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GENERAL STUIDES (P) 2015 Test 8 (1557)
Q 1.A

It emphasised the importance of the vernacular languages as it was through this medium of verncular
languages, the European languages could in filter into masses.
Other statement is correct.

Q 2.D

Britishers made very little efforts to spread education in India. They are not much concerned about
education in India. They were only interested in cheap supply of Indian for subordinate positions
because a number of Britishers living in India was less and the salary expected by Britisher was much
higher than expected by Indian at that time. So option 2 is correct.
Also educated Indians were became aware about importance of education so they agitated for modern
education in India. so option 1 is correct.
English education was helpful in expanding the markets for goods for British products. So option 3 is also
So all the options are correct.

Q 3.D
Q 4.B

They supported the imposition of income tax on rich and middle classes. They also advocated for
imposition of import duties on products consumed by the rich. However they opposed the free trade
policy since it ruined the Indian handicrafts industry.

Q 5.C
Q 6.B

The Regulating Act had not given the British Government effective and decisive control over the
The Act had also failed to resolve the conflict between company and its opponents in England who were
daily growing stronger and more vocal.

Q 7.B

Q 8.A

- Boundaries are fully defined and fixed by Legislation in National Park.

- No biotic interference is allowed in National Park, Limited biotic interference is allowed in Wildlife
National Parks are highly protected by law. No human habitation, private land holding or traditional
human activity such as firewood collection or grazing is allowed within the park. Sanctuaries are also
protected but certain types of activities are permitted within these areas.
Biosphere Reserves are another category of protected areas. Under this, a large area is declared as a
Biosphere Reserve where wildlife is protected, but local communities are allowed to continue to live and
pursue traditional activities within the Reserve.

It is the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP

Vision IAS

Q 9.C

The Revolt at Meerut and the capture of Delhi was the precursor to a widespread mutiny by the sepoys
and rebellion almost all over North India, as well as Central and Western India. South India remained
quiet and Punjab and Bengal were only marginally affected.

Q 10.D

In the planning, construction and management of railways, the economic and political development of
India and her people was not kept in the forefront. On the contrary, the primary consideration was to
serve the economic, political and military interests of British imperialism in India. The needs of Indian
industries regarding their markets and their sources of raw materials were neglected. This led to decline
of Indian rural artisan industries.
Nearly the entire amount invested in railways was provided by British investors, Indian capital
contributing only a negligible share to it.

Q 11.A

The English army showed no military superiority in the Battle, it was desertion in the Nawab's camp that
gave Clive the victory.
As a consequence of the victory of battle of Plassey, even the British merchants and officials were no
longer asked to pay any taxes on their private trade.

Q 12.C
Company gave Shah Alam-II a subsidy of 26 lakhs of rupees and secured for him the district of Kora and
Q 13.D
The monopoly of trade with India was ended by the charter act of 1813, however the trading monopoly
with china was retained for another 20 years.
Q 14.B

The correct chronological order is: Boycott resolution was passed against the partition of Bengal (August
1905) - the partition of Bengal came into effect (October 1905) - Dadabhai Naoroji announced that the
goal of INC was Swaraj (December 1906) - Surat Split (December 1907).

Q 15.A

As a consequence of the victory of battle of Plassey, even the British merchants and officials were no
longer asked to pay any taxes on their private trade.

Q 16.B
SAFAR-Air is an app launched by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune. The application will
enable citizens to check their citys air quality in real time.
Q 17.C

The Moderate leaders believed that the continuation of Indias political connection with Britain was in
the interests of India at that stage of history. They, therefore, planned not to expel the British but to
transform the British rule to approximate to national rule. Hence, Statement 1 is correct.
Extremists believed in atmashakti or self reliance as a weapon against British domination. Hence, 2nd
Statement is incorrect.
The Moderate nationalists worked to educate British public opinion. For this purpose, they carried on
active propaganda in Britain.

Q 18.D

Due to fuedal characters, many princes were looking for their own benefits, some supported the revolt,
some helped in suppressing it. By 1856,crimean wars and chinese wars concluded so 1,12,000 British
troups poured into India.

