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The unofficial

The Information you need to know, today

Cover By Matt Haigh

Game maker Logo Copyrighted to Mark Overmars

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In this issue, are very first issue we have:

Hello and welcome to
issue one of Game
maker Magazine.
This magazine has been
brought to you by
Instant arts.


-Benoit Rouleau
Game Maker 8:
Beneton Movie GIF 1.1.2
-Crime Life 2

Welcome to the first issue of the Game Maker Magazine.
I am very proud to present to you this issue; it is packed
with information for Gamemaker and more.
I hope by next issue we will have more people working on
this magazine. I am actually happy that I have some spare
time now, so I have more time to make more than just
software, games and just other random things stuff.
Hopefully in time the magazine will have a better lay out,
a better skin and more information in it.
So if you want to help in anyway just E-mail me or PM
me on the forum, the GMC or just your everyday E-mail
Anyway I hope you enjoy reading this magazine as much
as we have enjoyed making it.

-GameMaker Registerd

-More online games
-3D games
-Empire Earth 3

Software for any Gamemaker user

Random Stuff:
-working for GMM
-Word search answers

-What is coming next issue?
-Closing Statements

President of Instant Arts


To read this Magazine you will

need the latest version of Adobe
Reader, Just Click here to obtain

Staff/people who worked on this issue:


President of Instant Arts

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Creator: Instant Arts

Release date: unknown
Distribution: Commercial
Some information:
Bloopie is a 3D RPG, you play as the character
Bloopie in the town of Lemony.
Bloopie needs to go around town
doing missions, helping people, finding
things and a lot else.
Bloopie was announced on the Bloopie
website that it will be committal.
Just for some statistics here is the
percentages for the games completion:
Town part one: 53%
Town part two: 2%
Missions: 0%
Graphics: 64%
Story: 6%
Sounds: 7%
Overall: 36%
So the game has some work to do for now.
But it should be released by at lest late
2009 but we expect earlier

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Creator: Benoit Rouleau

Release date: unknown
Distribution: Freeware\download
Some information:
This is the latest second installment of Beneton movie GIF or BMG.
BMG is widely popular between most Gamemaker users; it can load
more than 47 different formats (types) of images. There was and still
are some controversies over this Program whether it is made with
Gamemaker or not, well I am 100% sure that it is made with
Gamemaker and some external files.








(Answers on page 7)

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More online games:

Suddenly there have been more online games on
the game maker community & now YoYoGames.
Originally from what I can remember was that
there was only 3-4 online games that where at lest
noticed, Slime online, Sapphire tears, Almora &
Stick. Now I am guessing that there maybe two
reasons for this, one there was some tutorials,
DLLs and LIBs released that made online game
making easier and the second resin is that with
YoYoGames getting more popular there is more
traffic coming to The GMC, so then they look in
tutorials, DLLs, LIBs and scripts to make game
making easier on them, But there is a problem with
this increasing number of online games, one they
are poorly setup, two some are a bad quality and 3
some of them you have to vs other people online
there is a problem with that, no body is ever
online, but sometimes this is a error in the game
where you dont connect to the Games server
So I hope that this helps all you people wanting to
make online games out there, some how.
Written by Matthew_H

3D Games made with

There is suddenly a lot more 3D Gamemaker
games now, as like the online game rush.
There is some very good games and some not so
good, but some 3D games are getting better and
better, there is some clone games that are
amazing such as the Quake III clones DooM
clones and many other popular games.
But there is still a lot of 3D games that are not so
good, there is a few resins for this but more
commonly one, graphics, graphics maybe not
your top priority for you 3D game, maybe game
play is but when people are playing your game
and they first open it what do they see? Graphics,
now Im not saying that Game Play is not
important in your game it is a very important
thing in your game, but Graphics is still a big
thing in all 3D Games Whether it is your
speciality or not.
Written By Mattthew_H

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Game Maker 8:
Well announced a little while ago that Gamemaker will
be porting to Mac.
Now there is some good coming out of its and maybe
some bad, there is some versos point and here they are:
The Mac Port will bring more users to GM.
There will be a complete rewrite of Gamemaker
in C++, which includes all of the external
programs needed to run it (ex. DirectX).
You may be able to make games for both Mac
and PC.
There maybe some features that are only on the
PC and some features only on the Mac.
Mac users will not be able to play/use any of the
Games or programs using DLLs or some format
types of external files.
Now that is only some points, but remember that
Mark Overmars and Sandy Duncan had said that
Dont expect much from GM8, It is manly Just A
rewrite, so there might be some new features if
YoYoGames have time really.
And there has been a lot of talk on the GMC
community section about GM8 and console support,
well No one from YoYoGames has said that there
will be console support in GM8 but that they might
aim for something like that in the near future not to
say that there not but they have said nothing about it
so far.
So you might get some new things with GM8 but
remember that YoYoGames has Gamemaker to deal
with,, GM registrations (as well
with Softwarp) and about a million other things, by
the way they arent the richest company either why
do you thing that now has
advertisements all over it?
Written by Mattthew_H

