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Mechanisms for the Operations of SMUs Information and

Admission Services (IAS)

A. About the Information and Admission Services
The Information and Admission Services (IAS) takes care of all admission activities for
freshmen and transferees both in the undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs of the
University. A student or visitor who inquires about admission to the School of Graduate Studies
or College of law shall be referred immediately to its respective deans.
IAS shall also provide information relative to admission and enrollment concerns.
Enrollment processes (either early or regular enrollment) happen at the deans office of a
particular school.
As a source of University-related information, all campaign materials (brochures) across
academic units or schools shall be placed in this hall. While the proposed bookstore is not yet
in operation, it is suggested that University items like mugs, pens, wall clocks, t-shirts/polo
shirts, paper weights, etc. will be displayed.
B. Schedules and manpower requirements
The hall will start its operations on April 06, 2015 and shall be manned by the head of
the Guidance and Testing Office (GTO) or anyone from among her staff members and the
academic deans or department heads.
Ideally, there should be at least five (5) employees who will cater to the needs of those
who will make inquiries and/or process their admission papers, especially during peak periods.
On days where clientele come in small numbers, at least two (employees) are expected to man
the hall. The dates and the corresponding names of employees will be passed around (to be
filled out by the GTO head and academic deans).

April 6, 2015



1. Dr. Lorvin M. Adducul
April 7, 2015, etc.
2., etc.
**The list of names for the first week should be completed by March 31, 2015 c/o GTO. The
list of names of those who will be assigned from April 13, 2015 up to June 15, 2015 is due on
April 08, 2015 c/o GTO.
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C. Admission requirements and procedures

Undergraduate programs
a. For Freshmen
i. Pay the testing fee (P300.00) at the Accounting Office, 1st floor, ABuilding.
ii. Proceed to the Guidance and Testing Office (Rm. A212) for the SMU
College Entrance Test (CET).
iii. Get the SMU-CET results before enrollment.
iv. Submit the following at the Academic Deans Office:
a. Original Form 138 (report card)
b. Original Certificate of Good Moral Character
c. NSO-generated birth certificate
d. SMU-CET results
e. Certification of honors received
f. Certification of other scholarships
g. Marriage certificate if married
h. Alien Certificate of Registration (if foreigner)
v. Take the Medical Exam at the University Clinic
b. For Transferees
i. Pay the testing fee (P300.00) at the Accounting Office, 1st floor, ABuilding.
ii. Proceed to the Guidance and Testing Office (Rm. A212) for the SMU
College Entrance Test (CET).
iii. Get the SMU-CET results before enrollment.
iv. Submit the following at the Academic Deans Office:
a. Certificate of Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credentials
b. Certified true copy of academic records
c. Original Certificate of Good Moral Character
d. NSO-generated birth certificate
e. SMU-CET results
f. Certification of honors received
g. Certification of other scholarships
h. Marriage certificate if married
i. Alien Certificate of Registration (if foreigner)
v. Take the Medical Exam at the University Clinic

C. General guidelines in providing information regarding Admission and other related

a. Always welcome all guests and visitors in a friendly/jovial manner.

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b. Ask for their specific concern so that specific answers to answer their
queries are provided.
c. Concerns, which cannot be answered at hand, must be referred to the
appropriate authority or office/unit.
d. Refrain from selling, marketing, or promoting a specific program.
e. Always end with a statement asking them if their queries or concerns
were answered or addressed.
D. Other proposed plans
1. Assign a small area (3 X 4 m2), which can accommodate a small group (maximum of 10
individuals) as a venue for a brief video presentation about the University. Chairs as well
as a flat screen TV monitor (wall-mounted; USB-ready) are required (see Annex A).
2. Install an Intercom unit at the Admission and Information Hall.
3. Expand the list of novelty items or University items for marketing and promotions
purposes (see Annex B).
4. As an information hall, milestones of the University (starting in 1928) up to the present
must be framed and posted on one side of the hall.

The other side features the

evolution of buildings across all levels (elementary to tertiary campuses). To provide

accent and aesthetics, LED spot lamp or LED ceiling spotlights are required.
5. Place benches and chairs within and outside the hall especially during peak periods.
6. Issue a circular for all employees and students informing them about the Admission and
Information Hall (see Annex C).

Annex A. Information dissemination area for small groups

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University items
like mugs, caps,
key chains,
paper weights
are displayed.
Stationeries, pens
and other school
supplies (may be
displayed & sold
for the meantime
while the
bookstore is not
yet in operations)

Proposed 12m2 information

dissemination area

Annex B: Other possible University items

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Other agreements during the meeting:

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1. For scholarship purposes, the IAS staff should ask a student or guest if they graduated
with honors (instead of asking if they are applying for the entrance scholarship or not).
2. The form for entrance scholars should be refined/simplified; there are items, which are
not needed (c/o GTO).
3. Tarpaulins bearing the list of admission requirements for freshmen and transferees and
the location of deans offices will be installed inside the IAS (c/o GTO).
4. The deans are required to come up with a written set of policies for transferees. The
general guideline is that the University should raise the bar or standard used in
accepting transferees.
5. A student who was not able to meet the minimum CET rating required to enroll in a
board course (but really desires to enroll in a board course) must be advised to enroll in
a non-board program. He/she can then shift to a board course depending on his/her
academic performance.
6. Those assigned at the IAS should maintain a visitors logbook.
7. Install a water dispenser inside the IAS.

Prepared by:
Dr. John Octavious S. Palina

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