Report Casement Small 1904

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2 February 1904

15 August 1904.


1 9 0 4.


No. 1 (1904).




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Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty.

February 1901.


And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, frora




[Cd. 1933.]

Price fyd.



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Correspondence and Report from His Majesty's Consul at Borna

respecting the Administration of the Independent State of
. .:," HOrvtlo
the Congo.
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The Earl of Cromer to the Marquess of Lansdowne.{Received February 9.)

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Lord Cromer

Jan. 21, 1903


Sir C. Phipps

( Sept. 19,



Visit to Cong-o stations of Kiro and Lado. Native

relations with Congo officials. Few natives to be
seen in the stations
< ,.

Transmits note from .Congo Government in answer

to despatch of 8th August to Powers parties to
the Act of Berlin . .

Transmits report on his visit to interior of Congo

State and on condition of natives
. . 21

Dec. 11,

Mr. Casement


To Sir C. Phipps . .

Feb. 11, 1904


Transmits Memorandum in answer to note of Congo

Government of 12th September inclosed in N o . 2
Transmits papers on condition of affairs in Congo

To His Majesty's Representa- Feb. 12,

tives at Paris and other


.; -. .-.,.- ' ;. - mi









:- :. \m9. I '.


, On the Nile, near Kiro, January 21, 1903
I H V E just visited the Belgian stations of Kiro and Lado, as also the station ot
Gondokoro in the Uganda Protectorate.
Your Lordship may like to receive some remarks on the impressions I derived as
regards the Belgian positions on the Upper Nile.
I should, in the first instance, observe that Commandant Hanolet, who is in
charge of. the district, was absent in the interior of the country ; but Sir Reginald
Wingate and myself were most courteously received by the officers in command at Kiro
and Lado.
From the.point of view of appearance, the two Belgian stations contrast favourably
with any of the Soudanese stations on the Nile, and still more favourably with Gondokoro
in the Uganda Protectorate. The principal dwelling-houses are of brick. They seem to
be well built. The stations are kept scrupulously clean. The troops are well housed.
Flourishing gardens have been created. I counted the graves of nine Europeans at Kiro,
all of whom died of fever, but I am informed that the health of the place is now greatly
I had heard so many and such contradictory accounts of the Belgian Administration that I was very desirous of ascertaining some concise and definite evidence on
this subject, During a hurried visit, and with opportunities of observation confined
to'the banks of the river, I scarcely anticipated that I should be able to arrive at any
independent opinion on the point at issue. I saw and heard, however, quite enough to
gain an insight into the spirit which pervades the Administration.
It must be remembered that the 1,100 miles of country which I traversed between
Khartoum and Gondokoro has, until recently, been the prey of slave-dealers, Egyptian
Pashas, and dervishes. Under the circumstances, it might well have been expected that
much time would be required to inspire confidence in the intentions of the new Government. It is, however, certain that, with the exception of a portion of the Nuer tribe, who
live in a very remote region on the upper waters of the Sobat, confidence has been completely established in those districts which are under British rule. Except in the uninhabitable " S u d d " region, numerous villages are dotted along the banks of the river.

. -, .-.
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- :.:. -

The people, far from flying at the approach of white men as was formerly the case, run
along the banks, making signs for the steamer to stop. It is clear that the Baris,
Shilluks, and Dinkas place the utmost trust and confidence in the British officers with
whom they are brought in contact. I n spite of the difficulties of communicating with
them through an interpreterhimself but slightly educatedit was impossible to mistake
their manifest signs and expressions of security and content. They flock into the Settlements without fear ; and if, as often happens, they will not work, it is merely because
they are lazy and have few wants,' not because they entertain doubt that they will be paid
for working. These remarks apply equally to Gondokoro, although was only able to see
a few of the natives there. I had not time to visit the principal Bari village, which lies at
some litFe distance from the river.
The contrast when once Congolese territory is entered is remarkable. From the
frontier to Gondokoro is about 80 miles. The proper left, or western, bank of the river
is Belgian. The opposite bank is either under the Soudanese or the Uganda Government.
There are numerous islands, and as all these are under British rulefor the thalweg,
which, under Treaty, is the Belgian frontier, skirts the western bank of the river
B 2

I cannot say that I had an opportunity of seeing a full SO miles of Belgian territory. At
the same time, I saw a good deal, and I noticed that, whereas there wer*e numerous
villages and huts on the eastern bank and on the islands, on the Belgian side not a sign 0 f
a village existed. Indeed, I do not think that any one of our party saw a single human
being in Belgian territory, except the Belgian officers and men and the wives and children
of the latter. Moreover, not a single native was to be seen either at Kiro or Lado. 1 asked
the Swedish officer at Kiro whether he saw much of the natives. He replied in the
negative, adding that the nearest Bari village was situated at some distance in the interior.
The Italian officer at Lado, in reply to the same question, stated that the nearest native
village was seven hours distant.
The reason of all this is obvious enough. The Belgians are disliked. The people
fly from them, and it is no wonder they should do so, for I am informed that the
soldiers are allowed full liberty to plunder, and that payments are rarely made for
supplies. The British officers wander, practically alone, over most parts of the
country, either on tours of inspection or on shooting expeditions. I understand that no
Belgian officer can move outside the settlements without a strong guard. . ,
It appears to me that the facts which I have stated above afford amply sufficient
evidence of the spirit which animates the Belgian Administration, if, indeed, Administration
it can be called. The Government, so far as I could judge, is conducted almost exclusively
on commercial principles, and, even judged by that standard, it would appear that those
principles are somewhat short-sighted.
N -2


Sir C, Phtpps to the Marquess of Lansdowne.[Received September 21.)

My Lord,
Brussels, September 19, 1803.
I H A V E the honour to transmit herewith copy of a note, together with its
inclosures, which has been addressed by the Congo Government to the Representatives
at Brussels of the Powers parties to the Act of Berlin to which your Lordship's Circular
despatch of the 8th August respecting the affairs of the Independent State of the
Congo had been communicated.'*
M. de Cuvelier, in handing me these documents, stated' that he had been instructed
to follow the same procedure as that adopted by His Majesty's Government.
I have, &c.


In closure in No. 2.

L E Gouvernement de l'tat Indpendant du Congo, ayant eu connaissance de la

dpche du Eoreign Office, date du 8 Aot dernier, remise aux Puissances Signataires de l'Acte de Berlin, constate qu'il est d'accord avec le Gouvernement de Sa
Majest sur deux points fondamentaux, savoir, que les indignes doivent tre traits
avec humanit et mens graduellement dans les voies de la civilisation, et que la
libert de commerce, dans le bassin conventionnel du Congo, doit tre entire et
Mais il nie que la manire dont est administr l'tat entranerait un rgime systmatique " de cruaut ou d'oppression " et que le principe de la libert commerciale
apporterait des modifications au droit de proprit tel qu'il est universellement compris,
alors qu'il n'est pas u n mot cet effet dans l'Acte de Berlin. L'tat du Congo note
qu'il ne se trouve dans cet Acte aucune disposition qui consacrerait des restrictions
quelconques . l'exercice du droit de proprit ou qui reconnatrait aux Puissances
Signataires un droit d'intervention dans les affaires d'administration intrieure les
unes des autres. I l tient se montrer fidle observateur de l'Acte de Berlin, de ce
grand Acte International qui lie toutes les Puissances Signataires ou adhrentes, en
ce que dit le sens grammatical si clair de son texte, que nul n'a pouvoir de diminuer
ou d'amplifier.
L a note Anglaise remarque que c'est en ces dernires annes qu'a pris consistance
la campagne mene en Angleterre contre l ' t a t ' d u Congo, sous le double prtexte de
mauvais traitements des natifs et de l'existence de monopoles commerciaux.
* See Africa No. 14 (1903;).




I l est remarquer, en effet, que cette campagne date du jour o la prosprit de

l'tat s'affirma. L'tat se trouvait fond depuis des annes et administr comme il
l'est aujourd'hui, ses principes sur la domanialit des terres vacantes, l'organisation et
le recrutement de sa force arme taient connus et publics, sans que ces philanthropes
et ces commerants, de l'opinion desquels fait tat le dbut de la note, s'en montrassent
proccups. C'tait l'poque o le Budget de l'tat ne pouvait s'quilibrer que grce
aux subsides du Roi-Souverain et aux avances de la Belgique, et o le mouvement
commercial du Congo n'attirait pas l'attention. On ne trouve le terme " t h e Congo
atrocities " utilis alors qu' propos de " the alleged ill-treatment f African natives by
English, and other adventurers in the Congo Eree S t a t e . " * A partir de 1895, le,
commerce de l'tat du Congo prend u n essor marqu, et le chiffre des exportations
monte progressivement de 10 millions en 1895 50 millions en 1902.
C'est aussi
partir d'alors que le mouvement contre l'tat du Congo se dessine. Au fur et
mesure que l'Etat affirmera davantage sa" vitalit et ses progrs, la campagne ira
s'accentuant, s'appuyant sur quelques cas particuliers et isols pour invoquer des prtextes d'humanit et dissimuler le vritable objectif des convoitises qui, dans leur
impatience," se sont cependant trahies sous la plume des pamphltaires et par la voix
de membres de la Chambre des Communes, mettant nettement en avant la disparition
et le partage de l'tat du Congo.
Il fallait, dans ce but, dresser contre l'tat toute une liste de chefs d'accusation.
Dans l'ordre humanitaire, on a repris, pour les rditer l'infini, les cas allgus de
violences contre les indignes. Car, dans-cette multitude de " meetings," d'crits, de
discours, dirigs ces derniers temps contre l'tat, ce sont toujours les mmes faits
affirms et les mmes tmoignages produits. Dans l'ordre conomique, on a accus
l'tat de violation de l'Acte de Berlin, nonobstant les considrations juridiques des
hommes de loi les plus autoriss qui justifient, toute vidence de droit, son rgime
commercial et son systme foncier. Dans l'ordre politique, on a imagin cette hrsie
en droit international d'un tat, dont l'indpendance et la souverainet sont entires,
qui relverait d'ingrences trangres.
E n ce qui concerne les actes de mauvais traitenient l'gard des natifs, nous'
attachons surtout de l'importance ceux qui, d'aprs la note, ont t consigns dans
les dpches des Agents Consulaires de Sa Majest. A la sance de la Chambre des
Communes du 11 Mars, 1903, Lord Cranborne s'tait dj rfr ces documents
officiels, et nous avons demand son Excellence Sir G. Phipps que le Gouvernement
Britannique voult bien nous donner connaissance des faits dont il s'agissait. Nous
ritrons cette demande.
Le Gouvernement de l'tat n ' a jamais d'ailleurs ni que des crimes et dlits se
commissent au Congo, comme en tout autre pays ou toute autre Colonie. La note
reconnat elle-mme que ces faits dlictueux ont t dfrs aux Tribunaux et que leurs
auteurs ont t punis. La conclusion en tirer est que l'tat remplit sa mission; la
conclusion que l'on en dduit est que " m a n y individual instances of cruelty have
taken place in the Congo State " et que " t h e number of convictions falls considerably
short of the number of actual offences committed." Cette dduction ne parat pas
ncessairement indique. I l semble plus logique de dire que les condamnations
svres prononces seront d'un salutaire exemple et qu'on peut en esprer nue
diminution de la criminalit. Que si effectivement des actes dlictueux, sur les territoires tendus de l'tat, ont chapp la vigilance de l'autorit judiciaire, cette
circonstance ne serait pas spciale l'tat du Congo.
: La note Anglaise procde surtout par hypothses et par suppositions :. " I t was
I t is reported . . . . . If is also reported
'' et elle en arrive
dire que " His Majesty's Government do not know precisely to what extent these
accusations may be true.'' C'est la constatation que, aux yeux du Gouvernement
Britannique lui-mme, les accusations dont il s'agit ne sont ni tablies ni prouves.
Et, en effet, la violence, la passion et l'invraisemblance d nombre de ces accusations
les rendent suspectes aux esprits impartiaux. Pour n'en donner q u ' u n exemple, on a
fait grand tat de cette allgation que, sur un train descendant de Leopold ville
Matadi, trois wagons taient remplis d'esclaves, dont une douzaine taient enchans,
sous la garde de soldats. Des renseignements ont t demands au Gouverneur-'
I l rpond: " L e s individus reprsents comme composant u n convoi
d'esclaves taient, pour la plus grande majorit (125), des miliciens dirigs du district
de Lualaba-Kassa, du Lac Leopold I I et des Bangalas, sur le camp du Bas-Congo.
Vous trouverez annexs les tats relatifs ces individus. Quant aux hommes
., ..

Transactions of-the Aborigines Protection Society; 1890-1896," p. 155.

enchans, ils constituaient un groupe d'individus condamns par le Tribunal territorial

de Basoko et qui venaient purger leur peine la maison centrale de Borna. Ce sont
les numros 3612 36T9 du registre d'erou de la prison de Borna."..
V C'est ainsi encore qu'une "interview " t o u t e rcente, reproduisant les accusations
coutumires de cruaut, est due un ancien agent de l'Etat " dclar impropre au
service," et qui n'a pas vu accepter par l'tat sa proposition d'crire dans la presse des
articles favorables l'Administration. .
/ ;;
La note ignore les rponses, dmentis, ou rectifications qu'ont amens, dans les
diffrents temps o elles se sont produites, les attaques contre les Agents de l'tat.
Elle ignore les dclarations officielles qu'en Juin dernier, le Gouvernement de l'tat
fit publiquement la suite des dbats du 20 Mai la Chambre des Communes, dbats
annexs la note. Nous annexons ici le texte de ces dclarations, qui ont, par avance,
rencontr les considrations de la dpche du 8 Aot.
Le seul grief nouveau qu'elle nonceen vue sans doute d'expliquer ce fait non
sans importance, que le Consul Anglais qui a rsid au Congo depuis 1901 ne parat
pas appuyer de son autorit personnelle les dnonciations de particuliersc'est que cet
Agent aurait t " principally occupied in the investigation of complaints preferred by
British subjects." L'impression en rsulterait que de telles plaintes auraient t
exceptionnellement nombreuses. Sans aucun doute, le Consul, en diverses occasions,
s'est mis en rapport avec l'Administration de Borna dans l'intrt de ses ressortissants,
mais il ne parat pas que ces affaires, si l'on en juge par celles d'entre elles dont a eu
s'occuper la Lgation d'Angleterre auprs du Gouvernement Central Bruxelles,
soient autres, par leur nombre ou leur importance, que celles de la vie administrative
courante : des cas ont notamment vis le rglement de successions dlaisses au Congo
par des ressortissants Anglais ; quelques-uns ont eu pour objet la rparation d'erreurs
de procdure judiciaire comme il s'en produit ailleurs, et ii n'est pas avanc que ces
rclamations n'ont pas reu la suite qu'elles comportaient. Le mme Consul, dont la
nomination remonte 1898, crivait le 2 Juillet, 1901, au Governeur-Gnral :
" I pray believe me when I express now, not only for myself, but for my fellowcountrymen in this part of Africa, our very sincere appreciation of your efforts on
behalf of the general communityefforts to promote goodwill among all and to bring
together the various elements of our local life."
Les prdcesseurs de Mr. B. Casementcar des Consuls Anglais avec juridiction
sur le Congo ont t appoints par le. Gouvernement de Sa Majest depuis 1888ne
paraissent pas davantage avoir t absorbs par l'examen de plaintes multiples ; tout
au moins une telle apprciation ne se trouve pas consigne dans le Bapport, le seul
publi, de M. le Consul Pickersgill, qui, par le fait qu'il rend compte de son voyage
l'intrieur, du Congo, jusqu'aux Stanley Ealls, dment cette sorte d'impossibilit,
pour les Agents Consulaires Anglais, d'apprcier de visu toute partie quelconque de
leur juridiction.
V : , ..-:
Comme allgations contre le systme d'administration de l'tat, la note vise les
impts, la force publique et ce qu'on appelle le travail forc.
Au fond, c'est la contribution de l'indigne du Congo aux charges publiques que
l'on critique, comme s'il existait un seul pays ou une seule Colonie o l'habitant, sous
une forme ou sous une autre, ne participe pas ces charges. On ne conoit pas un
tat sans ressources. Sur quel fondement lgitime pourrait-on baser l'exemption de
tout impt pour les indignes, alors qu'ils sont les premiers bnficier des avantages
d'ordre matriel et moral introduits en Afrique ? A dfaut de numraire, il leur est
demand une contribution en travail. D'autres ont dit la ncessit, pour sauver
l'Afrique de sa barbarie, d'amener le noir la comprhension du travail, prcisment
par l'obligation de l'impt :
; ;;" I t is a question (of native labour) which has engaged my most careful attention
in connection with West Africa and other Colonies. To listen to the right honourable
gentleman, you would almost think that it would be a good thing for the native to be
idle. I think it is a good thing for him to be industrious ; and by every means in
our power, we must teach him to work. . . . . No people ever have lived in the
world's history who would not work. In the interests of the natives all over Africa,
we have to teach them to work."
Ainsi s'exprimait Mr. Chamberlain la Chambre des Communes, le 6 Aot, 1901.
Et rcemment, il disait :
" W e are all of us taxed, and taxed heavily. Is that a system of forced labour ?
. .' . . . T o say that because we put a tax on the native therefore he is reduced
to a condition of servitude and of forced labour is, to my mind, absolutely ridiculous.
. . . ".- It is perfectly fair to my mind that the native should contribute something

, ; s-:- -.-., i ;::-: i ..->.; '..--> i ~ '

towards the cost of administering the country."

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-.: ' - ,


. -; -..

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(House of Commons, the 9th March,

- -vuJf."


" If that really is the last word of civilization, if we are to proceed on the
assumption that the nearer the native or any human being comes to a pig the more
desirable is his condition, of course I have nothing to say. ...... . . I must continue to
believe that, at all events, the progress of the native in civilization will not be secured
until he has been convinced of the necessity and the dignity of labour. Therefore, J
think that anything we reasonably can do to induce the native to labour is a desirable
thing." L.
W ' '1 ....! ; ..,;. A -'
nuumnufo*: :.
Et il dfendait le principe d'une taxe sur le natif parce q u e " the existence of .the
tax is an inducement to him to work." (House of Commons, the 24th March, 1903.)
Aussi l'exemple de taxes sur les indignes se retrouve-t-il presque partout en
Afrique. Au Transvaal, chaque natif paie une taxe de capitation cjo 2"A dans
l'Orange Biver Colony, le natif est soumis une **poll tax ; " dans la Southern
Bhodesia, le Bechuanaland, le Basutoland, dans l'Uganda, au Natal, il est peru une
"hut tax ; " a u Cap, on trouve cette " hut tax " e t une " labour tax ; " dans l'Afrique
Orientale Allemande, il est/galement peru un impt sur les huttes,..payable en
argent, en produits, ou en travail. ... Cette sorte d'impt a t applique encore dans le
Protectorat de Sierra-Leone, o elle a pu tre paye " i n kind by rice or palm-nuts,"
et la suggestion a t faite " that work on roads and useful works should be accepted
in lien of payment in money or produce."
Gn voit donc que le mode de paiement de l'impt, en argent ou en nature, n'en
altre pas la lgitimit, lorsque son taux n'est pas excessif. Tel est le cas au Congo*
o les prestations fourmes par l'indigne n reprsentent pas plus de,.quarante., heures
de travail par mois. Encore est-il que ce travail, est rtribu et que l'impt pay en
nature fait, en quelque sorte, l'objet d'une ristourne l'indigne.
; Partout le paiement de l'impt est obligatoire ; son non-paiement entrane des
voies de contrainte. Les textes qui tablissent les taxes sur les huttes frappent
l'indigne rcalcitrant de peines, telles que l'emprisonnement et le travail forc. Au
Congo non plus, l'impt n'est pas facultatif. On a vu, ailleurs, les actes d'autorit
qu'a parfois rendus ncessaires le refus des indignese se soumettre la loi: telles
les difficults Sierra-Leone, propos desquelles un publiciste Anglais, parlant des
agents de la force publique, affirme:
" Between July 1894 and Eebruary 1896, no fewer than sixty-two convictions
admittedly representing a small proportion of offences actually committedwere
recorded against them for flogging, plundering, and generally maltreating the
: D'autres exemples pourraient tre rappels de l'opposition que rencontre chez les
populations indignes l'tablissement des rgles gouvernementales. Il est fatal que la
civilisation se heurte leurs instincts de sauvagerie, leurs coutumes et pratiques
barbares ; et il se .conoit qu'elles ne se plient pas sans impatience un tat social qui
leur apparat comme restrictif de leurs licences et de leurs excs et qu'elles cherchent
mme s'y soustraire. C'est une chose commune en Afrique que l'exode d'indignes,
passant d'un territoire l'autre, dans l'espoir de trouver de l'autre ct des frontires
une autorit moins tablie ou moins forte, et de s'exonrer de toute dpendance et de
toute obligation. Il se pourrait, coup sr, que des indignes de l'tat se soient, Sous
l'empire de telles considrations, dplacs vers les territoires voisins, encore qu'une
sorte d'migration sur une large chelle, comme la prsente la note Anglaise, n'ait
jamais t signale par les Commandants des provinces frontires. IL est, au contraire,
constat, dans la rgion du Haut-Nil, que des natifs qui s'taient installs en territoire
Britannique sont revenus sur la rive gauche la suite de l'tablissement d'impositions
nouvellement dictes par l'autorit Anglaise. Si c'est, d'ailleurs, ces rgions qui sont
vises, les informations de la note semblent tre en contradiction avec d'autres,
renseignements donns, par exemple, par Sir Harry Johnston :
y fa i '
"This much can speak of with certainty and emphasis : that from the British
frontier hear Eort George to the limit of my journeys into the Mbuba country of thCongo: Eree State, up and down the Semliki, the natives appear to be prosperous anel
happy, ; , : . - . . The extent to which they were building their villages and cuL
tivating their plantations within the precincts of Eort Mbeni showed that they had,
no f car of the Belgians."
;V\ ,: r :" Lv :
: tn
Le Major H. H. Gibbons, qui s'est trouv plusieurs mois sur le 'Haut-Nil,
" Ayant eu l'occasion de connatre plusieurs officiers et de visiter leurs stations
de l'tat du Congo, je suis convaincu que la conduite de ces messieurs a t bien mal

interprte par la presse. J'ai cit comme preuve mon exprience personnelle, qui est
en opposition avec une version rcemment publie par la presse Anglaise, qui les
accuse de grandes cruauts."
La dclaration de Juin dernier, ci-jointe, a fait justice des critiques contre la
force publique de l'tat en signalant que son recrutement est rgl par la loi et qu'il
n'atteint qu'un homme sur 10,000. Dire que " the method of obtaining men for
military service is often but little different from that formerly employed to obtain
slaves," c'est mconnatre les prescriptions minutieuses dictes pour, au contraire
viter les abus. Les leves: s'oprent dans chaque district ; les Commissaires de
District rglent, de commun accord avec les Chefs indignes, le mode de conscription.
Les engagements volontaires et les multiples rengagements compltent aisment les
effectifs qui atteignent peine le chiffre modique de 15,000 hommes.
Ceux qui allguent, comme le dit la note, que " the men composing the armed
force of the State were in many cases recruited from the most warlike and savage
tribes," ignorent que la force publique est recrute dans toutes les provinces et
parmi toute la population du territoire. Les intrts de l'tat protestent contre cette
notion d'une arme que l'autorit elle-mme formerait d'lments indisciplins et
sauvages et des exemplestels que les excs qui ont t mis charge des auxiliaires
irrguliers utiliss dans l'Uganda, ainsi que les rvoltes qui se sont produites jadis
au Congo, imposent, au contraire, une circonspection spciale pour la composition de
la force arme. Les cadres Europens, qui se composent d'officiers Belges, Italiens,
Sudois, Rorwgiens, et Danois, y maintiennent une svre discipline, et l'on chercherait en vain quelles relles circonstances fait allusion l'assertion que les soldats
" n o t infrequently terrorized over their own officers.'' Elle n'est pas plus fonde que
cette autre assertion, " t h a t compulsion is often exercised hy irresponsible native
soldiers uncontrolled by an European officer." Depuis longtemps, l'autorit tait
consciente des dangers que prsentait l'existence de postes de soldats noirs, dont le
Rapport de Sir D. Chalmers, sur l'insurrection Sierra-Leone, a constat ls
invitables abus de pouvoirs. Au Congo, ils ont t graduellement supprims.
Il apparatra, ceux qui ne nient pas l'vidence, que des reproches articuls
contre l'tat, le plus injuste est d'avancer " that no attempt at any administration of
the natives is made, and that the officers of the Government do not-apparently
concern themselves with such work."
On peut s'tonner de trouver semblable affirmation dans une dpche d'un
Gouvernement dont l'un des membres, Lord Cranborne, Sous-Secrtaire d'tat pour
les Affaires trangres, disait le 20 Mai dernier :
" There was no doubt that the administration of the Congo Government had
been marked by a very high degree of a certain kind of administrative development. There were railways, there were steamers upon the river, hospitals had
been established, and all the machinery of elaborate judicial and police systems had
been set up."
Un autre Membre de la Chambre des Communes reconnaissait
"That the Congo State had done good work in excluding alcoholic liquors from
the greater part of their domain, that they had established a certain number of
hospitals, had diminished small-pox by means of vaccination, and had suppressed the
Arab Slave Trade."
Si attnues que soient ces apprciations, encore dmentent-elles cette affirmation
d'aujourd'hui que " the natives are left entirely to themselves, so far as any assistance
in their government or in their affairs is concerned."
Telles ne semblent pas tre les conclusions auxquelles, dj eh 1898, arrivait le
Consul Anglais Pickersgill.
" Has the welfare of the African," se demande-t-il, " been duly cared for in the
Congo State ?" Il rpond : " The State has restricted the liquor trade
it is
scarcely possible to over-estimate the service which is being rendered by the Congo
Government to its subjects in this matter
Intertribal wars have been
suppressed over a wide area, and, the imposition of European authority being steadily
pursued, the boundaries of peace are constantly extending. . . . . . . The State
must be congratulated upon the security it has created for all who live wdthin the
shelter of its flag and abide by its laws and regulations. . . . " . . . Credit is also
due to the Congo Government in respect of the diminution of cannibalism. . . . .
The yoke of the notorious Arab Slave Traders has been broken, and traffic in
human beiDgs amongst the natives themselves has been diminished to a considerable
Ce Rapport constatait aussi que les travaux des natifs taient rmunrs et
. * .-



rendait hommage aux efforts de l'tat pour instruire les jeunes indignes et ouvrir des
Depuis 1898 l'amlioration de la condition gnrale de l'indigne a encore
progress. Le portage dos d'homme, dont prcisment Mr. Pickersgill signalait le
ct pnible pour les indignes, a disparu l o il tait le plus actif, en raison de la
mise en exploitation des voies ferres. Ailleurs, l'automobile est utilise comme
moyen de transport. La "sentry"le poste de soldats ngres qu'il critiquait non
sans raisonn'existe plus. Le btail est introduit dans tous les districts. Des
Commissions d'Hygine sont institues. Les coles et les ateliers se sont multiplis.
" L'indigne," dit le document ci-joint, " est mieux log, vtu, nourri ; il
remplace ses huttes par des habitations plus rsistantes et mieux appropries aux
exigences de l'hygine; grce aux facilits de transport, il s'approvisionne des
produits ncessaires ses besoins nouveaux; des ateliers lui sont ouverts, o il
apprend des mtiers manuelstels que, ceux de forgeron, charpentier, mcanicien,
maon ; il tend ses plantations, et, l'exemple des blancs, s'inspire des modes de
culture rationnels ; les soins mdicaux lui sont assurs ; il envoie ses enfants dans les
colonies scolaires de l'tat et aux coles des missionnaires."
I l est juste de reconnatre, a-t-on dit la Chambre des Communes, que la
rgnration matrielle et morale de l'Afrique Centrale ne peut tre l'uvre d'un
jour. Les rsultats obtenus jusqu' prsent sont considrables ; nous chercherons
les consolider et les accentuer, malgr les entraves que l'on s'efforce de mettre
l'action de l'tat, action que l'intrt bien entendu de la civilisation serait, au contraire,
de favoriser.
La note Anglaise ne dmontre pas que le systme conomique de l'tat est
oppos l'Acte de Berlin. Elle ne rencontre pas les lments de droit et de fait par
lesquels l'tat a justifi la conformit de ses lois foncires et de ses concessions avec
les dispositions de cet Acte. Elle n'explique pas pourquoi ni en quoi la libert de
commerce, termes dont la Confrence de Berlin s'est servie dans leur sens usuel,
grammatical et conomique, ne serait plus entire au Congo parce qu'il s'y trouve des
La note confond l'exploitation de son bien par le propritaire avec le commerce.
L'indigne, qui rcolte pour compte du propritaire, ne devient pas propritaire des
produits rcolts et ne peut naturellement les cder autrui, pas plus que l'ouvrier
qui extrait les produits d'une mine ne peut en frustrer le propritaire en en disposant
lui-mme. Ces rgles sont de droit et sont mises en lumire dans de multiples
documents : consultations juridiques et dcisions judiciaires dont quelques-unes sont
annexes. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majest ne conteste pas que l'tat a le droit de
rpartir les terres domaniales entre les occupants bona fide et que l'indigne ne peut
plus prtendre aux produits du sol, mais seulement lorsque " land is reduced into
individual occupation." La distinction est sans base juridique. Si l'tat peut cder
les terres, c'est que l'indigne n'en a pas la proprit, et quel titre alors conserverait-il un droit aux produits d'un fonds dont la proprit est lgitimement
acquise par d'autres ? Pourrait-on soutenir, par exemple, que la Compagnie du
Chemin de Eer du Bas-Congo ou la Socit du Sud-Cameroun ou l'Italian Colonial
Trading Company sont tenues de tolrer le pillage par les indignes des terres qu'elles
ont reues, parce qu'elles ne les occuperaient pas actuellement ? En fait, d'ailleurs,
au Congo, l'appropriation des terres exploites en rgie ou par les Compagnies Concessionnaires est chose ralise. L'tat et les Socits ont consacr leur mise en
valeur, notamment des forts, des sommes considrables se chiffrant par millions^ de
francs. Il n'y a donc pas de doute que dans tous les territoires du Congo, l'tat
exploite rellement et compltement ses proprits, tout comme les Socits exploitent
rellement et compltement leurs Concessions.
Cet tat de choses existant et consolid dans l'tat Indpendant permettrait, en
ce qui le concerne, cle ne point insister plus longuement sur la thorie formule par
la note et qui envisage tour tour les droits de l'tat, ceux des occupants bona fide,,
ceux des indignes.
Cependant, elle s'impose l'attention des Puissances par les graves difficults
qu'elle ferait surgir si elle tait implicitement accepte.
La note contient les trois propositions suivantes :
" The State has the right to partition the State lands among bona fide
"The natives will, as the land is so divided out amongst bona fide occupiers,
lose their right of roaming over it and collecting the natural fruits which it produces."
" Until unoccupied land is reduced into individual occupation and so long as the

produce can only be collected by the native, the native should be free to dispose of
that produce as he pleases."

I l n'est pas une de ces propositions qui ne semble exclure les deux autres, et
vrai dire ces contradictions aboutissent la ngation du droit de Concession.
S'il a exist des occupants bona fide, ils sont devenus propritaires : l'occupation,
lorsqu'elle trouve s'exercer, est dans toutes les lgislations u n des modes d'acquisition de la proprit, et, au Congo, les titres en drivant ont t lgalement
enregistrs. Si la terre n'a t valablement occupe par personne, elle est sans matre
ou, plus exactement, elle a l'tat pour matre : il peut en disposer au profit d'un tiers,
et celui-ci trouve dans cet acte de disposition u n titre complet et absolu. Dans l'un
comme dans l'autre cas, U n e se conoit pas que les fruits du sol puissent tre rservs
d'autres qu'au propritaire sous le prtexte qu'il n'est pas apte, en fait, rcolter les
produits de son fonds.
Par une singulire contradiction, le systme de la note dit qu' la suite de
l'attribution des terres par l'tat, les indignes "lose their right of collecting the
natural fruits," et, d'autre part, qu'ils conservent le droit de disposer de ces
produits " u n t i l unoccupied land is reduced into individual occupation." On ne
comprend pas la notion d'un droit appartenant aux natifs qui existerait ou non de
par le fait de tiers. Ou bien, par suite de l'attribution des terres, ils ont perdu leurs
droits, et alors ils les ont perdus totalement et compltement ; ou bien, ils les ont
conservs, et ils doivent les conserver, quoique " the land is reduced into individual
Que faut-il d'ailleurs entendre dans le systme de la note par occupants " bond
fide " et par " individual occupation ? '' Qui sera juge du point de savoir si l'occupant
a mis ses terres en tat d'occupation individuelle, s'il tait apte en recueillir les
produits ou si c'tait encore l'indigne? Ce serait, en tous cas, des points relevant
essentiellement du droit interne.
L a note, au surplus, est incomplte s u r u n autre point. Elle dit que l o
l'exploitation ne se ferait pas encore par les ayants droit, la facult d'exploiter devrait
appartenir a u x indignes. Elle voudrait donc donner u n droit aux indignes au
prjudice des Gouvernements ou des concessionnaires blancs, mais n'explique pas
comment ni par qui le tort ainsi caus serait compens ou indemnis. Quoique
le systme ainsi prconis ne puisse avoir d'application dans l'tat du Congo, puisqu'il
ne s'y trouve plus cle terres inappropries, cette remarque s'impose dans l'intrt des
blancs tablis dans le bassin conventionnel. S'il est quitable de bien traiter les noirs,
il est juste de ne pas spolier les blancs, qui, dans l'intrt de tous, doivent rester la
race dirigeante.
conomiquement parlant, il serait dplorable qu'en dpit des droits rgulirem e n t acquis par les blancs, les terres domaniales se trouvassent livres aux indignes,
ft-ce temporairement. Ce serait le retour leur tat d'abandon de jadis, alors que
les natifs les laissaient inproductives, car les rcoltes de caoutchouc, les plantations
de caf, de cacao, de tabac, fee, datent du jour o l'tat en a pris lui-mme
l'initiative : le mouvement des exportations tait insignifiant avant l'essor que lui ont
donn les entreprises gouvernementales. Ce serait aussi l'inobservance certaine des
mesures d'exploitation rationnelle, de plantation et de replantation auxquelles
s'astreignent l'tat et les Socits Concessionnaires pour assurer la conservation des
richesses naturelles du pays.
Jamais au Congo, que nous sachions, les demandes d'achat des produits naturels
n'ont t adresses a u x lgitimes propritaires. Jusqu'ici l'on n'a cherch y acheter
que des produits provenant de recels, et l'tat, comme c'tait son devoir, a fait
poursuivre ces tentatives dlictueuses.
La politique de l'tat n'a pas, comme on l'a dit, tu le commerce : elle l'a, au
contraire, cr, et elie perptue la matire commerciale ; c'est grce elie que, sur le
march commercial d'Anvers et bientt au Congo mmeon examine la possibilit
d'y tablir des dpts de ventepeuvent tre offertes annuellement tous indistinctement, sans privilge ni monopole, 5,00(J tonnes de caoutchouc rcolt au Congo, alors
qu'antrieurement, par exemple en 1887, l'exportation du caoutchouc se chiffrait
peine par 30 tonnes.
C'est l'tat qui, aprs avoir ses frais cr la matire
commerciale, en maintient soigneusement la source au moyen des plantations et
I l n'est pas oublier que l'tat du Congo a d compter sur ses propres ressources.
Ce fut une ncessit pour lui d'utiliser son domaine dans l'intrt gnral. Toutes les
recettes du domaine sont verses au Trsor, ainsi que le revenu des actions dont l'tat
est dtenteur en raison de Concessions accordes. Ce n'est mme qu'en tirant tout le

parti utile de ses domaines et en, engageant la plus grande partie de leurs revenus qu'il
a pu contracter des emprunts et provoquer des entreprises de chemins de fer par des
garanties d'intrt, ralisant ainsi l'un des moyens les plus dsirs par la Confrence
de Bruxelles pour faire pntrer la civilisation au centre de l'Afrique. Aussi n'a-t-il
pas hsit gager sesdomaines dans ce but.
L'Acte de Berlin ne s'y oppose pas, car il n'a dict aucune proscription des droits
de proprit, comme on veut, aprs coup, le lui faire dire, tendant ainsi, consciemment
ou non, la ruine de tout le bassin conventionnel du Congo.
I l n'chappera pas non plus aux Puissances que les conclusions de la note Anglaise,
en suggrant une rfrence la Cour de La Haye, tendent faire considrer comme
cas d'arbitrage des questions de souverainet et d'administration intrieure que la doctrine
courante a toujours exclues des dcisions d'arbitres. Pour ce qui concerne le cas
actuel, il est supposer que la suggestion d'une rfrence la Cour de L a H a y e a une
porte gnrale, s'il est vrai que, de l'avis des Chambres de Commerce Anglaises, " the
principles and practice introduced into the administration of the affairs of the Erench
Congo, the Congo Eree State, and other areas in the conventional basin of the Congo
being in direct opposition to the Articles of the Act of Berlin 1885." Le Gouvernement de l'tat n'a cess, pour sa part, de prconiser l'arbitrage pour les dissentiments
d'ordre international qui en comportaient l'application : ainsi, il voudrait voir dfres
l'arbitrage les divergences de vues qui se sont produites au sujet du bail des territoires
du Bahr-el-Ghazal.
Aprs u n examen attentif de la note Anglaise, le Gouvernement de l'tat du
Congo reste convaincu qu'en raison du vague et du manque complet de preuves, ce
dont elle fait implicitement l'aveu, il n'est pas une juridiction au monde, en en
supposant une qui ait comptence pour tre saisie, qui puisse, bien loin de prononcer
une sorte de condamnation, prendre une autre dcision que celle de ne pas donner suite
de simples suppositions.
Si l'tat du Congo se voit attaqu, l'Angleterre peut se dire que, plus que nulle
autre nation, elle s'est trouve, elle aussi, en butte aux attaques et aux accusations de
toute espce, et longue serait la liste des campagnes poursuivies en divers temps et
jusque dans rcentes occasions contre son administration coloniale. Elle n'a certes pas
chapp aux critiques que lui ont valu ses guerres multiples et sanglantes contre les
populations indignes ni aux reproches de violenter les natifs et de porter atteinte
leur libert. Ne lui a-t-on pas fait grief de ces longues insurrections Sierra-Leone
de cet tat d'hostilit dans la Nigrie, o tout dernirement, d'aprs les journaux
Anglais, la rpression militaire a, en une seule circonstance, cot la vie 700 indignes,
la plupart de leurs Chefs et au Sultande cette lutte qui se poursuit au Somaliland
au prix du sacrifice de nombreuses vies humaines, sans que cependant il ne soit exprim
la Chambre des Communes d'autre regret que celui du chiffre lev des dpenses ?
Alors que ces attaques adresses l'Angleterre l'ont laisse indiffrente, il y a lieu
d'tre surpris de la voir aujourd'hui attacher une toute autre importance celles
diriges contre l'tat du Congo.
On peut croire, cependant, que les prfrences des indignes de l'tat du Congo
demeurent acquises au Gouvernement d'une petite nation pacifique, dont les vises
restent pacifiques comme a t pacifique sa cration base sur les Traits conclusavec les indignes.
Bruxelles, le 17 Septembre, 1903.
THE Government of the Independent State of the Congo have examined the
despatch from the Foreign Office, dated the 8th August last, which was communicated to
the Signatory Powers of the Berlin Act, and declare themselves in agreement with His
Majesty's Government on two fundamental points, viz., that natives ought to be treated
with humanity and gradually led into the paths of civilization, and that freedom of
commerce in the ConventionalBasin of the Congo ought to be entire and complete.
They deny, however, that the manner in which the State is administered involves a
systematic rgime " o f cruelty or oppression," and that the principle of commercial
freedom would introduce modifications in the rights of property as universally understood, seeing that there is not a word to this effect in the Berlin Act. The Congo State
observes that there is in that Act no provision which would sanction restrictions of any
hind on the exercise of the rights of property, or give to one Signatory Power the right
of intervention in the interior administration of another. It desires faithfully to observe
C 2

the Berlin Act, that great International Act which binds all Signatory or adhering
Powers, according to the clear grammatical sense of the text, which none has power
either to take from or add to.
The English note observes that it is within the last few years that a definite
shape has been assumed by the campaign conducted in England against the Congo
State, on the twofold pretext of the ill-treatment of natives and the existence of commercial monopolies.
It is indeed worthy of remark that this campaign dates from the time when the
prosperity of the State became assured. The State had been founded for years, and
administered in the same way as it is now, its principles in regard to the State-ownership
of vacant lands, and the manner in which its armed forces were organized and recruited,
were known to the public, without any interest in the matter being shown by the philanthropists and traders to whose opinion the note begins by referring. This was the period
during which the State Budget could only be balanced by means of the King-Sovereign's
subsidies and Belgian loans, and when the commerce of the Congo did not attract
attention. The term " Congo atrocities " was at that time only used in connexion with
" the alleged ill-treatment of African natives by English and other adventurers in the
Congo Eree State."* After 1895 the trade of the Congo State developed remarkably,
and the amount of its exports shows a progressive increase from 10 millions in 1895 to
50 millions in 1902. It is also about this time that the anti-Congo movement took shape.
As the State gave increased proof of vitality and progress, the campaign became more
active, reliance being placed on a few individual and isolated cases with a view to using
the interests of humanity as a pretext and concealing the real object of a covetousness
which, in its impatience, has betrayed itself in the writings of pamphleteers and in the
speeches of Members of the House of Commons, in which the abolition and partition of
the Congo State has been clearly put forward.
Such being the object in view, it became necessary to bring a whole series of charges
against the State. So far as the humanitarian side of the question is concerned, the
alleged cases of violence offered to natives have once more been brought forward and
re-edited ad infinitum. For in all the meetings, writings, and speeches which have latterly
been directed against the State, it is always the same facts which are brought up, and the
same evidence which is produced. With regard to the economic side of the question, the
State has been accused of having violated the Act of Berlin, notwithstanding the legal
opinions of such lawyers as are most qualified to speak to the point, which afford ample
legal justification both for its commercial and for its land system. With regard to the
political side, a heresy in international law has been imagined, viz., that a State, the
independence and sovereignty of which are absolute, should, at the same time, owe its
position to the intervention of foreign Powers.
With regard to the cases of ill-treatment of natives, we attach special importance to
those which, according to the note, have been reported in the despatches of His Majesty's
Consular Agents. At the sitting of the House of Commons on the 11th March, 1903,
Lord Cranborne referred to these officiai documents, and we have requested through his
Excellency Sir C. Phipps that the British Government will make known to us the facts
alluded to. We repeat the request.
The Government of the State have, however, never denied that crimes and offences
are committed in the Congo, as in every other country or Colony. The note itself recognizes that these offences have been brought before the Tribunals, and that the criminals
have been punished. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that the State fulfils
its mission ; the conclusion actually drawn is that " maxiy individual instances of
crue'lty have taken place in the Congo State," and that " the number of convictions
falls considerably short of the number of offences actually committed." This deduction
does not appear necessarily to follow. It would seem more logical to say that the severe
sentences inflicted will serve as a wholesome example, and that a decrease of crime may
on that account be looked for. If some offences have indeed, in the extensive territories
of the State, escaped the vigilance of the judicial authorities, this is a circumstance which
is not peculiar to the Congo State.
The English note proceeds chiefly on hypotheses and suppositions : " It was
alleged . . . .
It is reported . . . .
It is also reported . . . ." and it even says
that " His Majesty's Government do not know precisely to what extent these accusations
may be true." This is an acknowledgment that, in the eyes of the British Government themselves, the accusations in question are neither established nor proved. And,
indeed, the violence, the passion, and the improbability of many of these accusations
must raise doubt in an impartial mind as to their genuineness. To give but one
* " Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society, 1890-1896," p. 155.

example :a great deal has been made of the statement that, in a train coming down
from Leopoldville to Matadi, three carriages were full of slaves, a dozen of whom were
in chains and guarded by soldiers. The Governor-General was asked for a report on the
case. He replied : " The individuals represented as composing a convoy of slaves were,
the great majority of them (125), levies proceeding from the district of Lualaba-Kasai,
Lake Leopold II, and the Bangalas to the camp in the Lower Congo. Annexed you
will find lists of these persons. As regards the men in chains, they were certain
individuals on whom sentence had been passed by the territorial Tribunal at Basoko, and
who were on their way to undergo their sentence at the central prison at Boma. They
are Nos. 3642 to 3649 on the prison register at Boma."
In the same way, quite a recent " interview," in which the usual accusations of
cruelty were reproduced, is due to a person formerly in the employ of the State,
who was " declared unfit for service," and who has failed to persuade the State to accept
his proposal to write for the press articles favourable to the Administration.
The note ignores the replies, contradictions, and corrections which the attacks
on the Agents of the State have occasioned at the various times when they have
taken place. It ignores the official declarations publicly made by the Government of the
State in June last, after the debate in the House of Commons on the 20th May, the
report of which is annexed to the note. We also annex the text of these declarations
which dealt, by anticipation, with the considerations set forth in the despatch of the
8th August.
The only fresh cause of complaint which the note brings forwarddoubtless with the
object of explaining the not unimportant fact that the English Consul, who has resided in
the Congo since 1901, does not appear to support, by his personal authority, the accusations of private individualsis that this Agent has been " principally occupied in the
investigation of complaints preferred by British subjects." The impression which one
would derive from this is that such complaints have been exceptionally numerous. H o
doubt the Consul has, on different occasions, communicated with the Administration at
Boma in the interests of his countrymen, but the subjects of his representations, if one may
judge by such of their number as the English Legation has had to bring to the notice of
the Central Government at Brussels, do not appear, either in number or importance, to
have been more than matters of every day administrative routine : some cases in
particular concerned the regulation of the succession to property in the Congo left by
deceased English subjects ; the object in others was to repair errors of judicial procedure, such as occur elsewhere, and it is not even alleged that the proper action has not
been taken upon these representations. The same Consul, who was appointed in 1898,
wrote to the Governor-General on the 2nd July, 1901, as follows :
" I pray believe me when I express now, not only for myself, but for my fellowcountrymen in this part of Africa, our very sincere appreciation of your efforts on behalf
of the general communityefforts to promote goodwill among all and to bring together
the various elements of our local life."
Hor do the predecessors of Mr. R. Casementfor English Consuls with jurisdiction
in the Congo were appointed by His Majesty Government as long ago as 1888appear
to have been absorbed in the examination of innumerable complaints ; at all events, that
is not the view taken in the Report (the only one published) by Consul Pickersgill, who,
by the mere fact of giving an account of his journey into the interior of the Congo as
far as Stanley Falls, disproves the alleged impossibility for the English Consular Agents
to form an opinion de visu in regard to every part of their district.
With regard to the charges against the administrative system of the State, the note
deals with taxes, public armed forces, and what is termed forced labour.
It is, at bottom, the contributions made by the Congo natives to the public charges
which are criticized, as if there existed a single country or Colony in which the inhabitants
do not, under one form or another, bear a part in such charges. A State without resources
is inconceivable. On what legitimate grounds could the exemption of natives from all taxes
be based, seeing that they are the first to benefit by the material and moral advantages
introduced into Africa ? As they have no money, a contribution in the shape of labour
is required from them. It has been said that, if Africa is ever to be redeemed from
barbarism, it must be by getting the negro to understand the meaning of work by
the obligation of paying taxes :
" It is a question (of native labour) which has engaged my most careful attention in
connection with West Africa and other Colonies. To listen to the right honourable
gentleman, you would almost think that it would be a good thing for the native to be
idle. I think it is a good thing for him to be industrious ; and by every means in our
power we must teach him to work
Ho people ever have lived in the world's

history who would not work. I n the interests of the natives all over Africa, we have to
teach them to work."
Such was the language used by Mr. Chamberlain in the House of Commons on the
6th August, 1901 ; and still more recently he expressed himself as follows :
" We are all of us taxed, and taxed heavily. Is that a system of forced labour ?
To say that because we put a tax on the native therefore he is reduced
to a condition of servitude and of forced labour is, to my mind, absolutely ridiculous.
. . . . . I t is perfectly fair to my mind that the native should contribute somethingtowards the cost of administering the country." (House of Commons, the 9th March, 1908.)
" If that really is the last word of civilization, if we are to proceed on the assumption
that the nearer the native or any human being comes to a pig the more desirable is his
condition, of course I have nothing to say. . . . . I must continue to believe that, at
all events, the progress of the native in civilization will not be secured until he has been
convinced of the necessity and the dignity of labour. Therefore, I think that anything
we reasonably can do to induce the native to labour is a desirable thing."
And he defended the principle of taxing the native on the ground that " the
existence of the tax is an inducement to him to work." (House of Commons, the
24th March, 1903.)
Moreover, it is to be observed that in nearly every part of Africa the natives are
taxed. In the Transvaal every native pays a " h e a d t a x " of 21. ; in the Orange Eiver
Colony he is subject to a "poll tax ; " in Southern Ehodesia, Eechuanaland, Basutoland,
Uganda, and Natal a " hut tax " is levied ; in Cape Colony we find a " hut tax " and
a " labour tax ; " in German East Alrica also a tax is levied on huts, payable either in
money, in kind, or in labour. This species of tax has also been applied in the Sierra
Leone Protectorate, where payment could be made " in kind by rice or palm nuts," and
it has been suggested that work on roads and useful works should be accepted in lieu of
payment in money or produce.
The legality of a tax is, therefore, not affected by the mode of its payment,
whether in money or in kind, so long as the amount is not excessive. It is certainly not
so in the Congo, where the work done by the native does not represent more than
forty hours' work a-month. Such work, moreover, is paid for, and the tax in kind thus
gives the native as it were some return for his labour.
Payment of taxes is obligatory everywhere ; and non-payment involves measures
of compulsion. The regulations under which the hut-tax is levied impose on the native,
for non-payment, such penalties as imprisonment and forced labour. Nor in the Congo
is payment of taxes optional. Eepressive measures have occasionally been rendered
necessary elsewhere by the refusal of natives to conform to the law, e.g., the disturbances
at Sierra Leone, in connexion with which an English publicist, speaking of the police
force, states :
" Between July 1894 and February 1896 no fewer than sixty-two convictions,
admittedly representing a small proportion of offences actually committed, were recorded
against them for flogging, plundering, and generally maltreating the natives."
Further instances might be recalled of the opposition encountered among native
populations to the institution of governmental regulations. Civilization necessarily comes
into collision with their savage instincts and barbarous customs and habits ; and it
can be understood that they submit but impatiently to, and even try to escape from,
a state of society which seems to them to be restrictive of their licence and excesses.
I t frequently happens in Africa that an exodus of natives takes place from one territory
to another, in the hope of finding beyond the frontier a Government less well
established or less strong, and of thus freeing themselves from all obligations and restraints.
Natives of the State may quite well, under the influence of considerations of this kind,
have crossed into neighbouring territories, although no kind of emigration on a large
scale, such as is referred to in the English note, has ever been reported by the Commandants of the frontier provinces. On the contrary, it is a fact that natives in the Upper
Nile region who had settled in British territory have returned to the left bank in
consequence of the imposition of new taxes by the English authorities. Besides, if it is
these territories which are alluded to, the information contained in the note would seem
to be in contradiction with other particulars furnished, for instance, by Sir Harry Johnston.
" This much I can speak of with certainty and emphasis, that from the British
frontier near Fort George to the limit of my journeys into the Mbuba country of the
Congo Free State, up and down the Semliki, the natives appear to be prosperous and
happy, u f . The extent to which they were building their villages and cultivating their
plantations within the precincts of Fort Mbeni showed that they had no fear of the

Major H. H. Gibbons, who was for several months on the Upper Nile, writes :- '
" Having had occasion to know many officers, and to visit their stations in the
Congo State, I am convinced that their behaviour has been much misunderstood by the
press. I have quoted as a proof' my experience, which is at variance with an article
recently published in the English press, in which they are accused of great cruelties."
The declaration of last June, of which a copy is inclosed, has disposed of the
criticisms directed against the public forces of the State, by pointing out that recruitment
for them is regulated by law, and that it is only one man in every 10,000 who is affected.
To say that " the method of obtaining men. for military service is often but little different
from that formerly employed to obtain slaves " is to misunderstand the carefully drawn
regulations which have, on the contrary, been issued to check abuses. Levies take place
in each district; the district Commissioners settle the mode of conscription in agreement
with the native Chiefs. Voluntary enlistment, and numerous re-enlistments, easily fill
up the ranks, which only reach, all told, the moderate total of 15,000 men.
Those who allege, as the note says, that " t h e men composing the armed force of
the State were in many cases recruited from the most warlike and savage tribes" must be
unaware that the public forces are recruited from every province, and from the whole
population. It is inconceivable that the authorities of a State, with due regard to its
interests, should form an army out of undisciplined and savage elements, and instances are
to be foundsuch as- the excesses said to have been perpetrated by irregular levies in
Uganda, and the revolts which formerly occurred in the Congowhich, on ihe contrary,
render it necessary that special care should be exercised in raising armed forces. The
European establishment, consisting of Belgian, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish
officers, maintains strict discipline, and it would be vain to seek the actual facts alluded
to in the assertion that the soldiers " n o t infrequently terrorized over their own officers."
Such an assertion is as unfounded as the one " that compulsion is often exercised by
irresponsible native soldiers, uncontrolled by an European officer." For a long time
past the authorities have been alive to the danger arising from the existence of stations
of negro soldiers, who inevitably abuse their authority, as recognized in the Eeport of
Sir D. Chalmers on the insurrection in Sierra Leone. In the Congo such stations have
been gradually abolished.
Those who do not refuse to - accept patent facts will recognize that of the
reproaches levied at the State, the most unjust is the statement " that no attempt at any
administration of the natives is made, and that the officers of the Government do not
apparently concern themselves with such work."
It is astonishing to come across such an assertion in a despatch from a Government, one
of whose members, Lord Cranborne, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, stated
on the 20th May last :
" There was no doubt that the administration of the Congo Government had been
marked by a very high degree of a certain kind of administrative development. There
were railways, there were steamers upon the river, hospitals had been established, and
all the machinery of elaborate judicial and police systems had been set up."
Another member of the House of Commons acknowledged
" That the Congo State had done good work in excluding alcoholic liquor from the
greater part of their domain ; that they had established a certain number of hospitals,
had diminished small-pox by means of vaccination, and had suppressed the Arab Slave
However limited these admissions, still they contradict the assertion now made that
" t h e natives are left entirely to themselves, so far as any assistance in their government
or in their affairs is concerned."
Such does not seem to have been the conclusion at which Mr. Pickersgill, the
English Consul, had arrived as long ago as 1898.
" Has the welfare of the African," he asks, " been duly cared for in the Congo
State 1 ?" He answers: " T h e State has restricted the liquor trade . . . . . it is
scarcely possible to over-estimate the service which is being rendered by the Congo
Government to its subjects in this matter
Intertribal wars have been suppressed
over a wide area, and, the imposition of European authority being steadily pursued, the
boundaries of peace are constantly extending
The State must be congratulated
upon the security it has created for all whe live within the shelter of its flag and abide
by its laws and regulations. . , . . Credit is also due to the Congo Government in
respect of the diminution of cannibalism. . . . .
The yoke of the notorious Arab slavetraders has been broken, and traffic in human beings amongst the natives themselves has
been diminished to a considerable degree."
This Eeport also showed that the labour of the native was remunerated, and gave



due credit to the State for its efforts to instruct the young natives, and to open
Since 1898 the general condition of the native has been still further improved.
The system of carriers ("le portage dos d'homme"), the hardships of which, so
far as the native was concerned, were specially pointed out by Mr. Pickersgill, has
disappeared from those parts of the country where it was most practised, in consequence
of the opening of railways. Elsewhere motor cars are used as means of transport.
The " sentry," the station of negro soldiers which the Consul criticized, not without reason,
no longer exists. Cattle have been introduced into every district. Sanitary Commissions
have been instituted. Schools and workshops have multiplied.
" T h e native," says the inclosed document,* " i s better housed, better clad, and better
fed ; he is replacing his huts by better built and healthier dwelling-places ; thanks to
existing transport facilities, he is able to obtain the produce necessary to satisfy his new
wants ; workshops have been opened for him, where he learns handicrafts, such as those
of the blacksmith, carpenter, mechanic, and mason ; he extends his plantations and,
taking example by the white man, learns rational modes of agriculture ; he is always
able to obtain medical assistance ; he sends his children to the State school-colonies and
to the missionary schools."
As stated in the House of Commons, it is only right to recognize that the material and
moral regeneration of Central Africa cannot be the work of a day. The results so far
obtained have been considerable, and these we shall try to consolidate and develop, in
spite of the way in which an effort is being made to hamper the action of the State, which
in the real interests of civilization should rather be promoted.
The English note does not show that the economic system of the State is in opposition to the Berlin Act. It does not meet the points of law and fact by means of which
the State has demonstrated the conformity of its system of land tenure and concessions
with the provisions of that Act. It does not explain either how or why freedom of
tradea term used at the Conference of Berlin in its usual, grammatical, and economic
senseis incomplete in the Congo State because there are landowners there.
The note confuses the utilization of his property by the owner with trade. The native
who collects on behalf of the owner does not become the owner of what is so collected,
and naturally cannot dispose of it to a third party, any more than a miner can rob the
proprietor of the produce of the mine and dispose of it himself. These rules are in
accordance with the principles of justice and are explained in numerous documents,
such as legal opinions and judicial decisions, some of which are annexed. His
Majesty's Government do not deny that the State is justified in allotting domain lands
to bona fide occupants, or that the native has no longer any right to the produce
of the soil as soon as the " land is reduced into individual occupation." The distinction
is without legal foundation. If the State can part with land, it is because the native is not
the owner ; by what title could he then retain a right to the produce of property which
has been lawfully acquired by others ? Could it be contended, for instance, that the
Lower Congo Kailway Company, or the South Cameroons Company, or the Italian Colonial
Trading Company are, on the ground that they are not at present in occupation, bound to
allow the native to plunder the territories allotted to them ? As a matter of fact, moreover, in the Congo State the appropriation of lands worked on Government account or
by the Concessionary Companies is an accomplished fact. The State and the Companies
have devoted large sums, amounting to many millions of francs, to the development of the
lands in question, and more especially to that of the forests. There can, therefore, be
no doubt that throughout the territories of the Congo the State really and completely
works its property, just as the Companies really and completely work their Concessions.
The state of affairs then which actually exists, and is established in the Independent
State, is such that there is really no need, as far as the State itself is concerned, to dwell
longer on the theory set forth in the note which deals in turn with the rights of the
State, with those of bona fide occupiers, and those of the natives.
Still this theory calls for the attention of the Powers in view of the serious difficulties
which would arise were it to be implicitly accepted.
The note lays down the three following propositions :
" T h e State has the right to partition the State lands among bona fide occupants."
" The natives will, as the land is so divided out amongst bona fide occupiers, lose
their right of roaming over it and collecting the natural fruits which it produces."
" Until unoccupied land is reduced into individual occupation, and so long as the
produce can only be collected by the native, the native should be free to dispose of that
produce as he pleases."
* See Annex No. 1.

There is no single one of these propositions but apparently excludes the other
two, and, as a matter of fact, such contradictions amount to a denial of the right to
grant Concessions.
If bona fide occupiers ever existed they have become proprietors ; occupation, where
it can be exercised, is under all legislative codes, one of the methods by which property
can be acquired, and in the Congo State titles of ownership deriving from it have been
legally registered. If the land has never been legally occupied, it is without an owner,
or, rather the State is the owner: the State can allot it to a third party, for whom
such allotment is a complete and absolute title. In either case it is hard to see how
the fruits of the soil can be reserved for any but the owner on the pretext that the
latter is not able to collect the produce of his property.
By a curious contradiction it is observed in the note that, as a consequence of
the allotment of lands by the State, the natives " lose their right of collecting the natural
fruits," and, on the other hand, that they retain the right of disposing of these fruits
" until unoccupied land is reduced into individual occupation." It is difficult to understand what is meant by a right which belongs to the natives or not according to the action
of a third party. Either they lost their rights on the lands being allotted, and in that
case they have lost them entirely and completely, or else they have retained them, and
are entitled to retain them, although " the land is reduced into individual occupation."
Again, what are we to understand by the expressions " bond fide" occupiers and
" individual occupation ? " Who is to determine whether the occupier has brought his
lands into a state of individual occupation, whether he is able to collect their produce,
or whether it is still for the native to do so ? In any case, such a question is essentially
one to be settled by municipal law.
The note is, moreover, incomplete in another respect. It states that where the land
has not yet been worked by those who have a right to it, the option of working should
belong to the native. Eights would thus be given to the natives to the prejudice
of the Government or of white concessionnaires, but the note does not explain how
nor by whom the wrong thus caused would be repaired or made good. Though the
system thus advocated cannot be applied in the Congo State, as there are no longer
any unappropriated lands there, attention should be called to the statement in the
interest of white men established in the conventional basin. If it is right to treat the
negro well, it is none the less just not to despoil the white man, who, in the interest of
all, must remain the dominant race.
From an economic point of view, it would be very regrettable if, in spite of the rights
regularly acquired by white men, the domain lands were, even temporarily, handed over
to the natives. Such a course would involve a return to their former condition ot
abandonment, when the natives left them unproductive, for the collection of rubber, the
plantation of coffee, cocoa, tobacco, & c , date from the day when the State itself took
the initiative : the export trade was insignificant before the impetus it received from
Government enterprise. Such a course would furthermore certainly involve the neglect
of rational methods of work, of planting and of replantingmeasures which the State
and the Concessionary Companies have assumed as an obligation with a view to securing
the preservation of the natural riches of the country.
Never in the Congo, so far as we know, have requests to buy natural produce been
addressed to the rightful owners. Up to now the only attempts made have been to buy
the produce which has been stolen, and the State, as was its duty, has had those guilty
of these unlawful attempts prosecuted.
It is not true, as has been asserted, that the policy of the State has killed
trade ; it has, on the contrary, created the materials which trade deals in and keeps up
the supply ; it is thanks to the State that, on the Antwerp marketand soon even in
the Congo where the possibility^of establishing trade depots is being considered5,000
tons of rubber collected in the Congo can be annually put on sale to all and sundry
without privilege or monopoly, while formerly, in 1887, for instance, the rubber export
amounted to hardly 30 tons. It is the State which, after having created, at its own
expense, the material of trade, carefully preserves the source of it by means of planting
and replanting.
It must not be forgotten -either that the Congo State has been obliged to rely on its
own resources. It was forced to utilize its domain in the public interest. All the
receipts of the domain go into the Treasury, as also the dividends of the shares which the
State holds in exchange for Concessions granted. It has only been by fully utilizing its
domain lands, and pledging the greater part of their revenues, that it has been able
to raise loans, and encourage the construction of railways by guarantees of interest, thus
realizing one of the means most advocated by the Brussels Conference for promoting[247]


civilization in Central Africa. Nor has it hesitated to mortgage its domain lands with
this object.
The Berlin Act is not opposed to such a course, for it never proscribed the rights of
property as there is now an ex post facto attempt to make out, an attempt tending
consciously or not, to the ruin of the whole conventional basin of the Congo.
It will not escape the notice of the Powers that the English note, by suggesting a
reference to the Court at The Hague, tends to bring into consideration as cases for
arbitration questions of sovereignty and internal administration as questions for arbitration which, according to prevailing doctrines, are excluded from arbitral decisions.
As far as the present case is concerned, it must be assumed that the suggestion
of referring the matter to the Court at The Hague has a general meaning, if it is true
that, in the opinion of the English Chambers of Commerce, " the principles and practice
introduced into the administration of the affairs of the French Congo, the Congo Free
State, and other areas in the conventional basin of the Congo being [sic] in direct
opposition to the Articles of the Act of Berlin, 1885." The Government of the Congo
State have never ceased advocating arbitration as a mode of settling questions which
are of an international nature, and can thus be suitably treated, as, for instance, the
divergencies of opinion which have arisen in connexion with the lease of the territories
of the Bahr-el-Ghazal.
The Government of the Congo State, after careful examination of the English note,
remain convinced that, in view of its vagueness, and the complete lack of evidence,
which is implicitly admitted, there is no tribunal in the world, supposing there were
one possessing competent jurisdiction, which could, far from pronouncing a condemnation, take any decision other than to refuse action on mere supposition.
If the Congo State is attacked, England may admit that she, more than any other
nation, has been the object of attacks and accusations of every kind, and the list would
be long of the campaigns which have at various times, and even quite recently, been
directed against her colonial administration. She has certainly not escaped criticism in
regard to her numerous and bloody wars against native populations, nor the reproach of
oppressing natives and invading their liberty. Has she not been blamed in regard to
the long insurrections in Sierra Leone ; to the disturbed state of Nigeria, where quite
recently, according to the English newspapers, military measures of repression cost, on
one single occasion, the lives of 700 natives, of most of their Chiefs, and of the Sultan ;
and to the conflict in Somaliland, which is being carried on at the cost of many lives,
without, however, exciting expressions of regret in the House of Commons, except on the
score of the heavy expense ?
Seeing that these attacks have left England indifferent, it is somewhat surprising to
find her now attaching such importance to those made on the Congo State.
There is, however, reason to think that the natives of the Congo State prefer the
Government of a small and pacific nation, whose aims remain as peaceful as its creation
which was founded on Treaties concluded with the natives.
Brussels, September 17, 1903.
I. " Bulletin Officiel de l'tat Indpendant du Congo," J u i n 1903.

Judgments delivered by the Tribunals of French Congo.

I I I . Opinions of Messrs. Van Maldeghem and de Paepe, Van Berchem, Barboux,

and Nvs.

Translations of Extracts from Annex I.

Page 142.
In conformity with Articles I I and X I I I of the Berlin Act, it (the Congo State)
has assured to all flags, without distinction of nationality, free access to all its interior
waters and full and entire freedom of navigation. The railway, which has been constructed to obviate the innavigability of the lower river, is open to the traffic of all
nations in conformity with Article XVI.
* Copies have been sent to the Library of each House of Parliament.

In conformity with Article I I I , there is no differential treatment either of ships or

goods, and no tax is levied on foreigners which is not equally borne by nationals.
In conformity with Article IV, no transit due has been imposed.
In conformity with Article VI, freedom of conscience and the free exercise of
worship are guaranteed to natives, to foreigners, and to the missions of all creeds.
In conformity with Article V I I , the State has adhered to the Convention of the
Universal Postal Union.
- - -t 1
Availing itself of the power conferred by Article X, the Congo State has declared
itself perpetually neutral, and in no circumstance has failed in the duties imposed by
In conformity with Article XII, it has endeavoured, in case of any international
difference, to have recourse to mediation and arbitration, and has never declined to
accept such procedure.
In conformity with the Declaration of the 2nd July, 1890, the import and export
duties levied do not exceed the limits fixed by the Agreements of the 8th April,
1892, and the 10th March, 1902, between the State, France and Portugal.
Article I of the Act of Berlin lays down that " t h e trade of all nations shall
enjoy complete freedom in the Conventional basin of the Congo," and, by Article V,
" n o monopoly or favour of any kind in matters of trade " shall be granted there.
These provisions, like the rest, have been respected by the Congo State in. the letter
and in the spirit.
Page 144.
Freedom of trade is complete in the Congo, and is restricted neither by monopoly
nor privilege. Every one is free to sell or buy every sort of produce in which it is lawful
to trade. The law protects this freedom by forbidding any interference with the freedom
of business transactions ; it punishes " a n y one who has employed violence or threats with
a view to compel the natives, whether on the roads in the interior, or in the markets, to
part with their goods to particular persons or at particular prices ;"* it punishes " those
who, by violence, abuse, or threats, shall, have interfered with the freedom of trade,
with a view either to stop trade caravans on the public roads or to obstruct t h e
freedom of traffic whether by land or water."!
It is asserted that the principle of the freedom of trade is infringed by the appropriation by the State of vacant and ownerless lands within its boundaries. When by the
Decree of the 1st July, 1885, the State declared that " no one has the right to occupy
vacant lands without a title; vacant lands are to be considered as belonging to the
State," it did so in reliance on a legal principle which is universally admitted, its action
in this matter was not, as has been said, the first step in a deliberate policy of
exclusiveness. That principle was inscribed in the Codes of all civilized countries ; it
has been sanctioned by all Colonial legislative systems.
Page 152.
If it were true that, by declaring all ownerless lands to be Government property,
the Congo State had expropriated the natives, all these various legislative systems
could be attacked on the same ground. It is generally admitted that the native has no
real title to the ownership of the vast stretches of country which from time immemorial
he has allowed to lie fallow, or to the forests which he has never turned to profit. But
the law of the Congo State is careful to maintain the natives in the enjoyment of the
lands they occupy and, as a nlatter of fact, not only are they not disturbed in this
enjoyment, but they are actually extending the lands they cultivate and their plantations
as their needs grow. The State has been at much pains to prevent the natives from
being robbed.
" N o one has the right to dispossess natives of the lands which they occupy
(Ordinance of the 1st July, 1885, Article 2).
" The lands occupied by the native population under the authority of their Chiefs,
shall continue to be governed by the local customs and usages (Decree of the 14th
September, 1886, Article 2).
" All Acts or Agreements which would tend to drive the natives from the territories
they occupy, or to deprive them directly or indirectly of their liberty or means of livelihood, are prohibited (Decree of the 14th September, 1886, Article 2).
* Penal Code, Art. 56 (Decree of the 26th May, 1888, Bulletin Officiel, 1897, p. 31).
t Penal Code, Art. 57 (idem, p. 31).
J Bulletin Officiel, 1885, p. 31.


D 2



" I n cases where the lands which form the subject of application are occupied in part
by natives, the Governor-General, or his Delegate, shall intervene in order, if possible
to effect an arrangement with them, securing to the applicant the lands so occupied
either by cession or by lease, but the State is not to be put to any expense in the matter
(Decree of the 9th April, 1893, Article 5).
" W h e n native villages are inclosed in lands which have either been disposed of or
leased, the natives may, so long as the land has not been officially measured, take into
cultivation, without the consent of either the owner or the lessor, the vacant lands
surrounding their villages (Decree of the 9th April, 1893, Article 6).
" T h e members of the Land Commission shall examine with special care the
question whether the lands applied for ought not to be reserved either.for the public
use or with a view to allow oi the extension of cultivation by the natives (Decree of
the 2nd February, 1898, Article 2)."

The State can hardly be blamed because, in face of the almost universal inaction
on the part of private individuals, it endeavoured to turn its territories to account by
working its domain lands, either on its own account or through others. I t was, however, the only way to secure the funds necessary for the Budget, the charges in which
steadily increased with the extension of the public service, and to give the country the
benefit of an economic system by imposing upon the concessionary Companies the
obligation to undertake works of public utility.
The Government, further, were careful not to abandon a policy of moderation in
the matter. When by the Decree of the 30th October, 1892, they defined regions
reserved for working by the domain (those, that is to say, in which it had been ascertained, after inquiry, that the natives had never engaged in the collection of rubber),
they still left vast zones at the disposal of the public, and allowed to private persons the
exclusive right to work the rubber on the Government properties there. As a matter of
fact, the zones in question comprised more than a quarter of the vacant State lands,
apart from the whole country below Stanley Pool. Nevertheless, the Companies persisted for some years more in not moving towards these regions ; it has only been since
1897 that there have been any signs of general activity. I t was then that the numerous
factories which are still to be found there were started in the Kassai, Ikelemba, and
Lulonga districts, and on the banks of the Congo. But it is to be noted that with one
exception none but Belgian Companies decided to put their capital into those enterprises, and to take the consequent risks. Foreigners have held aloof, in spite of the
fact that they were at perfect liberty to establish themselves in these regions ; even the
firms which had been long established in the Lower Congo, and especially the English
houses, did not consider the moment favourable for establishing branches in the Upper
Congo. The above remark is generally applicable, in so far that, also in the territories
for which ConcessionsUvave been given, not one of the concessionary Companies has
found any foreign interests previously existing; indeed, certain foreigners who were
interested in one of the most important of them, the Anglo-Belgian India-Rubber and
Exploration Company, which was founded by an English group, have parted with their
The commercial field open to private persons in the Congo never has been and is
not limited ; trade is free, so far as it is legitimate, throughout the country, and in
certain regions the State, far from organizing any excessive working of its domain
lands, has even renounced the exercise of its rights of property. To give one instance
only the Dutch Company, the value of whose exports was 730,000 fr. in 1887, exported
m 1901 goods to the value of more than 3,000,000 fr.


Page 156.

If it is inexact to say that the natives have been robbed of immemorial rights, it is
equally so to assert that the policy of the State has aimed at the exclusion of private
trading in order to assure greater advantages for its own commercial enterprises.
Such a statement can only be the result of a misapprehension of the various phases
through which the Congo trade has passed since 1885. At that time private enterprise
was centred in the Lower Congo only. The Government, far from wishing to close the
Upper Congo, declared its access free to all. The Decree of the 30th April, 1887, led,
on the contrary, to various commercial firms establishing themselves above Stanley Pool,
owing to the facilities it afforded for settling on the domain lands.
Article 6 of that Decree provided :
" hi on-natives who desire to found commercial or agricultural establishments
in the districts above Stanley Pool, or in others to he eventually designated by the
Governor-General of the Congo, shall be at liberty to take possession with this view of
an area, the maximum size of which shall be fixed by the Governor-General; provided
that they fulfil such conditions as he shall lay down, they shall enjoy a preferential right
to the eventual acquisition of property in such lands at a price which shall be fixed by
him beforehand."
And Article 7 added :
" The non-natives who, in the same regions, shall desire to occupy lands, of which
the area shall exceed the maximum referred to in the preceding Article, may occupy
them provisionally on such conditions as the Governor-General shall determine. He
shall further decide whether the preferential right alluded to in the preceding Article
shall be given to them in regard to this larger extent of land."*
With a view to assist commercial enterprise in the regions of the interior, the
Government even exempted from export dutythe only customs duties which they could
at that time levyall native produce coming from the territories above Stanley Pool.
" From the 1st January, 1888," so ran Article 1 of the Ordinance of the 19th October,
1887, " a n d till further orders, native produce coming from the State territories on the
left bank of Stanley Pool and above that lake shall be exempted from export duty."f
Later, by the Decree of the 17th October, 1889,1. the Government announced that
.applications might he presented for concessions to work rubber and other vegetable
produce in the State 'forests of the Upper Congo where such produce was not already
worked by the native population.
By the Decree of the 9th July, 1890, the collection of ivory within the State
.domains was entirely given up to private persons throughout such parts of the Congo as
were at that time visited by the steamers.
These Regulations were applicable to all foreign enterprise, without distinction of
nationality ; they show that there was no such policy of ostracism in regard to private
enterprise such as is now attributed to the State.
I t has not been the fault of the Government that nationals of all countries have
not profited by this liberal system. They continued, however, to confine themselves,
with few exceptions, to the Lower Congo. The Companies which decided to extend their
operations in the central districts of the Congo found every facility for the establishment
of agencies, and acquired the favourable position which they now enjoy.
* Bulletin Officiel, 1887. p. 72.
t Bulletin Officiel, 1888, p. 3.
. + Bulletin Officiel, 1889, p. 218.

Page 162.
The work of organization has since been going on over the whole country by the
more and more effective occupation of the territory ; posts and stations have been
multiplied, and now number 215 ; the work of the administrative, judicial, and sanitary
authorities has expanded; transport facilities have been introduced; two lines of
railways have been laid in the Lower Congo, and there are others either being
constructed or proposed in the Upper Congo; seventy-nine steamers and boats
have been put on the river and its affluents; 1,500 kilom. of telegraph and
telephone lines have been laid; carriage roads have been built, on which the use
of automobiles will put an end to the system of carriers ("portage dos d'homme " ) ;
vaccine institutes have been established with a view to putting a stop, through the
increased use of lymph, to the ravages of small-pox ; water-works have been built in
important centres, such as Boma and Matadi ; hospitals for blacks and whites have
been founded at different posts, as also Red Cross stations and a bacteriological
institute ; importation of spirituous liquors and trade in them has been prohibited
almost everywhere, while the importation of alcoholic drinks made with absinthe, as also
trade in them, have been forbidden everywhere ; the trade in improved fire-arms and
ammunition for them has been absolutely forbidden ; cattle have been introduced at all
the stations, and model farms have been established ; Sanitary Commissions have been
instituted whose duty it is to watch over the requirements of the elements of public
This general development is necessarily accompanied by an improvement of the
conditions in which the native lives, wherever he comes into contact with the
European element. Materially, he is better housed, better clad, and better fed;
he is replacing his huts by better built and healthier dwelling-places ; thanks to existing

transport facilities, be is able to obtain the produce necessary to satisfy his new wants :
workshops have been opened for him, where he learns handicrafts, such as those of the
blacksmith, carpenter, mechanic, and mason; he extends his plantations, and, takingexample by the white man, learns rational modes of agriculture ; he is always able
to obtain medical assistance ; he sends his children to the State school-colonies and to
the missionary schools. Steps have been taken to safeguard the individual liberty of
the blacks, and especially to prevent labour contracts between blacks and non-natives
degenerating into disguised slavery.
It is on this point that the Decree of the
8th November, 1888, enters into the most minute details concerning the length of the
engagement, the form of the contract, and the payment of wages. Kecent legislation
in French Congo, which has very properly been praised by the English organs,
has been dictated by the like solicitude for the natives.
The native is free to seek by work the remuneration which contiibutes to the
increase of his well-being. One of the objects, indeed, of the general policy of the State
is to aim at the regeneration of the race by impressing them with the high idea of the
necessity of work. It is intelligible that Governments, conscious of their moral
responsibility, should not advocate the right of the inferior races to be idle, which would
entail the continuance of a social system opposed to civilization. The Congo State
aims at carrying out its educational mission by requiring the native to contribute, by
means of a tax in kind, for which, however, payment is made to him, to the development
of the State forests ; the amount of such payments was, in the Budget for 1903,
nearly 3,000,000 fr. The legality'of such a system of developing the State property
rests not only on the universal principle which attributes to the State the possession
of ownerless lands, but also on the cession which the local Chiefs have made to the
State, by peaceful methods and Treaties, of such political and land rights as they mayhave possessed; and on the fact that it is the State itself which has revealed to the
natives the existence of those natural riches of which they were ignorant by showing
them how to work ; it is the State, too, which has bound itself, equally with private
persons, to plant and replant, and thus to insure the preservation and perpetuity of those
natural riches which the carelessness of some and the lust of gain of others could not
have failed to destroy.
Page 165.
The system which the State has followed, while forwarding the economical development of the country, has at the same time caused a considerable commercial movement,
inasmuch as the exports now amount to a value of 50,000,000, and 5,000 tons of rubber
from the Congo forests are sold every year at Antwerp to the highest bidder.
Whatever may have been said this prosperity has not been attained to the detriment
of the native. I t has been asserted that the native populations must of necessity
be badly treated because they are subjected on the one hand to military service, and
on the other to the payment of certain taxes.
Military service is no more slavery in the Congo than anywhere else where the
system of conscription is in force. The manner in which the public forces are recruited
and organized has formed the subject of the most minute legislative provisions, with a
view to the avoidance of abuses. As a matter of fact military service is not a heavy
burden to the population, from whom it only takes one man in 10,000. To show the
errors which have been believed in regard to the public forces it is necessary once more
to point out that they are composed entirely of regular troops, and there are no
" irregular levies " composed of undisciplined and barbarous elements. Care has been
taken gradually to get rid of posts of black soldiers, and at the present moment every
military post is commanded by a white officer. The increase in the number of officials
has allowed of giving European officers to all detachments of these forces.
In regard to contributions in kind which are levied on the native by the authorities,
such taxes are as legitimate as any other. They do not impose on the native burdens
of a different or heavier kind than the forms of impost enforced in the neighbouring
Colonies, such as the hut tax. The native thus bears his share of the public burden as a
return for the protection afforded him by the State, and this share is a light one since
on an average it means for the native no more than forty hours of work a-month.
It is Unfortunately true that acts of violence have been committed against the
natives in the Congo, as everywhere else in Africa : the Congo State has never sought
either to deny or to conceal them. The detractors of the State show themselves to be
prejudiced when they quote these acts as the necessary consequence of a bad system of
administration, or when they assert that they are tolerated by the higher authorities.

Whenever any European official has been guilty of such acts he has been punished by
the Courts, and a certain number of Europeans are at this moment in the prisons of the
State expiating their offences against the penal laws which protect the life and person of
the native. If the enormous extent of the Congo State is taken into account, such cases
are the exception, as is obvious from the fact that recent publications attacking the
Congo State have been obliged, in support of their indictment, to take up incidents
nearly ten years old, and even to have recourse, amongst others, to the testimony of a
commercial agent actually condemned for his excesses against the blacks. It is worthy
of remark that the Catholic missionaries have never called attention to this general
system of cruelty which is imputed to the State, and if judicial statistics demonstrate
the stern measures that have been taken by the Criminal Courts, it does not follow that
there is more crime in the Congo than in other Central African Colonies.