Vision IAS

The Maharaja of Kashmir, the Ranas of Nepal, and many other ruling chiefs, and a large number of big
zamindars gave active help to the British in oppressing the Revolt.
Other statements are also correct.

Q 19.A

Statement 1 is correct as Maratha state had many sardars like Bhonsle, Holkar and Sindhia who shared
Statement 2 is also correct.
Statement 3 is incorrect as the numerous Maratha sardars were united under a strong centre led by the

Q 20.A
Q 21.B

Starit of Hormuz connects the persian gulf with gulf of Oman.In 2012, Iran warned it could stop the flow
of oil through the Strait of Hormuz if more sanctions were imposed on the country.
Strait of Bab el mandeb connects Red sea with Gulf of Aden.

Q 22.A

Fort William College was established in 1800, and the main aim was to gather oriental knowledge, and
train the civil servants in traditional value system of India, the above process is termed as reverse

Q 23.A
Swami Dayanand upheld the Varna system according to the Vedas.
Q 24.A
Statement 1 is incorrect as company continued to exist but the company rule was abolished. The
Company was actually dissolved in 1874 as the 1
858 Act had rendered it redundant and powerless. Statement 3 is incorrect as the Governor-General was
given the additional title of Viceroy.
Q 25.C

The British could not manage the relief work during the famine of 1899-1900 which affected an area of
189,000 sq miles and a population of 28 millions.
Lord Curzon appointed the commission in 1901.The commission recommended the appointment of a
Famine commissioner in a province where extensive relief operations were expected.
The commission also stressed the desirability of better transport facilities, opening of agricultural banks,
improvement of irrigation facilities and vigorous measures to foster improved methods of agriculture.

Q 26.A

Statement 1 is correct as 18th century India witnessed the breakup of the Mughal Empire into semiautonomous kingdoms like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad. However, this break-up and the intermittent
wars between the numerous states did not lead to a decline in arts and culture. Rather, arts and culture
flourished in their unique forms in the various regional centres. Also, religious strife, though present,
was not prevalent and most of the Muslim Emperors including Tipu, even though they may have been
personally religious, were religiously tolerant in the public sphere.

Q 27.B
Q 28.D
The transformation of the Sikhs into the militant, fighting Community was begun by Guru
Hargovind Singh. Under the leadership of Guru Govind Singh become a political & military force.

Vision IAS

Q 29.D

Dual system of government was set up by Clive. During Hastings tenure, the system was abolished.
Regulating act of 1773 provided for setting up of a Supreme court at Calcutta to try all British Subjects.
Hastings tried many reforms but he gave no place to the sons of the soils in the position of trust and

Q 30.A
It was under the mahalwari system that a village collective body was responsible to the Government for
collection of revenues and the entire village jointly owned the land. It was found mostly in UP, Punjab
and Haryana (Please note Champaner is a city in Gujarat).
Q 31.D

In the Rytowari system, 'registered land holders were responsible for direct payment of revenue to
Zamindari system was prevelant in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
Ryotwari system covered majority (51%)of British areas in India. The Mahalwari system covered 30% of
the British areas in India.

Q 32.C

French general Dupleix was the first to intervene in the succession wars in Hyderabad and the Carnatic,
which was later followed more successfully by the British to intervene in various conflicts.
The Anglo-French wars of the 18th century such as the seven years war spread to India also.

