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An organisation is a place where a group of people gather for a common

purpose. The organisational behaviour is the study of the way people interact
within groups. Normally this study is applied in an attempt to create more










organizational behaviour is that a scientific approach can be applied to the

management of workers. Organizational behaviour theories are used for
human resource purposes to maximize the output from individual group
Organizational behaviour considers the effect of people (Employers and
employees), teams, and structures have on human conduct inside the
organization. Organizational behaviour is more of an interdisciplinary field







administration. It supplements hierarchical hypothesis, which concentrates

on organization based and intra-organizational themes, and supplements
study of Human resource management, which is commonplace in regular
business practices (Teevan and Smith, 1967).
Organizational structure: defines how activities such as task allocation,
coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of
organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or
perspective through which individuals see their organization and its


is best referred to not just as a global Swiss agribusiness rather for

its competitive and intelligent pricing for a large range of product and
service offerings with. In retail economic pricing, fundamental rivalry
emerges from Sainsbury that is another giant retailer offering a wide
range of product offerings at a price essentially within (Walker, 1986).
Different Organizational Structures:

Functional Structure: A functional structure is a standout amongst the

most well-known hierarchical structures. Under this structure, the









arrangement of parts or assignments. While useful structures work well in

stable situations where business systems are less slanted to changes or
dynamism, the level of organization makes it troublesome for associations to
react to changes in the business sector rapidly.







characterized as one where there are numerous reporting lines that is,
individuals have more than one formal manager. This may consolidate strong
lines (direct solid reporting) and specked lines (a weaker reporting
relationship, yet showing some formal level of "right" to the singular's
chance) or it may mean different strong lines to more than one managers.
Organizational Culture: is the behaviour of humans within an organization
and the meaning that people attach to those behaviours. According to
Needle (2004), organizational culture represents the collective values, beliefs
and principles of organizational members and is a product of such factors as
history, product, market, technology, and strategy, type of employees,
management style, and national culture. Culture includes the organization's
vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and
Power Culture: This type of culture mainly seen in large corporations which have
centralized power of decision making and control. But as the organizations grows the
power seems to be divide into departments. This type of organization culture resist from
inviting the employees participation and engagement in any matters and decision making
and also delay in decision making.
Role Culture: This type of culture works with standard and systematic procedures, roles
and functions of every employee are well defined and authority is also clearly mentioned.
Such type of culture finds it hard to change with the changing conditions. For employees

also it becomes frustrating when at the time of making appraisal organization follows the
standard expectations of performance (Murray and, 2006).
The organizational culture of


is comprised of a flexible

management system that facilitates and motivates the workforce

whereas the structure defines the relationship dynamics among the







hierarchy to their immediate senior body.

The structure of Syngenta allows their employees to know instantly what they have to
do without wasting time. Everybody in the organization knows what is their authority and
responsibility. In this structure the performance of managers is optimum as managers
are skilled at specific area (Creighton, 2004). On the other hand Wal-Mart, through its
organization structure it is able to specialize its activities into self dependent divisions,
each able to satisfying its customers need and demand more rapidly and specifically.
Syngentas current culture is rigid in terms of a handful factors and also the
specifications like employees have to attend to customized consumer query












individual ease and training him customization in the next level could help
build a more flexible and free working stylized workforce. So a different
organizational structural and cultural application in Syngenta can be
developing the organizational culture to become a more liberal one and
adding flexibility credentials to a sufficient proportion.
Skills and Ability:
An employee with physical ability, special skills, training and knowledge always
performs better. Employees behavior is very much influenced by his skills and ability.

It is important for managers to ensure a working environment for each employee which
best matches employees perception positively because employees will perform better if
they perceive it in a positive way.
Attitude: Attitude is defined as the tendency to react positively or negatively to certain
individuals meanwhile culture, society and organisation influences attitude formation.
However employees tend to work harder with better for the company if it is a positive

In Syngenta personality encompasses a persons relatively stable feeling and behavioural
patterns. Each individual has a unique personality that differentiates them from other
people. However in every organisation is important for managers to understand different
personalities of different employees. There are number of factors which influence the
personality of an individual like for instances heredity,society,culture family, situation and

1.Authoritarian Leadership: Authoritarian leadership is a kind of one way leadership where
the leader dictates and the employees follow the lead and they do not have any voice in the
decisions made.
2.Democratic Leadership: In Democratic leadership, employees participate with leader in
decision and strategy making process and they all together bring a more effective result.
3.Laissez fair Leadership: In Laissez fair leadership, the managers empower the employees to
set their individual goals, objectives and attain them under the managers supervision.
Democratic Leadership (Suitable for Leisez-faire