No. 3.
Mr. Casement to the Marquess of Lansdowne.(Received December 12.)
My Lord,
London, December 11, 1903.
I. H A V E the honour to submit my Report on my recent journey on the Upper
I left Matadi on the 5th Tune, and arriving at Lopoldville on t h e 6th, remained
in the neighbourhood of Stanley Pool until the 2nd July, when I set out for the
Upper Congo. My return to Lopoldville was on the 15th September, so that the
period spent in the Upper River was one of only two and a-half months, during which
time I visited several points on the Congo River itself, up to the junction of t h e
Lulongo River, ascended that river and its principal feeder, the Lopori, as far as
Bongandanga, and went round Lake Mantumba.
Although m y visit was of such brief duration, and the points touched at
nowhere lay far off the beaten tracks of communication, the region visited was one of
the most central in the Congo State, and the district in which most of my time was
spent, t h a t of the Equator, is probably one of the most productive. Moreover, I was
enabled, by visiting this district, to contrast its present day state with the condition in
which I had known it some sixteen years ago. Then (in 1887) I had visited most of
the places I now revisited, and I was thus able to institute a comparison between a
state of affairs I had myself seen when the natives lived their own savage lives in
anarchic and disorderly communities, uncontrolled by Europeans, and that created by
more than a decade of very energetic European intervention. That very much of this
intervention has been called for no one who formerly knew t h e Upper Congo could
doubt, and there are to-day widespread proofs of the great energy displayed by Belgian
officials in introducing their methods of rule over one of the most savage regions of
Admirably built and admirably kept stations greet the traveller at many points ;
a fleet of river steamers, numbering, I believe, forty-eight, the property of the Congo
Government, navigate the main river and its principal affluents at fixed intervals.
Regular means of communication are thus afforded to some of the most inaccessible
parts of Central Africa.
A railway, excellently constructed in view of the difhculties to be encountered,
now connects the ocean ports with Stanley Pool, over a tract of difficult country, which
formerly offered to the weary traveller on foot many obstacles to be overcome and
many days of great bodily iatigue. To-day the railway works most efficiently, and I
noticed many improvements, both in the permanent way and in the general management, since the date of my last visit to Stanley Pool in January 1901. The cataract
region, through which the railway passes, is a generally unproductive and even sterile
tract of some 220 miles in breadth. This region is, I believe, the home, or birthplace,
of the sleeping sicknessa terrible disease, which is, all too rapidly, eating its way into
the heart of Africa, and has even traversed the entire continent to well-nigh the shores
of the Indian Ocean. The population of the Lower Congo has been gradually reduced
by the unchecked ravages of this, as yet, undiagnosed and incurable disease, and as
one cause of the seemingly wholesale diminution of h u m a n life which I everywhere
observed in the regions revisited, a prominent place must be assigned to this malady.
The natives certainly attribute their alarming death-rate to this as one of the inducing
causes, although they attribute, and I think principally, their rapid decrease in
numbers to other causes as well. Perhaps the most striking change observed during



my journey into the interior was the great reduction observable everywhere in native
life. Gommunities I had formerly known as large and flourishing centres of population are to-day entirely gone, or now exist in such diminished numbers as to be no
longer recognizable. The southern shores of Stanley Pool had formerly a population of
fully 5,000 Batekes, distributed through the three towns of Ngaliema's (Lopoldville),
"Kinchasa, and Ndolo, lying within a few miles of each other. These people, some twelve
years ago, decided to abandon their homes, and in one night the great majority of
them crossed over into the French territory on the north shores of Stanley Pool.
Where formerly had stretched these populous native African villages, I saw to-day only
a few scattered European houses, belonging either to Government officials or local traders.
In Lopoldville to-day there are not, I should estimate, 100 of the original natives or their
descendants now residing. At Kinchasa a few more more may be found dwelling around
one of the European trading depots, while at Ndolo none remain, and there is nothing
there but a station of the Congo Railway Company and a Government post. These
Bateke people were not, perhaps, particularly desirable subjects for an energetic
Administration, which desired, above all things, progress and speedy results. They
were themselves interlopers from the northern shores of the Congo River, and derived
a very profitable existence as trading middlemen, exploiting the less sophisticated
population among whom they had established themselves. Their loss to the southern
shores of Stanley Pool is none the less to be deplored, I think, for they formed, at any
rate, a connecting link between an incoming European commercial element and the
background of would-be native suppliers.
Lopoldville is sometimes spoken of as a Congo town, but it cannot rightly be so
termed. Apart from the Government station, which, in most respects, is very well
planned, there is nothing at all resembling a townbarrack would be the correct
term. The Government station of Lopoldville numbers, I was informed by its Chief,
some 130 Europeans, and probahly 3,000 native Government workmen, who all dwell
in well ordered lines of either very well-built European houses, or, for tbe native staff,
mud-built huts. Broad paths, which may be termed streets, connect the various parts
of this Government Settlement, and an elementary effort at lighting by electricity has
already evolved three lights in front of the house of the Commissaire-Gnral. Outside the Government staff, the general community, or public of Lopoldville, numbers
less than one dozen Europeans, and possibly not more than 200 native dependents of
their households or trading stores. This general public consists of two missionary
establishments, numbering in all 4 Europeans ; a railway station with, I think, 1
European ; 4 trading establishments1 Portuguese, i Belgian, 1 English, and 1
Germannumbering 7 Europeans, with, perhaps, 80 or 100 native dependents;
2 British West African petty traders, and a couple of Loango tailor boys, who make
clothes for the general community. This, I think, comprises almost all those not
immediately dependent upon the Government.
These shops and traders do scarcely any business in native produce, of which
there may be said to be none in the district, but rely upon a cash trade in Congolese
currency, carried on with the large staff of Government employs, both European and
native. Were this cash dealing to cease, the four European shops would be forced to
put up their shutters. During the period of my stay at Lopoldville it did actually
cease, and, for reasons which were not known publicly, the large native staff of Congo
Government workmen, instead of receiving a part of their monthly wages in cash to
spend locallyas also those being paid off on the expiry of their contractswere
remunerated by the Government in barter goods, which were issued from a Government store. This method of payment did not satisfy either the native Government
employs or the local traders, and I heard many complaints on this score. The
traders complained, some of them to myself, that as they had no other form of trading
open to them, save this with the Government staff against cash, for the Government
to itself now pay these men in goods was to end, at a blow, all trade dealings in the
district. The native workmen complained, too, that they were paid in cloth which
often they did not want in their own homes, and in order to have the wherewithal to
purchase what they wanted, a practice at once arose amongst these men to sell for
cash, at a loss to themselves, the cloth they had been forced to receive in payment
from the Government store. The workmen lost on this transaction, and so did the
traders. Pieces of cloth which were charged by the Government at 10 fr. each in
paying off tbe workmen, these men would readily part with for 7 fr., and even for 6 fr.
in cash. I myself, one day in June, bought for 7 fr. a-piece, from two just-discharged
Government workmen, two pieces of (doth which had been charged against them at 10 fr.
each. These men wished to buy salt at one of the local stores, and to obtain the means

of doing so, they readily sacrificed 3 fr. in each 10 fr. of their pay. The traders, too,
complained that by this extensive sale of cotton goods at reduced rates by the Government employs, their own sales of cloth at current prices were rendered well-nigh
impossible throughout the district.
The 3,000 Government workpeople at Lopoldville are drawn from nearly every
part of the Congo "State. Some, those from the cataract district especially, go
voluntarily seeking employment, but manyand I believe a vast majorityare men,
or lads, brought from districts of the Upper Congo, and who serve the authorities not
primarily at their own seeking. On the 16th June last, five Government workpeople
brought me their contracts of engagement with a request that I might tell them how
long a period they still had to serve. They were all Upper Congo men, and had
already nearly completed the full term of their engagement. The contracts, in each
case, appeared as having been signed and drawn up at Borna on behalf of the GovernorGeneral of the Congo. State, and were, in each case, for a term of seven years. The
men informed me that they had never been to Boma, and that the whole of their
period of service had been spent either at Lopoldville or on the Upper Congo. In
three of these cases I observed that an alteration had been made in the period of
service, in the following terms :

Je rduis de sept cinq ans le terme de service du

This entry was signed by the acting State Inspector of the district. I t seemingly
had not been observed, for it was struck out by his successor, and, as a matter
of fact, the full period of seven years was, in each case, within a few months of
On the whole the Government workmen at Lopoldville struck me as being well
cared for, and they were certainly none of them idle. The chief difficulty in dealing
with so large a staff arises from the want of a sufficiency of food supply in the
surrounding country. The staple food of the entire Upper Congo is a preparation of
the root of the cassava plant, steeped and boiled, and made up into loaves or puddingsof varying weight. The natives of the districts around Lopoldville are forced toprovide a fixed quantity each week of this form of food, which is levied by
requisitions on all the surrounding villages. The European Government staff is alsomainly dependent upon food supplies obtained from the natives of the neighbourhood
in a similar manner. This, however necessary, is not a welcome task to the native
suppliers who complain that their numbers are yearly decreasing, while the demands
made upon them remain fixed, or tend even to increase.
The Government station at Lopoldville and its extensive staff, exist almost
solely in connection with the running of Government steamers upon the Upper
A hospital for Europeans and an establishment designed as a native hospital arein charge of a European doctor. Another doctor also resides in the Government
station whose bacteriological studies are unremitting and worthy of much praise.
The native hospitalnot, I am given to understand, through the fault of the local
medical staffis, however, an unseemly place. When I visited the three mud huts,
which serve this purpose, all of them dilapidated, and two with the thatched roofs
almost gone, I found seventeen sleeping sickness patients, male and female, lying
about in the utmost dirt. Most of them were lying on the bare groundseveral out
on the pathway in front of the houses, and one, a woman, had fallen into the fire
just prior to my arrival (while in the final, insensible stage of the disease), and had
burned herself very badly. She had since been well bandaged, but was still lying out
on the ground with her head almost in the fire, and while I sought to speak to her, in
turning, she upset a pot of scalding water over her shoulder. All of the seventeen
persons I saw were near their end, and on my second visit, two days later, the
19th June, I found one of them lying dead out in the open.
In somewhat striking contrast to the neglected state of these people, I found,
within a couple of hundred yards of them, the Government workshop for repairing
and fitting the steamers. Here all was brightness, care, order, and activity, and it was
impossible not to admire and commend the industry which had created and maintained in constant working order this useful establishment. In conjunction with a
local missionary, some effort was made during my stay at Lopoldville, to obtain an
amelioration of the condition of the sleeping-sickness people in the native hospital,
but it was stated, in answer to my friend's representations, that nothing could be
done in the way of building a proper hospital until plans now under consideration had


been matured elsewhere. The structures T had visited, which the local medical staff
greatly deplored, had endured for several years as the only form of hospital accommodation provided for the numerous native staff of the district.
The Government stores at Lcpoldville are large and well built, and contain not
only the goods the. Government itself sends up river in its fleet of steamers, but
also the goods of the various Concession Companies. As a rule, the produce brought
down river by the Government steamers is transhipped direct into the railway trucks
which, r u n alongside the wharf, and is carried thence by train to Matadi for shipment
do Europe. The various Companies carrying on operations on the Upper Congo,
and who hold Concessions from the Congo Government, are hound, I was told, by
Conventions to abstain from carrying, save within the limits of their Concessions,
either goods or passengers. This interdiction extends to their own merchandise and to
their own agents. Should they carry, by reason of imperative need, outside these
limits a n y of their own goods or their own people, they are bound to pay to the Congo
Government either the freight or passage money according to the Government tariff,
just as though the goods or passengers had been conveyed on one of the Government
vessels. The tariff upon goods and passengers carried along the interior waterways is
a fairly high one, not perhaps excessive under the circumstances, b u t still one that,
by reason of this virtual monopoly, can produce a yearly revenue which must go far
towards maintaining the Government flotilla. By the estimates for 1902, published
in the " Bulletin Officiel " of January this year, the transport service is credited with
a production of 3,100,000 fr. of public revenue for 1902, while the expenditure for
the same year is put at 2,023,376 fr. That this restriction of public conveyance to
Government vessels alone is not altogether a public gain my own experience
demonstrated. I had wished to leave Stanley Pool for the Upper Congo at an early
date after my arrival in Lopoldville, but as the Government vessels were mostly
crowded, I could not proceed with any comfort by one of these. The steam-ship
" Elandre," one of the largest of these vessels, which left Lopoldville for Stanley Palls
on t h e 22nd June, and by which I had, at first, intended to proceed, quitted port with
more than twenty European passengers over her complement, all of whom, I was
informed, would have to sleep on deck. I accordingly was forced to seek other means
of travelling, and through the kindness of the Director of one of the large commercial
Companies (the "Socit Anonyme Belge du Haut-Congo'") I found excellent accommodation, as a guest, on one of his steamers. Although thus an invited guest and not
paying any passage money, special permission had to be sought from the Congo
Government before this act of courtesy could be shown me, and I saw the telegram
from the local authority, authorizing my conveyance to Chumbiri.
This commercial Company has three other steamers, b u t the interdiction referred
to applies to the entire flotilla of trading vessels of Congolese nationality on the Upper
Biver. Despite the fact that these vessels are not allowed to earn freight or passage,
they are all, for their tonnage, heavily taxed, while the Government vessels, which
earn considerable sums on transport of general goods and passengers, pay no taxes.
The four vessels of the Socit Anonyme Belge du Haut-Congo referred to, of which
the largest is only, I believe, one of 30 tons, pay annually, I was informed, the
following taxes :
For permission to cut
Licence for each steamer, according to her tonnage
. . 400 to 600
The master of each vessel must be licensed, for which a tax of 20 fr. per
annum is levied.

Himself and each European member of the crew must then pay 30 fr. per annum
as "imposition personnelle," whilst each native member of the crew costs bis employers
3 fr. per bead for engagement licence annually, and 10 fr. per bead per annum as
" imposition personnelle."
The " President Urban," the largest steamer of the Company referred to, under
these various heads pays, I was informed, a sum of not less than 11,000 fr. in taxes
per annum. Should she carry any of the agents of the Company owning her, or
any of its goods, save within the restricted area of its Concession, her owners must
pay to the Congo Government both passage money and freight on these, just as
though they had been sent by one of the Government vessels.
No firewood may he cut by the public within half-an-hour's steaming distance
of any.of the Government wooding posts, which are naturally chosen at the best
wooding sites available along the various waterways, so that the 10,000 fr. woodcutting. licence which the " President Urban " pays entitles her only to cut up for


fuel such suitable timber as her crew may be able to find in the less Accessible
At P * I spent four days. I had visited this place in August 18S7 when the line
of villages comprising the settlement contained from 4,000 to 5,000 people. Most
of these villages to-day are entirely deserted, the forest having growh over the
abandoned sites, and the entire community at the present date cannot number more
than 500 souls. There is no Government station at P * , but the Government telegraph
line which connects Lopoldville with Coquilhatville, the headquarters of the Equator
district, runs through the once townlands of the P * villages close to t h e river
bank. The people of the riverside towns, and from 0 miles inland, have to keep the
line clear of undergrowth, and in many places the telegraph road serves as a useful
public path between neighbouring villages. Some of the natives of the neighbourhood
complained t h a t for this compulsory utilitarian service they had received no remuneration of any k i n d ; and those at a distance that they found it hard to feed themselves
when far from their homes they were engaged on this task.
Inquiry in the
neighbourhood established that no payment for this work had seemingly been made
for fully a year.
Men are also required to work at the neighbouring wood-cutting post for t h e
Government steamers, which is in charge of a native Headman or K a p h a , who is
under the surveillance of a European " Chef de Poste " at Bolobo, the nearest
Government station, which lies about 40 miles up-stream.
These wood-cutlers,
although required compulsorily to serve and sometimes irregularly detained, are
adequately paid for their services.
The P * villages have to supply kwanga (the prepared cassava root already
referred to) for t h e neighbouring wood-cutting post, and the quantity required of
them is, they asserted, in excess, of their means of supply and out of proportion to
the value received in exchange. The supply required of them was fixed, I found, at
380 kwanga (or boiled cassava puddings) every six days, each pudding weighing from
4 | lb. to 6 lb., or a total of from 1,700 lb. to 1 ton weight of carefully prepared foodstuffs per week. Por this a payment of one brass rod per kwanga is made, givin" a
sum of 19 fr. in all for the several villages whose task it is to keep the.wood post
victualled. These villages by careful computation I reckoned contained 240 persons
all toldmen, women, and children. I n addition to preparing and carrying this food
a considerable distance to the Government post, these people have to take their share
in keeping the telegraph line clear and in supplying Government workmen. One
elderly man was arrested at the period of m y visit to serve as a soldier and was taken
to Bolobo, 40 miles away, but was subsequently released upon representations made
by a missionary who knew him. The number of wood-cutters at the local post is
about thirty I was informed, so that the amount of food levied is beyond their
requirements, and the excess is said to he sold by them at a profit to the crews of
passing steamers. A t one of the smallest of these P * villages, where there are
not more than ten persons all told, and only three of these women able to prepare
and cook the food, 40 kwanga (180 lb. to 270 lb. weight of food) had to be supplied
every week at a payment of 40 rods (2 fr.). These people said: " H o w can we
possibly plant and weed our gardens, seek and prepare and boil the cassava, make it
into portable shape, and then carry it nearly a day's journey to the post ? Moreover,
if the kwanga we make are a little small or not well-cooked, or if we complain that
the rods given us in settlement are too short, as they sometimes are, then we are
beaten by the wood-cutters, and sometimes we are detained several days to cut firewood
as a punishment."
Statements of this kind might be tediously multiplied.
The local mission station at P * requires much smaller kwanga than theGovernment size, getting from 1^ lb. to 2 lb. weight of food at the same priceviz.,
1 rod. The kwanga made up for general consumption, as sold in local markets, weigh
only about 1 lb. each. The Government inquires, delivered free, even at considerable
distances, from four and a-half to six times the weight of prepared food to that sold
publicly for \d.
I n most parts of the Upper Congo the recognized currency consists of lengths of
brass wire ; these lengths varying according to the district. At one : period the
recognized length of a brass rod was 18 inches, but to-day the average length of a rod
cannot he more than 8 or 9 inches. The nominal value of one of these rods is ^d.,
twenty of them being reckoned to the franc ; h u t the intrinsic value, or actual cost of
a rod to any importer of the brass wire direct from Europe, would come to less than
a ft?., I should say. Such as it is, clumsy and dirty, this is the principal form of
E 2

currency known on the Upper Congo where, saving some parts of the Erench Congo
I visited, European money is still quite unknown.
The reasons for the decrease of population at E * given me, both by the
natives and by others, point to sleeping sickness as probably one of the principal
factors. There has also been emigration to the opposite side of the river, to the
French shore, but this course has never, I gather, been popular. The people have
not easily accommodated themselves to the altered condition of life brought about by
European Government in their midst. Where formerly they were accustomed to take
long voyages down to Stanley Pool to sell slaves, ivory, dried fish, or other local
products against such European merchandise as the Bateke middlemen around the
Bool had to offer in exchange, they find themselves to-day debarred from all such form
o f activity.
The open selling of slaves and the canoe convoys, which once navigated the Upper
longo, have everywhere disappeared. No act of the Congo State Government has
i perhaps produced more laudable results than the vigorous suppression of this wide -spread evil. In the 160 miles' journey from Lopoldville to E * I did not see one
large native canoe in mid-stream, and only a few small canoes creeping along the
-shore near to native villages. While the suppression of an open form of slave dealing
has been an undoubted gain, much that was not reprehensible in native life has dis. appeared along with it. The trade in ivory has to-day entirely passed from the hands
. of the natives of the Upper Congo, and neither fish nor any other outcome of local
industry now changes hands on an extensive scale or at any distance from home.
So far as I could observe in the limited time at my disposal, the people of
E * now rarely leave their homes save when required by the local Government
.-official at Bolobo to serve as soldiers, or woodcutters at one of the Government posts,
--or to convey the weekly supplies of food required of them to the nearest Government
;station. These demands for food-stuffs comprise fowls and goats for consumption by
The European members of the Government staff at Lopoldville, or for passengers on
the Government steamers. They emanate from the Chief of the post at Bolobo who,
I understand, is required in so far as he can, to keep up this supply. In order to
obtain this provision he is forced to exercise continuous pressure on the local population, and within recent times that pressure has not always taken the form of mere
requisition. Armed expeditions have been necessary and a more forcible method of
levying supplies adopted than the law either contemplated or justifies. Very specific
: statements as to the harm one of these recent expeditions worked in the country around
F * were made to me during my stay there. The officer in command of the
O * district, at the head of a band of soldiers passed through a portion of the
.district wherein the natives, unaccustomed to the duties expected of them, had been
backward in sending in both goats and fowls.
The result of this expedition, which took place towards the end of 1900, was that
in fourteen small villages traversed seventeen persons disappeared. Sixteen of these
whose names were given to me were killed by the soldiers, and their bodies recovered
i by their friends, and one was reported as missing. Of those killed eleven were men,
v three women, and one a boy child of 5 years. Ten persons were tied up and taken
--jaway as prisoners, but were released on payment of sixteen goats by their friends, except
- one, a child, who died at Bolobo. In addition IS goats were taken away and 225 fowls ;
several houses were burned, and a quantity of their owners' property either pillaged or
destroyed. Representations on behalf of the injured villages were made to the
Inspecteur d'tat at Lopoldville, who greatly deplored the excesses of his subordinate,
and sent to hold an inquiry and to pay compensation to the relatives of those killed
and for the live-stock or goods destroyed or taken away. The local estimate of the
damage done amounted to 71,730 brass rods (3,58b fir.), which included 20,500 brass
rods (1,025fit?.),assessed as compensation for the seventeen people. Three of these
were Chiefs, and the amount asked for would have worked out at about 1,000 brass rods
(50 fr.) per head, not probably an extravagant estimate for human life, seeing that the
goats were valued at 100 rods each (20 fr.). A total sum, I was told, of 18,000 brass
rods (950 fr.) was actually paid to the injured villages by the Government Commissioner, who came from Stanley Pool; and this sum, it was said, was levied as a fine for
his misconduct on the official responsible for the raid. I could not learn what other
form of punishment, if any, was inflicted on this officer. He remained as the Government Representative for some time afterwards, was then transferred to another post
in the immediate neighbourhood, and finally went home at the expiration of his period
of service.
At Bolobo, where I spent ten days waiting for a steamer to continue my journey:


a, somewhat similar state of affairs prevails to that existing at E *. Bolobo used

to be one of the most important native Settlements along the south bank of the Upper
Congo, and the population in the early days of civilized rule numbered fully 40,000
people, chiefly of the Bobangi tribe. To-day the population is believed to be not more
than 7,000 or 8,000 souls. The Bolobo men were famous in former days for their
voyages to Stanley Pool and their keen trading ability. All of their large canoes have
to-day disappeared, and while some of them still hunt hippopotamiwhich are still
numerous in the adjacent watersI did not observe anything like industry among them.
Indeed, it would be hard to say how the people now live or how they occupy their
own time. They did not complain so much of the weekly enforced food supplies
required of them, which would, indeed, seem to be an unavoidable necessity of the
situation, as to the unexpected calls frequently made upon them. Neither rubber nor
ivory is obtained in this neighbourhood. The food supply and a certain amount of
local labour is all that is enforced. As woodcutters, station hands in the Goveimment post, canoe paddlers, workers on the telegraph route or in some other public
capacity, they are liable to frequent requisition.
The labour required did not seem to be excessive, but it would seem to be
irregularly called for, unequally distributed, and only poorly remunerated, or sometimes not remunerated at all.
Complaints as to the manner of exacting service are much more frequent than
complaints as to the fact of service being required. If the local official has to go on a
sudden journey men are summoned on the instant to paddle his canoe, and a refusal
entails imprisonment or a beating. If the Government plantation or the kitchen
garden require weeding, a soldier will be sent to call in the women from some of the
neighbouring towns. To the official this is a necessary public duty which he cannot
but impose, but to the women suddenly forced to leave their household tasks and to
tramp off, hoe in hand, baby.on back, with possibly a hungry and angry husband at
home, the task is not a welcome one.
One of the weightier tasks imposed upon the neighbourhood during my stay at
Bolobo was the construction of a wooden pier at the Government beach whereat
Government vessels might come alongside.
I visited this incompleted structure several times, and estimated that from 1,500
to 2,000 trees and saplings had already been used in its partial construction. All of
these were cut down and earned in by the men of some of the neighbouring towns, and
for this compulsory service no remuneration had, up to that date, I was on all sides
informed, been made to any one of them. They were ordered, they said, to do it as a
public duty. The timber needed had to be sought at a considerable distance, most of
the trees had been carried some miles, and. the task was not altogether an agreeable
one. The chief complaint I heard directed against this work, however, was that the
pier was being so badly put up that when finished it would be quite useless, and all
their work would thus be thrown away. My own opinion of the structure was that
this criticism was well founded, and that the first annual rise of the river would sweep
most of the ill-laid timbers away.
The Bolobo people do not object so much to the regular food tax, just
because this is regular, and they can prepare and regularly meet it, as to the sudden
and unexpected labour tasks, such as canoe journeys, or this more onerous pier building.
They could, I perceived, trace no connection between this hastily-conceived exaction
on their time and labour and a system of general contribution in the public interest,
which, to be readily admitted, should be clearly defined. Were a regular annual tax
levied in money, or some medium of barter exchange serving as a legal currency, the
people would in time be brought to see that a payment of this kind evenly distributed
and enforced was, indeed, a public duty they were bound to acquit themselves of,
and one their Government was justified in strictly enforcing ; but they do not assign
any such value to the unsystematic calls upon them which prevail to-day. To be
hastily summoned from their usual home avocations, or even from their possibly
habitual idleness, to perform one or other of the tasks indicated above, and to get
neither food nor pay for their exertions, as is often the case, seems to these unprogressive people not a public service they are called upon to perform in the public
interest, but a purely personal burden laid upon their bodies and their time by the
local agent of an organization which, to them, would seem to exist chiefly for its own
The weight of the kwanga required at Bolobo seemed to be less than that
enforced at E*, and I found that this variance existed throughout the Upper Congo.

A t Bolobo the . kwanga loaves supplied to the Government post weighed each
a little over 3 lb. That made for ordinary sale in th public market just over 1 lb.
one of each that I weighed myself gave 3 lb. 2 oz. to the Government loaf, and 13 oz.
to that made for general consumption. The price paid i n each case was the sameviz.
one brass rod.
A t the village of H *, some 4 or 5 miles from the Government post, which I
visited, I found the village to number some forty adult. males with their families.
This village has to supply weekly to the Government post 400 of these loaves (say
1,250 lb. weight of food) for which a payment ol 20 if. (400 rods) is made. The
people of H * told me that when short of cassava from their own fields for the
preparation of this supply, they bought the root in the local market and had to pay
for it in the raw state just twice what they received for the prepared and cooked
product they delivered at the post. I had no means of verifying this statement, but
I was assured by many persons that it was strictly true. I n addition to supplying this
food weekly, H * is liable to the usual calls for canoe paddlers, day labourers at the
Government station (male and female), timber gatherers for the pier, and woodcutters
at the local wood-post of the Government steamers.
There was a good deal of sickness in this town, and in that beyond it at the date
of my visit. Sleeping sickness and, still more, small-pox. Both diseases have done
much to reduce the population". Emigration to the Erench shore, once active, would
seem now to have ceased. Efforts are made locally, to improve the physical and
sanitary condition of the people, and improvements due to these efforts are becoming
apparent, but I was given to understand that progress is very slow.
The insufficiency of food generally observable in this part of the Congo would
seem to account for much sickness, and probably for the mental depression of the
natives I so often observed, itself a frequent cause of disease. The Chief of the
Government post ai G * during a part of my stay there told me that he thought
the district was quite exhausted, and that it must be ever increasingly difficult to obtain
food from it for the public requirements of the local administration.
Some 40miles above Bolobo a large " camp d'instruction," with from 600 to 800
native recruits and a staff of several European officers is established at a place called
Yumhi. I had, to my regret, no opportunity of visiting this camp, although I met
one of its officers who very kindly invited me there, promising a nearly welcome. H e
informed me that native food supplies were fairly plentiful in the neighbourhood of this
camp, and that the principal rations of the soldiers consisted of hippopotamus meat,
the Congo in that neighbourhood affording a seemingly inexhaustible supply of these
I n front of the house of one of the natives in a village, I saw some seventy
hippopotamus skulls. The animals, I was told, had all been killed by one man.
Many are speared, and some are shot by the native hunters with cap-guns. A
somewhat considerable trade in these weapons appears to have been done until
recently by the Government Agents in the district, and I found several of the
Bolobo young men with guns of this description which they had bought at different
times from the local official, generally paying for them with ivory tusks. The sale
of these arms by Representatives of the Congo Government would seem to have
ceased somewhat more than a year ago, since which date the holders of the guns
have been exposed to some trouble in order to obtain licences. Healing in or holding
guns of this description would seem to be regulated by clearly drawn up Regulations,
which, however, do not seem to have been observed until last year. A tax of 20 If. is
now levied on the issue of a licence to bear arms, which the law renders obligatory on
every gun holder, but this tax is also collected in an irregular manner.
I learned while at Bolobo that a large influx from the I * district (which
comprises the " Domaine de la Couronne ") had lately taken place into the
country behind G*. The nearest Settlement of these emigrants was said to be
about 20 to 25 miles from G *, and I determined to visit this place. I spent
three days on this journey, visited two large villages in the interior belonging
to the K * tribe, wherein I found that fully half the population now consisted of
refugees belonging to t h e L * tribe who had formerly dwelt near I *. I saw and
questioned several groups of these people, whom I found to be industrious
blacksmiths and brass-workers.
These people consisted of old and young
men, women, and children. They had fled from their country and sought an
asylum with their friends the K * during the last four years. The distance they
had travelled in their flight they put at about six or seven days' marchwhich I


should estimate at from 120 to 150 miles of walking. They went on to declare, when
asked why they had fled, t h a t , t h e y had endured such ill-treatment at the hands of the
Government officials and the Government soldiers in their own country that life had
become intolerable, that nothing had remained for them at home h u t to be killed for
failure to bring in a certain amount of rubber or to die from starvation or exposure in
their attempts to satisfy the demands made upon them. The statements made to me
by these people were of such a nature t h a t I could not believe them to be true. The
fact remained, however, that they had certainly abandoned their homes and all that
they possessed, had travelled a long distance, and now preferred a species of mild
servitude among the K * to remaining in their own country. I took careful note
of the statements made to me by these people, which will be found in the transcript
attached (Inclosure i ) . * I subsequently found when at M * some days later, other
E *, who confirmed the truth of the statements made to me at -V *.
On reaching Bolobo in September I obtained, information amply confirming the
statements made to me. My own further inquiries at M * are embodied in the
accompanying document (Inclosure l ) . t
Leaving Bolobo on the 23rd July, I passed on up river in a small steam-launch I had
been fortunate enough to secure for my private use. W e touched at several points on the
Erench shore, and on the 25th J u l y reached Lukolela, where I spent two days. This
district had, when I visited it in 1887, numbered fully 5,000 people ; to-day the population is given, after a careful enumeration, at less than 600. The reasons given me for
their decline in numbers were similar to those furnished elsewhere, viz., sleepingsickness, general ill-health, insufficiency of food, and the methods employed to
obtain labour from them by local officials and the exactions levied on them.
The Lukolela district furnishes a small supply of rubber, which is required by the
Local Government posts to be brought in at fixed periods as a general contribution.
Eood" kwanga " and fishare also required of the riverside dwellers. The towns I
visited were very ill-kept and tumble-down, and bore no comparison, either in the
class of dwelling-houses now adopted or in the extent of cultivated ground around
them, to the condition in which these people formerly dwelt.
Several reasons for the increase of sickness and the great falling-off in the
population of the district were stated by the local missionary, who has resided for
many years at Lukolela, in two letters which he recently addressed to the GovernorGeneral of the Congo State. A copy of these letters was handed to me by the
writerthe Rev. John Whiteheadon my calling in at Lukolela on my way down
river on the 12th September. I had no opportunity of verifying, by personal
observation, the statements made by Mr. Whitehead in his letter, for my stay at
Lukolela was only one of a few hours.
I have, however, no right to doubt
Mr Whitehead's veracity, and he declared himself prepared to accept full responsibility for the statements his letter contained. A copy of these letters is appended
(Inclosure 2).J

The Government post at Lukolela I did not visit, but viewed from the river it
presents a charming aspect ; well-built houses, surrounded by plantations of coffeetrees, extend for some distance along the shore.
Erom Lukolela I proceeded to O *, which I purposed visiting. O *, with its two
adjoining villages, when I had last seen them in the autumn of 1887, had presented
a scene of the greatest animation. The population of the three towns then numbered
some 4,000 to 5,000 peopleO * alone, it was estimated, containing at least 3,000.
Scores of men had put off in canoes to greet us with invitations that we should spend
the night in their village. On steaming into O *, I found that this village had entirely
disappeared, and that its place was occupied by a large " c a m p d'instruction," where some
800 native recruits, brought from various parts of the Congo State, are drilled into
soldierhood by a Commandant and a staff ot seven or eight European officers and noncommissioned officers.
There is also a large plantation of coffee-trees, a telegraph office/and a trading
store, but I could see no indications of native life beyond those dependent on these
establishments. The once villages and their fields had been converted into a very
well-laid-out and admirably-maintained military station. Erom the Commandant and
his officers a cordial welcome was received. The camp as a military centre is
excellently chosen, the situation of I r e b u commanding not only the Lake Mantumba
waterway, but one of the chief navigable channels of the Congo; and it is, moreover,
situated opposite the estuary of the great TJbangi River, which is probably the most
'' See p. 60.

. f See p. 60.

t. See p. 64



important Congo affluent. The Commandant informed me that a very large supply of
native food, amply sufficient for the soldiers under his command, was supplied weekly
by the natives of the surrounding district.
I t is difficult to exactly estimate the number of soldiers enrolled and maintained
by the Congo Government. There are, I think, four separate " c a m p s d'instruction"
upon the Upper Congo, each of which should have an effective of 700 men. The
effective strengths of the companies of Manyuema, Lake Leopold I I , Lualaba-Kasai,
Aruwimi, and Luzizi-Kivu were fixed respectively by Circular of the GovernorGeneral, dated the 25th June, 1902, at 750. 175, 850, 450, and 875 men. There are
many other companies of the " Eorce Publique " in the Congo State, and I think i t
might safely be estimated t h a t the number of men with the colours does not amount
to less than 18,000. By a Circular addressed to the local authorities, dated t h e
26th May last, the Governor-General stated that it was necessary to add 200 men toeach of the camps in the Upper Congo. I n the same Circular a proposed increase of
the general strengtli of the armv was indicated in the following terms :

before the local official responsible, who had doubtless retained the canoe in ignorance,be pulled up his loin cloth and, pointing to where he had been flogged with a chiciott;
said: " I f I complained I should only get more of these." Although afraid to
complain locally, he declared he would be perfectly willing to accompany m e if
I would take him before one of the Congo Judges or, above all, down to Borna. I assured
him that a statement such as that he had made to me would meet with attention at
BoHia, and that if he could prove its truth he would get satisfaction for the loss of the
- .
"' '"
v; Statements of a similar character, often supported by many witnesses, were m a d e
to me more than once during my journey around the lake, some of them pointing to
far greater derelictions of duty. The same m a n told me, on t h e same occasion, t h a t
one of the Government officials of the district (the same man, indeed, who had retained
the canoe) had recently given him three wives. The official, he declared, had-been
" making war " on a town in the forest I was then in, for failing to bring i n its fixedfood supply, and as a result of the punitive measures undertaken the town bad been
destroyed and- many prisoners taken. As a result, several women so taken were
homeless, and were distributed. " Wives were being given away that day," said my
informant, " he gave me three, h u t another man got four." The man went on to say
that one of these " w i v e s " had since escaped, aided, as he complained, by one of his
own townsmen, who wras a slave from her own native town.
The population of the lake-side towns would seem to have diminished within th
last ten years by 60 or 70 per cent. I t was in 1893 that the effort to levy an indiarubber imposition in this district was begun, and for some four or five years this
imposition could only be collected at t h e cost of continual fighting. Finding the task
of collecting india-rubber a well nigh impossible one, the authorities abandoned it in
this district, and the remaining inhabitants' now deliver a weekly supply of food-stuffs
for the up-keep of the military camp at Irebu, or the big coffee plantation at Bikoro.
Several villages I visited supply also to the latter station a fortnightly tax of gumcopal, which the surrounding forests yield abundantly. Gum-copal is also exposed
and washed up on the shores of the lake. The quantity of this commodity supplied
by-each village on which it is assessed is put at 10 hags per fortnight. Each bag is
officially said to contain 25 kilog., so that the imposition would amount to a quarter of
a ton weight per fortnight. I found, when trying to lift some of these bags I saw Being
packed at a native village I was in, that they must weigh considerably more than
25 kilog., so that I concluded that each sack represents that quantity net of gum-copah
There is a considerable loss in cleaning, chipping, and washing crude gum as collected:
The quantity brought by each village would thus work out at 6^- tons per a n n u m .
When I : visited the Government station at P * the chief of t h a t - p o s t showed
me ten sacks of gum which he said had been just brought in by a very
small... village in the neighbourhood,
Eor this quarter of a ton of g u m copal he said.he had paid the village one piece of blue drilla rough cotton cloth
which is valued locally, after adding the cost of transport, at 11|- fr. a-piece. By the
Congo Government " B u l l e t i n Officiel " of this year (No. 4, April 1903) I found that
339^ tons of gum-copal were exported in 1902, all from the Upper Congo, and t h a t this was valued at 475,490 fr. The value per torn would, therefore, work out at about
56/. The fortnightly yield of each village would therefore seem to he worth a
maximum of 14/. (probably less), for which a maximum payment of 1 1 | fr. is .made.
At one village I visited I found the majority of the inhabitants getting ready the
gum-copal and the supply of fish which they had to take to P * on the morrow.
They were putting i t into canoes to paddl across the lakesome, 20.milesand they,
left with their loads in the night from alongside my steamer. These people told m e "
that they'frequently received, instead of cloth,T50 : brass rods (7^ fr.) for the quarter
of a ton of gum-copal they took fortnightly.
\ ''- .-' " '' ' " / ' - , " " ' " " '
' -The value of the annual payment in gum-copal made by each town would seem
to be about 360/., while at an average of 9 fr. as th remuneration each receives
fortnightly ^ they would appear to receive some 10/. in annual return.
I n the village of Montaka; at th south end of the lake, where I spent two days, :
the people seemed,- during my stay, to be chiefly engrossed iri the task of chipping and .
preparing the gum-eopal for shipment to-Bikoro, and in getting ready, their weekly.
yield of fish for the same post., I saw the filling with gum of. the ten basket-sacks taking Plac U n d e r th eyes "of the Chiefwho himself contrib'u'tdarid a State
sentry who-whs posted ' there; - Each household in th town was represented at this."
final task, and every adult householder of Mon-taka shared in the general contribution. :;
Assuming the population of Montaka at from 600 to 800and it cannot now he more

" Notre programme militaire est trs vaste et sa ralisation exige une attention
soutenue et de grands efforts, mais sans son excution intgrale notre situation
demeurera prcaire.
" S'il le fallait, mais je ne pense pas mme que ce soit ncessaire, le Gouvernem e n t se montrerait dispos augmenter dans une certaine mesure le contingent pour
The same Circular added that :
" Certains districts en effet ne remplacent pas les miliciens dcds, dserts en
cours de route et ceux rforms leur arrive au camp.
" De plus, pendant la priode d'instruction dans les camps un grand nombre de
dchets se produisent aussi parmi ces recrues, les transports de miliciens laissant encore
a dsirer."
The Commandant informed me that some of the natives who had fled into the
Erench territory opposite ten years ago, when the I r e b u tribes had deserted their
homes, were now gradually returning to Congo State territory. I found, subsequently,
t h a t this was the case, the people alleging that since the rubber tax had been dropped
in the Mantumba district they preferred returning to their home lands to remaining
on the strange sites in Erench territory, to which they had fled when that tax was at
Erom Irebu I proceeded some 25 miles to Ikoko, once a large village on the north
shore of Lake Mantumba. I remained in L a k e Mantumba seventeen days visiting,
during that time, the Government post at Bikoro on t h e east shore of the lake, and
many native towns scattered around the lake side. I also ascended by boat one of the
rivers falling into the lake, and visited three native villages in the forest situated along
this waterway. Lake Mantumba is a fine sheet of water about 25 or 30 miles long and
some 12 or 15 miles broad at the broadest part, surrounded by a dense forest. The
inhabitants of the district are of the Ntomba tribe, and are still rude savages, using
very fine bows and arrows and ill-made spears as their weapons. There are also in the
forest country many families or clans of a dwarf race called Batwas, who are of a
much more savage and untameable disposition than the Ntombas, who form the bulk
of the population. Both Batwas and Ntombas are still cannibals, and cannibalism,
although impressed and not so openly indulged in as formerly, is still prevalent in the
district. The Mantumba people were, in the days before the establishment of Congo
State rule, among the most active fishermen and traders of the Upper Congo. I n
fleets of canoes they used to issue out upon the main waters of the Congo and travel
very great distances, fighting their way if necessary, in search of purchasers of their
fish or slaves, or to procure these latter. All this has ceased and, save for small
canoes used in catching fish, I saw neither on the lake itself nor at the
many villages I touched along its shores, any canoes comparable to those so
frequently seen in the past. A man I visited told me that a fine canoe
he bought for 2,000 brass rods (100 fr.), in which to send the weekly imposition of fish to the local State post, had been kept by the official there, had
been used to transport Government soldiers in, and was now attached to a
Government wood-cutting post, which he named, out on the main river. H e had
received nothing for the loss of this canoe, and when I urged him to lay the matter

although a town of 4,000 souls ten years agofully 150 householders are thus directly
affected by the collection and delivery, each fortnight, of this " impt en nature," and
are affected for the great majority of the days throughout the year.
Since for the 6|-tons of gum-copal which the 150 householders of Montaka contribute
annually, they are seen to receive not more than a total payment of 10/. in the yearviz., 26 fortnightly payments of, on an average, say9fr. 50 c , giving 247 fr. annually
it follows that the remuneration each adult householder of Montaka receives for his
entire year's work is the one hundred and fiftieth part of that totalor just Is. 4d,
This is just the value of an adult fowl in Montaka. I bought ten fowls, or chickens,
rather, the morning of my going away, and for the only reasonably sized one among
them I gave 30 rods (1 fr. 50 a ) , the others, small fledglings, ranging from 15 to20 rods each (75 cents, to 1 fr.).
The 61 tons of gum-copal supplied annually by these 150 householders being
valued at about 364-/., it follows that each householder had contributed something like:
21.,8s. per annum in kind.
' .
The labour involved may or may not he unduly excessive-but it is continuous
throughout the yeareach man must stay in,his town and he prepared each week and
fortnight to have his contribution ready under fear of summary punishment.
- The natives engaged as workmen on my steamer were paid each a sum of 20 rods
( i fr.) per week for food rations only, and 100 rods (5 fr.) per month wages. One of
these native workmen thus earned more in one week of my service--which was that,
of any other private establishment employing ordinary labourthan the Montaka
householder got in an entire year for his compulsory public service rendered to the
>' At other villages which I visited, I found the tax to consist of baskets, which the
inhabitants had to make and deliver weekly as well as, always, a certain amount of
food-stuffs-either kwanga or fish. These baskets are used at Bikoro in packing up:
the gum-copal for conveyance down the river and to Europethe river transport being,
effected by Government steamers. The basket-makers and other workers complained;
that they were sometimes remunerated for their labour with reels of sewing cotton
and shirt buttons (of which they had no use) when supplies of cloth or brass wire ran
short at Bikoro. As these natives go almost entirely naked, I could believe that neither
thread or shirt buttons were of much service to them. They also averred that they
were frequently flogged for delay or inability to complete the tale of these baskets, or::
the weekly supply of food. Several men, including a Chief of one town, showed
broad weals across their buttocks, which were evidently recent. One, a lad of 15 or
so, removing his cloth, showed several scars across his thighs, which he and others
around him said had formed part of a weekly payment for a recent shortage in their
supply of food. That these statements were not all untrue was confirmed by my visit,
to P % when the " domaine priv " store was shown to me. I t had very little in it, and 11
learned that the barter stock of goods had not been replenished for some time. There
appeared to be from 200 to 300 pieces of coarse cotton cloth, and nothing else, and as j
the cloth was visibly old, I estimated the value of the entire stock at possibly 15/. It
certainly would not have fetched more if put up to auction in any part of the Upper
:' The instructions regulating the remuneration of the native contributors and the
mode of exploitation of the " forts domaniales " were issued in the " Bulletin Officiel " ;
of 1896, under authority of Decrees dated the 30th October and the 5th December, 1892.
These general instructions require that :
'.', "L'exploitation se fait par les agents de l'Intendance, sous la direction dm
Commissaire de District.
"Tout ce qui se rapporte l'exploitation du domaine priv doit tre spar
nettement des autres services gouvernementaux.
" Les agents prposs l'exploitation du domaine priv consacrent tous leurs soins
au dveloppement de la rcolte du caoutchouc et des autres produits de la fort.
" Quel que soit le mode d'exploitation adopt cet effet, ils sont tenus d'accorder 9
aux indignes une rmunration qui ne sera en aucun cas infrieure au montant
du prix de la main-d'uvre ncessaire la rcolte du produit ; cette rmunration est
fixe par le Commissaire de District, qui soumet son tarif l'approbation du
" L'Inspecteur d'tat en mission vrifie si ce tarif est en rapport avec le prix del; main-d'uvre ; il veille sa stricte application, et il examine si les conditions
gnrales d'exploitation ne donnent lieu aucune plainte justifie. . .
, ,, ..



" Il fait comprendre aux agents chargs du service que, par le fait de rtribuer
quitableinent l'indigne, ils emploient le seul moyen efficace d'assurer la bonne
administration du domaine et de faire natre chez lui le got et l'habilude du travail."
Both from the condition of the Domaine Priv Store I inspected at P # , and
the obvious poverty and universal discontent of the native contributors, wdiose towns
I visited during the seventeen days spent in Lake Mantumba, it was clear that these
instructions had long since ceased to be operative. The responsibility for the non-:
application of such necessary regulations could not be attributed to the local officials,
who, obviously, if left without the means of adequate remuneration could not
themselves make .good the oversights or omissions of their superiors. That these
omissions form part of a systematic breach of instructions conceived in the interest,
of the native I do not assert, but it was most apparent that neither in Lake Mantumba
nor the other'portions of the Domaine Priv which I visited was any adequate provision made for inculcating the natives with any just appreciation of the value of work.
The station at Bikoro has been established as a Government plantation for about
ten years. I t stands on the actual site of the former native town of Bikoro, an
important Settlement in 1893, now reduced to a handful of ill-kept, untidy huts,
inhabited by only a remnant of its former expropriated population.
Another small village, Bomenga, stands on the other side of the Government
houses; the plantation enveloping both villages, and occupying their old cassava fields'
and gardens, which are now planted with coffee trees. Further inland these give place
tb cocoa and india-rubber trees (fantumia elastica), and also to the indigenous Landolphia
creeper, which is being extensively cultivated. The entire plantation covers 800 hectares.
There are 70 kilom. of well-cleared pathway through it, one of these roads measuring
11 kilom. in almost a straight line; 400 workmen are employed, consisting in small
part of local natives, but chiefly of men brought from a distance. One numerous'
group I saw I was informed were " prisoners " from the Buki district. There are
140,000 coffee trees and 170,000 cocoa trees actually in the ground, the latter a later
planting than the coffee. Last year the yield was : coffee 112 tons, and cocoa 7 tons,
all of which, after cleaning and preparing at the Government depot at Kinchasa, was
shipped to Europe on the Government account. India-rubber planting was not begun'
until November 1901. There are now 248 hectares already under cultivation, having
700,000 young Landolphia creepers, and elsewhere on the plantation, on portions mainly
given up to coffee growing, there are 50,000 fantumia elastica and 50,000 manihot glaziovii
trees, The station buildings are composed entirely of native materials, and are erected
entirely by local native labour. The Chief of the Post has very ably directed the work
of this plantation, which engrosses all his time, and until quite recently he had no
assistant. A subordinate official is now placed under his orders. When he took over
the district he told me there were sixty-eight native soldiers attached to the post, which
number he has now been able to reduce to nineteen. In the clays when the indiarubber tax prevailed in Lake Mantumba there were several hundreds of soldiers
required in that region. Narubber is now worked in the neighbourhood I am informed.
Despite the 70 kilom. of roadway through the plantation, much of which has to be
frequentlyindeed dailytraversed, the two Europeans have no means of locomotion
provided them, and must make their daily inspection to various points of this large
plantation on foot.
In addition to the control of this flourishing establishment, the Chief of the Post
is the Executive Chief of the entire district, but it is evident that but little time or
energy could be left to the most energetic official for duties outside the immediate
scope of his work as a coffee and india-rubber grower, in addition to those " engrossing
cares" the general instructions cited above impose upon the agents who exploit the
State domain. '
I have dwelt upon the condition of P * and the towns I visited around..
Lake Mantumba in my notes taken at the time, and these are appended hereto
(Inclosure 3).*' A careful investigation of the conditions of native life around the
lake confirmed the truth of the statements made to methat the great decrease in
Population, the dirty and ill-kept towns, and the complete absence of goats, sheep, or
fowlsonce very plentiful in this countrywere to be attributed above all else to the
continued effort made during many years to compel the natives to work india-rubber.
Large bodies of native troops had formerly been quartered in the. district, and the
Punitive measures undertaken to this end had endured for a considerable period.

See p. 70.



L u r i n g the course of these operations there'had been much loss of life, accompanied,
I fear, by a somewhat general mutilation of the dead,.as-proof that the soldiers had
done their duty. Each village I visited around the lake, save that of Q * and one
other, had been abandoned by its inhabitants. To some of these villages the people
have only just returned ; to others they are only now returning. I n one I found the
hare and burnt poles of what had been dwellings left standing, and at anotherthat
of R *the people had fled at the approach of my steamer, and despite the loud cries
of my native guides on hoard, nothing could induce t h e m to return, and it was impossible to hold any intercourse with them. At the three succeeding villages I visited
beyond R *, in traversing the lake towards the south, the inhabitants all fled at the
approach of the steamer, and it was only when they found whose the vessel was that
they could be induced to return.
A t one of these villages, S*,-after confidence had been restored and the fugitives
had been induced to come in from t h e surrounding forest, where they had hidden
themselves, I saw women coming hack carrying their babies, their household utensils,
and even the food they had hastily snatched up, u p to a late hour of the evening.
Meeting some of these returning women in one of the fields I asked them why they
had r u n away at my approach, and they said, smiling. " W e thought you were Bnla
Matadi " (i.e.] '.- men of the.Government " ) . Pear of this kind was formerly unknown
on the Upper 'Congo.; and in much more out-of-the-way places visited many years
ago the people flocked from all sides to greet a white stranger. B u i to-day the
apparition of a white man's steamer evidently gave the signal for instant flight.
..'The chief of the P * post told me that a similar alarm reigned almost
every where in the country behind his station, and t h a t when he w e n t . on the:
most peaceful missions only a few miles from his house the villages were generally
emptied of all human beings when he entered them, and it was impossible,in the
majority of cases to get into touch with the people in their own homes. I t was not
so in all cases, he said, and he instanced certain villages where he could go certain of a
friendly reception, h u t with the majority, he said, he had found it quite impossible to
ever find them " at home." H e gave, as an explanation, when I asked for the reason
of this fear of the white man, that as these people were great savages, and knew
themselves how many crimes they had committed, they doubtless feared that the white
m a n of the Government was corning to punish their misconduct. H e added that they
had undoubtedly had an "awful p a s t " at the hands of some of the officials who had
preceded him in the local administration, and that it would take time for confidence to
he restored. Men, he said, still came to him whose hands had been cut off by the
Government soldiers during those evil days, and he said there were still many victims
of this species of mutilation in the surrounding country. Two cases of the kind
came to my actual notice while I was i n the.lake. One, a young man, both of whose
hands had been beaten off with the butt ends of rifles against a tree, the other a young
lad of 11 or 12 years of age. whose right hand was cut off at the wrist. This hoy
described the circumstances of his mutilation, and, in answer to my inquiry, said that
although wounded at the time he was perfectly sensible of the severing of his wrist,
h u t lay still fearing that if he moved he would he killed. I n both these cases the
Government soldiers had been accompanied by white officers whose names were, given
to "me. ' Of six natives (one a girl, three little, boys, one youth, and one old woman)
who had been mutilated in this way during the rubber rgime, all except one were
dead at the date of my visit. The old woman had died at the beginning of this year,
and her niece described to me how t h e act of mutilation in her case had been
accomplished. The day I left Lake Mantumba five men whose hands had been cut oil
came to the village of T * across the lake to see me, h u t hearing that I had already
gone awav they returned to their homes. A messenger came in to tell me, and 1
sent to T * to find them, hut they had then dispersed. Three of them subsequently
returned, b u t too late for me to see them. These were some of those, I presume,
to whom t h e official had referred, for they, came from the country in the vicinity of
P * station. Statements of this character, made both by the two. mutilated persons 1
s a w a n d by others who had witnessed this form of mutilation in the past, are appended
(Inclosure 4).*
The taxes levied on the people of the district being returnable each vreeK
or fortnight, it follows that they cannot leave their homes. At some of the
villages I visited near the end of Lake Mantumba the fish supplies have to be
delivered weekly to the military camp at Irebu, or when the water is high in the lahe

and fish harder to catch, every ten days. The distance from Irebu of one of these
towns could not'have been less than 45 miles., To go and come between their homes
and the camp involved to the people of this town 90 miles of canoe paddling, and
with the lake stormy and its waters roughas is often the casethe double journey
would take at least four days. This consumption of time must be added to t h a t spent
in the catching of the fish, and as the punishment for any falling off in quantity or
delay in delivery is not a light one, the Chief responsible for the tax stoutly opposes
any one quitting the town. Some proof of this incidentally arose during my'stay, and
threatened to delay my journey. Being short-handed I sought, when at Ikoko, to
engage six or seven young men of the town as woodcutters to travel on hoard the
steamer. I proposed to engage them for two or three months, and offered good wages,
much more than by any local service they could hope to earn. More men offered
than I needed, and I selected six. The State Chief of the village hearing of this at
once came to me to protest against any of his people leaving the town, and said that
he would have all the youths I had engaged tied u p and sent over to the Government
official at Bikoro. There were at the time three soldiers armed with Albini rifles
quartered at Ikoko, and the Chief sent for them to arrest m y would-be crew. The
Chief's argument, too, was perfectly logical. H e said, " I am responsible eaeh week
for 600 rations of fish which must he delivered at Bikoro. If it fails I am held
responsible and will he punished. I have been flogged more than once for a failure in
the fish supply, and will not r u n any risks. If these men go I shall be short-handed,
therefore they must stay to help in getting the weekly tax." I was forced to admit
the justice of this argument, and we finally arrived at a compromise. I promised the
Chief that, in addition to paying wages to the men I took, a sum representing the
value to him of their labour should be left at Ikoko, so that he might hire extra hands
to get the full quantity of fish required of him. S I admitted that he had been forced
to flog men from villages which failed in their weekly supplies, but that he had for
some months discontinued this course. H e said that now he put defaulters into prison
instead. If a village which was held to supply, say, 200 rations of fish each week
brought only 180 rations, he accepted no excuse, but put two men in "block.'' If
thirty rations were rvanting he detained three of the men, and so ona man for each
ten rations. These people would remain prisoners, and would have to work at Bikoro,
or possibly would be sent to Coquilhatville, the. administrative head-quarters of the
Equator district, until the full imposition came in.
I subsequently found when in the neighbourhood of Coquilhatville that summary
arrest and imprisonment of this kind for failure to complete the tale of local imposition is of constant occurrence. The men thus arrested are kept often in the " chain
g a n g " along with other prisoners, and are put to the usual class of penitential work.
They are not brought before or tried by any Court or sentenced to any fixed term of
imprisonment, h u t are merely detained until some sort of satisfaction is obtained, and
while under detention are kept at hard work.
Indeed, I could not find that a failure to meet the weekly tax is punishable by
law and no law was cited to me as a warrant for this summary imprisonment, but if
such a law exists it is to he presumed that it does not treat the weekly taxpayers' failure
as a grave criminal offence. The men taken are frequently not those in fault ; the requisitioning authority cannot discriminate.
H e is forced to insure compliance with the
demands imposed on each village, and the first men to hand from the offending community
of necessity have to pay in the chain-gang the general failure and possibly the individual
fault of others. Men taken in this way are sometimes not seen again in their own
homes. They are either taken to distant Government stations as workmen, or are
drafted as soldiers into the Force Publique. The names of many men thus taken from,
the Mantumba district were given to me, and in some cases their relatives had heard
of their death in distant parts of the country. This practice was, I believe, more
general in the past, but that it still exists to-day, and on an extensive scale, I had several
instances of observing in widely separated districts. The officials effecting these
arrests do not seem to have any other course open to them, unless it be a resort to military
punitive measures or to individual corporal punishment; while the natives assert that,
as the taxes are unequally distributed, and their own numbers constantly decreasing,
the strain upon them each week otten becomes unbearable, and some of their number
will shirk the constantly recurring unwelcome task. Should this shirking become
general instead of being confined to individuals, punitive measures are undertaken
against the refractory community. "Where these do not end in fighting, loss of life
and destruction of native property, they entail very heavy fines which are levied on the
defaulting village. An expedition of t h e minor kind occurred some five months

S e e p . 7G.


before my presence in Lake Mantumha. .- The village in fault was that of B * , the
one where when I sought to visit it no people would remain to face m. This village
was said to have been some three weeks in arrears with the fish it was required td
supply to the camp at Irebu. An armed force occupied it, commanded by an officer,
and captured ten men and eight canoes. These canoes and the prisoners were conveyed by water to Irebu, the main force marching back by land.
My informant, who dwelt in a village near B *, which I was then, -visiting,'
said he saw the prisoners being taken back to Irebu under guard of six black soldiers,
tied up with native rope so tightly that they were calling aloud with pain. The force
halted the night in his town. These people were detained at Irebu for ten days until
the people of B * had brought in a supply of fish and had paid a fine. Upon their
release Woof these men died, one close to Irebu and the other within sight of the
village! was -in, and two more, my informant added, died soon after their return to
B *'. A. man, who saw them, said the prisoners were ill and bore the marks on
wrists and legs of the thongs used in tying them. Of the canoes captured only the'
old ones were returned to B *, the better ones being confiscated.
g ; ">
;: ; The native relating this incident added that he thought it stupid of the white'
men to take both men and canoes away from a small place like B * as a punisb>
ment for a shortage in its fish supply. " The men were wanted to catch fish and so
were the canoes," he said, " and to take both away only made it harder for the people
of. B * to; perform their .task." I went to B * in the hope of being able to
verify the truth of this and other statements made to me as to the hardships
recently inflicted on its people by reason of their disobedience, hut owing to their
timidity, to whatever, cause this might have been due, it was impossible for me to get'
into touch with any of them. That a very close watch is kept on the people of
the district and their movements is undoubted. In the past they escaped in large
numbers to the Drench territory, but many were, prevented by force from doing this,
and numbers were shot in the attempt.
To-day the Congolese authorities discourage intercourse of this kind, not by the
same severe measures as formerly, but probably none the less effectively. By a letter
dated the 2nd July, 1902, the present Commandant of the camp of Irebu wrote as
follows to the Bev. E. V. Sjoblom, a Swedish Missionary (since dead), who was
then in charge of the Mission at Ikoko :
" J e vous serais bien oblig de ne pas permettre vos jeunes gens de se rendre
sm* la rive Franaise et vendre aux indignes Franais, qui ont fui notre rive, des
vivres, produits du travail de nos indignes, que eux-mmes n'ont pas fui et ne se sont
pas soustraits au travail que nous leur avons impos."
From Lake Mantumha I proceeded to the immediate neighbourhood of Coquilhatville, where five days were spent, chiefly at native communities which stretch for
some distance along the east bank of the Congo. These villages formerly extended
for 15 miles, and were then filled with a numerous population. To-day they are"
broken up into isolated settlements, each much reduced in numbers, and with (in most
cases) the houses badly constructed. There were no goats or sheep to he seen, whereas
formerly these were very plentiful, and food for the crew was only obtained with
difficulty. In the village of V *, which I twice visited, the usual tax of food-stuff,
with firing for the steamers, had to he supplied to Coquilhatville, which: is distant only
some 6 miles, A Government sentry was quartered here, who, along with one of the Chiefs
of the town, spoke fully of the condition of the people. The sentry himself came from
the Upper Bussira Bfver, some hundreds of miles distant. This was, he said, his third. :
period of service with the Force Publique. A s. his reason for remaining so long in this
service he asserted that, as his own village and country were subjected to much
trouble in connection with the rubber tax, he could not live in his own home, and
preferred, he said, laughing, " t o he with the hunters rather than with the hunted."
Both a Chief V* and this sentry represented the food taxes levied on this village
as difficult for the people to collect, and only inadequately remunerated. There
would appear in all these statements a contradiction in terms. The contributions
required of the natives are continually spoken of as a "tax," and are as continually
referred to as being "paid for" or "remunerated." It is obvious that taxes are/
neither bought nor sold, hut the contradiction is only one of terms. The fact is that
the weekly or fortnightly contributions everywhere required of the native communities
I,visited are levied as taxes, or "prestations annuelles," by authority of a Bbyal
Decree of the Sovereign of the Congo State.,. The Decrees authorizing the levy of
these taxes are dated the 6th October, 1891 (Article 1), that of the 5th December,

1892, and (for the district of Manyeuma) that of the 28th November, 1S93. There is
a further Decree, dated the 30th April, 1897, requiring the establishment and up-keep
by native Chiefs of coffee and cocoa plantations. I nowhere saw or heard of such
plantations existing as institutions maintained by the natives themselves. There are
plantations of both existing, but these are the property of either the Government
itself or of some European agency acting with its sanction and partly in its interests,
on lands declared as public lands. With regard to the two first Decrees establishing
a system of taxation, provision was made for the investiture of a native Chief
recognized by the local Government authority, who should give to this Chief a copy of
the procs-verbal, as registered in the public archives, and a medal or other symbol of
office. With this investiture a list was ordered to be drawn up, indicating the name
of the village, its exact situation, the names of the Headmen, the number of its
houses, and the actual number of the populationmen, women, and children. The
Decree then goes on to provide for the manner in which the " prestations annuelles "
imposed on each village were to be assessed. A list of the products to be furnished by
each villagesuch as maize, sorghum, palm oil, ground-nuts, &c, corves of workmen
or soldierswas to he drawn up by the Commissaire of the district. I t was provided
that this list should also indicate the lands which were to be cleared and cultivated
under the direction of the Chiefs, the nature of such cultivation put in hand, and "all
other works of public utility which might he prescribed in the interest of public
health, the exploitation or improvement of the soil, or otherwise." These lists had
first of all to he submitted for his approval to the Governor-General. I could not
find that, save in respect of the strict enforcement of the ' contributions, this law was"
generally or rigorously observed. I n many villages where I asked for it no copy, of
any proch-verhal could be produced, and in several cases no act of investiture of the;
local Chief seemed to have ever taken place. Plantations, such as those outlined in.
the Decree which made provision for them, nowhere exist in any part of the country,
I traversed. The'enumeration of the houses and people had in some instances been,
made, I was informed, but it was many years ago ; and as the population had since
greatly declined, this enumeration could not to-day always serve as an accurate basis'
on which to reckon the extent of the existing contribution.
At the village of A'*, which I visited twice during my stay, in the, neighbourhood, A furnished me with particulars as to his own public obligations. His
portion of A* had formerly been extensive, and at the date when an enumeration
was made contained many people. To-day it has only six adult householders,^
including himself, inhabiting now eleven huts in all, with their wives and children
a total population of. twenty-seven persons. My attention was first drawn to him and
his village by my meeting with a young boya lad of 7 years old, I should judge;,
whom I found in the village of U* as the recently acquired property of B. ' B told
me he had bought the hoy, C, from A for 1,000 rods (50'fr.). A, he said, having to'
meet a fine imposed by the Commissaire-Gnral for shortage in some of the weeks';
supplies, and being 1,000 rods short of the amount required, had pawned hisfiephyvfC"
to him for that sum. This had taken place oh the
, and my interview
with B. and the boy took place on the
. The next day I walked to :
A*, which lies within a few miles of Coquilhatville, and saw A and his town ahdf
people. There were then exactly eight men in the town, including himself; but as
two have since been detained as prisoners at Coquilhatville for deficiencies in ' the \
weekly supplies/there were, when I last saw A * in September, only,six adult males
there. The weekly imposition levied on A's part of A * was

Kwanga .'.


7 - : Fish . .... ..
Palm thatching mats
, Firewood, for steamer fuel








. .

150 rations (about 700 lbs.

height of food).
95 rations.
2 canoe loads. . . . . . .


. ';

u. Also each, week one large fresh fish or, in lieu thereof, two fowls for the European
table, at Coquilhatville. In addition, the; men had to help in hunting game in the
Woods for the European station staff.
. \ : ....,:
,.' . T h e payments made each week for these supplies (when they were completely
delivered) were:
Ivwanga, 150 rods
Fish, 95 rods
: .,
Palm mats, 180 r o d s . .
2 canoe loans firewood,

. .

)U 00


Fr. c.
; . . .
' . . ' ;
/. OU
'.' ; *

. m 0 t St.. . f O ;.
'. , ...
- * - ' - ' "O ' ' ' n ' '- i.. 1

. *

. .



0 0'


00 v ky
21 30



Payments for firewood were made hy a paper receipt to he redeemed annually,

hut A told me he had refused to accept the annual payment of 50 rods (2 fr. 50 c.)
for 104 canoe loads of wood delivered during the twelve months. To obtain these
supplies A had frequently to purchase both fish and palm mats. The fish, as a
rule, cost from 10 to 20 rods per ration, and the market price of thatching mats is
1 rod each ; while the kwanga, which the Government paid 1 rod, for, fetched just
5 rods each in the open market. The value of A's weekly contribution was, according
to current prices, as follows :

ISO ratio-is, kwanjra, each 5 rods


fish, each 10 rods

900 palm mats, each 1 rod..
2 canoe loads firewood, each 20 rods


* 750

Fr. c.
37 50
47 50
45 0
2 0

Thus, taking no account of the fresh fish or fowls, A's small township of
eight households lost 110 fr. 70 c. per week. At the year's end, while they had
contributed 6,864 fr. worth of food and material to the local Government station, they
had received as recompense 1,107 fr. 60 c. . A, personally, had a larger share of the
tax to meet than any of the others, and I found that the value of his personal contribution reached 80/. 3s. 4d. per annum hy local prices, while he received iu settlement
91. 15s. in Government payments. He therefore contributed on bis household of two
wives, his mother, and dependents, inhabiting three grass and cane huts, an amount
equal to 70/. 8s. 4d. per annum net.
These figures, I found on inquiry, were confirmed as correct hy those who were
acquainted with the local conditions. A stated that his elder brother, D, was in
reality Chief of the township, hut that some eight months previously T) had been
arrested for a deficiency in the fish and kwanga supplies. The Commissaire had
then imposed a fine of 5,000 rods (250 fr.) on the town, which A, with the assistance
of a neighbouring Chief named C, had paid. I) was not thereupon at once released,
and soon afterwards escaped from the prison at Coquilhatville, and remained in hiding
in the forest. Soldiers came from the Government station and tied up eight women
in the town. A and all the men ran away upon their coming, hut he himself returned,
in the morning. The Commissaire-Gnral visited A*', and told A that as D had
run away he (A) was now the recognized Chief of the town. He was then ordered to
find his fugitive brother, Avhose whereabouts he did not know, and a town in the,
neighbourhood name E, suspected of harbouring him, was fined 5,000 rods,
Since that date, although JD had returned to A * to reside, A had been held,
against his will, as responsible Chief of the town. He was a young man of about
23 or 24 years of age I should say. He had repeatedly, he stated, begged to he
relieved of the honour thrust upon him, hut in vain. His brother, D, had recently
been put again in prison at Coquilhatville in connection with the loss of two cap-guns
furnished him when Chief in order to procure game for the local white men's table.
The present impositions laid on A * were, A asserted, much more than it was
possible for him to meet. He had repeatedly appealed to th Commissaire-Gnral
and other officers at Coquilhatville, including .the law, officer, begging them to visit
his town and see for themselves-*-as I might seethat he was speaking the truth.
But, so far, no one would listen to him, and he had been always rebuffed. On the
last occasion of his making this appeal, only three days before I saw him, he had,been
threatened with prompt, imprisonment if he failed in his supplies, and he said he now j
saw no course before him hut flight or imprisonment. He could not run away,
he said, and leave his mother and dependents ; besides, he would be surely found, and,
in any ease, whatever town harboured him would he fiDed as E had been. . . . . t, On a certain Sunday, when, he had gone in with the usual weekly supplies,
which are returnable on Sundays, he had been short of eight- rations of fish and ten
rations of kwanga and 330 palm mats, representing a*'value of 84 rods (4 fr. 20 c ) ,
as estimated on the scale of Government payments. On the same date the other and
larger portion of A * town was also short of its tale of supplies, and a fine of
5,000 brass tods (250 fr.) was imposed upon the collective village. A's share

of this fine was fixed by the natives among themselves at 2,000 rods, of which 1,000
rods were to he his own personal contribution. Having himself now no money and
no other means of obtaining it, he had pledgedwith the consent of the fatherhis
little nephew, H's son, whom I had seen with B. In making inquiry, A's story
received much confirmation. He was, at any rate, known as a man of very
good character, arid everything pointed to his statement being true. On my return
down river, I again saw A, who came after nightfall to see me, in the hope
that I might perhaps he able to help him. He said that, since I had left a month
previously, two of the boys of his town had been detained at Coquilhatville as
prisoners when taking the rations on two successive weeks, owing to a deficiency on
each occasion of 18 rods in value (90 cents.), and that these two boyswhose names
he gave mewere still in prison. He had been that very day, he said, to beg that
they might be released, but had failed, and there were now only five adult males in his
village, including himself.
While in Coquilhatville on this mission, he declared that he had seen eleven men
brought in from villages in the neighbourhood, who were put in prison before him
all of them on account of a shortage in the officially fixed scale of supplies required
from their districts. I offered to take him away with me in order to lay his case
before the judicial authorities elsewhere, hut he refused to leave his mother. That
A's statements were not so untrustworthy as on the face they might seem to he,
. was proved a few days later by a comparison of his case with that of another village I
visited. This was a town named W "*", lying some three miles inland in a swampy
forest situated near the mouth of the X "* River. On quitting Coquilhatville, I
proceeded to the mouth of this river, which enters the Congo some forty-five miles
above that station, and I remained two days in that neighbourhood. Learning that
the people of the immediate neighbourhood had recently been heavily fined for failure
in their food supplies, which have to be delivered weekly at that station, and that
these fines had fallen with especial severity on W *, I decided to visit that town.
It was on the 21st August that I visited W *, where I found that the statements made to me were borne out hy my personal observation. The town consisted
of a long single street of native huts lying in the midst of a clearing in the
forest. In traversing it from end to end I estimated the number of its people at about
600 all told.
At the upper end of the town a number of men and women assembled, and
some came forward, when they made a lengthy statement to the following
effect. From this upper end of the town wherein I was 100 rations of kwanga
had to he supplied weekly, and thirty fowls at a longer interval. These latter
were for the use of Coquilhatville, while the kwanga was very largely for the use of
the wood-cutters at the nearest Government wood-cutting post on the main river. The
usual prices for these articles, viz., for the kwanga, 1 rod each, and for the fowls
20 rods were paid. The people also had to take each week 10 fathoms of firewood to the
local wood-post, for which they often got no payment, and their women were required
twice a week to work at the Government coffee plantation which extends around thewood-post.
I saw some bundles of firewood being got ready for carriage to this place. They
were large and very heavy, weighing, I should say, from 70 to 80 lb. each. Some
months earlier, at the | beginning of the year, owing, as they said, to their failure to
send in the fowls to Coquilhatville, an armed expedition of some thirty soldiers,
commanded by a European officer, had come thence and occupied their town. At
first they had fled into the forest, but were persuaded to come in. On returning, many of
themthe principal menwere at once tied up to trees. The officer informed them
that as they had failed in their duty they must be punished. He required first that
twenty-five men should he furnished as workmen for Government service. These men
were taken away to serve the Government as labourers, and those addressing me did
not know where these men now were. They gave eighteen names of men so taken,,
and said that the remaining seven came from the lower end of the town through which
I had passed on entering, where the relatives themselves could give me particulars if
I wished. The twenty-five men had not since been seen in W *, nor had any one
there cognizance of their whereabouts. The officer had then imposed as further
punishment a fine of 55,000 brass rods (2,750 fr.)110/. This sum they had been
forced to pay, and as they had no other means of raising so large a sum they had, many
of them, been compelled to sell their children and their wives. I saw no live-stock of
any kind in "W * save a very few fowlspossibly under a dozenand it seemed,
indeed, not unlikely that, as these people asserted, they had great difficulty in always



getting their supplies ready. V: father and. mother stepped put and said t h a t they
had been forced to sell their son, a little boy called P , for 1,000 rods to meet their
share of t h e fine. A widow came and declared t h a t she had been forced, in
order t o meet her share of the fine, to sell her daughter G, a little girl whom I
judged from her description to be about 10 years of age. She bad been sold to a man
i s T *, who was named, for 1,000 rods, which had then gone to make up the fine.
A man named H stated t h a t while the town was occupied by the soldiers, a
woman who belonged to his household, named I, had been shot dead by one of
t h e soldiers. H e r husband, a man named K, stepped forward and confirmed the
statement. They both declared that the woman had quitted lier husband's house
t o obey a call of .Nature, and that one of t h e soldiers, thinking she was going to r u n
away, had shot her through the head. The soldier was put under arrest by the officer,
and'they said they saw him taken away a prisoner when the force was wnthdrawn from
their town, b u t they knew nothing more than this. They did not know if he had been
tried or punished. No one of them, had ever been summoned to appear, no question
had been addressed to them, and neither had the husband nor the head of I : s
household received any compensation for her death. Another woman named L,
t h e wife of a man named M, bad been taken away by the native sergeant who
was with the soldiers. H e bad admired her, and so took her back with him to
Ooquilhatville. Her husband heard she had died there of small-pox, but he did not
know anything certain of her circumstances after she had been taken away from Yvr *.
A m a n named N said he had sold his wife O to a m a n in T * for 900 rods to meet his
share of the fine.
I t was impossible for me to verify these statements, or to do much beyond noting
down, as carefully as possible, the various declarations made. I found, however, on
returning to Y % that the statements made with regard to the little boy
P and the girl G were true. These children were both in the neighbourhood, and
owing to my intervention P was restored to his parents. The girl G, I was told, bad
again changed hands, and was promised in sale to a town on the north bank of
Congo, named Iberi, whose people are said to be still open cannibals. Through
hands of the local missionary this transfer was prevented, and I paid the 1,000 rods to
her original purchaser, and left G to be restored to her mother from the Mission.
I saw her there on the 9th September, after she bad been recovered through this
missionary's efforts, while about to be sent to her parent.
W i t h regard to the quantity of food supplies levied upon W '*, I did not obtain
t h e total amount required of the entire community, hut only that which the upper end
of the town furnished. The day of my visit happened to he just that when the
kwanga, due at the local wood-post, was being prepared for delivery on the morrow.
I saw many of the people getting their shares ready. Each share of kwanga, for.
which a payment of 1 rod is made by the Government, consisted of five rolls of this
food tied together. One of these bundles of five rolls I sought to buy, offering the
m a n carrying it 10 rodsor ten times what he was about to receive for it from the
local Government post. H e refused my offer, saying that, although be would like the
10 rods, he dare not be a bundle of his ration short. One of these bundles was
weighed and found to weigh over 15 lb. This may have been an extraordinarily
'large bundle, although I saw many others which appeared to he of the same size. I
t h i n k it would be safe to assume that the average of each ration of kwanga required.
from this town was not less than 12 lb. weight of cooked and carefully prepared
fooda not ungenerous offering for ^d. By this computation the portion of W * I
visited sends in weekly 1,200 lb. weight of food at a remuneration of some 5 fit
Cooked bread-stuffs supplied at 9 or 10 f r. per ton represent, it must be admitted, a
phenomenally cheap loaf. A t the same time with this kwanga, being prepared for the
'Government use, I saw others being made up for general public consumption. I
bought some of these, which were going to the local market, at their current market
value, viz., 1 rod each. On weighing them I found they gave an average of 1 lb.
The weight of food-stuffs required by the Government from this town
would seem to have exceeded in weight twelve times that made up for public
Whilst I was in Y * a fresh fine of 20,000 rods (1,000 fr.) was in course of
collection among the various households along the river bank. This fine had been
quite recently imposed by direction of
for a further failure on the part of the Y *
towns in the supply of food-stuffs from that neighbourhood. I saw at several houses
piles of brass rods being collected to meet it, and in front of one of these bouses I
counted 2,700 rods which bad been brought together by the various dependents of that

family ; 6,000 rods of this further fine was, I was told, to be paid by W *, which had
not then recovered from its previous much larger contribution. The W * men begged
me to intervene, if I could at all help them to escape this further imposition. One of
them-a strong, indeed a splendid-looking manbroke down and wept, saying that
their lives were useless to them, and that they knew of no means of escape from the
troubles which were gathering around them. I could only assure these people that their
obvious course to obtain relief was by appeal to their own constituted authorities, and
that if their circumstances were clearly understood by those responsible for these fines,
I trusted and believed some satisfaction would be forthcoming.
These fines, it should be borne in mind, are illegally imposed : they are not " fines
of Court " ; are not pronounced after any judicial hearing, or for any proved offence
against the law, but are quite arbitrarily levied according to the whim or ill-will of
the executive officers of the district, and their collection, as well as their imposition,
involves continuous breaches of the Congolese laws. They do not, moreover, figure
in the account of public revenues in the Congo " Budgets ; " they are not paid into the
public purse of the country, but are spent on the needs of the station or military camp
of the officer imposing them, just as seems good to this official.
I can nowhere learn upon what legal basis, if any, t h e punishments inflicted upon
native conimunities or individuals for failure to comply with the various forms of
" prestations " rest.
These punishments are well-nigh universal and take many shapes, from punitive
expeditions carried out on a large scale to such simpler forms of fine and imprisonment as that lately inflicted on U *.
I cannot find in the Penal Code of the Congo Statute Book that a failure to meet
or a non-compliance with - any form of prestation or impt is anywhere denned as a
crime ; and so far as I can see no legal sanction could he cited for any one of the
punishments so often inflicted upon native communities for this failure.
By a Boyal Decree of the 11th August, 18S6, provision was made for the
punishments to be inflicted for infractions of the law not punishable by special
Since no special penalty in law would seem to have been provided for cases of
failure or refusal to comply with the demands of the tax-gatherer, it would seem to he
in the terms of this Decree that the necessary legal sanctions could alone lie.
But this Decree provides for all otherwise unspecified offences far other
punishments, and far other modes of inflicting them than so many of those which
came to my notice during my brief journey.
Article 1 of this Decree provides t h a t :" Les contraventions aux. dcrets, ordonnances, arrtes, rglements d'administration intrieure et de police, l'gard desquelles la loi ne dtermine pas de peines
particulires, seront punies d'un sept jours de servitude pnale et d'une amende
n'excdant pas 200 fr., ou d'une de ces peines seulement."
Article 2 requires that :
" Ces peines seront appliques par les Tribunaux de l'Etat conformment a u x lois
en vigueur.