Q 33.C


Three Indian cities, Bengaluru, Chennai and Surat have made it to the 100 Resilient Cities project, run by
the New York-based non-profit organisation Rockefeller Foundation. Other cities chosen include Amman
in Jordan, London in England, New York in the U.S. and Melbourne in Australia. The aim is to make cities
resistant to shocks and stresses.
100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) is dedicated to helping cities
around the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are a
growing part of the 21st century. 100RC supports the adoption and incorporation of a view of resilience
that includes not just the shocks earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. but also the stresses that weaken the
fabric of a city on a day to day or cyclical basis. Examples of these stresses include high unemployment;
an overtaxed or inefficient public transportation system; endemic violence; or chronic food and water
shortages. By addressing both the shocks and the stresses, a city becomes more able to respond to
adverse events, and is overall better able to deliver basic functions in both good times and bad, to all
Cities in the 100RC network are provided with the resources necessary to develop a roadmap to
resilience along four main pathways:
Financial and logistical guidance for establishing an innovative new position in city government, a Chief
Resilience Officer, who will lead the citys resilience efforts;
Expert support for development of a robust resilience strategy;
Access to solutions, service providers, and partners from the private, public and NGO sectors who can
help them develop and implement their resilience strategies; and
Membership of a global network of member cities who can learn from and help each other.
Through these actions, 100RC aims not only to help individual cities become more resilient, but will
facilitate the building of a global practice of resilience among governments, NGOs, the private sector,
and individual citizens.

Q 34.C

The British policy of subsidiary alliance was championed by Lord Wellesley through which the Company
established indirect control over the numerous princely states. The Residents (for larger states) and
Political Agents (for smaller states) in many cases interfered in the internal matters of state.

Vision IAS

The Doctrine of Lapse, introduced by Lord Dalhousie led to annexation of states such as Jhansi and
Satara, which led to discontent among deposed and existing princes. This discontent was ultimately
channelled into the revolt of 1857.

Q 35.A
During Lord Dufferin Period 1884-1888The Third Burmese War (1885-86)
Establishment of Indian National Congress
In 1885 two Acts passed Bengal Tenancy Act and Bengal Local Self-Government Act.
Allahabad University was incorporated.
Aitchison Committee.
Number of new taxes were introduced such as salt tax and petroleum tax.

Q 36.D

The commission emphasised the states special care for the improvement of primary education.
In the field of women education, emphasis was laid on the differentiation of curriculum, award of
scholarships and facilities in appointments
The commissions had recommended for encouraging private enterprise in field of education.

Q 37.D

The Moderates aim was limited self-government under the aegis of British Crown. They did not want a
clinical separation from the British Empire as they believed that it would be disastrous for India at that
stage of history. However, they wanted the abolition of the India Council, which they believed was
preventing the Secretary of State from initiating liberal policies in India. Under their demand for limited
self-government, they wanted democratic rights only for the educated who would be a substitute for the

Q 38.D
1. Initiation of no-frills account.
2. Banking service reaches homes through business correspondents.
3. Electronic Benefits Transfer.
4. Swavalamban pension scheme aims to promote financial inclusion.
Q 39.C

Imperial Legislative council was constituted by Indian Councils Act 1861. So option 1 is incorrect
Initially Indian members are few in numberthirty years from 1862 to 1892 only 45 Indians were
nominated to it. Most of them being wealthy, landed and with loyalist interests. Only handful of political
figures and independent intellectuals were there.
So option 2 is incorrect.
Moderate leaders demanded a majority of Elected Indians in Imperial Legislative council. So option 3 is

Q 40.D

Indirect elections was introduced to elect some of the members of Imperial and provincial Legislative
councils. This was the introduction of elections for the first time.
The official majority was retained and there was no right to vote the budget for non-officials

Q 41.B

The Sepoys refused to fight because crossing the sea was meant loss of caste. Hence Statement 1 is
Sepoys were predominantly drawn from the upper caste hindus esp. North Western Provinces & Oudh.
Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.
Even though sepoys considered prestigious to be in the service of the company, they were not happy
with the emoluments.Hence, 3rd Statement is incorrect.

Vision IAS

Q 42.B

Dhaka was the new capital of East Bengal province, so statement 2 is not correct. In the west Bengal, the
Bengalis were reduced to minorities with 17 million Bengalis and 37 million hindi and oriya speaking
population. Statement 3 is correct.

