 (ISO9000) or EMS2 (ISO14000) auditor training
Course Content

The course includes the following content:

1. Introduction (0.5 hrs). This is intended to provides an overview of the course
and reinforce the prerequisites needed for entry. It will address the following
a. Content
b. Outcomes
c. Examination


Quality Management System

Environmental Management Systems




Palm oil context (1 hr). This section of the course provides participants with
knowledge of the context in which oil palm is grown, processed, transported
and used.


Palm oil supply chain (2 hrs). This section of the course provides
participants with knowledge of those involved in the supply chain and their
role, including the mill and associated refinery, shipper, product refiner, end
product manufacturer and the retailer.

4. RSPO Certification Schemes (1.5 hrs). This section of the course provides
participants with knowledge of the RSPO certification schemes, including:
a. Principles and criteria
b. Supply chain
5. RSPO Units of Certification (3 hrs). This section of the course will explain
the supply chain models and their differences. It will address the following
a. Identity preserved
b. Segregation
c. Mass balance
d. Book and claim
e. Certification requirements for different models
f. Guidelines on communications and claims
g. Use of trademarks
h. Complaints procedures
6. Principles of auditing (0.5 hrs). This section of the course will explain the
principles of auditing as they apply to the audit and certification processes. It
will address the following topics:
a. Integrity
b. Fair presentation
c. Due professional care
d. Confidentiality
e. Independence
f. Evidence based approach
g. Impartiality,
h. Competence,
i. Responsibility,
j. Openness,
k. Responsiveness to complaints
7. Audit Management Programme (2 hrs). This section of the course will
outline the purpose and management of an audit programme in the
certification context. It will address the following topics:
a. Establishing the audit programme
b. Initial and onsite audits
c. Surveillance audits
d. Recertification audits
8. Audit activities (3.5 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide
participants with an understanding of the audit activities necessary to conduct
an RSPO audit. It will address the following topics:
a. Initiating the audit
b. Preparing audit activities
c. Conducting the audit activities


d. Acting as an audit team leader

e. Using technical experts
f. Practical exercise
9. Report writing (2 hrs). This section of the course aims to provide participants
with the ability to write effective audit reports. It will address the following
a. Report content and its format
b. Report review process
c. Preparation and distribution of the audit report
Course Assessment
The knowledge and understanding of participants will be assessed through an
examination of 2.5 hours duration based on fifteen multi choice questions taken from the
whole syllabus and four written short answer questions and two long answer questions
taken from Sections 3-6 and 8. To obtain the Certificate of successful completion of
auditor training course, candidates will need a mark of at least 60% in the examination.
Practical exercises (role play, brainstorming, field visits, etc.) should be encouraged and
outcomes are assessed whenever the trainers deem fit to enhance participants learning
Course Duration
The course duration would be 16 contact hours excluding breaks and the
examination spread over 2 days.
Course Numbers

A maximum of 16 participants per course using one course tutor is permissible.

Course Material
Each participant would receive a full set of course notes and this would be
supplemented by notes taken during syndicate work, any site visit, where applicable, and
other material generated by the participants.
Course Presenters

The names of the course tutors will be provided.

Course Recognition
10.0 Participants who pass the examination will receive a certificate from the course
provider endorsed by the RSPO indicating successful completion of the course.
Participants who do not sit or pass the examination but participate in all other activities
will receive a certificate of attendance from the course provider. One resit of the
examination will be allowed where necessary.



Endorsed Training Providers - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

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Basic Information
- Why RSPO Certification

Endorsed Training Providers

- How To Be RSPO Certified

RSPO Endorsement Framework for Trainers

- Benefits Of Certification

In response to rising needs to ensure consistency in training course delivery o

- Impacts Of RSPO Certification On

The Bottom Line

stakeholders along the palm oil supply chain from upstream to downstream a
outcomes by RSPO-approved certification bodies and auditors, RSPO has es
endorsement framework (SOP_Training Master Process) for application and

- Certification Bodies

RSPO endorsed training providers. The endorsed training providers will provi
towards promoting growth and use of sustainable palm oil. It is important to ta

- Principles And Criteria
- Endorsed Training Providers

RSPO Certification Systems (June 2007), RSPO-approved certification bodie

training) to the company being audited.
RSPO has also provided general guidelines and stipulated requirements to en
clearly-defined outcomes based on approved course syllabus using material t

- Commonly-Asked Questions

Principles And Criteria


an easily understandable form by competent tutors. In most cases course par

assessment to verify that the course objectives have been achieved and the t
through participant feedbacks.

