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Reg.No # BSSE02153197


Introduction ..3

Objectives ....4

Energy Resources of Pakistan..5

Conventional Energy Resources...................5

Renewable Energy Resources...5

TEN Years of Energy Consumption ..11

Causes of Energy Crisis..13

Recommendations ..14

Dams ..15

Conclusion .20


Energy has become an important requirement for the economic development of a


It plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of any



industrial and agricultural purposes

domestic use of the citizens


Why Pakistan is facing such a huge energy crisis of its history?

What are the reasons behind this crisis?

Why Pakistan cannot able to utilize its natural resources?

If Pakistan has abundance of coal then why Pakistan importing


Why half of the Pakistani population has no access to electricity?

Energy Resource of Pakistan

1. Conventional Energy Resources
Energy Type



Crude Oil

339 million barrels recoverable reserves.

Pak Eco Survey

Natural Gas

31,266 trillion cubic feet recoverable reserves.

Pak Eco Survey


185 billion tones recoverable reserves.

Pak Eco Survey

Hydro Energy

46,000 MW identified potential

Govt. of Pakistan 2005

Nuclear power

Nuclear power of capacity 800 MW approx

World Nuclear Association 2011

2. Renewable Energy Resources

Wind Energy
Solar Energy
Bio-mass & Bio-fuels
Geo-Thermal Energy
Nuclear Energy

Wind Energy
Pakistan can also generate electricity by wind turbine. Pakistan is
fortunate to have something many other countries do not, which is high wind
speeds. Near Islamabad, the wind speed is between 13.8 to 16.5 mps and
near Karachi it is 13.8 to15.4 mps.
Suzlon manufactures wind turbines in India. Working with Suzlon,
Pakistan can begin to build its own wind-turbine industry and create thousands
of new jobs while solving its energy problems. Suzlon turbines start to turn at
a speed of 3 meters per second.

Solar Energy
The energy produced or radiated by the sun. Energy derived
from the sun's radiation. Solar energy is used on Earth in various ways.
It is used as a passive source of energy, for example, in the form of
sunlight that comes through a window and heats up a room, or as an
active source, as in the conversion of sunlight to electrical energy in
solar cells.
We can also generate electricity from Sun light by Photovoltaic
cells. If 0.25% of Balochistan is cover with solar panels with an
efficiency of 20%, enough electricity would be generated to cover all of
Pakistans demand.

Firstly, 70% of the population lives in 50,000 villages that are very far
away from the national grid. Connecting villages to the national grid
would be very costly, thus giving each house a solar panel would be
cost-efficient and would empower people both economically and

Bio Mass Power

Biomass is fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and
sustainable source of energy used to create electricity or other forms of power.
Biomass consists of plant material and animal products. However this
type is not become popular in developing countries.
The availability of biomass in Pakistan is also widespread. Urban areas of
Pakistan generate over 55000 tones of solid wastes, 225 000 tones of crop
residue and over 1 million tones of animal manure are produced daily. More than
a total of 15 million layer-chicken and 528 broiler chicken birds were
approximately produced in 2003 with a share of 22%, 68%, 3.5% and 6.5% of
Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and NWFP provinces respectively.
It is estimated that the potential production of biogas from livestock
residue is 8.8 to 17.2 billion cubic meters of gas per year (equivalent to 55 to 106
TWh of energy). Additionally, the annual electricity production from biogases (the
fibrous residue remaining after sugarcane or sorghum processing) is estimated at
5700 GWh.

Geo-Thermal Energy
As its name refers geo thermal energy is the energy which is extracted
from the heat of the sun thats why it falls under the renewable energy. This
energy is present into the earth due to the decay of minerals and absorption of
sunlight by earth. Geothermal heat has innumerable applications form the
ancient times it was earlier used for bathing and space heating. However, now
this immense source of energy is used for producing electricity mostly.
Geothermal energy is a reliable, cost effective and inexhaustible energy
reservoir. Geothermal heating application was limited earlier near to the tectonic
plates only. However, now this viable energy source is expanded over large
geographical area.
Electricity which can generate by natural resources like Oil, Gas
and Coal. A large coal-field, having a resource potential of about 175
billion tones, has been discovered at Thar (Sindh).

