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Awareness Rally Program @ Seerani

Badin the oil and gas rich district of Pakistan is the poorest area on the human

development index with only 3% girls’ education and 10-15% boys education and limited health,

livelihood and potable water facilities. Badin is a hazard-prone district, which over the last five

decades has remained in the grip of an uninterrupted cycle of disasters in one form or the other.

Cyclones, heavy rainfalls, droughts and floods flow each other with short-lived intervals. The

areas of Union Council Seerani, Bhughra Memon, Kadhan and Ahmed Rajo are just a few inches

above sea level, where tidal waves of the sea come twice a day without fail, affecting the

livelihoods of the communities. The discharge of industrial waste into lakes and ponds in coastal

areas has created serious environmental and ecological problems in district Badin, posing grave

threats for many species of birds, animal and fish.

In coastal belt of Badin there are so many plants and trees are available, but Salvodora

Persica tree is the most import tree of this area regarding the fodder of animal, shed for birds and

medicinally and economically benefits for human being. But in few years the unlawful cutting

and genocide of this tree, made many economical and environmental problems in this area.

Regarding this SHED Badin with the Funding of UNDP GEF Small Grants Program Pakistan is

launching a project about “Eco-Development in the Coastal Zone through Salvodora Persica

Nursery Propagation and Advocacy”.

To continue the project activities an awareness rally about Salovodora Persica program was

organized at Seerani town Tauka Badin on Tuesday, 4th May, 2010. This program was organized

by the Society for Human & Environmental Development (SHED) with the collaboration of
United Nation Development Program (UNDP) GEF Small Grants Program Pakistan. The

objective of this program was to safeguard and preserve the richest tree of Salvodora Persica

(Jaar/ Khabar) of Coastal Belt Badin and to aware the coastal belt community through Salvodora

Persica Nursery propagation. A great numbers of social workers, community organization

members, villagers, citizens, electronic and print media persons, religious persons, students and

teachers participated in this rally. This program started from Bhughra Memon stop and end at

Mir Wah Mori; at the end of this rally the activists also addressed the crowd.

Haneef Ghirano (Project Coordinator SHED Badin) addressing the gathering, He said it

is our religious & national responsibility to protect the Salvodora Persica tree at all costs. He

briefed about the aims and objectives of project. Further he said that SHED Badin and UNDP

GEF Small grants Program Pakistan, was committed to protecting the environmental rights of the

people of the coastal belt without any discrimination.

Mr. Shabeer Ahmed Chandio (Social Organizer) said that, SHED organization

established 01 nursery at Mir Wah Mori, where Salvodora Persica plants planted and within few

months plantation will held in the villages of coastal belt.

Mr. Aziz Ahmed Khaskheli (Social worker from Seerani) said that it’s our prime

responsibility that we save and preserve our natural recourses. He further said the District

management of Badin will act of 144 ordinance regarding the cutting and genocide of Salvodora


Mr. Ramzan Chawro (Journalist) addressed the crowd and said that media will fully

cooperate with Community and Government and Non Government Organization for solution of

problem of Coastal belt of Badin.

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