Beams Deflection - Macaulay's Method

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Beams Deflection

In our last class, we discussed about the beam bending Stress and shear stress and how to
find out these stress with different load condition.
In this class, we will find out, we will find out the consequence of the load.
As a Mechanical engineer you are part of a team working on the design of a prestigious new
industrial complex. It has been decided that the building will be constructed using structural
steelwork and, as the design engineer, you will carry out the complex calculations that will
ensure that the architects vision for this new development can be translated into a
functional, economic and build able structure.
As part of these calculations you must assess the maximum deflections that will occur in the
beams of the structure and ensure that they are not excessive. In this exercise you will
apply numerical integration techniques to solve some typical beam deflection design
problems using techniques that form the basis of the calculations that would be undertaken
in real life although often carried out using sophisticated and powerful computer analysis

1.Steel beam both ends fixed

2. Bridge beam

3. Cantilever lever beam (wooden)

Document: Beams Deflection- Macaulay's method-.doc

Author: Vettri Chinnadurai
Save Date: 21/07/2010
Page 1 of 4

Where the beam is relatively short span, analysis of stresses may be sufficient consideration,
but in other cases the deflection produced by the loads may be just as important factor as the
stresses. Indeed in some cases, such as in the design of machine tools or other equipment
where accuracy and alignment are critical, analysis of deflection may be an important factor
analysis of stresses. Similarly where beams are used in engineering construction, allowable
maximum deflection is usually of prime importance and is stipulated by relevant building
standard and codes.
Numerous methods are available for analysis of beam deflection such as:

Double integration Method (Macaulays Method)

Area moment method
Strain Energy method
Use of deflection formulas
Formulas or charts prescribed by standard or codes
Computer programmes.

Although formulas and codes are widely used for particular applications in practical design,
these will not be considered here because of their specific applicability and the fact that
these methods do not involve basic analysis.
In our class, we will learn about Macaulays method which is most suitable method for any
combination of concentrated load or distributed loads on either simply supported beam or
cantilever lever beam.
Before jumping in to this method, the following points to be remembered.
1. With all deflection methods, the principle of super position may be used. This principle
applied thus far to stress analysis, may also be used for strain or deflection analysis.
The principle is that the deflection at any point in a beam as a result of a number of
loads is the algebraic sum of the deflections which would occur at this point by each
load acting alone.
2. Only elastic deformation will be considered, that is the analysis is only valid provided
the maximum stresses in the beam do not exceed the proportional limit (or Elastic
3. Only beams of uniform cross section will be treated.
4. It is more convenient to orient cantilever beams with the support to the right (free end
to the Left)
5. It is also more convenient to use units of KN
KN for force and m for distance along the
beam when using the double integration method.

Document: Beams Deflection- Macaulay's method-.doc

Author: Vettri Chinnadurai
Save Date: 21/07/2010
Page 2 of 4

Double Integration Method

When a beam with a straight longitudinal axis is loaded by lateral forces, the axis is
deformed to curve, that curve is called Deflection of Curve.
This deflection of the beam at any point can be obtained by integrating the differential
equation of elastic curve of a beam which is

d2 y
dx 2

This equation is called Elastic curve of the beam

When we do first integration of above equation, we get


= ( M dx ) + A This equation is called Slope of a Beam Eqution

Then, Again do the integration of slope of a beam equation, We get

E I y=

( M dx ) + Ax + B , Where as here " y" is deflection of


This above equation is called Deflection of Beam

With this above equation we can find out the slope and deflection of beam at any point can be
This above method is called Double Integration Method

Macaulays Method
This Double integration method is only applicable to a Cantilever beam with a single,
Concentrated load at the end.
Where as if a beam simply supported and carries a concentrated load, a single equation for the
bending moment both to the left and to the right of load cannot be written. In this case , we
have to write two equation for reaction at the both ends to find out.
This complication also rises if the load on the cantilever acts inside the span rather than at the
ends or whenever more than one load acts on a beam.
To resolve this difficulties, to make one single equation using mathematical procedure, called
Macaulays method, are used.
The feature of this method is as follows,
1. Single moment equation is written in terms of x, where x is a position on the beam
between the loads furthest to the right and the right hand support.
2. Bracketed terms for the moment of loads to the left of this position
position are never simplified
and must be retrained at all times, that is during integration (or) when the constants of
integration are evaluated. When integrating a bracketed term it is treated as a single
term. For example,-

a ( x b) dx =

( x b) 2

3. When substituting in an equation in order to determine the moment,, slope (or)

deflection, if the quantity inside the bracket is negative it is treated as Zero

Document: Beams Deflection- Macaulay's method-.doc

Author: Vettri Chinnadurai
Save Date: 21/07/2010
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Document: Beams Deflection- Macaulay's method-.doc

Author: Vettri Chinnadurai
Save Date: 21/07/2010
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