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The general aim of these documents is to provide others - teachers, family and local
history researchers and anyone with an interest in the history of Kintyre and its immediate
surrounding area - with as much material as possible for them to understand what Kintyre
was and is about.

It is inevitable in such an exercise that, from time to time, interests stray outside Kintyre
itself, not least into the waters surrounding it and, that there is a 'historic relationship'
with Kilberry and Knapdale, on the far side of West Loch Tarbert, the documents here,
generally, rather than referring simply to Kintyre, consider the whole area 'south of The
Crinan Canal'.

Tarbert itself, at the northern end of Kintyre, derives its name from the Gaelic
compounding of tarruing, to draw and bata, meaning boat. The variations of spelling are
as numerous as the writers are ingenious ! In the oldest records it is Tarbart, then
Tarbard. Later it is spelt discriminately as Terbert, Tarbert, Tarbett, Tarbet, Tarbatt,
Tarbat, Torban, Tarbot, Tarbitt, Terbat, Turbet and too Terbart. Take your pick or phone a
friend ?

There was, though no date of its foundation can be traced, a shire of Tarbert which
included Kintyre, Gigha, Islay, Jura, Scarba, Colonsay and Mull plus the various and
adjacent smaller islands. Rathlin Island also then reckoned to be within The Sheriffdom of
Tarbert. On February 26, 1481, Knapdale too was made part of Tarbert-shire. Previously it
was part of Perth-shire !
Eventually, on Friday, June 28, 1633, Tarbert-shire was amalgamated with the shire of
Argyll - The last Tarbert-shire M.P., elected in September 1628, was Sir Lachlan M’Lean of
Morvern. Tarbert’s famous fair appears in records at least as early as 1705.

The first documents in these pages were uploaded at the end of January 2008 and in the
first eight months of these various papers, lists and indexes going online, nearly 80,000
"hits" were recorded on the document archives here and on various 'sub-listings' on and, though there are no 'hit-counters' on the other related websites linked
here, a 'proportionately similar number' of people may too have accessed their pages.
1776 - Taylor and Skinner - Road Atlas of Scotland

Scotland's very first road atlas, the original 1776 plates, first published in the year
of The American Revolution and coloured up and published, as here in 1792, the
year of The French Revolution.

1776 - Taylor and Skinner - Road Map of Kintyre Road

The original, uncoloured, strip map of the road between Lochgilphead and
Campbeltown, the map drawn 'Chinese style' with Campbeltown at the top and
notes about the old Kintyre Mail Routes and Droving Routes added.

1776 - Taylor and Skinner - Road Map - Fairly to Greenock

The first ever map of the road from Greenock to Fairlie which traced its way down
the Spango Valley and then, via the old 'high roads' through Largs and on to Fairlie.

1792 - Taylor and Skinner - Road Atlas of Scotland

Priced at 12 shillings, George Taylor and Andrew Skinner's 1776-published "Survey

and Maps of The Roads of North Britain, or Scotland" was essentially Scotland's first
'road atlas' - The maps h...

1798 - Kintyre Invasion Alert

In October 1798, some French ships, sent to support an Irish uprising, came close inshore
to Kintyre, the crew of one ship landing to kill a few sheep for fresh meat - In a state of
great alarm, a rider was despatched to Inveraray to bring troops to defend Kintyre from

1839 Eglinton Tournament

In September 2009, art expert James Knox, a trustee of The National Galleries of Scotland,
beat two English based dealers at auction and paid £7,500 for eight of the original forty

1852 - Marine Steam Engineers Manual

Written just 40 years after the appearance of Henry Bell's "Comet", the first successful
seagoing steamship, this important manual covers everything necessary to know about the
contruction and operation.

1854 Public Houses Scotland) Act and the Rise of Whisky

Drinking in Scotland
Given 'The 2005 Licensing (Scotland) Act', it makes sense to reflect on the effect of 'The
Act' of 150 years earlier, it said then that, both as regards to the requirements for shutting
up public houses

1900-Published Indian Cookery Book fo...


1914 - Trans-Atlantic Wireless Log of the Olympic at the

Outbreak of WWI
This is the transatlantic wireless log of the Olympic for her westbound and eastbound
crossings as war was declared in the summer of 1914. Unfortunately, though this is
nonetheless a fascinating

1915 - The Campbeltown Argylls in Gallipoli

Well-written account of the action and inaction in Gallipoli, its seeming likeness
compared here to Kintyre.
1947 - List of Campbeltown Fishing Boats
An intriguing look at the local fishing fleet after WWII, the boats' owners, tonnages and
rigs - sail, motor and auxilary - all listed.

1947 - List of Tarbert Fishing Boats

An intriguing look at the local fishing fleet after WWII, the boats' owners, tonnages and
rigs - sail, motor and auxilary - all listed

1955 - Sale of The 10th Duke of Argyll's Estates

An interesting list of the properties and sale prices.

1961 - Automobile Association Scottish Ferry Guide

The days before drive-through ferries and quick turnarounds - Service frequencies
and fares.

2006 Whisky Menu from Bellochantuy's Hunting Lodge Hotel

Bellochantuy's Hunting Lodge Hotel was awarded the prestigious 'Whisky Bar of The Year'
title in 2006, the, near 20-page long, list of whiskies should be of interest to anyone
curious about Scotland's liquors in all their varieties.

A Clutch of Drams

Part social history, part practioner's text book written from a 'Scotch', rather than
British or English, viewpoint - In the beginning, a short history of alcohol, duties and
taxes - In th...

AfterThe Moonshiners - George Wesley Wheeling - 1881

Though American in focus, the work and the business of the Revenue Officers, apart from
the carrying of firearms, could have been little different in Scotland or Ireland

Across The Sea to Ireland

Two ferry boats operated, one from Cushendun, the other from Dunaverty, operating
under a lease from The Duke of Argyll.

Afghan Question - 1841 to 1878 - The Duke of Argyll

Completed in April 1879, this work, though somewhat heavy to read, may in some way give
an insight into the beginning of affairs which continue to impact on The World today. In
William Gladst...

All About Steamers - The Boilers and Engines

A short 'enthusiasts' guide to the basic parts of steam engines, the fuel systems, the water-
feed system, the boilers and condenser, the cylinders, turbines, the coupled shafts to the

All About Steamers - Ship Handling Principles

A short 'enthusiasts' guide to shiphandling and berthing paddle steamers, turbines and
motor ships e.g. Because of their ‘fixed’ paddle-wheels, only being able to go ‘forward-or-

Ancient Churches and Chapels of Kintyre - T. Harvey Thomson

The following is a short account of the old churches and chapels of Kintyre, all the churches
and all but two or three of the most inaccessible chapels were personally visited by the
author and wha...

Andrew McQueen's Clyde Steamer Photographs

McQueen's two 'Clyde Steamer' books being too big to load directly here and
consequently uploaded (links below) as 'slide-shows' on Photobucket - The books'
70+ photographs, with captions, extracted here.

Antiquities of Killean and Kilkenzie - Late Rev. D. J. Macdonald,

Written by The Late Rev. D. J. Macdonald, minister of Killean and Kilchenzie's Parish Church
at Chleit, just north of Muasdale, on the west side of Kintyre, tales of beasts and giants,
duns and ...

Ardrishaig - WWI - Roll of Honour - Rev. Kenneth McLean

Forgotten Heroes - Probably one of the few surviving copies of McLean's list.

Ardrishaig and Loch Fyne At War

A companion volume to the massive "Kintyre At War 1939 - 1945" record - Here
one will find the story of Ardrishaig's HMS "Seahawk" training base for motor launch
and gunboat crews, a note about Dickie's Tarbert Boatyard and too the stories of
the WWII Ardrishaig steamer services and the training of the "Heroes of Telemark"
on the opposite shore of Loch Fyne.

Ardrishaig Shops of The Past

Extracted from Forsyth Hamilton's "Kipper House Tales", this list is essentially a
companion to that which follows for Tarbert's Old Shops and to Slater's 1911
Directory for Kintyre and Argyleshire Notes

Ardrishaig's Glendarroch Distillery

Sometimes referred to as the 'Glenfyne Distillery', those who walk The Crinan
Canal's 'West Bank' will remember to pass the old distillery's site with frequent
glances over their shoulders, on the lookout for the ghostly 'monk' who supposedly
haunts the area.

Argyll and Bute Council Archives - Updated to June 26, 2006

This is a 'composite' list of the collections supposedly held in Argyll and Bute
Council's archives, the list assembled after reconciling the various items noted
online in The National Archives listings.

Argyll and Bute Parishes Map - Groome's 1886

A geographical map of Argyll and Bute, the parishes numbered and their borders
drawn as in 1886.

