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433 U.S.

97 S.Ct. 2777
53 L.Ed.2d 867

Richard M. NIXON, Appellant,

No. 75-1605.
Argued April 20, 1977.
Decided June 28, 1977.

After appellant had resigned as President of the United States, he executed
a depository agreement with the Administrator of General Services that
provided for the storage near appellant's California home of Presidential
materials (an estimated 42 million pages of documents and 880 tape
recordings) accumulated during appellant's terms of office. Under this
agreement, neither appellant nor the General Services Administration
(GSA) could gain access to the materials without the other's consent.
Appellant was not to withdraw any original writing for three years,
although he could make and withdraw copies. After the initial three-year
period he could withdraw any of the materials except tape recordings.
With respect to the tape recordings, appellant agreed not to withdraw the
originals for five years and to make reproductions only by mutual
agreement. Following this five-year period the Administrator would
destory such tapes as appellant directed, and all of the tapes were to be
destroyed at appellant's death or after the expiration of 10 years,
whichever occurred first. Shortly after the public announcement of this
agreement, a bill was introduced in Congress designed to abrogate it, and
about three months later this bill was enacted as the Presidential
Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (Act) and was signed into law
by President Ford. The Act directs the Administrator of GSA to take
custody of appellant's Presidential materials and have them screened by
Government archivists in order to return to appellant those personal and
private in nature and to preserve those having historical value and to make
the materials available for use in judicial proceedings subject to 'any
rights, defenses or privileges which the Federal Government or any person

may invoke.' The Administrator is also directed to promulgate regulations

to govern eventual public access to some of the materials. These
regulations must take into account seven guidelines specified by 104(a)
of the Act, including, inter alia, the need to protect any person's
opportunity to assert any legally or constitutionally based right or privilege
and the need to return to appellant or his family materials that are personal
and private in nature. No such publicaccess regulations have yet become
effective. The day after the Act was signed into law, appellant filed an
action in District Court challenging the Act's constitutionality on the
grounds, inter alia, that on its face it violates (1) the principle of
separation of powers; (2) the Presidential privilege; (3) appellant's privacy
interests; (4) his First Amendment associational rights; and (5) the Bill of
Attainder Clause, and seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against
enforcement of the Act. Concluding that since no public-access
regulations had yet taken effect it could consider only the injury to
appellant's constitutionally protected interests allegedly caused by the
taking of the Presidential materials into custody and their screening by
Government archivists, the District Court held that appellant's
constitutional challenges were without merit and dismissed the complaint.
1. The Act does not on its face violate the principle of separation of
powers. Pp. 441-446.
(a) The Act's regulation of the Executive Branch's function in the control
of the disposition of Presidential materials does not in itself violate such
principle, since the Executive Branch became a party to the Act's
regulation when President Ford signed the Act into law and President
Carter's administration, acting through the Solicitor General, urged
affirmance of the District Court's judgment. Moreover, the function
remains in the Executive Branch in the person of the GSA Administrator
and the Government archivists, employees of that branch. P. 441.
(b) The separate powers were not intended to operate with absolute
independence, but in determining whether the Act violates the separationof-powers principle the proper inquiry requires analysis of the extent to
which the Act prevents the Executive Branch from accomplishing its
constitutionally assigned functions, and only where the potential for
disruption is present must it then be determined whether that impact is
justified by an overriding need to promote objectives within Congress'
constitutional authority. Pp. 441-443.
(c) There is nothing in the Act rendering it unduly disruptive of the

Executive Branch, since that branch remains in full control of the

Presidential materials, the Act being facially designed to ensure that the
materials can be released only when release is not barred by privileges
inhering in that branch. Pp. 443-446.
2. Neither does the Act on its face violate the Presidential privilege of
confidentiality. Pp. 446-455.
(a) In view of the specific directions to the GSA Administrator in 104(a)
of the Act to take into account, in determining public access to the
materials, 'the need to protect any party's opportunity to assert any
constitutionally based right or privilege,' and the need to return to
appellant his purely private materials, there is no reason to believe that the
restrictions on public access ultimately established by regulation will not
be adequate to preserve executive confidentiality. Pp. 449-451.
(b) The mere screening of the materials by Government archivists, who
have previously performed the identical task for other former Presidents
without any suggestion that such activity in any way interfered with
executive confidentiality, will not impermissibly interfere with candid
communication of views by Presidential advisers and will be no more of
an intrusion into Presidential confidentiality than the in camera inspection
by the District Court approved in United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94
S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039. Pp. 451-452.
(c) Given the safeguards built into the Act to prevent disclosure of
materials that implicate Presidential confidentiality, the requirement that
appellant's personal and private materials be returned to him, and the
minimal nature of the intrusion into the confidentiality of the Presidency
resulting from the archivists' viewing such materials in the course of their
screening process, the claims of Presidential privilege must yield to the
important congressional purposes of preserving appellant's Presidential
materials and maintaining access to them for lawful governmental and
historical purposes. Pp. 452-454.
3. The Act does not unconstitutionally invade appellant's right of privacy.
While he has a legitimate expectation of privacy in his personal
communications, the constitutionality of the Act must be viewed in the
context of the limited intrusion of the screening process, of appellant's
status as a public figure, his lack of expectation of privacy in the
overwhelming majority of the materials (he having conceded that he saw
no more than 200,000 items), and the virtual impossibility of segregating
the apparently small quantity of private materials without comprehensive