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GMM: Hello Benoit and thank you for agreeing with this
Benoit: Hello Matt, I'm glad to be here.
GMM: Well Ill just ask you some Questions now.
Benoit: Alright, let's start.
GMM: how long have you been using Gamemaker for now?
Benoit: Actually, I've been using GM since version 1.2, back in
1999 I believe. I was 8 years old then. I had been dreaming of
making videogames since I first played one on the computer,
when I was very young.
GMM: what inspired you to make BMG?
Benoit: Uhm, I don't really know. It started as a test project; I just
wanted to see what I could do with GM to handle frames and
simple animation. And it turned out I added a lot of features to it
(adding and inserting frames, frame properties, etc.), so I gave it a
name... That's why Beneton Movie GIF sounds so random (I
haven't changed the name since the start). When I noticed it was
good enough to be a real software, I was very motivated to make
it even better because there is a lot of GIF software already, but
very few is free. Most of them (Ulead GIF Animator, GIF Movie
Gear) cost approximately $30 or more and they don't do that
much. For many aspects they're way better than BMG, but for
some others, I believe BMG is pretty useful... and it will always
remain free. =)
GMM: What would you say to all those users that say that BMG
is not made in Gamemaker?
Benoit: I won't start to argue. XD
GMM: Are you working on any more programs than BMG or
anything at that?

from scratch. One month later I had finished version 1.1,

adding individual frame properties and other cool stuff.
Versions 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 only added minor fixes and
GMM: If you could chose what would be in the next
version of Gamemaker what would it be?
Benoit: Let me check my YoYo Helpdesk, this is where I
post my GM suggestions when I have some. Well first I
would like a CLEAR mechanism so that both
program_directory and working_directory work well in all
cases. At the moment it's so confusing. For example INI
files need to be in the working directory to work...
shouldn't it be in the program directory? Same thing about
game_errors.log. This is very important for programs made
in GM that can be accessed with the ''Open with...''
function in Windows. Another problem I have with GM is
the execute_shell function that sometimes returns an error
when I try to open a website and the default browser is
Firefox. For some reason, the site appears normally, but
the application shows an ugly GM error box (true fact).
Also I would like to see support for other character sets in
the Fonts properties (ex. Chinese characters). Finally, it
would be cool to have functions related to the Windows
image clipboard (get and set).
GMM: Did you encounter any problems while making
Benoit: Many. I am very stupid sometimes. I don't know if
it's the same for all programmers, but debugging can be so
painful. The worst is when I discover what the problem
was after a relatively long period of time and... OMG IT
GMM: Well thank you for letting us interview you, and we
hope to see you soon, whether in the game maker world, or
Benoit: Thanks to you Matt! It was a great interview.

Benoit: Yeah. I was recently working on 2 interesting projects,

one being some sort of ''equation solver'' and the other one a
macro (I call it ''sequence recorder''). I have lots and lots of ideas
for future programs; these are only two engines I've been trying
to make in my free time of the last few weeks. Nothing big at the
moment. I also made a game during the Holidays period, it's
called The Red Square 3 (GMC: and
the topic about it is probably the most confused place on the
whole web.
GMM: how long has it taken you to Develop BMG?
Benoit: It took me approximately one year to develop version 1.0

Interviewed by Mattthew_H

Made a new Gamemaker creation?

Got a new Gamemaker creation? Why not

advertise in this magazine?
(Details on page 11)

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Creator: Sakis Rogas

Version: 0.5
Release date: Beta Released
Distribution: Freeware\download

Stars for:
Why: Well the Graphics are very well done, but not all by Sakis
but that is not the point, the graphics where very well done.

Why: there is no story apart from the starting movie which tells
that you have just moved to the place of game play.

Game play:
Why: it is very good game play (controls) easy to learn.

Why: a lot of the sounds where good but some where annoying
such as the car/motorbike screech and the gun sounds.

Why: Why did I give this a 3 star rating? Well the graphics and
gameplay where high but the sounds and story where low.

Some information on CrimeLife:

Sakis Rogas is a well-known 3d game developer of the
Game maker community, with his many popular 3d &
GTA clones, well now he has out done himself with the
latest version of CrimeLife, CrimeLife2, Although he
hasnt ever completed one version of CrimeLife before
they still seem like full games.
Well a bit more about CrimeLife, Crimelife
is a Full 3D RPG or GTA clone, it is probably
the best GTA clone made with Game maker
so far but As Announced a few Weeks ago
that development has been cut short for
CrimeLife 2, while only version 0.5.
He had said that there were too many bugs
with the game so he does no want to continue
Development but will word on other games
instead and he also said that he may be
working on CrimeLife 3!