Bagpipes - The Highland Bagpipe - Its...

This book was not written on a preconceived plan, drawn up from the beginning of the
work. It "growed". It had its inception in a commission

Bagpipes - The Story of The Bagpipe -

To most persons the bagpipe is associated with the strident skirl of an instrument
inseparably bound up with memories of "Bonnie Scotland".
Bagpipes - Ultimate Piping Guide - Starting Off

A useful starting point for those who know nothing about 'how they work' !

Bagpipe Playing - Canntaireachd - Articulate Playing

This little 58-page volume, dedicated to The Islay Association, contains a sample of the
peculiar language used by a school of musicians in Skye

Battle of Largs 1263 - The Norwegian Account of the Expedition

The Battle of Largs was an engagement fought between the armies of Norway and Scotland
near the present-day town of Largs in North Ayrshire on The Firth of Clyde in Scotland on
October 2, 1263.
Before the 'Hebridean Princess', The 'Dunottar Castle'

In 1890, following the launch of his 3,069 ton liner, the 'Dunottar Castle', Sir Donald
Currie took aboard a party of guests for her trial trip round Scotland, from The Clyde
to The Firth of For...

Bellochantuy's Seaweed Factory

Built in 1934 and employing some 45 people, Cefoil's seaweed processing factory at
Bellochantuy was so successful that officials from the wartime government shut it down
and transferred processing to factories at Barcaldine and Girvan !

Birds of Kintyre - Online Wikipedia Links

To complement the 2008 publication of Angus Martin's "KINTYRE BIRDS - Notes,

Quotes & Anecdotes" and to expand readers and others interest in 'Kintyre's Birds',
more than 160 identified in the...

Birds of Loch Fyne

This is essentially a supplementary list to complement the "Birds of Kintyre - Online
Wikipedia Links" uploaded earlier to the 'Kintyre On Record' archives on

Blasco de Gavray and La Trinidad's 1543 Steamship Trials

250 years before Henry Bell's COMET steamed the waters of the River Clyde, Blasco de
Gavray succeeded in proving the success of steam-powered ships, two accounts of his
trials here.

Booms and Blimps

At least three airships, SSZ 11, SSZ 12 and SSZ 13, operated over The North Channel.
SSZ 12 collided with the flagstaff on Stranraer pier, damaging its ‘car’ and ripping open its
envelope open, on July 15, 1918, but was repaired and soon back in service.

Britannia - Round the North of Scotland in 1845

A dozen gentlemen board The Edinburgh and Dundee Steam-packet Company’s new
steamer “Britannia” and take a trip from The Clyde, around the north of Scotland, to The
Forth in 1845.

British India Steam Navigation Company - A Short History

Of unknown authorship, this history was produced to celebrate the 100th anniversary of
Campbeltown-born William Mackinnon's "B.I." shipping line.

The Brownie of Cara

The Brownie, to whom everyone should pay homage when stepping ashore, has a
somewhat impish and droll sense of humour, some might say a little man of
cumbernosity !

Burns' Highland Mary at Bellochantuy - Archibald Munro - 1886

The story of Scottish poet ROBERT BURNS and HIGHLAND MARY, including the story of
Highland Mary's visit to BELLOCHANTUY and PAISLEY FARM in 1778 and a description of the
old main road between Kilchenzie and Bellochantuy

Burns Shipping Companies Early History

It was in 1818 when the two brothers became partners. J. & G. Burns, their original firm,
were produce merchants. In pushing their business they visited Belfast and every Irish port,

Campbeltown - Fishermen - WWII Record of Losses etc.

This record escaped inclusion in "Kintyre At War 1939 - 1945"

Campbeltown - Luftwaffe O S Map - WWII

The Germans used ordinary Ordnance Survey maps for many purposes, this one
surviving the war years.

Campbeltown - Southend - Machrihanish - 1907 Guide Book

Published to coincide with the first full operating season of the 'new' Campbeltown
to Machrihanish railway's passenger services and full of advertisements.

Campbeltown and Machrihanish Railway

The old coal canal, running from the colliery to the Mill Dam and operated with three small
barges, had opened in 1794 but had fallen into disuse and was eventually abandoned about
1856. The colliery changed hands in 1875 and the new owners, The Argyll Coal and Canal
Company, needed a better way of sending coal to the town and set to build a 2’ 3” narrow
gauge railway from the pit at Kilkivan to their coal depot at the east end of Argyll Street in
Campbeltown, a distance of about 4¼ miles.

Campbeltown Distilleries - A - Z List - from 1817 onwards

Although perhaps little more than 20 distilleries worked at the same time, here are
all Campbeltown's 34 distilleries, their proprietors and, in many cases, details of
their buildings and equipment.

Campbeltown - Map - 1832

This 'double-folded' 35 cm x 30 cm map of Campbeltown shows the principal streets, Barley
Bannocks Hill, Balligreggan Hill, The Relief Church

The Campbeltown Shipbuilding Company

Though ships are known to have been built in Campbeltown since around 1700, it was in
1877, when Archibald MacEachern returned to his native town after building up his fortune
in Africa, that Campbeltown got its first shipyard able to build big sea-going ships.

Campbeltown Steamers - 2004

An UN-ILLUSTRATED history of the Campbeltown Steamers, their last ships the DAVAAR
and the DALRIADA, the company founded in 1826 and the company used as a 'vehicle' to
found Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd..

Campbeltown's Kilkerran Gun Battery

Preparing to defend his Kintyre lands against an invasion by The Earl of Antrim during 'The
Bishops Wars', The Marquis of Argyll erected a gun battery overlooking the entrance to
Campbeltown Loch a...

Campbeltown's Quays, Coal and Sailing Ships

A short history of the building of Campbeltowns quays and piers, the start of coal mining
and The Campbeltown Coal Canal and brief descriptions of the sailing ship rigs commonly
found in pre-steamboat days.

The Cantyre Telegraph Line

Opened on Friday, September 4, 1865, in the presence of The Duke of Argyll, The Provost of
Campbeltown and the company's chairman, the company also bringing its previously
private circuits

Carradale - A Factor's Diary - Entries From December 1862 and

June 1863
The diary entries here first appeared in the pages of the November 2009 '(Carradale)
Antler' and, that their content may be of interest to many researchers generally and may
be easier found by internet search engines . . .

Carradale - Blue Tarn - 2008-2009 - Atlantic Crossings

Join the crew of Carradale's 'Blue Tarn', her positions all linked into Google Maps,
as she sails across The Bay of Biscay, down the coast of Portugal, out to
Madeira and on to The Canary Islands where she joined more than 200 other
yachts for The 2008 Trans-Atlantic Rally to Rodney Bay in St Lucia, one of the
most beautiful islands in The Lesser Antilles and her return, via Bermuda and
The Azores, to Campbeltown.

Carradale Antler - 185 - February 2008

Properly now known as "The Antler", the free monthly newsletter online, though
here without photographs, it of particular value as it generally contains reports and
details of Argyll and Bute Council business which escape inclusion in the area's
weekly newspapers.

Carradale Antler - 186 - March 2008

Carradale Antler - 187 - April 2008

Carradale Antler - 188 - May 2008

Carradale Antler - 189 - June 2008

Carradale Antler - 190 - July 2008

Carradale Antler - 191 - August 2008

Carradale Antler - 192 - September 2008

Carradale Antler - 193 - October 2008

Carradale Antler - 194 - November 2008

Carradale Antler - 195 - December 2008

Carradale Antler - 196 - January 2009

Carradale Antler - 197 - February 2009

Carradale Antler - 198 - March 2009

Carradale Antler - 199 - April 2009

Carradale Antler - 200 - May 2009

200th Edition includes articles from both the very first, July 1992 and the 36th,
August 1995, editions of 'The Antler' as well as all the current news and features.

Carradale Antler - 201 - June 2009

Carradale Antler - 202 - July 2009

Carradale Antler - 203 - August 2009

Carradale Antler - 204 - September 2009

Carradale Antler - 205 - October 2009

Carradale Antler - 206 - November 2009

Carradale Antler - 207 - December 2009 - January 2010 -


Carradale Antler - 208 - February 2010

Carradale Antler - 209 - March 2010

Carradale Antler - 210 - April 2010

Carradale Antler - 211 - May 2010

Carradale Antler - Duncan Ritchie - Funeral Tribute

The interesting life of one of Carradale's 'worthies', a nice fellow known by many
here and abroad.

Chleit - Church History

Properly the history of Killean and Kilchenzie Parish and its churches, that at
A'Chleit built, 'almost in parallel', with The Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse.