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear electricity generate by Uranium. More electricity can be
produce with
little quantity of Uranium.
Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat,
which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear
power plant. The term includes nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion. Plants
in Pakistan
Construction of Pakistans largest nuclear power project with the Chinese
cooperation was launched in Karachi on November 26. According to reports, the
Coastal Power Projects K-II and K-III are designed to produce 2,200 megawatts
of electricity when completed in November 2019.

Plants in Pakistan

137 MW


325 MW


300 MW

Ten Years of Consumption

In 2007 Pakistan consumed up to 60.388 MTOE of energy in which 19.835

MTOE was imported in form of Oil and Coal.

Relying heavily over imported oil and coal and shortage of natural gas in future
will certainly chock the economic growth for many years

Causes of Energy Crisis


1. Economic and Political instability.

Circular debt, Effects our GDP & Energy growth

2. Fluctuation of oil prices in international market.

WAPDA & KESC purchase expensive oil and transfer cost to customers

3. Faulty Distribution System.

We waste 15 to 20 percent energy through poor distribution system, line loses

4. Aging of equipment

Unable to generate required electricity

5. Silting Process.
It is a naturally caused process which reduces the storage capacity of reservoirs...

To overcome present energy crisis, Pakistan needs to take the following
steps in form of:
1. Short Term Plan
2. Medium Term Plan
3. Long Term Plan.

1. Short-term Plan:
Increase the number of IPPs (Independent Power Producers).
Reactivate the closed power generating units.
Overhaul the existing poor distribution system.
Import electricity to fulfill the current need for industries on ad hoc basis.
Government should have strict check on energy indicators on regular
basis to counter such crisis in future.

2. Medium-term Plan:


Transformation of existing system to renewable energy resources.

Developing and installing biogas, solar, wind and micro hydro based projects in

3. Long-term Plan:

Developing and installing coal based powerhouses.

Initiate agreements for mega projects with the energy extensive countries for
sustainable energy resources.
Explorations of more oil, gas and coal reserves.

Provide incentives for up-gradation and training to the engineer for new

The permanent solution of this problem is Dams. Dams are not only
generating the electricity but also provide water which is necessary for
our agricultural and household purposes.
We categorize the dams into three types.
1. Constructed Dams
2. Under Construction Dams
3. Future Projects


Constructed Dams
Pakistan produces electricity from following dams



1. Tarbela Dam
2. Mangla Dam
3. Warsik Dam
4. Malakund Dam
5. Dergai Dam
6. Rasool Head works
7. Shadiwal Dam
8. Chicho ki Malian
9. Nandipur Dam
10. Karmgarrhi

2100 MW
1000 MW
3240 MW
20 MW
20 MW
22 MW
14 MW
13 MW
14 MW
4 MW


Under Construction Dams

These dams are being under Construction.



1. Allai Khwar Hydropower

121 MW

2. Khan Khwar Hydropower

72 MW

3. Duber Khwar Hydropower

130 MW

4. Jinnah Hydropower

96 MW

5. Neelum Jhelum Hydropower


Future Projects of Dams

1. Diamer Basha Dam project
2. Kurram Tangi Dam Project
3. Munda Dam Project
4. Akhori Dam Project

Kalabagh Dam

3600 MW generation capacity.

Average power benefits Rs.35.94 billion per annum.
Storage capacity 6.1 MAF of water.
Retention level of dam is 915 ft while Nowsheras height is 940 ft.



This study recommends Government of Pakistan to take strong steps to overhaul its
existing infrastructure and transformed it to utilize renewable energy for future

Government should also take steps to utilize the coal reserves though it will give us
energy for next 25 years.




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