Q 43.D
Q 44.C

Statement 1 is incorrect as mercantilist ideas advocated against the carrying out of gold which the East
India Company used to fund its imports from India.
Other statements are correct

Q 45.C
Satyasodhak Samaj was founded by Jotiba Phule. ON 3July 1851, he founded a girls school in which
eight girls were admitted on the first day.
On 24 september 1873, Jotirao convened a meeting of his followers and admirers and it was decided to
form the Satya Sodhak Samaj(Society of Seekers of Truth) with Jotirao as its president and treasurer.
Q 46.C

The Treaty signed with the East India Company aided the Peshwa Baji Rao II in reclaiming the lost
position against the Holkars in 1802. Hence, 1st Statement is correct.
Treaty of Bassein was essentially in the nature of 'Subsidiary Aliance ' wherein Britishers got the
opportunity to directly interfere in the administrative affairs by permanently stationing the British troops
with the Peshwa and not after his \ death without any natural heir to the throne, which was a prominent
reason in the 'Policy of Doctrine of Lapse'. Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.
The Treaty provided for the expulsion of non British Europeans from Peshwa's service which made the
Britisher's position more stronger vis-a-vis French & other European powers. Hence, 3rd Statement is

Q 47.D

Indian social conference which is known as Social Reform Cell of Indian National Congress. It focused
attention on social issues. So option 1 is correct.
Self-respect movement which was led by E V Ramaswamy Naiker rejected brahmnical religion and
culture which Naiker felt was prime instrument of exploitation of lower caste. So option 2 is correct.
Deoband movement was organized by orthodox section among muslims. It has twin objectives 1)
propagating pure teachings of Quran and hadis among Muslims and keeping alive the spirit of jihad
against the foreign rulers. So option 3 is correct.

Q 48.D

Lord Wellesley started Policy of subsidiary alliance to expand British authority in India. So statement 1 is
All major powers such as Hyderabad and Awadh accepted subsidiary alliance treaty offered by Governor
General. So statement 2 is correct.
By signing subsidiary alliance treaty, Indian ruler virtually lost his independence. It lost right to self
defence, right to maintaining diplomatic relations. So statement 3 is also correct.

Q 49.C
Q 50.D

The moderates demanded development of Indian economy through involvement of Indian capital. They
were against foreign investment. So option 1 is incorrect.
They demanded tariff protection and government investment to promote Indian industry. So option 2 is
Military expenditure was huge so they demanded to reduce it. So option 3 is correct.

Vision IAS

Q 51.A

The 'Council Bills' were issued by the The Secretary of States.

In British India, apart from existing imports and exports, there was also a particular amount of money
which colonial India contributed towards administration, maintenance of the army, war
expenses,pensions to retired officers and other expenses accrued by Britain towards maintenance of
her colony. These were known as "Home charges" and were paid for almost entirely by India.
The Home charges was made of three components (1) Interest payable on Indian debt. (2)Interest on
the railways (3) Civil and military charges.
This drain, estimated at 5 per cent to 6 per cent of the total resources of India, took place through the
notorious council bill system. British buyers of Indian exports paid sterling for council bills obtained from
the secretary of state in London. The council bill were then presented by British trading firms in India to
exchange banks where they were exchanged for rupees from the government of Indias revenues. The
rupees were then advanced to finance the production and trade in export commodities, for example,
jute. The rupee profit could subsequently be use to by sterling bills at local branches of British owned
exchange banks and London paid sterling against these bills. The sterling could then once again be used
to buy council bills and so the annual cycle repeated itself.

Q 52.B

The fall in demand of indigo in the international market had let to a fall in its prices. After the Indigo
rebellion of 1860, its production was discontinued in Bengal after a few years and it survived only in the
backward regions of Bihar.
The rebellion was one of the first occasions when the Indian press championed the issue of peasants and
the local zamindars also supported the revolt as the indigo planters were European.
The play Neel Darpan - Neel stands for blue/indigo, the colour of the dye obtained from the plant was originally written by Dinabandhu Mitra in Bengali and dealt with the issue of atrocities committed
by Indigo planters.