Chleit and Clachan Church Records - National Archives

List of records held in The National Archives of Scotland for the parishes and churches of
Killean and Kilchenzie (Chleit) and Kilcalmonell (Clachan)
Church Organ Guides

Though the young of Kintyre are focused on brass and pipe band music, few on
choral singing and keyboard, this collection of works, including some on 'sol-fah'
notation, may one day prove of as much interest in Kintyre as it has proved
elsewhere around the musical world outside.

The Civic Society's Campbeltown and Kilkerran Graveyard

As a Millennium project, The Kintyre Civic Society published "The Campbeltown Book" in
2003 - The chapters of the near 400-page long book cover a wide range of subjects

Clachan Church History

Ian McDonald's tour of Clachan's Kilcalmonell Church and old graveyard, the church
reputedly the oldest continuously used church building in Scotland.

Clark Memorial Church, Largs - History

The Rev. Charles H. H. Scobie's post-1961 published history of Largs' Clark Memorial
Church, the church building, sometimes referred to as 'The Cathedral of The West' built in
1892 thanks to the . . .

The Cluthas - Glasgow's Water Buses - 1884 to 1903

In April 1884 The Clyde Trustees, who had obtained powers under The Clyde Navigation Act
of 1878, to run steamers, inaugurated a passenger service between Victoria Bridge and

Clyde Lighthouse Trust 1755 - 1965

For a relatively small service, The Clyde Lighthouses Trust more than punched its weight in
innovation, it the first lighthouse authority in Great Britain or Ireland to be allowed to build

Clyde Passenger Steamer - Capt James Williamson - 1904

The 200th anniversary of the first public sailings of Henry Bell's "Comet" falling to
2012, Williamson's classic history, to the introduction of The World's first

commercial passenger turbine steamer, the "King Edward", will be of interest to

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 00 – Captain James Williamson

Captain Williamson's 1904-published book, "The Clyde Passenger Steamer", which gives a
complete overview of all the Clyde Steamers from the appeara...

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 01 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 01 - CHAPTER I - EARLY DAYS

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 02 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 02 - CHAPTER II - SUCCESSORS TO THE

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 03 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 03 - CHAPTER IV - INVENTIONS AND

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 04 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 04 - CHAPTER V - RAILWAY AND STEAMER -

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 05 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 05 - CHAPTER VII - THE RAILWAY INVASION

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 06 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 06 - CHAPTER VIII - RAILWAY RIVALRIES

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 07 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 07 - CHAPTER IX - DECLINE OF PRIVATE

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 08 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 08 - CHAPTER X - FIGHT OF THE PACKET

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 09 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 09 - CHAPTER XII - OWNERS, MASTERS AND

Clyde Passenger Steamer - 10 - Pages ...

Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 10 - CHAPTER XIV - BOILERS AND ENGINES -
Clyde Passenger Steamer - 11 - Pages ...
Williamson’s Clyde Passenger Steamer - Part 11 - MAP and COMPLETE LIST OF STEAMERS

Clyde Steamer Enthusiast's Guide, A

Focusing on the 1950's and 1960's, this work is full of 'little details', from how the
boilers and engines work to ship-handling at piers and services and cruises around
The Clyde.

Clyde Steamers website

Full of facts and stories, links to weather radars and 'near real time' ship position
plotters for The Firth of Clyde and The North Channel between Scotland and Ireland.

Clyde Steamer Book Uploads

Clyde Steamers At A Glance - John Marshall - 1948

Could you tell the difference between the "Duchess of Montrose" and the Duchess
of Hamilton", or tell the difference between the "Waverley" and the "Jeanie
Deans" ?

Colour On The Clyde

Read all about the old Clyde Steamer companies ships, hull colours, crews and

Come Fly With Me

The first ever scheduled air services in Scotland were to Campbeltown and Islay. Midland
and Scottish Air Ferries Ltd. was owned by John Cuthill Sword, son of the Airdrie bakery
family and by then general manager of Western S.M.T. buses in Kilmarnock - his house in
Ayr, one of a row three built for affluent Ayr bankers, all of whom the story goes, ending
up in jail for various reasons, became part of Ayr’s Wellington School.

Comet 200 - The Life of Henry Bell - Edward Morris - 1844

Marking the 200th Anniversary of Henry Bell's Comet, The World's first successful
passenger steam ship, this memoir laments The British Government's reluctance to
acknowledge Bell's achievemen

Cours' Hill
Cour House, built just a few miles to the north of Carradale in the 1920’s, was the first
country house to be designed by the English architect Oliver Hill.

Concertina - Clyde Steamers - Willie Smith Greenock

Though the name of Willie Smith will be unfamiliar to most, Willie played the theme
tunes for the 1954-film "The Maggie", a tune called 'Hamilton House' and the film
score composed by John Addison, who wrote the theme music for "Murder She
Wrote" and Willie then brought to life the theme for "The Vital Spark" and Para
Handy television comedies.

Concertina - Life and Times of - 365-pages

Whilst there are many melodeon, piano and button accordion players around
Kintyre, the concertina seems to have escaped their interest.

David Napier, Engineer (1790 - 1869)

This is an important account of the development of steam-powered ships, from the time of
the little river steamers, Fulton's "Claremont" and Henry Bell's 1812 "Comet", through to
the first true

Down to See the Engines on the Waverley

A well known feature of the British paddle steamer was the open engine room, where the
public could stand and see the engines at work as well as some of what goes on to keep
them running smoothly

Edwardian Steamer Timetable Booklet

One hundred years on, despite so-called 'integrated' public transport systems, it is
often forgotten that The Clyde's steamer services offered speedy links to far flung
places - Here is a pre-WWI 'composite timetable' of all the services that were
operated by the railway company steamers.

Fessenden website

In November 1906, Fessenden's engineers discovered that they could talk to each
other across the full breadth of The Atlatic Ocean, a month later, a guy rope on the
420-foot radio mast at Machrihanish gave way and the mast collapsed - This
website was set up to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fessenden's many
achievements and, if you wonder who invented electrical insulating tape, 'walkie-
talkie' radios, tracer bullets and submarine ASDIC detection equipment and more,
then look no further.

Farmers Rules
With the coming of the railways, came, often complex, fares and freight tables and rules !
Even if it is easy to count cattle and sheep ‘by the head’, farmers and butchers had to value
animals more precisely. Some railway stations introduced weigh-bridges, but why not stick
to an old fashioned measuring tape like the butchers.

Flora Drummond the General - Suffragette - Buried Carradale

Flora McKinnon Drummond, known as "The General", was a British suffragette, born in
Manchester and raised in the west coast village of Pirnmill on the Isle of Arran, directly
across Kilbrannan Sou...

Flora Macdonald, Largie and The Island of Cara

A cousin of the Macdonalds of Largie Estate, at Tayinloan, Flora Macdonald's brother,
Ronald, was killed in a shooting accident on the nearby island of Cara during Flora's stay at

Free Trip to Islay - June 1975

This is the story of Western Ferries' car ferry service to Islay as told by the company's then
managing director Andrew Wilson, the story of subsidy and competition in Scotland's West
Coast shipping.

From Bellochantuy to Berlin - The Story of a Fisherman's War -

HDML 1227
This is the story of Peter Blackstock's war, he joining The Royal Navy Patrol Service and,
following his early years of minesweeping, Peter joined 'HDML 1227' only to be sunk off

From the Clyde to Sandy Hook - The Amateur Emigrant Robert

Louis Stevenson
Given the "Titanic" disaster and the tragic loss of her steerage-fare passengers, it may be a
matter of curiosity for some to understand the conditions in which such passengers, most

Futility - The Wreck of The Titan - M...

Given the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, some may be interested in
reading Futility, or The Wreck of The Titan an 1898 short story

Glasgow to Campbeltown and Southend - Road Elevations

The "Contour" Road Books founded an entirely new concept in mapping for, though there
were numerous road maps by then in existence, there was the feeling that even the best of
these did not convey much more than a general idea of the course of a road.

Glencreggan - Volume 1

Cuthbert Bede's account of his visit to Kintyre in 1859.

Glencreggan - Volume 2

Cuthbert Bede's account of his visit to Kintyre in 1859.

Going Back on Life - Norman Newton

A collection of Campbeltonians' World War II memories, edited by Norman Newton and
published in 1986 by Strathclyde Regional Council - Too big to load directly here and
consequently the link here for the uploaded file on Photobucket, where the book
can be viewed page-by-page or as a 'slide-show'.

Google Street View Photographs of Kintyre and Gigha
On, March 11, 2010, over 99% of the United Kingdom's roads, including those around
Kintyre and on Gigha were added to Google's 'Street Views'

Google Street View Photographs of Piers

On, March 11, 2010, over 99% of the United Kingdom's roads, including those around
Kintyre and on Gigha were added to Google's 'Street Views'

Google Street View Photographs of Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay

On, March 11, 2010, over 99% of the United Kingdom's roads, including those around
Kintyre and on Gigha were added to Google's 'Street Views'

Greenock Academy website

Though focusing on Greenock Academy in particular, this is really an insight into

the world of Scottish secondary schools in the 1950's and 1960's.