I f would be manifestly impossible to say that either in form or mode of procedure

this law had been applied to the failure of the community at W * to meet the
demands made upon them.
Neither the summary arrest and (nking away from their homes of the men whose
names were given to me nor the imposition of the very heavy fine of brass rods find
any warrant in this page of the Congo Statute Book.
If a legal warrant exists for the action of the authorities in & bis caseas in the
numerous other cases brought to my noticethat action would still, call for ranch
adverse comment.
The amount of the fine levied on W ' was not only out of all proportion to t h e
gravity of the offence committed, but was of so crushing a character as to preclude the
possibility of its being acquitted by any reasonable or legitimate means t h a t community disposed of.
Among .the earliest enactments of civilized administrations, recognition has
invariably been given to the pronouncement that no fine or imposition, or exaction,
shall exceed the powers of the person on whom it is imposed to m e e t it.
But if, as I venture to presume, no Congolese law or judicial pronouncement
G 2



exists, or could exist, for the levying, in this manner, of these fines, very explicit
Regulations for the treatment of the natives on general lines and their right to
judicial protection do exist.
In the " texte coordonn des diverses instructions relatives aux rapports des
Agents de l'Etat avec les indignes," which are to be found in the " Bulletin Officiel "
of 1896 (p. 255), these Regulations are published at length and would seem, textually,
to leave little room for criticism.
Were their application enforced it is abundantly clear that a situation such
as that I found in existence at W * could not arise, and much of the general
unhappiness and distress of the natives I witnessed on all sides would disappear along
with the fines and much also of the "prestations," within the first month of the
translation into action of these Regulations.
One paragraph only need here be cited to emphasize the bearing and import of
these remarks :
"Les agents doivent se souvenir que les peines disciplinaires prvues par le
rglement de discipline militaire ne sont applicables qu'aux recruts militaires,
uniquement pour des infractions contre la discipline, et dans les conditions
spcialement prvues par le dit rglement.
" Elles ne sont applicables, sous aucune prtexte, aux serviteurs de l'tat non
militaire ni aux indignes, que ceux-ci soient ou non en rbellion vis--vis de l'Etat.
" Ceux d'entre eux qui sont prvenus de dlits ou crimes doivent tre dfrs aux
Tribunaux comptents et jugs conformment aux lois."
At neither W '* nor T * is any rubber worked. With my arrival in
the Lulongo River, I was entering one of the most productive rubber districts
of the Congo State, where the industry is said to be in a very flourishing
condition. The Lulongo is formed by two great feedersthe Lopori and Maringa
Riverswhich, after each a course of some 350 miles through a rich, forested
country, Avell peopled by a tribe named Mongos, unite at Bassankusu, some
120 miles above where the Lulongo enters the Congo. The basins of these
two rivers form the Concession known as the A.B.I.R., which has numerous
stations, and a staff of fifty-eight Europeans engaged in exploiting the indiarubber industry, with head-quarters at Bassankusu. Two steamers belonging to
the A.B.I.R. Company navigate the waterways of the Concession, taking up
European goods and bringing clown to Bassankusu the india-rubber, which is there
transhipped on board a Government steamer which plies for this purpose between
Coquilhatville and Bassankusu, a distance of probably 160 miles. The transport of
all goods and agents of the A. B. I. R. Company, immediately these quit the Concession, is carried on exclusively by the steamers of the Congo Government, the freight
and passage-money obtained being reckoned as part of the public revenue. I have no
actual figures giving the annual output of india-rubber from the A.B.I.R. Concession, but it is unquestionably large, and may, in the case of a prosperous year, reach
from 600 to 800 tons. The quality of the A.B.I.R. rubber is excellent, and it
commands generally a high price on the European market, so that the value of its
annual yield may probably be estimated at not less than 150,000/. The merchandise
used by the Company consists of the usual class of Central African barter goods
cotton cloths of different quality, Sheffield cutlery, matchets, beads, and salt. The
latter is keenly sought by the natives of all the interior of Africa. There is also a
considerable import by the A.B.I.R. Company, I believe, of cap-guns, which are
chiefly used in arming the sentinelstermed " forest guards "who, in considerable
numbers, are quartered on the native villages throughout the Concession to see that
the picked men of each town bring in, with regularity, the fixed quantity of pure
rubber required of them every fortnight. I have no means of ascertaining the
number of this class of armed men employed by the A.B.I.R. Company, but I saw
many of them when up the Lopori River, and the gun of one of these sentries
himself an Ngombe savagehad branded on the stock " Depot 2210." In addition to
its numerous forest guards, armed with cap-guns, which, at close quarters, can be a
very effective weapon, the A. B. I. R. Company has a fairly strong armament of
rifles. These are limited to twenty-five rifles for the use of each factory. The two
steamers, I believe, have also a similar armament.
The Secteur of Bongandanga, which was the only district of the A.B.I.R.
Concession I visited, has three "factories," so that the number of rifles permitted
in that one district would be seventy-five. I do not know if any limits or what

limits are imposed on the number of cartridges which are permitted for the defence
of these factories. One of the largest Congo Concession Companies had, when
I was on the Upper River, addressed a request to its Directors in Europe for a
further supply of ball-cartridge. The Directors had met this demand by asking what
had become of the 72,000 cartridges shipped some three years ago, to which a reply
was sent to the effect that these had all been used in the production of india-rubber.
I did not see this correspondence, and cannot vouch for the truth of the statement ;
but the officer who informed me that it had passed before his own eyes was one of the
highest standing in the interior.
When at Stanley Pool in June I had seen in one of the Government stores at
Lopoldville a number of cases of rifles marked A. B. I. R. awaiting transport up river
in one of the Government vessels ; and upon my return to that neighbourhood, I was
told by a local functionary that 200 rifles had, in July, been so shipped for the needs
of the Lomami Company.
The right of the various Concession Companies operating within the Congo State
to employ armed menwhether these bear rifles or cap-gunsis regulated by Government enactments, which confer on these commercial Societies what are termed
officially "rights of police " (" droits de police "). A Circular of the Governor-General
dealing with this question, dated the 20th October, 1900, points out the limits within
which this right may be exercised. Prior to the issue of this Circular (copy of which
is attachedInclosure 5),* the various Concession Companies would appear to have
engaged in military operations on a somewhat extensive scale, and to have made war
upon the natives on their own account. The Regulations this Circular provides, to
insure the licensing of all arms, rifles, and cap-guns, do not seem to be strictly observed,
for in several cases the senti ies or forest guards I encountered on my journey up the
Lulongo had no licence (Modle C) of the kind required by the Circular ; and in two
cases I found them provided with arms of precision. That the extensive use of armed
men in the pay of the so-called Trading Societies, or in the service of the Government, as
a means to enforce the compliance with demands for india-rubber, had been very
general up to a recent date, is not denied by any one I met on the Upper Congo.
In a conversation with a gentleman of; experience on this question, our remarks
turned upon the condition of the natives. He produced a disused diary, and in it,
I found and copied the following entry :
M. P. called on us to get out of the rain, and in conversation with M. Q.
in presence of myself and R., said : ' The only way to get rubber is to
fight for it. The natives are paid 35 centimes per kilog., it is claimed, but that
includes a large profit on the cloth ; the amount of rubber is controlled by the
number of guns, and not the number of bales of cloth. The S. A. B. on the Bussira,
with 150 guns, get only 10 tons (rubber) a-month ; we, the State, at Momboyo, with
130 guns, get 13 tons per month.' ' So you count by guns ? ' I asked him. ' Partout,'
M. P. said, ' Each time the corporal goes out to get rubber cartridges are given to
him. He must bring back all not used ; and for every one used, he must bring back
a right hand.' M. P. told me that sometimes they shot a cartridge at an animal in
hunting ; they then cut off a hand from a living man. As to the extent to which this
is carried on, he Informed me that in six months they, the State, on the Momboyo
River, had used 6,000 cartridges, which means that 6,000 people are killed or mutilated.
It means more than 6,000, for the people have told me repeatedly that the soldiers kill
children with the butt of their guns."

I n conversation upon this entry, I was told that the M. P. referred to was an
officer in the Government service, who, at the date in question, had come down
from the Momboyo River (a tributary of the great Ruki River, and forming a part, I
believe, of the " Domaine cle la Couronne ") invalided, on his way home. He had come
down in very bad health. He stated then that he was going home, not to return to the
Congo, but he died, only a little way further down the river, very soon afterwards.
The same gentleman stated that he had reported this conversation orally at Borna,
as instancing the methods of exaction then in force. It is probable that the issue of
the circular quoted was not unconnected with these remarks.
The region drained hy the Lulongo being of great fertility has, in the past,
maintained a large population. In the days prior to the establishment of civilized
rule in the interior of Africa, this river offered a constant source of supply to the slave
* See p

markets of the Upper Congo. The towns around the lower Lulongo River raided t h e
interior tribes, whose proliric humanity provided not only servitors, but h u m a n meat
for those stronger than themselves. Cannibalism had gone hand in hand with slave
raiding, and it was no uncommon spectacle to see gangs of h u m a n beings beina
conveyed for exposure and sale in t h e local markets. I had in the past, when travelling
on the Lulongo River, more than once viewed such a scene. On'one occasion a woman
was killed in t h e village I was passing through, and her head and other portions of h e r
were brought and offered for sale to some of the crew of the steamer I was on. Sights
of this description are to-day impossible in any part of t h e country I traversed, and t h e
full credit for their suppression must he given to the authorities of the Congo
Government. I t is, perhaps, to be regretted that in its efforts to suppress such barbarous
practices the Congo Government should have had to rely upon, often, very savage
agencies wherewith to combat savagery. The troops employed in punitive measures
wereand often arethemselves savages, only removed by outward garb from those
they are sent to punish. Moreover, t h e measures employed to obtain recruits for t h e
public service were themselves often b u t little removed from, the malpractices t h a t
service was designed to suppress. The following copy of an order for Government
workmen drawn up by a former Commissaire of the Equator District, and havin
reference to t h e Maringa affluent of the Lulongo River indicates that ,the
~ ^Congo
Government itself did not hesitate some years ago to purchase slaves (required as
soldiers or workmen), who could only be obtained for sale by the most deplorable
means :
" Le Chef Ng-ulu de Wangata est envoy dans la Maringa, pour m'y acheter des
esclaves. Prire M M . les agents de l'A.B.I.R. de bien vouloir me signaler les
mfaits que celui-ci pourrait commettre en route.
" L e Capitaine-Commandant,
" Colquilhatville, le 1 er Mai, 1896."
This document was shown to me during the course of m y journey. The officer
who issued this direction was, I was informed, for a considerable period chief executive
authority of the district ; and I heard him frequently spoken of by the natives who
referred to him by the sobriquet he bad earned in the district, " Widjima," or
" Darkness."
The course of the Lulongo River below Bassakanusu to its junction with the
Congo lies outside the limits of the A.B.I.R. Concession, and the region is, I believe,
regarded as one of the free-trading districts wherein no exclusive right to the
of the soil is recognized.
The only trading-house in this district is one
termed the La Lulanga, which has three depots, or factories/along the river hank,
the principal of which is at Mampoko. This Company bas a small steamer in which
its native produce is collected, but the general transport of all its goods, as in the
case of the Concession Societies, is performed by Government craft. The La Lulanga
does not, I understand, enjoy the rights' of police as defined by The Governor-General's
Circular of the 20th October, 1900, but it employs a considerable number of armed
men equally termed "forest guards." These men are quartered throughout the lower
course of the Lulougo River, and I found that, as with the A.B.I.R., the sole duty
they performed was to compel by force the collection of india-rubber or the supplies
which each factory needed. As the district in which t h e L a Lulanga Society carries
on these operations that had already been subjected to still more comprehensive
handling by two of the large Concession Companies, who only abandoned it when, as
one of their agents informed me, it was nearly exhausted, the stock of rubber vines in
it to-day is drawing to a n end, and it is only with great -difficulty that the natives are
able to produce the quantity sufficient to satisfy their local masters; .In the course of
my dealings with the natives I found that several of the sentries of this Company
had quite recently committed gross offences which, until my arrival, appeared to have
gone undetected-certainly, unpunished.Murder and mutilation- were charged
against several of them., by name by the-natives of certain townships close to the
head-quarters of this Company, who sought me in the hope that I might help them.
These people-in. several cases said that they had not complained elsewhere because
they had felt that it was useless. As long as the rubber tax imposed upon them
endured in its present compulsory form w i t h the- sanction of the authorities, they said
it was idle to draw attention to acts which were h u t incidental to its collection.

The L a Lulanga Company, not any more than the A . B . L R . , w o u l d seem- to have-
legal right to levy taxes, h u t the fact remains that from the natives) who supplyithese
two trading Companies with all that they export as well as with their lueal supplies
of food and material, the Congo Government itself requires no contribution to the
public revenue. These people, therefore, must be either legally exempted from
supporting the Government of their country, or else a portion of the contributions
they make to the A.B.I.R. and Lulanga Companies must be claimed by that Government in lieu of the taxes it is justified in imposing on these districts.
I n the case of t h e A.B.I.R. Society, it is said that a portion of the profits are paid
into the public revenues of the Congo Government (who hold certain shares in the
undertaking"), and that these figure annually in the Budget as "produit de portefeuille." In making this explanation to me, an agent of one of the U p p e r Congo
trading Companies said the term should more correctly he " produit de port-fusil,"
and to judge from the large numbers of armed men I saw employed, the correction
was not inapposite.
The Concession Companies, I believe, account for the armed men in their
service on the ground that their factories and agents must he protected against the
possible violence of the rude forest dwellers with whom they deal ; hut this legitimate
need for safeguarding European establishments does not suffice to account for the
presence, far from those establishments, of large numbers of armed men quartered
throughout the native villages, and who exercise upon their surroundings an influence
far from protective. The explanation offered me of this state of things was that, as
the " impositions " laid upon the natives were regulated by law, and were calculated
on the scale of public labour the Government had a right to require of the people, the
collection of these " i m p o s i t i o n s " had to be strictly enforced. W h e n I pointed
out that the profit of this system was not reaped by the Government, but by a commercial Company, and figured in the public returns of that Company's affairs, as well
as in the official Government statistics, as the outcome of commercial dealings with
the natives, I was informed that the " impositions " were in reality trade, " for, as
you observe, we pay the natives for the produce they bring in." " B u t , " I observed,
" you told me just now t h a t these products did not belong to the natives, h u t to you,
the Concessionnaire, who owned the soil ; how, then, do you buy from t h e m what is
already yours ? " " W e do not buy the india-rubber. W h a t we pay to the native is a
remuneration for his labour in collecting our produce on our land, and bringing it
to us."
Since it was thus to the labour of the native alone that the profits of the Company were attributed, I inquired whether he was ,not protected by contract with his
employer; but I was here referred back to the statement that the native performed
these services as a public duty required of him by his Government. H e was not a
contracted labourer at all, hut a free man, dwelling in his own home, and was simply
acquitting himself of an " imposition " l a i d upon him by the Government, " o f which
"we are h u t the collectors by right of our Concession." " Your Concession, then,
implies," I said, " t h a t you have been conceded not only a certain area of land, but
also the people dwelling on that land ? " This, however, was not accepted either, and
I was assured that the people were absolutely free, and owed no service to any one hut
to the Government of the country. But there was no explanation offered to rue t h a t
was not at once contradicted by the next. One said it was a tax; an obligatory
burden laid upon the people, such as all Governments have the undoubted right of
imposing ; h u t this failed to explain how, if a tax, it came to be collected by the agents
of a trading firm, and figured as the outcome of their trade dealings with the people,
still less, how, if it were a tax, it could be justly imposed every week or fortnight in
the year, instead of once, or at most, twice a year.
Another asserted t h a t it was clearly legitimate commerce with the natives because
these were well paid and very happy. H e could not then explain the presence of so
many armed men in their midst, or the reason for tying up men, women, and children,
and of maintaining in each trading establishment a local prison, termed a " maison
des otages," wherein recalcitrant native traders endured long periods of confinement
A third admitted that there was no law on the Congo Statute Book constituting
his trading establishment a Government taxing station, and that since the product of
his dealings with the natives figured in his Company's balance-sheets as -trade, and
paid customs duty to the Government on export, and a dividend to the shareholders,
and as he himself drew aV^mmisSipApf 2 per "cent, on his turnover, it must b e ' t r a d e ;
hut this exponent could not explain how, if these operations were purely commercial,

they rested on a privilege denied to others, for since, as he asserted, the products of his
district could neither be worked nor bought by any one but himself, it was clear they
were not merchandise, which, to he merchandise, must he marketable. The summinw
up of the situation by the majority of those with whom I sought to discuss it was
that, in fact, it was forced labour conceived in the true interest of the native, who,
if not controlled in this way, would spend his days in idleness, unprofitable to himself
and the general community. The collection of the products of the soil by the more
benevolent methods adopted by the Trading Companies was, in any case, preferable to
those the Congo Government would itself employ to compel obedience to this law,
and therefore if I saw women and children seized as hostages and kept in detention
until rubber or other things were brought in, it was better that this should be done by
the cap-gun of the "forest guard" than by the Albini armed soldiers of the Government who, if once impelled into a district, would overturn the entire country side.
No more satisfactory explauation than this outline was anywhere offered me of
what I saw in the A.B.I.ft. and Lulanga districts. It is true alternatives of excuse with
differing interpretations of what I saw were offered me in several quarters, but these
were so obviously untrue, that they could not he admitted as having any real relation
to the things which came before me.
At a village I touched at up the Lulonga Biver, a small collection of dwellings
named Z *, the people complained that there was no rubber left in their district,
and yet that the La Lulanga Company required of them each fortnight a fixed
quantity they could not supply. Three forest guards of that Company were
quartered, it was said, in this village, one of whom I found on duty, the two others,
he informed me, having gone to Mampoko to convoy the fortnight's rubber. No livestock of any kind could be seen or purchased in this town, which had only a few
years ago been a large and populous community, filled with people and well stocked
with sheep, goats, ducks, and fowls. Although I walked through most of it, I could
only count ten men with their families. There were said to be others in the part of
the town I did not visit, but the entire community I saw were living in wretched
houses and in most visible distress. Three months previously (in May, I believe),
they said a Government force, commanded by a white man, had occupied their town
owing to their failure to send in to the Mampoko head-quarters of the La Lulanga
Company a regular supply of india-rubber, and two men, whose names were given, had
been killed by the soldiers at that time.
As Z * lies upon the main stream of the Lulongo Biver, and is often touched
at by passing steamers, I chose for the next inspection a town lying somewhat off this
beaten track, where my coming would he quite unexpected. Steaming up a small
tributary of the Lulongo, I arrived, unpreceded by any rumour of my coming, at the
village of A **'. In an open shed I found two sentries of the La Lulanga Company
guarding fifteen native women, five of whom had infants at the breast, and three
of whom were about to become mothers. The chief of these sentries, a man called S
who was hearing a double-barrelled shot-gun, for which he had a belt of cartridges
at once volunteered an explanation of the reason for these women's detention. Lour
of them, he said, were hostages who were being held to insure the peaceful settlement of a dispute hetween two neighhouring towns, which had already cost the life
of a man. His employer, the agent of the La Lulanga Company at B ** near by,
he said, had ordered these women to he seized and kept until the Chief of the
offending town to which they belonged should come in to talk over the palaver. The
sentry pointed out that this was evidently a much better way to settle such troubles
hetween native towns than to leave them to he fought out among the people
The remaining eleven women, whom he indicated, he said he had caught and
was detaining as prisoners to compel their husbands to hring in the right amount of
india-rubber required of them on next market day. "When I asked if it was a woman's
work to collect india-rubber, he said, " N o ; that, of course, it was man's work."
" Then why do you catch the women and not the men ? " I asked. " Don't you see,"
was the answer, " if I caught and kept the men, who would work the rubber ? But if
I catch their wives, the husbands are anxious to have them home again, and so the
rubber is brought in quickly and quite up to the mark." When I asked what would
become of these women if their husbands failed to hring in the right quantity of
rubber on the next market day, he said at once that then they would he kept there until
their husbands had redeemed them. Their food, he explained, he made the Chief of
A '** provide, and he himself saw it given to them daily. They came from more than
one village of the neighbourhood, he said, mostly from the Ngomhi or inland country,

where he often had to catch women to insure the rubber being brought in in, sufficient
quantity. It was an institution, he explained, that served well and saved much
trouble. When his master came each fortnight to A ** to take away the rubber so
collected, if it was found to be sufficient, the women were released and allowed to
return with their husbands, but if not sufficient they would undergo continued
detention. The sentry's statements were clear and explicit, as were equally those of
several of the villagers with whom I spoke. The sentry further explained, in
answer to my inquiry, that he caught women in this way by direction of his employers.
That it was a custom generally adopted and found to work well; that the people were
very lazy, and that this was much the simplest way of making them do what was required
of them. When asked if he had any use for his shot-gun, he answered that it had
been given him by the white man " to frighten people and make them bring in
rubber," but that he had never otherwise used it. I found that the two sentries at
A *"*' were complete masters of the town. Everything I needed in the way of food
or firewood they at once ordered the men of the town to bring me. One of them, gun
over shoulder, marched a procession of men-the Chief of the village at their head
down to the water side, each carrying a bundle of firewood for my steamer. A few
chickens which were brought were only purchased through their intermediary, the
native owner in each case handing the fowl over to the sentry, who then brought it on
hoard, bargained for if, and took the price agreed upon. When, in the evening, the
Chief of the village was invited to come and talk to me, he came in evident fear of
the sentries seeing him or overhearing his remarks, and the leader, S, finding
him talking to me, peremptorily broke into the conversation and himself answered
each question put to the Chief. When I asked this latter if he and his townsmen
did not catch fish in the C 3 S Biver, in which we learned there was much, the
sentry, intervening, said it was not the business of these people to catch fish" they
have no time for that, they have got to get the rubber I tell them to."
At nightfall the fifteen women in the shed were tied together, either neck to neck
or ankle to ankle, to secure them for the night, and in this posture I saw them twice
during the evening. They were then trying to huddle around a fire. In the morning
the leading sentry, before leaving the village, ordered his companion in my hearing to
" keep close guard on the prisoners." I subsequently discovered that this sentry,
learning that I was not, as he had at first thought, a missionary, had gone or
sent to inform his employer at C 3 * that a strange white man was in the town.
An explanation of what I had witnessed at A '** was later preferred by the
representative of this Company for my information, hut was in such direct conflict
with what I had myself observed that it could not be accepted either as explaining the
detention of the women 1 had seen: tied neck to neck, or as a refutation of the statements of the sentry, made to me at a time when he had no thought that his avowals
had any bearing on his employer's interests.
Erom A 3 : S I proceeded to Bongandanga, a station of the A.B.I.B. Company
which lies some 120 or 130 miles up the Lopori, a tributary o the Lulongo, and only
halted for very brief. periods en route. I arrived at bongandanga on the 29th August
when "what was locally termed the rubber market "was in full swing. The natives of
the surrounding country are, on these market days, which are held at intervals of a
fortnight, marched in under a number of armed guards, each native carrying his fortnight's supply of india-rubber for delivery to the agent of the Company. During my
stay at Bongandanga I had frequent occasion to meet the two agents of this Society,
who received me with every kindness and hospitality.
. The A.B.I.B. station was well built and well cared for, and gave evidence of
unremitting industry on the part of those in charge of it. There were two good
houses for the European staff and a number of large well-built bamboo stores for the
storing and drying of india-rubber. All the houses were constructed of native
materials, indeed, with the exception of a small stock of barter goods in one of the
stores and the European provisions required for the wdiite men, everything I saw came
from the surrounding district, provided in one form or another by its native
inhabitants, This applies to practically every European establishment in the interior
of the country, the only differences being as to the manner in which the help of the
natives may be sought and recompensed. Building material of all kinds from very
heavy timber to roofing mats and native string to tie these on with are provided by
the natives; but their services in supplying these indispensable adjuncts to civilized
existence do not appear to he every where equally remunerated. At Bongandanga I
saw thirty-three large tree trunks, each of which could not have weighed less than
a a ton, some of them nearer 1 ton, which, I was told, had been felled and carried i a

by the natives for his use in building a new house. He explained that as the natives
cSme in from different districts fortnightly, and then had only to carry very small
baskets of india-rubber, this additional burden was imposed upon them, but that this
was one reserved for unwilling workers of india-rubber. I t was, in fact, one of the
punishments for backward 'reolteurs."
At Bongandangathe men of the district named E '*'*, distant about 20 miles, had
been brought in with the. rubber from that district. They marched in in a long file,
guarded by sentries of the A.B.I.R, Company, and when I visited the factory grounds
to observe the progress of the " market," I was informed by the local agent that there
were 242 men actually present. As each man was required, I was told, to bring in
3 kilog. nett of rubber, the quantity actually brought in on that occasion should have
yielded about three-quarters of a ton of pure rubber. The rubber brought by each
man, after being weighed and found correct, was taken off to be cut up in a large
store, and then placed out on drying shelves in other stores. As considerable loss of
Weight arises in the drying to obtain 3 kilog. nett a dead weight of crude rubber
considerably in excess of that quantity must be brought in. There were everywhere
sentries in the A.B.I.R. grounds, guarding and controlling the natives, many of whom
carried their knives and spears. The sentries were often armed with rifles, some
of them with several cartridges slipped between the fingers of the hands ready for instant
use; others had cap-guns, with a species of paper cartridge locally manufactured
for charging this form of muzzle-loader. The native vendors of the rubber were
guarded in detachments or herds, many of them behind a barricade which stretched
in front of a house I was told was the factory prison, termed locally, I found, the
''maison des otages." The rubber as brought up by each man under guard, was
weighed by one of the two agents of the A.B.I.R. present, who sat upon the verandah
of his house. If the rubber were found to be of the right weight its vendor would
be led off with it to the cutting up store or to one of the drying stores. In the
former were fully 80 or 100 natives who had already passed muster, squatting on
raised cane platforms, busily cutting up into the required sizes the rubber which had
been passed and accepted. At the corners of these platforms stood, or equally squatted,
sentries of the A.B.I.R. with their rifles ready.
I n another store where rubber was being dried seven natives came in while I was
inspecting it carrying baskets which were filled with the cut-up rubber, which they
then at once began sorting and spreading on high platforms. These seven men were
guarded by four sentries armed with rifles.
Somewhat differing explanations were offered me of the reasous for the constant
guarding of the natives I observed during the course of the " market." This was first
said to be a necessary precaution to insure tranquillity and order within the trading
factory during the presence there of so many raw and sturdy savages. But when I
drew attention to the close guard kept upon the natives in the drying and cutting
sheds, I was told that these were " prisoners." If the rubber brought by its native
vendor were found on the weighing machine to be seriously under the required
weight, the defaulting individual was detained to be dealt with in the "maison des
otages." One such case occurred while I was on the ground. The defaulter was
directed to be taken away, and was dragged off by some of the sentries, who forced
him on to the ground to remain until the market was over. While being held by these
men he struggled to escape, and one of them struck him in the mouth whence blood,
issued, and he then remained passive. I did not learn how this individual subsequently purged his offence, hut when on a later occasion I visited the inclosure in
front of the prison I counted fifteen men and youths who were being guarded while
they worked at mat-making for the use of the station buildings. These men, I was
then told, were some of the defaulters of tho previous market day, who were being
kept as compulsory workmen to make good the deficiency in their rubber.
Payments made to the rubber-hringers, depending on the quantity brought, consisted of knives, matchets, strings of beads, and sometimes a little salt. I saw mrny
men who got a wooden handled knife of Sheffield cutlery, good and strongothers
got a matchet, The largest of these knives with a 9-inch blade, and the smaller with
a 5-inch, cost in Europe, I find, 2s. 10d., and Is. 5<2. per dozen respectively, less 2\
per cent, cash discount. The men who got the knife of the larger kind, or a"matchet,
had brought in, I understood, a full basket of pure rubber, Avhich may have represented
a European valuation of some 27 fr. To the original cost of one of these knives, say
2 | d , should be added fully 100 per cent, to cover transport charges, so that their local
cost would be about 6d. Among the natives themselves these knives pass at 25 rods
(1-25 fr.) and 15 rods (75 centimes) eachu Erom two of these rubber workers I later

purchased two of these knives, giving twenty-five teaspoonfuls of salt for the larger,
and six teaspoonfuls with an empty bottle for the smaller. Erom a third member of
their party, whose payment had consisted of a string of thirty-nine blue and white
glass beads (locally valued at 5 rods), I bought his fortnight's salary for five
teaspoonfuls of salt. This youth, indeed, confessed that his basket of rubber had not
been so well filled as those of the others.
I went to the homes of these men some miles away and found out their
circumstances. To get the rubber they had first to go fully a two days'
journey from their homes, leaving their wives, and being absent for from five
to six davs. They were seen to the forest limits under guard, and if not
hack by the sixth day trouble was likely to ensue, To get the rubber in the forests
which generally speaking are very swampyinvolves much fatigue and often fruitless
searching for a well-flowing vine. As the area of supply diminishes, moreover, the
demand for rubber constantly increases. Some little time hack I learned the
Bongandanga district supplied 7 tons of rubber a-month, a quantity which it was
hoped would shortly be increased to 10 tons. The quantity of rubber brought by the
three men in question would have represented, probably, for the three of them certainly
not less than 7 kilog. of pure rubber. That would be a very safe estimate, and at an
average of 7 fr. per kilog. they might be said to have brought in 21. worth of rubber.
In return for this labour, or imposition, they had received goods which cost certainly
under Is., and whose local valuation came to 45 rods (Is. 10d.). As this jwocess
repeats itself twenty-six times a-year, it will be seen that they would have yielded
h'd. in kind at the end of the year to the local factory, and would have received in
return some 24s. or 25s. worth of goods, which had a market value on the spot of 21. 7s. Sd.
In addition to these formal payments they were liable at times to be dealt with in another
manner, for should their work, which might have been just as hard, have proved less
profitable in its yield of rubber, the local prison would have seen them. The people
everywhere assured me that they were not happy under this system, and it was
apparent to a callous eye that in this they spoke the strict truth.
In September I visited a native village called D ""'" '", situated some miles
from the A.BT.R. factory at Bongandanga. I went there to see one of the
natives, who, with his wife and little children, had come to visit me. My
going to his town was solely a friendly visit to this man's household, since I
was told that lie was an excellent character, and one who set a good example
to his countrymen. On the way, at some 4 or 5 miles only from the A.B.I.R.
factory, I passed through a part of D * * (which is a very long town) where
were several sentries of the A.B.I.R. Society, One of these had a 6-chamber
revolver loaded with six 4t>0 Ely cartridgesdoubtless given, like the shot-gun
at A * '*, for intimidation rather than for actual use. Another sentry present
had only his cap-gun. He said there were in this one village six sentries of the
A.B.I.R., but that the other four had just gone into Bongandanga guarding some
prisoners. These were, it was explained to me, some of the natives of the country
side who had not brought in what was thought to be a sufficiencv of india-rubber. A
little further on I met two more sentries of the A.B.I.R. in this town. Coming
home from D * *' by another road I found two other sentries apparently
acting as judges and settling a "palaver" among the natives, this being one of the
commonest uses to which these men put their authority in their own interest, levying
blackmail and interfering in the domestic concerns of the natives by compelling
payment for their " judicial " decisions.
The following day my host at D * * came in to say that the sentries were making
trouble with him on account of my visit of the previous day, declaring that they would
inform the agent of the A.B.I.R. that he and others had told me lies about their
treatment by that Company, and that they would all be put in the prison gang and
sent away out of their country. That evening 0 E spoke to me of my visit to D * *
of the previous day, assuring me that the natives were all liars and rogues. The fact
that I had personally gone to see a native community, theoretically as free as I was
myself, and that I had spoken at first hand to some of these natives themselves, caused,
I could not hut perceive, considerable annoyance.
That the fears of my native host were not entirely groundless I subsequently
learned by letter from Bongandanga, wherein I was informed that two of his wives and
one of the children I had seen had fled in the middle of the night for refuge to the
Mission evangelistthe sentries quartered at D * ..u^^g
having uuwutu
arrested my
my x.
friend at
midnight, and that he had been brought in a prisoner to the A.B.I.R. factory.
As to the condition of the men who paid by detention in the "maison des otages"
H 2



their shortcomings in respect of rubber, I was assured by the local agent that they
were not badly treated and that "they got their food." On the other hand, I was
assured in many quarters that flogging with the chicotteor hippopotamus-hide
whipwas one of the measures used in dealing with refractory natives in that
institution. I was told that men have frequently been seen coming away from the
factory, after the rubber markets, who had been flogged, and that on two occasions
this year, the last of them in March, two natives had been so severely flogged that
they were being carried away by their friends.
The A.B.I.R. Society effectually controls the movements of the natives both
by water as well as by land. Since almost every village in the Concession is under
control, its male inhabitants are entered in books, and according to age and
strength have to furnish rubber or, in the villages close to the factory, foocl-stuffs, such
as antelope meat or wild pig (which the elders are required to hunt), as also the
customary kwanga bread, or bananas, and fowls and ducks. An agent showed me
some of these village lists, during the purchasing of the rubber, of the 242 E * *
men, explaining that the impositions against the individuals named are fixed by
the Government, and are calculated on the bodily service each man owes it, but
from which he is exempted in the Concession in order to work rubber and assist
the progressive development of the A.B.I.R. Company's territory. He added
that it was not the few guns he disposed of at F * * which compelled obedience
to this law, but the power of the Congo State "Force Publique," which, if a
village absolutely refuses obedience, would be sent to punish the district to compel
respect to these civilized rights. He added that, as the punishment inflicted in these
cases was terribly severe, it was better that the milder measures and the other
expedients he was forced to resort to should not be interfered with. These measures,
he said, involved frequent imprisonment of individuals in his local "house of
hostages." A truly recalcitrant man, he said, who proved enduringly obstinate in his
failure to bring in his allotted share of rubber, would in the end be brought to reason
by these means. He would find, I was assured, as a result of his perversity that
the whole of his time must be spent either in the prison or else in being marched
under guard between it and his native town. Terms of fifteen days, from " market " day
to "market" day, were the usual period of detention, and generally proved sufficientduring which time the prisoners worked around the factorybut longer periods were
not at all unknown. My informant added that an excellent project for dealing
with obstinate opponents to the rubber industry had recently been mooted, but had
not been carried into practice. This was to transport to the Upper Lopori, or the
Upper Maringa, far from their homes and tribes, such men as could not be reclaimed
by milder methods. In these distant regions they would have no chance of running
away, but would be kept under constant guard and at constant work. This proposaL
had, however, been disapproved of by the local authorities. In one town I visited,
the Chief and some thirty people gave me the names of several men of the town
who had, about eighteen months previously, been transported in this manner to G * *,
an A.B.I.R. post, some 340 miles by water from Bongandanga. Three, whose names
were stated, had already died, only two had returned, the others being still detained.
Deaths even in the local prison are not, however, unknown. I heard of several.
The late Chief of H * *, a town I visited with the agent of the A.B.I.R. station
had died some months before as the result, it was said, of imprisonment.
He had been arrested because another man of the town had not brought
in antelope meat when required. After one and a-half months' imprisonment
the Chief was released. He was then so weak that he could not walk the
2 miles home to H * *, but collapsed on the way and died early the following
morning. This was on the 14th June last.
On the
September a man named T came to see me. He had been
very badly wounded in the thigh, and walked with difficulty. He stated that a sentry
of the A.B.I.R., a man named U, had shot him, as I saw; and at the same
time had killed V, a friend. The sentries had come to arrest the Chief of H * *
on account of meat, which was short for the white mannot the present white
man, but anotherand his people had gathered around the Chief to protect him. An
inquiry I gathered had been held by a Law Officer into this and other outrages
committed the previous year, and as a result the sentry U had been removed from
the district. T went on to say to me that this sentry was now back in the country
at large, and a free man. When I asked him if he himself had not been compensated for the injuries entailing partial disablement he had received, he said: "Four
months ago I was- arrested for not having got meat, and was kept one and a-half

months i n prison on that account. U. who killed V, and shot me here in the
thigh, is
free man, as all men know; hut I, who am wounded, have to hunt
This statement I found on fuller inquiry in other quarters was confirmed ; and it
became apparent that while the murderer was at large, one of those he had seriously
injured, and almost incapacitated, was still required to hunt game, and paid for his
failure by imprisonment. On further inquiry, I gathered that this occasion
was the only one locally known when a qualified Law Officer had ever visited
the Lopori, although charges from that region involving very grave accusations had,
on several occasions, been preferred. There being no Magistrate resident in the whole
of the A.B.I.E. Concession, inquiries, unless conducted by the agents of the A.B.I.R.
themselves, have to be investigated at Coquilhatvilledistant fully 270 miles from
Bongandanga, and over 400 miles from some parts of the Concession.
I t is true an officer of the Congo Executive is deputed to exercise a qualified
surveillance within this Concession ; but he is not a qualified Magistrate or legally
empowered to act as such.
The occupant of this post is a military officer of inferior rank, who is quartered,
with a force of soldiers, near to Basankusu, the chief station of the A.B.I.R. Company.
This officer, when he enters the A.B.I.Ft. territory, is accompanied by soldiers, and
his actions would appear to be generally confined to measures of a punitive kind, the
necessity for such measures being that which almost everywhere appliesnamely, a
refusal of or falling off in the supplies of india-rubber.
At the date of my visit to the Lopori he was engaged in a journey, not unconnected with fighting, to the Maringa River. His independence is not complete, nor is
his disassociation from the A.B.I.R. Company's agencies as marked as, in view of the
circumstances attending the collection of rubber, it should be.
His journeys up the two great rivers, the Maringa and Lopori, which drain the
A.B.I.R. territory, are made on the steamers of that Company, and he is, to all intents,
a guest of the Company's agents.
The supervision of this officer extends also over the course of the Lulongo river,
outside the A.B.I.R. Concession, and he it was who had occupied the town of
Z * on an occasion some months before my visit, when two native men had
been killed.
The Commissaire-Gnral of the Equator District has also, at recent periods,
visited the A.B.I.R. Concession, but this officer, although the Chief of the Executive
and the President of the Territoral Court of the entire district, came as a visitor to
the A.B.I.R. stations and as guest on the steamer of that Company.
No steamer belonging to the Congo Government regularly ascends either the
Lopori or Maringa rivers, and the conveyance of mails from the A.B.I.R. territory
depends, for steamer transport, on the two vessels of that Company.
On the 15th June last, the Director of this Company by letter informed the
Missions of Bongandanga and Baringa that he had given orders to the steamers
of the Company to refuse the carriage of any letters or correspondence coming from
or intended for either of those Mission stations, which are the only European establishments, not belonging to the A.B.I.R. Company, existing within the limits of the
Resulting from this order the missionaries at these two isolated posts are now
compelled, save, vvhen, some three times a year, the Mission steamer visits them, to.
dispatch all their correspondence by canoes to their agent at Tkau. lying just outside
the Concession.
This involves the engagement of paddlers and a canoe journey of 120 to 130 miles
from each of these Missions down to Tkau.
But as the A.B.I.R. Company claims a right to interrogate all canoes passing up
or down stream, this mode of transport leaves some elements of insecurity, apart from
the delay and inconvenience otherwise entailed.
At the date of my visit to the Concession, the Mission at Baringa, situated
3 20 miles up the Maringa river, had despatched a canoe manned by native dependents
with mails intended for the outer world the nearest post office being at
Coquilhatville, some 260 miles distant.
When seeking to pass the A.B.I.R. station at Waka, situated half-way down the
Maringa river, this canoe was required by the European agent there to land and to .
deliver to him its correspondence.
The native canoe men reported that this agent had opened the packet and
questioned them, and that the letters intrusted to them for delivery to the Mission

representative at Tkau were not restored to them without delay and much incon-.
VG n i G n o p

I t might not be too much to expect that, in return for the very extensive
privileges it enjovs of exploitation of public lands and a large native population, the
A.B.I.R. Company should be required, in the entire absence of the public notilla, to
discharge the not onerous task of conveying the public mails by its steamers which so
frequently navigate the waterways of the Concession in the collection ol indiarubber.
Were a qualified Magistrate appointed to reside within the limits of this
Concessionas within the other Tipper Congo Concessions, some of them temtories
as large as a European State, and still containing a numerous native populationthe
public service could not but be the gainer.
( .-.
As it is to-day, no Court is open to the appeals of these people that lies at all
within their reach, and no European agency, save isolated Mission stations, has any
direct influence upon them except that immediately interested m their profitable

I t is only right to say that the present agent of the A.B.I.E,. Society I met at
Bongandanga seemed to me to try, in very difficult and embarrassing circumstances, to
minimize as far as possible, and within the limits of his duties, the evils of the system
I there observed at work.
The requisitions of food-stuffs laid on the villages adjoining the factories were
said to be less onerous than those affecting the rubber towns. They rested, I was
informed, on the same legal basis as that authorizing rubber working, and a failure
to meet them involved the same desultory modes of arrest and imprisonment. During
my stay at Bongandanga several instances of arrest in failures of this kind came to
my notice.
On a Sunday in August, I saw six of the local sentries going back with
cap-guns and ammunition pouches to E**, after the previous day's market, and
later in the day, when in the factory grounds, two armed sentries came up to tire
agent as we walked, guarding sixteen natives, five men tied neck by neck, with five
untied women and six young children. This somewhat embarrassing situation, it was
explained to me, was due to the persistent failure of the people of the village these
~r -j.
from to
its proper
quota of food. These people, I was told, had
just beencame
" on
the river
by one of the sentries placed there to watch the
waterway. They had been proceeding in their canoes to some native fishing grounds,
and were espied and brought in. I asked if the children also were held responsible
for food supplies, and they, along with an elderly woman, were released, and told to
run over to the Mission, and go to school there. This they did not do, but doubtless
returned to their homes in the recalcitrant village. The remaining five men and four
women were led off to the '' maison des otages '' under guard of the sentry.
An agent explained that he was forced to catch women in preference to the men
as then supplies were brought in quicker ; but he did not explain how the children
deprived of their parents obtained their own food supplies.
He deplored this hard necessity, but he said the vital needs of his own
station, as well as of the local missionaries, who, being guests of the A.B.I.R.
Society, had to be provided for, sternly imposed it upon him if the peopled failed to
keep up their proper supplies.
While we thus talked an armed sentry came along guarding four nativesmen
who were carrying bunches of bananas, a part of another food imposition. This
sentry explained to his master that the village he had just visited had failed to give
antelope meat, alleging the very heavy rain of the previous night as an excuse for not
The agent apologized to me for his inability to give me meat during my stay,
pointing out the obvious necessity he now was under of catching some persons
without delay. He should certainly, he said, have to send out and catch women that
Very night.
On leaving the A.B.I.R. grounds, still accompanied by this gentleman, another
carrying food
food sunnlies
supplies were
were marched
marched in
in by
by three
three armed guards, am
batch of men carrvino""
other sentries apparently
were conducted
At 8 r.M. that evening, just after the Sunday service, a number of women were
taken through the Mission grounds past the church by the A.B.I.R. sentries, and m
the morning
was told that three such seizures had been effected during the nightmorning I was
On the 2nd September I met, when walking in the A.B.I.R. grounds with the

subordinate agent of the factory,- a file of fifteen women, under the guard of three
unarmed-sentries, who were being brought in from the adjoining villages, and were
led past me. These women, who were evidently wives and mothers, it was explained
in answer to my inquiry, had been seized in order to compel their husbands to bring
in antelope or other meat which was overdue, and some of which it was very kindly
promised should be sent on board my steamer when leaving. As a matter of fact,
half an antelope was so sent on board by the good offices of this gentleman.
As I was leaving Bongandanga, on the 3rd September, several elderly Headmen
of the neighbouring villages were putting off in their canoes to the opposite forest, to
get meat wherewith to redeem their wives, whom I had seen arrested the previous
day. I learned later that the husband of one of these women brought in, two days
afterwards, to the Mission-station, his infant daughter, who, being deprived of her
mother, had fallen seriously ill, and whom he could not feed. At the request of the
missionary this woman was released on the 5th September. I took occasion to say to
the agent of the A.B.I.R. Company, before leaving, that the practice of imprisoning
women for impositions said to he due by their husbands was to my mind unquestionably illegal, and that I should not fail to draw the attention of the Governor-General
of the Congo State to what I had seen. The excuse offered, both on this occasion as
on others when I had ventured to allude to the condition of the natives around
Bongandanga, was that the station compared most favourably with all others within
the A.B.I.R. Concession, which were run, I was assured, on much sterner lines than
those which caused me pain at Bongandanga. I later made official communication to
the local Government at Roma on these points, in so far as the system I had seen at
work affected the English missionaries within the A.B.I.R. Concession, and in that
letter I sought to show that neither the local agent nor his subordinate were responsible
for a state of affairs which greatly wounded the feelings of my countrymen at Bongandanga, and which had filled me with a pained surprise. My attention, it was true, had
been drawn to the systematic imprisonment of women in parts of the Hpper Congo
some two years previously, in a case wherein a British coloured subjecta native of
Lagosalong with three Europeans, all of them in the service of the Compagnie
Anversoise du Commerce au Congoa Concession Companyhad been charged with
various acts of cruelty and oppression which had caused much loss of life to the
natives in the Mongala region. These men had been arrested by the authorities
in the summer of 1900, and had been sentenced to long terms of imprisonment,
against which they had made appeal. The facts charged against the British coloured
subject (who sought my help) were, among others, that he had illegally arrested
women and kept them in illegal detention at his trading station, and it was alleged
that many of these women had died of starvation while thus confined. This man
himself, when I had visited him in Boma gaol in March 1901, said that more than
100 women and children had died of starvation at his hands, but that the responsibility for both their arrest and his own lack of food to give them was due to
his superiors' orders and neglect. The Court of Appeal at Boma gave final Judgment
in the case on the 13th Eebruary, 1901 ; and in connection with the Lagos man's
degree of guilt, a copy of this Judgment, in so far as it affected him, at my request
had been communicated to me by the Governor-General. Erom this Judgment I
learned that the case against the accused had been clearly proved. Among other
extenuating circumstances, which secured, however, a marked reduction of the first
sentence imposed on the coloured man, the Court of Appeal cited the following :
" That it is just to take into account that, by the correspondence produced in the
case, the chiefs of the Concession Company have, if not by formal orders, at least by
their example and their tolerance, induced their agents to take no account whatever of
the rights, property, and lives of the natives ; to use the arms and the soldiers which
should have served for their defence and the maintenance of order to force the natives
to furnish them with produce and to work for the Cempany, as alio to pursue as rebels
and outlaws those who sought to escape from the requisitions imposed upon them.
. That, above all, the fact that the arrest of women and their detention, to
compel the villages to furnish both produce and workmen, was tolerated and admitted
even by certain of the administrative authorities of the region."
I had gathered at the time of this finding of the Boma High Court that steps had
then been taken to make it everywhere effective and to insure obedience to the law in
this respect, and that a recurrence of the illegalities brought to light in the Mongala
region had been rendered impossible in any part of the Congo State. Erom what
I saw during the few days spent in the A.B.I.R. Concession, and again outside
its limits in the Lower Lulongo, it seemed to be clear that the action taken by the

authorities nearly three years, ago could not have produced the results undoubtedly
then desired.
On my leaving Bongandanga on the 3rd September I returned down the Lopori
and Lolongo Rivers, arriving at J**. The following day, about 9 at night, some
natives of the neighbourhood came to see me, bringing with them a lad of about
16 years of age whose right hand was missing. His name was X and his relatives
said they came from K**, a village on the opposite side of the river some few
miles away. As it was late at night there was some difficulty in obtaining a
translation of their statements, but I gathered that X's hand had been cut off in
K** by a sentry of the La Lulanga Company, who was, or had been, quartered
there. They said that this sentry, at the time that he had mutilated X, had
also shot dead one of the chief m.en of the town. X, in addition to this
mutilation, had been shot in the shoulder blade, and, as a consequence, was deformed.
On being shot it was said he had fallen down insensible, and the sentry had
then cut off his hand, alleging that he would take it to the Director of the Companv
at Mampoko. When I asked if this had been done the natives replied that they
believed that the hand had only been carried part of the way to Mampoko and
then thrown away. They did not think the white man had seen it. They went on to
say that they had not hitherto made any complaint of this. They declared they had
seen no good object in complaining of a case of this kind since they did not hope any
good would result to them. They then went on to say that a younger boy than X, at
the heginning of this year (as near as they could fix the date at either the end of
January or the beginning of Eebruary), had been mutilated in a similar way by a sentry
of the same trading Company, who was still quartered in their town, and that when
they had wished to bring this latter victim with them the sentry had threatened to kill
him and that the boy was now in hiding. They begged that I would myself go back with
them to their village and ascertain that they were speaking the truth. I thought it my
duty to listen to this appeal, and decided to return with them on the morrow to their
town. In the morning, when about to start for K *"*, many people from the surrounding
country came in to see me. They brought with them three individuals who had been
shockingly wounded by gunfire, two men and a very small boy, not more than 6 years
of age, and a fourtha hoy child of 6 or 7whose right hand was cut off at the wrist.
One of the men, who had been shot through the arm. declared that he was Y of
L '**, a village situated some miles away. He declared that he had been shot as I
saw under the following circumstances : the soldiers had entered his town, he
alleged, to enforce the due fulfilment of the rubber tax due by the community.
These men had tied him him up and said that unless he paid 1,000 brass rods
to them they would shoot him. Having no rods to give them they had shot him
through the arm and had left him. The soldiers implicated he said were four whose
names were given me. They were, he believed, all employs of the La Lulanga
Company and had come from Mampoko. At the time when he, Y, was shot
through the arm the Chief of his town came up and begged the soldiers not to hurt
him, but one of them, a man called Z, shot the Chief dead. No white man was
with these sentries, or soldiers, at the time. Two of them, Y said, he believed
had been sent or taken to Coquilh at ville. Two of themwhom lie namedhe said
were still at Mampoko. The people of L ** had sent to tell the white man at
Mampoko of what his soldiers had done. He did not know what punishment, if any,
the soldiers had received, for no inquiry had since been made in L *"*, nor had any
persons in that town been required to testify against their aggressors. This man wras
accompanied by four other men of his town. These four men all corroborated Y's
These people were at once followed by two men of M '**, situated, they said, close
to K'*"*, and only a few miles distant. They brought with them a full-grown man
named A A, whose arm was shattered and greatly swollen through the discharge of a
gun, and a small hoy named B B, whose left arm was broken in two places from two
separate gun shotsthe wrist being shattered and the hand wobbling about loose and
quite useless. The two men made the following statement : That their town, like all
the others in the neighbourhood, was required to furnish a certain quantity of indiarubber fortnightly to the head-quarters of the La Lulanga Company at Mampoko;
that at the time these outrages were committed, which they put at less than a year
previously, a man named C C was a sentry of that Company quartered in their village ;
that they two now before me had taken the usual fortnight's rubber to Mampoko. . On
returning to M ** they found that C 0, the sentry, had shot dead two men of the town
named D D and E E, and had tied up this man A A and the boy B B, now before rhe,

to two trees. The sentry said that this was to punish the two men for having taken the
rubber to Mampoko without having first shown it to him and paid him a commission
on it. The two men asserted that they had at once returned to Mampoko, and had
begged the Director of the Company to return with them to M ~fi and see what his
servants had done. But, they alleged, he had refused to comply with their request.
On getting hack to their town they then found that the man A A and the child
B B were still tied to the trees, and had been shot in the arms as I now saw. On
pleading with the sentry to release these two wounded individuals, he had required a
payment of 2,000 brass rods (100 fr.). One of the two men stayed to collect this
money, and another returned to Mampoko to again inform the Director of what had
been done. The two men declared that nothing was done to the sentry C C, but
that the white man said that if the people behaved badly again he was to punish
.them. The sentry C C, they declared, remained some time longer in M * *, and
they do not now know where he is.
These people were immediately followed by a number of natives who came before
me bringing a small boy of not more than 7 years of age, whose right hand was gone
at the wrist. This child, whose name was E E, they had brought from the village
of N * *. They stated that some years ago (they could not even approximately fix the
date save by indicating that E E was only just able to run) N * *" had been attacked
by several sentries of the La Lulanga Company. This was owing to their failure in
supplying a sufficiency of india-rubber. They did not know whether these sentries had
been sent by any European, but they knew all their names, and the Chief of them was
one called G G. G Gf had shot dead the Chief of their town, and the people had run
into the forest. The sentries pursued them, and G G had knocked down the
child E E with the butt of his gun and had then cut off his hand. They
declared that the hand of the dead man and of this boy E E had then been
carried away by the sentries. The sentries who did this belonged to the La Lulanga
Company's'factory at O'* *. The man who appeared with E E went on to say
that they had never complained about it, save to the white man who had then been
that Company's agent at O * *. They had not thought of complaining to the
Commissaire of the district. Not only was he far away, but they were afraid they
would not be believed, and they thought the white men only wished for rubber, and
that no good could come of pleading with them.
At the same time a number of men followed, with the request that I
would listen to them. W declared that their toVvn P '* *", which had formerly
been on the north bank of the X * * River (where 1 had myself seen it), had now
been transferred by force to the south bank, close to the factory at Q * * . He
said that this act of compulsory transference was the direct act of the CommissaireGnral of the
The Commissaire had visited P * * on his
steamer, and had ordered the people of that town to work daily at Q * * for the
La Lulanga factory. W had replied that it was too far for the women of P * *
to go daily to Q * * as was required ; but the Commissaire, in reply, had
taken fifty women and carried them away with him. The women were taken to
Q * *'. Two men were taken at the same time. To get these women back,
W went on to say, he and his people had to pay a fine of 10,000 brass rods (500 fr.).
They had paid this money to the Commissaire-Gnral himself. They had then been
ordered by the Commissaire to abandon their town, since it lay too far from the factory,
and build a fresh town close to Q * "*, so that they might be at hand for the white
man's needs. This they had been forced to domany of them were taken across by force..
It was about two years ago W thought that this deportation had been effected,
and they now came to beg that I would use my influence with the local authorities to'
permit their return to their abandoned home. Where they were now situated close to
Q, * * they were most unhappy, and they only desired to be allowed to return to
the former site of P * *. They have to take daily to Q * *" the following :
10 baskets gum-copal.
1,000 long canes (termed " ngodji "), which grow in the swamps, and are
used in thatching and roofing.
500 bamboos for building.

Each week they are required to deliver at the factory

200 rations of kwanga.
120 rations of


I n addition, fifty women are required each morning to go to the factory and work
there all day. They complained t h a t the remuneration given for these services was
most inadequate, and that they were continually beaten. W h e n I asked the Chief
W why he had not gone to D IT to complain if the sentries heat him or his people,
opening his mouth he pointed to one of the teeth which was just dropping out,
and said : " That is what I got from the D IT four days ago when I went to tell
him what I now say to you." H e added that he was frequently beaten, along with
others of his people, by the white man.
One of the men with him, who gave his name as H H , saio1 that two weeks
ago t h e white man at Q,*"* had ordered him to serve as one of the porters of his
hammock on a journey he proposed taking inland. H I I was then just completing
t h e building of a new house, and excused himself on this' ground, hut offered to fetch
a friend as a substitute. The Director of the Company had, in answer to this excuse,
b u r n t down his house, alleging that he was insolent. H e had had a box of cloth and
some ducks in the housein fact, all his goods, and they were destroyed in the fire.
The white m a n then caused him to be tied up, and took him with him inland, and
loosed him when he had to carry the hammock.
Other people were waiting, desirous of speaking with me, but so much time was
t a k e n in noting the statements already made that I had to leave, if I hoped to reach
K** at a reasonable hour. I proceeded in a canoe across the Lulongo and up a
t r i b u t a r y to a landing-place which seemed to be about
. . . . miles from I**.
H e r e , leaving the canoes, we walked for a couple of miles through a flooded
forest to reach the village. I found here a sentry of the La Lulanga Company
and a considerable number of natives.
After some little delay a boy of about
arm was wrapped up in a dirty rag.
15 years of age appeared, whose left
^ ^ ^ . g this,
o . ^ ^ the
.... left
. hand
Iu found
had been hacked off by the wrist, and that
a shot hole appeared in the fleshy part of the forearm. The boy, who gave his name
as 1 1 , in answer to my inquiry, said that a sentry of the La Lulanga Company
now in the town had cut off his hand. I proceeded to look for this man, wdio at first
could not be found, the natives to a considerable number gathering behind me as I
walked through the town. After some delay the sentry appeared, carrying a cap-gun.
The boy, whom I placed before him, then accused him to his face of having mutilated
The men of the town, who were questioned in succession, corroborated
the boy's statement.
The sentry, who gave his name as K K, could make
no answer to the charge. H e met it by vaguely saying some other sentry of the
Company had mutilated I I ; his.predecessor, he said, had cut off several hands, and
probably this was one of the victims. The natives around said that there were two
other sentries at present in the town, who were not so bad as K K, but t h a t he was a
villain. As t h e evidence against him was perfectly clear, man after man standing out
and declaring he had seen the act committed, I informed him and the people present
t h a t I should appeal to the local authorities for his immediate arrest and trial. I n the
course of m y interrogatory several other charges transpired against him. These ivere
of a minor nature, consisting of t h e usual characteristic acts of blackmailing, only too
commonly reported on all sides. One man said that K K had tied up his wife and only
released her on payment of 1,000 rods. Another man said that K K had robbed him.
of two ducks and a dog. These minor offences K K equally demurred to, and again
said t h a t 1 1 had been mutilated by some other sentry, naming several. I took the
boy back with me and later brought him to Coquilhatville, where he formally
charged K K with the crime, alleging to t h e Commandant, who took his statement,
through a special Government interpreter, in my presence, t h a t it had heen done
" o n account of rubber." I have since been informed that, acting on my request,
t h e authorities at Coquilhatville had arrested K K, who presumably will be tried indue course. A copy of my notes taken in EL**, where 1 1 charged K K before me, is
appended (Inclosure 6).*
I t was obviously impossible that I should visit all the villages of the natives who
came to beg me to do so at J*"* or elsewhere during m y journey, or to verify on
t h e spot, as in the case of the boy, the statements they made. I n that one case
t h e truth of the charges preferred was amply demonstrated, and their significance
was not diminished by the fact that, whereas this act of mutilation had been committed within a few miles of Qi:|:', the head-quarters of a European civilizing agency,
and the guilty man was still in their midst, armed with the gun with which
h e had first shot his victim (for which he could produce no licence when I asked for it,
it was his employers'), no one of the natives of the terrorized town had
See p. 78..

attempted to report the occurrence.
They had in the interval visited Mampoko
each fortnight with the india-rubber from their district. There was also in their
midst another mutilated hoy X, whose hand had heen cut off either by this or
another sentry. The main waterway of the Lulongo River lay at their doors, and on
it well nigh every fortnight a Government steamer had passed up and down stream
on its way to bring the india-rubber of the A.B.I.R. Company to Coquilhatville.
They possessed, too, some canoes ; and, if all other agencies of relief were closed,
the territorial tribunal at Coquilhatville lay open to them, and the journey to it down
stream from their village could have been accomplished in some twelve hours. I t
was no greater journey, indeed, than many of the towns I had elsewhere visited were
forced to undertake each week or fortnight to deliver supplies to their local tax
collectors. The fact that no effort had heen made by these people to secure relief
from their unhappy situation impelled me to believe that a very real fear of reporting
such occurrences actually existed among them. That everything asserted by such a
people, under such circumstances, is strictly true I should in no wise assert; That c
discrepancies must be found in much alleged by such rude savages, to one whose
sympathies they sought to awaken, must equally be admitted. But the broad fact
remained that their previous silence said more than their present speech. I n spite of
contradictions, and even seeming misstatements, it was clear that these men were
stating either what they had actually seen with their eyes or firmly believed in their
hearts. No one viewing their unhappy surroundings or hearing their appeals, no
one at all cognizant of African native life or character, could doubt that they were
speaking, in the main, t r u l y ; and the unhappy conviction was forced upon me t h a t in
the many forest towns behind the screen of trees, which I could not visit, thesepeople were entitled to expect that a civilized administration should be represented
among them by other agents than the savages euphemistically termed " forest guards. *L
The number of these " forest guards " employed in the service of the various
Concession Companies on the Congo must be very considerable ; but it is not only the
Concession Companies which employ " forest guards," for I found many of these men
in the service of the La Lulanga Company, which is neither a Concession Company
nor endowed with any " r i g h t s of police," so far as I am aware. I n the A.B.I.R.
Concession there must he at least twenty stations directed by one or more European,
Each one of these " factories " has, with the permission of the Government, an
armament of twenty-five rifles. According to this estimate of the A.B.I.R. factories,
and adding the armament of the two steamers that Company possesses, it will be
found that this one Concession Company employs 550 rifles, with a supply of
cartridges not, I believe, as yet legally fixed. These rifles are supposed by law not to
he taken from the limits of the factories, whereas the " sentries " or " forest guards "'
are quartered in well-nigh every rubber-producing village of the entire Concession.
These men are each armed with a cap-gun, and the amount of ammunition they
may individually expend would seem to have no legal limits. These cap-guns can be
very effective weapons. On the Lower Lulongo I bought the skin of a fine leopard from
a native hunter who had shot the animal the previous day. H e produced a cap-gun
and his ammunition for m y inspection, and I learned from all the men around him
that he alone had killed the beast with his own gun. This gun, he informed me, hehad purchased some years ago from a former Commissaire of the Government at
Coquilhatville, whose name he gave me.
I t would be, I think, a moderate computation to p u t the number of cap-gunsissued by the A.B.I.R. Company to its " sentries " as being in the proportion of six toone to the number of rifles allowed to each factory. These figures could he easily
"verified, hut whatever the proportion may he of cap-guns to rifles, it is clear that the
A.B.I.R. Society alone controls a force of some 500 rifles and a very large stock of
The other Concession Companies on the Congo have similar privileges, so
that it might not be an excessive estimate to say that these Companies and t h e
subsidiary ones (not enjoying rights of police) between them, direct an armed force of
not less than 10,000 men.
Their " rights of police," by the Circular of Governor-General "Wahis of October
1900, were seemingly limited to the right to " requisition " the Government forces in
their neighbourhood to maintain order within the limits of the Concession. That
Circular, while it touched upon the arming of " ivapitas " with cap-guns, did not
clearly define the jurisdiction of these men as a police force or their use of that
weapon, but it is evident that the Government has heen cognizant of, and is responL247]
I 2


sible for, the employment of these armed men. By a Royal Decree, dated the 10th
March, 1892, very clear enactments were promulgated dealing with the use of all
fire-arms other than flint-locks. By the terms of this Decree, all fire-arms and their
munitions, other than flint-lock guns, were required, immediately upon importation,
to be deposited in a depot or private store placed under the control of the Government.
Each weapon imported had to be registered upon its entry into the depot and marked
under the supervision of the Administration, and could not be withdrawn thence save
on the presentation of a permit to carry arms. These permits to carry arms were
liable each to a t a x of 20 fr., and could be withdrawn in case of abuse. By an
Ordinance of the Governor-General of the Congo State, dated the 16th June, 1892,
various Regulations making locally effective the foregoing Decree were published.
I t is clear that the responsibility for the extensive employment of men armed with
cap-guns by the various commercial Companies on the Upper Congo rests with the
governing authority, which either by law permitted it or did not make effective its
own laws.
The six natives brought before me at I ** had all of them been wounded by
gun-fire, and the guns in question could only have come into the hands of their
assailants through the permission or the neglect of the authorities. Two of these
injured individuals were childrenone of them certainly not more than 7 years of
ageand the other a child (a boy of about the same age), whose arm was shattered
by gun-fire at close quarters. Whatever truth there might be in the direct assertions of these people and their relatives, who attested that the attacks upon them
had been made by sentries of the L a Lulanga Company, it was clear that they had all
been attacked by men using guns, which a law already eleven years old had clearly
prohibited from being issued, save in special cases, and " to persons -who could offer
sufficient guarantee that the arms and the munitions which should be delivered to
them would not be given, ceded, or sold to third parties "and, moreover, under
a licence which could at any time be withdrawn.
Three of these injured individuals, subsequent to the initial attack upon them,
had had their hands cut offin each case, as it was alleged to me, by a sentry of the
La Lulanga Company. I n the one case I could alone personally investigatethat of
the boy 1 1 I found this accusation proved on the spot, without seemingly
a shadow of doubt existing as to the guilt of the accused sentry. These six wounded
and mutilated individuals came from villages in the immediate vicinity of I *":N
and both from their lips and from those of others wdio came to me from a greater
distance it was clear that these were not the only cases in that neighbourhood. One
man, coming from a village 20 miles away, begged me to return with him to his
home, where, he asserted, eight of his fellow-villagers had recently been killed by
sentries placed there in connection with the fortnightly yield of india-rubber. But
my stay at I "*"*" was necessarily a brief one. I had not time to do more than visit the
one village of R ** and in that village I had only time to investigate the charge brought
by 1 1 . The country is, moreover, largely swampy forest, and the difficulties of getting
through it are very great. A regularly equipped expedition would have been needed,
and the means of anything like an exhaustive inquiry were not at m y disposal. But it
seemed painfully clear to me that the facts brought to my knowledge in a three days'
stay at I ** -would amply justify the most exhaustive inquiry being made into the
employment of armed men in that region, and the use to which they put the weapons
intrusted to themostensibly as the authorized dependants of commercial undertakings. Erom what I had observed in the A.B.I.R. Concession it is equally clear to
m e that no inquiry could be held to have been exhaustive which did not embrace the
territories of that Company also.
The system of quartering Government soldiers in the villages, once universal, has
to-day been widely abandoned ; but the abuses once prevalent under this head spring
to life in this system of " forest guards," who, over a wide area, represent the only
form of local gendarmerie known. But that the practice of employing Government native soldiers in isolated posts has not disappeared is admitted by the highest
A Circular on this subject, animadverting on the disregard of the reiterated
instructions issued, which had forbidden the employment of black troops unaccompanied by a European officer, was dispatched by the Governor-General as recently as
the 7th September, 1903, during the period I was actually on the Upper Congo. I n
this Circular the Commandants and officers of the Eorce Publique are required to
rigorously observe the oft-repeated instructions on this head, and it is pointed out that,
in spite of the most imperative orders forbidding the employment of black soldiers by

themselves on the public service"on continue en maints endroits pratiquer ce

dplorable usage." Copy of this Circular is appended (Inclosure 7).*
Erom my observation of the districts I travelled on in the Upper Congo, it
would seem well-nigh impossible for European officers to be always with the soldiers
who may be sent on minor expeditions. The number of officers is limited ; they have
much to do in drilling their troops, and in camp and station life, while the territory
to be exploited is vast. The ramifications of the system of taxation, outlined in the
foregoing sketch of it, show it to be of a wide-spread character, and since a more or
less constant pressure has to be exercised to keep the taxpayers up to the mark, and
over a very wide field, a certain amount of dpendance upon the uncontrolled actions
of native soldiers (who are the only regular police in the country) must be permitted
those responsible for the collection of the tax. The most important article of native
taxation in the Upper Congo is unquestionably rubber, and to illustrate the importance attaching by their superiors to the collection and augmentation of this tax, the
Circular of Governor-General Wahis, addressed to the Commissionaires de District
and Chefs de Zone on the 29th March, 1901, -was issued. A copy of that Circular is
attached (Inclosure 8).t
The instructions this Circular conveys would be excellent if coming from the
head of a trading house to his subordinates, but addressed, as they are, by a GovernorGeneral to the principal officers of his administration, they reveal a somewhat limited conception of public duty. Instead of their energies being directed to
the government of their districts, the officers therein addressed could not but feel
themselves bound to consider the profitable exploitation of india-rubber as one of the
principal functions of Government. Taken into account t h e interpretation these
officials must put upon the positive injunctions of their chief, there can be little doubt
that they would look upon the profitable production of india-rubber as among the
most important of their duties. The praiseworthy official would be he whose district
yielded the best and biggest supply of that commodity ; and, succeeding in this, t h e
means whereby he brought about the enhanced value of that yield would not, it may
be believed, be too closely scrutinized.
W h e n it is remembered that the reprimanded officials are the embodiment of all
power in their districts, and that the agents they are authorized to employ are an
admittedly savage soldiery, the source whence spring the unhappiness and unrest of
the native communities I passed through on t h e Upper Congo need not be sought far
beyond the policy dictating this Circular.
I decided, owing to pressure of other duties, to return from Coquilhatville to
Stanley Pool. The last incident of my stay in the Upper Congo occurred on the night
prior to my departure. Late that night a m a n came with some natives of the S *'*"
district, represented as his friends, who were fleeing from their homes, and whom he
begged me to carry with me to the Erench territory at Lukolela. These were L L of
T * * and seven others, h h stated that, owing to his inability to meet the impositions of the Commissaire of the S'** district, he had, with his family, abandoned
his home, and was seeking to reach Lukolela. H e had already come 80 miles
down stream by canoe, b u t was now hiding with friends in one of the towns
near Coquilhatville.
Part of the imposition laid upon his town consisted of two
goats, which had to be supplied each month for the white man's table at S **'.
As all the goats in his neighbourhood had long since disappeared in meeting
these demands, he could now only satisfy this imposition by buying in inland
districts such goats as were for sale. Eor these he had to pay 3,000 rods each
(150 fr.), and as the Government remuneration amounted to only 100 rods (5 fr.)
per goat, he had no further means of maintaining the supply. Having appealed in
vain for the remission of this burden, no other course was left him but to fly. I told
this man I regretted I could not help him, that his proper course was to appeal for
relief to the authorities of the district ; and this failing, to seek the higher authorities
at Boma. This, he said, was clearly impossible for him to do. On the last occasion
when he had sought the officials at S '*'*, he had been told that if his next t a x
were not forthcoming he should go into the " chain gang." H e added that a neighbouring Chief who had failed in this respect had just died in the prison gang, and that
such would be bis fate if he were caught. H e added that, if I disbelieved him, there
were those who could vouch for his character and the t r u t h of his statement ; and I told
him and his friend that I should inquire in t h a t quarter, but that it was impossible for me
lo assist a fugitive. I added, however, that there was no law on the Congo Statute Book
See p. 80.

t Seep. 81.



which forbade him or any other man from travelling freely to any part of the country,
and his right to navigate in his canoe the Upper Congo was as good as mine in m y
steamer or any one else's. H e and his people left me at midnight, saying that unless
they could get away with me they did not think it possible they could succeed in
gaining Lukolela. A person at T * # , to whom I referred this statement, informed methat L L's statement was true. H e said : W h a t L L told you, re price of goats, was.
perfectly true. At U * t they are 3,000, and here they are 2,500 to 3,000 rods. Ducks
are from 200 to 300 rods. Bowls are from 60 to 100 rods. Re " dying in the chains,"
he had every reason to fear this, for recently two Chiefs died in the chain, viz., t h e
Chief of a little town above U & 8 ; his crime : because he did not move his houses a
few hundred yards to join them to
as quickly as t h e Commissaire thought lie
should do. Second, the Chief of T * * ; crime : because he did not go up every
fortnight with the tax. These two men were chained together and made to carry heavy
loads of bricks and water, and were frequently beaten by the soldiers in charge of thenn
There are witnesses to prove this.
Leaving the township of Coquilhatville on the 11th S e p t e m b e r , ! reached Stanley
Pool on the 15th September.
' '
I have, &c.

did not know of the bad things the soldiers did to us, but it was the white men who sent the
soldiers to punish us for not bringing in enough rubber."
Here P P took up the tale from N N :
" We said to the white men, ' We are not enough people now to do what you want us. Our
country has not many it and we are dying fast. We are killed by the work you make
us do, by the stoppage of our plantations, and the breaking up of our homes.' ' The white man
looked at us and said : ' There are lots of people in Mputu ' " (Europe, the white man's country).
' If there are lots of people In the white man's country there must be many people in the bla'ck
man's country.' The white man who said this was the chief white man at F F *, his name was
A B , he was a very bad man. Other white men of Bula Matadi who had been b a d and wicked
were B C, C D , and D E." " These had killed us often, and killed us by their own hands as well
Some white men were good. These were E F, F (3-, G H, H I , I K , K L . "
a s by their soldiers.
These ones told them to stay in their homes and did not hunt and chase them as the others
had done, but after what they had suffered they did not trust more any one's word, and they had
fled from their country and were now going to stay here, far from their homes, in this country
where there was no rubber,
Q. " H o w long is it since you left your homes, since the big trouble you speak of ? "
A. " It lasted for three full seasons, and it is now four seasons since we fled and came into
the K* country."
Q. " How many days is it from N * to your own country ? "
A. " Six days of. quick marching. We fled because we could not endure the things done to
us. Our Chiefs were hanged, and we were killed and starved and worked beyond endurance to
get rubber."
Q. " How do you know it was the white men themselves who ordered these cruel things to
be done to you ? These things, must have been done without the white man's knowledge by
the black soldiers."
A. (P P) : " The white men told their soldiers : ' You kill only women ; you cannot kill
men. You must prove that you kill men.' So then the soldiers when they killed u s " (herehe
stopped and hesitated, and then pointing to the private parts of my bulldogit was lying asleep
at my feet), he said : " then they cut off those things and took them to the white men, who said :
t It is true, you have killed men.' "
Q. " Y o u mean to tell me that any white man ordered your bodies to be mutilated like
that, and those parts of you carried to him 1 "
P P, 0 0, and all (shouting) : " Yes ! many white men. D E did it."
Q. " You say this is true ? Were many of you so treated after being shot ? "
All (shouting out) : " Nkoto ! Nkoto ! " (Very many ! Very many !)
There was no doubt that these people were not inventing. Their vehemence, their flashing
eyes, their excitement, was not simulated. Doubtless they exaggerated the numbers, but they
were clearly telling what they knew and loathed. I was told that they often became so furious
at the recollection of what had been done to them that they lost control over themselves.
One of the men before me was getting into this state now.
I asked whether L* tribes were still running from their country, or whether they now
stayed at home and worked voluntarily.
N N answered : " They cannot run away nownot easily; there are sentries in the country
there between the Lake and this ; besides, there are few people left."
P P said : " We heard that letters came to the white men to say that the people were
to be well treated.
We heard t h a t these letters had been sent by the big white men in
' M p u t u ' (Europe) ; but our white men tore up these letters, laughing, saying: ' W e are the
" basango " and " banyanga " (fathers and mothers, i.e., elders). Those who write to us are only
" bana " (children).' Since we left our homes the white men have asked us to go home again.
We have heard that they want us to go back, but we will not go. We are not warriors, and
do not want to fight. We only want to live in peace with our wives and children, and so
we stay here among the K *, who are kind to us, and will not return to our homes."
Q. " Would you not like to go back to your homes ? Would you not, in your hearts, all wish
to return ? "
A. (By many.) " W e loved our country, but we will not trust ourselves to go back."
P P : " Go, you white men, with the steamer to I *, and see what we have told you is true.
Perhaps if other white men, who do not hate us, go there, Bula Matadi may stop from hating
us, and we may be able to go home again."
I asked to be pointed out any refugees from other tribes, if there were such, and they
brought forward a lad who was a X * *, and a man of the Z * *. These two, answering me,
said there were many with them from their tribes who had fled from their country.

Inclosure 1 in No. 3.
(See p. 29.)

Notes on Refugee Tribes encountered in July 1903.

HEARING of the L * refugees from I *, I decided to visit the nearest Settlement of these
fugitives, some 20 miles away, to see them lor myself.
At N * found large town of K *, and scattered through it many small settlements of L *
refugees. The town of N * consists approximate] y of seventy-one K * houses, and seventy-three
occupied by L *. These latter seemed industrious, simple folk, many weaving palm fibre internats or native cloth ; others had smithies, working brass wire into bracelets, chains, and anldets ;
some iron-workers making knives. Sitting down in one of these blacksmith's sheds, the five men
at work ceased aud came over to talk to us. I counted ten women, six grown-up men, and eight
lads and women in this one shed of L *. I then asked them to tell me why they had left their
homes. Three of the men sat down in front of me, and told a tale winch I cannot_ think can be
true, but it seemed to come straight from their hearts. I repeatedly asked certain parts to be
gone over again while I wrote in my note-book. The fact of my writing down and asking for
names, & c , seemed to impress them, and they spoke with what certainly impressed me as being
great sincerity.
I asked, first, why they had left their homes, and had come to live in a strange far-off country
among the K *, where they owned nothing, and were little better than servitors. AW, when this
question was put, women as well, shouted out, " O n accotmt of the rubber tax levied by the
Government posts."
I asked particularly the names of the places whence they had come. They answered they
were from V * *. Other L * refugees here at N * were W * *, others again were N * *, but all
had fled from their homes for the same reasonit was the " rubber tax." ;
I asked then how this tax was imposed. One of them, who had been hammering out an iron
neck collar on my arrival, spoke first. He said :
" I am N N. These other two beside me are 0 O and P P, all of us Y **. From
our country each village had to take twenty loads of rubber. These loads were big : they
were as big as this . . . ." (Producing an empty basket which came nearly up to the handle of my
walking-stick.) " That was the first size. We had to fill that up, b u t as rubber got scarcer the
white man reduced the amount. We had to take these loads in four times a-month."
Q. " How much pay did you get for this'? "
A. (Entire audience.) " We got no pay ! We got nothing !''
And then N N, whom I asked, again said :
" Our village got cloth and a little salt, but not the people who did the work. Our Chiefs
eat up the cloth; the workers got nothing. The pay was a fathom of cloth and a little salt
for every big basket full, but it was given to the Chief, never to t h e . men.: : ; I t used to take ten
days to get the twenty baskets of rubberwe were always in the forest and then when we were
late we were killed. We had to go further and further into the forest to find the rubber
vines, to go without food, and our women had to give up cultivating the fields and gardens.
Then we starved.. Wdd beaststhe leopardskilled some of us when we were working away in
the forest, and others got lost or died from exposure and starvation, and we begged the white
man to leave us alone, saying we' could getno more rubber, but the white-m-en and their soldiers
said: ' G o i You are only beasts yourselves, you are nyama (meat).' We; tried, always going
further into the forest, and when we failed and our rubber was short, the soldiers came to our
towns and killed us. Many were shot, some had their ears cut off; others were tied up wrtj
ropes around their necks and bodies'and taken away. The white men sometimes at the posts

Went on about fifteen minutes to another L * group of houses in the midst of the
K * town, Found here mostly W * *, an old Chief sitting in the open village Council house with a Z * * man and two lads. An old woman soon came and joined, and another
man. The woman began talking with much earnestness. She said the Government had
worked them so hard they had had no time to tend, their fields and gardens, and they had
starved to death. Her children had died ; her sons had been-killed. The two men, as she spoke,
muttered murmurs of assent.
The old Chief said : " We used to hunt elephants long ago, there were plenty in our forests,
and we got much meat ; but Bula Matadi killed the elephant hunters because they could not get
rubber, and so we starved. We were sent out to get rubber," and when we came back with little
Tubber we were shot."

.;-.--. .