Q 53.C

To prevent the recurrence of another revolt was the main reason behind the reorganization of Army.
The % of Europeans is increased in the army. So option 1 is incorrect.
European monopoly over key geographical locations and key departments like artillery, tanks was
maintained to safeguard key locations and weaponry. So option 2 is correct.
To create divisions among various groups in army some races like Sikhs, Gurkhas were declared martial
and others who participated in the 1857 revolt such as soldiers from Awadh, Bengal etc. declared non
martial. So option 3 is incorrect.

Q 54.A

Statement 1 is correct as the act recognized the control of Parliament over Indian affairs.
Statement 2 is correct as it sought to address the ambiguities regarding Supreme Court and other
jurisdictional issues.
Pitts India Act sought to increase parliamentary supervision over the Company. Hence, statement 3 is

Q 55.D

R V Samudra Ratnakar is a Geological Survey of India (GSI)s state-of-the-art research ship. It will search
for gas hydrates below the sea-bed off the east coast and off the coast of Kanyakumari.
Methane from gas hydrates may constitute a future source of natural gas. So gas hydrates has huge
potential to fulfil energy requirements of world. Methane within gas hydrates had been prognosticated
as more than 1,500 times of Indias present natural gas reserve.
Gas hydrates are found in: Marine shelf sediments, In deep lake sediments (e.g.Lake Baikal), In the
polar permafrost regions.
The website of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons says, As an unconventional hydrocarbon
resource, methane hydrates have been the focus of our quest for meeting our energy demands and it
was this objective that Indias National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) was launched.

Vision IAS

It, however, added that the commercial production of methane from gas hydrates was still a far-fetched
thought although the NGHP had set itself a deadline of mid-2015 to commence commercial production.

Q 56.B

The period 1765 to 1813 is known for Policy of Ring fence or Buffer State.Before 1765,the company
struggled for the equality with the indian states.
During this period,the chief danger was from Afghan Invader and Marathas.

Q 57.A

The act was directed only towards the Vernacular (non-english) newspapers of India. The act was
repealed by Lord Ripon

Q 58.C
Native Rulers who helped British
Holkar of Indore remained with the British.
Man Singh at Gwalior deceived Tantya Tope and Laxmibai.
Nizam of Hyderabad, Gulab Singh of Kashmir,
Sikh rulers of Patiala, Nabha and Jind also remained loyal to British. The Sikhs detest towards the
Mughals was the main reason behind their remaining against the mutineers.
Dinkar Rao of Gwalior and Salar Jang of hyderabad were "praised" by the British for their loyalty to the
Zamindars, Land Lords, Money lenders, Big Traders remained loyal to the East India Company.
The elite "educated" class of Indians remained indifferent. Railways,
Telegraph and Postal services, which were initiated by Lord Dalhousie saved India for British from the
hands of Indians.
Q 59.B

It was not against image-worship. Infact, it recognized the value and utility of image worship in
developing spiritual fervor.
The movement recognized the truth in all religions and emphasised that krishna, Rama, Allah, Christ are
different names for the same god. It recognizes value of image-worship in developing spiritual fervour.
The movement never gave any political message.

Q 60.B

They aimed to liberate the Gurudawaras from the control of corrupt mahants who enjoyed the support
of the government. It was a secretarian or a regional movement but not a communal one.
It was a non-violent movement. Hence, 2nd statement is also correct

Q 61.B

The Indian National Congress, founded in 1885, was the first organized expression of the Indian national
movement on an all-India scale. It had, however, many predecessors. However all these associations
were dominated by wealthy and aristocratic elements and were provincial or local in character.

Q 62.A

Indian Agriculture during 18th century was technically backward and stagnant as techniques of
production remained stationary for centuries.
Also Indian villages were largely self-sufficient.
It was not a closed economy as it traded with other countires of Europe and Aisa.

Q 63.B
It was founded by Ahmad of Rai Barelli in 1820, and it began in RohilKhand.

Vision IAS

Q 64.A

There was no place for priesthood nor any kind of sacrifices were allowed in the Brahmo Samaj building.
The worship was performed through prayers and meditation and readings from the Upanishads.
It took no definite stand on the doctrine of karma and left it to individual brahmos to believe either way.