Though puffers were a familiar sight in Campbeltown, there was also the near 90-foot long,
two-masted auxiliary ketch, "Halcyon", owned by Captain William McMillan

Harry Potter Visits Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay

Though the tale of "Harry Potter and The Triangle Prophecy", a 'fan-fiction', first published
on and on the HP Psych Yahoo Group webs...

Henry Morton Stanley - John Rowlands

A mourner at Campbeltown-born shipping magnate William Mackinnon's funeral in Clachan,
Stanley was indeed an adventurer and the history here notes how he had learned much
about Scottish missionary-explorer David Livingstone, on a visit to Skelmorlie and Wemyss
Bay, in 1867, before being told 'find Livingstone' !

Highland Railway - 1918 - Timetable

Post WWI and little has changed in the way people travelled around Scotland, here
the services, the coaches, the luggage arrangements and more.

Highland Seabird - The Story of Western Ferries Catamaran

In April 1976 Western Ferries announced that it was going to carry out trials on The Clyde
with a Norwegian Westermoen catamaran, the "Highland Seabird", designed by Toralf

HMS Nemesis - WWII - Campbeltown - Anti-Submarine Training

With the beginning of World War II, the "Princesse Marie-José" took fleeing refugees to
Folkestone and, on September 17, was loaned to The Royal Navy
In Campbeltown Once More - The DVD Video
Released in November 2009, Freddy Gillies' video, as one will see from its 'menu contents'
above, gives an interesting view of 'The Wee Toon' in the 21st century

In the Wake of The Maggie

"The Maggie", made in 1954, is in many ways superior to the later, BBC-made, television
comedies about Para Handy and the "Vital Spark",

The Industry - Oldest Original Steamer - 1814

Andrew McQueen, author of 'Clyde River Steamers Over The Last Fifty Years' (1923) and
'Echoes of Old Paddle Wheels' (1924) notes that improvements in steamboat construction
came so rapidly . . .

INTERNET ARCHIVE - Old Website Pages Still in Cyberspace

Many of the webpages from the old MSN Group websites and The Clyde River Steamer
Club's website, albeit without any photographs and sometimes without working links to
adjacent webpages

Inveraray Jail - Prisoner Records

The entries here have been sorted by 'town' or village or parish, some spellings and names
sometimes differing slightly from those in use today and the surnames, in the case of each
'town' or village or parish entry, are then listed in alphabetical order, it thus easier for
researchers to gain a quick overview of 'goings ons' in particular areas or even in particular
families in these areas !

Inveraray's Bell Tower

At the end of WWI, Niall Campbell, The 10th Duke of Argyll and Honorary Colonel of The 8th
Battalion of The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, commissioned architects Hoare and

Inveraray's Secret War - No 1 Combined Ops Training Centre

Inveraray was the site of No 1 Combined Training Centre from 1946 to 1945, a secret base
for the training of troops in beach assault and landing techniques. Troops of many
nationalities, British, A...

Irish Ferry Report - Scottish Government – January 2009

This economic appraisal, which was undertaken at the request of Scottish Government and
Northern Ireland Executive Ministers, examines the case

John Paul Jones and The Privateers

On August 24, 1779, John Paul Jones appeared off the Kerry coast with a squadron of six
ships and, sailing north, he captured “The Betsy” off Islay.

Join the Clan - Make a Fire Plan - A Household Inventory

JOIN THE CLAN - MAKE A FIRE PLAN - Though the 'house contents' list here reflects
the contents of a three-bedroomed holiday cottage, if you lost everything in a fire or
a flood, would you have an...

Keeping Time with Princess Louise

The Campbeltown RNLI life-boat “Princess Louise”, which took up the Campbeltown
station in 1876, was named after John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne’s
wife, Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria - Lorne was
friendly with one Sandford Fleming, the man who was instrumental in persuading the
adoption of today's World Time Zone System.

Keil No More
For many years, William Mackinnon had dreamed of establishing an educational facility for
boys with backgrounds similar to his own but, it was not until 1915, twelve years after his
own death, that his dream was realised and Keil House, a few miles from The Mull of
Kintyre, was purchased to accommodate a school.

Kilchenzie's Saint - Kenneth, Cainnech of Aghaboe

The name Kilchenzie may derive from Cainnech of Aghaboe, his real name Cainnech moccu
Dalánn, known as Saint Kenneth in Scotland and variously as Saint Canice, Saint Canicus
and Saint Kenny

King's Cutters and Smugglers 1700 - 1855

The importance of Campbeltown as a 'route centre' did not escape the mind of the
authorities and on occasion as many as nine Revenue Cutters operated from the
harbour at the same time.

Kintyre - Some Books and Articles

A list of useful books books and magazine articles of interest to anyone exploring Kintyre.

Kintyre - Cradle of Christianity - Dugald Semple

Dugald Semple's 1939-written article about Kintyre's history, its place in the spread of
Christianity and some descriptive notes about Saddell Abbey.

Kintyre - Family History - Researcher Links

Nearly 500 people looking for ancestors and family connections.

Kintyre - Hearth Tax - A I B Stewart - 1

First raised in Argyll in 1694, to raise money for King William’s French War, the taxes were
eventually dropped probably because they were too hard on the poor and most likely

Kintyre - Hearth Tax - A I B Stewart - 2

First raised in Argyll in 1694, to raise money for King William’s French War, the taxes were
eventually dropped probably because they were too hard on the poor and most likely

Kintyre - Papers - 1596 - 1606

A 20-page extract from the volume titled ‘Highland Papers’.

Kintyre - Rentals - 1 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 001 - 014

First of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 2 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 015 - 032

Second of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 3 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 033 - 048

Third of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 4 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 049 - 062

Fourth of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 5 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 063 - 074

Fifth of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 6 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 075 - 097

Sixth of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 7 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 098 - 117

Seventh of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B.

Kintyre - Rentals - 8 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 118 - 127

Eighth of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre - Rentals - 9 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 128 - 148

Ninth of 9-part, 148-page long list of Kintyre Rentals prepared by the late A. I. B. Stewart.

Kintyre and Knapdale - Samuel Lewis' 1846 Topical Dictionary

Learn about geography and settlements.

Kintyre and Knapdale Parishes - Groome's 1896 Gazeteer

Parishes described in detail.

Kintyre and The Kintyre Way Linked to Geograph Photographs
and Google Maps

IMPORTANTLY, the links here may provide a 'quick visual reference' not just for
tourists and walkers but indeed for anyone in the area's emergency services who
might be called out on to the remote...

Kintyre At War - Contents - Summary

A quick look at the contents of . . . . .

Kintyre At War 1939 - 1945

A massive 450-page long chronologically of 'nearly everything' that happened in and
around Kintyre, much information about the U-Boats, copies of the German and Japanese
surrender documents AND links to 'downloadable' Enigma coding machines.

Kintyre at War on CD-Rom Disc

Although freely available for download in the 'Kintyre On Record' archives, the 450-page
long, 300+mb, file is too big to download for those only on 'dial up' internet connections
and, that nobody
Kintyre Club - 1825 to 1981
The Kintyre Club, formed in 1825, with objectives and functions which were appropriate at
that period and well into the present century, was wou...

Kintyre Graveyards - Search for Relatives

Links to some 33,000 burials 'south of The Crinan Canal' and linked to Harold
Ralston's wonderful database which can supply photographs of most of the
gravestones in Kintyre's cemeteries.

Kintyre Mag - Complete Collection - Numbers 01 - 73 - From The

Though nothing more was added to 'The Kintyre Mag' website after the Spring of 2006, the
website was seemingly kept online until early in 2010

Kintyre Magazine - Contents A - Z

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Kintyre Antiquarian and Natural History Society

Kintyre Magazine - Contents Pages Only

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Kintyre Antiquarian and Natural History Society

Kintyre Magazine - Cover and Contents

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Kintyre Antiquarian and Natural History Society

Kintyre Magazine - Web Edition - Contents

Ian Forshaw's online series of articles from 'The Kintyre Magazine'.

Kintyre Magazine - Web Edition - Contents A - Z

Ian Forshaw's online series of articles from 'The Kintyre Magazine'.

Kintyre Magazine and Kintyre Web Magazine - Composite


What's online and what's not.

Kintyre Magazine, Kintyre Web and Kist Magazine - Composite


What's online and what's not.

