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Bismilla Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

From the very early period of my childhood, because of my

upbringing in a Muslim family and more so because of the
misrepresentation of Islam by certain illiterate and ignorant Muslims,
I cultivated too many difficult and complex questions in my mind,
which I was even afraid to ask to anybody and especially to those so
called Mullahs. Because, believe me or not, they endorsed and
propagated that one is not allowed to use rationalism in Religion
(Deen). No matter how absurd you find the teachings of Religion,
you are not at all permitted to think rationally and logically. I know
many of you will be enthusiastically, impatiently an eagerly willing
to know what those questions of mine were. And many of you will
even try to answer them. This is human nature. You see!. But those
who were entrusted with the job of answering them in the light of The
Holy Quran and The Hadith, say don’t even dare to ask. So I kept all
my questions in the safe custody of my heart. And hence, I was
literally forced to loose the passion for religion. Mind it, not for
Allah, The Great. You cannot follow any Religion, even if you are
born into it, if it cannot entertain and answer all your queries.
Here, one has the right to ask me, why didn’t I search for the answers
myself ?. The answer is that I did. But I only found books which
were there to teach you either spirituality or the codes for living one’s
personal life. At that time I didn’t find one single literature dealing
with society as a whole. How can a religion, which claims to be the
best among the religions of the world has no answer to the problems
of the contemporary world. Its absurdity. An urdu poet once said,

‘Dard E Dil Ke Waste Paida Kya Insan Ko

Warna Ataat Ke Liye Kuch Kam Na the Karobiyan’
(God created men to share the pain on one another, if God wanted
only to be worshipped and obeyed, Angels were enough)
To me Religion is a complete guidance for the whole of humanity
and it must have all the answers and keys to all the human miseries
and problem. If not, a rational human being is bound to invent one.
Being a believer in the supremacy of the Almighty God, I first tried
to find the answer in the religion itself. To my surprise I found that
almost all the religions of the world are propagating the same ideas;
1. Believe in God.
2. Be Honest
3. Do not Lie
4. Help one Another.
5. Follow Religious Code etc. etc.
Theoretically, it sounds very good, that if each one of us become
pious and honest, the entire inequality of the world will vanish. But
history has taught us that it is never possible that the whole of human
race, will ever become so pious and honest that a perfect society will
automatically be established. If we take the pain of going through the
Histories of the World, we come to know that wherever a
revolutionary change has taken place, one person has always been
responsible for it. There is never an occasion in history where a great
change has take place just by itself or by a mass conversion of human
thoughts and ideas.
You ask any thinking rational being, he will tell you that without
establishing a system of society, no matter on what principles and
ideology, you cannot uplift the condition of this ever deteriorating
society. You must have to strive for establishing a society based on
the principles one believe and trust. It’s the utmost and eternal duty of
every rational being to strive and struggle for constructing and
creating a society which balances the inequality in the distribution
of the wealth of the world. And men of

And when I tried to find people in Islam, who were striving in the
path of establishing a society based on Islamic principles, I found
none. And when you ask the so the called custodian of Quran and
Sunnah, they say Islam ha given a system of Zakat (tax) to balance
the inequality in the distribution of the wealth of the world. But
when I thoroughly look into the system of Zakat, I find, though it is
the right of the poor and a compulsory act, it is given with a sense of
alms to the poor and there is no authority to collect it. It is given by
individual Muslin voluntarily. Which is not sufficient. And by no
mean, just by paying Zakat, you can create a society the human
civilization and history has witnessed only once.
Just before passing my higher secondary examination, I joined the
Communist Party of India (Marxist), not because I was aware of the
Communist Ideology and Agenda but, truthfully and honestly, for my
own reasons, which had nothing to do with the so called Communist
Manifesto. I did not even care to know what they say. But soon I
realised that the party that I am in is just not another political party.
It has a philosophy and an ideology, which was unique and rational
and had all the qualities to possess you.

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