Q 65.D
Majumdar (Amatya) was the Revenue and finance minister.
Dabir (sumant) was the FOREIGN minister.
Q 66.C

Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Proclaimed that the purest form of Hindu religion was to be found in Upanishads.
Keshav Chandra Sen: Observed that the Brahamoism shoul become a sort of universal religion.
Dayananda Sarswati: Identified Hinduism with the religion as founded in the Vedas
Ramakrishna Paramhansa: Emphasised that there are many roads to God.

Q 67.B
1. It is making small changes to a drug in order to gain a new patent.
2. It an anti-competitive practice.
Q 68.C
Statement 1 is correct as the Viceroy could now nominate members to his expanded council.
Q 69.D

English provocations such as misuse of dastaks and fortification of their trading posts were provocations
aimed at the Bengal rulers. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct as due to conspiracies, a major part of the Bengal army did not participate in the
Statement 3 is also correct as the plunder of Bengal allowed British to export bullions from India to
finance its trade with the East.

Q 70.D

Feeling of racialism between the rulers and the ruled evoked reaction in Indian mind.
Researchers like Max Muller, william etc created a new picture of Indias past glory and greatness.

Q 71.A

The annexation of Indian States by company cut off their major source of patronage. So their income
reduced as many of them took up agricultural activities. Because of its grievances this group participated
in 1857 revolt. So option 1 is correct.
Zamindars often saw their land rights forfeited. This resulted in loss of status for them in villages. So
statement 2 is incorrect.
Abolition of sati, support to widow remarriages and women education were seen as interference in
social and religious domain of Indian society by outsiders. So large section of population have discontent
because of such socio-religious reforms. This was one of the reason of 1857 revolt. So statement 3 is

Q 72.B
Q 73.B

Mahatma Gandhi founded All India Harijan Sangh. So option 1 is correct.

Though Arya samaj was in favour of four fold varna system but it was against the caste system. So option
2 is correct.
Satyashodhak samaj founded by jyotiba phule aimed at women education, lower caste education and
social service. So option 3 is also correct
Vision IAS

Q 74.D

The movement's objective was not to prepare its students for government job (unlike the aligarh
movement) but for preaching of Islamic faith. They were opposed to Syed Ahmed Khan, founder of the
Aligarh movement.
Deoband School welcomed the formation of the Indian National Congress and in 1888 issued a fatiua
(religious decree) against Syed Ahmed Khans organisations.

Q 75.D

All the statements are correct.

The French government was despotic and depended on the personality of Monarch.Even under Louis
XIV,the system was showing serious cracks.His weak successor,Louis XV,fritted away the resources of
Also,as the French Company was a department of the state and since the state guaranteed dividend to
the shareholders so the latter took very little interest in promoting the prosperity of the Company.

Q 76.B
Under the treaty,British undertook to defend the ruler from his enemies and promised to noninterference in the internal affairs but they didnt keep this promise.Through british
resident,they interfered in the day-to-day administration of the state.
Q 77.B
Q 78.D
The Summary Settlement Act 1956 bypassed the middlemen in collection revenue.
Lord Canning introduced General Service Enlistment Act under which the Sepoy could be compelled to
serve abroad.
Religious and missionary activities of British was perhaps the first ever trace of English people landing in
India, which was later to become a prolonged legendary association. However, until the renewal of the
Charter Act of 1813, the British East India Company had blocked the entry of missionaries into India.
Q 79.C

this settlement made with individual peasant and it was a temporary settlement
under this land was made saleable
government itself became a big zamindar and retained the right to enhance revenue at will while the
cultivator was left at the mercy of its officers.

Q 80.C

Rammohun Roy started Atmiya Sabha in Calcutta in 1815. In 1828 he founded a new religious society,
the Brahma Sabha, later known as the Brahmo Samaj. In 1817, David Hare founded the famous Hindu
College. Rammohun Roy gave most enthusiastic assistance to Hare in this. Tatvabodhini Sabha was
started by Debendranath Tagore to propagate Rammohun Roys ideas.