Kintyre Marketing Group - Campbeltown and Tarbert Tourist

Trails - 1997

This 'leaflet', published to co-incide with the start of the Campbeltown to

Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, car ferry service, highlights the buildings of
Campbeltown and Tarbert.

Kintyre on Record Website Links, Articles and Overview

As with the listings here, the main purpose being to 'corral' and link together
everything that was available and remembered about the area's history and its

Though Campbeltown, Carradale, Tarbert and, recently, Southend have their own
websites, this website,
a pre-cursor to the presentation of what is here, was set up to record the history of
Kintyre's "West Road" area, from the north end of Machrihanish Bay to West Loch

Kintyre Place Names and Genealogy Links

Another useful set of links to help anyone interested in family links with Kintyre.

Kintyre Standing Stones - Duncan Colville

The majority of these monuments to 'time' were positioned to note the cycles of The
Moon, rather than The Sun.

Kintyre Way - Kintyre and The Drove Roads - A Pictorial


AN ESSENTIAL and EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE for anyone wanting a 'pictorial
overview' of The Kintyre Way, the Kintyre section of The Sustrans Cycle Route 78,
the Kintyre peninsula, the old Drove Road

Kintyre Way and Other Virtual Tours in Google Earth

IMPORTANTLY, the links here may provide a 'quick visual reference' not just for
tourists and walkers but indeed for anyone in the area's emergency services who
might be called out on to the remote...

Kintyre Way Guides website

An alternative, hopefully more informative, set of guides for those walking 'The
Kintyre Way'.

Kintyre's Adder King - Dr Norman Morrison

Morrison, a 'local' policeman, who was involved in moves to set up a trade union for
policemen in 1919, became an acclaimed international expert on adders and their venoms
- He discovered that adders hearts beat 29 times a minute and speculated that adder
venom might prove useful in later years as a weapon against cancer.

Kintyre’s Lifeboats
The story of Kintyre and Campbeltown's RNLI lifeboats and their rescues.

Kintyre's "West Road" Buildings

Drawings and brief descriptions of the principal buildings and houses on Kintyre's "West

Kintyre's Western and Irish Ferries - 2004

An UN-ILLUSTRATED history of the steamer and ferry services to Tarbert's East Loch and
West Loch piers, to Gigha, to Islay etc. and from Campbeltown to Red Bay and Ballycastle
in Northern Ireland.

Kintyre's Best Ever Guide Book

Published in 1992 and historically mapping the peninsula, this is the place to start
discovering Kintyre.

Kintyre's Church Organs

A brief summary of the instruments that are in regular use today and a brief history
of some no longer here.

Kintyre's Irish Railway Tunnel

On Friday, April 27, 1888, Perth's "The West Australian" newspaper tells us that a secret
survey had lately been made in in the North of Ireland and on The Mull of Kintyre, with the

object of arriving at data for an estimate of the cost of a tunnel across the narrow straight
which separates Ireland from Scotland.

Kintyre’s Roads and Mail Coach Services

Previously the roads had been ordered to be at least nine feet wide, now the special ‘Post
Roads’ were to be a full twenty feet in width. Where the ground was boggy, the surface
was to be covered with a three-foot deep layer of bundles of branches or heather; over this
was to be a two-foot later of crushed stones and that topped with an eighteen-inch layer of
gravel, all raised in the centre and with ditches on each side.

Kintyre's Wartime Heritage Trails and Air Crash Sites

An essential guide for anyone walking The Kintyre Way or interested in the effect of World
War II on Kintyre's infrastructure and a valuable reference for anyone researching Kintyre's
aircraft crash sites.

Kintyre's 'West Road' School Log Books

Though no pupils names are mentioned, these records, dating back to the 1860's,
tell us much about the way people lived, the diseases, the weather, the harvests
and of course the school holidays.

Kipper House Tales - Forsyth Hamilton - 1986

Though it is all about Ardrishaig, these light-hearted tales make easy reading.

Kist - Contents A - Z

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Mid-

Kist - Contents Pages Only

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Mid-

Kist - Cover and Contents

Twice-yearly magazine published by The Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Mid-

Kist, Kintyre and Kintyre Web Magazine - Composite Index

What's online and what's not.

Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle

During The Second World War and in early post-war years, many of the warships visiting
Rothesay Bay, The Holy Loch and The Clyde used 'picket' and 'liberty boats' to ferry crews
and supplies

Kitchen Rudders - Their Inventor and Some Applications

This document is essentially a supplement to "Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle", which can
be found online on - Contrary to the persuasions of many writers and texts,
'Jack' Kitchen was NOT an admiral.

L 26 and The Air Ambulance

On the Sunday morning, many of the inhabitants at church, the town was rocked by a
huge explosion at 12.10 p.m., the explosion caused by a leakage of acid from ‘No 1’
battery and a failure to check that important ventilators were clear prior to charging the
submarine’s batteries and John Sword’s ‘Midland and Scottish Airways’ was asked to
provide its ninth and first ‘multiple’ evacuation air ambulance flight in Scotland.

Largie Castle
Despite its appearance of hoary antiquity, Largie Castle was only built between 1857 - 1859
and had only been in existence a mere hundred years when it was demolished in 1958.

Largieside - Rural History - c 1968

Published by 'The Rural', here is the story of 'The Largieside', from Bellochantuy to
Tayinloan, pictures here giving a view of villages and village life before the builders
moved in.

Largieside - Rural History - c 1968 (unillustrated)

An easier donload for those without a broadband internet connection.

Legends of Kintyre - Archibald Munro - 1886

A set of travellers find themselves together for the night at Killocraw Farm,
between Bellochantuy and Westport and begin telling stories, who thinks 'poetry' is
'boring' !

Light Work in Machrihanish

Around 1899, when enlarging and rebuilding the mansion house at Losset, Captain
Macneal decided to put in electric light and too put lights into the Ugadale Arms Hotel
which also lay on his property at Machrihanish. The installation work was given to Messrs.
Ernest Scott & Mountain, assisted by Messrs. Carrick & Ritchie.

Lights To The West

A night-time look round the horizon west of Kintyre.

Loch Fyne and Kintyre Lace Classes - Needlework Monthly -

March 1913
In 1907, the herring disappeared from The Clyde and fishing families left without any
income, Sybil Campbell, sister of Colonel Campbell of Tarbert's Stonefield Estate, with the
assistance of a Miss . . .

Lochinvar and the Donna Nook
The story of MacBrayne's "Lochinvar", launched at Scott's of Bowling on Thursday, April 16,
1908 and, largely due to what might in hindsight be called 'arrogance', wrecked, with the
loss of all

Lord Inverclyde - How the Mastiffs Went to Iceland - Anthony

Trollope - 1878
On the evening of Saturday, June 22, 1878, Mr John Burns and his wife, along with sixteen
guests, left the private jetty below Castle Wemyss to board Burns' new steamer, the

Lord Inverclyde's Marriage to June Tripp

John Alan Burns, whose family found the finance for The Cunard Line, succeeded to the title
of 4th Baron Inverclyde of Castle Wemyss on August 16, 1919

Lord Inverclyde's Yachts

On the evening of Saturday, June 22, 1878, Mr John Burns and his wife, along with sixteen
guests, left the private jetty below Castle Wemyss to board Burns' new steamer, the

Lumsden and Son's Steam Boat Companion

A very gentle tour by horse-drawn coach and paddle steamer to The West Highlands
of Scotland.

MacAlister of Glenbarr and Cour and Others

Though the primary purpose of this document is to draw attention to the deaths of
Lieutenant Charles Augustus Macalister of Glenbarr and Cour, at Peking in 1911 and Colonel
Norman Macalister

M'Andrew's Hymn - The Marine Steam Engineer's Hymn -

Rudyard Kipling - c
It is indeed a great pity that this 'monologue', the musings of a ship's Scottish chief
engineer as his ship approaches port, has never, to the best of the present writer's
knowledge, ever been rec

MacBrayne - Bus Timetables - 1954 and 1955

The Earth belongs unto the Lord And all that it contains Except the Kyles and the Western
Isles And they are all MacBrayne's

Those were the days when MacBrayne's still ran a bus service direct from Campbeltown to

MacBrayne - Fleet List and Licences - 1906 - 1972

One of the most unusual route licences was from Minard to Fairlie, a 'relic' from
WWII years.

MacBrayne's - Timetable - Summer - 1970

Includes the timetable for the "King George V" cruise from Oban to Staffa and Iona.

McConnachie's Campbeltown Buses

Here Dunoon's John Openshaw's colour photographs of McConnachie's buses have been
captioned with detail from "On The Buses", a full history of Kintyre's buses

MacGrory - Video Tape - Kintyre Photographs - 1890 to 1911

- Index

A simple 1-page timeline.