Certified Grower
Application to become RSPO Endorsed Training Provider
- Principles And Criteria
Assessment Notification
- Principles And Criteria

For interested applicants who wish to become RSPO Endorsed Training Prov
following steps:

Assessment Progress

1. Complete the Application Form to become an Endorsed Training Provid

New Planting Procedure
- New Planting Procedure
Notification For Public Consultation

2. Complete the Application Form to Act as a Tutor On RSPO Approved L

3. Submit application forms with supporting document to RSPO Certificatio


Endorsed Training Providers - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Page 2 of 4

4. RSPO to review application and ask for supporting document, if required

Supply Chain Certification

5. RSPO to issue Approval Letter with Terms of Reference and Requireme

- Current List Of Supply Chain

RSPO will acknowledge receipt of applications within five working days, and a


The entire process of review and approval by RSPOs Approval Panel will tak
completeness of information and document submitted.

- RSPO-RED Training For

Certification Bodies

For inquiries, please contact RSPO Certification & Training Manager, Mr Brem
- RSPO-RED Briefing For Members

Important Document

Online Market Directory

Biodiversity And High

1. Application Form to become an Endorsed Training Provider

Conservation Values For

2. Application Form to Act as a Tutor On RSPO Approved Lead Auditor Co


3. Recommended Outline of Training Syllabus


RSPO Auditor Training Syllabus

RSPO Auditor (Technical) Training Syllabus

- RSPO Approved HCV Assessors

RSPO Auditor (SC) Training Syllabus


4. Commonly asked questions

- Communication Circular
- ETrace FAQs

Printer-friendly version |

- Product Tree

Send to friend

- Trading Process
- Member Registration Process
- Traders No Physical Handling
License Request Form





Who is RSPO

How to Apply

How to be RSPO Certified

Trademark How to App


Strategic Value

Why RSPO Certification

Use of RSPO Tradema


RSPO Members

Principles and Criteria for

Worldwide Registration

Vision and Mission

Membership Key Statistics

Sustainable Palm Oil

Rules and Guidelines

Organization Structure

Annual Communications of

Certification Bodies

Question and Answer

RSPO Statutes By-Laws and


Grower Certification

Trademark Licensing

Code of Conduct

Complaints System

New Planting Procedure

Trademark Adoption

Executive Board

Dispute Settlement Facility

Supply Chain Certification

Trademark Key Statist

National Interpretation

Trademark Documenta

Standing Committees


Endorsed Training Providers - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil


Page 3 of 4

Impacts of RSPO
Certification on the Bottom
Biodiversity and High
Conservation Values for
RSPO eTrace


Project Standing Comm
National Interpretations
RSPO Certification for
Smallholders Learning
Linking Page
GreenHouse Gas Wor
Group 2
Biodiversity and High
Conservation Values
Working Group
Task Group on REDD
HCV - RSPO Indonesi
Meeting Minutes Repo




Pursuit for Betterment

News Releases

Document Library

Little Voices Big Hearts

RSPO e-Gazette

Questions and Answers

Executive Board Speaks

Media Coverage

Key Statistics

Members Tribute

Press Kit Materials

Photo Gallery

National Endeavours

Podcast Video Audio


Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Useful Links

Thought Leadership

Press Enquiries and

Career Opportunities

Opinion Leaders


Get Involved Contribution by

Benefits of Certification


Committed to the New

General Enquiry Form



Endorsed Training Providers - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Page 4 of 4

Business Cases
Member Initiatives


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