screening. When this is combined with the Act's sensitivity to appellant's

legitimate privacy interests, the unblemished record of the archivists for
discretion, and the likelihood that the public-access regulations to be
promulgated will further moot appellant's fears that his materials will be
reviewed by 'a host of persons,' it is apparent that appellant's privacy
claim has no merit. Pp. 455-465.
4. The Act does not significantly interfere with or chill appellant's First
Amendment associational rights. His First Amendment claim is clearly
outweighed by the compelling governmental interests promoted by the
Act in preserving the materials. Since archival screening is the least
restrictive means of identifying the materials to be returned to appellant,
the burden of that screening is the measure of the First Amendment claim,
and any such burden is speculative in light of the Act's provisions
protecting appellant from improper public disclosures and guaranteeing
him full judicial review before any public access is permitted. Pp. 465468.
5. The Act does not violate the Bill of Attainder Clause. Pp. 468-484.
(a) However expansive is the prohibition against bills of attainder, it was
not intended to serve as a variant of the Equal Protection Clause,
invalidating every Act. by Congress or the States that burdens some
persons or groups but not all other plausible individuals. While the Bill of
Attainder Clause serves as an important bulwark against tyranny, it does
not do so by limiting Congress to the choice of legislating for the
universe, or legislating only benefits, or not legislating at all. Pp. 468-471.
(b) The Act's specificity in referring to appellant by name does not
automatically offend the Bill of Attainder Clause. Since at the time of the
Act's passage Congress was only concerned with the preservation of
appellant's materials, the papers of former Presidents already being
housed in libraries, appellant constituted a legitimate class of one, and this
alone can justify Congress' decision to proceed with dispatch with respect
to his materials while accepting the status of his predecessors' papers and
ordering in the Public Documents Act the further consideration of
generalized standards to govern his successors. Pp. 471-472.
(c) Congress, by lodging appellant's materials in the GSA's custody
pending their screening by Government archivists and the promulgation of
further regulations, did not 'inflict punishment' within the historical
meaning of bills of attainder. Pp. 473-475.
(d) Evaluated in terms of Congress' asserted proper purposes of the Act to

preserve the availability of judicial evidence and historically relevant

materials, the Act is one of nonpunitive legislative policymaking, and
there is no evidence in the legislative history or in the provisions of the
Act showing a congressional intent to punish appellant. Pp. 475-484.
D.C., 408 F.Supp. 321, affirmed.
Herbert J. Miller, Jr., and Nathan Lewin, Washington, D.C., for appellant.
Sol. Gen. Wade H. McCree, Jr., Detroit, Mich., and Robert E. Herzstein,
Washington, D.C., for appellees.
Mr. Justice BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court.

Title I of Pub.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695, note following 44 U.S.C. 2107 (1970
ed., Supp. V), the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act
(hereafter Act), directs the Administrator of General Services, official of the
Executive Branch, to take custody of the Presidential papers and tape
recordings of appellant, former President Richard M. Nixon, and promulgate
regulations that (1) provide for the orderly processing and screening by
Executive Branch archivists of such materials for the purpose of returning to
appellant those that are personal and private in nature, and (2) determine the
terms and conditions upon which public access may eventually be had to those
materials that are retained. The question for decision is whether Title I is
unconstitutional on its face as a violation of (1) the separation of powers; (2)
Presidential privilege doctrines; (3) appellant's privacy interests; (4) appellant's
First Amendment associational rights; or (5) the Bill of Attainder Clause.