MacGrory - Images of Kintyre - Booklet

A photocopy of the booklet which should have, but didn't always, accompany copies of
Argyll and Bute Council's Library Service's 2½ hour long video tape of the MacGrory
brothers slide collection - A hand-written guide, giving timings in minutes and seconds,
has been added to the pages so that images can easily be accessed from the tape - Too
big to load directly here and consequently the link here for the uploaded file on
Photobucket, where the book can be viewed page-by-page or as a 'slide-show'.

Mackinnon of Balinakill
A short history of Campbeltown-born shipping magnate William Mackinnon's career and his
single-handed efforts to secure British interests in East Africa.

MacNeill of Carskey's Journal - 1703 - 1743 - With Map

The diverse interests of MacNeill of Carskey must have brought him into contact
with practically every man and woman in the vicinity who held positions of any
degree of permanency; he had dealings...

McQueen - Clyde River Steamers of The Last Fifty Years

The first of McQueen's two 'Clyde Steamer' books, too big to load directly here and
consequently the link here for the uploaded file on Photobucket, where the book
can be viewed page-by-page or as a 'slide-show'.

McQueen - Echoes of Old Paddle Wheels

The second of McQueen's two 'Clyde Steamer' books, again too big to load directly
here and consequently the link here for the uploaded file on Photobucket, where
the book can be viwed pape-by-page or viewed as a 'slide-show'.

Machrihanish Bay - Charles Gilbert Heathcote (1841 - 1913)

It is unusual to find sellers on the eBay internet auction website who put any real degree of
effort into selling their wares, Foxhill Antiques however are doing just that

The Men Who Planted Trees

The stories here, one from France and one from India, one of fiction and one true, help
remind us that trees are not just for Christmas. The 'legend-like' tale is narrated by a
twenty-year-old m

Mill's 1857 Steam Catamaran - The Story of the Alliance

She had been but nine years afloat, first as a Clyde river-boat, partly as a Sunday-breaker,
next on The Caledonian Canal, then on The Mersey, with a spell laid up in dock

Minefield Off Kintyre - Courier, April 20, 1940

The Admiralty announced yesterday that mines have been laid across The Firth of Clyde
from the Kintyre coast to the Ayrshire coast. The new minefield completely blocks the
entrance to The Firth of Clyde and all vessels wishing to enter or leave the Clyde must
obtain instructions from British or naval or consular authorities at home or abroad before

Muasdale and The Story of The Otter Rock Light Ship and
This is essentially the story of four light ships, the 'Otter Rock' light ship, which grounded at
Muasdale, on the west side of Kintyre on January 9, 1958; the 'North Carr' light ship which
served ...

Muasdale and the Story of the Otter Rock Light Ship and Others
Following an earlier document in these archives about the story of the 'Otter Rock' light
ship, which grounded at Muasdale, on the west side of Kintyre on January 9, 1958

Muasdale's Beasts and Bellochantuy's Fairies

The beast seemed invincible but the lad, with a stroke of his sword, swept off its head,
only to see the head rise up and re-unite with the beast’s body . . .

Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse and Other Light Reviews

The story of the building of the lighthouse at The Mull of Kintyre and some notes on other
nearby lighthouses.
National Archives - 01 - An Introduction to The Kintyre Files
An online search of the files related to Kintyre, the steamers and services on the Clyde and
West Highlands and the files related to Knapdale and Kilberry produced nearly 7,000
results, the main ...

National Archives - 02a - Kintyre - 1323 to 1768

An online search of the files related to Kintyre, the steamers and services on the Clyde and
West Highlands and the files related to Knapdale and Kilberry produced nearly 7,000
results, the main ...

National Archives - 02b - Kintyre - 1768 to 1995

An online search of the files related to Kintyre, the steamers and services on the Clyde and
West Highlands and the files related to Knapdale and Kilberry produced nearly 7,000
results, the main ...

Newspaper Archives About Kintyre

Here there is a huge and worldwide list of both free and ‘pay-wall blocked’ digital online
newspaper archives AND, most importantly, a link to the wonderful and FREE National
Library of Australia’s...

Ode To A Potato
The tattie comes in many sizes, begins Campbeltown's own poet Jamie McGougan, his
verses highlighting many of the varieties of potato which have ...

On The Buses
The history of Kintyre's bus services and their operators, the history of Craig's 'West Coast
Motor Service'.

Oor Wee Toun - Campbeltown Grammar School Magazine -

An old Campbeltown Grammar School magazine from 1988, 'cut and pasted' production
from the days before computers and advertisements for local shop traders drawn by pupils
- Too big to load directly here and consequently the link here for the uploaded file on
Photobucket, where the book can be viewed page-by-page or as a 'slide-show'.

Para Handy - The Vital Spark Tales

The fictional character of Para Handy, properly Peter Macfarlane, was created by the
journalist and writer Neil Munro in a series of stories

Paulsen's Broompark
With The Fall of Paris in May 1940 and France facing defeat, Dautry, the French Armaments
Minister who, with British support, had negotiated with Norway's Norsk Hydro Rjukan

Philip Dundas - Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous Scotland

In 1948, Philip Dundas, who farmed at Kildalloig, just outside Campbeltown, succeeded in
defeating his own dependency on alcohol and founded the first branches of Alcoholics
Anonymous in Scotland.

Phone Directories - Scotland - 1901

Here, on Photobucket files, are ALL Scotland's telephone directories for 1901 -
There was only one phone line in Campbeltown at that time, a direct line running
from Campbeltown's Shipyard, No "1" and Campbeltown's Post Office, messages
then sent to the outside world by telegraph !

Photobucket - Index of Collections

PHOTOGRAPHS - There are some 6,000 and more photographs online in a multitude of
albums at
Piano Accordion Guide to Bass Keyboard Layouts and Systems

Just as there are many melodeon, piano and button accordion players around
Kintyre, there are many different, some nowadays obscure, bass keyboard layouts
and systems.

Place Names of Argyll - Hugh Cameron Gillies

The first section of Gillies' book deals with Kintyre, a land where a mixture of
cultures have led to a mixture of Gaelic and Norse-founded place names - The
name of the village of Muasdale, in all too many modern guide books and even sign
boards, is often thought to correspond to 'the valley of the monks' BUT, Gillies', as
did Maggie M'Kinnon, licensee of Muasdale Inn, asserts that Muasdale = 'The
Valley of The Mouse' - In a way they were both right, for the Scandanavians'
'Mosdale' meant, as one might expect, 'The Mossy Valley' AND, the area had to be
called something before 'the monks' walked its lands ! Bellochantuy means 'The
Fairies' Pass', Putchecan, to the south, means 'The Fairies' Field' and a short walk
up the hill to Corputchecan, to the north, visually confirms the meaning of its
name, 'The Witches' Caldron' !

Place Names of the Parish of Campbeltown - 2009

This compilation on the Place Names of Campbeltown Parish was first published by The
Kintyre Antiquarian Society in 1943, under the direction of the late Duncan Colville, but has
been revised and updated

Place Names of The Parish of Southend - 2009

This compilation on the place-names of Southend Parish was first published by The Kintyre
Antiquarian Society in 1938, under the direction of the late Duncan Colville, but has been
revised and updated

Puffers - The Supreme Marine Achievement of Man

A complete history of the Clyde puffers, from the old sailing gabbarts to the Admiralty-built
WWII VIC's and to the diesel 'puffers'

Radio Machrihanish
In November 1906, he received a letter from Mr Armor, the American operator at
Fessenden's Machrihanish radio mast “ At four o’clock this (undated) morning, I was
listening for telegraph signals from Brant Rock when, to my astonishment, I heard,
instead of dots and dashes, the voice of Mr Stein (the Brant Rock radio mast operator)
telling Plymouth (11 miles along the coast from Brant Rock) how to run their dynamo”.

Radio Machrihanish - Fessenden - Builder of Tomorrows

This is a book which every inventor should read, the story of Reginald Aubrey Fessenden,
the man who succeeded where Marconi failed and, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of
the First Trans-Atlantic Speech transmissions.

Rhunahaorine Sea Watch and The Balure Bombing Range

With WWII, a 'sea observation post' was set up at Rhunahaorine Point, at the
southern end of The Balure Bombing Range and the notes here refer to the
watchkeeping observers between December 1942...

RNLI Grace Paterson Ritchie (70-002) - Named at Wemyss Bay -

September 6, 1967
The "Grace Paterson Ritchie (70-002)" was the first of the R.N.L.I. lifeboats to have a steel
hull, her £57,000 cost was met by a legacy from Miss Grace Paterson Ritchie of Skelmorlie
Robert Hope-Jones - Father of the Theatre Organ
Robert Hope-Jones, who bore a striking resemblance to the American author Mark Twain,
one of his financial backers, was born on February 9, 1859, in Cheshire and died on
September 13, 1914

Saddell and Carradale - Church History

At one time part of the huge parish of Killean which, in Covenanting times,
stretched from Sliddery and Kildonan, in the south end of Arran, across Kintyre,
Gigha and Jura, to Colonsay.