:. 62
Q. " W h o shot y o u ? "
A. " The white men
sent their soldiers out to kill us."
Q. " How do you know it was the white man who sent the soldiers ? It might be only these
savage soldiers themselves."
A. " No, no. Sometimes we brought rubber into the white man's stations. We took rubber to
D E's station, E E * and to F F * and to . . . . 's station. When it was not enough rubber
the white man would put some of us in lines, one behind the other, and would shoot through all
our bodies. Sometimes he would shoot us like that with his own hand ; sometimes his soldiers
would do it."
' . " Q. " You mean to say you were killed in the Government posts themselves by the Government
white men themselves, or under their eyes ? "
A. (Emphatically.) " We were killed in the stations of the white men themselves. We were
killed by the white man himself. We were shot before his eyes."
The names D E, B C, and L M, were names I heard repeatedly uttered.
The Z * * man said he, too, had fled ; now he lived at peace with the K *.
The abnormal refugee population in this one K * town must equal the actual K * population
itself. On every hand one finds these refugees. They seem, too, to pass busier lives than their
K * hosts, for during all the hot hours of the afternoon, wherever I walked through the town
and I went all through N * until the sun setI found L * weavers, or iron and brass workers, at
Slept at M M's house. Many people coming to talk to us after dark.
Left N * about 8 to return to the Congo bank. On the way back left the main path and
struck into one of the side towns, a village called A A *. This lies only some 4 or 5 miles
from the river. Found here ihirty-two L * houses with forty-three K *, so that the influx oi
fugitives here is almost equal to the original population. Saw many L *. All were frightened,
and they and the K * were evidently so ill at ease that I did not care to pause. Spoke to one or
two men only as we walked through the town. The L * drew away from us, but on looking
back saw many heads popped out of doors of the houses w e had passed.
Got back to steamer about noon.
Heard that L * came sometimes to M * from I *. I am now 100 miles (about) up-river from
N *. Went into one of the M * country farm towns called B B *. Found on entering plantation
two huts with five men and one woman, who I at once recognized by their head-dress as L *,
like those at N *. The chief speaker, a young man named
who lives at B B *. He
seems about 22 or 23, and speaks with an air of frankness.
He says : " The L * here and
others who come to M*, come from a place C C * . It is connected with the lake by a stream. His
own town in the district of C C * is D D *. G C * is a big district and had many people. They
now bring the Government india-rubber, kwanga, and fowls, and work on broad paths connectingeach village. His own village has to take 300 baskets of india-rubber. They get one piece of
cotton cloth, called locally sanza, and no more." (Note.This cannot be true. He is doubtless
Four other men with him were wearing the rough palm-fibre cloth of the
country looms, and they pointed to this as proof that they got no cloth for their labours.
K K continuing said : " We were then killed for not bringing in enough rubber."
Q. " You say you were killed for not bringing in rubber. Were you ever mutilated as proof
that the soldiers had killed you ? "
A. " When we were killed the white man was there himself. No proof was needed. Men
and women were put in a line with a palm tree and were shot."
Here he took three of the four men sitting down and put them one in line behind the other,
and said : " The white men used to put us like that and shoot all with one cartridge. That was
often done, and worse things."
Q. " But how, if you now have to work so hard, are you yourselves able to come here to
M * to see your friends ? "
A. " We came away without the sentries or soldiers knowing, but when we get home we
may have trouble."
Q. " Do you know the L * who are now at N * 1 " (Here I gave the names of N N, 0 0, and
P P.)
A. " Yes; many L* fled to that country. N N we know ran away on account of the things
done to them by the Government white men. The K* and L * have always been friends. That
is why the L * fled to them for refuge."
Q. " Are there sentries or soldiers in your villages now ? "
A. " I n the chief villages there are always four soldiers with rifles. When natives go out
into the forest to collect rubber they would leave one of their number behind to stay and protect
the women. Sometimes the soldiers finding him thus refused to believe what he said, and killed
him for shirking his work. This often happens."
Asked how far it was from M * to their country they say three days' journey, and then
about two days more on to 1 * by water, or three if by land. They begged us to go to their
country, they said : " We will show you the road, we will take you there, and you will see how
things are, and that our country has been spoiled, and we are speaking the truth."
Left them here and returned to the river bank.
The foregoing entries made at the time in my note-book seemed to me, if not false, greatlv
exaggerated, although the statements were made with every air of conviction and sincerity. 1
did not again meet with any more L * refugees, for on my return to G * I stayed only a few'


--. , , . . . . . - .


hours. A few days afterwards, while I was at Stanley Pool, I received further evidence-in alettci
of which the following is an extract :

" '*
' * ' ' ""'"';'
" I was sorry not to see you as you passed down, and so missed the opportunity of conveying
to you personally a lot of evidence as to the terrible maladministration practised in the past in
the district. I saw the official at the post of E E *. He is the successor of the infamous wretch
D E, of Avhom you heard so much yourself from the refugees at N *. This D E was in this district in . . . . . . ., and . . ., and he it was that depopulated the country. His successor, M N, is
very vehement in his denunciations of him, and declares that he will leave nothing undone that
he can do to bring him to justice. He is now stationed at G G *, near our station at H f l * .
Of M N I have nothing to say but praise. In a very difficult position he has done wonderfully.
The people are beginning to show themselves and gathering- about the many posts under his
charge. M N told me that when he took over the station at E E * from D E he visited the prison,
and almost fainted, so horrible was the condition, of .the place and the poor w r retches in it. He
told me of many things he had heard of from the soldiers. Of D E shooting with his own. hand
man after man who had come with an insufficient quantity of rubber. Of his putting several one
behind the other and shooting them all with one cartridge. Those who accompanied' r nip,
also heard from the soldiers many frightful stories and abundant confirmation of what was told us
at N * about the taking to D E of the organs of the men slain by the sentries of the various posts.
I saw a letter from the present officer at F F * to M N, in which he upbraids him for not using
more vigorous means, telling him to talk less and shoot more, and reprimanding him for not
killing more than one in a district under his care where there was a little trouble. M N is due in
Belgium in about three months, and says he will land one-day and begin denouncing his predecessor the next. I received many favours from him, and should be sorry to injure
He has already accepted a position in one of the Companies, being unable to
continue longer in the service of the State. I have never seen in all the different parts of the
State which I have visited a neater station, or a district more under control than that over
which this M N presides. He is the M N the people of N * told us of, who they said was kind.
" If I can give you any more information, or if there are any questions you would like to put
to me, I shall be glad to serve you, and through you these persecuted people."
From a separate communication, I extract the following paragraphs :
. . , ,_
I heard of some half-dozen L * who were anxious to visit their old home,
and would be willing to go with me ; so, after procuring some necessary articles in the
shape of provisions and barter, I started from our post at N *. I t .was the end of .the
dry season, and many of the Avater-courses were quite dry, and during some days we
even found the lack of water somewhat trying. The first two days' travelling was
through alternating forest and grass plain, our guides, as far as possible,. avoiding the
Getting fresh guides from a little village, we got into a region almost
entirely forested, and later descended into a gloomy valley still dripping from* the.,rain,
According to our guides we should soon be through this, but it was not until the afternoon of, the
second day after entering that we once more emerged from the gloom. Several times Ave lost
the track, and I had little inclination to blame the guides, for several times the undergroAvth and
a species of thorn palm were trodden down in all directions by the elephants. It would seem to
be a favourite hunting ground of theirs, and once Ave got very close to a large herd who went off
at a furious pace, smashing doAvn the small trees, trumpeting, and making altogether a most
terrifying noise. The second night in this forest we came across, when looking for the track, a
liLtle village of runaways from the rubber district. When assured of our friendliness they took
us in and gave us Avhat shelter they could. During the night another tornado swept the country
and blew down a rotten tree, some branches of Avhich fell in amongst my tent and the little huts
in Avhich some of the boys were sleeping. It was another most narroAv escape.
" Early the next day Ave were conducted by one of the men of this village to the right road,
and very soon found ourselves travelling along a track which had eAndently been, at only a recent
date, opened up by a number of natives. ' What was it ? ' ' Oh ! it is the road along which Ave
used to carry rubber to the white men.' ' B u t Avhy used t o ? ' 'Oh, all the people have either
run away, or have been killed or died of starvation, and so there is no one to get rubber
any longer.'
=H -.-./;
" That day we made a very long march, being nearly nine and a-half hours walking, and
passing through several other large depopulated districts. On all sides Were signsof a very recent;
large population, but all was as quiet as death, and buffaloes roamed at will amongst the still groAving
manioc and bananas. I t was a sad day, and when, as the sunxvas setting, we came upon.a large
State post we were plunged into still greater grief. True, there was a comfortable house at our.
service, and houses for all the party ; but we had not been long there before we found that we;
had reached the centre of Avhat was once a very thickly populated region, known as G G *,"from:
which many refugees in the neighbourhood of G * had come. It was here a Avhate -man,;.
known by the name of D E, lived
He came to the district, and, after seven months;
of diabolical work, left it a waste. Some of the stories current about-him are not fit. to record
here, but the native eAudence is so consistent and so universal, that it is difficult- to. disbelieve*
that murder and rapine on.a large scale were carried on here. His successor, of afiifferenf'
nature, and much liked by the people, after more than-two. and a-half years has,
winning back to the side.of the State post,a few natives, and there I saw them in tfieir wretched;
ttle huts, hardly able to call their lives their own in the presence of-the new white mam(myselfi,i
whose coming among them had set them -all a-Avondering. ^Fgorart this-gt^e]?eoif ' ax
fear of losing the track, For many miles it was a broad road, from 6 to IQ feet in. wnlih,


and wherever there was a possibility of water settling logs were laid down. Some of these
.viaducts were miles in length, and must have entailed immense labour ; whilst rejoicing in the
great facility with which we could continue our journey, we could not help.picturing the many
cruel scenes which, in all probability, were a constant accompaniment to the laying of these huge
logs. I wish to emphasize as much as possible the desolation and emptiness of the countiy AVO
passed through. That it was only very recently a well-populated country, and, as things go out
ihtore, rather more densely than usual, was very evident. After a few hours we came to a State
rubber post. In nearly every instance these posts are most imposing, some of them giving rise to
the supposition that several white men were residing in -them. But in only one did we find a
white manthe successor,of D E . At one place I saw lying about in the grass surrounding
the post, which is built on the site of several very large towns, human bones, skulls, and, in
' some places, complete skeletons. On inquiring the reason for this unusual sight : ' Oh ! ' said
my informant, ' When the bambote (soldiers) were sent to make us cut rubber there were so many
killed we got tired of burying, and sometimes when we wanted to bury we were not allowed to.'
' '/ ' ' ' B u t why didthey'killyou s o ? '
"/>' .-" ' O h ! sometimes we were ordered to go, and the sentry would find us preparing food to
eat while in the forest, and he would shoot two or three to hurry us along. Sometimes we would
dry and do a little Work on our plantations, so that when the harvest time, came we should have
something to eat, and the sentry would shoot some of us to teach us that our business was not to
plant but to get rubber. Sometimes.we were driven off to live for a fortnight in the. forest
without any food, and without anything to make a fire with, and many died of cold and hunger,
..Sometimes the quantity brought was not sufficient, and then several would be killed to frighten
us to bring more. Some tried to run away, and died of hunger and privation in the forest in
trying to avoid the State posts.'
" 'But,' said I, ' if the sentries killed you like that, what was the use? You could not bring
more, rubber when there were fewer people.'
.,'"" ' Oh ! as to. that, we do not understand it. These are the facts.'
. ; " And looking around on the scene of desolation, on the unfunded farms and neglected palms,
one could not but believe that in the main the story was true. From State sentries came confirmation and particulars even more horrifying, and the evidence of a white man as to the state of the
countrythe unspeakable condition of the prisons at the State postsall combined to convince
me over and over again that, during the last seven years, this ' domaine priv ' of King Leopold
has been a veritable 'hell on earth.'
" The present regime seems to be more tolerable. A small payment is made for the rubber
now. brought in. A little saltsay a pennyworthfor 2 kilogrammes of rubber, Avorth in Europe
from 6 to 8 fr. The collection is still compulsory, but, compared with what has gone before, the
natives consider themselves fairly treated. There is a coming together, of families and communities and the re-establishmeht of villages; but. oh! in what sadly diminished numbers, and
with what terrible gaps in the families . . . . . Near a large State post we saw the only large
and apparently normal village we came across in all. the three weeks Ave spent in the district.
One. was able to form here some estimate of what the population was before the advent of the
white man and the search for rubber . . . ."
' . . ' .
. . .
I t will be observed that the devastated region Avhence had come the refugees I saw at N *,
comprises a part of the " Domaine de la Couronne."


:. ..




Inclosure 2 in No. 3.
' !
(See p. 29.)



' - .



' - - '
. .o*
' . . '
7 lie Rev. J. Whitehead to Governor-General of Congo State.
.-. . ' - '
. . .
Dear Sir,
Baptist Missionary Society, Lukolela, July 28, 1903.
I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the Circular and the List of Questions
respecting the sleep sickness sent through the Bev. J. L. Forfeitt.
H ; I hasten to do my best in reply, for the matter is of paramount importance, and I trust that
H I may seem to trespass beyond my limits in stating my opinions in reference to this awful
sickness arid matterslanclred thereto, my zeal m a y b e interpreted as arising from excessive sorrow1
ahd_Sympathy for a disappearing people, I believe I shall be discharging my duty to the State
and. His Majesty King Leopold II, whose desire for the facts in the interests of humanity have long
b^ffipfH^li8hed,'if I endeavour to express myself as clearly as I can regarding t h e necessities of
ffie natives of Lukolela,
of Lukolela in January 1891. must have been not less than
bjffO People, but when I counted the whole population in Lukolela at the end of December 1896
I found it to be only 719, and I estimated from the decrease, as far as we could count up the
number of known, deaths during the year, that at the same rate of decrease in ten years the
people would: be reduced to about 400, but judge of my heartache when, on counting them all
again on Friday and Saturday last to find only a population of'352 people, and the death-rate
rapidly increasing, I note also a decrease Very appallingly apparent in the island districts during

the same number of years ; three districts are Avell-nigh swept out (these are near to the river}",
and others are clearly diminished ; so that if something is not soon done to give the'people heart
and "remove their fear and trembling (conditions which generate fruitfully morbid conditions and
pronness to attacks of disease), doubtless the whole place will be very soon denuded of its
population. The pressure under which they live at present is crushing them; the food Avhich
they sadly need themselves very often must, under penalty, be carried to the State post, Also
o-rass, cane string, baskets for the " caoutchouc'' (the last three items do not appear to be paid
for) ; the "caoutchouc" must be brought in from the inland districts; their Chiefs are being
weakened in their prestige and physique through imprisonment, which is .often cruel, and thus 1
weakened, in their authority over their own people, they are put into chains for the'Shortage of
manioc bread'.and " caoutchouc?''
' ". I n the riArerine part of Lukolela Ave have done our very best as non-official members of the
State to cope with disease in every way possible to us ; but so far the officials of the State have
never attempted even the feeblest effort to assist the natives of Lukolela to recover" themselves
or guard themselves in any way from disease. In times of small-pox, when no time can be lost
in the interests of the community, I have, perhaps, gone sometimes beyond my rights'as a private
citizen in dealing with it. But there has always been the greatest difficulty in getting food for
them (the patients) and nurses for them, even when the people were not compelled to take their
food supply to the State post, but when food supplies and labour are compressed into one channel
all voluntary philanthropy is paralyzed. It is quite in vain for us to teach these poor people the
need of plenty of good food, for we appear to them as those who mock ; they point to- the food
which must be taken to the post. A Aveekly tax of 900 brass rods' worth of manioc bread from
160 women, half of whom are not capable of much hard and continuous work, does not leave much
margin for them to listen to teaching concerning personal attention in matters Of food. " At
present they are compelled to supply a number of workmen, and some of these are retained after
their terms are completed against their will; the villages need the presence of their men, there
are at present but eighty-two in the villages of Lukolela, and I can see the shadoAv of death over
nearly twenty of them.*
"'..The inland people and their Chiefs tremble when they must go down to the river, so much
has been done latterly to shake their confidence, and this fear is not strengthening them physically,
but undermining their constitutions, such as they are. They hate the compulsory " caoutchouc"
business, and they naturally do their best to get away from it. If something is not quickly done
to give these timid and disheartened people contentment and their home life assured to them,
sickness will speedily remove many, and those who remain will look upon the white man, of
whatever nation or position, as their natural enemy (it is not far from that now).: Some have
already SAvorn to die, be killed, or anything else rather than b forced to bring in "caoutchouc,"
which spells imprisonment and subsequent death to them; what they hear as having been done
they quite understand can be done to them, so' they conclude they may as well die'first as last.
The State has fought Avifh them twice already, if not more; but it is useless, they Avili nof
submit. A cave of Adullam is a thing not always easily reckoned with.
May I be permitted to seize the present opportunity of respectfully pleading on behalf of this
people .that their rights be respected, and tbat the attention as of a father to his children be
sympathetically shown them? May I also be permitted to place before yqU a few suggestions
which have been impelled into my mind face to face Avith this dying people of what is their heed
while medical inquiry goes forward, please God, to master this terrible scourge? I suggest 1 the
following as immediately needful for the nVerine people :
' . .' '... '....' ';';'.
1. That the present small population of Lukolela be requested to vacate the present site of
their dwellings, and form a community on the somewhat higher ground at present used for
gardens, the soil of which has been impoverished by years of manioc growing. This is known by
the name Ntomba ; and that they be requested to clear the uhdergroAvth on the beach, the sites
of their present dwellings, and plant bananas, &.c.
2. That no one knoAvn to h&ve sleep-sickness be permitted to divell on the new site ; but all
be removed to a site lower doAvn the river; and'that it shall be the duty of the people to supply "
their sick with the necessary food and caretakers. The islands are unsuitable, being uninhabitable
for a large part of the year.
". .">. '.
3. That they be compelled to bury their dead at a considerable distance from the dwelling's,
and to bury them in graves at least a fathom deep, and not as at present in shallow graves in
close proximity to the houses.
. . . . . .
4. That they be encouraged to build higher houses with more apertures for the ingress
of sunshine and air in the daytime, and with floors considerably raised abo\Te the outside
: 5. That a strong endeavour be made to get them to provide better latrine arrangements.
6. That encouraged to give up eating and drinking together from the same dish" or
vessel in common.
_ 7. That the men be encouraged to follow their old practices of hunting, fishing, black-'
smithing, & c and with the Avomen care for their gardens and homes, and that they be given :
eyry protection in these duties and in the holding of their property.against the State soldiers
and workmen and eAmrybody else that wants to interfere with their lights.
. .8. AH the foregoing they will not be able to do unless the present compulsory method of
cquirihgTheir labour and their food by the State is exchanged for a voluntary one!
';. 9. Thaftlie Chiefs or present chief representatives of the deceased Chiefs among whom t h e "
. ...
informed me when I passed Lukolela this day, nine of these twenty have died
ice he wrote the above.B. C.


K 2


land, was divided before the State came into existence (I believe about three will be found at
Lukolela itself) b recognized as the executive of these matters, and that they b requested to
devote their levies (restored as of old) made on the produce, &c, of their lands to the betterment
of their towns and district, by making roads through their lands, &c.
10. To appoint sentries to carry out either the above or any other beneficent rules in any of
the villages would be to endeavour to mend the present deplorable condition with an evil a
hundred-fold worse.
j All the above suggestions adjusted to suit the locality are equally applicable to the inland
In ansAvering the list of questions I would say :
1. Sleep-sickness is sadly only too well knoAvn at Lukolela. It is prevalent in the whole of
the riverine and inland districts. In the inland districts I am not yet able to say AAmether it is
more prevalent than in the riverine one ; that* can only be ascertained by a more prolonged
residence there than as yet I have had opportunity to make. In the riverine district I estimate
that quite half of the deaths are from sleep-sickness. The cases do not occur in batches like
cases of small-pox and measles do ; there are too many in a given place unaffected at one time.
I t will, howeA'-er, gradually SAveep away Avhole families. The common notion among the natives
is that the sickness came from doAvn-river ; and it Avas prevalent, though not to such an extent as
now, as far back as the oldest people I have met can remember. Before our Mission Avas
founded here a suspected case Avould be thrown into the river ; but inland I do not think there is
any evidence to show that they did otherwise than to-daymurse their sick perfectly, heedless of
the contagion in respect of them (the nurses) or their friends, and, as they do on the beach, bury
their dead close to their houses, and in some cases live on the top of the graAues.
2. From my own observation (since January 1891) the sickness is endemic; in the riverine
villages the death-rate slowly increased until 1894, when the people quite lost heart and felt their
homes were no longer secure to them, and then hunger, improper food, fear, and homelessness
appeared to increase the death-rate from sleep-sickness and other causes most appallingly, and the
rate has still further increased, especially during the last two years. The fewer the population
becomes the proportionate rate of death increases most fearlully.
3. The district of Lukolela may be described as follows: Th-' beach line is wooded, broken
b y one or two creeks, one of Avhich winds for a considerable distance inland to a district Avhich
can be reached overland by a journey of at least'three days at the shortest. There is more or less
of low-lying land connected with the creeks. The 6 miles below the Mission station is lower than
the 8 miles above. , The highest point of our land is about 19 metres above high-water level, and
possibly there is a further rise of 3 metres or so further up stream. The ground Avhich I suggest
the people be removed to may be on an average about 12 to 15 metres above high-waterlevel.
This ridge of river bank shelves down into loAV-Avooded land and grass plains which are flooded
at high water, though for the most part dry at the lowest e b b ; then behind these rise small
plateaus separated by IOAV A'alleys of wooded and grassy land. From the pools and streams of
this low ground the people get most of their fish; even Avhen the river is at medium height a
journey between the various plateaus Avhere the villages and farms are found requires about half
the time to be spent in wading, sometimes breast deep.
4. A large proportion of the population is comprised of slaves, mostly from the tributaries of
the Equator district, some from the Mobsi, Likuba, and Likwala peoples on the north bank, some
fromNgombe below Irebu, some from as far as the district of Lake Leopold I I and other places.
All the tribes represented seem equally affected, and neither slave nor freeman seems to have
preferential treatment.
. .', 5. To an ordinary observer the men, Avomen, and children appear to be affected alike. I t is
not easy to always differentiate the sickness from other maladies, for often it may be that the
malady gives rise to A'arious complications; these complications are extremely intractable if sleepeickiiess be present. When a man in the prime of life has his prestige and spirit broken through
fear and punishment, he loses interest in his home,'refuses to take food and drink; a sleep-sickness
patient will do the same. With the women in all cases we have known there is also present
amenorrhoea; sometimes treatment for this has restored the patient in this respect for a time, but
there has in all cases we have knoAvn of this sort been a relapse ; so whether the patient died of
one or the other would be difficult to say.
6, The well-fed do not seem to fall before the scourge so rapidly as the ill-fed. The progress
of the disease seems to us considerably slower as a rule with those Avho take care of their food and
habits, but it attacks evmn the most scrupulously attentive to these matters.
There is a very bad practice amongst them : they will go sometimes days without eating,
although they may have manioc and plantain, and other foods from the soil at hand, simply
because they have no fish or flesh to eat Avith them; sometimes they pinch themselves in food to
retain their brass rods for the purchase of some coveted article. The natives to-day are not so
careful in the preparation of food, and it is more hastily performed; the manioc is eaten as nearly
the raw state as they dare use it. The bitter manioc is mostly grown, as the yield from it is
greater than from any other kind. Plantains are largely eaten roasted, and boiled, and beaten
into a pudding. Palm-nuts, too, they are very fond of, and the oil forms a good part of the cooked
foods. They use, especially in the absence of fish or flesh, the leaves of the manioc, which are
bruised and boiled; in nearly every case, however, head- and stomach-ache follow, which pass off
in a few days if bowels be active.' Well-peppered food they enjoy, and rotten fish and flesh they
do not, as a rule, despise. Their dried fish, of Avhich' a large quantity-is eaten, is not by any
means ahvays free from maggots. Elephant meat seems to give them diarrhoea ; dog-headed bats
similarly; hippo meat generally produces slight constipation. I am afraid a dood deal of disease
is^-passed!preparation of-rfo.od There, is a great deal of.eating

j . i

together and drinking together from one and the same ATessel ; they dip their hands in the mess
prepared as they sit round the pot, and I cannot say that they are too careful of the condition of
their hands at the time. Clothing is usually scant except for decoration; hence the colder the
whether the less the clothing, the brighter and warmer the more they carry. Washing is not a
very frequent exercise among the natives. They like, as a rule, teeth kept clean, washing them
every day and after every meal. They like to smear their bodies with oil and camwood. The
hair is left undressed or dressed as the case maybe forAveeks at a time Avithout further cleansing.
Sleeping is mostly done on raised constructions of sticks, varying from half a-foot from the ground
to about 3 feet or so. I am afraid that not much in the way of covering is used Avhile sleeping, a
blanket being mostly worn during the day as an article of fine clothing. Many, especially those
in temporary residence, sleep on the ground floor with only a mat intervening. Jiggers, bugs,
mosquitcs, and A-ermin abound in their houses on the beach, but jiggers are not so plentiful, and
mosquitos very rare inland. The inland people take great care of their water sources, but on
the beach the river water is largely used, and this is of a dark brown colour ; some is taken from
the creeks, but it is very impure, abounding Avith decayed vegetation and clay, and some from
springs, such as they are, and these are only surface drainings oArer the clayey subsoil. The
sweepings or their huts and refuse from their food is not throAvn far aAvay, sometimes even being
quite close up against one of the walls of the hut. In the daytime they relieve themselves in the
nearest sheltered spot Avithout further discrimination, and these places, in the present uncleared
character of their surroundings, are very close at hand ; in the night time they are not so particular, but will even relieve themseWes in the open, and on the paths trod by every one. The
common belief is that the disease is communicated by means of the secretions, and yet, strange
to say, the natives take scarcely any precautions.
7. All the cases we have known have been fatal. -We have thought sometimes we have
done good with iodide of potassium and cod-liver oil, but if it did any good at all it Avas only
very temporary. We judge from our observations that from the first symptoms Avhich appear to
be mental ones, the best cared for cases last for from one to three years. Others in which food is
soon refused and neglect is suffered may speedily terminate in a feAV months, or even weeks, from
the first certain indications. The first symptoms seem to be mental, the balance of thought fails
at intervals, then come the physical signs of pain in the lower part of the back; often thought
here to be piles, and they seek the usual remedies for this ; later the pain extends to the Avhole
back and then to the head, especially at the back of the neck, and droAArsiness steals over the
patient at inconA'enient times, often the eyes become staring, the face assumes a haggard appearance, and anaemia casts its pallor 0Arer the whole body; intelligence rapidly diminishes, and
often the patient dies foaming at the mouth ; if burial does not take place quickly maggots soon
make their appearance in the body. When the natives begin to stuff their remedies up their
patient's nostrils to take aAvay the " confusion of eyes " (a phrase Avhich they use to describe a
person going out of his senses) the patient will very likely become violently deranged, and then
he has to be forcibly restrained in stocks or otherwise.
Isolation is undoubtedly the first thing to do, but when to begin the isolation is a difficulty,
and when that is settled to maintain the isolation is still a greater one. The patients could not
be left to die, they would need food, attending to (for they become so helpless latterly) and
burying, and almost all who undertook that work would be sure eventually to succomb. To get
a person here, hoAvever, to look after somebody else's relative is a well nigh impossibility by
moral suasion.
I should have noted above that the experiment of better houses, such as the youths and
Avorkmen have built in the little village adjoining the Mission station (wattle and daub, with good
high roofs), haAre given no benefit whatevmr. Very few of them will be able to remain for more
than one or tAvo years; the occupants are showing signs that are ominous; we shall need to burn
them down at the decease of the occupants.
Apologizing for trespassing on your attention at so great a length, I beg you to
accept, &c.


lke Rev. J. Whitehead to G

'jtovernor General of Congo State.

Baptist Missionary Society, Lukolela, Haut Congo,

Dear Sir,
September 7, 1903.
I HAVE recently paid a visit, along with my wife, to the inland district of Lukolela, and I
have had related to me such accounts, and have myself seen such evidence of what seems to me
both illegal and cruel occurrences, that my blood had been made to boil with indignation and
abhorrence. I take upon myself the humanitarian duty, which is truly the call of God, to
supplement my letter to you on the subject of sleep-sickness and the general decline of
these peoples, and confirm some of my statements by the presentation of facts of Avhich I have
the knowledge. It may be that in some of my statements I -may be trusting to bruised
reeds, but, as far as possible, I am persuaded of the truth of what I present to your
OJI the 16th August, 1902, I called the attention of the Commissaire-General at Lopoldville
to a murder which had been committed by a soldier by shooting two men while still in the chain.


They had been sent, in addition, to a youth who was walking unchained to draw water from a
pool some 2 kilom. distant from the lower post of Lukolela by a telegraph clerk named M. Gadot
(M. de Becker being the Chef de Poste resident at the upper station). The unchained youth was
flogged by the soldier by a chicotte taken from a house on the way, and the youth fled, and the
soldier shot the two men left. My letter was taken down river by a steamer which passed here
in course of a week. Nothing was done by the men in charge of the posts here until, by letter of
the 15th September, 1902,1 was requested by the Chef de Post to send up my witnesses. Those
witnesses could have .been had the same day of the deed if the officers had done their duty. I
went up with such witnesses as I was able to get together, and their evidence was taken.
Nothing more was heard of the matter until the 24th April of this year, when I received a note
from the State Agent here asking for certain people attached to our station, whose names he gave.
He did not mention the reason of their being required at Lopoldville, but I guessed the reason.
I was only able to send one of them, one other having returned to his home, and another being
near to death. The man resident in the village, who was one of the witnesses I took up
previously, was sent for to the State post and detained, and not allowed to return to make any
provision"of his journey to the pool. My apprentice and this man went down to the pool tb bear
witness concerning that murder ; on the way the captain of the steamer ordered them off to
carry and cut firewood ; they demurred, naturally, but for peace sake did a little. In a storm of
rain the shelter of the large steamer was denied them, and. they spent the night sitting on the
beachthe two of them beneath one frail umbrella. When they arrived at the pool, no one
seemed to know why they had come ; they were sent from pillar to post, then there seems to
have been discovered some reason or other to interrogate them. The soldier concerned was with
his fellows just the same as though there was no trial, and had, indeed, been no wrong done.
But for the friendly offices of a sister Mission these two witnesses would have fared very badly
during the six weeks they were detained at Lopoldville; they were practically shelterless and
unfed; even as it was, they were hungry enough. At length they returned by our Mission
I t seems that the only sufferers in the matter were myself, in the loss of my
apprentice for six weeks, and his loss of six weeks' wages, together with his considerable
discomfort and the loss of the man from the villagenot much, perhaps, in the eyes of the .
officials of the State, but much to them; then all their suffering is easily traceable to myself, for ,
if I had not drawn the Commissaire's attention to the murder no witnesses would have been
necessary, for who would have mentioned it? Considering the way in which this matter Wag"
dealt with, and the witnesses I produced were treated, I hesitate to bring other matters to
light. The treatment these witnesses received only strengthens the distrust of the State, which,
in this place, everywhere abounds. I therefore appeal for just treatment of witnesses and those
who bring wrong-doing to light.
On the 6th March, 1903, I reported to the State Agent here (M. Lecomte) that I had seen at
Mibenga a Chief, named Mopali, of Ngelo, who had been carried from the Lukolela post,
where he had been imprisoned, so' as to induce his village to bring more rubber. His head was
wounded as with an iron instrument of some kind, his lips were swollen as if from a severe
blow, and his legs were damaged as with blows from sticks. He and his bearer asserted that
these wounds were given him while he was chained and made to carry firewood. M. Lecomte
replied that the man had been seen by him before he left, and he was then all right and asked for
my witnesses. I replied that the man himself and bearer were my informants. He' said he
wished to trace the doers of the deed. Nothing more was heard of the matter, so later I
acquainted the Directeur-Gnral at Lopoldville by letter, dated the 10th July, of the facts)
Meanwhile, up to the present, I have heard of nothing- being done in the matter, only a repetition- ,
of a similar case.
I was at the village of Mopali on the 18th August, and I inquired for the poor fellow; some
said he was dead, but most said that he had been carried by his wife, at his own request, away
out of the way, so that he should not be found. He was afraid of the State chaining him again.
From them I heard he had been even worse maltreated than at first I knew ; they told me that
his feet had been cut so that he despaired of walking again, and those who had seen him last
said he got along by dragging himself along- on his buttocks. I asked them pointedly whether
they heard from Mopali where he got his wounds ; was it not after he left the white man's
presence ? With one voice the little crowd I asked replied, " No ; he received those wounds
while in the chain." I gathered also that at first they were forced to take five baskets of rubber,
and to make them take ten they had chained up Mopali, and that two more baskets had been
recently added.
I learnt also that the youth who had run away from the soldier on the occasion of the murder
of the two chained prisoners was dead. I asked how it was he was imprisoned at the post; they
explained that he was taken to free his master from the chain, which had been put round hip neck,
to get more rubber from his village, and both youth and master were since aead. They
recounted these things to me, and asked me if they were just. A case-hardened Jesuit would
find it difficult to say yes. I could only blush with shame and say they were unjust.
; .
On the 17th August, at' Mibenga, the Chief, Lisanginya, made a statement to me in the
presence of others, to the following effect : They had taken .the usual tax of eight baskets, of
rubber, and he was sent for (I think it was the 8th June when he passed on his way through our
station), and the white man (M. Lecomte, M. Gadot also being present) said the baskets were too .
few, and that they must bring- other three ; meanwhile, they put the chain round his neck, the
soldiers beat him with sticks, he had to cut firewood, to carry heavy junks, and to haul logs in
common with others. Three mornings he was compelled to carry the receptacle from the white
man's latrine and empty it in the river. On the third day (sickening to relate) he was made to
drink therefrom by a soldier named Lisasi. A youth named Masuka was in the chain at the same

place and time, and saw the thing done. When the three extra baskets were produced he was
set at liberty. He was ill for several days after his return. I referred to this in my letter of the
28th July, but it was too horrible a thing to write the additional item until I had heard the thing
from the man's own hps. I blush again and again as I hear the fame of the State wherever I go,
that when they chain a man now at the post they may make the chained unfortunate drink the
white man's defecations.
In the evening of the 21st August, on returning to Mibenga, from a more inland town
- Bokoko, Mrs. Whitehead and myself saw Mpombo of Bobanga, village of Mbongi, some distance
inland. He was in a horrible state. He stated that he had taken ten baskets of rubber to the
post, and they wanted one more, so they chained him up to get it. He stated that he had been
roughly treated by Mazamba, who had charge of him. In his utter weakness, he had stayed at
Libonga (which was a village on the way), to get stronger, for about thirteen days. What must
have been his condition when he arrived there I cannot imagine ; he was so bad when I saw him
at Mibenga. His left wrist appeared to be broken (broken by a log of wood, too heavy for him,
slipping from his shoulder), one finger of the.right hand was severely bruised, and had developed
a large sore (this had been done he said with a stick with which he had been beaten), his back
was badly bruised, the left shoulder was much bruised, and had been evidently slit with a knife,
the left knee was bruised and feet swollen from being badly beaten, and altogether he was in a
very disordered condition.
Later, I met Mabungikindo, a Chief from Bokoko, a large town inland, who was also
returning from the chain in which he. had been detained to get three more baskets of rubber.
Their tax of rubber I understand had been doubled this year, and this was to get three more on
the top of that. Poor fellow ! How thin his thick-set frame had become ! He was wearing his
State Chiefs medal. He took it in his hand and asked me to look at it. I cringed Avith shame.
He asked me if we did that sort of thing- in our country. I replied we did not. And this- he
| said is how the State treats us : gives us this, and chains up the wearer and beats him. Is that
good? Do you wonder, Sir, that the natives hate the State, and that it's' fame is almost
impossible of cleansing in this part ? Again and again I had the painful fortune to meet men
coming back_ from imprisonment on account of rubber. The State through its Agents at
Lukolela is driving these undisciplined people to desperation and rebellion. There is a rumour
set abroad from the State post that the soldiers are coming from Yumbi to fight the inland
people because of some words which have been brought back from Bolebe and Bonginda. If
we are going to have another war, it Avili be one which has been engendered by this sort of
- ,
Allow me to trespass on your patience with another story of injustice which can scarcely he
equalled by any of these barbarians. At Mibenga the Chiefs on the 14th August had great
difficulty in getting their young men to carry down the tax of 500 mitakos' worth of manioc
bread. This was owing to the fact that a youth named Litambala had run away from the post.
The carriers usually returned the following day, but it was not till the morning of Sunday,
the 16th, that they arrived, and it was found that one of them, named Mpia, had been chained
up for Litambala. To deal thus with what is called a market is in the native eyes (and not
unjustly so) pure treachery. Why had been Litambala detained? I will explain. Sometime
ago a youth named Yarnboisele was living on the river side, although a native of Mibenga;
he fell ill of small-pox, and I nursed him through itit was very bad. And it was only with
diligent and careful nursing that he was saved from imminent death. After his recovery he
did odd jobs about the station, and, unfortunately, began to be dishonest. When he was found
out he was dismissed. I presumed he would return to his own home, but he engaged himself
at the State. After some time he ran away, and although he had engaged himself without
his people's knowledge his Chief, Lisanginya, was sent for, and they chained him up as a hostage
for a replace for Yarnboisele; after a brief space, the same day, on a promise of sending
someone, he was released, and he sent a youth named Bondumbu. Presently Yarnboisele
turned up at Mibenga, and they took him to the post and asked for the release of Bomdumbu.
They refused to release Bondumbu, and retained also Yarnboisele. Presently Yarnboisele (report
says) was sent with 2,000 mitakos and 10 demijohns for water to the lower post, some distance
down river, and he made off with the lot to the French side. When the carriers came down from
Mibenga on the Saturday (this was the 16th May) they chained up Moboma, and he was
beaten by the soldiers ; I myself saw the weals from the strokes. The rest of the youths
pleaded that he should not be tied up, as he did not belong to the same Chief, so they
released him and chained up Manzinda. Next week they released him and chained up
Mola, who had come down also as a carrier.
_ After two weeks the white man (the natives say it was M. Gado) sent Mango (a
native of the village of Lukolela, not then in the employ of the State) to tie up a man to
come and work in place of Mola. Lisanginya, the Chief, was away at time, but the man
tied up Litambala and took him to t h e . State, and Mola was set at liberty. Litambala
continued a little time, till at length he was given some work to do, which he thought, he
v/as not strong enough for, and so ran away. Then in the week following the chaining" of
Mpia, so much trouble seemed likely to ensue in getting carriers for the manioc bread,' and
much recrimination of one another in the village, that Monibai, an able-bodied arid diligent
man, went to the post and gave himself up to free Mpia. But Yarnboisele has not been
heard of.
' * '-", : "
I have had several cases brought to my knowledge lately of the mode of slavery adopted
at the post. Briefly, it is as follows : a man for some reason (sometimes his own and sometimes not) commences work at the p o s t ; he completes his term, and he. is told he cannot
have his p a y unless he engages himself another term or brings another in his place. I ' k n o w



those who have left the earnings in the hands of the Chef de Poste rather than begin again.
Such compulsion is contrary to civilized law, and is rightly termed slavery, and is utterly
illegal. I quote one case in pointa recent one. On the 26th August I noticed a lad, Ngodele,
at Mibenga ; I noticed he was a lad from the State post, and I inquired why he was not at his
work. The information was given that his term was finished, and the white man had sent
him to say that when they sent another in his place he would give him his pay. I learnt
that Ngondele had been compelled to go by his Chief, because the Chef de Poste had demanded
some one to fill the place of another named Mokwala, who had died at the post.
I appeal to you, Sir, that these things may cease from being perpetrated on your subjects,
and this defaming of the name of the State.
Accept, &c,

Enclosure 3 in No. 3.
(See p. 33.)

who died while kept as prisoners of war. Others were carried to far distant camps and have
never returned. Many of the young were sent to Missions, and the death-rate was enormous.
Here is one example: Ten children were sent from a State steamer to a Mission, and in spite
of comfortable surroundings there were only three alive at the end of a month. T h e others had
died of dysentery and bowel troubles contracted during the voyage. Two more struggled on for
about fifteen months, but never recovered strength, and at last died. In less than two years onlv
oneof the ten was alive.
3. Another cause of the decrease is that the natives are weakened in body through insuffi eienJand irregular food supply. They cannot resist disease as of old. I n spite of assurances that
the old state of things will not come again, the native refuses to build good houses, make
large gardens, and make the best of the new surroundingshe is without ambition because
without hope, and when sickness comes he does not seem to care.
4. Again a lower percentage of births lessen the population, Weakened bodies is one cause
of this. Another reason is that women refuse to bear children, and take means to save themselves
from motherhood. They give as the reason that if " w a r " should come a woman " b i g with
child," or with a baby to carry, cannot well run away and hide from the soldiers. Confidence will,
no doubt, be restored, but it grows but slowly.
There are two points in connection with the " w a r " (so-called) :

Statement in regard to the Condition of the Natives in Lake Manlwmba region during the period of the
Rubber Wars which began in 1893.
T H E disturbance consequent on the attempt to levy a rubber tax in this district, a tax which
has since been discontinued, appears to have endured up to 1900.
The population during the continuance of these wars diminished, I estimate, by some 60 per
cent., and the remnant of the inhabitants are only now, in many cases, returning to their destroyed
or abandoned villages.
During the period 1893-1901 the Congo State commenced the system of compelling the
natives to collect rubber, and insisted that the inhabitants of the district should not go out of
it to sell their produce to traders.
The population of the country then was not large, but there were numerous villages with an
active peoplevery many children, healthy looking and playful. They had good huts, large plantations of plaintains and manioc, and they were evidently rich, for their women were nearly all
ornamented with brass anklets, bracelets, and neck rings, and other ornaments.
The following is a list of towns or villagesgiving their approximate population in the
year 1893 and at the present time. These figures are very carefully estimated :












These a r e n o t in t h e old village,
b u t near it.
JNOW a S t a t e eamp with hundreds
of soldiers and women.

In several small clusters of h u t s .

Including fishing camps.

This list can be extended to double this number of villages, and in every case there has been
a great decrease in the population. This has been, to a very great extent, caused by the extreme
measures resorted to by officers of the State, and the freedom enjoyed by the soldiers to do just
as they pleased. There are more people in the district near the villages mentioned, but they are
hidden away in the bush like hunted animals, with only a few branches thrown together for
shelter, for they have no trust that the present quiet state of things will continue, and they have
no heart to build houses or make good gardens. In all the villages mentioned there are very few
good huts, and when the natives are urged to make better houses for the sake of their health,
the reply is, that there is no advantage to them in building good houses or making extensive
gardens, as these would only give the State a greater hold upon them and lead to more exorbitant
demands. The decrease has several causes :
1. O * was deserted because of demands made for rubber by M. N O and several others
were similar cases. The natives went to the French territory.
2. "War,-' in which children and women were killed as well as men. Women and children
were killed not in all cases by stray bullets, but were taken as prisoners and killed. Sad to
say, these horrible cases were not always the acts of some black soldier. Proof was laid
against one officer who shot one woman and one man, while they were before him as prisoners
with t h e i r h a n d s tied, and no attempt was made by the accused to deny the truth of the
To those killed in the so-called " w a r " must be added large numbers of those

(L) The cause.

(2.) The manner in which it was conducted.

(1.) The natives never had obeyed any other man than their own Chiefs. "When Leopold I t
became then- King they were not aware of the fact, nor had they any hand in the making of the
new arrangement. Demands were made on them, and they did not understand why they
should obey the stranger. Some of the demands were not excessive, but others were simolv
unpossible. From the G H * people and the 0 * group of towns large demands of rubber
were made, l h e r e was not much within their reach, and it was a dangerous thing to be a
stranger m a strange part of the forests. The 0 * people offered to pay a monthly tribute o f
goats, fowls, &c, but M. N O would have rubber, so they left. The G H * had to bear thescourge of war frequently and many were killed. Now they supply what they probably woukd
have supplied without the loss of one person, kwanga and fresh meats, and roofing materials and!
mats. Ttubber was demanded from some others and war resulted. These are now proviclmo&
the State with fish and fowls.
_ Another fertile source of war lay in the actions of the native soldiers. Generally s p e a W their statements against other natives were received as truth that needed no support Take the
following as an example : One morning it was reported that State soldiers had shot several
people near the channel leading from H K " to the Congo. Several canoes full of manioc had
been also seized, and the friends of the dead and owners of two of the canoes asked that they
might have the canoes and food, and that they might take the bodies and bury them. But
this was refused. I t was alleged the people were shot in the act of deserting from the State into,.
trench territory. The Chief who was shot was actually returning from havino- gone with a
message from M. O P to a village, and was killed east of the camp and of his home while
'trance lay to the west. The soldiers said that the "people had been challenged to stop and
that they refused, and that they had been shot as they paddled away. But really they hack
landed when called by the soldiers; they had been tied hand and foot, and then "shot One
woman had struggled when shot, and had broken the vines with which her feet were tied and
she, though wounded, tried to escape. A second bullet made her fall, but yet she rose and ran'
a lew steps, when a third bullet laid her low. Their bauds had all been taken offie the right hand of eachfor evidence of the faithfulness of the soldiers. M. 0 P shot two of the
soldiers, but the leader of the party was not shot, though the whole matter was earned through
by him, and he it was that gave M. O P the false report.
A Chief complained that certain soldiers had taken his wives and had stolen all of his
belongings that they cared to have. He made no complaint against the " t a x " that the soldiers
had gone there to secure, but told of the cruelty and oppression of the soldiers carried on for their own g a m . The white officer kicked him ofi the verandah and said that he told many lies
I he Chiei turned round with fury written on his face, stood silently looking at the white
man, and then stalked off; two days later there was a report that all the soldiers with their wives and followers had been killed in that Chief's town. A little later the white officer who
refused to set matters right, along with another Belgian officer, were killed with a number of "
their soldiers m an expedition for the purpose of punishing the Chief and his people for k i h W the farst lot of soldiers.
After the rubber demand was withdrawn, in some places labour was demanded. A very lare'eproportion of the women from this village had to go to P * every week and work there two days
tney returned here on the third day. Nearly every week there were complaints made that'
someones wile had been kept b y a soldier, and when it was suggested that the husband
siioufd himself go and report the matter to the white man, they would reply: " W e dare not""
then- fear was not so much of the white man but of the black soldiers.
(2.) The manner in Avhich this war was conducted was very objectionable to any one with
European ideas. The natives attacked P * and O *, but that was only after numerous
expeditions had been made against them, and the whole population roused against the " white
man. In 99 per cent, of the " w a r s " in this district the cause was simply failure on the part of
ree people to supply produce, labour, or men, as demanded by the State. There was the lonstruggle with L L L m h i s l o n g - resistance to State authority ; but he at first was known as a



- qiifei mm\ who ivied to please the Stateband h e only started on his career as a fighting; man-after
he had' been out to help M. N 0. After the departure of M-.-N O to Colquilhatviile, he went back
and made demands and fought the people as he had done with M. N 0 as his Chief.
;. i
'-'When this matter was reported t o M . N O , h e was angry, and called the Chief a." brigand,"
and said that he would be punished. . For numerous offences he was p u t " on the chain," and some
.timeafter his release the fight occurred (in which fight the two white men were killed) and he
joined with others in an ineffectual attempt to drive out the white man.
' .: ; t n most of th fights then the natives were merely trying to defend themselves and their
bornes from attacks made on them by black soldiers sent to "punish-them for some failure to
do their duty to the State ; " and if the cause for war was weak, the Way in which it was carried
on Was often revolting. I t was stated that these soldiers were often sent out to make war on a
village without a white officer accompanying them, so that there was nothing to keep them
frqm awful excesses.
It is averred that canoes have been seen returning from distant expeditions with no white
man in charge, and with human hands dangling from a stick in the how of the canoeor in
small basketsbeing earned to the white man as proofs of their courage and devotion to duty.
If one in fifty of native reports are true, there has been great lack on the part of some
white men. They, too, are accused of forgetting the subjects and conditions of war.
Statements made to me by certain natives are appended.
Many similar statements were made to me during the time I spent at Lake Mantumba, some
.of those made by native men being unfit for repetition.


Q Q's Statement.

I was born at K K * .
After my father died my mother and I went to L L *. When
we ' returned to K K * soon after that P Q came to fight with ns because of rubber.
K K * did not want to take rubber to the white man. We and our mothers ran away very
far into the bush. The Bula Matadi soldiers were very strong and they fought hard,
one soldier was killed, and they killed one K K * man. Then the white man said let us go
home, and they went home, and then we, too, came out of the bush. This was the first fight,
After that another fighting took place. I, my mother, grandmother, and my sister,
we ran away into the bush. The soldiers came and fought us, and left the town and followed
us into the bush.
When the soldiers came into the bush near us they were calling my
mother by name, and I was going to answer, but my mother put her hand to my mouth to stop
me. Then they went to another side, and then we left, t h a t place and went to another. When
they called my mother, if she had not stopped me from answering, we wonld all have been killed
then. A great number of our people were killed by the soldiers. The friends who were left
buried the dead bodies, and there was very much weeping. After that there was not any fighting
for some time. Then the soldiers came again to fight with us, and we ran into the bush, but they
veally came to fight with M M * . They killed a lot of M M * people, and then one soldier came
out to K K * , and the K K * people killed him with a spear. And when the other soldiers
heard that their friend was killed they came in a large number and followed us into the bush.
' Then the soldiers fired a gun, and some people were killed. After that they saw a little bit of
my mother's head, and the soldiers ran quickly towards the place where we were and caught my
grandmother, my mother, my sister, and another little one, younger than us. Several^ of the
soldiers argued about my mother, because each wanted her for a wife, so they finally decided to
kill her. They killed her with a gunthey shot her through the stomachand she fell, and
when I saw that I cried very much, because they killed my mother and grandmother, and I was
left alone. My mother was near to the time of her confinement at that time. And they killed my
grandmother too, and I saw it all done. They took hold of my sister and asked where her older
sister was, and she said : " She has just run away." They said, " Call her." She called me, but I was
too frightened and would not answer, and I ran and went away and came out at another place,
and 1 could not speak much because my throat was very sore. I saw a little bit kwanga lying
on the ground and I picked it up to eat. At that place there used to be a lot of people, but when
I got there there were none. My sister was taken to P *, and I was at this place alone. One
day I saw a man coming from the back couutry. He was going to kill me, but afterwards he
took me to a place where there were people, and there I saw my step-father .

He asked to buy me from this man, but the man would not let him. He said," She is my slave
now ; I lound her." One day the men went out fibbing, and when I looked I saw the soldiers
coming, so I ran away, but a string caught my foot and I fell, and a soldier named NNJ>
caught me. He handed me over to another soldier, and as we went we saw some Q * people
Q * woman, and we went to P * ,
fishing, and the soldiers took a lot of fish from them and
and they took me to the white man.
Signed by Q Q before me,
His Britannic Majesty s Consul.

Q Q-


-r -..

,:,,. , ./ . ,y -, '.;- B B's; Staiemeht. I :

-.."' ,.-,-.-'" -,,? -,:.,-$ ; ... f

'' I, R R, came from N N ' * , * N N * and R * -fought, and they killed several .R*.:people,,
and one R * man 0 0 0 took a mam and sent-him to L L P to go and. tell t h e white .manto come and fight with Nkoho. : The white man who fought with N N * first was arned
QR.*. He fought with us in the morning; then I ran away with my mother. Then the meh
came to call us back to our town. When we were returning to our town, as we were nearing,w asked how many people were killed, and they told us three were killed. Q R had Burned
down all the houses, so we were scattered to other places again; only some of the -men.were
left' to build again. After a while we returned to our town and began to plant our gardens. o.L
have finished the first, part of the story. .
. . .
>..: ... ;,',-, p
We stayed a long time at our town, then the white man who fought with N I ; * first
went and told R S that the N N * people were very strong, so R S made up his mind to'come
and fight us. When he came to 0 * we heard the n e w s ; it was high-water season. We got
into our canoes to run away, but the men stayed behind to wait for the soldiers. When the
white man came he did not try to fight them during the day, but went to the baek- and-waited
for night to come. When the soldiers came at night the people fan away, so they did not kill
anybody, only a sick man whom they found in a house, whom they (the soldiers) killed and
disfigured his body very much. They hunted out all the native money they could get, and in
the morning they went away. After they went away we came back to the town, but we.found
it was all destroyed. We remained in our town a long time ; the white man did not come back
to fight with us. After a while we heard that R S was coming to fight us. R S sent, some
Q * men to tell the N N * people to send people to go and work for him, and also to send
goats. The N N * people would not do it, so he went to fight our town. When we were told by
the men that the soldiers were coming, we began to run away. My mother told me to wait for
her until she got some things ready to take with us, but I told her we must go now, as the
soldiers were coming. I ran away and left my mother, and went with two old people who were
running away, but we were caught, and the old people were killed, and the soldiers made me carry
the baskets with the things these dead people had and the hands they cut off. I went on with
the soldiers. Then we came to another town, and they asked me the way and the name of t h e
place, and I said " I do not know;" but they said, " I f you do,not tell us we will kill you,"-so I
told them the name of the town. Then we went into -the bush to look for people,'nd w heard
children crying, and a soldier went quickly over to the place and killed a mother a n d ; fourchildren, and then we left off looking for the people in the bush, and they asked me again t show
them the way out, and if I did not they would kill me, so I showed them the way. They/took me
to R S, and he told me to go and stay with the soldier who caught me. They tied/up sixpeople, but I cannot tellhow many people were killed, because there were too many for,me tocount. They got my little sister and killed her, and threw her into a house and set fire .to the
house. When finished with t h a t we went to 0 0 *, and stayed there four days, and then we
went to P P *, and because the people there ran away, they killed the P P * Chief, We
stayed^ there several d a y s ; then we came to P *, and from there we came on to Q.Q*, and
there they put the prisoners in chains, but they did not put me in chains, and then Ire (R S) went to fight with L L *, and killed a lot of people and six people tied up. When he canae,back
from L L * we started and came on to Q *,
-:- /- .,; ! .-..- *
* ' , . : . *
,*'.'""P." ' '
My father was killed in the same fight as I was captured. My mother was killed by a sentry
stationed at N N * after I left.
" ' -'

Signed by R R, before me,

, ;-

.. '

His Britannic Majesty's Consul.

S S's Statement.


..(Signed) . ; ; R R,.
' .
. . ' . , , . . ....... ' j
'.-'_ ',..-.'



.; i T I.

S S came from the far back R E * . One day the soldiers went to her town to fight; shedid not know that the soldiers had come to fight them until she-saw the people from the other
side of the town running towards -their end, then they, too, began to run away. Her father,
mother, three brothers, and sister were with her. About four men were killed at this scare. It
was at this fight that one of the station girls P P P was taken prisoner. After several days,
during which time they were staying at other villages, they went back to their own town. They
were only a few days in their own town when they heard that the soldiers who had been at the
other towns were coming their way too, so the men gathered up all their bows and arrows and
went put to the next town to wait for the soldiers to fight them. Some of the -men stayed behind
with all the women and children. After that S S and her mother went out to their garden to
Work ; while there S S told her mother that she had dreamed that Bula Matadi was coming
to fight with them, but her mother told her she was trying to. tell stories. ,.-After .that S S
Went back to the house, and left her mother in the garden. After she had been a little while in
the house with her little brother and sister she heard the firing of guns. When she heard that she
took up her httle sister and a_big basket with a lot of native money* in it, but she could not
manage both, so she left the basket behind and ran away with the youngest child ; the little boy

van away by himself. The oldest boys had gone away to wait for the soldiei*s at the other town.
As she went past she heard her mother calling to her, but she told her to run away in another
direction, and she would go on with the little sister. She found her little sister rather heavy for
her, so. she could not run very fast, and a great number of people went past her, and she was left
alone with the little one. Then she left the main road and went to hide in the bush. When
night came on she tried to find the road again and follow the people who had passed her, but she
could not find them, so she had to sleep in the bush alone. She. wandered about in the bush for
six days, then she came upon a town named S S * At this town she found that the soldiers
Were fighting there too. Before entering the town she dug up some sweet manioc to eat, because
she was very, very hungry. She went about looking for a fire to roast her sweet manioc, but
she could not find any. Then she heard a noise as of people talking, so she hid her little sister in
a deserted house, and went to see those people she had heard talking, thinking they might he
those from her own town, but when she got to the house where the noise was coming from she
saw one of the soldiers boys sitting at the door of the house, and then also she could not quite
understand their language, so she knew that they were not her people, so she took fright and ran
away in another direction from where she had put her sister. After she had reached the outside
of the town she stood still, and remembered that she would be scolded by her father and mother
for leaving her sister, so she went back at night. She came upon a house where the white man
was sleeping ; she saw the sentry on a deck chair outside in front of the house, apparently asleep,
because he did not see her slip past him. Then she came to the house where her sister was, and
took her, and she started to run away again. They slept in a deserted house at the very end of
the town. Early in the morning the white man sent out the soldiers to go and look for people all
over the town and in the houses. S S was standing outside in front of the house, trying to
make her sister walk some, as she was very tired, but the little sister could not run away through
weakness. While they were both standing outside the soldiers came upon them and took them
both. One of the soldiers said : " We might keep them both, the little one is not bad-looking ;"
but the others said " N o , Ave are not going to carry her all the way ; we must kill the youngest
girl." S a they put a knife through the child's stomach, and left the body lying there Avhere they
had killed it. They took S S to the next town, where the white man had told them to go and fight.
They did not go back to the house Avhere the white man was, but went straight on to the next
town. The white man's name was CD.f
The soldiers gave S S something to eat on the
way. When they came to this next town they found that all the people had run away.
In the morning the soldiers wanted S S to go and look for manioc for them, but she was
afraid to go out as they looked to her as if they wanted to kill her. The soldiers thrashed her very
much, and began to drag her outside, b u t the corporal (N N N) came and took her by the hand and
said, " We must not kill her; we must take her to the white man." Then they went back to the
toAvn where C D was, and they showed him S S. C D handed her over to the care of a
soldier. At this town she found that they had caught three people, and among them was a
very old woman, and the cannibal soldiers asked C D to give them the old woman to eat,
and C D told them to take her. Those soldiers took the woman and cut her throat, and
then divided her and ate her. S S saw all this done. In the morning the soldier who was
looking after her was sent on some duty by C D, and before the soldier went out he had
told S S to get some manioc leaves not far 1'rom the house and to cook them. After he left
she went to do as he had told her, and those cannibal soldiers went to C D and said that
S S was trying to run away, so they Avanted to kill her ; but he told them to tie her, so the
soldiers tied her to a tree, and she had to stand in the sun nearly all day. When the soldier who
had charge of her came back he found her tied up. C D called to him to ask about S S,
so he explained to C D what he had told S S to do, so he was allowed to untie her. They
.stayed several days at this place, then B D asked S S if she knew all the towns round
. about, and she said yes, then he told her to shoAv them the Avay, so that they could go and catch
people. They came to a toAvn and found only one woman, who Avas dying of sickness, and the
soldiers killed her with a knife. At several towns they found no people, but at last they came to
a toAvn Avhere several people had run to as they did not know Avhere else to go, because the
soldiers w e r e fighting e\ r ery where. At this town they killed a lot of peoplemen, women, and
childrenand took some as prisoners. They cut the hands off those they had killed, and brought
them to C D ; they spread out the hands, in a row for C D to see. After that they left to
return to Bikoro. They took a lot of prisoners with them. The hands which they had cut off
.they just left lying, because the white man had seen them, so they did not need to take them to
P *. Some of the soldiers Avere sent to P * with the prisoners, but C D himself and the other
soldiers went to T T * where there was another white man. The prisoners were sent to S T.
S S was about two Aveeks at P *, and then she ran away into the bush at P * for
three days, and when she was found she Avas brought back to S T, and he asked her Avhy she had
run aAvay. She said because the soldiers had thrashed her.
S S's mother was killed by soldiers, and her father died of starvation, or rather, he refused
tto eat because he was bereaved of his wife and all his children.
Signed by S S before me,
His Britannic Majesty's Consul,

* Brass rods.

t The name of Military Officer in Command of the troops at that date.

TT s Statement.


States she belonged to the village of R*, Avhere she lived with her grandmother.
was attacked by the State soldiers long ago. I t was in S T's time. She does not knoAV if
h was with the soldiers, but she heard the bugle blow Avhen they were going aAvay. I t Avas in
the afternoon when they came, they began catching and tying the people, and killed lots of them.
A lot of peopleshe thinks perhaps fiftyran away, and she was in the crowd with them, but
the soldiers came after them and killed them all but herself. She was small, and she lid into the
bush. The people killed were many, and Avomenthere were not many children. The children
had scattered, when the soldiers came, but she stayed Avith the big people, thinking she might
be safe.
When they Avere all killed she waited in the grass for two nights. She Avas Arery frightened,
and her throat Avas sore with thirst, and she looked about and at last she found some water : in a
pot. She stayed on in the grass a third night, and buffaloes came near her and she was very
frightenedand they went away. When the morning came she thought she would be better to
move, and Avent aAvay and got up a tree. She was three days without food, and Avas very hungry.
In the tree she was near her grandmother's house, and she looked around and, seeing no soldiers,
she crept to her grandmother's house and got some food and got up the tree again. The
soldiers had gone away hunting tor buffaloes, and it was then she was able to get doAAar from the
tree. The soldiers came back, and they came toAvards the trees and bushes calling out :
" N o w we see you ; come doAvn, come down !" This they used to do, so that people, thinking
they were really discovered, should give themselves up ; but she thought she would stay on, and
go she stayed up the tree. Soon afterwards the soldiers went, bait she was still afraid to come
doAvn. Presently she heard her grandmother calling* out to know if she was ahve, and when she
heard her grandmother's voice she knew the soldiers Avere gone, and she answered, but her Amice
was ATery smalland she came down and her grandmother took her home.
T h a t was the first time. Soon after\A-urds she and her grandmother went away to another
town called U U *, near V V *, and they Avere there some days together, when one night the
soldiers came. The white man sent the soldiers there because the U U * people had not taken
to the State Avhat they were told to take. Neither her own people nor the U U * people knew
there was any trouble with the Government, so they Avere surprised. She was asleep. Her
grandmotherher mother's mothertried to awaken her, but she did not know. She felt the
shaking, hut she did not mind because she was sleepy.
The soldiers came quickly into the househer grandmother rushed out just before. When
she heard the noise of the soldiers around the house, and looked and saw her grandmother not
there, she ran out and called for her grandmother; and as she ran her brass anklets made a noise,
and some one ran after and caught her b y the leg, and she fell and the soldiers took her.
There were not many soldiers, only some boys Avith one soldier {Note.She means a corporal
and some untrained men.R. G), and they had caught only one woman and herself. In the
morning they began robbing the houses, and took eArerything +hey could find and take.
They Avere taken to a canoe, and went to V V *. The soldier Avho caught her was the sentry
at V V *. At V V * she Avas kept about a Aveek with the sentry, and when the V V * people took
their weekly rations 0Arer to P * she was sent over. The other woman who was taken to V V *
Avas ransomed by her friends. They came after them to V V *, and the sentry let her go for
750 rods. She saAV the money paid. Her friends came to ransom her too, but the sentry refused,
saying the white man Avanted her because she AAUAS youngthe other Avas an old woman and
could not Avork.

T T.
Signed by T T before me.
His Britannic Majesty's Consul.

U V's Statement.
When we began to run away from the fight, we ran away many times. They did not catch
me because I was with mother and father. Afterwards mother died ; four days passed, father
died also. I and an older sister Avere left with two younger children, and then the fighting came
where I had run to. Then my elder sister called m e : " U U, come here." I went. She said:
" Let us run away, because Ave have not any one to take care of us." When Ave were running
aAvay we saw a lot of W W * people coming towards us. We told them to run away, war
Avas coming. They said : " Is it true ? " We said : " It is true ; they are coming." The W W *
people said : " W e will not run away ; Ave did not see the soldiers." Only a little while they
sarv the soldiers, and they Avere killed. We stayed in a town named X X * . A male relative
called me : " U U, let ns go ; " but I did not want to. The soldiers came there ; I ran away
by myself : when I ran away I hid in the bush. While I Avas running I met with an old man who
was running from a soldier. He (the soldier) fired a gun. I Avas not hit, but the old man died.
Afterwards they caught me and two men. The soldiers asked : " Have you a father and mother ? "
I answered, " N o . " T h e y said to me, " I f you do not tell us we will kill you," I said-

" Father and mother are dead." After that my oldest sister was caught, too, in the bush, and
they left my little brother and sister alone in the bush to die, because heavy rain came on, and
they had not had anything to eat for days and days. At night they tied my hands and feet for
fear that I should run away. ' In the morning they caught three peopletwo had children ; they
killed the children. Afterwards I was standing outside, /and a soldier asked me, " W h e r e are you
going ?" I said, " I am going home." He said, "Come- on;" ' He-Took his gun;; he put me in
the house; he wanted to kill me. Then another soldier came and tookuae. We heard a big
noise; they told us that the fighting was over, but it was not so. When : we "were going on
the way they killed ten children because they were very, very small ; they killed /them in thewater. Then they killed a lot of people, and they cut off their hands and put them into baskets
and took them to the white man. He counted out the hands260 in all ; they left t h e hand
lying. The white man's name was " C D . " After that C D sent us prisoners with soldiers
to IP '* to S T . S T told me to weed grass. When I was working outside a soldier came and
said: " Come here ; '" and when I went he wanted to eut my hand off, and so'I went to the white
man to tell him, and he thrashed the soldier.
;-:- >
. ' - "... ;
On our way, when we were coming to V *, the soldiers saw a little child,'and when'they
went to kill it the child laughed so the soldier took the butt of the gun and struck the child with
it, and then cut off its head. One day they killed my half-sister and cut off her head/hands,
and feet because she had on rings. Her name was Q Q*Q. Then they caught another sister, and
they sold her to the W W * people, and now she is a slave there. When we came to P *
the white man said to send word to the friends of the prisoners to come with goats to buy off
some of their relatives. A lot were bought off, but I had no one to come and buy me off because
father was dead. The white man said to me, "You shall go to . , . . ." The white man
(S T ) gave me a small boy to care for, but I thought he would be killed, so I helped to get
him away. S T asked me to bring the boy to him, but I said : " He has run away." He said
he would kill me, but . . . . .

signed by U U before me.


' '

His Britannic Majesty's Consul.

Inclosure 4 in No. 3.

' '"

t S e e p . 34.)

: }'
tef; - ... ..
-- ,
, ,
Notes in the Case of F F , a Native of L L* in the Mantumba District, both of whose hands have been
...... hacked or beaten off, and with reference to other similar cases of Mutilation in that District.
1 FOUND this man in the . . . . . station at Q * on .. b ,
, and learned that he had
been kept by the missionaries for some years, since the day when,a party of native teachers had
found him in his own town, situated in the forest some miles away from Q *. In answer to my
inquiry as to how he came to lose his hands, V Y's statement was as follows :
" S t a t e soldiers came from P *, and attacked the R E * towns, which they burned, kilhhg
people. They then attacked a town called A B * and brrrned it, killing people there also. From
that they went on to L L *. The L L * people fled into the forest, leaving some few of their
number behind with food to ofter to the soldiersamong whom was V V. The soldiers came
to L L *, under the command oi a European officer, whose native name was T U. The soldiers
took prisoner all the men left in the town, and tied them up. Their hands were tied very tight
with native rope, and they were tied up outside in the open ; and as it was raining very hard,
and they were in the rain all the time and all the night, their hands swelled, because the thongs
contracted. His (V V's) hands had swollen terribly in the morning, and the thongs had cut into
the bone. The soldiers, when they came to L L *, had only one native a prisoner with them; he
was killed during the night. At L L * itself eight people, including himself (V V) were taken
prisoners ; all were men ; two were killed during the night. Six only were taken down in the
morning to Y Y *. The white man ordered four of the prisoners to be released ; the fifth was a
Chief, named R R R. This Chief had come back to L L * in the night to try secretly to get some
fire to take back into.the forest, where the fugitives were hiding. His wife had become sick during
the heavy rain in/the forest, and the Chief wanted the fire for her ; but the soldiers caught him, and
he was taken along with the rest. This Chief was taken to P*, but he believes that on th
way, at 2 ^ * , he tried to escape, and was killed. V V's hafids were so" swollen that they
were .quite useless. , The soldiers seeing this, and that the thongs had cut into the bone, beat his
hands, against a tree with their rifles, and he was released. H e does not k n o w why they
beat hisbhands v The white man, T U , was not far off, and could see what -they were doing.
^rZlW^J^"^ 11 ? palm-wine while the soldiers beat his hands with their rifle-butts against
the -tree. His hands subsequently fell off (or sloughed away). . When the soldiers left him by the
yvaterside, he got b a c k to L L *, and when his, own people returned from the forest they found
him there. Afterwards some boysone.of whom was a relation-came to L L'*, and they found
him without .-his hands. '"..'. '.". . ."; ' .'"',..
' ....' ' " '
: Hi f^THere-Y^u.s. spine 4cmM
V Y's^^t^^ii;VhSti^&r',iaifl hands hadbeen

c u t with a knife;-but later rinquiry established that they fell off through the, tightness of the
native rope and/the beating; of them b y the soldiers with their rifle-butts,:- )
;.':,. On the 14th August, I again visited the State camp at Irebu, where, in the course of conversation with the officer in command, I made passing but intentional reference to the fact.that
d had seen V/V, and had heard his story from himself, I added that from the boy's statement
it would seem that the loss of his hands was directly attributable to an officer who was. apparently
close at hand and in command of the soldiers at the time, I added that I had heard of other
cases in the neighbourhood. The Commandant at once informed me that such things were
impossible, but that in this specific case of V V he should cause inquiry to be instantly made.
On my return from the Lulongo River I found that this remark in passing conversation had
borne instant fruit, although previous appeals on behalf of the boy had proved unsuccessful.
The Commissaire-Gnral of the Equator District had, learning of it, at once proceeded to Lake
Mantumba, and a judicial investigation as to how V V lost his hands had been immediately
instituted. The boy was taken to Bikoro, and I have since been informed that provision has
been made for him and a weekly allowance.
When at the village of B C *, I had found there a boy of not more than 12 years of age
with the right hand gODe. This child, in answer to my inquiries, said that the hand had been
..cut off by the Government soldiers some years before. He could not say how long before, but
judging from the height he indicated he could not then have been more than 7 years of age
if now 12. His statement was fully confirmed by S IS S and his relatives, who stood around him
while I questioned him. The soldiers had come to B C * from Coquilhatville by land through the
forest. They were led by an officer whose name was given as " TJ V." His father and mother
were killed beside him. He saw them killed, and a bullet hit him and he fell. He here showed
me a deep cicatrized scar at the back of the head, just at the nape of the neck, and said it was
there the bullet had struck him. He fell down, presumably insensible, but came to his senses
while his hand was being hacked off at the wrist, I asked him how it was he could possibly lie
silent and give no sign. He answered that he felt the cutting, but was afraid to move, knowing
that he would be killed if he showed any sign of life.
I made some provision for this boy.
. :
The names of six other persons mutilated in a similar way were given to me. T h e last of
these, an old woman, had died only a few months previously, and her niece stated that her
aunt had often told her how she came to lose her hand. The town had been attacked by
Government troops and all had fled, pursued into the forest. This old woman (whose name was
V W) had fled with her son, when he fell shot dead, and she herself fell down beside himshe
supposed she fainted. : She then felt her hand being cut off, but had made no sign. When all
was quiet and the soldiers had gone, she found her son's dead body beside her with one hand
cut off and her own also taken away.
Of acts of persistent mutilation by Government soldiers of this nature I had many statements
made to me, some of them specifically, others in a general way. Of the fact of this mutilation and
the causes inducing it there can be no shadow of doubt. It was not a native custom prior to the
coming of the white man; it was not the outcome of the primitive instincts of savages in their
fights between village and village; it was the deliberate act of the soldiers of a European
Administration, and these men themselves never made any concealment that in committing
these acts they were but obeying the positive orders of their superiors. I obtained several specific
instances of this practice of mutilation having been carried out in the town of Q * itself, when
the Government soldiers had come across from P * to raid,it or compel its inhabitants to work.

Inclosure 5 in No. 3.
(See p. 43.)
Circular dated October 20, 1900.
L E Gouvernement a dlgu des Socits Commerciales oprant dans certaines parties du
territoire non soumise l'action immdiate de son autorit une partie de ses pouvoirs en matire
de police gnrale.
Ces Socits sont dites avoir " le droit de police." Des interprtations errones ont t
donnes cette appellation.
On a voulu y voir l'attribution aux Directeurs de ces Socits et mme des agents
subalternes, du droit de diriger des oprations militaires offensives, " d e faire la g u e r r e " aux
populations indignes; d'autres, sans mme s'inquiter d'examiner quelles pouvaient tre les
limites de ce droit de police, se sont servis de moyens que cette dlgation avait mis entre leurs
mains, pour commettre les abus les plus graves.
C'est--dire que " l e droit de police " qui leur donnait le moyen de se protger eux-mmes et
l'obligation de protger les individus contre l'abus de la force, allait compltement l'encontre de
l'un de ces buts principaux.
En prsence de cette situation, j'ai dcid que " le droit de police," terme dont je conserve
provisoirement l'emploi, ne laisserait que le pouvoir de rquisitionner, l'effet de maintenir ou de
rtablir l'ordre, la force arme qui se trouvera soit dans la Concession, soit en dehors, mais mme
dans ce cas il doit tre bien entendu que les officiers de l'tat conserveront, au cours des vnements
le Commandant [? commandement] des soldats et seront seuls juges, sous leur responsabilit, des
oprations militaires qu'il importerait d'entreprendre.

Les armes perfectionnes que les Socits possderaient dans leurs diverses factoreries or*
tablissements et qui doivent faire l'objet comme les armes d'autres Socits n'ayant pas le droit
de police, d'un permis modle B, ne peuvent en aucun cas sortir des tablissements pour lesquels
elles ont t dlivres.
Quant aux fusils piston ils ne peuvent tre mis en debors des factoreries qu'entre les mains;
des Capitas et condition que ceux-ci aient un permis suivant modle C.
Les fusils piston ne sortiront ainsi des factoreries qu'isolment. Ne pouvant tre remis en
dehors des tablissements commerciaux dans les mains de groupes plus ou moins importants ils neconstitueront ainsi jamais une force offensive.
J e donne nouveau les ordres les plus formels pour que tous les fonctionnaires de l'tat
concourent faire rprimer les infractions ces strictes dfenses.
Le Gouverneur-Gnral,
Borna, le 20 Octobre, 1900.
T H E Government have delegated to commercial Companies operating in certain parts of theterritory not subject to the immediate exercise of Government authority a paid of their powers in
matters of general police.
These Companies are described as having " the right of police."' Erroneous interpretationshave been given to this expression.
It has been held by some as giving to the Directors of these Companies, and even toinferior officers, the right to undertake offensive military operations, to "make w a r " on the nativepopulation ; others, without even troubling to ascertain what the limits of this right of policemight be, have used the means afforded by this delegation of power to commit the gravest
That is to say, " the right of police," which gave them the means of protecting themselves,
and imposed upon them the obligation of protecting individuals against abuse of force, was used
in a manner absolutely opposed to one of these principal objects.
In view of these circumstances, I have decided that " t h e right of police," an expression tireuse of which I retain provisionally, shall imply no more than the power of requisitioning,,
with a view to maintaining or restoring order, the armed force existing either within or without
the Concession ; but even in this case it must be well understood that the officers of the State
will retain command of the soldiers during the proceedings, and will be the sole judges, on their
own responsibility, of the military operations which it may be deshable to undertake.
Improved weapons which the Companies possess in their various factories or establishments
and for which, as for the arms of other Companies not having the right of police, a permit,
form (B), must be taken out, may not in any case be removed from the establishments for which
they were issued.
With regard to cap-guns, they may not be removed from the factories except into the hands
of the Capitas, and on the condition that the latter are in possession of a permit, form (C).
Cap-guns will thus only be removed from the factories one by one. As they cannot be
issued from the commercial establishments into the hands of more or less numerous groups,
they will thus never constitute a means of offence.
I again give the most formal orders that all the State officials co-operate to repress violations
of these strict prohibitions.
The Governor-General,
< Signed)
Borna, October 20, 1890.

Inelosure 6 in No. 3.
(See p. 5(3.)
Note of Information taken in the Charge of Cutting off the boy I I's hand, preferred to
Mr. Casement by the People of E*.
AT village of E * in the C D * country, on left bank of E D *, tributary of the X * River..
Y Y, with many of the townsmen and a few women and children, also present.
A lad, about 14 or 15 years of age, I I by name, whose left hand had been cut off, thestump wrapped up in a rag, the wound being yet scarcely healed, appears, and, in answer to
Consul's question, charges a sentry named K K (placed in the town by the local agent of the
La Lulanga Society to see that the people work rubber) with having done it. This sentry, iscalled, and after some delay appears with a cap-gun.
The following inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the loss of I I's hand then
takes place :
The Consul, through W W , speaking in E F *, and X X repeating his utterances both m
F G * to the sentry and in the local dialect to the others, asks 11, in the presence of the accused :
" Who cut off your hand ? "
...... r
11 : " The sentry there."


The sentry denies the charge (interrupting), and stating that his name is T T T and not
Consul requests him to keep silencethat he can speak later.
Y Y is called and questioned by Consul through the interpreters. After being exhorted to
speak the truth without fear or favour, he states :
" The sentry before us cut off I I's hand."
Consul : " Did you yourself witness the act ? "
Answer : " Yes."
Several of the Headmen of the town called upon by the Consul to testify.
To the first of these, who gave his name as Z Z, Consul asked, pointing to I I's mutilated
wrist-bone : " Who cut off this boy's hand ? "
Z Z (pointing to the sentry) : " That man did it."
The second, who gave his name as A A A , asked by Consul: " W h o cut off this boy's
Answers: " K K . "
The third, giving his name as B B B, asked by Consul : " Who cut off this boy's hand ? ''
Answers : " This roan here, the sentry."
Z Z (re-questioned) : " Did you yourself see this sentry cut off this boy's hand ? "
Answer : " Yes, I saw it."
A A A (re-questioned) : " Did you yourself see this sentry cut off this boy's hand ? "
Answers : " I should think so. Did I not get this wound here " (pointing to a cut by the
tendon Achilles on the left heel) " the same day, when running away in fright? My own knife
wounded me. I let it fall when 1 ran away."
Consul questions I I : " H o w long ago was it your hand was cut off? "
Answer : " He is not sure."
Two fellow-villagersyoung men, named C C C and D D Dstep out and state that
they remember. The act occurred when the clay was being dug over at C D, when the slipplace for the steamers was begun.
E E E, of E *, another section of the village of R * *, questioned by Consnl : " Did you
see this lad's hand cut off?"
Answer : " Yes. I did not actually see it being cut off. I came up and saw the severed
hand and the blood lying on the ground. The people had run away in all directions."
Consul asked interpreters to ask if there were others who had seen the crime and charged
K K with it.
Nearly all those present, about forty persons, nearly all men, shouted out with one voice that
it was K K who did it.
Consul : " They are all sure it was K K herel "
Universal response : " Yes ; he did it."
Consul asked the accused K K : " D i d you cut off this boy's hand ?"
This question was put in the plainest language, and repeated six times, with the request that
a plain answer" yes " or " no "should be given.
The accused failed to answer the question, beginning to talk of other things not relevant to the
question, such as that his name was T T and not K K and that the people of R * * had done
bad things to him.
He was told to confine himself to the question put to him, that he could talk of other things
later, but that now it was his place to answer the questions put, just as simply and plainly
as the others had answered. He had heard those answers and the charge they levied against
him, and he should answer the Consul's questions in just the same way.
The accused continued to speak of irrevelant subjects, and refused or failed to give any
answer to the question put to him.
After repeated attempts to obtain answer to the question : " Did you or did you not cut off
this boy I I's hand ?"
Consul states : " You are charged with this crime. You refuse to answer the questions I
put to you plainly and straightforwardly as your accusers have done. You have heard their
accusation. Your refusal to reply as you should replyviz.,, yes or noto a direct and simple
question leaves me convinced that you cannot deny the charge. You have heard what has beem
charged against you by all these people. Since you decline to answer as they did, you may
tell your story your own way. I shall listen to it."
Accused began to speak, but before his remarks could be translated to me through X X
first, to whom he spoke direct, and then through W W, a young man stepped out of the crowd
and interrupted.
There was noise and then the man spoke :
He stated he was F F F of R * *. He had shot two antelopes, and he had brought twoof their legs to this sentry as a gift. The sentry refused to accept them, and tied his wife up..
The sentry said they were not a sufficient present for him, and he kept F F F's wife tied upuntil he, F F F , paid him 1,000 brass rods for her release
Here a young man giving his name as G G G stepped into the ring and accused the sentry
f having robbed him openly of two ducks and a dog. They were taken from him for no
reason save that the sentry wanted them and took them by force.
Consul again turned to the sentry and invited him to tell his story, and to give his answrer to
the charge against him in his own way. Consul enjoined silence on all, and not to inteiTupt
the sentry.
K K stated that he did not take G G G's ducks. The father of G G G gave him a duck.
(All laughed.) It is true that F F F killed two antelopes and gave him the two legs as a gift
but he did not tie up his wife or require monev for her release.



Consul : " T h a t is all right. T h a t finishes the clucks and the antelopes' legs; but now I want
to hear about I Ts hand. Tell me what you know about I Ts hand being out off."
K K again evaded the question.
Consul : " Tell him this. He is put here by his master in this town, is he not? This is his
town. Now, does he say he does not know what goes on here where he lives ?"
The sentry states : " It is true that this is his town, but he knows nothing about I Ts hand
being cut off. Perhaps it was the first sentry here before he came, who was a very bad man and
cut people's hands off. That sentry has gone awayit was he who cut hands off, not himself.
He does not know anything of it."
Consul: " W h a t was the name then of this bad sentry, your predecessor, who cut people's
hands off? You know it ? "
The sentry gives no direct answer, and the question is repeated. He then gives a statement
about several sentries, naming three, as predecessors of himself here at R * *.
Here a man named H H H jumped up, interrupting, and asserted that those three sentries
did not reside a t R * *, but had been stationed in his own townhis, H H H's, town.
Consul (to the sentry) : " How long have you been in this town ? "
Answer : "'.Five months."
Consul : " You are quite sure ! "
Answer :";'Five months."
Consul: " D o you, then, know this boy I I ? Have you seen him before ?"
Answer : (' I do not know him at all."
Here the entire auditory roared with laughter, and expressions of admiration at the sentry's
Hying powers were given vent to.
The sentry, continuing, stated that possibly 1 1 comes from H H H's town. Anyhow, he
(the sentry) does not know I I ; he does not know him at all.
Here F F F stepped out and said he was full brother of I I ; they had lived here always.
Their father was ULTU, now dead ; their mother is also dead.
Consul (to the sentry) : " Then it is finished. You know nothing of this matter."
The sentry : " It is finished. I have told you all. I know nothing of it."
Here a man giving his name as I I I, of K K *, the neighbouring section of R * *, came
forward with his wife.
He stated that the other sentries in then- town were not so bad, but that this man was a
The sentry had tied up his wifethe woman he brought forwardand had made him
pay 500 rods before she was released. He had paid the money.
Here Consul asked 1 1 how his hand had been cut off. He and C C C and D D D stated that
he had first been shot in the arm, and then when he fell down the sentry had cut his hand off.
Consul : " Did you feel it being cut off? "
Answer: "Yes, I felt it."
This terminated the inquiry. The Consul informed Y Y and the people present that he
. should report what he had seen and heard to the Congo Government, and that he should beg them
to investigate the charge against the sentry, who deserved severe punishment for his illegal and
cruel acts. The things that the sentry was charged with doing were quite illegal, and if the
Government of his country knew of such things being done, the perpetrators of such crimes
would, in all cases, be punished.
His Britannic Majesty's Consul.