(Leadership style of Monsanto


more Leissez-faire leadership is one of



effective leadership style for Syngenta the




as the employees participate with leader where the managers empower

in decision and strategy making process the





and they all together bring a more individual goals, objectives and
effective result. Syngenta is a UK attain them under the managers




different supervision.



purposes, it needs to outsource their has always been an organization

workforce and manage diversity in the with



organization. Working with a diversified culture and a great attribute of

and outsourced workforce gets complex the Monsanto Company leadership
for leaders and managers. However, management
they need to give the larger workforce a incorporate






voice so that their opinions can be heard decisions of the employees in





the setting the strategies, objectives,

employees of customer care executives periodic goals and targets. This is

unit receive a training and direction to also





deal and approach each and individual employees with the mission and
customers differently, they know better vision statement and ambitions
what are the problematic concerns with of Monsanto Company.
the customer queries and demands and










themselves have suggested and have

settled down for.
Frederick W. Taylor was the first man in history who considered systematic
study and observing techniques of work meriting. The scientific management
of Taylor is comprised of four criterions as such as:

Supplant dependable guideline for work systems with strategies to

conduct an exploratory investigation of the ventures.

Logically select, prepare, and advance every worker instead of

inactively excluding them to prepare them.

Provide Point by point direction and supervision of every employee in

the execution of that employee's discrete venture




managers/employers and employees and the managers can apply

scientific management rules or principles to get the works done by the

Interestingly, the practice of management of Syngenta has always evolved

around getting the needed tasks done effectively, cost efficiently and by the
best quality by the employees. F. W. Taylor incorporated the scientific and
logical dimension to the process and systemized it by four core principles
and made the practice of management demanded at a larger level.
The contingency theory is both an organizational and behavioural theory that
states that there is no single best fit to carry out management activities in an
organization (Planning, organizing, staffing, motivating, controlling and
evaluating). The practices and approaches to leadership, behavioural
analysis, motivational theories and implementations are likely to vary from
organizations. That is, democratic leadership would suit well to Syngenta
whereas the other may find autocratic one appropriate. It's more dependent
on the business environment (Internal factors+ external factors) and
strategic framework that what set of management functions would serve the
organization best. So management practices in different organizations get
the liberty to implement desirable set of functions as a part of contingency
theory (Schermerhorn, Osborn and Hunt, 2000).
TESCO uses Classical approach, more specifically scientific approach. This is an
approach which is concerned with knowing exactly what the organization wants
employees to do and see that they do it in the best and in an effective way. Through this

approach tools and physical activities in a job can be better balanced and organized. It
helps manager to find the best way of doing a job.
On the other hand Wal-Mart uses the Bureaucratic approach which emphasis on
authority structures and description of organization (Snowden, & Gorton, 2002). In this
approach principles are developed based on practicing and experience of managers.
Education and training is emphasized for developing management skills.
Classical management approach was developed in the late 19 th century. This approach
is based on the belief that employees have only economic and physical needs but social
needs and job satisfaction is not important. This theory gives a clear organizational
hierarchy with three distinct management levels and each has its own objectives and
responsibilities (Payne, and Morrison, 2002). In this approach projects are broken down
into smaller tasks those are easy to complete. So, division of work is an advantage of
this approach. According to this approach employees should be motivated by monetary
rewards that mean employee will work harder and will be more productive if they get
incentives. Classical management theory also suggests having a single leader to make
decisions, to organize and direct employees.
However, scientific approach is more effective than classical approach nowadays in
How leadership style will need to change in order to develop
Leadership style in Syngenta need to change in that it needs to be more
flexible, employee focused and the employees should have a say in decision
making and target setting. The changed leadership may be a combination of
Lessiez-faire leadership and democratic leadership.
Impact of different leadership styles may have on the individual
motivational level on the period of change
Autocratic leadership: Autocratic Leadership is a much debated leadership
style but it can play a really negative part on the motivational level in
periods of change. When changes take place in an organizational culture,

employees need time to adjust themselves in accordance to the change.