Sail Away - 1820 Register of Campbeltown Ships

Not just about Campbeltown's ships but too here is noted an inscription on a gravestone
which reads "William McGillivray, A British sailor who fought under COCHRAN and NELSON.
He died respected and regretted at Dunmore - August 1863".

Sailing Directions - Clyde Cruising Club - 1947

The 'dumbing down' of text-books generally in recent decades has led to the loss of
much detail in the study of many areas of interest - The simple thing to remember
about all those fancy electronic navigational aids is that water and electricity don't
mix and one needs to know everything one can about sailing in coastal waters,
especially around Kintyre - Though the 'flashing characteristics' of all the lights
and buoys have been edited out, the extract here has had some extra value added
in that there are recent notes about tides, currents, eddies and flows which will
also help canoeists and surfers better understand the nature of these waters.

Sandford Fleming and The Inveraray Time Lord

Though never itself served by any railway system, Inveraray and its Freemasons,
'historically', would play an important part in getting 'The World Time Zones"

Scott Skinner - Guide To Bowing

Essential for anyone wanting to understand 'originals' and a good guide for

Scott Skinner - Scottish Violinist

Many a good tune, some long forgotten, in these pages.

School Photographs From Around 1930 - Glenbarr and Chleit

1930's school class photographs of the pupils of Glenbarr and Chleit Schools taken
by The Scholastic Company of Bispham, Blackpool, on one their rare visits to

Scottish Fishery Protection Cruisers

This illustrated fleet guide covers from 1882 onwards - At the beginning there is a brief note
about the meaning of "Scottish waters" in the light of Scotland's devolved Parliament and
the docume...

Scottish Tourist and Itineraray - 1825

Published the year before Campbeltown's first regular steamer service began.

Search for A Sword - The Story of Captain John Fleming RN

A 'must read' for fans of 'Hornblower' adventures who too should read - War Under
Sail - Fleming, born
at Balivain Farm, beside The Westport, joined the merchant navy and, though
already a qualified deck officer, only avoided being press-ganged as a seaman into
The Royal Navy by "volunteering" ! His exploits earned him large prize money and
a 'Sword of Honour' from a greatful Lloyds of London - Retiring 'home' to
Campbeltown, Fleming was provost when the town's first, gas fuelled, street
lighting system was introduced in 1832.

Ships and Shipping - Handbook - 1903

With 2012 being both the 200th anniversary of Britain's first commercial steamboat,
Henry Bell's "Comet" and too the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the "Titanic"
and many successful Campbeltown-built cargo ships then steaming the sea lanes,
it was appropriate to include this intriguing volume in these lists, one section of the
book explaining the significance of all the night light flares and signals which were
so, almost studiously, ignored by other ships in the vicinity of the "Titanic" on that
fateful night in 1912.

Skelmorlie website

Kintyre has several historic connections with Skelmorlie, the Tarbert Macalisters
invading the island of Arran in 1600 and then seizing the house and estates of John
Montgomery of Skelmorlie and plundering his possessions, including the island of Rathlin,
referred to as Rauchry and then, in 1602, Archibald Macalister, the heir of Tarbert, led his
men along, with other clans of north Kintyre, on a raid on the Stuarts of Bute, for which
act he was denounced as a rebel - In 1605, Archibald and his kinsman, John Macalister,
tutor of Loup, were ordered to appear before the Privy Council and fined on surety of pain
of being denounced as rebels - Another, Alexander Macalister, along with Angus Og,
leader of MacDonalds of Islay were found guilty of treason and after incarceration in prison
of Tolbooth in Edinburgh, they were hanged but, such were the changes of fortune that,
by 1623, Macalister of Loup was one of the justices of the peace for Argyllshire !

The second Kintyre connection lies in that, in the early to mid-1800's, one John
M'Connachie, seemingly a Carradale fisherman, used to smuggle 'sma whisky' from Arran
to one Henry Watson, who lived in a cottage at Skelmorlie Castle itself and Watson's son,
William, would later turn out to be a friend of the journalist-explorer Henry Morton Stanley,
who would seek out missionary explorer David Livingstone in Africa and later Stanley would
attend shipping magnate William Mackinnon's funeral at Clachan.

The connections continue too in that when the Graham family set about restorations of
Skipness Castle and Skipness Chapel, it was their cousin, then in Skelmorlie Castle, who
supplied the red sandstone from the castle's quarry, it shipped in a puffer from nearby
Meigle's beach to Skipness.

A further, more modern link, being that the early Monday morning, 'Death Run', steamer
from Campbeltown headed directly from Lochranza to Wemyss Bay to make a faster
connection for weekend passengers returning to work in Glasgow.

Skelmorlie - 1879 Guide Book

The Rev. John Boyd's guide was commissioned for "Strangers Residing in The
District and Visitors at The Wemyss Bay Hydropathic Establishment ( Skelmorlie
Hydro Hotel )

Skelmorlie - Millport Guide Book (1886) - inc Wemyss Bay

W. Lytteil's guide, written in 1886, though mostly concerned with Millport and The
Cumbrae Islands, also looks at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay.

Skelmorlie - North Church History - A W Stevens - 1972(1)

Includes mention of 'The Tartan Pimpernel', The Rev. Dr. Donald C. Caskie, whose
World War II exploits may be read elsewhere.

Skelmorlie - Original - Walter Smart History - 1968

A 1968-published history of the villages of Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay, situated on

Scotland's Firth of Clyde

Skelmorlie - Original - Walter Smart - No Photos

A 1968-published history of the villages of Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay, situated on

Scotland's Firth of Clyde

SKELMORLIE - Scotsman Archives

A wonderful collection of stories from the 1849 to 1950 archives of "The Scotsman"

Skelmorlie - South Church - 100 Years - 1856 - 1956 - Booklet -

Wm Newton McCartney

Newton McCartney's history of Skelmorlie's 'South' Parish Church and The Church of
Scotland's first organ used in regular Sunday services.

Skelmorlie - Tom Moodie's Memories of A Jeweller

Wemyss Bay-born Tom Moodie, tells us of his apprenticeship and his life as a
jeweller in Yorkshire, especially in the 1950's and 1960's.

Skelmorlie - Tom Moodie of Wemyss Bay Memories

Tom Moodie, his father a Skelmorlie postman, gives us a guided tour of Wemyss
Bay and recalls village life in the 1930's and the early years of World War II.

Skelmorlie and Inverkip Sea Scouts

When Alfred Holt's 'Blue Funnel' cargo ship "Dymas" arrived at Arnott Young's Damuir
shipbreaking yard on April 8, 1954, one of her lifeboats, seemingly the 'No 2' boat from the
ship's port side

Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay - World War II

A short history of events in and around Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay during World War II,
including the personalities who found refuge in Castle Wemyss, home of Lord Inverclyde

Skipness - Church History and Parish Record Links

A short history of the churches and some interesting links.

Skipness and Loch Fyne Steamers - 2004

An UN-ILLUSTRATED history of the steamer and ferry services to Skipness and Loch Fyne.

Slater's 1911 Directory for Kintyre and Argyleshire Notes

A "Who's Who" of traders, land-owners and dignitaries.

Smuggling In The Highlands

Although not mentioning Kintyre, this is a valuable, indeed sympathetic, view of illicit
distilling in The Highlands, written by a Sheriff !
Sound of Islay - The Irish Ferry - Now and Then
Entering service on April 7, 1968, the "Sound of Islay" was placed on a new twice-daily
service between a newly-built Kennacraig terminal in West Loch Tarbert and Port Askaig on

Southend Church History

A short history of the parish.

Southend Through The Ages by K. Johnston

A concise history of Southend written in the 1930's.

St Columba - Life of - Rev Dr John Smith, Campbeltown -


Perhaps yet the 'definitive study' of Columba in Scotland.

The Steam Turbine - Sir Charles Parsons - 1911 Rede Lecture -

76- Pages
At the start of this 76-page document, Parsons notes that while the first turbine of which
there is any record was made by Hero of Alexandria 2,000 years ago . . .