Enclosure 7 in No. 3.
(See p. 59.)
'Circular of September 'J, 1903, forbidding Soldiers armed with Rifles from going out on Service ivitlwut
Europeans over them..





Borna, le 7 Septembre, 1905.

LA lecture de rapports sur des oprations et reconnaissances militaires dmontre que les
prescriptions formelleset si souvent rptesdu Gouvernement concernant l'instruction
d'envoyer des soldats arms sous la conduite de grads noirs ne sont pas observes ngoureusej e constate mme avec regret de la part de certains fonctionnaires et agents cette mauvaise
volont se conformer ces instructions, qui sont pourtant; dictes par le souci des intrts
suprieurs de l'tat.
Les oprations militaires doivent tre conduites d aprs les rglements sur le service ei
c a m p w n e que nos officiers et sous-officiers doivent appliquer frquemment au cours des exercices
journaliers et d'aprs les nombreuses prescriptions sur la matire. E t cet effet le personnei
suprieur, avant de se prononcer sur les oprations conduire aura, au pralable, examinei
les moyens dont disposent leurs sous-ordres sont suffisants.
J'ai l'honneur d'inviter les Chefs territoriaux rappeler leur personnel les instructions au
prcdent et l'informer de ce que toute contravention la dfense d'envoyer des soldats arme

sous la conduite de grads noirs sera svrement rprime et de nature mme provoquer la
rvocation de l'agent en faute.
Les soldats doivent tre l'objet d'une surveillance constante afin qu'il leur soit impossible de
se livrer des cruauts auxquelles pourraient les pousser leurs instincts primitifs....'.
Les instructions dfendent aussi d'employer les soldats au service des courriers et des
Malgr cela on continue en maints endroits pratiquer ce dplorable usage.
Il importe que les soldats ne soient plus constamment distraits de leur garnison et de leur
mtier militaire et qu'ils restent, en tout temps, sous le contrle de leurs chefs ; l'instruction et
l'ducation militaires des hommes de la force publique ne peuvent qu'y gagner.
J e prie, en consquence, le personnel intress de faire cesser immdiatement l'tat de choses
signal ci-dessus : le service des courriers doit tre assur par des travailleurs ou des hommes
spcialement dsigns cet effet.
Si l'autorit juge ncessaire, dans certains cas, de faire escorter soit un courrier soit un convoi
de marchandises, il faut qne la patrouille soit organise rglementairement et commande par un
Ce n'est qu' titre tout fait exceptionnel et si c'est absolument ncessaire que cette
patrouille pourra tre commande dfaut d'Europen par un grad de choix et de confiance.
Mais dans ce cas, que l'autorit aura justifier, les hommes commands par un grad noir
devront tre munis du fusil piston d'armement qui constitue une bonne arme dfensive.
Le Vice-Gouverneur-Gnral,

Borna, September 7, 1903.

THE perusal of reports on military operations and reconnaissances shows that the formal
orders of the Government, so frequently repeated, respecting the instruction to send armed!
soldiers under the command of black non-commissioned officers, are not rigorously observed.
I even note with regret this disinclination, on the part of cei'tain officials and agents, toconform to these instructions, which are, however, dictated by care for the higher interests of the
Military operations must be conducted in accordance with the regulations respecting service
in the field, of which our officers and non-commissioned officers must make frequent application,
at daily drill, and in accordance with the numerous instructions in the matter. And to this end
the superior staff, before deciding on the operations to be undertaken, must ascertain beforehand
whether the means at the disposal of those below them are sufficient.
I have the honour to invite the territorial Chiefs to remind their staff of the precedinginstructions, and to inform them that any breach of the rule forbidding the dispatch of armed
soldiers under the command of black non-commissioned officers will be severely put down, and
may lead to the dismissal of the agent in fault.
The soldiers must be the object of constant supervision, so that it may be impossible for them:
to commit cruelties to which their primitive instincts might prompt them.
The instructions also forbid the employment of the soldiers on post or transport work.
Nevertheless, this deplorable custom continues to obtain in many places.
It is important that the soldiers should not in future be constantly withdrawn from their
garrison and from their military duties, and that they should remain at all times under the control
of their Chiefs. This cannot fail to improve the instruction and military education of the men of
the public force. I therefore request the staff whom it concerns to put an end at once to the
above-mentioned condition of affairs ; the postal service must be assured by workmen or by men
specially chosen for that purpose.
If the authorities deem it necessary in certain cases to have the post or a convoy of merchandise escorted, the patrol must be organized according to the regulations, and must be commanded
by a European.
It is only in most exceptional cases, and if it is absolutely necessary, that this patrol can,
failing European, be commanded by a specially-selected and trustworthy non-commissioned'
But in such cases, which will have to be justified by the authorities, the men commanded by
a black non-commissioned officer must be provided with a regulation cap-gun, which constitutes
a good defensive weapon.
The Vice-Governor-General,
Inclosure 8 in No. 3.
(See p. 59.)
Circular of Governor-General Wahis, addressed to the Commissioners of Bistrict and Chiefs
of Zones.
LA qualit du caoutchouc export du Congo est sensiblement infrieure ce qu'elle tait il y
a quelque temps/ Cette diffrence a plusieurs causes, mais la principale rsulte de l'adjonction
M 2



au latex qui devrait tre rcolt, d'autres latex de valeur trs infrieure ou mme des matires
poussireuses quelconques.
Cette cause de perte peut et doit disparatre. Les Commissaires de District et Chefs de Zone
qui ont tous de l'exprience, connaissent les moyens de fraude que les indignes cherchent souvent
Ils ont prendre des mesures pour empcher d'une faon complte ces tromperies. Il n'est
pas douteux que l ou la population se soumet l'impt il ne sera pas impossible de l'amener
fournir un produit pur, mais il faut pour atteindre ce but une surveillance constante ; ds
que l'indigne constatera qu'elle se relche, il essaiera de diminuer son travail en prenant du latex
de mauvaise qualit, quand il obtient celui-ci facilement, ou eu ajoutant au produit des matires
Chaque fois que ces fraudes sont constates elles doivent tre rprimes. Les Commissaires
de District et Chefs de Zone ont examiner frquemment les produits, afin de faire temps des
observations leurs Chefs de Poste, et ne plus laisser perdurer des situations qui causent le plus
grand prjudice.
A cette cause de la diminution de la valeur du caoutchouc, il faut ajouter celle provenant de
l'emballage dfectueux du produit, qui par suite voyage souvent pendant plusieurs mois dans les
plus mauvaises conditions. L'on peut dire qu' cause de cette ngligence une notable partie des
efforts qui ont t faits pour obtenir une production en rapport avec la richesse du pays, doivent
tre considrs comme perdus, puisque la valeur du caoutchouc peut diminuer de moiti par suite
de ce manque de soin.
J'ajouterai que la valeur du caoutchouc, mme pur de tout mlange, a diminu depuis quelque
temps sur tous les marchs ; il faut donc que les Chefs Territoriaux fassent non seulement
disparatre les deux causes de pertes qu'ils peuvent liminer, mais encore qu'ils compensent la
troisime en faisant des efforts continus pour augmenter la production dans la mesure prescrite
par les instructions.
Mon attention sera d'une faon constante, fixe sur les prescriptions que je donne ici.
Le Gouverneur-Gnral,
Borna, le 2d Mars, 1901;

the Independent State on the 17th September last, to the Powers parties to the Act
of Berlin.
I request you to communicate this Memorandum to M. de Ouvelier, and in doing
so to call special attention to the inclosed Report by Mr. Casement, His Majesty's
Consul at Boma, upon his recent visit to certain districts of the Upper Congo.
I am, &c.

T H E quality of the rubber exported from the Congo is sensibly inferior to what it was some
time ago. This difference arises from several causes, but principally from the addition, to_ the
latex which is fit to be gathered, of other kinds of latex of very inferior value, or even of any
dust-like matter.
This cause of loss can and must be removed. The Commissioners of districts and Chiefs of
zones, who all have experience, know the fraudulent means which the natives often try to
They must take measures completely to prevent these frauds. It cannot be doubted that in
those parts where the population submits to the tax it will not be impossible to lead the natives
to furnish pure produce ; but in order to effect this, constant supervision is necessaiy, for as soon
as the native notices that the supervision is becoming lax he will try to lessen his work by
taking latex of a bad quality, if he obtains it easily, or by adding foreign matter.
Whenever these frauds are discovered they must be put down. The Commissioners of
districts and Chiefs of zones must examine the produce at frequent intervals, in order to report in
time to their Heads of stations, and not to permit a condition of affairs which is most prejudicial.
To this cause of the decline in the value of rubber must be added that arising from
defective packing of the produce, which thus often travels during several months under the
worst conditions. Much of the effort which has been taken to obtain produce in keeping
with the richness of the country may be said to be lost through this neglect, for the value of the
rubber may be diminished by half through this want of care.
I may add that the value of rubber, even when free from all admixture, has gone down
in every market for some time past ; territorial Chiefs must, therefore, not only remove the two
causes of loss which they can eliminate, but they must also try to neutralize the third by making
unceasing efforts to increase production to the extent laid down in the instructions.
The orders which I have here given will have my constant attention.
The Governor-General,
Borna, Mardi 29, 1901.

No. 4.
The Marquess of Lansdoivne to Sir C. Phipps.

Foreign Office, February 11, 1904.

"WITH reference to Sir 0. Phipps' despatch of the 19th September, 1903,
I transmit to you herewith a Memorandum which has been prepared in reply to the
note respecting the condition of affairs in the Congo addressed by the Government ot

Inclosure in No. 4.
HIS Majesty's Government have not until now offered any observations upon
the note from M. de Cuvelier of the 17th September last, because they desired, before
doing so, to learn the result of the inquiries instituted by Mr. Casement, His Majesty's
Consul at Boma, during the visit which he has recently paid to certain districts of the
Upper Congo.
Mr. Casement returned to this country at the beginning of last month, and has
since furnished the report of which a copy is annexed to this Memorandum for
communication to the Congo Government. The report will also be communicated to
the Powers parties to the Berlin Act, to whom the despatch of the 8th August last
was addressed, and it will be laid before Parliament.
The descriptions given in the report of the manner in which the administration
is carried on and the methods by which the revenue is collected in the districts visited
by Mr. Casement constitute a grave indictment, and need no comment beyond the
statement that, in the opinion of His Majesty's Government, they show that the
allegations to which reference is made in the despatch were not without foundation,
and that there is ample ground for the belief that there are, at any rate, extensive
regions in which the pledges given under the Berlin Act have not been fulfilled.
M. de Cuvelier's note dwells at considerable length upon the necessity of the
natives contributing by some form of taxation to the requirements of the State, and
upon the advantage of their being induced to work. The history of the development
of the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa shows * that His Majesty's
Government have always admitted this necessity. Defects of administration of the
character referred to in M. de Cuvelier's note are, no doubt, always liable to occur in
dealing with uncivilized races inhabiting vast areas and differing in manners, in
customs and in all the attributes which are necessary for the construction of a social
systerm But whenever difficulties have arisen, most notably in the case of the Sierra
Leone insurrection of which M. de Cuvelier makes special mention,* prompt and
searching inquiry has been publicly made, redress of grievances has been granted
where due, and every endeavour has been made to establish such considerate treatment
of the natives as is compatible with the just requirements of the State.
The reference to the disturbed state of Nigeria appears to relate to the campaign
undertaken early last year against Blano and Sokoto. The campaign was not a measure
of "military repression" in the sense of being the suppression of a native rising. I t was
necessitated by the hostile action of powerful Mahommedan Chiefs within the Protectorate, over whom authority had not been previously asserted, who refused to
maintain friendly relations with the Administration, hospitably entertained the
murderer of a British officer and declared that the only relations between themselves
and the Government were those of war. By the mention of the loss of 700 lives
reference is no doubt made to the action at Burmi on the 27th July last, when about
that number of the enemy were killed, including the ex-Sultan of Sokoto and most of
the Chiefs who had joined him, while on the British side Major Marsh, the Commanding Officer, and ten men were killed, and three officers and sixty-nine men were
wounded. This decisive and successful action completely broke up the party of the
irreconcilables as well as a remnant of the Mahdi's following.
The military operations which are now in progress in Somaliland have been
forced upon His Majesty's Government, as is generally known, by the assumption of
power on the part of a fanatical Mullah, and by the cruelties which he practised upon
tribes within the British Protectorate.
* The 62 convictions mentioned occurred between July 1894 and March 1898, not February 1896, as
stated in the quotation from an " English publicist."

In both these cases, measures of military repression have been necessary to save
the territories in,question from falling once more under the complete control of
uncivilized or fanatical Eulers, and of thus relapsing into barbarism. The Congo
Government and other Powers possessing Colonies in Africa have had to meet similar
contingencies, and no blame is attached to them, nor, so far as His Majesty's Government are aware, has ever been attached to them, for adopting measures to protect the
cause of civilization.
After dealing with the treatment of natives, M. de Cuvelier's note proceeds to
explain the views of the Congo Government with regard to the system of trade now
existing in the State. The opinion of His Majesty's Government has been set forth ;
they hold that the matter is one which could properly be the subject of a
reference to the Tribunal at The Hague, but they are still awaiting an answer on this
point from the Powers to whom the despatch of the 8th August was addressed.
Memoranda will be forwarded separately giving examples of injuries suffered byBritish subjects which have been the cause of complaint. These Memoranda have
been prepared in order to confirm the statement, upon which M. de Cuvelier throws
doubt, that the time of His Majesty's Consul had been principally occupied in the
investigation of such cases.
Foreign Office, February 11, 1904.

No. 5.
The Marquess of Lansdowne to His Majesty's Representatives at Paris, Berlin, Vienna,
St. Petersburgh, Rome, Madrid, Constantinople, Brussels, The Hague, Copenhagen,
Stockholm, and Lisbon.

Foreign Office, February 12, 1904.

I TRANSMIT to you, for communication to the Government to which you are
accredited, a collection of papers, as marked in the margin,*' which relate to the
present condition of affairs in the Independent State of the Congo.
I n handing these documents to the Minister for Foreign Affairs I request
that you will call special attention to the Report by Mr. Casement, His
Majesty's Consul at Boma, upon his recent visit to certain districts of the Upper
Congo, and that you will at the same time inquire when an answer may be expected
to my despatch of the 8th August last.
I am, &c.


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.- ::* Nos. 1, 2, 3, and i.

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No. 7 (1901).



=r -g


[ I n continuation of " Africa No. 1 (1904) ".]

Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty.

June 1904.


And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from





[Cd. 2097.]

Price Id.


Further Correspondence respecting the Administration of the Independent State of the Congo.
[ I n continuation of "Africa No. 1 (1904) ".]

No. 1.
Sir C. Phipps to the Marquess of Lansdowne. (Received March 14).



Sir C. Phipps
To Sir C. Phipps . .

Mr. Nightingale . .
Sir C. Phipps


To Sir C. Phipps . .



Mar. 13, 1904

Transmits Notes prepared by Congo Government as

a preliminary reply to Mr. Casement's Report . .

Observations upon the " Notes " of Congo Government. Satisfaction of His Majesty's Government
at learning that inquiry will be made into the
allegations against administration of Free State . .


Cases of Caudron and Silvanus Jones.

Judgment in Appeal


. . April 19,

. .


. . May 14,
. . June




Transmits Memorandum drawn up at Congo Ministry

in reply to No. 2 . .


Memorandum on further points calling for observation in " Notes '' of Congo Government, and reply
to M. de Cuvelier's Memorandum of May 14


My Lord,
Brussels, March 13, 1904.
I H A V E tbe honour to inclose the rejoinder on the part of the Congo Government to the Beport of His Majesty's Consul at Boma on the condition of the Congo.
I n handing these " Notes " to me this afternoon M . de Cuvelier was instructed to
call my attention to the passage where his Government expresses a desire to be placed
in possession of the full Beport. including names, dates, and places referred to. The
" N o t e s " will be communicated to-morrow to the Kepresentatives of the other Powers.
I have, &e,
Inclosure in No. 1.
Notes on the Report of Mr. Casement, Consul of His Britannic Majesty, of the
1 lth December, 1903.
A LA sance de la Chambre des Communes du 1 1 Mars, 1903, Lord Cranborne
avait dit :
" We have no reason to think that slavery is recognized by the authorities of the Congo Free
State, hut reports of acts of cruelty and oppression have reached us. Such reports have been received
from, our Consular officers."
Le Gouvernement de l'tat du Congo demanda, par lettre du 14 Mars, 1903,
son Excellence Sir C. Phipps, de bien vouloir lui communiquer les faits qui avaient t
l'objet de rapports de la part des Consuls Britanniques.
Cette demande ne reut pas de suite.
La dpche de Lord Lansdowne du 8'Aot, 1903, portait :
"Eepresentations to this effect (alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and existence of trade
monopolies) are to he found . . . . in despatches from His Majesty's Consuls."
L'impression tait ainsi cre q u ' cette date le Gouvernement de Sa Majest se
trouvait en possession de renseignements Consulaires concluants : la ncessit d'un
voyage de M. le Consul Casement dans le Haut-Congo n'en a pas moins paru vidente.
La rflexion s'ensuit que les conclusions de la note du 8 Aot taient au moins
prmatures ; il s'en dduit galement que, contrairement l'apprciation de _ cette
note, il a t loisible au Consul Britannique d'entreprendre dans les rgions intrieures
tel voyage qui lui convenait. I l est noter en tout cas que le " W h i t e Paper " (Africa,
No. 1, 1904), qui vient d'tre prsent au Parlement, ne contient pas, nonobstant le
dsir qu'en a ritr l'tat du- Congo, ces rapports Consulaires antrieurs, qui,
cependant, offraient d'autant plus d'intrt qu'ils dataient d'un temps o la campagne
prsente n'tait pas ne.
Le Bapport actuel signale qu'en certains points visits par le Consul, la population
se trouve en dcroissance. M. Casement n'indique pas les bases de ses recensements
comparatifs en 1887 et en 1903. 11 est se demander comment pour cette dernire
B 2

anne le Consul a pu tablir ses chiffres au cours de visites rapides et htives. Sur
quels lments certains s'appuye-t-il, par exemple, pour dire que la population des
localits riveraines du Lac Mantumha semble avoir diminu dans les dix dernires
annes de 60 70 pour cent ? En un point dsign E*, il dclare que l'ensemble des
villages ne compte pas aujourd'hui plus ne 500 mes ; quelques lignes plus loin,
ces mmes villages ne comportent plus que 240 habitants en tout. Ce ne sont
l que des dtails, mais ils caractrisent immdiatement le dfaut de prcision de
certaines apprciations du Consul. Au reste, il n'est malheureusement que trop
exact que la diminution de la population a t constate ; elle est due d'autres
causes qu' un rgime excessif ou oppressif exerc par l'Administration sur les
populations indignes. C'est en premier lieu la maladie du sommeil, qui dcime
partout les populations en Afrique quatoriale. Le Rapport remarque lui-mme que :
" a prominent place must he assigned to this malady,' 1 et que cette maladie est
"probably one of the principal factors/' de la diminution de la population.2 U
suffit de lire la lettre du Rvrend John Whitehead (Annexe I I du Rapport), cite par
le Consul, pour se rendre compte des ravages de la maladie, laquelle ce missionnaire
attribue la moiti des dcs dans la rgion riveraine du district. Dans une interview
rcente, Mgr. Van Ronsl, Vicaire Apostolique du Congo Belge, avec l'autorit qui
s'attache une grande exprience des choses d'Afrique et des sjours prolongs en
de multiples rsidences au Congo, a montr l'volution du flau, le dprissement
fatal des populations qui en sont frappes, quelles que soient d'ailleurs les conditions
de leur tat social, citant entre autres les pertes effrayantes de vies dues ce mal
dans l'Uganda. Que si l'on ajoute cette cause fondamentale de la dpopulation au
Congo, les pidmies de petite vrole, l'impossibilit actuelle pour les tribus de maintenir leur chiffre par des achats d'esclaves, la facilit de dplacement des indignes,
il s'explique que le Consul et les missionnaires aient relev la diminution du
nombre d'habitants de certaines agglomrations, sans que ncessairement ce soit
le rsultat d'un systme d'oppression. L'Annexe No. I reproduit les dclarations
sur ce point de Mgr. Van Ronsl. Ce qu'il dit des consquences, sur le chiffre
numrique de la population, de la suppression de l'esclavage, se trouve reproduit
ailleurs :
"The people (slave)"are for the most part originally prisoners of war. Since the Decree of
Emancipation they have simply returned to their own distant homes, knowing their owners have no
power to recapture them. This is one reason why some think the population is decreasing, and
another is the vast exodus up and down river." 3 " So long as the Slave Trade nourished, the Bobangi
flourished, but with its abolition they are tending to disappear, for their towns were replenished by

Le Consul cite des cas, dont du reste les raisons lui sont inconnues, d'exode
d'indignes du Congo sur la rive Eranaise.
On ne voit pas quel titre il
en ferait grief l'Etat, si l'on en juge d'aprs les motifs qui ont dtermin
certains d'entre eux, preuve les exemples de ces migrations, donns et expliqus
par un missionnaire Anglais, le Rvrend Pre W. H. Bentley. L'un est relatif la
station de Lukolela :
" The main difficulty has been the shifting of the population. I t appears that the population,
when the station was founded in 1865, was between 5,000 and 6,000 in the riverine Colonies.
About two years later, the Chief, Mpuki, did not agree with his neighbours or they with him. When the tension became acute, Mpuki crossed over with his people to the opposite (French) side of the
river. This exodus took away a large number of people. In 1890 or 1891, a Chief from one of
the lower towns was compelled by the majority of his people to leave the State side, and several
went with him. About 1893, the rest of the people at the lower towns either went across to the
same place as the deposed Chief, or took up their residence inland. Towards the end of 1894, a
soldier who had been sent to cut firewood for the State steamers on an island off the towns, left his
work to make an evil request in one of the towns. He shot the man who refused him. The rascal
of a soldier was properly dealt with by the State officer in charge ; but this outrage combined, with
other smaller difficulties, to produce a panic, and nearly all the people left for the French side, or hid
away|inland. So the fine township has broken up." 3

L'autre cas a trait la station de Bolobo :

" I t is rare indeed for Bolobo, with its 30,000 or 40,000 people, divided into some dozen clans,
to be at peace for any length of time together. The loss of life from these petty wars, the number

Rapport, p. 21.
Idem, p. 26.
M. Boudot, missionnaire de la Congo Batolo Mission. " Regions Beyond," Dcembre 1901, p. 337.
* W. H. Bentley, " Pioneering on the Congo," II, p. 229.
Idem, p. 243.

of those killed for witchcraft, and of those who are buried alive with the dead, involve, even within
our narrow limits here at Bolobo, an almost daily drain upon the vitalhVy of the country, and art
incalculable amount of sorrow and suffering. . . . . The Government was not indifferent to these
murderous ways
In 1890 the District Commissioner called the people together, and warned
them against the burying of slaves alive in the graves of free people, and th reckless killing of slaves
which then obtained. The natives did not like the rising power of the State
Our own
settlement among them was not unattended with difficulty. . . . .
There was a feeling against
white men generally, and especially so against the State. The people became insolent and
haughty. . . . . Just at this time . . . . as a force of soldiers steamed past the Moye towns, the
steamers were fired upon. The soldiers landed, and burnt and looted the towns. The natives ran
away into the grass, and great numbers crossed to the French side of the river. They awoke to the
fact that Bula Matadi, the State, was not the helpless thing they had so long thought. This happened
early in 1891." 1

Ces exemples donnent, comme on le voit, l'migration des indignes, des causes
n'ayant aucun rapport avec
The methods employed to obtain labour from them by local officials and the exactions levied on

Le Rapport s'tend longuement sur l'existence des impts indignes. Il constate

que les indignes sont astreints des prestations de travail de diverses sortes, ici sous
forme de fournitures de " chikwangues " ou de vivres frais pour les postes Gouvernementaux, l sous forme de participation des travaux d'utilit publique, tels que la
construction d'une jete Bololo, ou l'entretien de la ligne tlgraphique E
ailleurs sous la forme de la rcolte des produits domaniaux. Nous maintenons la
lgitimit de ces impts sur les populations natives, d'accord en cela avec le
Gouvernement de Sa Majest, qui, dans le Mmorandum du 11 Evrier, 1904,
dclare que l'industrie et le dveloppement des Colonies et Protectorats Britanniques en Afrique montrent que le Gouvernement de Sa Majest a toujours admis
la ncessit de faire contribuer les natifs aux charges publiques et de les amener
au travail. Nous sommes d'accord galement avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majest
que si en cette matire des abus se commettent, comme, il est vrai, il s'en est produit
en toutes Colonies, ces abus appellent des rformes, et qu'il est du devoir de l'autorit
suprieure d'y mettre fin et de concilier, dans une juste mesure, les ncessits
Gouvernementales avec les intrts bien entendus des indignes.
Mais l'Etat du Congo entend cet gard se mouvoir librement dans l'exercice
de sa souverainetcomme, par exemple, le Gouvernement Britannique explique dans
son dernier Mmorandum l'avoir fait Sierra-Leoneen dehors de toute pression
extrieure ou de toute ingrence trangre, qui seraient attentatoires ses droits
Le Rapport du Consul vise manifestement crer l'impression que la perception
de l'impt, au Congo, est violente, inhumaine et couelle, et nous voulons, avant
tout, rencontrer l'accusation si souvent dirige contre l'Etat, que cette perception
donnerait lieu d'odieux actes de mutilation. A cet gard, la lecture superficielle
du Rapport est de nature impressionner, par l'accumulation complaisante,
non pas de faits nets, prcis, vrifis, mais de dclarations et d'affirmations des
Une remarque prliminaire s'impose sur les conditions dans lesquelles le voyage
du Consul s'est effectu.
Qu'il l'ait voulu ou non, M. le Consul Britannique a apparu aux populations
comme le redresseur des griefs, rels ou imaginaires, des indignes, et sa prsence
La Lulonga, concidant avec la campagne mene contre l'tat du Congo, en une rgion
b s'exerce depuis longtemps l'influence des missionnaires Protestants, devait fatalement avoir pour les indignes une signification qui ne leur pas chapp. C'est en
dehors des agents de l'tat, en dehors de toute action ou de tout concours de l'autorit
rgulire que le Consul a fait ses investigations ; c'est assist par des missionnaires
Protestants Anglais qu'il a procd ; c'est sur un vapeur d'une Mission Protestante
qu'il a fait son inspection ; c'est dans les Missions Protestantes qu'il a gnralement
reu l'hospitalit : dans ces conditions, il a d invitablement tre considr par
l'indigne comme l'antagoniste de l'autorit tablie.
Nous n'en voulons d'autre preuve que le fait caractristique d'indignes, pendant
le sjour du Consul Bonginda, s'attroupant la rive, au passage en pirogue d'agents
de la Socit " La Lulonga " et s'criant :
" Votre violence est finie, elle s'en va ; les Anglais seuls restent ; mourez vous
autres ! "
W. H. Bentley, " Pioneering on the Congo," II, pp. 234-236.

Rapport, p. 29.

;, : E t cet aveu significatif d'un missionnaire Protestant qui, propos de ce fait,

inexpliqu :- t ;
.?: ' "The Consultas here at t h e time/and the people were much excited, and evidently thought
themselves on top. . . . . The people have got this idea (that the rubber work was finished) into
' their heads of themselves, consequent, I suppose, upon the Consul's visit."

Dans ces circonstances, en raison de l'tat d'esprit qu'elles rvlent chez les
indignes, en raison de l e u r caractre impressionnable et de leur dsir naturel de se
soustraire la charge de l'impt, il n'tait pas douteux que les conclusions auxquelles
i arriverait le Consul ne seraient pas autres que celles de son Rapport.
I l suffira, pour mettre ce point en vidence et pour caractriser le manque de
valeur de ses investigations, de s'arrter u n seul cas, celui sur lequel s'est port tout
l'effort de Mr. Casement, nous voulons parler de l'affaire Epondo. C'est celle de
l'enfant I I dont le Rapport parle aux pages 56, 58, et 78.
I l est indispensable d'entrer un peu longuement dans les dtails de cette affaire,
qui sont significatifs.
Le Consul se trouvait, la date du 4 Septembre, 1903, la Mission de la " Congo
Bololo Mission," Bonginda, de retour d'un voyage dans la Rivire Lopori, au cours
duquel il n'avait constat aucun de ces actes de mutilation qu'il est d'usage de mettre
la charge des agents au Congo.
A Bonginda, des indignes d'un village voisin (Bossunguma) viennent le trouver
et lui signalent entre autres qu'une " s e n t i n e l l e " de la Compagnie " L a Lulonga,"
nomme Kelengo, avait, Bossunguma, coup la main d'un indigne du nom d'Epondo,
dont les blessures taient peine guries. Le Consul se transporte Bossunguma ;
il est accompagn des deux Rvrends W . D. Armstrong et D. J. Danielson et se fait
prsenter l'indigne estropi, lequel, " en rponse la question du Consul, accuse de
ce mfait une sentinelle nomme Kelengo (place dans cet endroit par l'agent local do
la Socit ' La Lulonga ' pour vrifier si les indignes rcoltaient du caoutchouc)."
Ce sont les termes du Consul : il s'agissait en effet d'tablir un rapport de cause effet
entre la rcolte du caoutchouc et ce cas prtendu de cruaut.
Le Consul procde l'interrogatoire du Chef et de quelques indignes du village.
Ils rpondent en accusant Kelengo ; la plupart dclarent avoir t tmoins oculaires
du fait. L e Consul fait demander par ses interprtes s'il se trouve l d'autres tmoins
qui ont v u le crime et en accusent Kelengo : " presque tous les individus prsents,
a u nombre environ de quarante, s'crient d'une seule voix que c'est Kelengo le
I l faut lire toute cette enqute telle qu'elle a t libelle par le Consul lui-mme,
en des sortes de procs-verbaux des 7, 8, et 9 Septembre (Annexe 2), pour se rendre
compte de l'acharnement avec lequel les indignes accablent Kelengo, et des dngations de l'accus se heurtant l'unanimit de tous ceux qui le chargent. De partout
surgissent les dnonciateurs et de la foule surexcite jaillissent les accusations les plus
diverses : il a coup la main d'Epondo, enchan des femmes, vol des canards et u n
chien ! L'attention du Consul ne veut pas s'veiller en prsence du caractre passionn
des dpositions; sans autre garantie de leur sincrit, sans autre contrle de leur
vracit, il considre son enqute comme concluante, et, de mme qu'il s'tait substitu
a u Parquet pour l'instruction de l'affaire, de mme il prjuge la dcision de l'autorit
comptente en dclarant la population assemble que " Kelengo deserved severe
punishment for his illegal and cruel acts." Dramatisant l'incident, il emmne avec
lui la prtendue victime, l'exhibe le 10 Septembre devant le Chef de Poste de Coquilhatville, auquel il remet la copie de son enqute, et le 12 Septembre, il adresse au
Gouverneur-Gnral une lettre qu'il qualifie de "personal and private," dans laquelle
il prend texte entre autres de l'incident pour accuser " the system of general exploitation of an entire population which can only be rendered succssf ul by the employment
of arbitrary and illegal force." Cette enqute termine, il reprenait aussitt la route
d u Bas-Congo.
Les circonstances de fait eussent-elles t exactes, encore serait-on frapp de la
disproportion des conclusions que le Consul en dduit, en gnralisant avec emphase
son systme de critiques contre l'Etat du Congo. Mais le fait mme, tel qu'il l'a prsent,
est inexact.
E n effet, ds la dnonciation du Consul connue du Parquet, celui-ci se rendit sur
les lieux en la personne du Substitut du Procureur d'tat, M. Gennaro Bosco, et procda
u n e enqute judiciaire dans les conditions normales en dehors de toute influence
trangre. Cette enqute dmontra que M. le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique
avait t l'objet d'une machination ourdie par les indignes, qui, dans l'espoir de n'avoir

plus travailler, avaient complot de reprsenter Epondo comme la victime de procds

inhumains d'un capita d'une Socit commerciale. E n ralit, Epondo avait t
victime d'un accident de chasse et mordu la main par u n sanglier; la hlessure s'tait
gangrene et avait occasionn la perte du membre, ce qui avait t habilement exploit
par les indignes vis--vis du Consul. Nous joignons (Annexe 3) les extraits de
l'enqute faite par le Substitut relatifs cette affaire Epondo. Les dpositions sont
typiques, uniformes et concordantes. Elles ne laissent aucun doute sur la cause de
l'accident, attestent que les indignes ont menti au Consul, et rvlent le mobile
auquel ils ont obi, dans l'espoir que l'intervention du Consul les dchargerait de
l'obligation de l'impt. L'enqute montre Epondo, enfin accul, rtractant ses premires
affirmations au Consul, et avouant avoir t influenc par les gens de son village. .IL
est interrog :
" 1). Persistez-vous accuser Kelengo de vous avoir coup la main gauche ?
" B. Non ; j'ai menti.
." D. Racontez alors comment et quand vous avez perdu la main.
" R. J'tais esclave de Monkekola, Malele, dans le district des Bangala. Un jour, j'allai avec
lui la chasse au sanglier. Il en hlessa un avec une lance, et alors la hte, devenue furieuse, m'attaqua.
J e tchai de me sauver avec la suite, mais je tombai ; le sanglier fut bientt sur moi, m'arrachant
la main gauche, au ventre et la hanche gauche. Le comparant montre les cicatrices aux endroits
dsigns, et spontanment se met par terre pour faire voir dans quelle position il se trouvait lorsqu'il
fut attaqu et bless par le sanglier.
" D. Depuis combien de temps cet accident vous est-il arriv ?
" R. J e ne me rappelle pas. C'est depuis longtemps.
" 1). Pourquoi alors aviez-vous accus Kalengo ?
" B. Parce que Momaketa, un des Chefs de Bossunguma, me fa dit, et aprs tous les habitants de
mon village me l'ont rpt.

" JD. Les Anglais vous ont-ils photographi ?
" B. Oui, Bonginda et Lulanga. Ils m'ont dit de mettre bien en vidence le moignon. Il y
avait Nenele, Mongongolo, Torongo, et autres blancs, dont je ne connais pas les noms. Us taient les
blancs de Lulanga. Mongongolo a port avec lui six photographies."1

Epondo a ritr ses dclarations et rtractations spontanment u n missionnaire

Protestant, M. Earis, rsidant Bolengi. Ce Rvrend a remis au CommissaireGnral de Coquilhatville la dclaration crite suivante:
" Je soussign E.-E. Faris, missionnaire, rsidant Bolengi, Haut-Congo, dclare que j'ai interrog
l'enfant Epondo, du village de Bosongoma, qui a t chez moi le 10 Septembre, 1903, avec Mr. Casement, le Consul d'Angleterre, et que j'ai men la Mission de Bolengi, le 16 Octobre, 1903, selon
la requte de M. le Commandant Stevens, de Coquilhatville, et que le dit enfant m'a dit aujourd'hui,
le 17 Octobre, 1903, qu'il a perdu sa main par la morsure d'un sanglier.
" Il m'a dit galement qu'il a inform Mr. Casement que sa main a t coup par un soldat, ou
bien d'un des travailleurs de blancs, qui ont fait la guerre dans son village pour faire apporter le
caoutchouc, mais il affirme que cette dernire histoire qu'il m'a dite aujourd'hui est la vrit.

" A Bolengi, le 17 Octobre, 1903."

L'enqute aboutit une ordonnance de non-lieu ainsi motive en ce qui concerne

le cas Epondo :
" Nous, Substitut du Procureur d'tat prs le Tribunal de Coquilhatville ;
" V u les notes rdiges par le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique, l'occasion de sa visite aux
villages d'Ikandja et Bossunguma, dans la rgion des Ngombe, d'o rsulte que le nomm Kelengo,
.garde forestier au service de la Socit ' La Lulonga,' aurait
" (a.) Coup . . . , la main gauche au nomm Epondo.
(c) . . . .
" Vu l'enqute faite par M. le Lieutenant Braeckman, confirmant en partie l'enqute faite par
le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique, mais le contredisant en partie, et ajoutant aux accusations
prcdemment faites Kelengo, celle d'avoir tu un indigne nomm Baluwa ;
Vu les conclusions poses par cet officier de police judiciaire tendant faire natre des soupons
assez graves sur la vrit de toutes ces accusations ;
" Attendu que tous les indignes qui ont accus Kelengo, soit au Consul de Sa Majest Britannique, soit au Lieutenant Braeckman, convoqus par nous, Substitut, ont pris la fuite, et tout les efforts
faits pour les retrouver n'ont abouti aucun rsultat ; que cette fuite discrdite videmment leurs
-affirmations ;
" Que tous les tmoins interrogs dans notre enqute attestent . . . . qu'Epondo a perdu la main
.gauche parce qu'un sanglier la lui a arrache . . . . ;
" Qu'Epondo confirme ces attestations, avouant qu'il a menti par suggestion des indignes de

Voir Annexe 3.

Bossunguma et Ikondja, qui espraient de se soustraire la rcolte du caoutchouc moyennant l'intervention du Consul de Sa Majest Britannique, qu'ils jugeaient trs puissant ;
"Que les tmoins, presque tous indignes des villages accusateurs, confirment que tel fut le but
de leur mensonge ;
" Que cette version, indpendamment de l'unanimit des affirmations des tmoins et des parties
lses, se prsente aussi comme la plus plausible, parce que personne n'ignore, soit la rpugnance des
indignes pour le travail en gnral et la rcolte du caoutchouc, soit leur facilit mentir et porter
de fausses accusations.;.
" Qu'elle est confirme par l'opinion, nettement formule, du missionnaire Anglais Armstrong,
qui retient les indignes ' capables de tout complot pour viter de travailler, et surtout de faire le
caoutchouc ' ;
" Que l'innocence de Kelengo tant compltement prouve, il n'y a pas lieu le poursuivre y ' - ' " " Par ces motifs :
"Nous, Substitut, dclarons non-lieu poursuivre le nomm Kelengo, garde forestier au
service de la Socit 'La Lulonga,' pour les crimes prvus par les Articles 2, 5, 11, 19 du Code
Le Substitut,
Mampoko, le 9 Octobre, 1903."

' Si nous avons insist sur les dtails de cette affaire, c'est qu'elle est considre
par le Consul lui-mme comme d'une importance capitale et qu'il se base sur ce
seul cas pour conclure l'exactitude de toutes les autres dclarations d'indignes qu'il
a recueillies.
"Dans le seul cas sur lequel j'ai pu enquter personnellement, dit-il 1 celui de l'enfant IIj'ai
trouv cette accusation tablie sur les lieux, sans apparemment une ombre de doute quant la culpabilit de la sentinelle accuse."

Et plus loin :
"Dans le village de B*, j'ai eu seulement le temps de faire enqute sur l'accusation faite
par IL 2

Et ailleurs :
" Il tait videmment impossible que je puisse
l'enfant, les dclarations que me firent les indignes.
amplement dmontre."3

vrifier sur place, comme dans le cas. de

Dans ce seul cas, la vrit des accusations fut

C'est aussi propos de cette affaire que, dans sa lettre du 12 Septembre, 1903, au
Gouverneur-Gnral, il disait :
" When speaking to M. le Commandant Stevens at Coquilhatville on the 10th instant, when the
mutilated boy Epondo stood before us as evidence of the deplorable state of affairs I reprobated, I said : ' I
do not accuse an individual, I accuse a system.' "

La rflexion s'impose que si les autres informations du Rapport du Consul ont

toutes la mme valeur que celles qui lui ont t fournies dans cette seule espce, elles
ne peuvent, aucun degr, tre considres comme probantes.. Et il saute aux yeux
que dans les autres cas o le Consul, de sa propre dclaration, ne s'est livr aucune
vrification des affirmations des indignes, ces affirmations ont moins de poids encore,
si possible.
11 faut reconnatre, sans doute, que le Consul s'exposait dlibrment d'invitables mcomptes, de par sa manire d'interroger les indignes,ce qu'il faisait, en
effet, l'aide de deux interprtes : "par l'intermdiaire de Vinda, parlant en Bobangi,
et de Bateko, rptant ses paroles dans le dialecte local,'' 4 de sorte que le Consul tait
la merci non seulement de la sincrit de l'indigne interrog, mais encore de la
fidlit de traduction de deux autres indignes, dont l'un, d'ailleurs, tait un de ses
serviteurs, et dont l'autre, semble-t-il, tait l'interprte des missionnaires.5 Quiconque
s'est trouv en contact avec l'indigne sait cependant son habitude du mensonge : le
Rvrend C. H. Harvey constatait :6
" Les natifs du Congo qui nous entouraient taient mprisables, perfides, et cruels,
impudemment menteurs, malhonntes et vils."

Bapport, p. 58.
, . , S . Idem, p. 58.
Idem, p. 56.
. . * Voir Annexe No. 2.
' Legions Beyond," 1900, p. 198.
"Legions Beyond," Janvier-Fvrier 1903, p. 53.


Et le fait n'est pas non plus sans importance,si l'on veut exactement se rendre
compte de la valeur des tmoignages,de la prsence aux cts de Mr. Casement, qui
interrogeait les indignes, de deux missionnaires Protestants Anglais de la rgion,
prsence qui, elle seule, a d ncessairement orienter les dpositions.1
Nous dpasserions nous-mmes la mesure si, de ce qui prcde, nous concluions
au rejet en bloc de toutes les informations indignes enregistres par le Consul. Mais
il en ressort l'vidence qu'une telle documentation est insuffisante pour asseoir un
jugement fond, et que ces informations obligent une vrification minutieuse et
Que si l'on dgage du volumineux Rapport du Consul, les autres cas qu'il a vus et
qu'il enregistre comme des cas de mutilation, on constate qu'il en cite deux comme
s'tant produits au Lac Matumba 3 " il y a plusieurs annes."3 Il en cite quelques
autressur le nombre desquels les renseignements du Rapport ne semblent pas tre
concordants4qu'il renseigne comme ayant t commis dans les environs de Bonginda,5 prcisment en cette rgion o s'est place l'enqute Epondo et o, comme on
l'a vu, les esprits taient monts et influencs. Ce sont ces affaires que, dit-il, il n'a
pas eu le temps d'approfondir,6 et qui, au dire des indignes, taient imputables aux
agents de la Socit " La Lulanga." Etaient-ce l des victimes de la pratique de
coutumes indignes, que les natifs se seraient bien gards d'avouer ? Les blessures
constates par le Consul taient-elles dues l'une ou l'autre lutte intestine entre
villages ou tribus? Ou bien tait-ce rellement le fait de sous-ordres noirs de la
Socit ? On ne saurait se prononcer la lecture du Rapport, les indignes, ici comme
toujours, tant la seule source d'informations du Consul et celui-ci s'tant born
prendre rapidement note de leurs multiples affirmations en quelques heures de la
matine du 5 Septembre, press qu'il tait par le temps " to reach K* (Bossunguma)
at a reasonable hour.7
Nonobstant la considration qu'il attache "l'air de franchise" et " l'air de
conviction et de sincrit " 8 des indignes, l'exprience faite par lui-mme commande
incontestablement la prudence et rend tmraire son apprciation : " qu'il tait clair
que ces hommes dclaraient soit ce qu'ils avaient rellement vu de leurs yeux, soit ce
qu'ils pensaient fermement dans leurs curs.' 9
Toutefois, il suffit que soient signals ces quelques faits, actes de cruaut ou
non, auxquels se rduisent en dfinitive ceux constats personnellement par le Consul,
sans qu'il puisse suffisance de preuve en tablir les causes relles, pour que l'autorit
doive y porter son attention et pour que des enqutes soient ordonnes leur sujet.
A cet gard, le regret doit tre exprim de ce que l'exemplaire du Rapport, communiqu au Gouvernement de l'tat Indpendant du Congo, ait systmatiquement omis
toute indication de date, de lieu, de noms. I l n'est pas mconnatre que ces
suppressions rendront excessivement malaise la tche des Magistrats Instructeurs, et,
dans l'intrt de la manifestation de la vrit, le Gouvernement du Congo formule le
vu d'tre mis en possession du texte complet du Rapport du Consul.
On ne s'tonnera pas si le Gouvernement de l'Etat du Congo s'lve, en cette
occasion, contre le procd de ses dtracteurs, mettant dans le domaine public la
reproduction de photographies d'indignes mutils, et crant cette odieuse lgende de
mains coupes la connaissance ou mme l'instigation des Belges en Afrique. C'est
ainsi que la photographie d'Epondo, estropi dans les conditions que Ton sait, et qui
" a t deux fois photographi," est probablement une de celles circulant dans les
pamphlets Anglais comme preuve de l'excrahle administration des Belges en Afrique.
On a vu une revue Anglaise reproduisant la photographie d'un " cannibale entour des
crnes de ses victimes," et la lgende portait : " In the original photograph, the
cannibal was naked. The artist has made him decent by
covering his breast
with the star of the Congo State. It is now a suggestive emblem of the Christian
veneered cannibalism on the Congo."10 A ce compte, il suffirait, pour jeter le discrdit
sur l'Administratior) de l'Uganda, de mettre dans la circulation des clichs reproduisant

Voir Annexe No. 2 : " Present, Lev. W. D. Armstrong and Lev. ). J. Danielson, of the Congo Balolo
Mission of Bonginda, Vinda Bidiloa (Consul's Headman) and Bateko, as interpreters, and His Britannic
Majesty's Consul." Ce passage est omis dans l'Annexe 6 du Kapport du Consul (p. 78),
Kapport, p. 31.
Idem, pp. 76, 77.
Comparez Rapport, pp. 54, 55, et 58.
Rapport, pp. 54, 55.
Idem, p. 56.
Idem, p. 56.
Idem, p. 62.
9 Idem, p. 57.
10 "Review of Reviews," February 14, 1903,


les mutilations dont le Dr. Oastellani dit, dans une lettre date d'Uganda, du 16
Dcembre, 1902, avoir constat l'existence aux environs mmes d'Entebbe : " Il n'est
pas difficile d'y rencontrer des indignes sans nez, sans oreilles, &c.' n , :- .j '.\,
C'est dire que dans l'Uganda comme au Congo, les indignes sacrifient encore
leurs instincts sauvages. Mr. Casement a prvuTobjection en affirmant :JJ-\

gnrale des populations indignes dt tre dnonce au monde civilis. Les

rmssonnaires s'y flicitent de la sympathie active des agents, officiels, et commerciaux
leur gard,1 des progrs de leur uvre d'vanglisation,2 des facilits que leurapporte
la cration de routes,3 de la pacification des murs, " d la fois aux missionnaires et
aux commerants,"4 de la disparition de l'esclavage,6 de la densit de la population,6 du
nofiibr grandissant de leurs lves, "grce l'Etat, qui a donn des ordres pour que
les enfants fussent mens l'cole,"7 de la disparition graduelle des pratiques indignes
primitives,8 du contraste enfin entre le prsent et le pass.9 Admettra-t-on que ces
jfiissionnaires Chrtiens et Anglais, qui, au cours de leurs itinraires, visitaient les postes
de factorerie : et taient tmoins des marchs de caoutchouc, se seraient rendus
complices par leur silence d'un rgime inhumain ou tortionnaire ? Un des Rapports
annuels de la " Congo Bolobo Mission " dit dans ses conclusions: " Dans l'ensemble,
le coup d'il rtrospectif est encourageant. S'il n'y a pas eu une avance considrable,
il n'y a 'pas eu de triste dception, et il n'est aucune opposition dfinitive a
l'uvre . . . . , . Il y a eu de la disette et des maladies parmi les natifs, notamment
Bonginda :, !,;_,;,? A parfi cela, il n'y a pas eu de srieux empchements au
progrs . *. '.-' . ..U1? Et, parlant incidemment des effets bienfaisants du travail sur
l'tat social des indignes, un missionnaire crit : " The greatest obstacle to conversion
is polygamy. Many evils have been put down, e.g., idleness, thanks "to> the Slate
having compelled the men tq work ; and fighting, through their not having time
enough to fight."11 Ces apprciations des missionnaires nous paraissent plus prcises
que les donnes d'un Rapport chaque page duquel, pour ainsi dire, on lit: " I was
told ; " " it was said ; " " I was informed ; " " I was assured ; " " They said ; " " it was
alleged ; " " I had no means of verifying ; " " I t was impossible to me to verify; " " T
have no means of ascertaining," &c. En dix lignes, par exemple, on rencontre
quatre fois l'expression : " appears ; " " would seem ; " " would seem ; " " do not seem."13
Le Consul ne semble pas s'tre rendu compte que c'est le travail qui constitue
l'impt indigne au Congo, et que cette forme d'impt se justifie autant par son
caractre moralisateur que par l'impossibilit de taxer autrement l'indigne, en raison
mme du fait, constat par le Consul, que l'indigne n'a pas de numraire. Cette
dernire considration fait, pour en donner fin autre exemple, que sur 56,700 huttes
imposes dans la North-Eastern Rhodesia, 19,653 payent la taxe "in labour", et
4,938 la payent " in produce."13 Que ce travail soit fourni directement l'Etat ou
telle ou telle entreprise prive, qu'il soit adapt, selon les possibilits locales, telles
prestations ou telles autres, sa justification a toujours l'une de ses hases dans ce que
le Mmorandum du 11 Evrier dernier reconnat tre la "necessity of the natives
being induced to work." Le Consul s'inquite surtout de la qualification donnera la
fourniture du travail ; il s'tonne, si c'est l un impt de ce que cet impt soit pay et
recouvrable parfois par des agents commerciaux. Dans la rigueur des principes, il est
reconnatre, en effet, que la rmunration d'un impt heurte les notions fiscales
ordinaires; elle s'explique cependant en fait si Ton songe qu'il s'est agi de faire
contracter l'habitude de travail des indignes qui y ont t rfractaires de tout
temps. Et si cette ide du travail peut tre plus aisment inculque aux natifs sous
la forme de transactions commerciales entre eux et des particuliers, faut-il ncessairement condamner ce mode d'action, notamment dans des rgions dont l'organisation
administrative n'est pas complte ? Mais il s'impose que, dans leurs rapports de cet
ordre avec les indignes, les agents commerciaux, comme d'ailleurs les agents de l'Etat
eux-mmes, s'inspirent de pratiques bienveillantes et humaines. A cet gard, les
lments que fournit le Rapport du Consul seront l'objet d'une tude approfondie, et
si le rsultat de cet examen rvlait des abus rels ou commandait des rformes,
l'Administration suprieure agirait comme l'exigeraient les circonstances.
Nul n'a jamais pens, d'ailleurs, que le rgime fiscal au Congo et atteint d'emble
la perfection, notamment au point de vue de l'assiette de l'impt et des moyens de

" It was not a native custom prior to the coming of the white man ; it was not the outcome of the
primitive instincts of savages in their fights between village and village ; it was the deliberate act of
soldiers of a European Administration, and these men themselves never made any concealment that in
committing these acts they were but obeying the positive orders of their superiors."3

.fir L'articulation d'une aussi grave accusation, sans qu'elle soit en mme temps
taye sur des preuves irrfragables, semble donner raison ceux qui pensent que ls
emplois antrieurs de Mr. Casement ne l'avaient pas prpar entirement aux fonctions
Consulaires. Mr. Casement est rest dix-sept jours au Lac Mantumba, un lac, dit de
25 a 80 milles de long et de 12 ou 15 milles de large, entour d'paisses forts.3 Il fie
s'est gure loign de la rive. On ne voit pas ds lors quelles investigations utiles il
a pu faire sur les murs d'autrefois et les habitudes anciennes des populations. La
constatation que ces tribus sont encore trs sauvages et adonnes au cannibalisme4
permet de croire, au contraire, qu'elles n'taient pas exemptes de la pratique de ces
actes cruels qui, d'une manire gnrale en Afrique, taient le cortge habituel de la
barbarie des murs et de l'anthropophagie. Dans une partie des rgions que le
Consul a visites, les tmoignages des missionnaires Anglais ne sont cet gard que trop
instructifs. Le Bvrend McKittrick, parlant des luttes meurtrires entreindignes,
duvses efforts d'autrefois auprs des Chefs pour pacifier la contre: "/'."".. Nous
leur dmes qu' l'avenir nous ne laisserions plus passer par notre station aucun
homme arm de lance ou de couteau. Notre Dieu tait un Dieu de paix, et nous, ses
enfants, nous ne pouvions supporter de voir nos frres noirs se couper et se blesser l'un
l'autre (cutting and stabbing each other)." 5 "Lorsque j'allais et l dans la rivire,
dit un autre missionnaire, on me montrait les endroits de la rive d'o avaient
coutume de partir les guerriers pour capturer les canots et les hommes. Il tait
affligeant d'entendre dcrire les terribles massacres qui avaient lieu d'habitude la
mort d'un grand Chef. Un trou profond tait creus en terre, o des vingtaines
d'esclaves jets aprs que leurs ttes avaient t coupes (after having their heads cut
off), et'sur cette horrible pile, on plaait le cadavre du Chef couronnant ce carnage
humain indescriptible."6 Et les missionnaires constatent combien encore en ces jours
actuels les indignes reviennent aisment leurs anciennes coutumes. Il apparat
aussi que cette autre affirmation du Rapport 7 qu' la diffrence d'aujourd'hui, les
indignes autrefois ne s'enfuyaient pas l'approche d'un steamer, n'est pas d'accord
avec les rcits des voyageurs et explorateurs.
Il est, en tout cas, remarquer que le Consul n'a constat dans le territoire o
s'exerce l'activit de la Socit A.B.I.B. aucun de ces faits de cruaut qui et pu tre
reprsent comme imputable aux agents commerciaux. La concidence est relever,
puisque la Socit A.B.I.B. est prcisment une Compagnie Concession et qu'on ne
cesse d'attribuer au rgime des Concessions les consquences les plus dsastreuses pour
les indignes.
Ce qui domine les innombrables questions touches par le Consul et la multiplicit
des menus faits qu'il a recueillis, c'est de savoir si vraiment cette sorte de tableau
d'une existence misrable, qui serait celle des indignes, rpond la ralit des choses.
Nous prendrons pour exemple la rgion de la Lulanga et du Lopori, parce que l se
trouvent, depuis des annes, des centres de Missions de la " Congo Balobo Mission."
Ces missionnaires y sont tablis en des endroits les plus distants et les plus intrieurs :
Lulonga, Bonginda, Ikau, Bougandanga, et Baringa, tous points situs dans la
rgion o oprent la Socit " L a Lulonga" et la Socit A.B.I.B.$ Ils sont en contact
suivi avec les populations indignes, et une revue spciale mensuelle, " Regions
Beyond," publie rgulirement leurs lettres, notes, et rapports. Que l'on parcoure la
collection de ce recueil ; nulle part, aucun moment avant Avril 1903 cette dernire
date, la motion de Mr. Herbert Samuel tait, il est vrai, annonce au Parlementon
ne trouve trace d'une apprciation quelconque signalant ou rvlant que la situation



" La Tribuna " de Rome.

Rapport, Annexe 4, p. 77.
Rapport. Annexe 4, p. 30.
Rapport, p. 30.
"Ten Tears at Bonginda," D. McKittrick, " Regions Beyond," p. 21.
"Congo Contrasts," Mr. Bondot, "Regions Beyond," 1900, p. 197,
7 Rapport, p. 84,



"Regions Beyond," 1900, p. 150; 1902, p. 209.

Idem, passim.

Idem, 1900, p. 150.

Idem, 1901, p. 27.
Idem, 1900, p. 199. ''*.''
Idem, 1900, pp. 243, 297, 306.
Idem, 1901, p. 40; 1902, p. 315.
Idem, 1901, p. 40.
Idem, 1900, p. 196.
"Regions Beyond," 1901, p. 43.
Idem, 1901, p. 60.
Rapport, p. 28.
"Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia," 1900-1902, p. 408,

. > , .

. . '.. , .




recouvrement. Le systme des " chefferies," bon en soi en ce qu'il place entre l'autorit
et l'indigne l'intermdiaire de son chef naturel, procdait d'une ide mise en pratique
ailleurs :

C'est l un exemple de ces "punitive expeditions " auxquelles l'autorit se voit

oblige de recourir parfois, et aussi de ce procd des natifs, non spcial aux
indignes Congolais, de se dplacer en territoire voisin pour se soustraire l'excution
de la loi.Que si, au Congo, dans le recouvrement des prestations indignes, des cas,
parmi ceux cits par le Consul, ont rellement dpass les limites d'une rigueur juste
et pondre, ce sont l des circonstances de faits que des investigations sur les lieux
pourront seules lucider, et des instructions seront, cet effet, donnes l'administration de Borna.
Il ne peut tre davantage accept, jusqu' plus ample inform, les considrations
du Rapport sur l'action des gardes forestiers au service de la Socit A.B.I.R. et
de " L a Lugonga." Ces sous-ordres sont reprsents par le Consul comme exclusivement prposs " obliger par force la rcolte du caoutchouc ou les approvisionnements
dont chaque factorerie a besoin."1 Une autre explication a cependant t donne, mais
elle n'mane pas d'un indigne, savoir que ces gardes forestiers ont pour mission de
veiller ce que la rcolte du caoutchouc se fasse rationnellement et d'empcher
notamment que les indignes ne coupent les lianes.2 On sait, en effet, que la loi
a prescrit des mesures rigoureuses pour assurer la conservation des zones caoutchoutires, a rglement leur exploitation et a impos des plantations et replantations, en
vue d'viter l'puisement complet du caoutchouc, comme on l'a vu par exemple
dans la "North-Eastern and Western Rhodesia."3 Les Socits et particuliers
exploitants ont de ce chef une lourde responsabilit et ont incontestablement une
surveillance minutieuse exercer sur les modes et procds de rcoltes. La raison
d'tre de ces gardes forestiers peut donc, en ralit, tre tout autre que celle dite par
le Consul ; en tout cas, les plaintes formules ce sujet formeront l'un des points de
l'enqute an Congo, de mme que cette autre remarque du Rapport que l'armement
de ces gardes forestiers serait excessif et abusif. Il faut ds prsent remarquer que
dans ses valuations du nombre des gardes arms, le Consul procde par dductions
hypothtiques4 et qu'il dit lui-mme : " 1 have no means of ascertaining the number of
this class of armed men employed by the A.B.I.R. Company."5 Il donne le dtail
que le fusil d'un de ces hommes tait marqu sur la crosse : " Dpt 2,210." Or, il
est vident qu'une telle indication ne peut avoir la signification que voudrait lui
donner le Consul que pour autant qu'il soit tabli qu'elle se rapporte un numrotage
des armes utilises dans la Concession, et tel n'est pas le cas, car cette marque:
n'est employe ni par les Agents de l'tat ni par la Socit, et il est
supposer qu'elle constitue une ancienne marque, soit de fabrication, soit de magasin.
Quant l'armement des capitas, le Consul ne doit pas ignorer que ce pointqui n'est
pas sans difficult, puisqu'il faut la fois tenir compte de la ncessit de la dfense
personnelle du capita et de Recueil d'un usage abusif de l'arme qui lui est confien'a
cess d'tre l'objet de l'attention de l'autorit suprieure. Il n'y a pas que la seule
Circulaire du 20 Octobre, 1900, reproduite par le Consul, qui ait trait la question ;
il en est tout un ensemble, datant notamment des 12 Mars, 1897, 31 Mai et
28 Novembre, 1900, et 30 Avril, 1901. Nous les reproduisons en Annexes, comme
tmoignant de l'absolue volont du pouvoir de faire appliquer strictement les
dispositions lgales en la matire (Annexe V). Nonobstant les prcautions incessantes,
le Consul a constat que plusieurs capitas n'taient pas porteurs de permisces permis
ne se trouvait-ils pas au sige de la Direction ?et que deux d'entre eux taient
arms d'armes de prcision.6 Ces quelques infractions ne suffiraient videmment pas
pour conclure une sorte de vaste organisation arme, destine terroriser les
indignes. Cette autre Circulaire du 7 Septembre, 1903, reproduite l'Annexe V I I
du Rapport du Consul, montre, au contraire, le soin que met le Gouvernement ce
que les soldats noirs rguliers eux-mmes soient en tout temps sous le contrle des
officiers Europens.7
Telles sont les premires remarques que suggre le Rapport de M. Casement, et
nous nous rservons de le raconter plus en dtail, lorsque seront en possession du
Gouvernement les rsultats de l'enqute laquelle les autorits locales vont procder.
U sera remarqu que le Gouvernement, ne voulant pas paratre faire dvier le dbat,

" The more important Chiefs who helped the Administration have been paid a certain percentage
of the taxes collected in their districts, and I think that if this policy is adhered to each year, the
results will continue to be satisfactory and will encourage the Chiefs to work in harmony with the
Administration." 1

Le Dcret sur les chefferies3 tablissait le principe de l'impt, et sa perception

selon " un tableau des prestations annuelles fournir, par chaque village, en produits,
en corves, travailleurs ou soldats." L'application de ce Dcret a t formule en des
actes d'investiture, des tableaux statistiques et des tats de prestation, dont les
modles sont reproduits l'Annexe IV. Contrairement ce que pense le Rapport, ce
Dcret a reu l'excution compatible avec l'tat d'avancement social des tribus ; de
nombreux actes d'investiture ont t dresss et des efforts ont t faits pour tablir
des tats de rpartition quitable des prestations. Le Consul et pu s'en assurer dans
les bureaux des Commissariats, notamment des districts du Stanley-Pool et de
l'Equateur qu'il a traverss ; mais il a gnralement nglig les sources d'informations
officielles. Sans doute, l'application fut et devait tre limite dans les dbuts, et il a
pu en rsulter que les demandes d'impts ont atteint, pendant quelque temps, les seuls
villages dans un certain primtre autour des stations ; mais cette situation s'est
amliore progressivement au fur et mesure que, les rgions plus distantes se trouvant
englobes dans la zone d'influence des postes gouvernementaux, le nombre des villages
astreints l'impt s'est accru successivement et que les taxes ont pu tre rparties
sur un chiffre plus grand de contribuables. Le Gouvernement vise ce que le progrs
soit constant dans cette voie, c'est--dire ce que l'impt soit le plus quitablement
rparti et soit, autant que possible, personnel ; le Dcret du 18 Novembre, 1903, tend
ce but en prescrivant l'tablissement de "rles des prestations indignes" de
manire que les obligations de chacun des natifs soient nettement prcises.
" Chaque anne, dit l'Article 28 de ce Dcret, les Commissaires de District dresseront dans les
limites de l'Article 2 du prsent Rglement (c'est--dire dans la limite de quarante heures de travail
par mois par indigne), les rles des prestations fournir, en espce et en dure de travail par chacun
des indignes rsidant dans les territoires de leur district respectif." Et l'Article 55 punit " quiconque,
charg de la perception des prestations, aura exig des indignes, soit comme impt en nature soit
comme heures de travail, des prestations d'une valeur suprieure celles prvues dans les rles

Nul n'ignore que le recouvrement de l'impt se heurte parfois au mauvais vouloir,

et mme au refus de payer. La dmonstration qu'en fait le Rapport du Consul pour
le Congo est corrobore par l'exprience faite, par exemple, dans la Rhodesia.
" The Ba-TJhga (Awemba district), inhabitants of the swamps in the Chambezi delta, gave some
trouble on being summoned to pay taxes." 3 " Although in many cases whole villages retired into the
swamps on being called upon for the hut tax, the general result was satisfactory for the first year
(Luapula district) ."*" Milala's people have succeeded in evading taxes." 5 " A few natives bordering
on the Portuguese territory, who, owing to the great distance they reside from the Native Commissioners' stations, are not under the direct supervision of the Native Commissioners, have so far evaded
paying hut tax, and refused to submit themselves to the authority of the Government. The rebel
Chief, Mapondera, has upon three occasions successfully eluded punitive expeditions sent against him.
Captain Gilson, of the British South Africa Police, was successful in coming upon him and a
large following of natives, and inflicting heavy losses upon them
His kraal and all his crops
were destroyed. He is now reported to be in Portuguese territory
Siji M'Kota, another
powerful Chief, living in the northern parts of the M'toko district, bordering on Portuguese territory,
has also been successful in evading the payment of hut tax, and generally pursuing the adoption of an
attitude which is not acceptable to the Government. I am pleased to report that a patrol is at present
on its way to these parts to deal with this Chief, and to endeavour to obtain his submission. I t will
be noted that the above remarks relate solely to those natives who reside along the borders of our
territories, and whose defiant attitude is materially assisted by reason of this proximity to the
Portuguese border, across which they are well able to proceed whenever they consider that any meeting
or contact with the Native Commissioner will interfere in any way with their indolent and lazy lij
They possess no movable property which might be attached with a view to the recovery of hut tax
unpaid for many years, and travel backwards and forwards with considerable freedom, always placing
themselves totally beyond the reach of the Native Commissioner."6
" Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia," 1900-1902, p. 424.
Dcret du 6 Octobre, 1891 ("Bulletin Officiel," 1891, p. 259).
" Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia," 1900-1902, p. 409.
Idem, p. 410.
Idem, p. 410.
Idem, pp. 145, 146.


'-s1 Rapport, p. 44.

Annexe 8, p. 26.
" Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia," 1900-1902, pp. 397 et suivantes.
Rapport, p. 57.
Idem, p. 42.
Idem, p. 43.
La Circulaire du 7 Septembre, 1903, concerne "l'interdiction" d'envoyer des soldats arms Sous l
conduite des grads noirs, et non, comme le dit la copie errone produite par le Consul "l'instruction"
(Annexe 7 du Rapport, p, 80).


n'a pas soulev la question prjudicielle au sujet des formes, coup sr insolites, en,
lesquelles le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique a agi en territoire tranger. H
n'chappera pas combien le rle que s'est attribu le Consul en instituant ds sortes
d'enqutes, en faisant comparatre des indignes, en les interrogeant comme par voie
d'autorit, en mettant mme des espces de jugements sur la culpabilit d'accuss,
est en dehors des limites des attributions d'un Consul. Les rserves qu'appelle ce
mode de procder doivent tre d'autant plus formelles que le Consul intervenait de la
sorte en des affaires o n'taient intresss que des ressortissants, de l'tat du Congo
et relevant exclusivement de l'autorit territoriale. M. Casement s'est charg de se
dsavouer lui-mme lorsque, le 4 Septembre, 1903, il crivait au Gouverneur-Gnral:
" I have no right of representation to your Excellency save where the persons or
interests of British subjects dwelling in this country are affected." Il tait donc
conscient de ce qu'il outrepassait les devoirs de sa charge, lorsqu'il investiguait sur des
faits d'administration purement intrieure et empitait ainsi sur les attributions des
autorits territoriales, l'encontre des rgles du droit Consulaire. ;
"The grievances of the natives have heen made known in this country by . . . . . , who brought
over a Petition addressed to the King, praying for relief from the excessive taxation and oppressive
legislation of which they complain."

Ces lignes sont extraites du " Eeport for 1903 de la British and Eoreign AntiSlavery Society," et les natifs dont il est question sont les indignes des Iles Eiji. Ce
Rapport continue :-
" The case has been brought before the House of Commons. The grievances include forced labour
on the roads, and restrictions which practically amount to slavery ; natives have been flogged without
trial by Magistrate's orders and are constantly subject to imprisonment for frivolous causes. Petitions
lodged with the local Colonial Secretary have been disregarded. Mr. Chamberlain, in reply to the
questions asked in Parliament, threw doubt upon the information received, but stated that the
recently appointed Governor is ; conducting an inquiry into the whole situation in the Piji Islands, in
the course of which the matter will he fully investigated."

Ces conclusions sont les ntres au sujet du Rapport de M. Casement .


le 12 Mars,


BURIKG the sitting of the House of Commons of the 11th March, 1903, Lord
Cranborne observed :
" We have no reason to think that slavery is recognized by the authorities of the Congo
Free State, but reports of acts of cruelty and oppression have reached us. Such reports have
been received from our Consular Officers."

The Government of the Congo State addressed a letter on the 14th March, 1903, to
Sir C. Phipps, requesting him to be good enough to communicate the facts which had
formed the subject of any reports from British Consuls.
NO reply was received to this application.

Lord Lansdowne's despatch of the 8th August, 1903, contained the following
" Representations to this effect (alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and existence of
trade monopolies) are to be found . . . . in despatches from His Majesty's Consuls."

The impression was thus created that at that date His Majesty's Government were in
possession of conclusive evidence furnished by their Consuls : but none the less it seemed
clearly necessary that Consul Casement should undertake a journey in the Upper Congo.
It would appear, therefore, as if the conclusions contained in the note of the 8th August
were at least premature ; it equally follows that, contrary to what was said in that note,
the British Consul was at liberty to undertake any journey in the interior that he thought
fit. In any case, it is to he observed that, in spite of the repeated applications ot
the Congo State, the White Paper ("Africa Ko. 1 (1904)") recently presented to
Parliament does not contain any of these former Consular Eeports, which nevertheless
would have been the more interesting as dating from a time when the present campaign
had not yet been initiated.

The present Eeport draws attention to the fact that in certain places visited by
the Consul the population is decreasing. Mr. Casement does not give the facts on which
he bases his comparative figures for 1887 and 1903. The question arises how, during
the course of his rapid and hasty visits, he was able to get his figures for this latter year.
On what facts, for instance, does he found his assertion that the riverain population
of Lake Mantumba seems to have diminished from 60 to 70 per cent, in the course of the
last ten years. He states that at a certain place designated as F* the population of all
the villages together does not at present amount to more than 500 souls ; a few
lines further on these same villages are spoken of as only containing 240 inhabitants
altogether. These are only details, but they show at once what a lack of precision there
is in certain of the deductions made by the Consul. It is, no doubt, unfortunately only too
true that the population has diminished ; but the diminution is due to other causes than
to the exercise on the native population of a too exacting or oppressive Administration. It is owing chiefly to the sleeping-sickness, which is decimating the population
throughout Equatorial Africa. The Eeport itself observes that "'a prominent place
must be assigned to this malady," 1 and that this malady is " probably one of the
principal factors " in the diminution of the population.2 It is only necessary to read
the Eev. John Whitehead's letter, quoted by the Consul (Annex I I to the Eeport) to
obtain an idea of the ravages of the malady, to which this missionary attributes
half of the deaths which take place in the riverain parts of the district. In a
recent interview Mgr. Van Eonsl, Vicar Apostolic of the Belgian Congo, who speaks
with the authority of one who has had a large experience of African matters, and
has resided for long periods in many different localities in the Congo, explained the
development of this scourge and the inevitable decay of the populations it attacks,
whatever the conditions of their social existence ; mentioning among other cases
the terrible loss of life caused by this disease in Uganda. If to this principal cause
of the depopulation of the Congo are added small-pox epidemics, the inability of the
tribes at the present moment to keep up their numbers by the purchase of slaves, and
the ease with which the natives can migrate, it can be explained how the Consul and
the missionaries may have been struck with the diminution of the number of inhabitants
in certain centres without that diminution necessarily being the result of a system of
oppression. Annex I contains the declarations on the subject made by Mgr. Van Ronsl.
His Temarks as to the effect of the suppression of slavery on the numbers of the
population are printed elsewhere :
" T h e people (slave) are for the most part originally prisoners of war. Since the Decree of
emancipation they have simply returned to their own distant homes, knowing their owners have
no power to recapture them. This is one reason why some think the population is decreasing,
and another reason is the vast exodus up and down river." 3
''So long as the Slave Trade flourished the Bobangi flourished, but with its abolition they
are tending to disappear, for their towns were replenished by slaves." 4

The Consul mentions cases, the causes of which, however, are unknown to him, of
an exodus of natives of the Congo to the French hank. It is not quite clear on what
grounds he attaches blame to the State on their account, to judge at least from the
motives by which some of them have been determinedfor instance, the examples of
such emigration which are given and explained by the Rev. W. H. Bentley, an English
missionary. One relates to the station at Lukolela :
'' The main difficulty has been the shifting of the population. It appears that the population,
when the station was founded in 1886, was between 5,000 and 6,000 in the riverain Colonies.
About two years later the Chief Mpuki did not agree with his neighbours or they with him.
When the tension became acute, Mpuki crossed over with his people to the opposite (French) side
of the river. This exodus took away a large number of people. In 1890 or 1891 a Chief from
one of the lower towns was compelled by the majority of his people to leave the State side, and
several went with him. About 1893 the rest of the people at the lower towns either went across
to the same place as the deposed Chief or took up their residence inland. Towards the end of
1894 a soldier, who had been sent to cut firewood for the State steamers on an island off the
the towns, left his work to make an evil request in one of the towns. He shot the man who
refused him. The rascal of a soldier was properly dealt with by the State officer in charge ;
hut this outrage combined with other smaller difficulties to produce a panic, and nearly all
the people left for the French side, or hid away inland.
So the fine township has
broken up." s

Report, p. 21.
Idem, p. 26.
* M. Boudot, missionary of the Congo Batolo Mission. " Regions Beyond," December 1901, p. 337.
W. H. Bentley. " Pioneering on the Congo," II, p. 229,
Idem, p. 243,


The other refers to the station at Bolobo :
" I t is rare indeed for Bolobo,with its 30,000 or 40,000 people, divided into some dozen clans
to be at peace for any length of time together. The loss of life from these petty wars, the
number of those killed for witchcraft, and of those who are buried alive with the dead, involve
even within our narrow limits here at Bolobo, an almost daily drain upon the vitality of the
country, and an incalculable amount of sorrow and suffering
The Government was not
indifferent to these murderous ways
In 1890, the District Commissioner called the people
together, and warned them against the burying of slaves alive in the graves of free people, and
the reckless killing of slaves which then obtained. The natives did not like the rising power of
the State
Our own settlement among them was not unattended with difficulty
There was a feeling against white men generally, and especially so against the State. The
people became insolent and haughty
Just at this time . . . . as a force of soldiers steamed
past the Moye towns, the steamers were fired upon. The soldiers landed and burnt and
looted the towns. The natives ran away into the grass, and great numbers crossed to the French
side of the river. They awoke to the fact that Bula Matadi, the State, was not the helpless
thing they had so long thought. This happened early in 1891." x

It will be seen that these examples do not attribute the emigration of the natives to
any such causes as :
" The methods employed to obtain labour from them by local officials and the exactions
levied on them."a
The Beport dwells at length on the existence of native taxes. It shows how the
natives are subject to forced labour of various kinds, in one district having to furnish
the Government posts with " chikwangues," or fresh provisions, in another being obliged
to assist in works of public utility, such as the construction of a jetty at Bololo, or the
up-keep of the telegraph line at E* ; elsewhere being obliged to collect the produce
of the domain lands. We maintain that such imposts on the natives are legitimate
in agreement on this point with His Majesty's Government, who, in the Memorandum of
the 11th February last, declare that the industry and development of the British Colonies
and Protectorates in Africa show that His Majesty's Government have always admitted
the necessity of making the natives contribute to the public charges and of inducing them
to work. We also agree with His Majesty's Government that, if abuses occur in this
connectionand undoubtedly some have occurred in all Coloniessuch abuses call for
reform, and that it is the duty of the authorities to put an end to them, and to reconcile
as far as may be the requirements of the Government with the real interests of the
But in this matter the Congo State intends to exercise freely its rights of
sovereigntyas, for instance, His Majesty's Government explain in their last Memorandum that they themselves did at Sierra Leonewithout regard to external pressure
or foreign interference, which would he an encroachment upon its essential rights.
The Consul, in his Beport, obviously endeavours to create the impression that taxes
in the Congo are collected in a violent, inhuman, and cruel manner, and we are anxious
before all to rebut the accusation which has so often been brought against the State
that such collection gives rise to odious acts of mutilation. On this point a superficial
perusal of the Beport is calculated to impress by its easy accumulation not of facts,
simple, precise, and verified, but of the declarations and affirmations of natives.
There is a preliminary remark to he made in regard to the conditions in which
the Consul made his journey.
Whether such was his intention or not, the British Consul appeared to the
inhabitants as the redresser of the wrongs, real or imaginary, of the natives,
and his presence at La Lulonga, coinciding with the campaign which was being
directed against the Congo State, in a region where the influence of the Protestant
missionaries has long been exercised, necessarily had for the natives a significance which
did not escape them. The Consul made his investigations quite independently of the
Government officials, quite independently of any action and of any co-operation on the
part of the regular authorities ; he was assisted in his proceedings by English Protestant
missionaries ; he made his inspection on a steamer belonging to a Protestant Mission ;
he was entertained for the most part in the Protestant Missions; and, in these
circumstances, it was inevitable that he should he considered by the native as the
antagonist of the established authorities.
Other proof is not required than the characteristic fact that while the Consul was
at Bonginda, the natives crowded down to the bank, as some agents of the La Lulonga

" Pioneering on the Congo," by the Rev. W. Holman Bentley, II, pp. 235-236.
' Report, p. 29,

Company were going by in a canoe, and cried out : " Your violence is over, it is passing
away ; only the English remain ; may you others die ! " There is also this significant
admission on the part of a Protestant missionary, who, in alluding to this incident,
remarked :" The Consul was here at the time, and the people were much excited and evidently
thought themselves on top
The people have got this idea (that the rubber work was
finished) into their heads of themselves, consequent, I suppose, upon the Consul's visit."

In these circumstances, in view of the state of mind which they show to exist among
the natives, in view of their impressionable character and of their natural desire to escape
taxation, it could not be doubted but that the conclusions at which the Consul would
arrive would not be other than those set forth in his Beport.
To bring out this point, and to show how little value is to" be attached to his
investigations, it will he sufficient to examine one case, that on which Mr. Casement
principally relies; we allude to the Epondo case. It is that of the child I I , mentioned
on pp. 56, 58, and 78 of the Beport.
It is indispensable to enter somewhat at length into the details of this case, which
are significant.
On the 4th September, 1903, the Consul was at the Bonginda station of the Congo
Bololo Mission, having returned from a journey on the Lopori, during the course of
which he had not come across any of those acts of mutilation which it is the custom to
attribute to officials in the Congo.
At Bonginda, the natives of a neighbouring village (Bossunguma) came to him and
informed him, amongst other things, that a "sentry" of the La Lulonga Company,
named Kelengo,1 had, at Bossunguma, cut off the hand of a native called Epondo,
whose wounds were still scarcely healed. The Consul proceeded to Bossunguma,
accompanied by the Bev. W. D. Armstrong and the Bev. D. J. Danielson, and had the
mutilated native brought before him, who, "in answer to Consul's question, charges a
sentry named 'Kelengo' (placed in the town by the local agent of the La Lulonga
Society to see that the people work rubber) " with having done it. Such are the
Consul's own words : it was necessary to establish a relation of cause and effect
- between the collection of india-rubber and this alleged case of cruelty.
The Consul proceeded to question the Chief and some of the natives of the village.
They replied by accusing Kelengo ; most of them asserted that they were eyewitnesses of the deed. The Consul inquired through his interpreters if there were other
witnesses who saw the crime committed, and accused Kelengo of it. " Nearly all those
present, about forty persons, shouted out with one voice that it was ' Kelengo ' who
did it."
In order to understand the violence with which the natives accused Kelengo, and
the unanimous manner in which the denials of the accused were rejected by his accusers,
it is necessary to read the whole of the report of this inquiry, as drawn up by the Consul
himself in a kind of procs-verbaux, dated the 7th, Sth, and 9th September (Annex II).
Erom all quarters accusers appeared, and the excited crowd gave vent to all sorts of
accusations : he had cut off Epondo's hand, chained up women, stolen ducks and a
dog ! The Consul did not allow his suspicions to he aroused by the passionate
character of these accusations; without any further guarantee of their sincerity
or further examination into their truth, he looked upon his inquiry as conclusive, and as
he had taken upon himself the duties of the Public Prosecutor in making preliminary
inquiries into the matter, so he anticipated the decision of the responsible authorities
by declaring to the assembled people that " Kelengo deserved severe punishment
for his illegal and cruel acts." He proceeded to dramatize the incident by carrying
oft the pretended victim, and exhibiting him on the 10th September to the official in
command of the station at Coquilhatville, to whom he handed a copy of the record
of his inquiry, and on the 12th September he addressed a letter to the GovernorGeneral which he marked as "personal and private," and in which he makes the
incident in question among others a text for an attack on " the system of general
exploitation of an entire population which can only be rendered successful by the employment of arbitrary and illegal force." His inquiry terminated, he immediately started on
his return journey to the Lower Congo.
Even if the circumstances had been correctly reported, the disproportion would still


K S; in "Africa No. 1 (1904)."

have been striking between them and the conclusions which the Consul draws when
emphasizing his general criticisms of the Congo State. But the facts themselves are
incorrectly represented.
As a matter of fact, no sooner did the Consul's denunciation reach the Public
Prosecutor's Department than M. Gennaro Bosco, Acting Public Prosecutor, proceeded to the spot and held a judicial inquiry under the usual conditions free
from all outside influences. This inquiry showed that His Britannic Majesty's
Consul had been the object of a plot contrived by the natives, who, in the hope of no
longer being obliged to work, had agreed among themselves to represent Epondo
as the victim of the inhuman conduct of one of the capitas of a commercial
Company. In reality, Epondo had been the victim of an accident while out
hunting, and had been bitten in the hand by a wild boar; gangrene had set in
and caused the loss of the member, and this fact had been cleverly turned to
account by the natives when before the Consul. We annex (Annex No. 3) extracts
from the inquiry conducted by the Acting Public Prosecutor into the Epondo case.
The evidence is typical, uniform, and without discrepancies. It leaves no doubt as
to the cause of the accident, makes it clear that the natives lied to the Consul, and
reveals the object which actuated them, namely, the hope that the Consul's intervention would relieve them from the necessity of paying taxes. The inquiry shows how
Epondo, at last brought to account, retracted what he had in the first instance said to
the Consul, and confessed that he had been influenced by the people of his village.
He was questioned as follows :
Q. Do you persist in accusing Kelengo of having cut off your left hand ?
A. No. I told a lie.
Q. State, then, how and when you lost your hand.
A. I was a slave of Monkekola's at Malele, in the Bangala district. One day I went out
boar-hunting with him. He wounded one with a spear, and thereupon the animal, enraged,
turned on me. I tried to run off with the others, but falling down, the boar was on me in a
moment and tore off my left hand and (wounded me) in the stomach and left thigh.
The witness exhibits the scars he carries at the places mentioned, and lying down of his own
accord shows the position he was in when the boar attacked and wounded him.
Q. How long ago did this accident happen ?
A. I don't remember. It was a long time ago.
Q. Why did you accuse Kelengo ?
. .
- A. Because Momaketa, one of the Bossunguma Chiefs, told me to, and afterwards all the
inhabitants of my village did so too.
Q. Did the English photograph you ?
A. Yes, at B.onginda and Lulanga. They told me to put the stump well forward. There were
Nenele, Mongongolo, Torongo, and other whites whose names I don't know. They were
whites from Lulanga. Mongongolo took away six photographs. 1
\. , ' .