Q 81.D

Cornwallis realized that the companys servant would not give honest and efficient service so long as
they were not given adequate salaries So he raised the salary of civil servants. So option 1 is correct.
Cornwallis made a rule that promotion in civil services would be based on seniority so that its members
would remain independent of outside influence. So option 2 is correct.
To reduce corruption He enforced the rules against private trade and acceptance of bribes by officials.
So option 3 is also correct.

Q 82.A


The East India Company, originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London
trading into the East Indies,Was formed by the group of merchants.

Vision IAS

Shares of the company were owned by wealthy merchants and aristocrats. The government owned no
shares and had only indirect control.

Q 83.C

Lord Dalhousie was of the view that British exports to the native states were suffering because of the
maladministration of these states by their Indian Ruler. So to increase exports they should be annexed.
So statement 1 is correct.
Because of the loyalty of states during 1857 revolt and their political use as backwaters in political
storms in future, policy of annexation of Indian States was stopped after 1857 revolt. So statement 2 is
Awadh was annexed in 1856 by accusing that Nawab is misgoverning the state and refusing the
introduction of reforms. So statement 3 is incorrect.

Q 84.A

The leader and inspirer of Young Bengal Movement was the young Anglo-Indian Henry Vivian Derozio.
His followers were known as Derozians. They didnt take up peasants cause. It was a radical intellectual
trend in youth of Bengal.

Q 85.B

Ishawar Chandra Vidya Sagar was the principal of Sanskrit college Calcutta. Though he associated with
many schools for girls but he was not the founder of Sanskrit College Calcutta. So option 1 is incorrect.
Prof. D K Karve married to a women and opened Indian Women University at Bombay in 1916. He also
worked for widow remarriage. So option 2 is correct.
Bethune school was founded by Sir JED Bethune; so option 3 is wrong.

Q 86.D

This Doctrine exsited prior to Dalhousie also. The Court of Directors of the East India Company had
articulated this early in 1834.As per this policy, the Company annexed Mandvi in 1839, Kolaba and
Jalaun in 1840 and Surat in 1842.Hence, 1st Statement is incorrect
Under this doctrine, the rulers of the dependent states could adopt sons and these adopted sons could
inherit the throne only with the consent of the British government.However, the British government had
the power to withhold the succession of the adopted sons. Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.
The first victim of the Doctrine of Lapse was the Maratha Kingdom of Satara, in 1848 the Raja of Satara
Appasahib died. He had no natural heir.Hence, Only 3rd Statment is correct.

Q 87.C

American civil war broke out in 1861. Raw cotton imports from America fell drastically and Britain sent
messages to increase cotton exports from India. As cotton prices soared, the merchants gave advances
to urban sahukars to secure supply which in turn extended credit to those rural moneylenders who
promised to secure the produce. The ryots in the Deccan villages suddenly found access to seemingly
limitless credit. However this credit dried with the end of American civil war in 1865.

Q 88.D
Q 89.A


Before 1857, there were two separate system of laws and jurisprudence in the company's territory-the
Mohammadan law in rural areas and the English laws.Most Governor-General felt that it would be unfair
to submit Englishmen in India to Mohammadan law.
This dual system of laws and courts were abolished when the Indian Penal Code gave a uniform criminal
law in 1861.However,the disparity between the Indian and European judges continued.Ilbert bill sought
to correct this. Hence, only 2nd statement is correct.

Vision IAS

Q 90.C

Some of the Muslims participatedBarrister Abdul Rasul, Liaqat Hussain, Guzanvi, Maulana Azad (who
joined one of the revolutionary terrorist groups)but most of the upper and middle class Muslimsstayed away or, led by Nawab Salimullah of Dacca, supported the partition of Bengal on the plea that it
would give them a Muslim-majority East Bengal.

Q 91.B

The theory of White mans burden was propagated by the British and other colonial powers. It is the
supposed or presumed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to nonwhite
people for the benefit of the colonies

Q 92.B

In India, a factory of the Company was generally a fortified area within which the warehouse (stores),
offices and houses of the Companys employees were situated. It is to be noted that no manufacture
was carried on in this factory. Hence, only 2nd statement is correct.