Steam Yachts and Launches - Their Machinery and Management

- 1887
Essentially a 'companion volume' to the 1852 Marine Steam Engineers' Manual, which can
also be downloaded from this archive, the work here should be of great interest to anyone

Steamboats - Hudsons River - From 1786

The first commercial steamboat service began not in Scotland on The Clyde but in

Surfing at Bellochantuy and Machrihanish

In an age and an area where there has been great interest in harnessing the power of the
wind and ‘air waves’ and now new interest in harnessing the power of the tides to produce
electricity, there is no reason why the power of the waves should not too be harnessed by
the building of an artificial reef for the profit of surfers and the profit of Kintyre's fragile

Tall Ships - 1841 Seaman's Manual

An essential 122-page reference for Tall Ships' crews, yachtsmen, ship-modellers and
marine historians written by Richard Henry Dana, author of Two Years Before The Mast, a
complete guide

Tarbert - Past and Present - Gleanings in Local History - Dugald

Mitchell - 1886
An important and easy to read history of Tarbert and Kintyre covering The Lords of The
Isles, the Macalisters and Campbells, Tarbert-shire, Tarbert Castle, The Herring Fishing and

Tarbert, Tarbertshire and The Tarbert Canal

Tarbert has many spellings and history tells us that there was once a Tarbertshire too -
Meaning 'ithmus', the land between Tarbert's East and West Lochs was surveyed by
engineer James Watt but discounted as a viable route for a canal to bypass The Mull of

Tarbert Parish Church History

A concise history of Tarbert's Church.

Tarbert's Old Shops

A wonderful little 'door-by-door' tour of the village's shops and trades.

Time for Tides

Here, for the simple reason that many modern almanacs, textbooks and even simple
computer software programs are ‘dumbed down’ and omit any simple explanations of how
tides operate, it may be useful to understand a little about our local waters around The
Clyde, Kintyre and The North Channel.

Time for Weather

For the simple reason that many modern almanacs, textbooks and even simple computer
software programs are ‘dumbed down’ and omit any simple explanations of how weather
systems really operate, not least about Kintyre, it may be useful to say a little about
reading weather charts and understanding forecasts and understanding what happens
when weather depressions cross Kintyre.

Tin Lizzies - How To Drive A Ford T

The first motor car appeared in Campbeltown in 1898 and, by 1906, when the
Campbeltown to Machrihanish Railway opened to passenger traffic, there were 75 motor-
cars registered in the county of Argyll - The Campbeltown to Tarbert mail-coach, said to
‘circumnavigate The World’ once- a- year, gave way to the age of the motor-bus in 1913
when it made its last run on Saturday, August 30, 1913.

Tinkers in Argyll

A sympathetic view of a lifestyle now long gone.

Titanic - An Unsinkable Titanic - John Bernard - July 1912

The safest ocean liner of the time had been the Great Eastern, built fifty years before the
Titanic, the Great Eastern's designer's aim being to make the ship practically unsinkable
and he succeeded.

Titanic - Letters From the Titanic and Carpathia - 1912

Essentially included in a 'memoriam' to the life of Dorset mining engineer Henry Forbes
Julian, written by his wife Hester in 1914, the letters here tell some of the story of the
sinking of the Ti...

Titanic - The Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic - Published May

Published barely a month after the Titanic sank, complete with eye-witness accounts,
verbatim statements from the initial inquiry and list of missing victims

Trip Aboard The Dalriada

On an early summer morning sometime in the 1930's, between 1932 and 1936, an
unknown figure, bound for Campbeltown, begins to film a record of his trip on board the
1926-built, single screw, "Dalriada".

Twa Brigs - Ian M'Donald
Between Killocraw and Putechan the road crossed the burn Allt-na-Dunach, 'The Stream of
Misfortune', by a narrow bridge which was not wide enough
U-Boat Grid Map - Great Britain and North Sea - WWII

A companion to . . . . .

U-Boat Grid Map - North Atlantic - WWII

These grid maps are essential tools for anyone unravelling the movements of U-
Boats in WWII.

U-Boat Movements - 1939 to 1945

This HUGE, nearly 2,500-page long, file would have been useful when tracking
down the movements and fates of Kintyre's 'own' U-Boats, "U-33" and "U-482" - It
is only recently that it has been possible to assemble it into a single document so
that researchers can now, very simply, use the Edit/Find facility on their computer
toolbar to follow the 'German-supposed' day-by-day movements of any chosen U-
Boat throughout the war years.

Valiant Hearts - Carradale - Gloria Siggins - 2006

The individual stories of Carradale's 'Fallen Heroes' and their final resting places.

War Economy Recipe Book

With war came supposedly healthier eating habits, this little collection of recipes from New
Zealand perhaps of interest to today's peoples suffering a surfeit of junk food and
wondering what

War Under Sail

This is the document to read to better understand the story of Captain John Fleming
RN and to understand too something of the background of Hector MacNeill (1746 -
1818) who, although neither born, nor ever resident, in Kintyre, was a grandson of the
first Hector MacNeill of Losset and a poet, esteemed in his day, who eventually joined the
Navy as a civilian clerk, serving on board the “Victory” from sometime around 1780
onwards with several distinguished Captains and Admirals but seemingly rather old by the
time of The Battle of Trafalgar.

A number of Kintyre men were at The Battle of Trafalgar, one Charles McGillivray, now
buried in the little graveyard of Kiluanish, near Dunmore on the north side of West Loch
Tarbert, where the inscription on his gravestone reads "William McGillivray, A British sailor
who fought under COCHRAN and NELSON. He died respected and regretted at Dunmore -
August 1863".

Whisky, Smuggling, The "Prince of Wales" and 'Highland


Beginning with Kintyre's local distilling activities and the illicit stills, attention is turned to
the island of Sanda and smuggling, one of the crew members of a Campbeltown-based
Revenue cutter fathering Robert Burns' 'Highland Mary'.

William Mackinnon - Hamish Mackinven

Hamish Mackinven's 1956-written 'all-inclusive history' of Campbeltown-born shipping
magnate William Mackinnon's career and his single-handed efforts to secure British
interests in East Africa.

William Watson - Life in The Confederate Army

Skelmorlie-born William Watson's "Life in The Confederate Army" and "Adventures of a
Blockade Runner" were Margaret Mitchell's main historical references

William Watson (Born 1826) - Adventures of a Blockade Runner

(1892) - 409-Pages

Born in the North Ayrshire village of Skelmorlie, Watson found himself embroiled in
The American Civil War, his account of his involvement captaining blockade ruuners
remains an important referen...

William Watson's Eagle and Other U.S. Civil War Blockade

An insight into the interesting and exhilarating work that awaited such of the boats as
survived the passage out across The Atlantic is found in Skelmorlie-born William Watson's
delightful "Adventures of A Bockade Runner.

WWII - Campbeltown Rescue Tugs - 1992 Reunion

50 years after Campbeltown's WWII Rescue Tug Base was set up, survivors of the tug crews
formed The HMRT Association and revisited Campbeltown for a reunion

Weather Charts - December 1, 1880 to 1949 and from 1948


Though our own daily lives are frequently focused on 'the weather', we often forget
the influence of the weather on past events - The links here lead to a complete
series of daily Atlantic Weather Charts from December 1880 onwards - As a single
weather chart on its own tells you little about the direction the weather has come
from, or is going to, a little work will be necessary on the computer to create a
'slide-show' of weather charts to show the just how The Atlantic weather built up
towards and just beyond the date of a particular event, be it a shipwreck or a
family wedding ! Choose a date, say, a week before the event in question - Use a
'screen capture' program, such as the free copy of Screen Hunter 5.0 (or similar)
to capture each day's weather chart in the run up to the date of the event AND for a
couple of days after the date of interest too - Next, number these images
sequentially, e.g. very simply 01 - 02 - 03 etc. - Then, identically crop out the
weather charts using a simple program such as the free copy of IrfanView (and
download all its latest 'plug-ins') and then put them all in a 'new' folder (which
you could perhaps date 'From . . . To . . . ) and run the sequence of images as a
'slide-show' to let you see how the weather develops - You can find out more about
'the weather' in e.g. Clyde Steamer Enthusiast's Guide, A - Note - If you
simply want to print out a copy of your screen use Print Desktop.

PDF Documents - Many documents here are in PDF format (some are made up of
JPEG 'photo-images' which WON'T convert to text) - PDF to e.g. Microsoft 'Word'
convertors are VERY VERY expensive - If you use Microsoft 'Word', you might try

Yachting in The Hebrides - Aboard The Elena - 1877

Amongst the memories of 'a pleasant cruise' aboard John Anderson of Glen Tower's yacht
"Elena", from The Clyde to Stornoway in the autumn of 1876 and a whole chapter devoted
to Kintyre and Campbeltown.

Yachting Wrinkles - Captain A. J. Kenealy - 1899

Captain Kenealy's 'Wrinkles', gleaned from 'practical experience, observation and study,
were published in the hope that they might prove of interest and value to lovers of sailing

May 8, 2010


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