Download the newest version of CrimeLife 2

Reviewed by Mattthew_h

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Empire Earth 3:
Empire Earth 3 or EE3 is the latest empire Earth game
in the series made by Sierra entertainment & Mad Doc
It has come a very long way from the first Empire
Earth and looks very different too, for example the
Make your own map, it has changed more than 90% of
the interface & the new style of game play with
territories and new types of Civilizations, there is 3 to
be exacted and all with there own special unites,
unique way of life and just the way they act. The three
different types of civilizations are: western region,
Middle Eastern region and the far eastern region.
Now there is a lot of information on each civilization
but there is an entire book about those civilizations, so
I might just keep it simple, the western are very good
with weapons and large expensive weapons, the
middle east are very technologically advanced and the
far east are cheap people who build poor quality
weapons but are massive in numbers, so that gives you
a sense of what they are like.

go, very challenging and time consuming, if

you dont know what you are doing. But still
a great game.
If you where thinking about getting this
game Id say go for it, but that is just my
opinion and about 5 other Large companies,
now depending on where you live is how
much it costs, but in Australia where I
bought it, it costed $58 (AUD), which was a
baron because the most common places that I
saw it was about $100 (AUD), Im not sure
about you but that is a little more that what I
payed and what Id want to pay.
But there is also another big Difference in
this one there is only about 5-7 different ages
that you go though as to the last there was at
lest 10 between 15 Ages.
Empire Earth 3 is worth its price, but very
different from the first in more than one way.
Id give Empire Earth 3, 4 Stars

Now on to the graphics, the graphics are amazing

in this game but when you have a great game
with great graphics there is usually adown side,
you are going to have to have a good graphics
card made with in the next lets say year or so
with at lest a NVIDIA Geforce series Direct X
comparable graphics card, 6.5 GB of Free hard
disk space, Microsoft Windows XP or Vista,
PC DVD drive, Direct X 9.0c (included though)
Direct X compatible Sound card and that is not even
half of it! The game can and will need all of its
requirements or you computer will lag or sometimes
even crash.
Now if you have an OLD computer and your computer
Crashes you may have to get it reformatted!
Well Im not say in that the game is not good or
anything but you do need a lot of stuff to run it.
So more about the game, its newest feature, World
Domination it wonderful, you take over literary the
entire earth and you upgrade through the ages as you
Written by Mattthew_H

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Page 9

Audacity is a Great Sound Creation tool, its Easy to use
interface makes Sound creation and editing with ease. Id recommend
this to any Gamemaker user. You can make sounds out of nothing
and edit them with the editing tools that have come with this great
Beneton Movie GIF:
Beneton Movie GIF or BMG is not just good with Gamemaker it was made
with Gamemaker!
BMG is for Gif Animating with over 47 Different Compatible image
formates it is the ultimate Free GIF animator.
Anim8or is a wonderful program for any Gamemaker user, you can create
3D objects with ease and Animate them easier.

Liquid Icon XP:

Liquid Icon XP is a very easy Icon maker; unlike a lot of other Icon makers it
is free. It is extremely easy to use and understand.

Here is a quick tutorial I have to show you on how to tell if your user actually has
registered version of Gamemaker, well here it is:
//OK, this script shows you if the user has registered version of Gamemaker.
if (gamemaker_registered)
show_message('you have Registered version of Gamemaker' +
' Mattthew_h :).');
//OK, this script shows you if the user has not got registered version of
if (NOT gamemaker_registered)
show_message('you have not got Registered version of Gamemaker' +
' Mattthew_h :).');
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By Mattthew_H

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If youd like to advertise in this
magazine PM me, my GMC (Game
maker Community)
Account details are:
User: Mattthew_h
Number: 85992
Quick URL: Click here

Add in:
If you have a article, a game /program review,
a game/program preview or anything to do
with Gamemaker or something to do with
games or programs, please send it to me at my
GMC account
Click on the click here to go to my account

Working For GMM:

If youd like to help or work
for GMM Just PM us through
the above details.


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What is coming next issue?

Well so far we havent planed much but this is what we have planed so far:
Interview with Logan Smith (EDGE)
Preview of LiquidLight
Review of Magi
The Making Of Bloopie so far
What makes a Committal Game

Closing Statements:
Well that is all for this issue, I hope you liked it and you will soon read issue 2, Just remember that making
a magazine takes time, so the next issue may take some time because with one person working on it, its
Hopefully next issue we will have more interviews, more previews, more Reviews & more everything!
Well if you want to see the Site for the magazine click here, it will have every bit of info you may need to
know but if it doesnt just ask me. Or you could Just Visit the Forum on the Game maker community.
President of Instant Arts

While were making issue 2 why dont you visit the magazines website at

This Magazine is subjected to copyright. All rights reserved Instant Arts 2003-2008.
By opening this Magazine/reading it you are signing an agreement that you will not copy or steel any portion of this magazine with out a full approval form the CEO & President of Instant Arts. is you do take any portion
of this magazine with out prober approval from instant arts CEO o and president you will be prosecuted at the maximum penalties under the law

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