On December 19, 1974, four months after appellant resigned as President of the
United States, his successor, President Gerald R. Ford, signed Pub.L. 93-526
into law. The next day, December 20, 1974, appellant filed this action in the
District Court for the District of Columbia, which under 105(a) of the Act has
exclusive jurisdiction to entertain complaints challenging the Act's legal or
constitutional validity, or that of any regulation promulgated by the
Administrator. Appellant's complaint challenged the Act's constitutionality on a
number of grounds and sought declaratory and injunctive relief against its
enforcement. A three-judge District Court was convened pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
2282, 2284.1 Because regulations required by 104 of the Act governing
public access to the materials were not yet effective, the District Court held that
questions going to the possibility of future public release under regulations yet
to be published were not ripe for review. It found that there was 'no need and no
justification for this court now to reach constitutional claims directed at the

regulations . . . the promulgation of (which) might eliminate, limit, or cast (the

constitutional claims) in a different light.' 408 F.Supp. 321, 336 (1976).
Accordingly, the District Court limited review 'to consideration of the propriety
of injunctive relief against the alleged facial unconstitutionality of the statute,'
id., at 335, and held that the challenges to the facial constitutionality of the Act
were without merit. It therefore dismissed the complaint. Id., at 374-375. We
noted probable jurisdiction, 429 U.S. 976, 97 S.Ct. 483, 50 L.Ed.2d 583 (1976).
We affirm.
3* The Background

The materials at issue consist of some 42 million pages of documents and some
880 tape recordings of conversations. Upon his resignation, appellant directed
Government archivists to pack and ship the materials to him in California. This
shipment was delayed when the Watergate Special Prosecutor advised
President Ford of his continuing need for the materials. At the same time,
President Ford requested that the Attorney General give his opinion respecting
ownership of the materials. The Attorney General advised that the historical
practice of former Presidents and the absence of any governing statute to the
contrary supported ownership in the appellant, with a possible limited
exception.2 43 Op.Atty. Gen. No. 1 (1974), App. 220-230. The Attorney
General's opinion emphasized, however:

'Historically, there has been consistent acknowledgement that Presidential

materials are peculiarly affected by a public interest which may justify
subjecting the absolute ownership rights of the ex-President to certain
limitations directly related to the character of the documents as records of
government activity.' Id., at 226.

On September 8, 1974, after issuance of the Attorney General's opinion, the

Administrator of General Services, Arthur F. Sampson, announced that he had
signed a depository agreement with appellant under the authority of 44 U.S.C.
2107. 10 Weekly Comp. of Pres.Doc. 1104 (1974). We shall also refer to the
agreement as the Nixon-Sampson agreement. See Nixon v. Sampson, 389
F.Supp. 107, 160-162 (DC 1975) (App. A). The agreement recited that
appellant retained 'all legal and equitable title to the Materials, including all
literary property rights,' and that the materials accordingly were to be 'deposited
temporarily' near appellant's California home in an 'existing facility belonging
to the United States.' Id., at 160. The agreement stated further that appellant's
purpose was 'to donate' the materials to the United States 'with appropriate
restrictions.' Ibid. It was provided that all of the materials 'shall be placed
within secure storage areas to which access can be gained only by use of two

keys,' one in appellant's possession and the other in the possession of the
Archivist of the United States or members of his staff. With exceptions not
material here, appellant agreed 'not to withdraw from deposit any originals of
the materials' for a period of three years, but reserved the right to 'make
reproductions' and to authorize other persons to have access on conditions
prescribed by him. After three years, appellant might exercise the 'right to
withdraw from deposit without formality any or all of the Materials . . . and to
retain . . . (them) for any purpose . . .' determined by him. Id., at 161.

The Nixon-Sampson agreement treated the tape recordings separately. They

were donated to the United States 'effective September 1, 1979,' and meanwhile
'shall remain on depost.' It was provided however that '(s)ubsequent to
September 1, 1979 the Administrator shall destory such tapes as (Mr. Nixon)
may direct' and in any event the tapes 'shall be destroyed at the time of (his)
death or on September 1, 1984, whichever event shall first occur.' Ibid.
Otherwise the tapes were not to be withdrawn, and reproduction would be made
only by 'mutual agreement.' Id., at 162. Access until September 1, 1979, was
expressly reserved to appellant, except as he might authorize access by others
on terms prescribed by him.