Dealing or leading them in an autocratic mode can fall harsh on individuals
leadership style.
Democratic Leadership: As democratic leadership involves the conscience
and opinion of the employees along with the managers, it may play a very
thoughtful role on the motivational level of the employees.
Lessiz-faire Leadership: In a period of change, if an employee can
envision himself as a part of the change, then he can be motivated to
perform better and induce great results on the context of changing
objectives and goals.
Maslows hierarchical theory and Hertz bergs two factor theory & hygiene theory has
some similarities and contrasts too. Both theories are influenced by environmental
conditions, employee attitudes. To apply Maslows hierarchical theory an organization
will have to meet some needs of employees gradually starting from physiological needs,
security needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and finally self actualization need.
On the other hand Hertzbergs theory suggests ensuring some hygiene factors to
motivate the employees and those are company policies, financial remuneration, quality
of supervision, quality of inter personal relations, working conditions, job security
(Marshall et al, 2003).
Syngenta follows Hertzberg theory in practice; they motivate employees by considering
both hygiene and motivational factors by ensuring timely communication, staff forums,
delegation, recognition and rewards, involvement in decision making etc.
This is really important for an organization to keep their employees motivated
nowadays, because motivation leads to improve productivity of the employees and at
the same time will help to achieve organization goal (Payne, and Morrison, 2002).
Motivation is important because if we allow bad performers in the organization to get
away with poor performance then it will send a negative message that excellence is not
expected to the workers who are performing well, so excellent performers need to be

motivated by rewards to keep their efforts up. Motivated employees hold high level of
innovation and at the same time produce higher quality work with efficiency (Pomeroy,
February 2007). An organization that has motivated employees generally has low
employee turnover and higher productivity. The opportunity cost of motivating
employees is essentially zero. So this is really important for organization to keep
employees motivated to ensure highest productivity and to compete in the market.
By group we understand a collection of individuals who participate in a common task
and become interdependent in their performance and accomplish the goal together. By
working in a group organization can easily achieve its goal rather than working
individually (Marshall et al, 2003).
Formal groups are those that are defined by the organization structure and are assigned
to achieve particular tasks. For instance, the sales department at Syngenta will be
operating within the larger system of organization.
Informal groups are not properly structured or determined by the organization. This
group is formed through the social interaction between employees. Even though the
group is informal it has a significant impact on behavior and performance of employees
(Tsui, Egan, & OReilly, 1992).
The behavior of a group also largely depends on stage of group development. A five
stage model of group characterizes group according to the following stages (Robbinson,
Forming > Storming > Norming > Performing > Adjourning
Group size

By evaluating a teams size, managers are able to maximize productivity to ensure high levels
of team performance. The greater number of members within a team the more resources available to
achieve a goal. However, as team size increases, so does the number of conflicts resulting in
decreased levels of cohesion and inefficient productivity. To evaluate whether a team is too large or
small, managers must consider how effectively and harmoniously members work together and whether
the required tasks are being efficiently accomplished by all members of the team.

The first factor to consider is how cohesive members are with one another. Once a team is highly cohesive, a
members commitment and willingness to strive for excellence thrives. Team cohesion affects the extent to which
members like one another, get along with each other, and trust and respect one anothers abilities and opinions.
Although these characteristics are difficult to observe, managers can look for signs that team members are wellacquainted past superficial meet-and-greet topics. Managers can also determine whether team members equally
participate in group discussions and activities rather than forming cliques or subgroups of cohesive units.

Group knowledge

Groupthink is a tendency for decision-making teams to suppress opposing viewpoints in order to preserve group
harmony. This phenomenon can occur because individual team members have an overwhelming desire to be
accepted and teams want to minimize conflict. When determining the degree to which a team is
experiencing groupthink, a manager can evaluate whether the team is exerting an excessive amount of dominating
characteristics. Other signs of groupthink include individual conformity, apathy toward team goals and outcomes,
peer-pressure exerted by leaders within the team, and discussions that tend to be one-sided.

According to Davenport and Pearlson (1998) state that so far no technology has replaced
physical offices due to fact that there lack of socialization in to the culture of the
organisations. Technology can replace some office function but not all.

Improvement in networking and telecommunications have show the way

to the propagation of virtual teams that do not work face-to-face but
communicate over a computer based medium of communication .its
members work together as interdependent group members on a
common task while they are far away from each other at distant
places .so the only way to interact and share ideas is computer mediated
communication network and computer supported cooperative work. in
Procter and gamble it has affected the team performance as virtual
teams are not as effective as real teams because there is a lack of
physical interactions and there is less chance of understanding each
other as a team because every member is isolated from each other.
Each member takes his task as the only responsibility to fulfill rather than

team performance. There is lack of synergy in such teams and

accountability is also individual. Even performance evaluation and efforts
are also individual based rather than collective. So it overall affects the
performance of team because every member thinks about his own
performance regardless of what team is performing and how well the
task is accomplished by the team due to lack physical interaction and
passion as a team.

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