Epoudo of his own accord repeated his declarations and retractations to a Protestant
missionary, Mr. Earis, who lives at Bolengi. This gentleman has sent the CommissaryGeneral at Coquilhatville the following written declaration :
" I , E. E. Faris, missionary, residing at Bolengi, Upper Congo, declare that I questioned the
boy Epondo, of the village of Bosongoma, who was at my bouse on the 10th September, 1903,
with Mr. Casement, the British Consul, and whom, in accordance with the request made to me by
Commandant Stevens, of Coquilhatville, I took to the mission station at Bolengi on the 16th
October. 1903 ; and that the said boy has this day, the 17th October, 1903, told me that he lost his
hand through the bite of a wild boar.
" H e told m e a t the same time that he informed Mr. Casement that his hand was cut off either
by a soldier or, perhaps, by one of those working for the white men (" travailleurs de blauc "), who
have been making war in his village with a view to the collection of rubber, but he asserts that
the account which he has given me to-day is the truth."

E . E. FARIS."

" Bolengi, October. 17, 1903."

The inquiry resulted in the discharge of the prisoner, which, so far as it concerned
the Epondo question, was in the following terms : .
We, Acting Public Prosecutor of the Court of Coquilhatville :
Having, regard to the notes made by His Britannic Majesty's Consul, on the occasion of hits
visit to the villages of Ikandja and Bossunguma in the territory of the Ngorabe, from which it
- would appear that a certain Kelengo, a forest guard an the service of the La Lukmga Company-
(a.) Cut off the left hand of a certain Epondo ;
... -,
See Annex No. 3.

iVing regard to the inquiry instituted by Lieutenant Braeckman, which partly confirms the
result of the inquiry instituted by His Britannic Majesty's Consul, but also partly contradicts it,
and to the cbarges already brought against Kelengo adds that of having killed a native of the
name of Baluwa ;
Having regard to the conclusions arrived at by the police employ in question, which
tend to raise grave doubts as to the truth of all these charges ;
In view of the fact that all the natives who brought these charges against Kelengo, whether
before His Britannic Majesty's Consul or Lieutenant Braeckman, on being summoned by us, the
Acting Public Prosecutor, took to flight, and all efforts to find them have been fruitless ; that this
flight obviously throws doubt on the truth of their allegations ;
That all the witnesses whom we have. questioned during the course of our inquiry
declare . . . . that Epondo lost his left hand from the bite of a wild boar;
That Epondo confirms these statements, and admits that he told a lie at the instigation of
the natives of Bossunguma and Ikondja, who hoped to escape collecting rubber-through the
intervention of His Britannic Majesty's Consul, whom they considered to be very powerful ;
: That the witnesses, almost all inhabitants of the accusing villages, admit that such was the
object of their lie ;
That this version, apart from the unanimous declarations of the witnesses and the injured
parties, is also the most plausible, seeing that every one knows that the natives dislike work
in general and having to collect rubber, and are, moreover, ready to lie and accuse people
falsely ;
That it is confirmed by the clearly stated opinion of the English missionary Armstrong, who
considers the natives to be " capable of any plot to escape work and especially the labour of
collecting rubber " ;
That the innocence of Kelengo having been thoroughly established, there is no reason for
proceeding against him ;
On the above-mentioned grounds, we, the Acting Public Prosecutor, declare that there are no
grounds for proceeding against Kelengo, a forest guard in the service of the La Lulonga Company,
foi the offences mentioned in Articles 2, 5, 11, and 19 of the Penal Code,
(Signed) ,
Acting Public Prosecutor..
Mampoko, October 9, 1903

We have dealt at length with the ahove case because it is considered by the
Consul himself as being one of the utmost importance, and because he relies upon
.this single case for accepting as accurate all the other declarations made to him hy
" In the one case 1 could alone personally investigate," he says, 1 " t h a t of the boy I I , I found
this accusation proved on the spot without seemingly a shadow of doubt existing as to the guilt
of the accused sentry." ' ".

And further on :
- " I had not time to do more than visit the one village of R**, and in that village I had only
time to investigate the charge brought by 11," *

And elsewhere :

. " I t was obviously impossible that I should . . . . verify on the spot, as in the case of the
boy, the statements they made. In that one case the truth of the charges preferred was
amply demonstrated." 3

It is also to this case that he alludes in his letter of the 12th September, 1903, to
the Governor-General, where he says:
"When speaking to M. le Commandant Stevens at Colquilhatville on the 10th instant, when
the mutilated boy Epondo stood before us as evidence of the deplorable state of affairs I reprobated, I
said, ' I do not accuse an individual, I accuse a system.' "

It is only natural to conclude that if the rest of the evidence in the Consul's Report
is of the same value as that furnished to him in this particular case, it cannot possibly
be regarded as conclusive. And it is obvious that in those cases in which the Consul,
as he himself admits, did not attempt to verify the assertions of the natives, these
assertions are worth, if possible, still less.
It is doubtless true that the Consul deliberately incurred the certain risk oi being
misled owing to the manner in which he interrogated the natives, which he did, as a
matter of fact, through two interpreters" through Vinda, speaking in Bohangi, and


Report, p. 5.8.

Idem, p. 58.

Idem, p..56.




Bateko, repeating his utterances . . . . in the local dialect ; 1 so that the Consul was
at the mercy not only of the truthfulness of the native who was being questioned, hut
depended also on the correctness of the translations of two other natives, one of whom
was a servant of his own, and the other apparently the missionaries' interpreter.2 But
any one who has ever been in contact with the native knows how much he is given to
lying ; the Bev. C. H. Harvey 3 states that
" The natives of the Congo who surrounded us were contemptible, perfidious and
cruel, impudent liars, dishonest, and vile."
It is also important, if one wishes to get a correct idea of the value of this evidence,
to note that while Mr. Casement was questioning the natives, he was accompanied by
two local Protestant English missionaries, whose presence must alone have necessarily
affected the evidence.4
We should ourselves be going too far if from all this we were to conclude that the
whole of the native statements reported by the Consul ought to be rejected. But it is
clearly shown that his proofs are insufficient as a basis for a deliberate judgment, and
that the particulars in question require to be carefully and impartially tested.
On examining the Consul's voluminous Beport for other cases which he has seen,
and which he sets down as cases of mutilation, it will be observed that he mentions two as
having occurred on Lake Mantumba5 " some years ago." 6 He mentions several others, in
regard to the number of which the particulars given in the Beport do not seem to agree,7
as having taken place in the neighbourhood of Bonginda,8 precisely in the country of
the Epondo inquiry, where, as has been seen, the general feeling was excited and prejudiced.
It is these cases which, he says, he had not time to inquire into fully,9 and which,
according to the natives, were due to agents of the La Lulanga Company. Were these
instances of victims of the practice of native customs which the natives would have
been careful not to admit? Were the injuries which the Consul saw due to some
conflict between neighbouring villages or tribes? Or were they really due to the
black subordinates of the Company ? This cannot be determined by a perusal of the
Beport, as the natives in this instance, as in every otber, were the sole source of
the Consul's information, and he, for his part, confined himself to taking rapid notes
of their numerous statements for a few hours in the morning of the 5th September,
being pressed for time, in order to reach K* (Bossunguma) at a reasonable hour.10
Notwithstanding the weight which he attaches to the "air of frankness " and the
" air of conviction and sincerity " n on the part of the natives, his own experience
shows clearly the necessity for caution, and renders rash his assertion "that it was
clear that these men were stating either what they had actually seen with their eyes or
firmly believed in their hearts." 12
Now, however, that the Consul has drawn attention to these few caseswhether
cases of cruelty or not, and they are all that, as a matter of fact, he has inquired
into personally, and even so without being able to prove sufficiently their real causethe
authorities will of course look into the matter and cause inquiries to be made. It is to
be regretted that, this being so, all mention of date, place, and name has been systematically omitted in the copy of the Beport communicated to the Government of the Independent State of the Congo. It is impossible not to see that these suppressions will place
great difficulties in the way of the Magistrates who will have to inquire into the facts,
and the Government of the Congo trust that, in the interests of truth, they may be
placed in possession of the complete text of the Consul's Beport.
It is not to he wondered at if the Government of the Congo State take this
opportunity of protesting against the proceedings of their detractors, who have thought
fit to submit to the public reproductions of photographs of mutilated natives, and have
started the odious story of hands being cut off with the knowledge and even at the
instigation of Belgians in Africa. The photograph of Epondo, for instance, mutilated in

the manner known, and who has "twice been photographed," is probably one of
those which the English pamphlets are circulating as proof of the execrable administration of the Belgians in Africa. One English review reproduced the photograph of a
" cannibal surrounded with the skulls of his victims," and underneath was written : " In
the original photograph the cannibal was naked. The artist has made him decent by
. . . . covering his breast with the star of the Congo State. It is now a suggestive
emblem of the Christian-veneered cannibalism on the Congo." 1 At this rate it
would suffice to throw discredit on the Uganda Administration if the plates were
published illustrating the mutilations which, in a letter dated Uganda, 16th December,
j 902, Dr. Castellani says he saw in the neighbourhood of Entebbe itself: " I t is not
difficult to find there natives without noses or ears, &c." 3
The truth is, that in Uganda, as in the Congo, the natives still give way to
their savage instincts. This objection has been anticipated by Mr. Casement, who
remarks :


See Annex No. 2 (really Inolosure 6 in No. 3).

Legions Beyond," 1900, p. 198.
Idem, January-February, 1903, p. 53.
See Annex No. 2. "Present: Bev. W. D. Armstrong and Bev. D. J. Danielson of the Congo Balolo
Mission of Bonginda, Yinda Bidilou (Consul's headman) and Bateko as interpreters, and His Britannic
Majesty's Consul." This passage is omitted in Annex No. 6 of the Consul's Report (p. 78).
Beport, p. 34.
Idem, pp. 76 and 77.
78 Cf. Beport, pp. 54 and 55 and p. 58.
Report, pp. 54, 55.
Idem, p. 56.
Idem, p. 56.
u Idem, p. 62.
18 Idem, p. 57.
; . .

" I t was not a native custom prior to the coming of the white man ; it was not the outcome
of the primitive instincts of savages in their fights between village and village; it was the
deliberate act of the soldiers of a European Administration, and these men themselves never
made any concealment that in committing these acts they were but obeying the positive orders
of their superiors." 3

That Mr, Casement should formulate so serious a charge without at the same time
supporting it by absolute proof would seem to justify those who consider that
his previous employment has not altogether been such as to qualify him for the duties
of a Consul. Mr. Casement remained seventeen days on Lake Mantumba, a lake said
to be 25 to 30 miles long and 12 to 15 broad, surrounded by dense forest.4 He
scarcely left its shores at all. In these circumstances it is difficult to see how he
could have made any useful researches into the former habits and customs of the
inhabitants. On the contrary, from the fact that the tribes in question are still very
savage, and addicted to cannibalism,6 it would seem that they have not abandoned
the practice of those cruelties which throughout Africa were the usual accompaniments of barbarous habits and anthropophagy. In one portion of the districts which
the Consul visited, the evidence of the English missionaries on this point is most
instructive. The Bev. McKittrick, in describing the sanguinary contests between the
natives, mentions the efforts to pacify the country which he formerly made through
the Chiefs :" . . . . We told them that for the future we should not let any man
carrying fspears or knives pass through our station. Our God was a God of peace,
and we, His children, could not bear to see our black brothers cutting and stabbing
each other." 6 "While I was going up and down the river," says another missionary,
"they pointed out to me the King's beaches, whence they used to dispatch their
fighting men to capture canoes and men. It was heartrending to hear them
describe the awful massacres that used to take place at a great Chief's death. A
deep hole was dug in the ground, into which scores of slaves were thrown after having
their heads cut off; and upon that horrible pile they laid the Chief's dead body to crown
the indescribable human carnage." 7 And the missionaries speak of the facility with
which even nowadays the natives return to their old customs. It would seem, too, that the
statement made in the Beport,8 that the natives now fly on the approach of a steamer
as they never used to do, is hardly in accordance with the reports of travellers and
Be this how it may, it is to be observed that nowhere in the territory which is the
scene of the operations of the A.B.I.B. Company did the Consul discover any evidence
of acts of cruelty for which the commercial agents might have been considered responsible.
The coincidence is remarkable, since it so happens that the A.B.I.B. Company is a
concessionary Company, and that it is the system of concessions to which are constantly
attributed the most disastrous consequences for the natives.
What it is important to discover from the immense number of questions touched on
ET the Consul, and the multiplicity of minor facts which he has collected, is whether the

" Review of Reviews," February 14,1903.

The " Tribuna " of Rome.
Report. Anuex No. 4, p. 77,
Idem, p. 30.
Idem, p. 30.
Ten Years at Bonginda." D. McKittrick. " Regions Beyond," 1900, p. 2R
" Congo Contrasts." Mr. Boudot. " Regions Beyond," 1900, p. 197.
Report, p. 34.

sort of picture he has drawn of the wretched existence led by the natives corresponds
to the actual state of affairs. We will take, for instance, the district of the Lulanga and
the Lopori, as the head-stations of the missions of the " Congo Balolo Mission " have been
established there for years past. These missionaries are established in the most distant
places in the interior, at Lulonga, Bonginda, Ikau, Bongandanga, and Baringa, all
of which are situated in the scene of operations of the La Lulonga and A.BJ.R.
They are in constant communication with the native populations,
and a special monthly review, called " Regions Beyond," regularly publishes their
letters, notes, and reports. An examination of a set of these publications reveals no
trace, at any time previous to April 1903by that date, it is true, Mr. Herbert Samuel's
motion had been brought before Parliamentof anything either to point out or to
reveal that the general situation of the native populations was such as ought to be
denounced to the civilized world. The missionaries congratulate themselves on the
active sympathy shown them by the various official and commercial agents, 1 on
the progress of their work of evangelization, 2 on the facilities afforded them by the
construction of roads, 3 on the manner in which the natives are becoming civilized, " owing
to the mere presence of white men in their midst, both missionaries and traders," 4 on
the disappearance of slavery, 5 on the density of the population, 6 on the growing number
of their pupils, "especially since the State has issued orders for all children within
reach to attend the mission schools," 7 on the gradual disappearance of the primitive
customs of the natives, 8 and lastly, on the contrast between the present and the past.9
"Will it be admitted that these Christian English missionaries, who, during their
journeys, visited the various factories, and witnessed markets of rubher being held,
would, by keeping silence, make themselves the accomplices of an inhuman or wrongful
system of government ? Among the conclusions of one of the Annual Reports of
the Congo Balolo Mission is to be found the following : " On the whole, the retrospect is encouraging. If there has been no great advance, there has been no heavy
falling off, and no definite opposition to the work. . . . .
There has been much famine
and sickness among the natives, especially at Bonginda
Apart from this, there
has been no serious hindrance to progress
" 1 0 And speaking incidentally of
the beneficial effect produced by work on the social condition of the natives, a missionary
writes : " The greatest obstacle to conversion is polygamy. Many evils have been put
down, e.g., idleness, thanks to the State having compelled the men to work ; and
fighting, through their not having time enough to fight."11 These opinions of missionaries- appear to us to be more precise than those expressed in a Report on every
page of which it may be said one finds such expressions as : " I was told," " i t was said,"
" I was informed," " I was assured," " they said," " i t was alleged," " I had no means
of verifying," " i t was impossible for me to verify," " I have no means of ascertaining," &c. Within a space of ten lines, indeed, occur four times the expressions;
" appears," "would seem," " would seem," " do not seem." 12
The Consul does not appear to have realized that native taxes in the Congo are
levied in the shape of labour, and that this form of tax is justified as much by the
moral effect which it produces, as by the impossibility of taxing the native in any
other way, seeing that, as the Consul admits, the native has no money- I t is to this
consideration that is due the fact, to give another example, that out of 56,700 huts which
are taxed in North-Eastern Rhodesia 19,653 pay that tax " i n labour," while 4,938 pay
it " i n produce." 1 3 Whether such labour is iurnished direct to the State or to some
private undertaking, and whether it is given in aid of this or that work as local
necessities may dictate, one ground of justification is always to be found in what the
Memorandum of the 11th February last recognizes is the "necessity of the natives
Deing induced to work." The Consul shows much anxiety as to how this forced labour
should he described ; he is surprised that if it be a tax it is sometimes paid and
recovered by commercial agents. Strictly speaking, of course, it cannot be denied

" Regions Beyond," 1900, p. 150; 1902, p. 209.

, Hem,passim.
Idem, 1900, p. 150.
* Idem, 1901, p. 27.
Idem, 1900, p. 199.
Idem, 1900, pp. 243, 297, 306.
7 Idem, 1901, p. 40 ; 1902, p. 315.
Idem, 1901, p. 40.
Idem, 1900, p. 196.
Idem, 1901, p. 43.
u Idem, 1901, p. 60.
12 Report, p. 28.
is Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia, 1900-1902, p. 408.

that the idea of remunerating a person for paying his taxes is contrary to ordinary
notions of finance ; but the difficulty disappears if it is considered that the object in
view has been to get the natives to acquire the habit of labour, from which they
have always shown a great aversion. And if this notion of work can more easily be
inculcated on the natives under the form of commercial transactions between them
and private persons, is it necessary to condemn such a mode of procedure, especially
in those parts where the organization of the Administration is not vet complete ? But
it is essential that in the relations of this nature which they have with the natives,
commercial agents, no less than those of the State, should he kind and humane. In
so far as it bears on this point the Consul's Report will receive the most careful
consideration, and if the result of investigation be to show that there are real abuses
and that reforms are called for, the heads of the Administration will act as the
circumstances may require.
But no one has ever imagined that the fiscal system in the Congo attained perfection at once, especially in regard to such matters as the assessment of taxes and the
means for recovering them. The system of " Chieftaincies," which is recommended
by the fact that it enables the authorities and the native to communicate through the
latter's natural Chief, was based on an idea carried into practice elsewhere :
" T h e more important Chiefs who helped the Administration have been paid a certain
percentage of the taxes collected in their districts, and I think that if this policy is adhered to
each year, the results will continue to be satisfactory and will encourage the Chiefs to work in
harmony with the Administration." 1

The Decree on the subject of these Chieftaincies 2 laid down the principle of a tax,
and its levy in accordance with " a table of contributions to be made every year by
each village in produce, forced labour, labourers, or soldiers." The application of
this Decree has been provided for by deeds of investiture, tables of statistics, and
particulars of contributions, forms of which will be found in Annex IY. In spite of
what is stated in the Report, this Decree has been carried out so far as has been found
compatible with the social condition of the various tribes ; numerous deeds of investiture
have been drawn up, and efforts have been made to draw up an equitable assessment
of the contributions. The Consul might have found this out at the Commissioners'
offices, especially in the Stanley Pool and Equator districts, which he passed through ;
but he neglected as a rule all official sources of information. ISTo doubt the application
of the Decree was at first necessarily limited, is possible that the result has been
that for a; certain time only such villages as were within a short distance from stations
have been required to pay taxes ; but this state of things has little by little altered for
the better in proportion as the more distant regions have become included in the
areas of influence of the Government posts, the number of villages subject to taxation
has gradually increased, and it has been iound possible to levy taxes on a greater
number of persons. The Government aim at making progress in this direction
continuous, that is to say, that taxation should be more equitably distributed, and
should as much as possible be personal; it was with this object that the Decree of the
18th November, 1903, provided for drawing up " lists of native contributions" in such a
way that the obligations of every native should be strictly defined.
" Article 28 of this Decree lays down that within the limits of Article 2 of the present regulations (that is to say, within the limit of forty hours' work per month per native) the District
Commissioners shall draw up annual lists of the taxes to be paid, in kind or duration of labour, by
each of the natives resident in the territories oi their respective districts. And Article 55 punishes
'whoever, being charged with the levy of taxes, shall have required of the natives, whether in
kind or labour, contributions which shall exceed in value those prescribed in the tables of taxes.' "

It is matter of common notoriety that the collection of taxes is occasionally

met by opposition, and even refusal to pay. The proofs of this, which are to be found
in the Report of the Consul for the Congo, are borne out by what has happened, for
instance, in Rhodesia :
" The Ba-TJnga (Awemba district), inhabitants of the swamps in the Zambezi delta, gave
some trouble on being summoned to pay taxes." s
"Although in many cases whole villages retired into the swamps on being called upon
-for.the hut-tax, the general result was satisfactory for the first year (Luapnla district)." 4
"Milala's people have succeeded in evading taxes." 5
- Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia, 1900-1902, p. 408. :
Decree of the 6th October, 1891 (" Bulletin Officiel," .1891, p. 259).
3 Reports on the Administration of Rhodesia, 1900-1902, p. 409.
Idem, p. 410.
' ..
Idem, p. 410.



" A few natives bordering on the Portuguese territory, who, owing * to = the great
distance they reside from the Native Commissioners' Stations, are ; not under the direct supervision of the Native Commissioners, have so far evaded paying hut tax, and refused to submit
themselves to the authority of the Government. The rebel Chief, Mapondera, has upon
three occasions successfully eluded punitive expeditions sent against him. Captain Gilson, of
the British South Africa Police, was successful in coming upon him and a large following of
natives, and inflicting heavy losses upon them. His kraal and all his crops were destroyed. He
is now reported to be in Portuguese territory. Siji M'Kota, another powerful Chief, living m
the northern parts of the M'toko district, bordering on Portuguese territory, has also been
successful in evading the payment of hut tax, and generally pursuing the adoption of an
attitude which is not acceptable to the Government. I am pleased to report that a patrol is at
present on its way to these parts to deal with this Chief, and to endeavour to obtain his
submission. It will be noted that the above remarks relate solely to those natives who reside
along the borders of our territories, and whose defiant attitude is materially assisted by reason of
this proximity to the Portuguese border, across which they are well able to proceed whenever
they consider that any meeting or contact with the Native Commissioner will interfere in any
way with their indolent and lazy life. They possess no movable property which might be
attached with a view of the recovery of hut tax unpaid for many years, and travel backwards
and forwards with considerable freedom, always placing themselves totally beyond the reach of
the Native Commissioner." l

the othef the possibility of the arms in question being used for improper purposes must
not be lost sight of. It is not only in the Circular of the 20th October, 1900, which the
Consul has reprinted, that this question is dealt with ; there is a whole collection of
Circulars on the subject, arhong which may be mentioned those of the 12th March, 1897,
,31st May and 28th November, 1900, and 30th April, 1901. Copies of them are
annexed as proof of the fixed determination of the Government to see that the law
relating to this question is strictly enforced (Annex V). Yet, in spite of all these
precautions, the Consul has ascertained that several capitas were not provided
with permits (perhaps they might have been found at the head office), and that two
of them were furnished with arms of precision.1 But these few infractions of the rule
are obviously not enough to prove the existence of a sort of vast armed organization
destined to strike terror into the natives. On the contrary, the Circular of the 7th
September, 1903, printed in Annex VII of the Consul's Report, is a proof of the care
taken by the Government that the regular black troops should always he under the
control of European officers.3
Such are the preliminary remarks suggested by Mr. Casement's Report, and we
reserve to ourselves the right of dealing with it more in detail as soon as the Government
shall be in possession of the results of the inquiry which the local authorities are about to
make. It will be observed that the Government, in its desire not to seem to wish to
avoid the discussion, has not raised a question in regard to the manner, surely
unusual, in which His Britannic Majesty's Consul has acted in a foreign country. It is
obviously altogether outside the duties of a Consul to take upon himself, as Mr. Casement
has done, to institute inquiries, to summon natives, to submit them to interrogatories
as if duly authorized thereto, and to deliver what may he styled judgments in regard to the
guilt of the accused. The reservations called for by this mode of procedure must he all
the more formal, as the Consul was thus intervening in matters which only concerned
subjects of the Congo State, and which were within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
territorial authorities. Mr. Casement, indeed, made it his business himself to point out
how little authorized he was to interfere when on the 4th September, 1903, he wrote to the
Governor-General : " I have no right of representation to your Excellency save where
the persons or interests of British subjects dwelling in this country are affected." It is
thus obvious that he was aware that he was exceeding his duties by investigating facts
which concerned only the internal administration, and so, contrary to a!l laws of Consular
jurisdiction, encroaching on the province of the territorial authorities.

The above is an instance of those "punitive expeditions" to which the authorities

are occasionally obliged to resort, as also of the native custom, which is not peculiar to
the natives of the Congo, of moving into a neighbouring territory when they are seeking
to evade the operation of the law. Whether in the process of collecting native taxes
there have been cases in the Congo, amongst those mentioned by the Consul, in which
the limits of a just and reasonable severity have been overstepped is a question of fact
which investigation on the spot can alone ascertain, and instructions to this effect will be
given to the authorities at Boma.
"W"e are also unable to accept, on the information at present before us, the
conclusions of the Beport in regard to the conduct of the forest guards in the employ
of the A.B.I.R. and La Lulonga Companies. These subordinate officers are represented by the Consul as being exclusively employed in " compelling by force tbe
collection of india-rubber or the supplies which each factory needed.."3 It is true
that another explanation has been giventhough not, indeed, by a nativeaccording
to which the business of these same forest guards is to see that the india-rubber is
harvested after a reasonable fashion, and especially to prevent the natives from cutting
the plants.3 It is, indeed, well known that the law has made rigorous provision for
preserving the rubber zones, has regulated the manner in which they are to be worked,
and has made planting and replanting obligatory, with a view to avoiding the complete
exhaustion of the rubber plant which has occurred, for instance, in North-eastern and
Western Rhodesia.4, A heavy responsibility in this direction lies on the Companies and
private persons engaged in developing the country, and it is obvious that they are
bound to exercise the most careful superintendence over the way in which the harvest
is collected. The object for which these forest guards are employed, therefore, may
well be quite different from that alleged by the Consul ; in any case, the complaints
which have been made on this head will form a subject for inquiry in the Congo, as
also the other remark of the Report that the manner in which these forest guards
are armed is excessive, and liable to abuse. It is to be here observed that in calculating
the number of these forest guards the Consul is obliged to rely on hypothesis,5 and that
he himself admits : " I have no means of ascertaining the number of this class of armed
men employed by the A.B.I.R. Company."6 He mentions that the gun of one of
these men was marked on the butt " Depot 2210." But it is evident that such a mark
can only have the significance which the Consul would like to see in it, in so far as it
can be proved that it refers to the numbering of the arms used in the Concession,
and such is not the case, since this particular mark "Depot" is not used either by
the officials of the State or those of the Company, and it would seem that it is an old
manufactory or store mark. In regard to the manner of arming the capitas, the Consul
can hardly be ignorant that the higher authorities have always given great attention to
the matter, which is, indeed, one surrounded with difficulties, seeing that while on the one
hand it is necessary to consider the question of the personal protection of the capita, on

Beports on the Administration of Khodesia, 1900-1902, pp. 145, 146.

Report, p. 44.
Annex III, p. 26.

Beports on the Administration of Rhodesia, 1900-1902, pp. 397, &c,

Beport, p. 57.
Idem, p. 42.

-, who brought
" The grievances of the natives have been made known in this country by
over a petition addressed to the King, praying for relief from the excessive taxation and
oppressive legislation of which they complain."

These lines are extracted from the Report for 1903 of the British and Foreign
Anti-Slavery Society, and the natives referred to are the natives of the Fiji Isles. The
Report goes on :
" T h e case has been brought before the House of Commons. The grievances include
forced labour on the roads, and restrictions which practically amount to slavery; natives have
been flogged without trial by magistrate's orders, and are constantly subject to imprisonment for
frivolous causes. Petitions lodged with the local Colonial Secretary have been disregarded.
Mr. Chamberlain, in reply to the questions asked in Parliament, threw doubt upon the information received, but stated that the recently appointed Governor is conducting an inquiry
into the whole situation in the Fiji Islands, in the course of which the matter will be fully

Such are also our conclusions in regard to Mr. Casement's Report.

Brussels, March 12, 1904.


epott, p. 4.
The Circular of the 7th September, i903, has reference to the " prohibition" to dispatch armed soldier^
in charge of black non-commissioned officers, and not, as wotild appear from the incorrect copy produced by
the Consul, to the "instruction." (Annex VII of the Report, p. 80).



Annexe 1.
. . Dclaration de Mgr. Van Roml, vque de Tkymbrium, Vicaire Apostolique du Congo Belge. _ ; 'I,
DANS son numro du 23 Octobre, le "West African Mail" publie unie srie: de lettres du
Rvrend J. W. Weeks, missionnaire Anglais, tabli Monsembe, district de Bangala. Ces lettres,
manant d'un auteur qui a habit la contre de longues annes et qui proteste d'ailleurs de sa parfaite
sincrit et de sa bonne foi, m'offraient un intrt particulier, ayant moi-mme parcouru et habit la
contre depuis quatorze ans, et en tant revenu rcemment.
'., ; .
Mr. Weeks fait preuve de prudence en limitant ses considrations ce qu'il a vu sur les deux,rives
du Congo, entre Bokongo et Ikunungu, dans les villages Bangala, avoisinant Nouvelle-Anvers ; ..mais il
se hasarde un peu plus, en tendant ses affirmations la plus grande partie.du,Congo.navigaprej
c'est--dire, du Stanley-Pool Bopoto.
.... . . . .
... . . V .'... .' ' " ; ' .
Sa thse est que, sur cet immense espace, les rives se dpeuplent et que les tribus dgenfrt
sous l'oppression de l'Etat, au moyen d'un systme d'impositions, de dportations, et d'amendes, i ' " ' ; ;
Nous le reconnaissons, l'auteur ne formule pas positivement cette thse ainsi gnralise'; mais
aprs l'avoir formule spcialement pour Nouvelle-An vers, il continue dcrire la situation^ gnrale
de. manire faire croire que les populations riveraines sont toutes dcimes parce que toutes sont
galement opprimes par le Gouvernement. Le lecteur ne peut pas tirer d'autres conclusions de ses
lettres, ni interprter autrement, certaines propositions qui les rsument.
Le souci de la vrit nous engag mettre le public en garde contre des conclusions aussi
- ''" -. -' ' ; '
L'auteur sait que parmi les tribus Bobangi (cites sous les noms de Bwembe, Bolobo, Lukolela),
qui sont un unfortunate dying people (un peuple qui dprit), le Gouvernement n'a jamais fait d
recrutement de soldats ni de travailleurs, et que les impositions qui ont t exiges de leurs
nombreux villages, tablis le long du fleuve sur un parcours de 100 lieues, consistent ravitailler
trois postes, dont celui de Yumbi seul est important, et entretenir (depuis deux ans) la route de laligne tIphniqe-iinpositions rellement insignifiantes pour ceux qui y mettent quelque
bonne volont.
C'est un fait, en outre, que ces populations subissaient de grandes pertes ds 1890, poque
laquelle les impositions taient nulles ; et c'est un autre fait que leurs voisins de la rive Franaise, qui
ne sont pas imposs, se meurent galement, notamment ceux qui sont tablis dans les environs de la
Mission Catholique des Rvrends Pres Franais: Saint-Louis de Liranga. On pourrait d'ailleurs.
citer d'autres exemples de populations qui s'teignent quoique l'abri d'oppression.
..' _.., .
Nous voil donc en prsence de dpeuplements qui ne sont certainement pas causs par
l'oppression, et auxquels il faut chercher d'autres causes. Si donc les lettres de Mr. Weeks induisent
en erreur pour la gnralit des cas, il est ds lors permis de douter qu'elles nous exposent la
situation vritable pour Nouvelle-An vers. N'existe-t-il pas l aussi des causes autres que
A notre avis, ces causes existent rellement. Il y en deux qui tendent non seulement au
dpeuplement des rives, mais l'extinction mme des tribus de Nouvelle-Anvers. Elles ne sont pas
spciales cette rgion, mais communes tous les villages riverains du fleuve. Elles suffisent . elles
seules expliquer une diminution extraordinaire de la population.
: ,
La premire et la principale, c'est l'pidmie qu'on nomme communment la maladie du sommeil.
Que cette maladie a enlev beaucoup de monde, Mr. Weeks en convient; mais iLajoute qu'il peu se
que le progrs de la maladie a t activ par l'oppression et que sans celle-ci le mal n'aurait pas t si
tenace. Mr. Weeks a trop d'exprience de l'Afrique pour ne pas s'apercevoir qu'il avance ici une
inexactitude et une erreur.
Il le pense, mais il n'en donne pas la preuve. Il est un fait avr et reconnu par les mdecins et
par tous ceux qui ont observ la maladie du sommeil, c'est que ce flau, une fois introduit dans une
rgion, en abat lentement mais srement tous les habitants et reste, quoi qu'on fasse, matre du
terrain ; une fois que ce mal a pris pied dans une population, il la dtruit sans merci, quelles que
soient les conditions de bien-tre, de paix, et de tranquillit de cette population.
A l'appui de ceci, nous donnerons deux exemples de dprissement que l'on ne pourra pas
attribuer l'oppression.
Notre Mission de Berghe-Sainte-Marie, contamine par le contact des tribus Bobangi parmi
lesquelles elle tait situe, a vu disparatre tous ses habitants jusqu'au dernier. Les 100. familles qui
s'y taient formes vivaient heureuses, dans des conditions presque idales. '
'Autre fait : Les journaux ont relat que dans l'Uganda, des Colonies Anglaises, on perd
annuellement 50,000 personnes. Et aujourd'hui, propos d'une dcouverte qu'aurait faite le
Colonel Bruce, dans la matire en question,,un journal crit un article qui finit comme suit : "La
maladie du sommeil continue faire d'normes ravages dans l'Uganda. Dans l'Ile de Brevuna, qui
comptait 82,000 habitants, il n'y a plus que 22,000 individus, alors que la population de la Province
de Basaga est compltement teinte."
Si le travail et les occupations avaient une influence sur la maladie, ils auraient plutt un effet
tout fait contraire celui qu'on leur attribue. Mais nous n'y insistons pas, parce que le travail luimme n'est pas un remde, mais tout au plus une espce de ractif temporaire. Jusqu' prsent
aucun moyen n'a pu vaincre la tnacit de cette maladie ; mais, notre avis, ses ravages seraient plus
rapides en terrain inerte et endormi qu'en terrain actif.
Et voil six ans que cette peste, indpendamment de toute autre cause, fait journellement des
victimes chez les riverains de Nouvelle-Anvers; rien d'tonnant done q u e l a population y chmiuue
rapidement, comme partout ailleurs o la maladie rgne.
. '_

La cause que je place au second rang, en raison de son importance, n'est pas signale p a r l e
Rvrend Mr. Weeks. Elle consiste dans la suppression du commerce des esclaves et clans le dfaut
de la natalit; mme l'hypothse que les tribus Bangala fussent resteg saines, cette cause les aurait
rendues incapables de maintenir leur population niveau, et aurait mme eu pour effet de la diminuer
. '

-, ,
"Mr. Weeks estime que la population de Nouvelle-Anvers atteignait les 50,000 en 1890. Nous
avons observ que parmi cette population, il y avait un nombre trs considrable d'esclaves d'origine
trangre, notamment des Mongo. Disons qu'un tiers n'tait pas originaire de Nouvelle-Anvers. Les
Bangala les avaient acquis, soit par les guerres, soit par les rachats. Cette source d'acquisition leur a
t ferme par le Gouvernement.
La natalit leur restait comme seul moyen de remplacer les morts. Or, mme avant l'poque de
la maladie, la moyenne des naissances tait trs basse. J'estime qu'elle ne dpassait pas l'unit par
femme. J e ne dis pas par famille, parce que les hommes libres y sont tous polygames, au dtriment
des hommes esclaves, qui le plus souvent, n'ont pas de femme. Avec une telle moyenne de
naissances, il ne leur tait pas possible de conserver le mme nombre d'habitants, et le dfaut de la
natalit, indpendamment de la maladie, causait ncessairement un recul. Or, depuis que l'pidmie a
fait son apparition, ce dfaut est doubl, et au moment o, la suite des nombreux dcs, le nombre
des naissances aurait d crotre, il a diminu graduellement mesure que la maladie devenait plus
Le Rvrend Mr. Weeks constate avec nous que les enfants sont si peu nombreux que le nombre
des dcs est de loin en avance sur celui des naissances, mais il attribue ce fait l'expatriation
.des jeunes gens.
Qu'il veuille remarquer toutefois, que les jeunes Bangala qui ont t au service de l'tat ou des
Compagnies Commerciales taient, de rares exceptions prs, d'anciens esclaves qui, gnralement,
ne possdaient pas de femme. Cette considration infirme cette dernire manire d'expliquer le petit
nombre de naissances, la situation polygame restant peu prs la mme aprs comme avant le dpart
. de ces jeunes gens. Je pourrais corrobrer ma manire de voir en citant l'exemple des tribus Bobangi,
, o il n'y a pas eu d'expatriations du tout.
Par ce qui a t dit, il est facile de comprendre que les deux causes prcites, de nature, indpendamment l'une de l'autre, au lieu de simplement rduire la population, sont assez puissantes pour
l'teindre compltement dans le cas .o elles se combinent, comme Nouvelle-Anvers et en gnral
dans tous les villages riverains situs en aval de Bohaturaku ; et nous pouvons dj conclure que
..les assertions de Mr. Weeks, qui mettent tout le mal sur le compte de l'oppression, ne sont pas
Il nous reste, . signaler, deux autres causes qui ne sont que secondaires. Elles n'ont pas eu
.. d'influence .sur le dprissement constat chez la race de Bangala : elles ont contribu relativement
peu diminuer le nombre d'individus appartenant cette race ; mais elles ont ht le dpeuplement
des rives du fleuve.
L'une de ces causes, c'est l'abandon des emplacements riverains pour d'autres emplacements
isols l'intrieur des terres, ou retirs dans les les.Peut-on lgitimement conclure, comme le
fait Mr. Weeks, que les populations quittent leurs villages pour chapper des taxes qui les
.oppriment ? Aucunement, notre avis. Il suffit qu'il lui soit demand un travail rgulier quelconque
aussi minime qu'il soit, pour que l'indigne mette tout en uvre pour s'y drober. S'il juge
le dplacement comme un moyen sr et efficace, il ne manquera pas d'y recourir. Le transport et
la reconstruction de ses habitations ne lui demandent d'ailleurs pas grande besogne.
Il est passionn pour la libert sauvage qu'il gotait avant l'arrive des Europens, et par
laquelle l'homme libre vivait dans un dolce farniente, passant ses journes se reposer, fumer,
boire, " palabrer" et commander ses esclaves.
Il y a en outre chez le noir une tendance gnrale viter tout contact avec les Europens, et
reculer devant la civilisation.
Enfin, une mortalit extraordinaire est une cause suffisante pour expliquer les dplacements ;
l'indigne, soit par superstition, soit par motif d'hygine, ne reste pas sur l'emplacement o les dcs
; deviennent nombreux.
L'autre cause enfin consiste dans les expatriations des jeunes Bangala.
Les engagements volontaires, d'abord, ont t nombreux. Se drober, prendre UD terme de
service l'tat ou aux Compagnies Commerciales, voyager, voir du pays et gagner de l'argent tait
la mode chez les jeunes gens. Mais depuis trois ou quatre ans, le recrutement de travailleurs chez
la population riveraine de Nouvelle-Anvers a t interdit par le Gouvernement. Un grand nombre,
toutefois, de ceux qui se sont ainsi engags volontairement ne sont pas rentrs dans leurs foyers,
mais restent parpillsde plein grdans les diffrentes localits d'Europens, parce qu'ils
prfrent leur tat actuel celui dans lequel ils se trouvaient antrieurement dans leur village. On
peut aussi compter qu'il y a eu parmi ces expatris volontaires un grand nombre de dcs, causs
principalement par la dysenterie et la pneumonie, surtout parmi ceux qui formaient les quipages des
Viennent ensuite les recrutements de soldats. A ma connaissance, parmi les populations de
Nouvelle-Anvers, l'tat n'a pas fait des recrutements rguliers pour son arme permanente. Il a jadis
recrut des Bangala dans des circonstances exceptionnelles pour les employer comme auxiliaires dans certaines expditions. Ces auxiliaires ont t rapatris, ou ont eu l'occasion de
Les dplacements de villages et les expatriations doivent tre considrs comme des causes
partielles et secondaires, non pas du dprissement des tribus, mais simplement de l'abandon des
rives, et il n'est pas raisonnable d'en faire un grief au Gouvernement. L'aversion profonde pour tout
travail l'attrait pour la sauvage Indpendance chez l'homme libre ; le dsir de se soustraire l'esclq-

vage domestique et la passion des voyages, chez la classe infrieure, voil le fond oh il faut chercher
les motifs de ces faits.
En examinant en dtail les lettres de Mr. Weeks, je n'aurais pas de peine y trouver d'autres
considrations dignes d'tre contredites, mais je crois avoir fait un travail suffisant en montrant que la
dgnrescence et le dpeuplement constats Nouvelle-Anvers sont le rsultat de causes et d'influences
trangres ce que l'auteur des lettres appelle l'oppression. (Sign)
ffle H Novembre, 1903,

Annexe 2.
Notes du Consul Casement sur sa Visite aux Villages cVEkanza et de Bosunguma dans la Contre de
Ngombe, prs de Mompoho, sur la Rive gauche de l'Jleka, Affluent de la Lulongo.
Le 17 Septembre, 1903.
En prsence du Rvrend W. D. Armstrong et du Rvrend D. J. Danielson, de la Congo Balolo
Mission de Bonginda, de Vinda Bidiloa (" headman " du Consul) et de Bateko, servant d'interprtes, et
du Consul de Sa Majest Britannique. 1
Le Chef de cette section de Bosunguma, du nom de Tondebila, avec beaucoup d'hommes du
village et quelques femmes et enfants, tant prsents.
Un garon de 14 15 ans, du nom d'Epondo, dont la main gauche a t coupe, et dont le
moignon est envelopp dans une pice de tissu, la blessure tant peine gurie, apparat, et en
rponse la question du Consul, accuse de cette mutilation une sentinelle nomme Kelengo (place
dans le village par l'agent local de la Socit "La Lulonga" pour veiller ce que les noirs travaillent
le caoutchouc).
Cette sentinelle est appele, et, aprs s'tre fait quelque peu attendre, se prsente arm d'un fusil
L'enqute suivante sur les circonstances qui ont entour la perte de la main d'Epondo est faite
alors :
Le Consul, par l'intermdiaire de Vinda, s'exprimant emBobangi, et Bateko, rptant ses paroles
en Mongo pour Kelengoet dans le dialecte local pour les autres;demande Epondo, en prsence de
l'accus :
" Qui a coup votre main ?"
Epondo : " La sentinelle Kelengo que voil."
Kelengo nie le fait, interrompant, et disant que son nom est Mbilu, et non Kelengo. Le Consul
le requiert de garder le silencequ'il parlera aprs.
Le Chef du village, Tondebila, est appel et questionn par le Consul, par l'intermdiaire des
Aprs avoir t pri de dire la vrit sans crainte ni partialit, il dclare :
" La sentinelle Kelengo devant nous a coup la main d'Epondo."
Le Consul : " Avez-vous t vous-mme tmoin de l'acte ? "
Rponse : " Oui."
Plusieurs des Chefs du village sont appels par le Consul pour tmoigner.
Au premier d'entre eux, qui dclare se nommer Mololi, le Consul demande, en dsignant le
poignet mutil d'Epondo :.
" Qui a coup la main de ce garon ? "
Mololi, dsignant la sentinelle : " Cette homme-l Ta fait."
Le second, qui dit s'appeler Eyileka, est interrog par le Consul : " Qui a coup la main de ce
garon ?"
Rponse : " Kelengo."
Le troisime, qui dclare se nommer Aloiidi, est interrog par le Consul : " Qui a coup la main
de ce garon ? "
Rponse : " Cet homme-ci, Kelengo."
Mololi est questionn nouveau :
" Avez-vous, vous-mme, vu cette sentinelle couper la main de ce garon ? "
" Oui, je l'ai vu."
Eyikela est questionn nouveau :
" Avez-vous, vous-mme, vu cette sentinelle couper la main de ce garon ? "
Rponse : " Oui, je l'ai vu."
Alondi est questionn nouveau :
. . " Avez-vous, vous-mme, vu cette sentinelle couper la main de ce garon ?"
Rponse : " Je le croirais. Si je ne m'tais pas bless iciil montre une coupure prs du tendon
d'Achille, au talon gauchele mme jour en m'enfuyant effray. Mon propre couteau m'a bless .
je l'ai laiss tomber en m'enfuyant."
Le Consul questionne Epondo :
" Combien de temps y a-t-il que votre main a t coupe ? "
:Rponse: Il n'est pas sr.
'. Passage omis dans le texte de ces notes, tel qu'il se trouve reproduit a V Annexe 6 du Rapport du Oon**-

Deux jeunes hommes du mme village, nomms Bonjingeni et Maseli, s'avancrent et dirent
qu'ils s'en souvenaient. Cela s'tait pass pendant qu'on dfrichait la terre sur1 la rive devant la
station Bonginda,-quand on commenait amnager un point d'accostage (un "slip") pour les
Mr. Danielson dclare que le travail en questionle dfrichement de la rive-en vue d
l'tablissement du " slip " de la Mission de Bonginda, fut commenc le 21 Janvier de cetfe
- ,
Botoko, d'Ekanza, une autre section du village de Bosunguma, est questionn par le Consul :
" Avez-vous vu couper la main de ce garon ?"
Rponse : " Oui. J e ne l'ai pas rellement vu couper. J e vins et je vis la main spare et le
sang couler sur le sol. Les gens s'taient enfuis dans toutes les directions."
Le Consul demande aux interprtes de demander s'il y en avait d'autres qui avaient vu le crime
et en accusaient Kelengo.
. .
Presque tous ceux qui taient prsents, peu prs quarante personnes, presque tous des hommes,
crirent d'une seule voix que c'tait Kelengo qui l'avait fait.
Le Consul : " Us sont tous certains que c'tait ce Kelengo que voici ? "
: Rponse unanime : '' Oui. Il Ta fait."
Le Consul demande l'accus Kelengo : " Avez-vous coup la main de ce garon ? "
Cette question a t pose dans le langage le plus clair possible, et a t rpte six fois, et il s,
t demand qu'une rponse claire, par oui ou par non, soit faite.
L'accus vite de rpondre la question, commenant parler d'antres choses n'ayant pas de
. rapport avec la questionpar exemple, que son nom tait Mbilu et non Kelengo, et que les gens de
Bosungama lui ont fait de mchantes choses.
Il lui a t dit de se confiner dans les limites de la question qui lui a t pose, qu'il pourrait
parler d'autres choses aprs, mais que maintenant il y avait lieu pour lui de rpondre aux questions
poses, tout aussi simplement et tout aussi clairement que les autres avaient rpondu. Il avait entendu
ces rponses et l'accusation porte contre lui, et devait rpondre aux questions du Consul de la mme
L'accus continua parler de choses trangres, et refusa ou vita de donner de rponse la question qui lui tait pose.
Aprs des tentatives rptes pour obtenir une rponse directe la question : " Avez-vous, ou
n'avez-vous pas, coup la main de ce garon Epondo ? " le Consul dit : " Vous tes accus de ce
" Vous refusez de rpondre aux questions que je vous pose clairement et franchement comme vos
accusateurs Tbnt fait. Vous avez entendu leur accusation.
" Votre refus de rpondre comme vous devriez rpondre, savoir par oui ou par non, une question directe et simple me laisse convaincu que vous ne pouvez nier l'accusation. Vous avez entendu
ce dont vous avez t accus par tout ce monde.
"Puisque vous ne consentez pas rpondre comme ils l'ont fait, vous pouvez raconter votre
histoire comme vous voulez.
" J e Tcouterai."
L'accus commence parler, mais avant que ses remarques puissent metre traduites par Tintermdiaire de Bateko d'abord, qui il parle directement, et de Vinda ensuite, un jeune homme s'avance
hors de la foule et interrompt.
Il y eut du bruit, puis cet homme parla.
1.1 dit qu'il tait Cianzo, de Bosunguma. Il avait tu deux antilopes, et il porta deux de leurs jambes
cette sentinelle Kelengo pour lui en faire cadeau. Kelengo refusa son cadeau et lia sa femme.
Kelengo dit que ce n'tait pas un cadeau suffisant pour lui, et il tint la femme de Cianzo lie jusqu'
ce que lui (Cianzo) et pay 1,000 baguettes de laiton pour sa ranon.
A ce moment un jeune homme, disant se nommer Ilungo, de Bosunguma, s'avana dans le cercle
et accusa Kelengo de lui avoir vol ouvertement deux canards et un chien.
Us lui furent pris sans aucun motif, sinon que Kelengo en avait besoin, et les prit de force.
Le Consul se tourna de nouveau vers Kelengo, et l'invita raconter son histoire et faire une
rponse l'accusation porte contre lui, de la manire qui lui convenait. Le Consul ordonna le silence
tous, et leur enjoignit de ne pas interrompre Kelengo.
Kelengo dit qu'il n'a pas pris les canards d'Ilungo. Le pre d'Ilungo lui donn un canard.
(Tous rient.)
Il est vrai que Cianzo a tu deux antilopes et lui en a donn deux jambes en cadeau, mais il n'a
pas li la femme de Cianzo et n'a pas demand d'argent pour ranon.
Le Consul : " C'est bien. Cela termine les canards et les jambes d'antilope ; mais maintenant je
veux entendre parler de la main d'Epondo. Racontez-moi ce que vous savez au sujet de la main
coupe d'Epondo."
Kelengo lude de nouveau la question.
Le Consul : " Dites-lui ceci. Il est post par ses matres dans ce village, n'est-ce pas ? Ceci est
son village. Maintenant en vient-il dire qu'il ne sait pas ce qui se passe ici, on il vit ? "
Kelengo dit : " Il est vrai que ceci est son village, mais il ne connat rien au sujet de la main
coupe d'Epondo.
" Peut-tre c'tait la premire sentinelle ici avant qu'il ne vnt qui tait un trs mchant hommi
et coupait les mains.
" Cette sentinelle-l est partie ; c'tait elle qui coupait les mains, pas lui, Mbilu. Il ne sait rie
ce sujet."
Le Consul: Quel tait le nom, alors, de cette mchante sentinelle, votre prdcesseur, qui coupait
les mains des gens ? Le connaissez-vous ? "
"'. Passage omis dans le texte annex an Rapport,

JL _r :^.


Kelengo ne donne pas de rponse directe, et la question est rpte. I l conunence alors une
dclaration au sujet de plusieurs sentinelles. I l en nomme trois: Bobudjo, Ekua et Lokqla Longonya,
' comme ses prdcesseurs ici, Bosunguma.
- ,
. ". -':. - ..;; , _--,:-
Ici, un homme, nomm Makwombondo, bondit et interrompant affirma que ces trois sentinelles
ne rsidaient pas Bosunguma, mais avaient t stationnes dans son propre village, le village de
Makwbnbondo. i>- - - . : . - . : lui ,'":.-r/,:'
;: V
: '
wr-riri Vf
Le Consul, Kelengo : "Depuis combien de temps tes-vous dans ce village ?"
Rponse : "Cinq mois."
1.:-':;' :.,'; .'-..; .-.- .-. .- . : : ' : ' ; "bri-rf,'
Le Consul: " E n tes-vous bien s r ? "
' ; . - . - ; ; -...- . . ;' ;.%.-. _- -,.- ,.... .-'.. ,- .
Kponse :- "--Cinq mois," ' ' r- yi
-,.'-- .-- -,
."._-(' .',";;
Le Consul : " Connaissez-vous alors le garon Epondol'avez- vous dj vu ? "
-.-.-, ? ...;,_,
'' : : Rponse-: "'de ne le connais pas du tout."
- .1. .
(Ici tout l'auditoire clate de rire et- certains- expriment leur-admiration pour les aptitudes de
Kelengo au mensonge.')
'. . :. ;
: . - .
Kelengo, continuant, dclara qu'il tait possible qu'Epondo - vnt du village de Makwombondo.
Quoi qu'il en soit, lui, Kelengo, ne connat pas Epondo. Il ne le connat pas du tqut.Ici Cianzo s'avance et dit qu'il est le propre frre d'Epondo; ils ont toujours vcu ici. Leur pre
tait Itengolo, mort maintenant'; leur mre est morte galement.
. -'. -.-: .
.-. '
"' Le Consul, Kelengo : " Alors c'est fini -vous-ne eon-naissez-rien de- cette affaire ?"
Kelengo : " C'est fini. J e vous ai dit tout. J e ne connais-rien de cela." .
; r xxi; l :k
Ici un homme, qui dit se nommer Elenge, d'Ekanza, la section voisine de Bosunguma,.s'avana
- avec sa femme. Il dclara que les autres sentinelles, dans leur village, n'taient pas aussi mchantes,
mais que ce Kelengo tait un gredin.
' .mi:;n i
Kelengo a li sa femme Sondi, la femme avec laquelle il se prsenta, et lui a fait' pajr 500
- baguettes-avant de la relcher. Il les a payes.
- - -..
-.. -.ifo . . j ,,;',
Ici le Consul demande Epondo comment sa main a t coupe. Avec Bonjingeni et Majeliil
dclara qu'il avait d'abord reu un coup de feu dans le bras et que, quand il tomba, Kelengo lui': avait
coup la main.
. ?K :
-"''". Le Consul:" Avez-vous.senti qu'on coupait ?" .. ' . " , - . . " - / . - . '.'
A.- ,. J
Rponse: " Oui, je l'ai senti."
;.--.- ...
...;-. ..-. ;
-" - .'' Ceci terminait l'enqute. '. :
-, -'.
' .-. - ; . ' . ' - ~;v..\-L..;.'Y>b
--: s -Le-Corisul a.inform le Chef Tondebila et les indignes prsents qu'il ferait rapport au Gouvernement de ce qu'il avait vu et entendu et qu'il lui demanderait de faire une enqute sur l'accusation
porte contre Kelengo, qui mritait une punition svre pour ses actes illgaux et cruels. Que les
faits dont tait accus Kelengo taient tout fait illgaux et que si le Gouvernement savait que des
- choses semblables se commettent, ceux qui se rendent coupables de pareils crimes seraient, dans chaque
cas, punis.
... .
Consul de Sa Majest Britannique.1
. La. dclaration qui prcde a t lue par nous et nous dclarons par la prsente qu'elle est un
compte rendu juste et fidle de ce qui a t dit en notre prsence hier au village de Bosunguma, en
tmoignage de quoi nous avons appos nos signatures ci-dessous.
....-,...-. . ...



Sign par les prnomms William Douglas Armstrong et D.-J. Danielson, missionnaires
Bonginda, ce 8 Septembre, 1903.
. . .
,.-....., ..: (Sign).
Consul de Sa Majest Britannique
*::; s J e dclare par la prsente que j'ai entendu lire par le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique la
, dclaration ci-dessus et qu'elle est un compte rendu juste et fidle des dclarations faites par les.
tmoins questionns hier Bosunguma par le Consul de Sa Majest Britannique par'mon intermdiaire
agissant comme interprte.
Sign par Yinda Bidiloa, Bonginda, ce 8 Septembre, 1903, par devant moi,

::.,.-; ..-.


.. -.-..',

C A S E M E N T ,

Consul de Sa Majest Britannique.

' . ' -

. - . . , - .

J e certifie que ce qui prcde est une copie vritable et fidle des notes originales, en ma possession, sur ce qui s'est pass le 7 Septembre, 1903, au village de Bosunguma, dans la contre de
Ngombe, sur la Rivire Lulanga, o je me suis rendu le 7 Septembre, 1903, sur la demande d'indignes
de. ce village.
En foi de quoi j'ai appos ci-dessous ma signature, et le sceau de mon office, Lulanga, ce
9 Septembre, 1903.
,.:..'-.. Vu;"..*:-.'
Consul de Sa Majest Britannique;
..A. ..:.:.,.:.;

Les dclarations suivantes sont omises dans le texte annex au Rapport,

Annexe 3.



- s s ' : '- - A : . : ; .. -- '"- ; i-

-'----"-y- -Enqute du. Substitut du Procureur d'tat, Gennaro Bosco, charge de Kelengo.
., -. -.. .

(Extraits.relatifs l'affaire Epondo.).

L'an 1903,.le 28 Septembre, Coquilhatville, devant nous, Substitut, comparat Efundu, Chef du
village Bosunguma, qui aprs serment, rpond comme d'aprs aux questions que nous lui posons : "
* - - ' . -
, B. Parlez de la main d'Epondo ?
B. J e ne puis que rpter ce qu'Epondo mme m'a racont. Il m'a dit que dans les Bangala, il
tait all la chasse au sanglier avec un camarade, dont il ne me dit pas le nom. Celui-ci blessa un
sanglier et il voulut l'attraper par les oreilles, mais le sanglier le mordit si fortement qu'une,main
tomba, aprs gangrne.
. . : . " : * : :
B. Pourquoi les indignes d'Ekanza et Bosunguma accusent-ils Kelengo ?
B. Pour ne pas faire de caoutchouc. Kelengo est sentinelle de caoutchouc. Les indignes
n'aiment pas de faire du caoutchouc et ont dcid, sachant que les Anglais taient l, de leur dire un
mensonge dans l'espoir de ne plus faire de caoutchouc.
B. Etiez-vous prsent lorsque le Consul Anglais interrogeait les indignes ?
B. Non, j'tais dans la fort.
B. Lorsque le Consul Anglais fut parti, qu'est-ce que disaient entre eux les indignes ?
."' .
B. "Maintenant, c'est bien. Maintenant qu'il croit qu'on m a coup la main, nous ne ferons plus
de caoutchouc ; nous ne ferons que la kwanga."
B. Avez-vous entendu dire que Kelengo avait tu un homme et coup la main deux autres
parce qu'on refusait de lui donner une antilope qu'on avait tue ?
' --"'
'B. C'est ce qu'on est all raconter aux Anglais, mais c'est un mensonge.
B. Savez-vous que Kelengo a amarr pour la mme raison la femme de Ciango et qu'il ne l'a laisse
qu'aprs un paiement de 1,000 mitakos ?
B. C'est encore un mensonge. J e ne connais pas ce Ciango. C'est un nom qui n'est.pas mmeusit parmi les indignes.
B. Savez-vous que Kelengo a vol un canard et un chien dllungo .?
"- . ."" :..".'.
B. Mensonge. Cet Ilungo n'existe pas.
Dont procs-yerhal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.
Le Substitut,
Aprs comparat Moiigombe, d'Ikandja, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :
Epondo a perdu la main 'la chasse du sanglier dans les Bangala. Lui-mme l'a racont en disant
que son camarade, dont il ignore le nom, avait bless le sanglier, et il avait voulu l'attraper par les
oreilles. Le sanglier alors lui avait arrach la main.
.- .
B. Pourquoi les indignes accusent-ils Kelengo ?
B. Ils ne veulent pas faire le caoutchouc et sont alls dire des mensonges aux Anglais dans
l'espoir de ne pas faire de caoutchouc, et quand les Anglais sont partis, ils disaient : " Maintenant, c'est
binl Maintenant plus de caoutchouc. Seulement la kwanga." J'ai entendu ces expressions plusieurs
fois.- Kelengo n'a pas amarr la femme de Sandjo, ni tu personne.. L'histoire de l'antilope est un .
mensonge. J e ne connais pas Ilungo.
B. tes-vous au courant du complot, des indignes pour aller dire des mensonges aux
missionnaires ?
B. Oui; j'ai entendu les indignes se plaindre qu'ils travaillaient beaucoup pour rien, que les
Chefs s'emparaient des mitakos que les blancs payaient pour la rcolte du caoutchouc ; enfin, qu'ils
mouraient de faim. Ils ajoutaient qu'ils avaient rclam plusieurs fois inutilement et qu'ils allaient
essayer si, par l'intermdiaire des Anglais, qui taient trs puissants, ils pouvaient obtenir de changer
leur sort. Et ils disaient: "Allons, allons vite, vite chez les Anglais; allons dire que Kelengo coup',
ls mains."
- B. ' Avez-vous entendu ces mots ?
B. Oui ; je les ai entendus parfaitement.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.
Le Substitut,
Aprs comparat BaiigWaa, d'Ikandja, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

B. Parlez maintenant de la main d'Epondo.
B. 11 l'a perdue cause d'une morsure de sanglier, dans les Bangala. C'est Epondo lui-mme qui
le disait.
B. Pourquoi les indignes accusent-ils Kelengo ?
; 'A. Ils ne veulent plus faire de caoutchouc et ont cru, en accusant Kelengo, de. se soustraire. A,ce;-,
travail. J'ai entendu de mes.. oreilles lorsqu'ils disaient : " Allons vite, vite dire ds mensonges aux
Anglais." Ils allrent donc appeler les Anglais pour leur faire voir l'homme sans mains et les Anglais

30 i


tinrent. Et quand ils furent partis, ils disaient : " Bien, bien, nous allons faire la kwanga seulement.
Maintenant le caoutchouc est fini."
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs comparat Momobo, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :


Epondo a perdu la main cause de la morsure d'un sanglier ; Kelengo n'a tu personne.

Dont proes-vrbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.



Aprs comparat Ekumelko, de Boselembs, travailleur la Socit Lulonga, qui, interrog, aprs
serment, dclare :
B. Et qui a coup la main d'Epondo ?
B. Epondo arriva dans notre village sans une main et nous montra qu'un sanglier la lui avait,
D. Pourquoi les indignes aceusent-ils Kelengo ?
B. Pour se soustraire au travail du caoutchouc ; ils racontrent des mensonges aux Anglais et
bornent leur travail la kwanga pour les Anglais.
B. Kelengo a-t-il tu quelqu'un ?
B. Personne.

L'an 1903, l 4: Octobre; Mampoko, devant nous,. Substitut, - Coquilhatville, comparat

Dutrieux, Charles-Alexandre, n Namur, Directeur de la Socit Lulonga, qui, interrog, aprs
serment, dclare :
J e connais Kelengo sous le nom de M'Bilo. Il est au service de le Socit Lulonga en qualit de
garde forestier, depuis le mois de Mars dernier. Sa tche est uniquement celle d'accompagner les
indignes la rcolte du caoutchouc et de leur empcher de couper les lianes. J e ne sais rien au sujet
de l'atrocit dont on l'accuse. . . . , J e ne sais pas maintenant pourquoi on accuse Kelengo ou Mbilu
d'avoir coup une main un garon. J e sais seulement que le nomm Kelengo ou Mbilu est venu
chez moi le jour d'arrive du Lieutenant Braeckman, c'est--dire, sauf erreur, le 12 Septembre,
m'apporter 100 mitakos en me disant que les indignes les lui avaient donns pour qu'il ne me dise pas
qu'ils avaient menti prs des Anglais, dans le but de ne pas faire de caoutchouc. Le Lieutenant
Braeckman a fait rendre ces mitakos au Chef du village de Bossunguma,
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign.



Aprs, Pingo, de Bokakata, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare:

Je suis boy de M. Dutrieux. Un jour, le nomm Mbilu est venu chez mon matre lui apporter 100
mitakos, disant que le Chef de Bossunguma, nomm, si je ne me troupe, Mateka ou Lofundu, les lui
avait donns comme cadeau pour qu'il n'aille pas dire que les indignes avaient menti prs des Anglais
en l'accusant d'avoir coup une main un gamin, mensonge qu'ils avaient dit pour se soustraire au
travail du caoutchouc.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.

Dont procs -verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.



Aprs, nous interrogeons l'un aprs l'autre Bundja, de Bosibendama, et Bawsa, de Bossundjulu,
travailleurs de la Socit Lulonga, qui font une dclaration identique la prcdente.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors les comparants illettrs.


L'an 1903, le 19 Septembre, devant nous, Substitut, comparat Kelengo, de Bokakata, qui,
renseign sur l'accusation qu'on lui fait, dclare :
Mon nom officiel (kombo na mukanda) est Mbilu, mais les indignes m'appellent Kelengo, Je
n'ai pas coup les mains d'Epondo . . . . Je ne connais pas mme Epondo. Je sais seulement
qu'un sanglier lui a mordu la main . . . . Du reste, je ne suis dans le village de Bosunguma que
depuis cinq mois. J'ai t surpris lorsque les indignes m'ont accus prs des Anglais, mais je
dois vous dire que quelques jours aprs, ils m'ont donn 100 mitakos pour que je n'aille pas rclamer
chez le blanc et m'ont avou qu'ils avaient dit des mensonges aux Anglais pour se soustraire au
travail du caoutchouc. Je portai ces 100 mitakos Bumba (M. Dutrieux), qui dit : " Les indignes
sont des menteurs."
B. Le Chef Tondebila dit qu'il vous a vu lorsque vous coupiez la main d'Epondo.
B. Il est un menteur. D'ailleurs pourquoi s'est-il sauv ? Il a t arrt deux fois pour venir ici
rendre son tmoignage La premire fois par Bumba, la seconde par le Commandant de la Compagnie
(Braeckman), et il a pris toujours la fuite. Moi aussi, j'aurais pu m'enfuir et je n'ai pas voulu parce
que je suis innocent..
B. Mololi, Botoko, Eykela, et Alondi vous accusent comme auteur de la mutilation d'Epondo.
B. Ils mentent. J e ne connais ni Botoko, ni Eykela, ni Alandi. Je connais seulement
B. On vous accuse aussi d'avoir amarr la femme de Ciango parce que celui-ci, ayant tu deux
antilopes, ne vous en avait donn que les cuisses et de n'avoir laiss cette femme qu'aprs avoir reu
un cadeau de 1,000 mitakos. On vous accuse en outre d'avoir vol ou de vous tre empar par force de
deux canards et d'un chien appartenant Ilungo. Que rpondez-vous ?
B. Mensonge. J e ne connais pas Ciango. J e connais Ilungo, mais je n'ai rien pris. Quand on
m'apporte des cadeaux, je les accepte, mais je ne prends pas les objets des indignes, parce que Bumba
nous l'a dfendu sous menace de nous mettre en prison.
^ B. Vous tes accus par Ilengi d'avoir amarr la femme de Sundbet de l'avoir libre seulement
aprs paiement de 500 mitakos.
B. Mensonge. Ilundji et Sundi appartiennent une autre section. Ils dpendent d'une autre
sentinelle, un nomm Ikangola. C'est un complot des indignes pour se soustraire au travail du
caoutchouc. Ils me disaient toujours qu'ils ne voulaient pas le faire, qu'ils prfraient faire la kwanga
pour les Anglais et prtendaient d'y parvenir avec leur aide.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs, nous interrogeons successivement tous les tmoins : Bandja, Bansu, Ekumaleko, Mambo,
Bangula, Monsumbu, Ffunclu, pour leur demander depuis combien de temps Kelengo se trouve
Bosunguma, et tous disent qu'il s'y trouve depuis quatre mois.





L'an 1903, le 6 Octobre, Mampoko, devant nous, Substitut, Coquilhatville, comparat le nomm
Eponga, alias Mondondo, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :
Epondo a une main coupe parce que, dans les Bangala, un sanglier la lui a arrache
B. Pourquoi alors les habitants de votre village ont-ils accus Kelengo ?
B. Pour se soustraire au travail du caoutchouc ; ils ont dit des mensonges aux Anglais, qui ont
rpondu : " Nous ferons une lettre au Juge."
B. Est-ce qu'ils ont ajout quelque autre chose ?
B. Non.
, T). Combien de temps sont-ils rests dans votre village ?
Le tmoin indique o se trouvait le soleil lorsqu'ils sont arrivs et lorsqu'ils sont partis. Nous
calculons qu'ils sont rests au moins quatre heures.
B. Est-ce que les Anglais ont crit quand ils taient au village ?
B. Oui ; ils ont crit sur un grand papier.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs comparat Liboso, fils de Lekela, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare
Epondo a une main coupe parce qu'un sanglier l'a mordue
B. Pourquoi les indignes ont-ils accus Kelengo ?
B. Parce qu'ils taient fatigus de faire du caoutchouc, qui n'tait plus clans leur fort. Ils ont cru
qu'avec l'intercession des Anglais ils pourraient se soustraire un travail trs dur, et pour interposer
les Anglais, ils sont alls leur dire que la sentinelle de Bumba (Dutrieux) avait coup une main.
B. Qui est all parler avec les Anglais ?
B. Bodjengene et un autre, dont je ne me rappelle pas le nom. Les Anglais dirent : " Vous
mentez. O est cet homme avec la main coupe ? Allez le prendre." Alors ils sont alls chercher . .
Epondo et l'ont prsent aux Anglais.
B. Lorsque les Anglais sont venus votre village, qu'est-ce qu'ils ont fait ?.
B. Us ont parl avec les habitants qui se plaignaient de ce qu'ils devaient travailler beaucoup.
Ils disaient que le caoutchouc n'tait plus dans leur fort, qu'ils voulaient faire un travail moins dur,
comme la kwanga et la pche. Les Anglais rpondirent : " C'est bien ; vous tes des hommes de Bula
Matari. Nous crirons Bula Matari." Et dans leur village ils firent une grande moukande, comme
vous maintenant.
Aprs comparat Etoko, fils d'Uembe, dcd, de Bossunguma, qui, interroge, aprs serment,
dclare :
Un sanglier coupa la main d'Epondo
B. Pourquoi les indignes ont-ils accus Kelengo ?
L .:k
B. Pour rien. Pour se soustraire au travail du caoutchouc; ils ont dit des mensonges aux
B. Qui est all parler aux Anglais ?
B. Bodjengene.
B. Bodjengene seul

B. Oui; lui seul.

Aprs, Epondo est all travailler chez les Anglais, o -il se trouve main-

Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.



Aprs comparat Akindola, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

Un sanglier a coup la main d'Epondo.
B. Pourquoi les indignes accusent-ils Kelengo ?
B. Non; ils n'accusent pas Kelengo.
-. . .
B. N'tiez-vous pas prsent lorsque le Consul Anglais est venu dans votre village ?
B. Non ; j'tais dans la fort et je ne sais rien de ce qui s'est pass.

Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le comparant illettr.

Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs comparat Ekombo, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

Epondo a perdu la main la chasse du sanglier
Les indignes ont accus Kelengo,
esprant se soustraire au travail du caoutchouc.
B. Qui alla Bonginda chez les Anglais pour leur parler ?
B. Ikabo, Bodjengene, et Epondo. Les Anglais leur dirent de s'adresser au Juge.
B. Ikabo, Bodjengene, et Epondo sont-ils rests Boginda ou sont-ils rentrs Bossunguma ?
B. Us sont rentrs, hors Epondo, qui est rest Bonginda, et lorsque les Anglais sont venus
Bossunguma Epondo les a accompagns et est retourn avec eux Bonginda.
B. Est-ce que les Anglais vous ont dit : Le caoutchouc est fini ?
B. Non. C'est nous qui l'avons dit.
Dont procs-wrbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs comparat Mondonga, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

B. Qui est all Bonginda pour appeler les Anglais ?
B, Bodjengene.
B. Seulement lui ?
B. Oui.
B. Ekabo et Epondo ne sont-ils pas alls Bonginda ?
B. Oui, mais aprs, parce que les Anglais ont dit de vouloir les voir. Alors Ikabo est retourn
au village et Epondo est rest Bonginda. Lorsque les Anglais sont venus Bossunguma, Epondo les
a accompagns et est rentr avec eux Bongmda. Ikabo est rest Bossunguma. . . '
B. Quelle heure tait-il lorsque les Anglais sont venus Bossunguma ?
B. D'aprs les indications du tmoin, on dirait qu'ils sont arrivs vers 1 heure de l'aprs-midi et
sont rentrs vers 5 heures.
B. Est-ce qu'ils ont crit Bossunvuma ?
B. Non.
B. Le comparant fait une dclaration conforme celle des autres tmoins en ce qui concerne la
mutilation d'Epondo et les raisons pour lesquelles les indignes ont accus Kelengo.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.



Aprs comparat Mafambi, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

Un sanglier a mordu la main d'Epondo, et c'est pour cela qu'il l'a perdue . . . . . Kelengo est
innocent.^ Les habitants des Bossunguma l'ont accus esprant d'viter la rcolte du caoutchouc, j
B. Etes-vous all la Mission de Bonginda pour vous plaindre ? '
B. Moi, non, Bodjengene ; et les Anglais lui ont rpondu de s'adresser au Juge.
B. Ikabo n'est-il pas all chez les Anglais ?
B. Non. Epondo alla chez les Anglais. Ikabo resta au village. Les Anglais vinrentiaprs chez
nous et nous dirent que la question du caoutchouc n'tait pas de leur comptence.
B. Ont-ils recherch Ikabo ?
. B. Non ; ils ont recherch Epondo seulement.
B. Les avez-vous vus ?
B. Oui.
B. A quelle heure sont-ils venus et quelle heure sont-ils partis ?
Le tmoin, indiquant o se trouvait le soleil, fait supposer qu'ils sont arrivs vers midi et sont
repartis vers deux heures.

Aprs comparat Lopembe, de Bossunguma, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :

" B. Qui est all Bongmda parler aux Anglais ?
.2. Personne. Nous n'avons pas appel les Anglais.
B. Pourquoi les Anglais sont-ils alors venus Bossunguma ?
B. Parce que Bodjengene les a appels pour la question du caoutchouc, mais Kelengo n'a coup
la main personne ; il n'a tu personne ; il n'a amarr aucune femme. . . . . .
B. Lorsque les Anglais sont arrivs Bossunguma, Epondo o. tait-il ?
- -
B. Dans leur pirogue. 11 les a accompagns Bossunguma, et quand ils sont partis pour rentrer
Bonginda, il les a suivis et est rest avec eux.
B- Lorsque les Anglais sont venus Bossunguma, ont-ils crit ?
B. Oui. Ils ont crit sur un petit papier, beaucoup plus petit que celui sur lequel vous crivez.

.-.i c L :.. - v. :, <;;>.: A


Aprs comparat Makurua, de Bossunguma, qui, aprs serment, dclare :; ' : S:;- - - ; - ' \
J'tais la chasse et je ne sais rien du tout. J e sais seulement que Kelengo frai coup aucune
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.
(Sign);;;; U > BOSCO.


L'an 1903, le 7 Octobre, Bonginda, devant nous, Bosco Gennaro, Substitut Coquilhatville,
comparat Mr. Armstrong, William Douglas, missionnaire, qui, interrog, aprs serment, dclare :
Un Dimanche soir le nomm^Ikabo, accompagn par deux ou trois indignes, vint la Mission et
demanda de parler au Consul Anglais. J e le vis, mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il dit au Consul Anglais.
Les indignes voulaient que le Consul les voyt.
B. Le Consul a-t-il interrog lui-mme Ikabo ?
B. Je pense qu'il l'interrogea avec l'aide de son interprte et d'un autre encore. Moi aussi je
suis intervenu. Nous tions assis autour de la mme table, et moi-mme j'ai pos des questions en
m'adressant un noir, qui les rptait Ikabo. Moi, je parlais le dialecte local de Bonginda et le
noir rptait mes demandes en langue Ngombe.
B. Quelles sont les questions que vous avez poses Ikabo ?
B. Je ne m'en rappelle pas exactement; mais elles se rfraient la mutilation' qu'on lui a faite
B. Qui a dit qu' Bossunguma il y avait un autre garon avec la main coupe ?
B. Les indignes qui accompagnaient Ikabo. Aprs, le lendemain, nous sommes alls, avec M. le
Consul, Bossunguma, avons vu Epondo, et tout le village nous dit que Kelengo l'avait mutil.
On dit aussi qu'il avait tu un homme et lui avait coup les deux mains. Le Consul dressa procsverbal Bossunguma, o nous sommes rests deux ou trois heures. Nous arrivmes vers 7 heures du
. . . . . , . . . ,
B. Les indignes se sont-ils plaints que le travail du caoutchouc tait excessif et qu'ils voulaient
un autre travail moins dur ?
B. Us se plaignaient toujours du travail du caoutchouc, et dans cette occasion, ils- rptrent leurs
plaintes. Nous les exhortmes continuer travailler pour leurs matres.
B. Comment alors expliquez-vous que les gens mmes de votre Mission ont cri deux fois, la
premire fois la pirogue et la seconde au bateau o se trouvait M. Spelier, agent de La Lulonga, que.
le caoutchouc tait fini et que les Socits devaient partir ?
B. La premire fois j'tais dans ma maison et j'ai entendu des cris sans comprendre ce qu'ils
disaient. La seconde fois j'tais dans l'glise; j'ai entendu encore des cris, sans pourtant comprendre
ce qu'on disait ; mais, ayant vu les boys qui criaient, je les ai rprimands. Ils m'ont rpondu qu'ils.
saluaient leurs amis qui taient sur le bateau, et en ce qui concerne la premire fois, ayant fait une
enqute, on m'a dit que c'taient des gens qui n'appartenaient pas la Mission qui avaient cri, des
Ngombe et des indignes de Bokemjola (prs de Boieka). .
B. Pourtant, croyez-vous que ces cris aient t rellement pousss ?
B. Il est trs possible que le caoutchouc est la bte noire des indignes. J e ne crois pas que les
hommes de la Mission aient pouss ces cris, puisqu'ils ne s'occupent pas de caoutchouc, et nous sommes
trs prudents ce sujet, ayant soin de ne pas en parler.
B. Comment expliquez-vous le bruit que maintenant on ne doit plus faire de caoutchouc et.que
le Consul Anglais allait supprimer ce travail dans toute la rivire ?
B. Le dsir est pre de la pense. Les noirs sont paresseux, et ils seraient capables de tout
complot pour viter de travailler, partant de faire du caoutchouc. Du reste, lorsque le Consul Anglais
est all Bossunguma, il a dit qu'il aurait port la connaissance de la justice le crime, dont on
accusait1 Kelengo, mais il n'a pas dit un mot'qui pt tre interprt, soit comme instigation ne pas
travailler, soit comme promesse de son intercession prs des autorits de l'tat, pour la. suppression ou
la diminution du travail.
B. D'aprs votre opinion, depuis combien de temps la mutilation a eu lieu ?
B. J e ne saurais pas, mais on dit depuis six mois.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign.



Aprs 'comparat Epondo, de Bossunguma. Le comparant a la main gauche coupe. Il prte

serment et dclare :-
.".:. ._.-.
Il ne comprend que le Ngombe, et comme la Mission Anglaise il n'y a personne qui connaisse
cette langue, nous l'interrogeons, par l'entremise de son frre Nnele, boy de la Mission Anglaise, qui
prte serment de remplir fidlement la mission, qui lui est confie, et nous procdons l'interrogatoire
;.-..B. Qui vous a coup la main ?
., B, Kelengo. --.
F 2



D. Pourquoi ?
B. Pour le caoutchouc. Il est venu faire la guerre dans notre village et a tu Elira et m'a coup
une main. Je suis tomb presque mort. Je me suis rveill aprs un certain temps et je me suis
trouv sans main.
D. Connaissez-vous Bossole ?
B. Non ; je connais Kelengo.
D. Etes-vous sr que c'est Kelengo qui vous a coup la main ? Ce n'est pas Bossole ?
B. Non ; c'est Kelengo.