Public announcement of the agreement was followed 10 day later, September

18, by the introduction of S. 4016 by 13 Senators in the United States Senate.
The bill, which became Pub.L. 93-526 and was designed, inter alia, to abrogate
the Nixon-Sampson agreement, passed the Senate on October 4, 1974. It was
awaiting action in the House of Representatives when on October 17, 1974,
appellant filed suit in the District Court seeking specific enforcement of the
Nixon-Sampson agreement. That action was consolidated with other suits
seeking access to Presidential materials pursuant to the Freedom of Information
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (1970 ed. and Supp. V), and also seeking injunctive relief
against enforcement of the agreement. Nixon v. Sampson, supra.3 The House
passed its version of the Senate bill on December 3, 1974. The final version of
S. 4016 was passed on December 9, 1974, and President Ford signed it into law
on December 19.

The Act

Public Law 93-526 has two Titles. Title I, the challenged Presidential
Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, consists of 101 through 106.
Title II, the Public Documents Act, amends Chapter 33 of Title 44, United
States Code, to add 3315 through 3324 thereto, and establish the National

Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials.


Section 101(a) of Title I directs that the Administrator of General Services,

notwithstanding any other law or agreement or understanding (e. g., the NixonSampson agreement), 'shall receive, obtain, or retain, complete possession and
control of all original tape recordings of conversations which were recorded or
caused to be recorded by any officer or employee of the Federal Government
and which


'(1) involve former President Richard M. Nixon or other individuals who, at the
time of the conversation, were employed by the Federal Government; '(2) were
recorded in the White House or in the office of the President in the Executive
Office Buildings located in Washington, District of Columbia; Camp David,
Maryland; Key Biscayne, Florida; or San Clemente, California; and


'(3) were recorded during the period beginning January 20, 1969, and ending
August 9, 1974.'


Section 101(b) provides that notwithstanding any such agreement or

understanding, the Administrator also 'shall receive, retain, or make reasonable
efforts to obtain, complete possession and control of all papers, documents,
memorandums, transcripts, and other objects and materials which constitute the
Presidential historical materials (as defined by 44 U.S.C. 210) of Richard M.
Nixon, covering the period beginning January 20, 1969, and ending August 9,


Section 102(a) prohibits destruction of the tapes or materials except as may be

provided by law, and 102(b) makes them available (giving priority of access
to the Office of the Watergate Special Prosecutor) in response to court
subpoena or other legal process, or for use in judicial proceedings. This was
made subject, however, 'to any rights, defenses, or privileges which the Federal
Government or any person may invoke . . ..' Section 102(c) affords appellant,
or any person designated by him in writing, access to the recordings and
materials for any purpose consistent with the Act 'subsequent and subject to the
regulations' issued by the Administrator under 103. See n. 46, infra. Section
102(d) provides for access according to 103 regulations by any agency or
department in the Executive Branch for lawful Government use. Section 103
requires custody of the tape recordings and materials to be maintained in
Washington except as may otherwise be necessary to carry out the Act, and
directs that the Administrator promulgate regulations necessary to assure their
protection from loss or destruction and to prevent access to them by

unauthorized persons.

Section 104, in pertinent part, directs the Administrator to promulgate

regulations governing public access to the tape recordings and materials.
Section 104(a) requires submission of proposed regulations to each House of
Congress, the regulations to take effect under 104(b)(1) at the end of 90
legislative days unless either the House or the Senate adopts a resolution
disapproving them. The regulations must take into account seven factors
specified in 104(a), namely:


'(1) the need to provide the public with the full truth, at the earliest reasonable
date, of the abuses of governmental power popularly identified under the
generic term 'Watergate';


'(2) the need to make such recordings and materials available for use in judicial


'(3) the need to prevent general access, except in accordance with appropriate
procedures established for use in judicial proceedings to information relating to
the Nation's security;


'(4) the need to protect every individual's right to a fair and impartial trial;


'(5) the need to protect any party's opportunity to assert any legally or
constitutionally based right or privilege which would prevent or otherwise limit
access to such recordings and materials;


'(6) the need to provide public access to those materials which have general
historical significance, and which are not likely to be related to the need
described in paragraph (1); and


'(7) the need to give to Richard M. Nixon, or his heirs, for his sole custody and
use, tape recordings and other materials which are not likely to be related to the
need described in paragraph (1) and are not otherwise of general historical


Section 105(a) vests the District Court for the District of Columbia with
exclusive jurisdiction not only to hear constitutional challenges to the Act, but
also to hear challenges to the validity of any regulation, and to decide actions
involving questions of title, ownership, custody, possession, or control of any

tape or materials, or involving payment of any award of just compensation

required by 105(c) when a decision of that court holds that any individual has
been deprived by the Act of private property without just compensation.
Section 105(b) is a severability provision providing that any decision
invalidating a provision of the Act or a regulation shall not affect the validity or
enforcement of any other provision or regulation. Section 106 authorizes
appropriation of such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of
the Title.
The Scope of the Inquiry