Q 93.A

Moderates believed that political connections with Britain were in Indias Interest at that stage of
history. So option 1 is correct.
Though Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherojshah Mehta, Surendrnath banerjea were moderates leaders but Vipin
Chandra Pal was an extremist leader for eg. The three extremist leader Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar
Tilak, and Bipin Chandra Pal (LAL, BAL, PAL). So option 2 is incorrect.
Moderates believed that movement should be limited to middle class and masses are not yet ready for
political work. So option 3 is incorrect.

Q 94.A

Ramakrishna mission was founded by Swami Vivekananda So option 1 is correct.

Ramakrishna mission was a deeply religious body and it didnt considered itself a sect of Hinduism. the
main focus of this was service to mankind. It haven't publicised itself as a sect of Hinduism. This was
main reason of the success of mission. So option 2 is incorrect.
Swami Vivekananda favored a blend of materialism of west and spiritualism of east to produce
happiness for mankind. So option 3 is incorrect.

Q 95.C
1. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani peace activist who was shot by the Taliban.
2. This act is introduced in United states's Senate.
3. It is designed to expand scholarship opportunities for disadvantaged young women in Pakistan.
Q 96.B
Though Tipu was orthodox in his religious views. He was in fact tolerant and enlightened in his approach
towards other religions. He gave money for the construction of the image of goddess Sarda in the
Shringeri Temple. Tipu Sultan was died in fourth Anglo Mysore war.
Q 97.D
1. In the phases which coincides with Industrial revolution in England, the East India Company ceased to
have monopoly of trade.
2. The cotton industry was plundered mainly in the phases which coincides with Industrial revolution in
Colonial exploitation was carried on broadly through three phases. The first phase (1757-1813) of
mercantilism was one of direct plunder in which surplus Indian revenues were used to buy Indian
finished goods to be exported to England. In the second phase (1813-1858) of free trade India was
converted into a source of raw material and a market for British manufactured goods. The third phase
(1858 onwards) was one of finance imperialism in which British capital controlled banks, foreign trading

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firms and managing agencies in India. This phased exploitation was carried out through a range of
economic policies, primarily in the industrial and agricultural sectors of the colonial economy.
Q 98.C

Before 1828 Persian was official language in courts. But William Bentinck introduced some changes. Now
the suitor has option to use Persian or vernacular language. Also, the language of Supreme court became
English. So option 1 is correct
Law commission was set up under lord Macaulay for codification of Indian Laws in 1835. So option 2 is
Lord Cornwallis separated revenue and justice administration. In the Cornwallis code there was
separation of revenue and justice administration.
So option 3 is wrong.

Q 99.A
Evangelicalism started its crusade against Indian barbarism and advocated the permanence of British
rule with a mission to change the very nature of Hindostan. In India the spokespersons of this idea
were the missionaries located at Srirampur near Calcutta; but at home its chief exponent was Charles
Grant. The principal problem of India, he argued in 1972, was the religious ideas that perpetuated the
ignorance of Indian people. This could be effectively changed through the dissemination of Christian
light, and in this lay the noble mission of British rule in India. To convince his critics, Grant could also
show a complementarity between the civilizing process and material prosperity, without any
accompanying danger of dissent or desire for English liberty. His ideas were given greater publicity by
William Wilberforce in the Parliament before the passage of the Charter Act of 1813, which allowed
Christian missionaries to enter India without restrictions. The idea of improvement and change was also
being advocated by the free-trade merchants, who believed that India would be a good market for
British goods and a supplier of raw materials, if the Company shifted attention from its functions as a
trader to those of a ruler. Under a good government the Indian peasants could again experience
improvement to become consumers of British products. Fundamentally, there was no major difference
between the Evangelist and the free-trade merchant positions as regards the policy of assimilation and
Anglicization. Indeed, it was the Evangelist Charles Grant who presided over the passage of the Charter
Act of 1833, which took away the Companys monopoly rights over India trade.
Q 100.C
They created and dethroned Mughal Emperors at their will during the 1710s.

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