D. Dans le temps, n'tes-vous pas all chez les Bangala ?
B. Non ; je suis rest toujours dans mon village.
D. Votre main ne vous a-t-elle pas t enleve par un sanglier ?
B. Non. Kelengo me l'a coupe. Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.

B. Lorsque d'aprs les coutumes indignes, on coupe une main pour puriir quelqu'un, quelle est
la main que l'on coupe ?
B. Toujours la main droite.
B. Pourquoi alors les habitants de Bossunguma, ont-ils accus Kelengo d'avoir commis ces
atrocits ?
B. Parce qu'ils trouvent que le travail du caoutchouc est trop dur et ont cru de pouvoir s'en
librer, et pour les induire s'en occuper, ils sont alls leur conter des mensonges.
B. Pourquoi vous-mme avez-vous dclar au Consul Anglais avoir vu la main coupe par terre ;
le sang coulait et les habitants du village qui couraient dans toutes les directions ?
B. J e n'ai pas parl avec les Anglais. J e ne les ai pas mme vus. Quand ils sont arrivs
Bossunguma, je n'tais pas l.
B. Vous mentez, parce que le Consul Anglais dclare avoir parl avec vous.
B. Oui, c'est vrai. J'y tais. J'ai dit comme les autres. Tout le monde se plaignait que le
travail du caoutchouc tait trop dur.
B. Et le Consul Anglais qu'est-ce qu'il a dit ?
B. Il a dit qu'il aurait parl au Juge et il a crit un grand papier pour vous.
B. Donc, vous n'avez pas vu la main coupe, le sang qui coulait, les gens qui se sauvaient dans
toutes les directions ?
B. Non ; je n'ai rien vu.
B. Est-ce que Kelengo aurait tu ou bless quelqu'un ? A-t-il amarr des femmes ?
B. Non ; il n'a tu personne. Il n'a amarr aucune femme. On a dit comme a pour interposer
les Anglais, pour faire voir que le blanc tait violent.
B. O sont Tonbebola, Mileli, Eykela, Alondi, Boningeni, Mopili? Pourquoi ne sont-ils pas
venus ?
B. Ils sont dans la fort ; ils ont peur.

Aprs nous interrogeons Nnele, qui, aprs serment, dclare :

J e ne savais pas que mon frre avait la main coupe. Je le vis revenir avec les Anglais avec la
main coupe, et c'est alors qu'il m'apprit que c'tait Kelengo qui la lui avait coupe.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign.




Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.

Aprs comparat nouvellement Mr. Armstrong, qui, aprs serment, dclare :B. Depuis combien Nnele est au service de la Mission ?
B. Depuis environ cinq ans.
B. Vous a-t-il jamais dit d'avoir un frre sans une main ?
B. Non ; jamais.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign.





Nous, Substitut, donnons ordre Epondo de nous suivre Mampoko.

Aprs, le mme jour, Mampoko, comparat nouvellement Epondo, que nous interrogeons
nouvellement avec l'aide de Korony, qui prte entre nos mains le serment d'accomplir fidlement la
mission d'interprte qui lui est confie. Epondo prte nouvellement serment et dclare :
B. tes-vous esclave de Bandebonja ? Vous a-t-il conduit dans la Ngiri ?
B. J e ne connais ni Bandebonja ni la Ngiri.
B. N'avez-vous jamais t bless la chasse du sanglier? Ne vous a-t-il pas mordu
B. Non ; jamais. Kelengo m'a coup la main.
B. Les habitants de votre village ne vous ont-ils pas suggr d'accuser Kelengo prs des Anglais
pour se soustraire au travail du caoutchouc ?
.B. Il y a presque un mois, deux Anglais sont venus notre village et nous ont dit : Beaucoup de
monde meurt pour le caoutchouc. Dornavant vous ne ferez plus de caoutchouc, vous ferez seulement
la kwanga pour nous.
Nous, Substitut, appelons, comme second interprte, Munenge Gabriel, qui, aprs serment, traduit
la rponse d'Epondo identiquement Korony. La rponse est rappele deux fois.
B. Qui taient ces Anglais '
B. Torongo et Mongougolo. Ils m'ont vu, m'ont questionn et m'ont fait aller avec eux a
Bonginda. Les habitants de mon village ne m'ont jamais suggr de dire que Kelengo m'avait coupe
la main. Les Anglais m'ont fait monter dans leur bateau et m'ont conduit Coquilhatville pour me
montrer au Juge, mais le Juge tait dans l'Ubangi. Alors nous sommes alls Bolengi, et aprs
Mongongolo est all en Europe et moi je suis retourn en pirogue Bonginda.
B. Les Anglais vous ont-ils photographi ?
B. Oui, Bonginda et Lulauga. Ils m'ont dit de mettre bien en vidence le moignon. U 7
avait Nnele, Mongongolo, Torongo et autres blancs dont je ne connais pas les noms. Ils taient les
blancs de Lulanga. Mongongolo a port avec six photographies.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


L'an 1903, le 8 Octobre, devant nous, Substitut, comparat Bofoko, Chef du village I k a n d >
Comparat aussi, comme interprte, le nomm Korony, qui prte entre nos mains le serment de remphi
fidlement la mission qui lui est confie. Le comparant Bofoko prte serment et dclare :
B. Savez-vous qui a coup la main d'Epondo
B. Personne n'a coup la main d'Epondo. Il est all avec son matre Makekele la chasse^ au
sanglier Malela, dans le district des Bangala, et le sanglier lui a arrach la main. C'est lui-mmequi, son retour dans son village, nous a racont d'avoir t victime de cet accident de chasse .'.


Aprs comparat Mohgombe, d'Ikondju, qui, aprs serment, dclare :

J'atteste qu'Epondo, d'aprs ce que lui-mme racont, a perdu la main gauche la chasse au
sanglier. La bte blesse l'aurait attaqu et lui aurait arrach la main. Ce ne serait pas arriv dans
le village, mais dans le pays des Bangala, o ii tait avec un homme dont j'ignore le nom
B. Lorsque les mdignes coupent les mains pour punir ou pour se venger, coupent-ils la main
droite ou la main gauche ?
B. Toujours la main droite.
B. Pourquoi a-t-on accus Kelengo ?
B. Nous sommes fatigus du caoutchouc et avons voulu obtenir une diminution de travail avee
l'aide du Chef des Anglais, en lui montrant la violence du blanc. En effet les Anglais sont arrivs et
ont fait un grand papier pour le Juge. Leur Chef disait : " Nous verrons, nous verrons."
B. Savez-vous si Kelengo a tue quelqu'un, s'ils ont amarr des femmes ?
B. Non. Il n'a tu personne et il n'a amarr aucune femme.
B. O sont Tondebola, Molili, Eykela, Alondi, Bonsigeni, Mopili ?
B. En fuite ; ils ont peur.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le tmoin illettr.


Aprs nous interrogeons successivement Lopimbe, de Bassombwene, Boloko, de Bossongurna

Alekois, cle Bassombwene, Itoke et Itobe, de Bossunguma, et leur posons les mmes questions que
nous avons poses aux deux prcdents tmoins. Les comparants prtent serment et rpondent
identiquement concordment Botoko et Monjombki, affirmant l'innocence absolue de Kelengo.
Aprs comparat nouvellement Epondo, qui prte serment et dclare :
B. Persistez-vous accuser Kelengo de vous avoir coup la main gauche ?
B. Non ; j'ai menti.
B. Eaeontez alors comment et quand vous avez perdu la main.
B. J'tais esclave de Monkekola, Malele, dans le district des Bangala. Un jour, j'allai avec lui
la chasse au sanglier. Il en blessa un avec une lance, et alors la bte, devenue furieuse, m'attaqua.
Je tchai de me sauver avec la suite, mais je tombai, le sanglier fut bientt sur moi, m'arrachant la
main gauche, au ventre et la hanche gauche. Le comparant montre les cicatrices aux endroits
dsigns et spontanment se met par terre pour faire voir dans quelle position il se trouvait lorsqu'il
fut attaqu et bless par le sanglier.
B. Depuis combien de temps cet accident vous est-il arriv ?
B. Je ne me rappelle pas. C'est depuis longtemps.
B. Pourquoi alors aviez-vous accus Kelengo ?
B. Parce que Momaketa, un des Chefs de Bossunguma, me l'a dit et aprs tous les habitants de
mon village me l'ont rpt.
Dont procs-verbal lu et sign, hors le comparant illettr.


Annexe 4.

Chefleries indignes reconnues.




. . J e

District de

des prestations annuelles fournir par le Chef de

(Arrt du 2 Janvier, 1892.Formule No. 3.)


(Dpartement de l'Intrieur.)

Villages soumis
du Chef.

fournir par
chaque Village.



, No.

District de






Clie.fferies Indignes.

(Arrt du 2 Janvier, 1892.Formule No. 1.)

Procs-verbal !Investiture.
Nous, Commissaire de

jour du mois d
chef de3
avons confirm2

L'an 1880
District d

Le Commissaire de District,
Le Chef indigne reconnu,

et de la rgion de 4
relevant du Chef de 5
-dans l'autorit qui lui est attribue par les us
et coutumes locaux en tant qu'ils n'ont rien de contraire l'ordre public ni aux lois de l'tat et lui
avons fait remise de l'insigne dcrit l'Article 3 de l'Arrt du 2 Janvier, 1892.
.- .Le Chef prdsign s'est engag fournir les prestations annuelles indiques au tableau ci-annex
et excuter ou faire excuter les travaux y mentionns.
De tout quoi nous avons dress le prsent procs-verbal en double original aux jour, mois et an
que dessus.
, . ,-.c. ,
Le Commissaire de Dlstjftet,
Le Chef reconnu,
confirm suivant le procs-verbal No.

N. B.Ce Chef est le successeur du Chef

District de

Chefferies indignes reconnues.



Statistique Chefferie d


(Arrt du 2 Janvier, 1892.Formule No. 2.)

Villages soumis
du Chef.

K Numro
. Nom d u
K Nom du
L Rgion
. Nom du

L e u r Situation
leurs Limites.

Noms des
Sous-Chefs e t
des Notables.


Hommes. Femmes. Enfants.

d ' o r d r e du procs-verbal.
Chef reconnu.
village ou des villages sous la dpendance du Chef.
sur laquelle i l exerce son a u t o r i t . - M e n t i o n n e r si l'investiture lui a t donne pour toute i
Chef auquel il peut tre soumis.


Annexe 5.

Circulaire Interprtative des Prescriptions concernant les Formalits du Permis de Port d'Armes.
Borna, le 12 Mars, 1897.
J'ai constat, au sujet des prescriptions concernant les formalits du permis de port d'armes, des
divergences d'interprtation qu'il convient de dissiper.
Certaines personnes pensent, tort, qu'il suffit de se munir d'un seul permis de port d'armes, sans
avoir tenir compte ni de l'usage qui sera fait des armes importes, ni de leur lieu de destination.
Ainsi que le dit le dernier paragraphe de ma Circulaire A, VI, 58, du 8 Juillet, 1893, la taxe de
20 fr., exige pour la dlivrance des permis de port d'armes, ne doit tre perue qulxme seule fois par
permis, quelle que soit la quantit larmes y figurant ; mais il doit tre bien entendu qu'il faut un permis
distinct -par destination des armes, c'est--dire, qu'autre le permis individuel, il y a le permis par
tablissement et par bateau.
Les capitas qui, dans le Haut-Congo, parcourent le pays pour compte de commerants et qui sont
pourvus d'un fusil, doivent galement tre munis d'un permis de port d'armes.
J e rappelle ce propos que les capitas ne peuvent avoir en leur possession aucune arme perfectionne autre que le fusil pistou non ray ; des permis de port d'armes ne pourront, en consquence,
leur tre dlivrs que pour des fusils de l'espce, et ceux concernant des fusils, " Albini " ou " Chassepot "
qui se trouveraient entre leurs mains devraient tre retirs.
Les commerants peuvent seuls disposer, pour la dfense ventuelle de leurs factoreries et bateaux
de fusils " Albini," " Chassepot " ou autres armes rayes.
- ..
Jusqu'ici on s'tait servi d'un imprim, uniforme pour la dlivrance de permis de port d'armes.
Afin que des erreurs ne puissent plus se produire l'avenir, il sera fait usage, selon le cas, des
imprims dont les modles sont ci-contre.
Celui portant la lettre (A) est l'imprim ancien dont l'emploi sera exclusivement rserv la
dlivrance de permis individuels.
Celui portant la lettre (B) est l'imprim qui servira aux permis dlivrer pour des armes destines
la dfense d'un tablissement ou d'un bateau.
Celui portant la lettre (C) est l'imprim utiliser pour les permis se rapportant aux fusils piston
confis aux capitas.
Ces permis ne doivent pas indiquer les noms des capitas qui en sont porteurs ; ils peuvent tre
tablis au nom d'un tablissement et chaque permis a une dure de validit de cinq annes pour une
mme arme.
Les Commissaires de District, Chefs de Zone, et Chefs de Poste ou leurs dlgus ont exercer
une surveillance trs srieuse pour empcher que les armes perfectionnes dont disposent les
commerants ne passent aux mains des indignes.
Ils ont vrifier minutieusement les permis de port d'armes et faire procder des poursuites
lorsque .ceux-ci ne sont pas strictement en rgle. Ils ont notamment examiner si le nombre d'armes
existant correspond bien celui renseign sur les permis, et faire saisir les armes pour lesquelles les
formalits;prescrites n'auraient pas t accomplies.
J e crois utile de rappeler, au sujet des permis de port d'armes, le 2 de l'Article V I du Deret du
10 Mars, 1892 .(" Bulletin Officiel " de 1892, p. 14), sur les armes feu :



" Le porteur d'un permis de port d'armes peut tre requis, en tout temps, par le Commissaire de
District comptent de justifier de la possession de l'arme ou des armes renseignes sur ce permis;
dfaut dq ceftp justification, il encourra les pnalits prvues par l'Article I X du Dcret."1
Le Gouverneur-Gnral,


Circulaire rappelant les Prescriptions sur VImportation et la Dtention des Armes Feu perfectionnes.
Borna, le 31 Mai, 1900.
J'ai acquis la certitude que les commerants tablis sur le territoire de l'tat ne font aucun
effort, malgr les pressantes recommandations qui leur ont t adresses, pour remplir les obligations
imposes par la lgislation sur les armes feu.
Quantit d'armes qu'ils ont t autoriss importer pour la dfense des tablissements de ngoce,
des bateaux et la protection des capitas de ngoce ne sont pas inscrites sur les permis rglementaires
ou figurent sur des permis prims, ou encore ont disparu sans qu'ils en aient t donn connaissance
aux autorits.
J'ai l'honneur d'attirer encore l'attention des intresss sur les dispositions legislatives en vigueur
en cette matire, en les prvenant que je donne les ordres les plus svres pour la recherche des
infractions et l'application rigoureuse des pnalits dictes par l'Article 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars,
1892, reproduit ci-aprs :
" Quiconque commettra ou laissera commettre par ses subordonns des infractions au prsent Dcret,
ainsi qu'aux Arrts et Eglements d'exe'cution, sera puni de 100 fr. 1,000 fr. d'amende et de servitude
pnale n'excdant pas une anne, ou de l'une de ces peines seulement
L'importation de toute arme perfectionne, y compris le fusil piston non ray, est subordonne
la dlivrance d'un permis de port d'armes.
Celui-ci se subdivise, suivant la destination des armes, en trois catgories :
1. Le permis individuel ou particulier ;
2. Le permis collectif applicable aux armes destines la dfense des tablissements de commerce
ou des bateaux ; il peut comprendre, suivant le cas, vingt-cinq ou quinze fusils, maximum d'armes
autorises par le Gouvernement, pour un tablissement ou un bateau ;
3. Le permis de capita. Celui-ci ne peut comprendre qu'une seule arme, le fusil piston non ray.
Il ne doit pas indiquer le nom du capita qui en est porteur, mais le nom de l'tablissement auquel ce
dernier est attach.
Ce sont l les trois cas bien dtermins, o l'importation et l'usage des armes perfectionnes sont
Les armes ne peuvent, en aucune circonstance, tre distraites, sans autorisation pralable, de leur
premire destination.
Elles ne peuvent, sous aucun prtexte, tre employes des incursions l'intrieur des terres.
La rpression de sditions ou d'actes de brigandage est inclusivement rserve aux autorits de
Tout permis de port d'armes est valable pour cinq ans.
Le porteur d'un permis peut tre requis en tout temps par les Commissaires de District, leurs
dlgus ou les agents du service des finances, de justifier de la possession de l'arme ou des armes
renseignes sur ce permis; dfaut de cette justification, il encourra les pnalits prvues par
l'Article 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars, 1892. (Article 6 du Dcret du 10 Mars, 1892, et Arrt du 26 Mars,
Si, dans certaines circonstances, des chefs de factoreries avaient diriger des convois de ngoce,
soit par voie d'eau, soit par terre, travers des rgions qu'ils jugeraient peu sres, ils auraient, clans
chaque cas, demander l'escorte ncessaire au Commissaire du District dans lequel ils se trouvent, ou
au Chef du Poste de l'tat le plus rapproch.
Cette escorte ne peut, en aucune circonstance, tre constitue par des agents leur service, a
moins qu'ils n'aient obtenu, ce sujet, un permis qui ne pourra tre dlivr que par le Commissaire
de District, et qui devra se trouver entre les mains du chef de l'escorte et pouvoir tre exhib tout
la fermeture
qui auront contrevenu la loi.
de l'tat
charg du
des armes.
Le pourront
Les contraventions aux diffrentes prescriptions ci-dessus dictes,
amener, outre les

. Article 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars, 1892 (' Bulletin Officiel " de 1892, p. 14) :
" Quiconque commettra ou laissera commettre par des subordonns, des infractions au prsent Dcret, am
qu'aux Arrts et Rglements d'excution, sera puni de 100 1,000 fr. d'amende et de servitude P*?11* g
n'excdant pas une anne, ou de l'une de ces peines seulement. La peine de servitude pnale sera toujo ^
prononce, et elle pourra tre porte cinq ans lorsque le dlinquant se sera livr au trafic des armes a feu o
leurs munitions dans les rgions o svit la Traite.
" Dans les cas prvus ci-dessus, les armes, la poudre, les balles, et cartouches sont confisques."


relative aux Prescriptions

sur la Dtention des Armes

Maisons de Commerce.



V Usage des

Borna, le 28 Novembre,


Je constate par des rapports qui me sont adresss des diverses' parties du territoire, que les
prescriptions en matire d'armes feu perfectionnes l'usage des Socits commerciales ne reoivent
pas leur excution.
Depuis la publication, en Juin dernier, de ma Circulaire No. 30/g du 31 Mai, 1900, qui a t
adresse tous les chefs des firmes commerciales tablies dans l'tat, ces derniers auraient pu se
mettre en rgle vis--vis de la loi, soit en demandant des permis de port d'armes, soit en requrant les
modifications ncessaires aux permis qu'ils possdent dj, mais qui ne correspondent plus l'armement
de leurs factoreries, ou au nombre maximum fix par la loi, pour un tablissement.
Ils auraient pu donner des instructions formelles leurs agents, l'effet de leur dfendre de faire
servir les armes tir rapide d'autres usages qu' celui de la dfense des tablissements de ngoce, et
les fusils piston couvrir des convois de ngoce, sans autorisation pralable.
Il m'a t signal que ces dernires armes taient parfois confies des indignes non munis de
L'inobservation des dispositions lgislatives et rglementaires rgissant l'importation et la
dtention des armes feu, doit amener des dsordres qu'il faut empcher.
Ce n'est qu'en svissant avec rigueur contre les personnes en faute qu'on parviendra faire
respecter la loi.
Je prescris donc tous les fonctionnaires chargs des fonctions d'officier de police judiciaire et
notamment les Commissaires de District, les Chefs de Zone, et leurs Chefs de Poste, de vrifier, chacun
dans son ressort, les permis de port, d'armes et l'armement des factoreries qui y sont tablies. Toutes,
les infractions seront constates par procs-verbaux dont une expdition me sera transmise concurremment avec celle qui doit tre remise au Parquet.
Les armes, objet du dlit, devront tre saisies.
Ces vrifications doivent commencer ds la rception de la prsente Circulaire.
Les autorits territoriales me feront rapport, bref dlai, sur les prescriptions qui y sont
Le Gouverneur-Gnral,

Circulaire faisant suite l'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1901, sur les Permis de Port d'Armes dictant des Rgles
en ce qui concerne le systme qui sera dornavant suivi en cette matire, ainsi que concernant certaines
mesures prcautionnelles que les Commissaires de District et les Chefs de Zone pourront prescrire
et la sanction administrative qui y sera attache.
Borna, le 30 Avril, 1901.
De rcents vnements ont encore dmontr que les prescriptions en matire d'armes feu taient
chaque instant violes par les chefs ou grants des tablissements de commerce en dpit des
nombreux avis de l'autorit.
Il a aussi t tabli que le dpt d'un certain nombre de fusils perfectionns dans ces tablissements pouvait, d'autres gards, compromettre la scurit publique, en ce que les armes pouvaient
un moment donn tre utilises par le personnel indigne de l'tablissement pour former des bandes
armes dont les premiers mfaits portaient sur la vie des Europens qui les employaient et sur leurproprit.
Le danger est d'autant plus grand que le personnel indigne des tablissements de commerce
est constitu souvent par d'anciens militaires, qui connaissent bien le maniement des armes
Il y a donc lieu de prendre de nouvelles mesures non seulement pour renforcer les moyens que
la loi met la disposition de l'autorit pour faire respecter par les grants d'tablissements de
commerce les prohibitions dictes notamment par ma Circulaire No. 30/g du 31 Mai, 1900, mais
galement pour empcher que les dpts d'armes perfectionnes autorises par le Gouvernement dans
les tablissements de commerce ou bord des bateaux, et pour la dfense de ces tablissements
ou de. ces bateaux, ne donnent point des rebelles la loi la possibilit de commettre les pires

En ce qui concerne le premier point, mon Arrt en date de ce jour a pour but d'assurer
l'action rpressive contre ceux qui, contrairement aux rgles qui avaient t dtermines, notamment par ma Circulaire 30/g du 31 Mai, 1900, dplaceraient les armes dont l'introduction et la dtention ont t permises pour la dfense des tablissements de commerce ou des bateaux.
D'aprs le systme qui sera dornavant suivi, les permis de port d'armes (B) de la Circulaire
du 12 Mars, 1897, seront dlivr au nom du Directeur ou Chef en Afrique de la Socit ou de
l'entreprise qui a sollicit l'introduction et la dtention de ces armes; le permis devra stipuler,
en vertu de l'Article 1 er de l'Arrt en date de ce jour, quel tablissement les armes, ainsi que
les munitions y affrentes, sont destines, et prescrire l'obligation de justifier l'emploi de
Les anciens permis dlivrs en conformit avec la Circulaire du 12 Mars, 1897, seront modifis



endans le dlai de six mois ; les Directeurs ou Chefs des Socits ou entreprises seront invits par le
Receveur des Impts comptent reprsenter les permis actuellement existants, et former des
demandes en conformit avec l'Article 2 de mon Arrt en date de ce jour. L'Administration en
dlivrant de nouveaux permis stipulera que les armes et les munitions y affrentes ne pourront sortir
des tablissements auxquels elles sont destines.
La dlivrance de permis, pour les armes destines de nouveaux tablissements se fera dans les
mmes conditions.
La sanction pnalempourra s'exercer ainsi, en conformit avec l'Article 9 du Dcret du 12 Mars,
1892, contre le grant de l'tablissement qui se servirait des armes et des munitions dans un but autre
que celui pour lequel le permis a t dlivr, et le cas chant, contre le Directeur de la Socit ou
Les permis devront tre renouvels, ou tout au moins modifis, lorsque la direction de la Socit
ou de l'entreprise sera donne une autre personne que celle au nom de laquelle le permis a t
Les permis pour capita, permis (C) de la Circulaire du 12 Mars, 1897, seront galement
dlivrs titre individuel soit par le Commissaire de District ou Chef de Zone, soit par un agent
dsign par eux.
La mme sanction prvue par l'Article 9 du Dcret du 12 Mars, 1892, atteindra l'individu qui
serait porteur d'un fusil piston sans avoir de permis rgulier dlivr en son nom, et, le cas chant,
le Directeur ou Grant de la Socit, de l'tablissement, ou de l'entreprise.
De plus, sans prjudice aux poursuites rpressives ventuelles, les infractions aux rgles prescrites,
notamment par mon Arrt en date de ce jour, en ce qui concerne les armes pour lesquelles un permis
est dlivr, pourront avoir pour suite le retrait du permis, quelles que soient les consquences qui en
rsulteraient pour l'tablissement.
Pour satisfaire l'autre intrt que je signale au dbut de cette Circulaire, je soumets de plus la
dlivrance du permis (B) et (C) l'engagement pour les chefs d'tablissements d'admettre et de
respecter les mesures prcautionnelles que le Commissaire de District ou Chef de Zone croira devoir
prescrire pour prvenir tout danger, et qui pourront tre diffrentes selon les circonstances ; ainsi
ces fonctionnaires pourront, et devront dans la majorit des cas, prescrire :
(a.) Que les armes perfectionnes, et les munitions destines l'tablissement ou au bateau
{ou mme les fusils piston du moment que leur nombre est suprieur cinq), soient remises
dans un local spcial, prsentant des garanties suffisantes de solidit pour empcher l'effraction,
ferm soigneusement, et de telle sorte que l'accs ne puisse en tre possible qu'au blanc qui en dtient
les clefs ;
(b.) Que la garde en soit confie un homme sr ;
(c.) Que l'tablissement lui soumette mensuellement la liste du personnel indigne qu'il
emploie en renseignant, pour chacun des membres de celui-ci, la tribu laquelle il appartient, ses
services antrieurs, et tous autres renseignements utiles, notamment quant son esprit, et sans
prjudice aux prescriptions de l'Article 14 du Dcret du 8 JSTovembre, 1888, de l'Article 11 de
l'Arrt du 1 er Janvier, 1890, celles de l'Article 46 du Dcret du 4 Mai, 1895, et celles de l'Arrt du
4 Avril, 1899.
Les Commissaires de District et Chefs de Zone veilleront la stricte observation des mesures
qu'ils auront dictes ce sujet ; ils visiteront, soit par eux-mmes, soit par dlgus, le plus souvent
possible, les tablissements auxquels des permis (B) et (C) ont t accords, s'assureront que les
prescriptions lgales ou administratives ce sujet sont rigoureusement respects et contrleront le
Dans les cas o des infractions la loi ou aux mesures prcautionnelles qu'ils auraient dictes
seront releves, ou que d'une faon quelconque et par suite de circonstances spciales, le dpt d'armes
perfectionnes auxquelles s'appliquent les permis collectifs (B) et (C) serait une cause de danger pour
la scurit gnrale, ils m'en rfreront en me faisant connatre d'une faon dtaille les infractions ou la
situation, de faon me mettre mme de juger en connaissance de cause s'il y a lieu ou non de retirer
le permis.
Ils veilleront, dans tous les cas o il y aura eu rvocation ou retrait du permis, ce que les
armes et munitions qui y sont portes soient dposes dans un entrept public pour telle suite qu'il
Le Gouverneur-Gnral,

announcement that a searching and impartial inquiry will be made into the allegations
against the administration of the Free State, and that if real abuses or the necessity
for reform should be thereby disclosed, the central Government will act as t h e
necessities of the case may demand.
His Majesty's Government have every confidence that an investigation of this
character will be followed by the redress of any grievances or actual wrongs which
may be proved to exist, and that if the present administrative system should be found
to provide no adequate security against the abuse of power by those who are employed
by the State, or by the Companies over which the State has control, the necessary steps
will be taken to remedy these grave defects. His Majesty's Government have been
actuated in this matter by no other motive than a desire to arrive at the truth, and to
fulfil the obligation which is incumbent upon all the Powers who were parties to t h e
Berlin Act, " t o watch, so far as each may be able, over the preservation of the native
tribes, and to care for the improvement of the conditions of their moral and material
well-being." They are, therefore, glad to observe that the notes do not indorse the
regrettable and unfounded insinuation contained in M. de Cuvelier's communication of
the 17th September, 1903, that the interests of humanity have been used in this
country as a pretext to conceal designs for the abolition and partition of the Congo
The request made in the notes for the full text of Mr. Casement's report raises a
question of considerable difficulty.
Personal names and indications of place and date were suppressed, not from any
want of confidence in the central Government at Brussels, but from the knowledge that
if these particulars were published they would of course -be accessible to the very
officials in the Congo to whom abuses are attributed.
The knowledge of these
particulars would have given these persons opportunities for exercising pressure upon
those who gave evidence, or for concealing the evidence of their own malpractices, so.
as to render impossible that effective inquiry which it is the object of the CongoGovernment to secure. These apprehensions appear, in some degree at least, to be
borne out by the facth. mentioned in the " Notes " when quoting M. Bosco's report, that
those who gave evidence in the Epondo Case had taken flight, and that all efforts to
find them had been fruitless.
His Majesty's Government are naturally desirous to
forther, so far as lies in their power, the inquiry which they are now assured will take
place. They feel bound, however, to proceed on this point with the utmost caution,,
and, before considering whether they can hand over the complete text of the report, they
must ask whether the Congo Government will accept full responsibility for the manner
in which the information thus furnished is used, and whether they will communicate toHis Majesty's Government the measures which they are prepared to adopt and enforce
in order to protect the witnesses, both European and native, from, anx? violence or acts
of retaliation on the part of those against whom they have given evidence.
With regard to the application, renewed in the " Notes," for previous reports from
British Consular officers, it is necessary to explain that these reports, though
forwarding testimony upon which reliance could apparently be placed, were founded on
hearsay, and lacked the authority of personal observation, without which His Majesty's
Government were unwilling to come to any definite conclusion unfavourable to the
administration of the Congo State. Moreover, some of the reports are of old date ; the
Congo State have admittedly been very active in pushing forward occupation of the
country, and it would be unjust to bring forward statements regarding a condition of
affairs which may have entirely passed away. In the despatch of the 8th August, 1903, His
Majesty's Government explicitly declared that they were unaware to what extent the
allegations made against the Congo State might be true, and it was in order to
obtain direct and personal information as to the state of things actually existing that
Mr. Casement undertook the journey of which the results are recorded in his report.
I request you to read this despatch to M. de Cuvelier, and to hand a copy of it to
his Excellency. Copies will be transmitted to the Powers with which, as Parties tothe Berlin Act, His Majesty's Government have been in communication.
I am, &c.

No. 2.
The Marquess of Lansdowne to Sir C. Phipps.

Foreign Office, April 19, 1904.

T H E " Notes " prepared by the Congo Government, and handed to you on the
13th xdtimo as a preliminary reply to Mr. Casement's report, contain statements, to the
careful consideration of which some time must be devoted.
His Majesty's Government desire, . however, to express at once their great
satisfaction at learning that the Congo Government concur in their view of the general
principles which should prevail in dealing with the native African races, and at the

G 2



No. 3.
Inclosure 1 in No. 3.
Acting Consul Nightingale to the Marquess of Lansdowne,{Received May 3.)
> APril <> 1904.
I H A V E the honour to transmit herewith, for your Lordship's information, a
copy of the J u d g m e n t in Appeal in the cases of M. Caudron and Silvanus Jones.
I am informed that the Procureur d'tat demanded the severest punishment
for Caudron, accusing him of heing the direct cause of the murder in cold hlood of
over 122 natives (this is the number verified, but many m o r e ' a r e supposed to have
been murdered of which there is no record) during his expeditions and raids in the
Monealla district for the obtainment of rubber, in order to reap a handsome commission
on his extortions from the natives.
The lawyer for the defence sought, on the other hand, to prove by documents and
other evidence that Caudron committed no individuaUct save the accidental shooting
of the women at Muibembetti ; that the whole of the responsibility of the regime
in vogue in Mongalla lay at the door of the State, who employed the Socit
Commerciale Anversoise as its t a x collector, the State itself being half shareholder
a n d taking three-fourths of all the profits of the Company ; that the Company
operated on the Domaine Priv of the State, having no lands of its own ; that all the
attacks on the natives were ordered by the Commissaire-General of the district, who
; gave written orders to his deputies, and that Caudron was only requisitioned to
accompany those expeditions as being the only person who knew every nook and
corner of the Mongalla River.
As your Lordship will observe, Caudron's sentence was reduced from twenty years'
penal servitude to fifteen years', whilst that of Silvanus Jones, of ten years, was upheld,
h u t with a strong recommendation for a speedy reduction of the sentence, which was
the least the Court could impose.
After the J u d g m e n t in Appeal, I obtained permission from the Vice-GovernorHeneral to go and visit Jones in prison, and inclosed I send a note of my interview
with him.
On speaking to the Director of Justice, after m y interview with Jones, I mentioned the fact that the man had not been defended by counsel, to which the Director
replied that his case ran concurrently with that of Caudron's, and that there was no
necessity for him to employ counsel.
As a matter of fact, Jones was not asked whether he wished to employ counsel to
defend him, neither was he (according to his statement) aware of the nature of the
charges made against hirm H e had money, and would have engaged some one to
defend him had he known what those charges were. H e was, he said, under the
impression that he had been brought to Borna as a witness against Caudron.
I inclose a further note, given me by the Director of Justice, which gives the
different Decrees dealing with arms and showing the infractions committed by Jones.
" Out of evil comes good " is an old saying, and it is m y opinion that, if the
Upper Congo were thrown open to free trade and the concessionnaire Companies done
away with,when once confidence were restored amongst the natives and they were
given to understand that they could bring in and sell their produce to whomsoever
they pleased, the Congo State would in a short while become the biggest export
market for rub ber in the world.
The African native is a born trader, and now it is so well known the value the
white men set upon rubber they would naturally commence to bring it in when once
confidence were fully restored. The State would reap its reward in the trading licences
and export dukes. And that is all it is fairly entitled to.
Before closing I would call your Lordship's attention to the fact that, in the
"'Bulletin Officiel " (No. 12) for last December there is a Decree published giving
powers to the agents of the Katanga Company to collect the State taxes. This means
t h a t the same abuses may go on in the Katanga country as have hitherto gone on
in the Mongalla district, unless most stringent measures are adopted to prevent them.

Judgment in Appeal respecting the Cases of M. Caudron and S. Jones.


Tribunal d'Appel de
suivant :


sigeant en Matire


a rendu


Audience Publique du 15 Mars, 1904.

(No. du role 395.)
E n cause : Ministre Public contre
(1) CAUDRON, P H I L L I P C H A R L E S E R A N O I S , n Auderlecht, Belgique,
Chef de Zone commercial de la Melo, au service de la Socit Anversoise du Commerce
a u Congo ; et
(2) Jones, Silvanus, originaire de Lagos, clerc au service de la mme Socit :
Prvenusle premier la fin de l'anne 1902, et au commencement de l'anne
1903, alors qu'il tait Chef de Zone commercial de la Melo, au service de la Socit
Anversoise du Commerce au Congo :
1. D'avoir fait attaquer pendant la nuit le village de Libok par les hommes
fusil de la Socit arms d'Albini, provoquant ainsi directement la mort d'un certain
nombre d'indignes du dit village de Libok ;
2. D'avoir circul avec une troupe compose de soixante soldats de l'tat et de
vingt hommes fusil de la Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, arms
d'Albini, et avoir fait attaquer par cette troupe, divise en petits dtachements, les
indignes des villages Magugu, Tariba, Mandingia, Muibembetti, et Kakor, provoquant ainsi directement la mort d'un grand nombre d'indignes des dits villages ;
3. D'avoir Muibembetti volontairement fait des blessures la femme Mennieg|bir, e n lui tirant u n coup de fusil de chasse dans les seins ;
4. D'avoir fait dtenir arbitrairement Mimbo, pendant prs d'un mois, une
vingtaine de prisonniers fait au cours des expditions dans les villages Magugu, Teriba,
Mandingia, Muibembetti, et K a k o r ;
5. D'avoir Mimbo t la cause directe de la mort d'un prisonnier, ayant antrieurement donn aux sentinelles armes sous ses ordres la consigne de tuer tout
prisonnier qui tenterait de s'enfuir ;
6. D'avoir au poste de Binga-tat donn Tordre aux sentinelles de tuer un Chef
Mogwande, ordre qui a t excut par le soldat Kamassi ;
7. D'avoir tabli ou laiss tablir Bussu-Baya, et Dengeseke, des factoreries
de commerce o se trouvaient installs des travailleurs arms d'Albini et de cartouches
faisant partie de l'armement des factoreries de Mimbo et de Binga, ces armes et
munitions ayant t dplaces sans autorisation, et ayant servi commettre les
infractions pour lesquelles sont poursuivis Jones, Silvanus, chef de la factorerie de
Bussu-Baya, et Bangi, le domestique du prcdent ;
8. D'avoir, au poste de Mimbo, remis son Capita Kassango, 100 cartouches
d'Albini, appartenant l'tat, et au poste de Binga, en avoir remis 200 Houart, chef
de cette factorerie ; ces faits constituant une soustraction fraudulente de cartouches au
prjudice de l'tat, ou subsidiairement une infraction aux dispositions sur les armes
feuinfractions prvues par les Articles 1 er , 2, 3, 4, 11, 18, 19 du Code Pnal, 101 bis,
101 (4), du Code Pnal, Dcret du 27 Mars, 1900 ; 2 et 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars,
1892 ; et l'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1901, sur les armes feu.
Le second d'avoir, la fin de Tanne 1902, envoy des travailleurs de la Socit
Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, arms de fusils Albini, dans les environs de la
factorerie de Bussa-Baya, en leur donnant Tordre de tuer les indignes, et avoir ainsi
t la cause directe de la mort d'une femme de Bassango, tue d'un coup d'Albini par
son domestique Bangiinfractions prvues par les Articles 1 er et 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars,
1892, et l'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1901, sur les armes feu, et 1 et 2 du Code Pnal ;
Vu la procdure charge des prnomms ; vu le J u g e m e n t du Tribunal de
Premire Instance du Bas-Congo, en date du 12 Janvier, 1904, condamnant le premier
une servitude pnale de vingt ans et aux sept huitimes des frais du procs ; le
second une servitude pnale de dix ans, et un huitime des frais du procs;
Vu les appels interjets contre le dit Jugement par le Ministre Public et le
prvenu Caudron, suivant dclarations reues au Greffier du Tribunal d'Appel le
12 Evrier, 1904 ;


Vu les notifications des dits appels au Ministre Public, et aux prvenus en datedu mme jour ;
Vu l'assignation donne aux prvenus par acte du 22 Fvrier, 1904 ;
Ou le Juge Albert Sweerts en son rapport ;
Vu l'instruction faite devant le Tribunal d'Appel;
Ou M. le Procureur d'tat en ses rquisitions;
Ou les prvenus en leurs dires et moyens de dfense prsents pour Caudron par
M. de iNeutor, dfenseur agr par le Tribunal ;
Attendu que le Tribunal d'Appel est saisi par l'appel du prvenu Caudron, et en
mme temps par l'appel du Ministre Public relatif ce dernier et l'autre prvenu,
Jones, Silvanus ;
Que l'appel du prvenu Caudron n'est pas recevable, l'appelant n'ayant pasconsign pralablement les frais conformment l'Article 78 du Dcret du 27 Avril,
1889 ;
Que, cependant, l'appel du Ministre Public remet tout en question mme dans.
l'intrt des intims ;
En ce qui concerne le prvenu Caudron :
Sur les premire et deuxime prventions :
Attendu qu'il est tabli par les dpositions des tmoins et par les pices verses.
au dossier :
1. Que, dans la nuit du 15 au 16 Octobre, 1902, au poste d'Akula dans la
rgion de la Melo, le prvenu Caudron, Chef de Zone de la Socit Anversoise du
Commerce au Congo dans cette rgion, pour punir les indignes du village de Libok
de ne pas avoir fourni les corves qu'il exigeait d'eux, a donn ordre cinq de ses
travailleurs, arms d'Albini, de se rendre au dit village et de tirer sur les indignes,
ordre que les travailleurs ont excut, en tuant le Chef et plusieurs indignes de ce
village ;
2. Que, dans le courant des mois de Janvier, Fvrier, et Mars 1903, dans le but de
forcer les indignes de la rgion des Banga augmenter la rcolte du caoutchouc, il a
fait une expdition dans la dite rgion avec vingt de ses travailleurs, arms d'Albinis,
et accompagn d'un sous-officier et de cinquante soldats de l'tat ; que, au cours de
cette expdition, il a envoy les travailleurs arms d'Albini, et les soldats diviss en
petits dtachements, dans les localits de Mogugu, Teriba, Bongu, Muibembetti, et
Kakor, avec ordre de tirer sur les indignes qu'ils auraient rencontrs, ordre que les
travailleurs et les soldats ont excut, causant ainsi la mort d'un grand nombre
d'indignes ;
Que le prvenu reconnat ces faits dans leur ensemble, mais qu'il allgue pour sa
dfense d'avoir agi d'accord avec l'autorisation, et mme par ordre de l'autorit,
reprsente lors du fait de Libok par M. Nagant, et lors de l'expdition chez les
Banga par M. Jamarttous les deux Chefs du Poste de Police de Binga ;
Attendu, en ce qui concerne le fait de Libok, que tous les tmoins interrogs
ce sujet l'audience de Premire Instance et d'Appel ont ni de la manire la plus
formelle que M. Nagant aurait t Akula lors de l'attaque du dit village, et qu'il ait
pu par consquent ratifier par sa prsence l'ordre donn par le prvenu Caudron, ainsi
que celui-ci le soutient;
Que, cependant, existent au dossier les copies certifies conformes de deux lettres
qui auraient t adresses par M. Collet, grant du poste d'Akula, M, Nagant, la
premire en date du 12 Octobre, 1902, demandant son intervention contre le village
de Libok, et la deuxime en date du 16 Octobre, c'est--dire, au lendemain de
l'attaque, le remerciant de son intervention et l'informant que les indignes s'taient
prsents le matin au poste et s'taient engags fournir rgulirement les impositions ;.
que l'accusation conteste l'authenticit de ces lettres, et soutient qu'elles ont t
forges aprs pour les besoins cl e la cause ;
Que, cependant, le fait qu'elles ont t verses au dossier par le MagistratInstructeur, qu'elles ont t trouves dans les bureaux du poste de police, et le fait
qu'elles ont t confirmes par M. Collet l'instruction prparatoire ne permettent pas
de les considrer comme fausses et de les carter ;
Que puisqu'un doute subsiste il faut admettre la version la plus favorable au
prvenu, c'est--dire, que le Chef du Poste de Police Nagant se trouvait Akula lorsde l'attaque de Libok, et qu'il a connu et autoris cette attaque ;


Que, par consquent, tout supplment d'instruction relativement aux dites

circonstances serait, dans l'intrt de la dfense, absolument inutile ;
Attendu, en ce qui concerne l'expdition chez les Banga, que la prsence dans
cette expdition du Chef du Poste de Police Jamart avec cinquante soldats de l'tat
n'est pas conteste, et qu'il est aussi prouv que le prvenu a agi dans cette occasion
toujours de parfait accord avec lui ; qu'il reste donc examiner si la prsence et
l'autorisation de ces reprsentants de l'autorit pourraient justifier le fait du
prvenu ;
Attendu que c'est un principe de droit consacr mme expressment dans les
Codes dont notre lgislation s'est inspire que, pour qu'il n'y ait pas d'infraction, il ne
suffit pas que le fait ait t command par l'autorit, mais qu'il faut en mme temps
qu'il soit ordonn par la loi; qu'il est hors de doute qu'il s'agit dans l'espce uniquement de dlits de droit commun, c'est--dire, d'homicides commis pour un intrt
priv dans le but de forcer les indignes fournir leur travail ou leur produits;
Que, quoiqu'on ait parl parfois vaguement de rtablissement de l'ordre, il rsulte
bien formellement cls dclarations de tous les tmoins et mme des rapports adresss
par le prvenu au Directeur de la Socit, et de ses lettres aux grants de sa zone,
-qu'il ne visait clans les actes d'hostilit poss contre ces indignes que l'intrt de son
commerce, et notamment l'augmentation de la rcolte du caoutchouc ;
Que si un doute pouvait tre soulev en ce qui concerne l'expdition prcdemment faite chez les Gwakas, aucun doute ne peut exister cet gard pour les
faits objet de la prvention ;
Que, en tout cas, il est bien tabli qu'au moment o ces faits se sont passs,
l'ordre n'avait t nullement troubl ni Libok ni chez les Banga ; qu'il ne rsulte
pas que les victimes de ces faits aient commis d'autre faute que de ne pas avoir
fourni la Socit la quantit de travail qu'elle exigeait ;
Attendu, d'autre part, que le seul fait de ne pas avoir pay les impts, mme s'ils
taient lgalement dus (ce qui n'tait pas dans l'espce, puisqu'aucune loi ne les avait
encore autoriss), ne pouiTait jamais justifier des rpressions sanglantes ;
Qu'on pourrait encore moins parler dans l'espce de faits de guerre, car ce n'est
certainement pas faire la guerre que d'attaquer des populations tranquilles et de tirer
des coups de feu sur des individus isols et inoffensifs ;
Qu'il est prouv par les dpositions des tmoins, et par les dclarations du prvenu
lui-mme, que jamais au cours de ces faits les indignes n'ont attaqu ou pos un acte
d'hostilit quelconque ;
Que ni parmi les soldats, ni parmi les hommes de la Socit, il y a eu un seul tu
eu un seul bless ;
Qu'il serait donc absurde de parler de guerre ; que tuer dans ces conditions ne
peut que constituer un crime qu'aucune loi, aucune ncessit n'autorise, et qui tombe
sous l'application de la Loi Pnale, qu'il soit commis par un particulier ou par un
agent de l'autorit ;
Attendu, d'autre part, que le prvenu ne peut non plus invoquer en sa faveur
l'excuse de l'obissance hirarchique, car cette excuse n'existe que pour les agents de
l'autorit qui excutent l'ordre d'un suprieur hirarchique et dans les limites du
ressort de celui-ci ;
Que le prvenu n'tait pas agent de l'autorit ; qu'il ne devait obissance
hirarchique personne ; qu'il ne rentrait aucunement dans ses attributions d'agent
-de Socit de cooprer des actes de rpression ; qu'il avait donc tout le droit de
refuser d'excuter les ordres qu'on pouvait lui donner ce sujet, et que s'il les excutait,
c'tait ses risques et prils ;
Qu'il est du reste de principe que mme l'obissance hirarchique ne constitue plus
une excuse lorsque l'illgalit de l'ordre est vidente ;
Attendu, d'ailleurs, qu'il est tout fait contraire la vrit que le prvenu
n'aurait fait, ainsi qu'il l'affirme, qu'excuter les ordres des Chefs du Poste de Police;
Que la vrit, au contraire, est que ces derniers taient en fait sous ses
ordres ;
Qu'un simple sous-officier comme Nagant, un simple adjoint militaire (caporal)
comme Jamart, ne pouvait certainement avoir aucune autorit sur le prvenu qui
occupait la haute position de Chef de Zone de la Socit Anversoise du Commerce
au Congo, et qui avait sous ses ordres un nombreux personnel blanc et noir ;
Que tous les tmoins ont t d'accord pour dclarer que dans toutes les
expditions qu'il a faites avec les Chefs du Poste de Police, c'tait lui qui commandait,
qui donnait des ordres, et qui punissait, non seulement ses hommes, mais mme les


soldats de l ' t a t ; que notamment, en ce qui concerne l'expdition contre les Banga, il
est bien vident que le Caporal Jamart, tout jeune homme, peine arriv en Afrique,
ne connaissant ni la langue, ni le pays, et pour surplus malade au point de devoir se
faire presque toujours porter et rester en arrire mme de plusieurs jours, n'tait qu'un
simple comparse dont le prvenu se servait dans la croyance de pouvoir, par sa prsence,
couvrir les illgalits qu'il commettait, et enchaner la sienne la responsabilit de
l'tat ;
Que c'est en vain donc que le prvenu invoque sa bonne foi pour avoir agi d'accord
avec les reprsentants de l'autorit ;
Qu'il savait bien qu'on ne pouvait pas tuer et d'autant moins dans u n intrt
commercial ;
I l savait que les lois de l'tat ne le tolre pas ;
I l savait aussi que plusieurs de ses prdcesseurs et de ses collgues dans la mme
rgion, et dans la mme Socit, avaient t trs svrement condamns par les
Tribunaux pour des faits semblables ;
I l a cru tre plus adroit que les autres en tachant de couvrir sa responsabilit
en se servant des agents de l ' E t a t ;
Mais si cette prcaution se montre la preuve impuissante, s'il s'aperoit trop
tard que la responsabilit pnale ne peut pas s'luder, si facilement, il n'a pas le
droit de se dire la victime d'une erreur ;
Que s'il s'est tromp, c'est non pas sur la moralit des actes qu'il posait, mais
sur la valeur de la ruse qu'il a employe pour les couvrir ;
Attendu, cependant, que le prvenu insiste sur la demande qu'il avait dj
prsente en Premire Instance ; que le Tribunal ordonne u n supplment d'instruction pour faire verser au dossier les rapports politiques envoys par les autorits
suprieures administratives de la rgion au Gouvernement local, d'o il rsulterait
que les dites autorits avaient connu et approuv les faits qui lui sont reprochs,
et mme d'autres expditions antrieures et postrieures qu'il aurait faites avec les
troupes de l'tat, que le Gouvernement local, interpell par le Magistrat-Instructeur, a
dclar qu'en principe il ne croyait pas pouvoir donner communication de ces pices,
que, du reste, elles ne renfermaient rien pouvant se rfrer aux faits indiqus par le
prvenu ;
Que la dfense conteste ces dclarations en droit et en fait ;
Attendu qu'en principe on ne pourrait certainement pas contester le droit de
l'autorit judiciaire de demander et mme de rechercher en tout lieu public ou priv
toute pice pouvant servir conviction ou dcharge ;
Que ce droit, qui est donn l'autorit par la loi, ne pourrait tre limite que
par la loi elle-mme ; que ni la lgislation Congolaise, ni la lgislation dont elle s'est
inspire ne fixent aucune limitation en faveur des Administrations publiques ;
Que si on reconnat une exception en faveur des agents diplomatiques, c'est
cause de la fiction d'exterritorialit de leur rsidence ; qu'il n'existe pas de lieu
d'asile ;
Attendu, toutefois, qu'il est du devoir de l'autorit judiciaire de procder en cette
matire avec la plus grande rserve et dans le seul cas o les pices requises
pourraient tre d'une utilit vidente pour l'accusation ou la dfense ;
Que dans l'espce la dfense croit pouvoir dduire de ces pices l'approbation et
en tous cas la tolrance de l'autorit relativement ces agissements ;
Qu'ainsi qu'on l'a ci-dessus expos mme l'ordre formel et plus forte raison la
tolrance des autorits ne pourrait justifier des faits contraires la loi ; que ce principe
a t dj depuis longtemps et plusieurs reprises affirm par les Tribunaux de
Que par consquent dans aucun cas le prvenu ne pourrait trouver dans les
pices dont il demande la production la justification des faits mis sa charge ;
Que, tout au plus, il pourrait invoquer la tolrance des autorits comme circonstance attnuante ;
Qu' cet gard, il y a lieu d'observer que la preuve d'une certaine tolrance de la
part des autorits rsulte des pices mme du dossier et des dpositions des tmoins ;
Qu'en effet, la prsence et la coopration des Chefs du Poste de Police de Binga
lors des affaires de Qiboko et de l'expdition chez les Banga ont t admises par le
Tribunal ; qu'il rsulte aussi des dpositions des tmoins que prcdemment et postrieurement le prvenu avait fait d'autres expditions de rpression contre les
indignes accompagn d'agents et de soldats de l'tat ;
Que cela suffit pour faire tout au moins supposer la tolrance des autorites

suprieures de la rgion, et pour faire admettre cette tolrance comme circonstance

attnuante en faveur du prvenu ;
Que par consquent tout supplment d'instruction ce sujet, s'il pourrait servir
prouver la responsabilit d'autres personnes, ne pourrait avoir aucune utilit pour le
prvenu ;
Sur la troisime prvention :
Attendu qu'il est prouv par les dpositions des tmoins et qu'il est reconnu par
les prvenus qu' Muibembetti au cours d'une expdition contre les Banga s'tant mis
en colre pour u n retard des porteurs, il a dcharg sur eux son fusil de chasse charg
petit plomb ; qu'un des deux coups a bless une femme indigne au dos ; que la
blessure a t lgre et n'a entran aucune incapacit de travail ;
Sur la quatrime prvention :
Attendu que le prvenu reconnat avoir fait dtenir la factorerie de Mimbo une
vingtaine d'indignes faits prisonniers au cours de l'expdition contre les Banga et que
leur dtention n'avait d'autre but que de forcer leurs villages la rcolte de caoutchouc ; qu'il allgue pour sa dfense que ces gens avaient t arrts avec l'autorisation et le concours du Chef du Poste de Police Judiciaire J a m a r t ; qu'ils attendaient
Mimbo les instructions du Commandant des troupes de police ; qu'il soutient que ce
fait tait parfaitement lgal, puisque le Gouvernement avait, depuis le mois d'Avril
1901, autoris la Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo exiger le caoutchouc
titre d'impt de la population indigne, et avait dict en cas de refus la peine de la
contrainte par corps;
Attendu qu'en effet le Ministre Public a dclar l'audience de Premire
Instance avoir t autoris dclarer qu'il existe une lettre du Gouverneur-Gnral
au Commissaire de District de Nouvelle-Anvers, donnant le droit la Socit
Anversoise du Commerce au Congo d'exiger le caoutchouc titre d'impt ; que cette
lettre ajoute que le commandant du corps de police pourra, en cas de refus, exercer la
contrainte par corps ; qu'il pourra dlguer ce droit mme u n agent de la Socit
Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, mais qu'il appartiendra toujours lui de dcider
s'il faut ou non maintenir la dtention ;
Attendu qu'il est trop vident qu'on ne pouvait pas, par simple lettre, tablir des
impts, et dicter la contrainte par corps en cas de non-paiement ;
Que le droit d'tablir des impts sur les populations et fixer des peines, ne peut
appartenir qu'au Roi-souverain, ou l'autorit par lui lgalement dlgue cet
Que le pouvoir judiciaire manquerait son devoir et sa mission s'il reconnaissait
d'autre autorit les pouvoirs qui sont rservs l'autorit souveraine ;
Qu'il aurait fallu donc une loi dment dicte et publie ;
Qu'une pareille loi n'a paru que tout dernirement trs longtemps aprs les faits
objet de la prvention, et qu'elle exige d'ailleurs pour l'application de la contrainte
par corps des conditions qui n'existent pas dans l'espce ;
Que par consquent la lettre du Gouverneur-Gnral, ne pouvant pas droger
la loi pnale, ne pourrait pas justifier l'atteinte porte la libert individuelle ;
Qu'on conoit bien que le prvenu ait pu se tromper sur ce point, mais que la
bonne foi, pour erreur de droit, ne peut pas tre admise ; qu'il est juste toutefois d'en
tenir compte pour appliquer sur ce chef au prvenu des circonstances attnuantes
dans la mesure la plus large possible;
Sur la cinquime prvention :
Attendu qu'il est tabli et reconnu par les prvenus qu'un des prisonniers dtenus
Mimbo, ayant tent de s'vader pendant la nuit, ft tu d'un coup d'Albini par la
sentinelle de garde ;
Que le prvenu soutient tre absolument tranger ce fait ;
Attendu que, quoiqu'il soit tabli par les dpositions des tmoins que le prvenu
avait toujours donn ses hommes la consigne de tirer sur les prisonniers qui tentaient
de s'vader, il n'est pas prouv, cependant, que la sentinelle qui a tir tait u n des
hommes placs directement sous ses ordres ;
Qu'il parat, au contraire, rsulter des dbats que c'tait u n travailleur du poste de
Mimbo et qu'il avait t plac de sentinelle par le grant de cette factorerie ;
Que ce meurtre, par consquent, ne pourrait pas tre imput au prvenu ;
Sur la sixime prvention :
Attendu que le prvenu reconnat qu'au retour de son expdition chez les Banga


un Chef indigne a t tu dans la prison du poste de police de Ban ga par les soldats
de ce poste ;
Qu'il reconnat qu' deux reprises les soldats, alors qu'il se trouvait avec Jamart
taient venus demander des instructions relativement ce prisonnier, qui causait du
dsordre ; qu'il reconnat aussi qu'il se trouvait prsent dans la prison lorsque le
prisonnier a t t n ; qu'il affirme cependant que ni lui, ni Jamart, n'avait donn
aucun ordre aux soldats, et qu'il s'tait rendu la prison uniquement pour induire le
prisonnier rester tranquille;
Attendu que tous les tmoins entendus sur ce fait l'instruction prparatoire, et
l'audience, ont, de la manire la plus prcise et concordante dans les moindres
dtails, affirm que le prvenu a donn deux fois l'ordre de tuer : une premire fois
au Sergent Tangua, qui tait all demander des instructions, et une deuxime fois au
mme sergent, et au soldat BAxassi, lorsqu'ils taient revenus pour se faire confirmer
l'ordre, et que c'est le prvenu mme, qui, dans la prison, aprs que le sergent eut tir
sur le prisonnier, en lui manquant, a pass le fusil au soldat Bixassi, qui l'a tu :
Que ce dernier dtail a t donn aussi par le tmoin Houart, dtenu la prison
de Borna alors que les autres tmoins se trouvaient encore dans la haute rivire,; qu'il
est impossible donc qu'il ait t invent ;
Que ces deux circonstances, absolument tablies mme par des dpositions autres
que celles des tmoins noirs, que le prvenu se trouvait dans la prison, et qu'il a pass
le fusil l'homme qui a tir, confirment de la manire la plus certaine que c'est bien
lui qui a donn l'ordre de tuer, ordre que les soldats, qui revenaient de l'expdition, o
ils avaient considr toujours le prvenu comme Commandant, ne pouvaient pas
hsiter excuter ;
Qu'il est du reste trs vident qu'ils n'auraient certainement pas tu sans ordre,
mme en la prsence du prvenu ;

environs de la factorerie et de tuer les indignes qu'ils avaient rencontrs, pour les
punir de ne pas avoir fourni une quantit suffisante de caoutchouc, ordre que son
domestique Bongi a excut en t u a n t une femme;
Attendu que le prvenu soutient subsidiairement qu'en tout cas il aurait agi,
ainsi qu'en d'autres circonstances, d'aprs les ordres de ses suprieurs, et notamment
du Chef de Zone M. Caudron; "
Attendu que, quoique ces ordres ne soient pas bien tablis, les procds employs
par le Chef de Zone Caudron pour obtenir du caoutchouc des indignes, et le fait
que le prvenu avait t plac Bussa-Baya clandestinement, et qu'on avait arm ce
poste de huit fusils Albini sans permission, permet t o u t ou moins de supposer, dans
l'intrt du prvenu, que rellement il n'a fait que suivre les instructions de ses
Chefs ;
Que cependant, pour les raisons dj exposes, ces ordres ne pourraient en aucun
cas justifier ou excuser le prvenu ;
Qu'on ne pourrait pas mme le considrer comme u n instrument passif et inconscient entre les mains de ses Chefs, puisque, quoique noir, il a une certaine culture
d'esprit et appartient u n pays dj en partie civilis ;
Qu'il devait bien savoir que tuer est un crime ;
Qu'il a agit d'ailleurs aussi, dans son intrt particulier, puisqu'il tait pay en
proportion du caoutchouc qu'il percevait ;
Que cependant il est juste de lui faire application des circonstances attnuantes
dans la mesure la plus large possible, en tenant compte du milieu o il se trouvait et
des exemples qu'il recevait de ces Chefs ; qu'il faut reconnatre que bien difficilement u n noir aurait pu se soustraire l'influence des exemples ;
Que le Tribunal d'Appel, par consquent, exprime le vu que la libration conditionnelle vienne, aussitt qu'il sera possible, temprer pour ce prvenu la rigueur de la
peine que, par application de la loi, il est forc de confirmer ;
Par ces motifs et ceux non contraires du premier juge ; ".

Sur la septime prvention :

Attendu que les faits indiqus l'assignation sont tablis et reconnus par le
prvenu qu'ils constituent des contraventions aux dispositions sur les armes feu ;
Sur la huitime prvention :
Attendu qu'ainsi que l'a dclar le premier Juge, il ne s'agit dans l'espce que d'un
simple change de la munition entre les troupes de l'Etat et les hommes arms de la
Compagnie ; qu'un simple change ne peut constituer ni une soustraction fraudulente, ni (lorqu'il s'agit de cartouches, et non pas de l'arme elle-mme) une contravention aux dispositions sur les armes feu ;
Attendu que, pour les motifs repris ci-dessus, le prvenu doit tre dclar coupable
de meurtres avec prmditation, comme auteur moral, pour abus d'autorit, des faits
mis sa charge par les premire, deuxime, et sixime prventions ; de coups et
blessures pour la troisime prvention ; de dtention arbitraire pour la quatrime ;
de contravention aux dispositions sur les armes feu pour la septime prvention ; et
qu'il doit tre renvoy des fins de la poursuite pour le surplus de la prvention ;
Attendu qu'il y a lieu d'accorder au prvenu des circonstances attnuantes, non
seulement raison des considrations exposes aux numros un, deux, et quatre de la
prvention, mais raison aussi de ses bons antcdents pendant son long sjour en.
Afrique, et des graves difficults dans lesquelles il a d se trouver devant accomplir sa
mission au milieu d'une population absolument rfractaire toute ide de travail,
et qui ne respecte d'autre loi que la force, ne connat d'autre persuasion que la
terreur ;
Qu'il faut reconnatre qu'il doit tre bien difficile de se tenir dans la lgalit dans
u n pays encore absolument barbare et sauvage, et notamment lorsque les lois
suivre dans ce pays sont les mmes qui rgissent les peuples les plus civiliss ;
Qu'il est en fin quitable de tenir compte que, quoique les faits soient en euxmmes trs graves, ils perdent cependant une partie de leur gravit lorsqu'ils sont
mis en rapport avec le milieu, o, d'aprs la coutume sculaire, la vie humaine n'a
pas de valeur, et o le pillage, le meurtre, et le cannabalisme ont constitu jusqu'
hier la vie habituelle ;
E n ce qui concerne le prvenu Jones, Silvanus :
Attendu qu'il est demeur tabli par les dpositions concordantes des tmoins et
par les contradictions mme du prvenu, que dans le courant du mois d'Octobre 1902,
alors qu'il tait Chef du Poste de la Socit Anversoise de Commerce au Congo a
Bussa-Baya, il a ordonn aux hommes placs sous ses ordres de se rendre dans les

Le Tribunal d'Appel :
Yules Articles 78 du Dcret du 27 Avril, 1889 ; 3, 4, 11, 9 8 , 1 0 1 bis, et 101 (*) du
Code Pnal, 2 et 9 du Dcret du 10 Mars, 1892, et l'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1.901, dclare
l'appel du prvenu Caudron non recevable ;
E t statuant sur l'appel du Ministre Public ;
mendant le Jugement dont appel relativement au prvenu Caudron, en ce qui
concerne la peine prononce, le condamne, du chef de inieurtres avec prmditation ;
de coups et blessures, de dtentions; arbitraires, et de contraventions aux dispositions
sur les armes feu, avec circonstances attnuantes, cinq ans de servitude pnale ;
Confirme pour le surplus le Jugement dont appel mme en ce qui concerne l'autre
prvenu, Jones, Silvanus;
Dit que les frais d'appel resteront charge de l'tat.
Ainsi jug et prononc en audience publique, o sigeaientM. Giacomo Nisco,
Prsident; MM. Albert Sweerts et Michel Cuciniello, Juges ; M. Eernand 'Waleffe,
Ministre Public ; M. Paul Hodm, Greffier.
Le Prsident,
Les Juges,


L e Greffier,


. (Translation.)
Judgment in Appeal respecting the Cases of M. Caudron and S. Jones.
The Court of Appeal at Borna, sitting for the consideration of Criminal Cases, has
pronounced the following Judgment :
Public Hearing of March 15, 1904
(No. on the list 395.)
The Public Prosecutor versus
(.) CAUDRON, P H I L L I P CHARLES FRANOIS, born at Auderlecht, Belgium,
Superintendent of the Melo Commercial Zoae, in the service of the Socit Anversoise du
Commerce au Congo ; and
[828 J
H 2

(2.) Jones, Silvanus, a native of Lagos, clerk in the service of the said Company :
The charges against the first-named were that, at the end of 1902, and at the beginning
of 1903, when he was Superintendenf of the Melo Commercial Zone, in the service of the
Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo :
1. He caused the village of Libok to be attacked at night by the servants of the
Societv, armed with Albini rifles, thus directly bringing about the death of a certain
number of natives of the said village of Libok;
2. That he went about the country with a force composed of sixty State soldiers and
of twenty servants of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce an Congo, armed with Albinis,
and caused the natives of the villages of Magugu, Teriba, Mandingia, Muibenibetti and
Kakor to be attacked by this force, divided into small detachments, thus directly bringing
about the death of a great number of natives of the said villages ;
3. That he, *at Muibembetti, deliberately wounded the woman Menniegbir bv
discharging a shot-gun into her breast ;
4. That he arbitrarily detained at Mimbo for nearly a month about twenty prisoners
taken during his expeditions in the villages of Magugu, Teriba, Mandingia, Muibembetti,
and Kakor ;
5. That at Mimbo he directly caused the death of a prisoner, having previously
given instructions to the armed sentries under his orders to kill any prisoner who might
attempt to escape;
6. That at the station of Binga-tat, he gave an order to the sentries to kill a
Mogwande Chief, an order which was executed by the soldirHCamassi ;
7. That he established, or allowed to be established, at Bussu-Baya, and at Dengeseke,
commercial factories where workmen were installed, armed with Albinis and cartridges,
forming part of the armament of the factories of Mimbo and Binga, these arms and
ammunition having been moved without authority, and having been used in committing
the breaches of law, for which Silvanus Jones, chief of the factory of Bussu-Baya, and
Bangi, his servant, are being prosecuted ;
8. That, at the post of Mimbo, he handed over to his Headman (" Capita") Kassango
100 Albini cartridges belonging to the State, and, at the post of Binga, handed over
200 cartridges to Houart, head of that factory ; which proceedings constituted a fraudulent
abstraction of cartridges, the property of the State ; and, in the second place, a breach
of the Regulations in regard to fire-arms, offences covered bv Articles 1,2, 3, 4, 11, 18,
19 of the Penal Code, 101 bis, 101 (4) of the Penal Code, Decree of 27th March, 1900; 2
and 9 of the Decree of 10th March, 1892, and the Order of 30th August, 1901, respecting
The charges against the second were that, at the end of 1902, he sent workmen of
the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, armed with Albinis, into the neighbourhood of the factory of Bussu-Baya, with instructions to kiil the natives, and thus directly
caused the death of a woman of Bassango, who was killed by a rifle-shot by his servant
Bangioffences covered by Articles 1 and 9 of the Decree of 10th March. 1892, and by
the Order of 30th April, 1901, respecting fire-arms, and 1 and 2 of the Penal Code ;
In view of the terms of the indictment against the above-named persons, and the
verdict of the Court of First Instance of the Lower Congo, dated the 12th January, 1904,
condemning the first-named to twenty years' penal servitude and to seven-eighths of the
costs of the action, and the second to ten years' penal servitude and to one-eighth of the
costs of the action ;
Whereas appeals against the said verdict were made by the Public Prosecutor and by
the accused Caudron, according to declarations received at the office of the Registrar of
Court of Appeal on the 12th February, 1904 ;
Whereas the said appeals were notified to the Public Prosecutor and to the accused on
the same day ;
Whereas a summons was served on the accused on the 22nd February, 1904 ;
Whereas Judge Albert Sweerts has reported on the case ;
Whereas the case has been heard before the Court of Appeal ;
Whereas the Procureur d'tat has addressed the Court for the prosecution ;
Whereas the statements and defence of the accused have been heard, being presented
on behalf of Caudron by M. de Neutor, the defending Counsel accepted by the Court;
Whereas the Court of Appeal has received the appeal of the accused Caudron, and
the appeal of the Public Prosecutor relating to the latter, and to the other accused,
Silvanus Jones ;
Whereas the appeal of the accused Caudron is inadmissible, the appellant not having
deposited the costs in advance, in conformity with Article 78 of the Decree of the 27th April,
18S9 ;

Whereas, nevertheless, the appeal of the Public Prosecutor reopens the whole case
even in the interest of those served with the notice oi appeal.
With regard to the accused Caudron ;
On the first and second counts :
Whereas it is proved by the evidence of the witnesses and by the documents included
in the " dossier " : (1) that, on the night of the 15th to 16th October, 1902, at the
station of Akula in the district of the Melo, the accused Caudron, District Superintendent
of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce an Congo, with a view to punish the inhabitants
of the village of Libok for not furnishing the forced labour required of them, gave orders
to five of his workmen, armed with Albinis, to go to the said village and fire on the
inhabitants, orders which the workmen executed, killing the Chief and several inhabitants
of the village;
(2) That in the course of the months of January, February, and March 1903, in
order to force the natives of the region of the Banga to furnish a greater supply of rubber,
he conducted an expedition into the said region with twenty of his workmen, armed with
Albinis, and accompanied by a non-commissioned officer and fifty soldiers of the State ;
that in the course of this expedition he dispatched the workmen, armed with Albinis, and
the soldiers, in small detachments, into the localities of Magugu, Teriba, Bongu, Muibembetti and Kakor, with instructions to tire, upon any natives they might meetinstructions
which the workmen and soldiers carried out, thereby causing the death of a large number
of natives ;
Whereas the accused acknowledges the general truth of these facts, but pleads in
extnuation that he acted in accordance with the authorization, and even by the order,
of the authorities, represented, in the cas of the Libok incident, by M. Nagant, and,:
in the case of the expedition against the Banga, by M. Jamart, both Heads of the policestation at Binga ;
Whereas, in the case of the Libok incident, all the witnesses questioned on this
point before the Court of First Instance and before the Court of Appeal denied categorically that M. Nagant was at Akula when the attack against that village took place, and
that consequently he could not have authorized by his presence the order given by the
accused Caudron, as the latter maintains ;
Whereas the " d o s s i e r " contains, however, certified copies oi' two letters addressed
by M. Collet, Manager of the station of Akula, to M. Nagant, the first dated the
12th October, 1902, asking him to take action against the village of Libok, and the second
dated the 16th Octoberthat is, the day after the attackthanking him for his action,
and informing him that the natives had come in in the morning to the station and had
undertaken to accomplish their allotted tasks with regularity ; and the authenticity of these
letters is denied by the prosecution, who maintain that they were forged subsequently in the
interest of the accused ;
Whereas, however, the three facts : that they have been included in the " dossier" by
the Magistrate in charge of the case ; that they were found in the office of the policestation, and that they were admitted by M. Collet in the course of the preliminary
inquiry, do not allow of their being considered as forgeries and consequently rejected;
Whereas, since a doubt exists, the version most favourable to the accused must be
acceptedthat is to say, that the Chief of the police station, Nagant, was at Akula when
the attack on the village of Libok took place, and that he was aware of, and authorized
that attack ;
Whereas, consequently, any supplementary examination relative to the said circumstances would be absolutely useless in the interest of the defence ;
Whereas, in the case of the expedition against the Banga, the presence in that
expedition of the Chief of Police, Jamart, with fifty soldiers of the State is not denied,
and it is, moreover, proved that the accused acted throughout on that occasion in.
perfect accord with the former; whereas it remains, therefore, to be determined whether
the presence and the authorization of these representatives of authority may be taken as
justifying the action of the accused ;
Whereas it is a principle, expressly recognized by the codes on which our
legislation is based, that, m order to exclude the idea of an offence, it is not enough that
the action may have been ordered by the Executive authorities, but it is necessary also
that it should be prescribed by the law ;
Whereas there is no dcubt in the present instance that it is a case of offences against
common law, that is to say, of manslaughter committed for a private purpose with the
object of forcing the natives to supply labour or produce ;
Whereas although the restoring of order has been occasionally vaguely mentioned it is
clearly shown by the evidence of ail the witnesses, and even by the reports addressed by

the adcused to the Director of the Company, and by his letters . to the officers of the
district, that, in committing these acts of hostility against the natives, he only, had, in
view the interest of his Company's trade, and more especially the increase in the agiount
of rubber collected ;
Whereas, even if there could be any doubt as to the nature of the previous expedition
against the Gwakas, no doubt can exist in this respect in connection with the facts which
are the subject of the prosecution ;
: - , . ' ; , ''; Wliereas, in any case, it is a well-established fact that at the time these acts took place
order.chad in no way been disturbed, either at Libok or among the Banga; that it does
not appear that the victims of these actions had committed any other fault than that of
failing to furnish the Company with the amount of labour required by it ;
Qn theother hand, seeing that the sole fact of not having paid the taxes, even if
they had been legally due (which they were not in this case, because no law had yet
authorized their collection), could not justify such sanguinary measures ;
, In, the present-instance "it .is, still less possible to speak of war-like acts, because
to attack peaceable people and to fire upon single and inoffensive individuals is certainly
not making war;
. Whereas it is proved by the evidence of the witnesses, and by the statements of the
accuseds himself, that on no occasion during these events did the natives attack or commit
any sort of hostile act ;
; .Whereas there was not one killed or wounded among the soldiers or among the Company employs ;
'Whereas, therefore, it would be absurd to call it war ; and killing under such circumstances constitutes a crime which no law or necessity authorizes, and which is punishable
by the Penal Code, whether it be committed by a private person or by a representative of
autbority : ; ', ...
Whereas, on the other hand, the accused cannot plead in extenuation the principle of
official^subordination, in view of the fact that such a plea is only valid in the case of representatives of authority who carry out the orders of an official superior, and then only so
far as the, authority of that superior extends ;
; Whereas the accused was not a representative of authority and he did not owe
official obedience to any one ; it was in no way part of his duty as an agent of a
Company to co-operate in measures of repression; he was, therefore, fully entitled to
refuse, to, execute the orders which might be given him to this effect, and, if he
executed them, it was at his own risk ;
, , Whereas, moreover, it is a principle of law that even obedience to one's official superior
-does hot constitute a valid plea, when the illegality of the order is obvious;
Further, whereas there is no truth in the statement that the accused, as he affirms,
only obeyed the orders of the Chiefs of the police station;
Whereas the truth, on the contrary, is that the latter were, in point of fact, under his
orders ; < '
: ,
:, Whereas a mere, non-commissioned officer like Nagant ; a mere military assistant
(corporal) like Jamart, could not have any authority over the accused, who occupied the
high position of a District Superintendent of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au
Congo, and had under his orders a large staff of white men and natives ;
Whereas all the witnesses were unanimous in stating that in all the expeditions which
he made with the Chiefs of the police station, it was he who commanded, gave orders to,
and punished, not only his own men, but even the soldiers of the State ; whereas, especially
in the ease of the expedition against the Banga, it is evident that corporal Jamart, quite
young and but recently arrived in Africa, knowing neither the language nor the country,
and,; besides, so ill that he nearly always had to be carried, and remained several days'
journey; to the rear, was simply a lay figure made use of by the accused in the belief that
by Jaroart's presence he wouid be able to cover his own illegal actions and to involve the
State in his own responsibility ;
; Whereas it is therefore useless for the accused to plead good faith in having acted in
accord with the representatives of authority ;
--) Whereas,he knew that he ought not to kill, and that he was even less justified in so
doing in the interests of trade ;
He knew that it is not tolerated by the laws of the State ;
He knew, also, that several of his predecessors and colleagues in the same region and
belonging to the same Company had received very severe sentences from the Court for
similar offences ;
He thought he would be cleverer than the others in trying to cover his responsibility
by making use of State.employs ;

criminal responsibility cannot be so easily eludedhe has no right to describe himself as'
the victim of an error;
> io l't
Whereas, if he was mistaken, it was not with regard to the morality of the actions
which he committed, but with regard to the value of the ruse which he made use of to
cover them ;
Whereas, however, the accused insists upon the request which he had already made
in First Instanceto wit, that the Tribunal should order a supplementary inquiry, in
order to have incorporated in the "dossier" the political Beports sent by the higher
administrative authorities of the region to the Local Governmentwhich would show
that the said authorities had known and approved of the actions of which he is accused,
and even of previous and subsequent expeditions which he had made with the troops of
the Slate ; whereas the local Government, questioned by the examining Magistrate, declared
that, as a matter of principle, it did not think it possible to produce these documents,
and, moreover, the said documents contained nothing that could refer to the facts
mentioned by the accused ;
Whereas the defence contests these declarations in law and in fact ;
Whereas the right of the judicial authority to demand, and even to search for in
any public or private place, any document which might lead to a conviction or an
acquittal, cannot be denied in principle ;
Whereas this right, which is given to the judicial authority by law, can only be curtailed also by law; whereas neither the Congo legislation, nor the legislation on which it is
founded, fixes any limitation in favour of the Public Departments;
Whereas if an exception be made in the case of diplomatic representatives, that is on
account of the fiction of the extra-territoriality of their residence; whereas there^ is no
place of asylum ;
Whereas, however, it is the duty of the judicial authority to proceed in such
matters with the greatest circumspection, and only if the documents demanded are of
obvious use to the prosecution or the defence;
Whereas, in the present instance, the defence thinks that it can deduce from these
documents the approval, and, in any case, the toleration of the authorities in connection
with these actions ;
Whereas, as has been set forth above, even the definite order, and, therefore, still less
the toleration of the authorities, could not be held to justify acts contrary to the law ;
Whereas this principle has already, for a long time past, and on several occasions, been
affirmed by the Tribunals of the State ;
Whereas, consequently, in no case could the accused find in the documents, the
production of which he demands, justification for the actions with which he is charged ;
Whereas the utmost he could do would be to adduce the toleration of the authorities
as an extenuating circumstance;
Whereas, in this connection, it may be fittingly observed that the documents of the
"dossier" itself, and the evidence of witnesses, go to Drove the existence of a certain
toleration on the part of the authorities ;
Whereas, indeed, the presence and the co-operation of the heads of the police station
of Binga, at the time of the Qiboke affair, and of the expedition against the Banga, have
been admitted by the Tribunal. Whereas the evidence of the witnesses also goes toprove that the accused, accompanied by agents and soldiers of the State, had, previously
and subsequently, conducted other punitive expeditions against the natives ;
Whereas this is sufficient ground at least lor presuming the toleration of the higher
authorities of the district, and for admitting this toleration as an extenuating circumstance in favour of the accused ;
Whereas, consequently, all supplementary inquiry on this subject, even if it might
serve to prove the responsibility of other persons, could be of no service to the accused ;
On the third count:
Whereas it is proved by the evidence of witnesses, and admitted by the men accused,
that at Muibembetti, in the course of an expedition against the Banga, the accused in
question, having lost his temper owing to a delay on the part of the carriers, fired upon
them with his shot-gun loaded with small shot; one of the two discharges wounded a
native woman in the back ; and the wound was slight and did not cause her to be incapacitated from work;
On the fourth count:
; Whereas the accused admits having caused to be detained at the factory of Mimbo
some twenty natives who had been taken prisoners in the course of the expedition against

the Banga, and that their detention had no other object than to force their villages to
collect rubber; whereas he alleges in his defence that these people had been arrested with
the authorization and assistance of Jamart, the Chief of the police station ; whereas they
were awaiting at Mi m bo the instructions of the Commander of the police forces; whereas
he maintains that this act was perfectly legal because the Government had, since the month
of April 1901, authorized the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo to exact rubber
as a tax from the people, and had decreed the penalty of detention in the case of refusal ;
Whereas, in fact, the Public Prosecutor declared in the course of a trial before
the Court of First Instance that he was authorized to state that a letter was in existence
from the Governor-General to the Commissioner of the district of .Nouvelle-Anvers,
granting to the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo the right to exact rubber as a
tax ; whereas this letter adds that the Commander of the police force may, in case of
refusal, put in force the penalty of detention ; that he may delegate that right to an agent
of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, but that it will always rest with him
to decide if the detention is to be confirmed or not ;
Whereas it is quite evident that taxes could not be established, or .detention in case
of non-payment decreed, by a mere letter ;
And whereas the right of imposing taxes on the people, and of fixing penalties can
only belong to the King Sovereign, or to those to whom he has legally delegated his
authority for that purpose ;
And whereas the Judicature would fail in its duty and its mission if it recognized in
any other authority those powers which are reserved to (he sovereign authority;
And whereas a law duly decreed and published would therefore have been necessary;
And whereas such a law has only appeared quite recently, a very long time after the
acts which form the subject of the prosecution, and it requires, moreover, in order to
render the penalty of detention applicable, conditions which do not exist in this case ;
Whereas, consequently, the letter of the Governor-General being unable to run
;ounter to the Penal Code could not justify the violation of individual liberty ;
And whereas it is quite possible that the accused may have been mistaken on this point,
but the fact of acting in good faith cannot be taken as a justification for a breach of the law ;
Whereas it is just, however, to take this into consideration in order to give the accused,
on this head, the benefit of extenuating circumstances to the greatest extent possible ;
On the fifth count :
Whereas it is established and admitted by the men accused that one of the
prisoners detained at Mimbo, having attempted to escape during the night, was killed with
an Albini rifle by the sentry on guard ;
And whereas the accused maintains that he had absolutely nothing to do with this act;
Whereas, although it is established by the evidence of the witnesses that the
.accused had always given his men orders to fire on prisoners who tried to escape, it is not,
however, proved that the sentry who fired was one of the men placed directly under
his orders;
Whereas, on the contrary the proceedings seem to show that the man in question
was a workman of the post of Mimbo, and that he had been placed as a sentry bv the
Manager of that factory;
And whereas the murder, therefore, could not be imputed to the accused ;
On the sixth count :
Whereas the accused admits that upon his return from the expedition against the
Banga, a native Chief was killed in the prison of the police station of Banga by the soldiers
of that station ;
Whereas he admits that on two occasions, when he was in the company of Jamart,
the soldiers came to ask for instructions relating to this prisoner, who was making a disturbance ; and he also admits that he was actually present in the prison when the prisoner
was killed ; whereas, however, he affirms that neither he, nor Jamart, gave any order to
t h e soldiers, and that he went to the prison solely to induce the prisoner to remain quiet ;
Whereas all the witnesses interrogated on this point in the course of the preliminary
inquiry, and at the hearing of the case, did, in a manner the most precise, and consistent in
the most minute details, affirm that the accused twice gave the order to kill ; first to
Sergeant Tangua, who had come for instructions; and on the second occasion to the
same sergeant and to the soldier Rixassiwhen they returned to get the order confirmed;
and. that it was the accused himself, who, in the prison, after the sergeant had fired
upon the prisoner and missed him, handed the gun to the soldier Rixassi, who killed him;

