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To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Analysis Essay

Directions: Write a well organized 5 paragraph essay on one of the following essay prompts. In your essay,
be sure to briefly summarize the novel, have a clearly written thesis statement, support your thesis with at
least 3 significant examples from the text, clearly interpret and analyze each example, and conclude with
your opinion of the novel.

Essay Prompts
Option 1: Describe the ways in which economic class (how much money people have) affect the events in the novel To Kill a
Mockingbird, by analyzing at least 3 significant moments, dealing with class, from the novel. Thesis Statement
Starter: Economic class in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird affects the events in the novel by
Option 2: Describe how racism affects the events in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by analyzing at least 3 significant moments,
dealing with race, from the novel? Thesis Statement Starter: Racism in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird
affects the events in the novel by
Option 3: Jem Finch comes of age in this novel. Describe how Jem changes from the beginning to the end of the novel by
analyzing at least three significant growing up moments from the novel. Be sure to explain why these moments are
significant. Thesis Statement Starter: The protagonist Jem Finch changes throughout the novel To Kill
a Mockingbird by
Option 4: The town of Maycomb and the people in it are a big influence in the lives of Jem and Scout. Analyze at least three ways
in which the town of Maycomb, and/or the people in it, helps shape the kind of people Jem and Scout will become.
Thesis Statement Starter: In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird the setting of Maycomb County helps
shape the kind of people Jem and Scout Finch will become by
Option 5: A recurring symbol throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is the story Atticus tells his children, it is a sin to
kill a mockingbird. Explain this metaphor and analyze the ways in which Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo
Radley are all metaphorically portrayed as mockingbirds. Thesis Statement Starter: In the novel To Kill a
Mockingbird Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are all metaphorically portrayed as
mockingbirds because

Intro paragraph with a summary of the novel
The book title and the authors name is mentioned
Thesis statement that clearly addresses the essay prompt
3 well written body paragraphs, each containing at least 1 significant
example from the novel to support the thesis
Interpretation and analysis of each textual example
Conclusion that restates thesis and gives opinion about the text
Essay clearly addresses and explains all aspects of the essay prompt
Perfect Grammar
Perfect Spelling
In text citations (page numbers)
Essay begins with an attention grabbing hook (Extra Credit)
Total Score___________



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Letter Grade___________

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