Whereas the latter detail was also given by the witness Houart, confined in the
prison at Boma, when the other witnesses were still in the Upper Congo ; and it is,
therefore, impossible that it was invented;
Whereas these two circumstances, absolutely established by other evidence as well as
that of native witnesses, that the accused was in the prison and that he handed the
gun to the man who fired, confirm in the most positive manner the fact that it was he
who gave the order to fire, an order which the soldiers who were returning from the
expedition, on which they had always looked upon the accused as their Commandant,
could not hesitate to execute ;
Whereas it is, moreover, amply evident that they certainly would not have killed
without instructions, even in the presence of the accused ;
On the seventh count :
Whereas the facts cited in the prosecution are established, and admitted by the
accused, and constitute breaches of the Regulations as to fire-arms ;
On the eighth count :
Whereas, as the first Judge declared, it is merely a question in this case of a simple
exchange of ammunition between the troops of the State, and the Company's armed men ;
and whereas a simple exchange cannot constitute a fraudulent abstraction, or (when it is:
only a question of cartridges, and not of the weapon itself) a contravention of the
Regulations as to fire-arms ;
Whereas, for the reasons given above, the accused must be declared guilty of
murders with premeditation, as the moral author, through abuse of authority, of the deeds
he is charged with on the first, second, and sixth counts; of blows and wounds on the
third count; of arbitrary detention on the fourth count; of contraventions of the
Regulations as to fire-arms on the seventh count ; and he should be acquitted on the
remainder of the counts ;
Whereas there are reasons for granting extenuating circumstances to the accused,
not only on account of the considerations submitted on the first, second, and fourth
counts, but also on account of his good previous character during his long stay in Africa,
and the great difficulties under which he must have laboured, as he had to do his duty
in the midst of a population entirely hostile to all idea of work, and which only respects
the law of force, and knows no other argument than terror ;
Whereas it must be recognized that it must be very difficult to act within the law
in a country still absolutely barbarous and savage, more especially when the laws to be
obeyed in that country are the same as those which govern the most civilized peoples ;
Whereas, to conclude, it is just to bear in mind that, although the acts are in themselves very grave, they lose a part of their gravity when they are considered in connection
with the surroundings, in which, according to immemorial custom, human life has no
value, and pillage, murder, and cannibalism were, until the other day, of ordinary
\ As regards the accused Silvanus Jones :
Whereas it is duly established by the consistent testimony of the witnesses, and even
by the contradictory evidence of the accused himself, that, during the month of October
1902, when he was Chief of the post of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo
at Eussa-Baya, he ordered the men placed under his orders to proceed to the neighbourhood of the factory, and to kill the natives that they met, to punish them for not having
furnished a sufficient quantity of rubber, an order which his servant Bongi executed by
killing a woman ;
Whereas the accused maintains, as a subsidiary plea, that in any case he acted, as in
other circumstances, in accordance with the orders of his superioi's, especially with those
of the District Chief M. Caudron ;
Whereasalthough these orders are not well establishedthe methods adopted
by the District Chief Caudron to obtain rubber from the natives, and the fact that the
accused had been placed at Bussa-Baya secretly, and that that post had been armed
with eight Albini rifles without permission, give colour to the supposition, in favour of
the accused, that in point of fact, he did bur follow the instructions of his Chiefs;
And whereas, however, for the reasons already given, these orders could in no way
justify or exculpate the accused ;
And whereas he could not even be regarded as a passive and unconscious instrument
in the hands of his Chiefs, because, although a black, he possesses some mental culture and
belongs to a country already partly civilized;



the Banga, and that their detention had no other object than to force their villages to
collect rubber; whereas he alleges in his defence that these people had been arrested with
the authorization and assistance of Jamart, the Chief of the police station ; whereas they
were awaiting at Mimbo the instructions of the Commander of the police forces ; whereas
he maintains that this act was perfectly legal because the Government had, since the month
of April 1901, authorized the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo to exact rubber
as a tax from the people, and had decreed the penalty of detention in the case of refusal ;
Whereas, in fact, the Public Prosecutor declared in the course of a trial before
the Court of First Instance that he was authorized to state that a letter was in existence
from the Governor-General to the Commissioner of the district of Nouvelle-Anvers,
granting to the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo the right to exact rubber as a
tax ; whereas this letter adds that the Commander of the poiice force may, in case of
refusal, put in force the penalty of detention ; that he may delegate that right to an agent
of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, but that it will always rest with him
to decide if the detention is to be confirmed or not ;
Whereas it is quite evident that taxes could not be established, or .detention in case
of non-payment decreed, by a mere letter ;
And whereas the right of imposing taxes on the people, and of fixing penalties can
only belong to the King Sovereign, or to those to whom he has legally delegated his
authority for that purpose ;
And whereas the Judicature would fail in its duty and its mission if it recognized in
any other authority those powers which are reserved to (he sovereign authority;
And whereas a law duly decreed and published would therefore have been necessary ;
And whereas such a law has only appeared quite recently, a very long time after the
acts which form the subject of the prosecution, and it requires, moreover, in order to
render the penalty of detention applicable, conditions which do not exist in this case ;
Whereas, consequently, the letter of the Governor-General being unable to run
:ounter to the Penal Code could not justify the violation of individual liberty ;
And whereas it is quite possible that the accused may have been mistaken on this point,
but the fact of acting in good faith cannot be taken as a justification for a breach of the law ;
Whereas it is just, however, to take this into consideration in order to give the accused,
on this head, the benefit of extenuating circumstances to the greatest extent possible ;

Whereas the latter detail was also given by the witness Houart, confined in the
prison at Boma, when the other witnesses were still in the Upper Congo ; and it is,
therefore, impossible that it was invented;
Whereas these two circumstances, absolutely established by other evidence as well as
that of native witnesses, that the accused was in the prison and that he handed the
gun to the man who fired, confirm in the most positive manner the fact that it was he
who gave the order to fire, an order which the soldiers who were returning from the
expedition, on which they had always looked upon the accused as their Commandant,
could not hesitate to execute ;
Whereas it is, moreover, amply evident that they certainly would not have killed
without instructions, even in the presence of the accused ;
On the seventh count :
Whereas the facts cited in the prosecution are established, and admitted by the
accused, and constitute breaches of the Regulations as to fire-arms ;
On the eighth count :

On the fifth count :

Whereas it is established and admitted by the men accused that one of the
prisoners detained at Mimbo, having attempted to escape during the night, was killed with
an Aibiui rifle by the sentry on guard ;
And whereas the accused maintains that he had absolutely nothing to do with this act;
Whereas, although it is established by the evidence of the witnesses that the
accused had always given his men orders to fire on prisoners who tried to escape, it is not,
however, proved that the sentry who fired was one of the men placed directly under
his orders ;
Whereas, on the contrary the proceedings seem to show that the man in question
was a workman of the post of Mimbo, and that he had been placed as a sentry bv the
Manager of that factory;
And whereas the murder, therefore, could not be imputed to the accused ;
On the sixth count :
Whereas the accused admits that upon his return from the expedition against the
Banga, a native Chief was killed in the prison of the police station of Banga by the soldiers
of that station ;
Whereas he admits that on two occasions, when he was in the company of Jamart,
the soldiers came to ask for instructions relating to r.his prisoner, who was making a disturbance ; and he also admits that he was actually present in the prison when the prisoner
was killed ; whereas, however, he affirms that neither he, nor Jamart, gave any order to
the soldiers, and that he went to the prison solelv to induce the prisoner to remain quiet ;
Whereas all the witnesses interrogated on this point in the course of the preliminary
inquiry, and at the hearing of the case, did, in a manner the most precise, and consistent in
the most minute details, affirm that the accused twice gave the order to kill ; first to
Sergeant Tangua, who had come for instructions; and on the second occasion to the
same sergeant and to the soldier Rixassiwhen they returned to get the order confirmed;
and. that it was the accused himself, who, in the prison, after the sergeant had fired
upon the prisoner and missed him, handed the gun to the soldier Rixassi, who killed him;

Whereas, as the first Judge declared, it is merely a question in this case of a simple
exchange of ammunition between the troops of the State, and the Company's armed men;
and whereas a simple exchange cannot constitute a fraudulent abstraction, or (when it is
only a question of cartridges, and not of the weapon itself) a contravention of the
Regulations as to fire-arms ;
Whereas, for the reasons given above, the accused must be declared guilty of
murders with premeditation, as the moral author, through abuse of authority, of the deeds
he is charged with on the first, second, and sixth counts ; of blows and wounds on the
third count ; of arbitrary detention on the fourth count ; of contraventions of the
Regulations as to fire-arms on the seventh count; and he should be acquitted on the
remainder of the counts ;
Whereas there are reasons for granting extenuating circumstances to the accused,
not onlv on account of the considerations submitted on the first, second, and fourth
counts, but also on account of his good previous character during his long stay in Africa,
and the great difficulties under which he must have laboured, as he had to do his duty
in the midst of a population entirely hostile to all idea of work, and which only respects
the law of force, and knows no other argument than terror ;
Whereas it must be recognized that it must be very difficult to act within the law
in a country still absolutely barbarous and savage, more especially when the laws to be
obeyed in that country are the same as those which govern the most civilized peoples ;
Whereas, to conclude, it is just to bear in mind that, although the acts are in themselves very grave, they lose a part of their gravity when they are considered in connection
with the surroundings, in which, according to immemorial custom, human life has no
value, and pillage, murder, and cannibalism were, until the other day, of ordinary
^ As regards the accused Silvanus Jones :
Whereas it is duly established by the consistent testimony of the witnesses, and even
by the contradictory evidence of the accused himself, that, during the month of October
1902, when he was Chief of the post of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo
at Eussa-Baya, he ordered the men placed under his orders to proceed to the neighbourhood of the factory, and to kill the natives that they met, to punish them for not having
furnished a sufficient quantity of rubber, an order which his servant Bongi executed by
killing a woman ;
Whereas the accused maintains, as a subsidiary plea, that in any case he acted, as in
other circumstances, in accordance with the orders of his superiors, especially with those
of the District Chief M. Caudron ;
Whereasalthough these orders are not well establishedthe methods adopted
by the District Chief Caudron to obtain rubber from the natives, and the fact that the
accused had been placed at Bussa-Baya secretly, and that that post had been armed
with eight Albini rifles without permission, give colour to the supposition, in favour of
the accused, that in point of fact, he did but follow the instructions of his Chiefs;
And whereas, however, for the reasons already given, these orders could in no way
justify or exculpate the accused ;
And Whereas he could not even be regarded as a passive and unconscious instrument
in the hands of his Chiefs, because, although a black, he possesses some mental culture and
belongs to a country already partly civilized;



And whereas he must have known perfectly well that to kill is a crime ;
And whereas he, moreover, acted in his personal interest because he was paid in
proportion to the rubber he collected ;
Whereas, however, it is just to concede to him extenuating circumstances to the
greatest possible extent, taking into account his surroundings and the example set by
his Chief ; and whereas it must be admitted that it would have been very difficult fora
black man to withstand the influence of example ;
And whereas, therefore, the Court of Appeal expresses the hope that the rigour of
the penalty, which, according to law, it is compelled to confirm, may, in the case of this
prisoner, be modified as soon as possible, b) his conditional release ;
For these reasons and those, cited by the First Judge, which do not conflict with
The Court of Appeal :
Taking into consideration Articles 78 of the Decree of the 27th April, 1889 ; 3, 4,
11, 98, 101 (bis) and 101 (4) of the Penal Code; 2 and 9 of the Decree of the
10th March, 1892, and the Order of the 30th April, 1901 ;
Declares the appeal of the accused Caudron to be inadmissible ;
And, on the appeal of the Public Prosecutor
Amends the Judgment appealed against with respect to the accused Caudron, in
regard to the penalty pronounced, and condemns him on the count of murders with
premeditation, of blows and wounds, of arbitrary detention, and contraventions of the
Regulations as to fire-arms, with extenuating circumstances, to five years' penal servitude ;
Confirms in other respects the Judgment which was'the subject of appeal, also as
regards the accused Silvanus Jones ;
Ordains that the costs of the appeal shall be borne by the State.
Thus judged and pronounced in public sitting by the Tribunal, composed of
M". Giacomo Nisco, President; MM. Albert Sweerts and Michel Cuciniello, Judges;
M. Fernand Waleffe, Public Prosecutor ; M. Paul Hodiiro, Clerk.
The President,
The Judges,


The Clerk,

Lnclosure 2 in No. 3.
Acting Consul Nightingale's Interview with Silvanus Jones, a Native of Lagos, under Sentence
of Ten Years' Penal Servitude, in the Prison at Boma, for certain Atrocities committed
whilst in the Employ of the S.C.A. (Socie'le' Congolaise Anversoise).
Q. H O W long have you been in the employ of the S.C.A. ?A. I served five
years, and then went home to Lagos, and after staying at home some time I returned
to the Congo, and was re-engaged hy the same Company. I am now completing the
second year of my new contract.
Q. I n what capacity were you engaged hy the S.C.A. ?A. As a carpenter.
Q. H o w is it that, being engaged as a carpenter, you were buying rubber ?
A. There was no more carpentering to be done, and as I had not completed my
contract, I was ordered to buy rubber. Formerly I used to buy rubber at the same
t i m e as I was doing the carpentering.
Q. H a v e you ever killed, ill-treated the natives, or burnt down their houses ?-
A. On m y oath, I never have.
Q. Do you understand the nature of an oath ?A. Yes ; and if there were a
Bible here I would swear on it.
Q. Can you read and write ?A. Only a very littlejust my name.
Q. Were you aware that people were being shot or otherwise ill-treated, and that
their villages were burnt ?A. Yes ; I heard of such things going on, b u t I never
witnessed anything of the sort except on one occasion at m y own station. I t was one
day (the 9th December, 1902) when I was lying down, and suddenly I heard firing
from outside, and a shot came through my house and nearly hit me. W h e n I went

outside I found a white agent of the Company, who had ordered his men (soldiers) t o
fire on a man and woman from about 120 yards' distance. They were both killed.
The woman was pregnant. W h e n I asked the white agent (whose name I cannot
remember) why he came and upset the people of my station, he replied, " H o w dare
you speak to me, you black man ; don't you see that I am a white man, and can give
what orders I like ! "
Q. Were you ever ordered to go and punish the natives ?A. Yes. On one
occasion, especially, I was ordered to send and punish some people who had fled into
the bush. So I thought for a time as to -what I should do, and at last resolved to send
four soldiers into the bush to try and catch the people and bring them to me to see
if I could make friends with them. I ordered the soldiers not to shoot any one, and
sent my boy (a Bangala) with them to see that no shooting was done. They caught a
man and a woman in the bush and took them to Little Basango (about three hours
from my station), instead of coming back to me. I t was my Bangala boy who shot
the woman whilst she was stooping down at the side of the river, and she fell into the
water and was carried away. I never saw the woman or her corpse, as it was carried
away by the stream. I went down the river (about two and a-half hours' journey in
' a canoe going there, and about six hours to come back) to report the affair to the
white agent at the post there. I t is for this affair, I am given to understand, that I
am punished. But really I am not to blame, as I gave strict orders to the soldiers
not to shoot any one.
Q. Did you know when you weye sent for to come to Boma that you were going
to be tried for committing certain outrages on the natives ?A. No.
Q. Were you brought down to Boma under a military escort ?A. No ; I came
clown alone ; but when I arrived at Boma I was met by a guard of soldiers, and was
taken to the prison, where I remained five days, and was then let out.
Q. Did you know that you were going to be tried for various outrages committed
on the natives ?A. No ; I was under the impression t h a t I had been called as a
witness against that man.
[Jones pointed to a man who was writing at a desk in the gaoler's office, who, I
was told, was M. Caudron.]
Q. You knew absolutely nothing about your being kept in Boma to be tried for
serious offences you were accused of having committed ?A. I knew absolutely
Q. Would you have employed an advocate to defend you had you known that you
were going to be tried for such serious offences against the laws of the country ?
A. Most certainly I would. I brought down with me 3,500 fr. and the J u d g e has got
3,000 fr. of that sum, which I wish you to mind for me. I think you have t h e
[Note.The receipt was handed to Mr. Nightingale by a Lagos man named Shanu
a few days ago.]
Q. Ypu know, I suppose, that you have been sentenced to ten years' penal servitude ?A. Yes ; I was sentenced to ten years by the first Judge, b u t the second J u d g e
reduced it to two and a-half years ; and they say that if I behave properly that I may
get my liberty in six months.
[Note.Jones has misunderstood his sentence. The sentence of ten years passed
in the Court of First Instance was upheld in the Appeal Court.]
Q. W h a t work have they given you to do here ?A. I am employed on the
carpentering work of this building (pointing to a stone house t h a t is in course of
Q. You declare you are perfectly innocent of the charges brought against you,
and for which you have been condemned to ten years' penal servitude ? A. Yes, Sir ;
I am innocent.
Q. You wish me to hold the 3,000 fr. for you.A. Yes ; if you please, Sir.
A. N I G H T I N G A L E .
Boma, March 21, 1904.


I 2


Inclosure 3 in bio. 3.
J O N E S , SILVANTJS, originaire de Lagos, clerc au service de la Socit
Commerciale Anversoise, prvenu d'avoir, la fin de l'anne 1902, envoy des
travailleurs de la Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, arms de fusils Albini,
dans les environs de la factorerie de Bussu-Baya et avoir ainsi t la cause directe de
la mort d'une femme de Bassanga, tue d'un coup d'Albini, par son domestique
Bangiinfractions prvues par les Articles 1 et 9 du Dcret de 10 Mars, 1892, et
l'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1901, sur les armes feu et 1 et 2 du Code Pnal.
L'Article 1 du Dcret du 10 Mars, 1892 (B.O., 1892, p. 14), interdit l'importation.
le trafic, le transport, et la dtention d'armes feu quelconques, ainsi que la poudre,
de balles et de cartouches. L'Article 9 du mme Dcret punit toute infraction cette
disposition d'une amende de 100 fr. 1,000 fr., et d'une servitude pnale n'excdant
pas une anne, ou de l'une de ces peines seulement. L'Arrt du 30 Avril, 1901
(R.M., p. 86), subordonne certaines formalits les demandes pour la dlivrance de
permis de port d'armes. L'Article 1 du Code Pnal ( L . 11) dfinit l'homicide et les
lsions corporelles volontaires. L'Article 2 dfinit le meurtre et le punit de la servitude
pnale perptuit.
S I L V A N U S J O N E S , native of Lagos, clerk in the Service of the Socit
Commerciale Anversoise, accused of having, at the end of the year 1902, sent some
workmen in the employ of the Socit Anversoise du Commerce au Congo, armed
with Albini rifles, to the neighbourhood of the Bussu-Baya factory and thus been the
direct cause of the death of a woman of Bassanga, who was killed by a shot from an
Albini fired by his servant Bangiwhich offences are covered by Articles 1 and 9 of
the Decree of the 10th March, 1892, and the Order of the 30tb April, 1901, respecting
fire-arms and 1 and 2 of the Penal Code.
Article 1 of the Decree of the 10th March, 1892 (B.C., 1892, p. 14), forbids the
importation, trade in, transport, and keeping of, any fire-arms whatever, or of powder,
bullets, or cartridges. Article 9 of the same Decree punishes every infraction of this
provision by a fine of 100 fr. to 1,000 fr. and by a term of penal servitude not
exceeding one year, or by one only of those penalties. The Order of the 30th April,
1901 (B.M., p. 86), attaches certain formalities to requests for the delivery of permits
to carry arms. Article 1 of the Penal Code (L. 11) defines homicide and wilful bodily
injury. Article 2 defines murder and punishes it by penal servitude for life.

No. 4.
Sir C. Phipps to the Marquess of Lansdowne.(Received May 16.)
My Lord,
Brussels, May 14, 1904.
M. DE C U V E L I E R handed to me this evening a Memorandum, of which I have
the honour to inclose copy, which has been drawn u p at the Congo Ministry in
rejoinder to the points raised in your Lordship's despatch of the 19th ultimo, on the
subject of the administration of the Congo.
I have, &c.

Inclosure in No. 4.
L A dpche de Lord Lansdowne du 19 Avril, 1904, dont copie a t remise par
Sou Excellence Sir Constantino Phipps au Gouvernement du Congo le 27 Avril suivant,
appelle quelque considrations.
Relativement l'apprciation contre laquelle s'lve cette dpche " t h a t the
interests of humanity have been used in this country as a pretext to conceal designs

for the abolition of the Congo State," l'on voudra bien se souvenir q u ' u n membre de
la Chambre des Communes dclarait qu'il prfrerait " voir la valle du Congo passer
une Puissance trangre," et que des pamphlets indiquaient comme " absolute and
immediate necessities," "Disruption of the Congo Eree State,'' " Partition of t h e
Congo Eree State among the Powers," et suggraient mme les bases d'un tel partage,
tandis que des organes de la presse Anglaise envisageaient soit l'alternative " advocated
by the more thorough-going critics of the present Administration, namely, t h e disruption of the Congo Eree State,'' soit l'alternative do " t h e partition of the Congo
territory among the Great Powers whose possessions in Africa border those of the
Congo State," ou dclaraient " w h a t Europe ought to do, under t h e leadership of
Great Britain, is summarily to sweep the Congo Eree State out of existence." La
Note de l'Etat du Congo du 17 Septembre a relev ces suggestions, dont nous
n'indiquons ici que la tendance et qui toutes avaient pour objet de spolier le RoiSouverain, de le dpossder de l'Etat qui tait sa cration personnellesuggestions qui
se concilient bien mal avec le respect du droit et des Traits, et avec les motifs d'ordre
purement humanitaire et philanthropique dont se disent exclusivement anims les
adversaires de l'tat dans la campagne passionne qu'ils mnent contre lui.
E n rponse a u x objections que le Gouvernement de Sa Majest lve contre la
communication du texte intgral du Rapport de Mr. Casement, le Gouvernement de
l'Etat du Congo fait remarquer qu'il a demand la communication de ce Rapport
complet en vue prcisment de le transmettre a u x autorits judiciaires et administratives comptentes, sans quoi cette communication serait sans objet. Le souci d'une
enqute impartiale et les droits de la dfense exigent imprieusement que les accuss
connaissent, d'une manire prcise et dans leurs dtails, les faits mis leur charge, et
l'apprhension que les personnes accuses pourraient, de par la connaissance qu'elles
auraient de ces dtails, influencer ou supprimer des tmoignages ne semble pas justifie
par ce seul fait que des indignes, qui, dans l'affaire Epondo, avaient fourni au Consul
des informations mensongres, ont vit par la suite de se reprsenter devant le Magistrat
enquteur ; la fuite de ces tmoins s'explique plus naturellement par le sentiment de la
faute grave qu'ils avaient commise en trompant sciemment le Consul Anglais. Si le
Gouvernement du Congo peut donner, et donne volontiers, l'assurance que tout acte ou
toute tentative de subornation de tmoins serait poursuivi, il n'est videmment pas
en son pouvoir de prjuger ou d'enrayer les mesures lgales que croiraient devoir
prendre, dans l'intrt de leur honneur ou de leur considration, des personnes qui se
trouveraient avoir t faussement accuses.
Le Gouvernement de l'Etat du Congo regrette que le Gouvernement de Sa Majest
Britannique n'estime pas devoir lui communiquer les autres Rapports Consulaires
antrieurs auxquels faisait allusion la dpche de Lord Lansdowne du 8 Aot, 1903.
Ainsi que le disaient les notes du 12 Mars dernier, ces rapports prsentaient l'intrt
d'avoir t crits une date laquelle de dbat actuel n'tait pas n.
U n e copie de ce Mmorandum sera adresse a u x Puissances auxquelles a t
transmise la copie de la dpche de Lord Lansdowne du 19 Avril dernier.
tat Indpendant du Congo, Bruxelles,
le 14 Mai, 1904.
L O R D L A N S D O W N E ' S despatch of the 19th April, 1904, a copy of which was
handed to the Congo Government on the 27th April by his Excellency Sir Constantine
Pbipps, calls for certain remarks.
W i t h regard to the opinion to which this despatch takes exception, " t h a t the
interests of humanity have been used in this country as a pretext to conceal designs
for the aholition of the Congo State," i t will be well to remember that a Member of
the House of Commons declared that he would prefer " to see the Valley of the Congo
pass into the hands of a foreign Power," and t h a t some pamphlets described the
"Disruption of the Congo Eree State," the " P a r t i t i o n of the Congo Eree State among
the Powers," as absolute and immediate necessities, and even went so far as to suggest
the bases of such a partition, while the organs of the English press contemplated one
of two alternatives, either that " advocated by the more thorough-going critics of the
present Administration, namely, the disruption of the Congo Eree State," or " the
partition of the Congo territory among the Great Powers whose possessions in Africa
border those of the Congo Eree State," or declared that " w h a t Europe ought to
do, under the leadership of Great Britain, is summarily to sweep the Congo Eree State

' 60

out of existence." The Congo State Note of the 17th September has called attention
to these suggestions, of which we merely point out the tenour in this instance, and
which all,aimed at despoiling the Sovereign King, and at dispossessing him of the
State which was his own creationsuggestions which are entirely incompatible with
respect for rights and Treaties, and with the motives of a purely humanitarian and
philanthropic nature by which the enemies of the State allege themselves to he
exclusively animated in the passionate campaign which they are conducting
against it.
In reply to the objections raised by His Majesty's Government against the communication of the entire text of Mr. Casement's Report, the Government of the Congo
State points out that it has asked for the complete Report precisely with a view to
transmitting it to the competent judicial and administrative authorities, without which
this communication would be purportless. The anxiety to obtain an impartial inquiry
and the rights of the defence render it an imperative necessity that the men accused
should be informed, in a precise and fully-detailed manner, of the acts laid to their
charge ; the fear that the persons accused might be able, by means of the knowledge
they would have of the details, to influence or suppress evidence, does not appear to be
justified by the mere fact that the natives, who, in the Epondo case, had given
mendacious information to the Consul, subsequently avoided presenting themselves
before the Magistrate presiding over the inquiry ; the flight of these witnesses is
explained more naturally by the fact that they were conscious of the grave fault they
had committed in wittingly deceiving the English Consul. If the Congo Government
be permitted to give an assurance, which it does willingly, that any case of suborning
witnesses, or any attempt to do so, would form the subject of a prosecution, it
is evidently not within its power to prejudice or quash such legal measures as persons
who might find themselves wrongfully accused might consider it necessary to take,
either in the interests of their honour or their dignity.
The Government of the Congo State regrets that His Majesty's Government does
not deem it necessary to communicate to it the other previous Consular Reports to
which Lord Lansdowne's despatch of the 8th August, 1903, alluded. As was stated
in the notes of the 12th March last, these reports possessed the interest of having been
written at a date anterior to the inception of the present discussion.
A copy of this Memorandum will be addressed to the Powers to whom copies of
Lord Lansdowne's despatch of the 19th April last was transmitted.
Congo Free State, Brussels,
May 14, 1904.
No. 5.
The Marquess of Lansdowne to Sir C. Phipps.

Foreign Office, June 6, 1904.

"WITH reference to my despatch of the 19th April, I transmit to you, for
communication to the Congo Government, a Memorandum on the remaining
points in the " Notes " handed to you on the 13th March which would appear to
His Majesty's Government to call for observation.
I request you, in presenting this Memorandum, to take the opportunity of
stating that His Majesty's Government much regret that, in M. de Cuvelier's
Memorandum of the 14th May, a more definite reply is not returned to the inquiries
which they deemed it necessary to make before considering whether they could
furnish the full text of Mr. Casement's Report. My despatch explained that the
names in the Report had been suppressed, not from any want of confidence in the
Central Government of the Congo State, but from apprehension that the information,
if made generally public, would place it in the power of persons charged with abuses
to procure the suppression or repudiation of evidence, or to punish those who had
given it. His Majesty's Government asked, therefore, whether the Congo Government would accept full responsibility for the use which would be made of the information, and would communicate the measures they were prepared to adopt and enforce
in order to protect the witnesses who gave evidence to Mr. Casement from the
possibility of exposure to acts of intimidation or retaliation. It was clearly incumbent
upon His Majesty's Government to provide as far as possible for the safety of those
at any rate whose statements to a British officer were made with no knowledge that

they would be cited by name as responsible for charges upon which public proceedings
would be based. They entertained therefore no doubt that the Congo Government
would appreciate their motives, and would willingly undertake, in furtherance of the
object which both Governments have in view, to meet, so far as lay in their power,
the requirements of the case. The Memorandum handed to you by M. de Cuvelier,
after dwelling upon the necessity of full information for the purpose of investigation,
merely declares that the Government of the Congo are ready to give an assurance
that proceedings will be taken against] all who attempt to suborn witnesses, but that
they cannot prejudice or prevent legal measures instituted in defence of their honour
or reputation by those who may have been falsely accused.
His Majesty's Government cannot accept as adequate or satisfactory an answer
which implies that the information which they are asked to supply will be accessible
to the very persons whose conduct has been impugned, before any measures have
been taken to shield the witnesses from the exercise of improper pressure. They have,
of course, never entertained the idea that the Congo Government would connive at
any such malpractice as the subornation of witnesses. They have not asked, and have
never intended to suggest, that legal remedies should be denied to those against whom
unfounded accusations have been publicly brought, nor do they desire that those, if any,
who have given such false evidence should be shielded from the proper legal
penalty for their offence. "What they require is that the Congo Government, in accordance with the recognized principles of civilized administration, will take every means
to secure that the witnesses, if their names should be divulged, will suffer no harm in
their property or persons from the unlawful violence of those to whose desire for
revenge they may be exposed. No argument can be entertained to the effect that acts
of violence are improbable or impossible under a system such as that revealed by the
Judgment pronounced by the Court of Appeal at Boma in the Caudron Case, and His
Majesty's Government earnestly trust that the Congo Government will recognize the
immense service that will be rendered both to the cause of humanity and to the credit
of their own officers by promoting unreservedly a full and public investigation by a
Tribunal of recognized competence and impartiality into the charges made against their
agents and against their system of administration.
There is another point to which His Majesty's Government must call attention.
The inquiry promised in the "Notes " is, no doubt, intended to be of a searching and
impartial character, and His Majesty's Government hoped that they would before now
have received some indication of the measures designed to carry out this intention.
In the peculiar circumstances which have arisen, strict impartiality will hardly be
attributed to an investigation conducted as in the Epondo case solely by the officers of
the State or by the agents of the Concessionary Companies, nor will the result carry
conviction to the degree which seems essential. The matter is one which must be left
to the decision of the Congo Government, and it is only because, in the judgment of His
Majesty's Government, the whole question at issue turns in a great measure upon the
position and character of those charged with the inquiry that they feel justified in
mentioning the point, and in suggesting that a Special Commission should be appointed,
composed of Members of well-established reputation, and in part, at least, of personsunconnected with the Congo State, to whom the fullest powers should be intrusted
both as regards the collection of evidence and the measures for the protection of
witnesses. Were a Commission of this character appointed His Majesty's Government
would be prepared to place at the disj>osal of the Members, for their own use and
guidance, all the information they possess respecting the position of affairs in the
Congo, and would give them every assistance, in the confident belief that an independent Commission such as they have suggested would elicit the truth, and effect
in a manner commanding general acceptance a settlement of the existing controversy.
You will read this despatch to M. de Cuvelier and give a copy of it to his
Excellency. Copies of the despatch and of the inclosed Memorandum will also be
forwarded to the Powers who were Parties to the Berlin Act.
I am, &c.

Inclosure in No. 5.
T H E first portion of the " N o t e s " refers to the desire expressed by the Congo
Government for the production of the previous Eeports of His Majesty's Consuls alluded
to in the Circular of His Majesty's Government of the 8th August last. This matter
has already been dealt with in the despatch addressed to Sir C. Phipps on the 19th of
The next point in the " Notes " is the statement made by Mr. Casement that the
population has decreased in certain districts ; doubt is expressed as to how, in the course
of his rapid visits, he was able to arrive at the figures which he gives, and attention is
drawn to alleged discrepancies in those figures. With regard to Mr. Casement's ability
to form an opinion on the subject, it is to be observed that the means at his disposal for
doing so were neither greater nor less than those of Mgr. van Eonsl, viz., personal
knowledge of what the population had been in former years and what it appeared to him
to be at the date of his last visit. The alleged discrepancy in his figures consists in
the fact that, having estimated the population of the entire community of the F line of
villages at 500, a few lines further on he estimates that of " the several villages whose
task it is to keep the wood post victualled " at 240. The explanation is to be found in
the fact that in the first instance Mr. Casement alluded to all the villages comprising the
Settlement, whereas in the second he referred only to the inhabitants of that portion of
the Settlement whose business it was to supply food for the neighbouring wood-cutting
The Congo Government admit that Mr. Casement attributes, equally with Mgr. van
Eonsl, a large share of the diminution of the population to the sleeping sickness,
but attach to another cause, viz., the facility with which the natives are able to migrate,
greater weight than appears to His Majesty's Government to be justifiable, since more
than one reference in the Consul's Eeport shows that the natives are not allowed to leave
their own districts.
On p. 4 of the " Notes " (p. 3, supra) the complaint is made that Mr. Casement's Eeport
contains, not exact, precise, and proved facts, but statements and declarations by
natives. It is difficult, however, to see how the facts dealt with can be proved without
hearing the statements and declarations of natives : the grounds of their complaints at
all events can be learnt exactly and precisely from them alone.
In the last paragraph of p. 4 (p. 3, supra) an attempt is made to show that because
during his journey into the interior of the Congo State, Mr. Casement was not the guest
of the authorities, and because during that journey he visited his countrymen, therefore
his presence must " inevitably " have been considered by the natives as antagonistic to
"established authority." Mr. Casement was, however, obviously at liberty to move
about his Consular district without previous consultation with the authorities, and he was
at special pains to impress on the people that he had no authority to set things right. It
is clear from his Eeport, as indeed is borne out by the " Notes," that he was careful
to refer the natives to the Government of the State. As a matter of fact, in many parts
of the country the natives did not know who he was, while it is equally certain that the
rumour of the " campagne mene contre l'tat du Congo " to which allusion is made as
having influenced the inhabitants could not possibly have reached them, since it is
difficult to imagine that a population who are represented as among the most savage
and backward of mankind, and dwelling in the heart of Africa, could be aware of
debates in a European assembly, or of the press comments made thereon.
Mr. Casement could not, as asserted, have appeared to all the natives of the Lulongo
Eiver in the character attributed to him, and this is shown in a letter the agent of the
Lulanga Company at Bokakata addressed to Mr. Ellery, of the Congo Balolo Mission at
Ikau, on the 28th, August.
Mr. Casement had found women hostages tied up and guarded by two sentries
of that Company who told him how it was these women came to be captured and
detained, in order to compel their husbands to bring in rubber.
This letter begins by stating that
" Avant-hier, disent les indignes, des missionnaires de la Congo Balolo Mission se sont
rendus Yvumi (Ifomi), o. ils ont t recueillir certaines rclamations aprs au pralable avoir
fait instiguer les habitants de ce village par le personnel du steamer."

The letter then seeks to show that the scene Mr. Casement had witnessed had- ho
foundation in fact, and ends with the request that Mr. Ellery should communicate its
contents " a u monsieur qui s'est rendu Yvumi. Je regrette, ne le connaissant pa3, de
ne pouvoir m'adresser lui."
I t is evident from this letter that neither the natives of the village referred to, the
sentries placed there, nor the European agent responsible for placing them there had
any knowledge of the rle of " redresseur des griefs " which is now attributed to
Mr. Casement.
This is the more significant, since Mr. Casement had passed Bokakata the day Before
this letter was written, on his way to Ikau, whither the Lulanga Company's steamer,
with the Director on board, followed on the 28th August in search of an unknown
traveller who the natives said was a missionary.
That Mr. Casement travelled independently of Government assistance was a perfectly
legitimate action on his part, and one calling for neither comment nor explanation. The
necessity for this, moreover, is made clear by that passage in his Eeport (p. 24) wherein
he points out the difficulty of getting suitable accommodation on the Government steamer
"Flandre," by which he had at first thought of quitting Leopold ville.
It may also be observed that it was only when he failed to find a French steamer
available at Brazzaville (which he visited in that hope on the 25th and 26th June) that
he decided to seek the loan of a,steamer belonging to an American Mission.
A visit to his countrymen was a correct proceeding on his part, and it was but
natural that he should be assisted by them. As their Consul, it was right he should
visit his compatriots dwelling in isolated stations amid savage surroundings ; and since
he was desirous of coming to an independent judgment on the conditions of native life, it
was much more natural that he should choose his own means of separate, independent
convej'ance than restrict himself to the not always convenient itinerary of Government
steamers or place himself under the guidance or conduct of local authorities, who, if abuses
did exist, were hardly likely to disclose them. His Majesty's Government can in no way
-accept the view that Mr. Casement necessarily fell under the influence of the missionaries,
neither can they think that the English Protestant missionaries are opposed, still less
necessarily antagonistic, to the Government of a friendly State in which they reside.
Mr. Casement moreover visited several American mission stations, and it is not the case,
as asserted in the " Notes," that it was only by English missionaries that he was assisted.
The steamer he travelled on was the property of the American Baptist Missionary Union,
lent to him by their Board ; the Mission station at which he spent the longest time is an
American station, and he had on several occasions Americans. with him as his guests on
board and during his visits to the natives.
The Congo Government endeavour to support their assertion that Mr. Casement's
attitude was one of antagonism to established authority by alleging as " characteristic "
the fact that while he was at Bonginda the natives collected on the banks of the river,
and as the agents of the Lulanga Company went by shouted out, " Votre violence
est finie ; elle s'en va ; les Anglais seuls restent ! Mourez vous autres ! "
Had the incident referred to occurred as recorded, it would indicate not so much
that the natives of the locality named were excited against " established authority," as
against the agents of a trading Company.
But the above is hardly a correct description of the occurrence, as the Congo
Government must admit, seeing that they have themselves placed on record a totally
different version of the incident.
On the 2nd December, 1903, the Secretary-General of the Congo State, in drawing
the attention of Dr. H. Grattan Guinness to the subject of this pretended " disorder,"
of the natives, described it in the following terms :
" On a vu dernirement, aprs le voyage du Consul Britannique dans la Lulanga, des
indignes en rapport avec la mission de la Congo Balolo Mission, tablie Bonginda, s'attrouper
au passage d'un agent de l'tat, en s'criant dans leur dialecte
" ' Votre violence est finie ; elle s'en va ; les Anglais seuls restent ! Mourez vous autres ! '
"Ces propos sditieux taient profrs en prsence de missionnaires de Bonginda." '

Without further enlargement upon so trivial an altercation as that which actually

occurred between the canoe boys of a passing trader and some natives of the neighbourhood, it 'is only necessary to call attention to the discrepancy which exists between
M. de Cuvelier's complaint of the 2nd December and the terms in which it is now
In the former communication the Secretary of the Congo'Government addressed

64 Congo Balolo Mission in terms of reproof upon a subject upon which he was
; obviously but imperfectly informed, since he asserted the incident to have occurred
; after Mr. Casement's departure from Bonginda, and the offensive words to have been
addressed to a Government official. Dr Guinness, however, explained to M. de Cuvehr
< that the incident occurred when Mr. Casement was present, that it had no significance, and
: that the canoe jeered., at by the natives contained, not a State Agent, but an agent of
...the Lulanga Company ; further, t h a t the words used were, in reality, not those imputed
but : " The rubber is finished ; the people refuse to work rubber." Yet in spite of
- this explanation, which seems amply sufficient, the " N o t e s " still maintain that the
, incident shows that Mr. Casement's attitude was incorrect.
? ........ The next subject discussed in the " N o t e s " is what has come to be known as the
Epondo Case.
' . This is dealt with at great length, and the explanation for so doing is afforded by a
' statement that His Majesty's Consul himself attributed a capital importance to it. The
. inference that it is intended to draw would seem to be that since the result of the investigations made by the local authorities, subsequent to Mr. Casement's departure, is said to
have demonstrated quite other facts than those he had too hastily assumed, the rest of
his Report need not be taken seriously.
; From a consideration of the Consul's Report, it will be seen that the case of this
boy Epondo is dealt with in one single paragraph of thirty-seven lines of print on p. 56
and is referred to- again in some few lines of p. 58, in all less than one page of a document
, of thirty-nine pages ; while in the Appendix of nearly twenty-three pages of print a
: copy of the notes taken by Mr. Casement in the case' at Bosunguma extends to less
than two pages. :
On the other hand, the Congo Government, in their reply, devote some six or seven
. pages of a document of eighteen pages in all to endeavouring to show that in the case
; of this one mutilated individual, the boy's hand had not been cut off by a sentry, but had
been bitten off by a wild boar ; and in the Appendix to the " Notes," which comprises
..nineteen pages of small print, more than ten pages are devoted to extracts from the
, proceedings in this one case.
,-..-... . Thus, of a document running to thirty-seven pages in all, almost one-half is
, assigned to a single incident which, in Mr. Casement's Report, had given occasion for
.some two and a quarter pages of remark and notes out of nearly sixty pages of printed
Far from having attributed capital importance to this incident, it is evident from
.the Eeport itself that it was but one of many cases calling for explanation brought to
Mr. Casement's notice during his journey, and that he himself by no means attributed
t o it undue weight.
To show how far he was from generalizing from this one incident, it is only necessary
t o cite a letter he addressed to the Governor-General on the 4th September when in trie
Eopori River, 150 miles away from Bosunguma (of the existence of which he did not
then know), written some days before the cases of mutilation on the Lower Lulongo
were bi'ought to his notice. I n thatletter, which dealt mainly with certain illegalities
h e h a d observed in the Abir territory at Bongandanga, he said:
" I am sure your Excellency would share my feelings of indignation had the ivnhappy
spectacles T have witnessed of late eome before your Excellency's own eyes.
" I cannot believe that the lull extent of the illegality of the system of arbitrary impositions,
followed by dire and illegal punishments, which is in force over so wide an area of the country I
have recently visited, is known to, or properly appreciated by, your Excellency or-the Central
Administration of the Congo State Government."
Also after recording some of the outrages practised upon women and children he
had witnessed in order to obtain food supplies, or compel the production of indiarubber, he said, in referring to one of these so-called trading factories :
'. .., .
" I must confess with pain and astonishment that, instead of visiting a trading or commercial establishment, I felt I was visiting a penal settlement."
A study of the case will show the successive steps by which the statement made on
in 7.of the " Notes " (p. ;5, supra) is reached :
"L'enqute montre Epondo, enfin accul, rtractant es premires affirmations au Consul/et
avouant avoir t influenc .par les gens de son village." .;; j \V. -, .-
The facts throw light on the motives which inspired, or the influences which cbrp-pelled, this retractation by the mutilated boy other than the " N o t e s " afford, and show

that a not unimportant part of the inquiry was conducted under, conditions, -whicfl ;
scarcely merit the description of an "enqute judiciaire dans les conditions normales-;
en-dehors de toute influence trangre," as, on p. 6 of the " N o t e s " (p. 4, supra), it is said t
to have been..
A noteworthy illustration of the method adopted to arrive at an impartial finding in ;
this case will be found to consist in the fact that an inquiry into grave charges preferred'
against an agent of the Lulanga Company was conducted in part through agents of that ;
Society-itself primarily involved; that the Substitut du Procureur d'tat visited the.;
district as the guest of that Company, putting up at its stations and travelling on its .
steamer in company with its agents, and that the "retractation" of Epondo only took
place when the boy had been removed to the head-quarters of that Company, on, the. ;
steamer of that Company, surrounded, not by friends, but by the agents of the. very ;
Company7 which had an obvious interest in securing a withdrawal of the charge.
. , ,, %,
Had the "retractation" of Epondo, first made at Mampoko, the head-quarters of
the Lulanga Company, on the 8th October (see p. 31, " N o t e s " ) (p. 35, supva), been. .
sincere and quite uninfluenced by the environment to which he found himself removed
at Bonginda, its sincerity would best have been demonstrated by its being repeated;
before Mr. Armstrong at Bonginda, whence the boy had just been removed.
: . ;.Mr. Armstrong had cognizance of the case from the first. Bonginda lies only some, -,
8 miles from Mampoko, and it would have been but just to Mr. Armstrong, as well,"
as much more convincing, if, when the boy altered his statement, he had been taken
back to where only the day "before (see p. 29, " Notes ") (p. 33, supra) he had reiterated
hi the presence of Mr. Armstrong the original charge against Kelengo.

i. Instead of adopting this simple course, however, the boy,.having been b r o u g h t ' t o ' '
"retract," was carried off to Coquilhatvillefully 80 miles away7and a week later a.^
declaration is required from Mr. Faris, a missionary, whose residence was situated far
from the scene of the occurrences, who had no knowledge of the boy's antecedents, or any
means of testing his statement by cross-examination or otherwise.
A retractation by a lad of some 15 years of age brought about at Mampoko under
influences not unfavourable to the accused sentry cannot be held as satisfactory. That .
the authorities at Coquilhatville did not themselves consider it convincing is clear from
their action in calling upon Mr. Faris to furnish an extraneous support to the decision
arrived at by their own magisterial inquiry7 at Mampoko.
Epondo's " retractation " was made - on the 8th October at Mampoko, and onestatement in it, as given on p. 31 of the " Notes," (p. 35, supra) throws doubt on much of
the rest.

Question fby the Substitut) : " Depuis combien de temps cet accident vous est-il arriv ?"*
Answer (Epondo) : " Je ne me rappelle pas : c'est depuis longtemps."

When Mr: Casement visited Bosunguma on the 7th September the boy's mutilated
stump had evident signs of not being then completely healed : blood showed still in two
places, over which the skin had not entirely formed, and it was wrapped up in a cloth.
The " N o t e s " (p. 9) (p. 7, supra) allude to the attitude of the missionaries in the
following words :
" Et le fait n'est pas non plus sans importance, si l'on veut exactement se rendre compte de-l valeur des tmoignages, de la prsence aux cts de Mr. Casement, qui interrogeait les indignes
de deux missionnaires Protestants Anglais de la rgion, prsence qui, elle seule, a du
ncessairement orienter les dpositions."
If it is permissible to cast this reflection upon the attitude towards the Government,
of the missionaries of the district, it is certainly relevant to point out that the presence
beside Lieutenant Braeckman (who conducted tire preliminary7 inquiry) and the Substitutdti Procureur d'Etat of the agents of the Company having a deep .interest in the charge
against its employA, and the part those agents were permitted to take in the inquiry,' 1
must have vitally affected the testimony of the witnesses who. deposed at Mampoko
that the charge against the Lulanga sentry was inspired solely by a desire on the p a r t '
of- the natives to escape their rubber dealings with that firm.
It appears that there were two inquiries : the first conducted by Lieutenant.
Braeckman, at which the original witnesses against the sentry and others reaffirmed
their accusation that it was he who had mutilated Epondo. At the second inquiry7,;
conducted by the Substitut, which took place some fortnight later, none of the originaL
witnesses against Kelengo appeared (see " Ordonnance de Non-Liem" p. 8, " Notes ") (p. 6,
sugra) ; but a number of personssome of them servants of the Lulanga Companymade
statements, contradictory in manv respects, but agreeing with much unanimity that a wild
" fo'28]
K 2 -'

boar which no one of them had seen, at a date no one could assign, in an indeterminate:
locality, had eaten off the hand of this lad of 14 or 15 years of age, who, according to the
first deposition cited (that of Efundu, on the 28th September, at Coquilhatville p 24
Annexe 111) (p. 29, supra), had attempted to catch the wounded and infuriated creature
by the ears !
It is obvious that the " conclusions poses " as the result of his inquiry by Lieutenant
Braeckman (see " Ordonnance de Non-Lieu " of the 9th October, p. 8 of "Notes ") must
m part, have rested on evidence of natives he had interrogated at Bosuno-uma in'
Mr. Armstrong s presence, on the 14th September.
In this Ordonnance " we find, however, that while the " conclusions " of Lieutenant
Braeckman are accepted, the evidence on which those " conclusions," in some part must
have rested is rejected on the ground that the witnesses took flight, and did not rennear
at the second inquiry.
If the ('conclusions " are accepted, the evidence on which they are founded should
be also -admissible.
, There is moreover, open contradiction if one turns to the evidence of the " Chief
Boioko,_of Ikundja," cited on p. 30 of Annexe I I I in the " N o t e s " (p. 34, supra)
This deponent appeared before the Substitut at Mampoko on the 8th October and
m the course of his interrogatory it is asserted that he was one of those who'had
originally testified against Kelengo before the British Consul.
Question (by Substitut) : Pourquoi vous-mme avez-vous dclar au Consul Anglais avoir x u
P a i t e n e 1<3 S a n g
' ' '
0 U l a i t ' e t l e S h a b i t a n t s d u v i i l a S e 9 u i couraient dans toutes les
Answer (Bofoko) : Je n'ai pas parl avec les Anglais. Je ne les ai pas mme vus. Quand
ils sont arrives Bosunguma, je n'tais pas l."
Substitutr "Vous mentez, parce que le Consul Anglais dclare avoir parl avec vous "
: Answer (Bofoko) : " Oui, c'est vrai. J'y tais. J'ai dit comme les autres," &c.
record h

I T> ^ P ^ this
J bimself on the 8th October of the procs-verbal of the evidence
ol Bofoko, the Substitut, on the following day, draws up his " Ordonnance de Non-Lieu "
wherein, m the third paragraph, he states that
Attendu que tous les indignes qui ont accus Kelengo, soit au Consul de Sa Majest Britannique
soit au Lieutenant Braeckman, convoqus par nous, Substitut, ont pris la fuite, et tous les efforts
faits pour les retrouver nont abouti aucun rsultat: que cette fuite discrdite videmment leurs
amrmations (p. o ot JNotes ).
n view of a discrepancy of this kind, it is, perhaps, needless further to investigate
the character of the evidence upon which a sustained effort is made to discredit
Mr. Casement s testimony.
J It may be observed tbat the natives cited by the Congo Government concurred in
'describing the accusation against the Lulanga Company's sentry as prompted by the
wish of the natives to escape from their rubber dealings with that Company.
B n e ^ m d - e a n r S a t e b u t t h o S e o f c o m m e r c e , as has been repeatedly asserted (e.g.,
Bulletin Officiel, June 1903), there would not appear to be any sufficient pretext for
the accusation these natives are said to have brought against that Company's sentry
, We find it stated that the "libert du commerce" the men of Bosmmuma enioved;
.presented itself to them in the following guise :
Pour ne pas faire de caoutchouc : Kelengo est sentinelle du caoutchouc. (Efundu, the 28th
(September, 1903, p. 24.)
D. r"> U1; J ' W e n , t e r d u l e s ind ignes se plaindre qu'ils travaillent beaucoup pour rien- que les
Chefs s emparaient des mitakos que les blancs payaient pour la rcolte du caoutchouc ; enfin,
quils mouraient de faim Ils ajoutaient qu'ils avaient rclam plusieurs fois inutilement," &c
(Mongombe, the 28th September, 1903, p. 25.)
" Parce qu'ils taient fatigus de faire du caoutchouc, qui n'tait plus dans leur fort. Us ont
cru quavec 1 intervention des Anglais ils pourraient se soustraire un travail trs dur, &c. . . .
ils ont parle avec les habitants, qui se plaignaient de ce qu'ils devaient travailler beaucoup. Us
disaient que le caoutchouc n tait plus dans leur fort, qu'ils voulaient faire un travail moins dur,M
&c. (Liboso, the 6th October, 1903, p. 27, " Notes.")
" Parce qu'ils trouvent que le travail du caoutchouc est trop dur, et ont cru de pouvoir s'en
h? n V u P U L f m o ire tB e n ,? c c u P e r i l s sont alls leur conter des mensonges."
8th October, 1903, p. 30, " Notes.")
; (If, as the Congo " N o t e s " assert on p. 6 (p. 5, supra), these " dpositions sont typiques,
rmnormes, et concordantes, elles ne laissent aucun doute sur la cause de l'accident,
attestent que les indignes ont menti au Consul, et rvlent le mobile auquel ils ont obi "

they unquestionably leave no doubt that the relations of the Lulanga Company to the
natives of the surrounding country were not those of a trading Company engaged in
exclusively commercial dealings, but of an organization compelling, with the approval
and support of the Executive, a widespread system for which no legal authority exists.
Whatever may have been the truth of the charge against the sentry, the very
evidence cited to disprove it attests that the natives spoke truly as to their abject condition, and shows that in a region repeatedly visited by Government officials, traversed
weekly by Government steamers, lying close to the head-quarters of the Executive of the
district, the trading operations of a private Company depended for their profits upon the
" obligation de l'impt."
The appended Table of exports and imports of the Congo State, taken from the
"Bulletin Officiel" for April 1903 (No. 4), will suffice to indicate the larger aspect of the
situation of the native producer :
Exports from
Congo State.









Imports to
Congo State.

The exports of native produce (" le ngoce des autres produits indignes "
" Bulletin Officiel," April 1903, p . 65), it is seen, have enormously increased. They
have considerably more than trebled in the six years from 1897 to 1902.
During the same period the imports into the Congo Statea small portion of which
are trade goods for the purchase of produce or the remuneration of the producers
remained not merely stationary, but even decreased by 4,000,000 fr. during the
last year.
These figures, as they stand, are remarkable.
Their significance is increased when
it is borne in mind that the population of the regions exporting this great increase of
native produce has enormously decreased during the same period. That decrease is
admitted by the authorities. (" Du reste, il n'est malheureusement que trop exact
que la diminution de la population a t constate " " Notes," p. 2) (p. 2, supra). W e
thus find that a diminishing population,* a diminishing market-value of the article produced and a diminishing means of purchase have been accompanied during a period of
only six years by a more tban trebled production.
I t may be permitted to doubt whether this state of affairs is adequately explained
anywhere in the Congo Government " Notes."
It is not met by the statement on p. 14 (p. 9, supra) of this document :
" Qu'il s'est agi de faire contracter l'habitude de travail des indignes qui y ont t
rfractaires de tout temps.
" Et si cette ide du travail peut tre plus aisment inculque aux natifs sous la forme de
transactions commerciales entre eux et des particuliers, faut-il ncessairement condamner ce
mode d'action ?" &c.
On the same page of the " N o t e s " (14) it is sought to institute a comparison
between the system of taxation in force on the Congo and that in operation in North
and Eastern Bhodesia, and the conclusion is drawn that, since the latter is justified in
a British Colonial administration, no exception can be taken to the former.
I t is only necessary to point out that in North and Eastern Bhodesia, or in any
other British Colony where direct taxation of the natives exists by law, the tax collector
is a Government officer responsible for the sums levied to a central authority, not a
trading agent having a direct personal interest in the amount of the " obligation de
The native under the British system knows the fixed amount of his obligation,
and, once discharged from it, he is free to seek, where he will, labour or leisure. The
* See Circular of Governor-General of 29th March, 1901, printed as an Appendix to Mr. Casement's
Beport in " Africa No. 1 (1904)," p. 81.

boar which no one of them had seen, at a date no one could assign, in an indeterminate
locality, had eaten off the hand of this lad of 14 or 15 years of age, who, according to t h !
first deposition cited (that of Efundu, on the 28th September, at Coquilhatville p 24
Annexe 111) (p. 29, supra), had attempted to catch the wounded and infuriated creature
by the ears !
"u te It is obvious that the " conclusions poses " as the result of his inquiry by Lieutenant
Braeckman (see " Ordonnance de Non-Lieu " of the 9th October, p. 8 of "Notes ") must
m part, have rested on evidence of natives he had interrogated at Bosuno- u m a in
Mr. Armstrong's presence, on the 14th September.

In this Ordonnance " we find, however, that while the " conclusions " of Lieutenant
Braeckman are accepted, the evidence on which those " conclusions," in some part must
have rested is rejected on the ground that the witnesses took flight, and did not repnear
r F
at the second inquiry.
If the conclusions " are accepted, the evidence on which thev are founded should
be also Admissible.
, There is, moreover, open contradiction if one turns to the evidence of the " Chief
Bofoko, of Ikundja," cited on p. 30 of Annexe I I I in the " Notes " (p. 34, supra).
This deponent appeared before the Substitut at Mampoko on the 8th October and
in the course of his interrogatory it is asserted that he was one of those who'had
originally testified against Kelengo before the British Consul.
Question (by Substitut) : "Pourquoi vous-mme avez-vous dclar au Consul Anglais avoir MI
la main coupe par terre, le sang coulait, et les habitants du village qui couraient dans tontes les
directions r
. Answer (Bofoko) : Je n'ai pas parl avec les Anglais. Je ne les ai pas mme vus. Quand
ils sont arrives a Bosunguma, je n'tais pas l."
Substitut:_ Vous mentez, parce que le Consul Anglais dclare avoir parl avec vous "
Answer (Bofoko) : Oui, c'est vrai. J'y tais. J'ai dit comme les autres," &c.
" Despite this record by himself on the 8th October of the procs-verbal of the evidence
of Bofoko, the Substitut, on the following day, draws up his " Ordonnance de Non-Lieu "
wherein, in the third paragraph, he states that
"Attendu que tous les indignes qui ont accus Kelengo, soit au Consul de Sa Majest Britannique
sort au Lieutenant Braeckman, convoqus par nous, Substitut, ont pris la fuite, et tous les efforts
faits pour les retrouver n'ont abouti aucun rsultat: que cette fuite discrdite videmment leurs
affirmations (p. 8 of " Notes ).
In view of a discrepancy of this kind, it is, perhaps, needless further to investigate
the character of the evidence upon which a sustained effort is made to discredit
Mr. Casement's testimony.
I f may be observed that the natives cited by the Congo Government concurred in
describing the accusation against the Lulanga Company's sentry as promoted by the
wish of the natives to escape from their rubber dealings with that Company ^
If these dealings are but those of commerce, as has been repeatedly asserted (<? a.,
' "Bulletin Officiel,'' June 1903), there would not appear to be any sufficient pretext for
the accusation these natives are said to have brought against that Company's sentry.
, We find it stated that the "libert du commerce" the men of Bosuimuma
.presented itself to them in the following guise
" Pour ne pas faire de caoutchouc Kelengo est sentinelle du caoutchouc. (Efundu, the 28th
^September, 1903, p. 24.)
. "Oui; j'ai entendu les indignes se plaindre qu'ils travaillent beaucoup pour rien- que les
Chefs s emparaient des mitakos que les blancs payaient pour la rcolte du caoutchouc : enfin,
qnils mouraient de faim. Ils ajoutaient qu'ils avaient rclam plusieurs fois inutilement," &o.
(Mongombe, the 28th September, 1903, p. 25.)
" P a i ' c e fffiffis taient fatigus de faire du caoutchouc, qui n'tait plus dans leur fort. Ils ont
cru qu avec 1 intervention des Anglais ils pourraient se soustraire un travail trs dur &c. . . .
Ils Cut parle avec les habitants, qui se plaignaient de ce qu'ils devaient travailler beaucoup. Us
disaient que le caoutchouc n'tait plus dans leur fort, qu'ils voulaient faire un travail moins dur,"
&c. (Liboso, the 6th October, 1903, p. 27, " Notes.")
ri A " P6a r C e oq uu 71eSs t r o u v e n t 9 u e l e travail du caoutchouc est trop dur, et ont cru de pouvoir s'en
oftLttx ,* P f J mduire s'en occuper ils sont alls leur conter des mensonges." (Bofoko, the
8th October, 1903, p. 30, " Notes.")
; "If, as the Congo Notes " assert on p. 6 (p. 5, supra), these " dpositions sont typiques,
rmiiormes, et concordantes, elles ne laissent aucun doute sur la cause de l'accident,
attestent que les indignes ont menti au Consul, et rvlent le mobile auquel ils ont obi "

they unquestionably leave no doubt that the relations of the Lulanga Company to the
natives of the surrounding country were not those of a trading Company engaged in
exclusively commercial dealings, but of an organization compelling, with the approval
and support of the Executive, a widespread system for which no legal authority exists.
Whatever may have been the truth of the charge against the sentry, the very
evidence cited to disprove it attests that the natives spoke truly as to their abject condition, and shows that in a region repeatedly visited by Government officials, traversed
weekly by Government steamers, lying close to the head-quarters of the Executive of the
district, the trading operations of a private Company depended for their profits upon the
0 obligation de l'impt."
The appended Table of exports and imports of the Congo State, taken from the
"Bulletin Officiel" for April 1903 (No. 4), will suffice to indicate the larger aspect of the
situation of the native producer :
Exports from
Congo State.



# ,








Imports to
Congo State.

The exports of native produce (" le ngoce des autres produits indignes "
"Bulletin Officiel," April 1903, p. 65), it is seen, have enormously increased. They
have considerably more than trebled in the six years from 1897 to 1902.
During the same period the imports into the Congo Statea small portion of which
are trade goods for the purchase of produce or the remuneration of the producers
remained not merely stationary, but even decreased by 4,000,000 fr. during the
last year.
These figures, as they stand, are remarkable.
Their significance is increased when
it is borne in mind that the population of the regions exporting this great increase of
native produce has enormously decreased during the same period. That decrease is
admitted by the authorities. (" Du reste, il n'est malheureusement que trop exact
que la diminution de la population a t constate " " Notes," p. 2) (p. 2, supra). We
thus find that a diminishing population,* a diminishing market-value of the article produced and a diminishing means of purchase have been accompanied during a period of
only six years by a more than trebled production.
It may be permitted to doubt whether this state of affairs is adequately explained
anywhere in the Congo Government " Notes."
It is not met by the statement on p. 14 (p. 9, supra) of this document :
" Qu'il s'est agi de faire contracter l'habitude de travail des indignes qui y ont t
rfractaires de tout temps.
" Et si cette ide du travail peut tre plus aisment inculque aux natifs sous la forme de
transactions commerciales entre eux et des particuliers, faut-il ncessairement condamner ce
mode d'action ? " &c.
On the same page of the " Notes " (14) it is sought to institute a comparison
between the system of taxation in force on the Congo and that in operation in North
and Eastern Bhodesia, and the conclusion is drawn that, since the latter is justified in
a British Colonial administration, no exception can be taken to the former.
I t is only necessary to point out that in North and Eastern Ehodesia, or in any
other British Colony where direct taxation of the natives exists by law, the tax collector
is a Government officer responsible for the sums levied to a central authority, not a
trading agent having a direct personal interest in the amount of the " obligation de
The native under the British system knows the fixed amount of his obligation,
and, once discharged from it, he is free to seek, where he will, labour or leisure. The
* See Circular of Governor-General of 29th March, 1901, printed as an Append'x to Mr. Casement's
Eeport in " Africa No. 1 (1904)," p. 81.


Congo taxpayer with an ever-present, perpetually-recurring, .weekly or fortnightly!
imposition to make good, may not. even leave his village, save as a fugitive, and is a
close bondsman to these-endless tasks.
With regard to the arming of the sentries or " forest guards " i n the employ ofthe trading Companies on the Upper Congo,'the " N o t e s " throw doubt on the estimate
Mr. Casement formed of the . number of these guns, and the use to which they are
put, and it cites Circulars of the Govern or-General of the Congo State, dating from the
12th March, 1897, to the 30th April, 1901, as evidence that the Executive authority"
had been careful to guard against a possible misuse of the arms.
: But the issue of successive Circulars, which, by their own terms, show clearly that'
the law had been ignored or evaded, cannot be claimed as an effective fulfilment of a
weighty obligation of the Executive.
It must further be borne in mind that the Congo Executive were themselves'!
the direct agency for placing all the arms these Circulars refer to in the hands of those
who are there shown to have ignored the; law.
Every gun misused on the Upper Congo, with its accompanying ammunition, was
carried to its "destination by the-vessels of the Government flotilla, which charged
a considerable sum for their transport.
They were housed in Government stores
en route, for which a charge of "magasinage" is levied, and weie distributed to the
"factories" from Government steamers by Government % Agents, who, having made a
profit from their agency in. the matter, subsequently issued circular instructions to those
into whose hands they knowingly gave the weapons.
" L e s capitas qui, dans le Haut-Congo, parcourent le pays pour compte de commerants, et.
qui sont pourvus d'un fusil, doivent galement tre munis d'un permis de port d'armes."
(Circular of the 12th March, 1897. Annexe V. " Notes," p. 34.)
" On a voulu y voir l'attribution aux Directeurs de ces Socits, et mme des agents
subalternes, du droit de diriger des oprations militaires offensives, ' de faire la guerre ' aux,
populations indignes; d'autres, sans mme s'inquiter d'examiner quelles pourraient tre les
limites de ce droit de police, se sont servis de moyens que cette dlgation avait mis entre leurs
mains, pour commettre les abus les plus graves.
" L e s armes perfectionnes que les Socits possderaient dans leurs diverses factoreries'ou tablissements, et qui doivent faire l'objet comme les armes d'autres Socits n'ayant pas
le droit de police, d'un permis Modle B, ne peuvent en aucun cas sortir des tablissements
pour lesquels elles ont t dlivres. Quant aux fusils piston, ils ne peuvent tre mis en
dehors des factoreries qu'entre les mains des capitas et condition que ceux-ci aient un permis
suivant Modle G."
-; '
(Circular of the 20th October, 1900; see p. 78, Mr. Casement's Report.)

If the native sentries or capitas of these factories ranged the country with unlicensed,
arms, if these "Commercial" Companies made war on the natives, it was the Congo
Government which carried those arms to their destinations and placed them in the
hands of those who used them illegally.
, ."Nonobstant les prcautions incessantes, le Consul a constat que plusieurs capitas n'taient
pas porteurs de permis."
' .( " N o t e s " of the Congo Government, the 12th March, 1904.)

The law prescribes clearly that no weapon can be issued for individual use save
on the authority and personal licence of the Government.
That this law can be effectively observed was evidenced in Mr. Casement's own.
case. - A Winchester rifle for his use arrived oil the Congo while he was in the interior.
It could not be dispatched to him from Borna to Stanley Pool (where he found it on
coming down river) until a licence had been granted. This rifle was branded and
numbered according to law and the tax of 20 fr, levied.
A law thus rightly^- obligatory in the case of a foreign official, who could not
be suspected of misuse of the weapon he had imported, should haye had at least as
stringent application to the capitas,, and forest guards and sentries of the numerous
Companies, which are shown by the Government Circulars quoted to - have been
recognized for 3-ears as seeking to evade the law.
That the Congo Government have intimate cognizance of the exact number of guns
in use by the commercial Companies on the Upper Congo is evident, since every case of
rifles and " ballot de'fusils " imported into the,Congo. State has to enter the custom-house
of Boma or Matadi, where it can only be withdrawn by authority.


Its subsequent transport to the interior is effected often by direct Government

carriage, and always under Government control and supervision.
The Government of the Congo State, in concluding these preliminary " Notes " on
Mr. Casement's Report, formulate a complaint as to the manner in which he proceeded
in investigating native statements brought to his notice.
This complaint has application to the one case of the boy Epondo, and to that
case alone.
In no other instance did he attempt to interrogate, " comme par voie d'autorit,"
any of the many natives whose homes he visited during his journey. In that one case
it ma}'' be urged that, however unusual were the proceedings, it wras clearly his duty
not to turn a deaf ear to the appeal the people of Bosunguma addressed to him.
Whether they spoke truly or falsely in accusing the sentry of the act of mutilation,
he had no option but to seek to arrive at the truth if he wished his intervention with
the local authorities to have any effect.

Had he contented himself with merely listening to and reporting the accusation the
natives of Bosunguma brought to him at Bonginria, the officials at Coquilhatville would
have said he had formulated a grave charge) against an individual on mere native report,
. without having taken the trouble to satisfy himself of its truth.
He could not, clearly, leave the mutilated boy in the town, where his assailant was
represented as terrorizing the inhabitants.
It was his obvious duty to go to the spot, to see with his own eyes what truth lay
in the report brought to him at Bonginda. ..
Once in Bosunguma, the only way to arrive at anything like the truth was to see
the accusers and the accused face to face and to hear what each said.
He distinctly disclaimed any right of intervention or power to help ; but if he was
going to report the charge made against the sentry, and to ask for investigation,
it was clearh/ necessary that he should first find out whether there was good ground for
addressing the local authorities.
n .
With regard to the question of mutilation, His Majesty's Government note with
interest that the Congo Government are aware that Mr. Casement is not alone in his
opinion that such atrocities occur ( 5, p. 5, of "Notes ") ( 5, p. 4, supra).
The accusation as to " forced labour on the roads and restrictions which practically
amount to slavery in Eiji " are due to an imperfect understanding of the communal
system under which land is held there.
Individual land ownership does not exist, and the members of each commune have
to perform their share of the necessary work, whatever it may be.
There is also the custom of " lala," under which the local Chiefs are entitled to exact
a certain number of days' work from their commoners for the purpose of planting their
gardens, building their houses, &c.
The Chiefs are bound to feed the workers so employed, and it is nothing more than a
contribution towards their maintenance, paid by the commoners in work instead of taxes.
Instances have, no doubt, occurred in which these rights have been abused, but
every effort is made to prevent them.
The whole system has been in force for centuries, and when His Majesty's Government took over the islands it was thought expedient to continue it. I t is understood
by the natives, and is eminently suited to the needs of a primitive and half savage race.
The allegation as to the flogging of natives is, doubtless, an allusion to a case
which occurred in 1902, of which the facts are briefly as follows :
A native was arrested for two cases of indecent assault upon European women..
He was tried according to native custom by the Commissioner and Chiefs of the island
to which he belonged, having first been given his choice of being tried in this way or
being referred to the Supreme Court. He pleaded guilty to one assault, and there
was strong evidence against him in the other case. He was, accordingly, sentenced
to be flogged.
Although for various reasons this summary procedure was advantageous, the case
should properly have been referred to the Supreme Court. The Commissioner was,
therefore, severely censured for his action.
The statement that the natives are constantly subject to imprisonment for frivolous
causes is not borne out by any evidence in the possession of His Majesty's Government.


No. 14 (1903).














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Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty.

October 1903.


And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from




[Cd. 1809.]

Price Id.

:-,-- ...

.. ... ..-

Despatch to certain of His Majesty's Representatives abroad in

regard to alleged Cases of Ill-treatment of Natives and to
the Existence of Trade Monopolies in the Independent State
of the Congo.

. . .

1 ..


The Marquess of Lansdowne to His Majesty's Representatives at Paris, Berlin, Rome,

St. Petersburgh, Vienna, Madrid, Constantinople, Brussels, Lisbon, the Hague,
Copenhagen, and Stockholm.

r. :




Foreign Office, August 8, 1903.

T H E attention of His Majesty's Government has during recent years been repeatedly
called to alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and to the existence of trade monopolies in the Independent State of the Congo. Eepresentations to this effect are to be
found in Memorials from philanthropic Societies, in communications from commercial
bodies, in the public press, and in despatches from His Majesty's Consuls.
The same matters formed the subject of a debate in the House of Commons on t h e
20th ultimo, when the House passed the Resolution, a copy of which is inclosed.
In the course of the debate, the official record of which is also inclosed, it was
alleged that the object of the Administration was not so much the care and government of the natives as the collection of revenue ; that this object was pursued by means
of a system of forced labour, differing only in name from slavery ; that the demands upon
each village were exacted with a strictness which constantly degenerated into great
cruelty, and that the men composing the armed force of the State were in many
cases recruited from the most warlike and savage tribes, who not infrequently terrorized
over their own officers and maltreated the natives without regard to discipline or fear of
As regards the ill-treatment of natives, a distinction may he drawn between isolated
acts of cruelty committed by individuals, whether in the service of the State or not,
and a system of administration involving and accompanied by systematic cruelty or
The fact that many individual instances of cruelty have taken place in the Congo
State is proved beyond possibility of contradiction by the occurrence of cases in which
white officials have been convicted of outrages on natives. These white officials must,
however, in view of the vast extent of the territory under their administration, in most
cases be of necessity isolated the one from the other, with the result that detraction
becomes additionally difficult. It is therefore not unfair to assume that the number
of convictions falls considerably short of the number of actual offences committed.
It is, however, with regard to the system of administration that the most serious
allegations are brought against the Independent State.
I t is reported that no efforts are made to fit the native by training for industrial
pursuits ; that the method of obtaining men for labour or for military service is often
but little different from that formerly employed to obtain slaves ; and that force is now
as much required to take the native to the place of service as it used to be to convey
the captured slave. It is also reported that constant compulsion has to be exercised in
order to exact the collection of the amount of forest produce allotted to each village as
the equivalent of the number of days' labour due from the inhabitants, and that this
compulsion is often exercised by irresponsible native soldiers uncontrolled by any
European officer.
His Majesty's Government do not know precisely to what extent these accusations
may be true ; but they have been so repeatedly made, and have received such wide
credence, that it is no longer possible to ignore them, and the question has now arisen
whether the Congo State can he considered to have fulfilled the special pledges, given
under the Berlin Act, to watch over the preservation of the native tribes, and to care
for their moral and material advancement.

The graver charges against the State relate almost exclusively to the upper valleys
of the Congo and of its affluents. The lands forming these vast territories are held either
by the State itself or by Companies closely connected with the State, under a system
which, whatever its object, has effectually kept out the independent trader, as opposed to
t h e owner or to the occupier of the soil, and has consequently made it difficult to obtain
independent testimony.
His Majesty's Government have further laboured under the disadvantage that British
interests have not justified the maintenance of a large Consular staff in the Congo territories. I t is true that in 1901 His Majesty's Government decided to appoint a Consul of
..wide African experience to reside permanently in the State, but his time has been
principally occupied in the investigation of complaints preferred by British subjects
and he has as yet been unable to travel into the interior and to acquire, by personal
inspection, knowledge of the condition of the enormous territory forming his district.
His reports on the cases of British subjects, which have formed the basis of
representations to the Government of the Independent State, afford, however, examples
of grave maladministration and ill-treatment. These cases do not concern natives of the
Congo State, and are therefore in themselves alien to the subject of this despatch ; but
as they occurred in the immediate vicinity of Borna, the seat of the central staff, and
in regard to British subjects, most of whom were under formal engagements, they
undoubtedly lead to the belief that the natives, who have no one in the position of a
Consul to whom they can appeal and have no formal engagements, receive even less
consideration at the hands of the officers of the Government.
Moreover, information which has reached His Majesty's Government from British
officers in territory adjacent to that of the State tends to show that, notwithstanding
the obligations accepted under Article VI of the Berlin Act, no attempt at any administration of the natives is made, and that the officers of the Government do not
apparently concern themselves with such work, but devote all their energy to the
collection of revenue. The natives are left entirely to themselves, so far as any assistance in their government or in their affairs is concerned. The Congo stations are
shunned, the only natives seen being soldiers, prisoners, and men who are brought in to
work. The neighbourhood of stations which are known to have been populous a few
years ago is now uninhabited, and emigration on a large scale takes place to the territory of neighbouring States, the natives usually averring that they are driven away from
their homes by the tyranny and exaction of the soldiers.
The sentiments which undoubtedly animated tne founders of the Congo State
and the Bepresentatives of the Powers at Berlin were such as to deserve the cordial
sympathy of the British Government, who have been loath to believe either that the
beneficent intentions with which the Congo State was constituted, and of which it
gave so solemn a pledge at Berlin, have in any way been abandoned, or that every
effort has not been made to realize them.
But the fact remains that there is a feeling of grave suspicion, widely prevalent
among the people of this country, in regard to the condition of affairs in the Congo State,
and there is a deep conviction that the many charges brought against the State's
administration must be founded on a basis of truth.
In these circumstances, His Majesty's Government are of opinion that it is
incumbent upon the Powers parties to the Berlin Act to confer together and to consider
whether the obligations undertaken by the Congo State in regard to the natives have
been fulfilled; and, if not, whether the Signatory Powers are not bound to make such
representations as may secure the due observance of the provisions contained in the
As indicated at the beginning of this despatch, His Majesty's Government also
wish to bring to the notice of the Powers the question which has arisen in regard
to rights of trade in the basin of the Congo.
Article I of the Berlin Act provides that the trade of all nations shall enjoy
complete freedom in the basin of the Congo ; and Article V provides that no Power
which exercises sovereign rights in the basin shall be allowed to grant therein a
monopoly or iavour of any kind in matters of trade.
In the opinion of His Majesty's Government, the system of trade now existing
in the Independent State of the Congo is not in harmony with these provisions.
With the exception of a relatively small area on the lower Congo, and with the
further exception of the small plots actually occupied by the huts and cultivation
patches of the natives, the whole territory is claimed as the private property either of
the State or of holders of land concessions. Within these regions the State or, as
t h e case may be, the concession-holder alone may trade in the natural produce of

the soil. The fruits gathered by the natives are accounted the property of the State,
or of the concession-holder, and may not be acquired by others. In such circumstances, His Majesty's Government are unable to see that there exists the complete
freedom of trade or absence of monopoly in trade which is required by the Berlin
Act. On the contrary, no one other than the agents of the State or of the concessionholder has the opportunity to enter into trade relations with the natives ; or if he
does succeed in reaching the natives, he finds that the only material which the natives
can give in exchange for his trade goods or his money are claimed as having been
the property of the State or of the concession-holder from the moment it was gathered
by the native.
His Majesty's Government in no way deny either that the State has the right to
partition the State lands among bona fide occupants, or that the natives will, as t h e
land is so divided out among bona fide occupiers, lose their right of roaming over
it and collecting the natural fruits which it produces. But His Majesty's Government
maintain that until unoccupied land is reduced into individual occupation, and so long
as the produce can only be collected by the native, the native should be free to dispose
of that produce as he pleases.
In these circumstances, His Majesty's Government consider that the time has
come when the Powers parties to the Berlin Act should consider whether the system
of trade now prevailing in the Independent State is in harmony with the provisions
of the A c t ; and, in particular, whether the system of making grants of vast areas of
territory is permissible under the Act if the effect of such grants is in practice to
create a monopoly of trade by excluding all persons other than the concession-holder
from trading with the natives in that area. Such a result is inevitable if the grants
are made in favour of persons or Companies who cannot themselves use the land or
collect its produce, hut must depend for obtaining it upon the natives, who are allowed
to deal only with the grantees.
His Majesty's Government will be glad to receive any suggestions which the
Governments of the Signatory Powers may be disposed to make in reference to this
important question, which might perhaps constitute, wholly or in part, the subject of a
reference to the Tribunal at the Hague.
I request that you will read this despatch to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and
leave a copy of it with his Excellency.
I am, &c.

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