The District Court correctly focused on the Act's requirement that the
Administrator of General Services administer the tape recordings and materials
placed in his custody only under regulations promulgated by him providing for
the orderly processing of such materials for the purpose of returning to
appellant such of them as are personal and private in nature, and of determining
the terms and conditions upon which public access may eventually be had to
those remaining in the Government's possession. The District Court also noted
that in designing the regulations, the Administrator must consider the need to
protect the constitutional rights of appellant and other individuals against
infringement by the processing itself or, ultimately, by public access to the
materials retained. 408 F.Supp., at 334-340. This construction is plainly
required by the wording of 103 and 104. 4


Regulations implementing 102 and 103, which did not require submission to
Congress, and which regulate access and screening by Government archivists,
have been promulgated, 41 CFR 105-63 (1976). Public-access regulations
that must be submitted to Congress under 104(a) have not, however, become
effective. The initial set proposed by the Administrator was disapproved
pursuant to 104(b)(1) by Senate Resolution. S.Res. 244, 94th Cong., 1st Sess.
(1975); 121 Cong.Rec. 28609-28614 (1975). The Senate also disapproved
seven provisions of a proposed second set, although that set had been
withdrawn. S.Res. 428, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. (1976); 122 Cong.Rec. 1015910160 (1976). The House disapproved six provisions of a third set. H.R.Res.
1505, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. (1976). The Administrator is of the view that
regulations cannot become effective except as a package and consequently is
preparing a fourth set for submission to Congress. Brief for Federal Appellees
8-9, n. 4.


The District Court therefore concluded that as no regulations under 104 had

yet taken effect, and as such regulations once effective were explicitly made
subject to judicial review under 105, the court could consider only the injury
to appellant's constitutionally protected interests allegedly worked by the taking
of his Presidential materials into custody for screening by Government
archivists. 408 F.Supp., at 339-340. Judge McGowan, writing for the District
Court, quoted the following from Watson v. Buck, 313 U.S. 387, 402, 61 S.Ct.
962, 967, 85 L.Ed. 1416 (1941):

'No one can foresee the varying applications of these separate provisions which
conceivably might be made. A law which is constitutional as applied in one
manner may still contravene the Constitution as applied in another. Since all
contingencies of attempted enforcement cannot be envisioned in advance of
those applications, courts have in the main found it wiser to delay passing upon
the constitutionality of all the separate phases of a comprehensive statute until
faced with cases involving particular provisions as specifically applied to
persons who claim to be injured. Passing upon the possible significance of the
manifold provisions of a broad statute in advance of efforts to apply the
separate provisions is analogous to rendering an advisory opinion upon a statute
or a declaratory judgment upon a hypothetical case.' 408 F.Supp., at 336.


Only this Term we applied this principle in an analogous situation in declining

to adjudicate the constitutionality of regulations of the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency that were in process of revision, stating: 'For
(the Court) to review regulations not yet promulgated, the final form of which
has been only hinted at, would be wholly novel.' EPA v. Brown, 431 U.S. 99,
104, 97 S.Ct. 1635, 1637, 52 L.Ed.2d 166 (1977). See also Thorpe v. Housing
Authority, 393 U.S. 268, 283-284, 89 S.Ct. 518, 526-527, 21 L.Ed.2d 474
(1969); Rosenberg v. Fleuti, 374 U.S. 449, 451, 83 S.Ct. 1804, 1806, 10
L.Ed.2d 1000 (1963); United States v. Raines, 362 U.S. 17, 20-22, 80 S.Ct.
519, 522-523, 4 L.Ed.2d 524 (1960); Harmon v. Brucker, 355 U.S. 579, 78
S.Ct. 433, 2 L.Ed.2d 503 (1958). We too, therefore, limit our consideration of
the merits of appellant's several constitutional claims to those addressing the
facial validity of the provisions of the Act requiring the Administrator to take
the recordings and materials into the Government's custody subject to screening
by Government archivists.


The constitutional questions to be decided are, of course, of considerable

importance. They touch the relationship between two of the three coordinate
branches of the Federal Government, the Executive and the Legislative, and the
relationship of appellant to his Government. They arise in a context unique in
the history of the Presidency and present issues that this Court has had no
occasion heretofore to address. Judge McGowan, speaking for the District

Court, comprehensively canvassed all the claims, and in a thorough opinion,

concluded that none had merit. Our independent examination of the issues
brings us to the same conclusion, although our analysis differs somewhat on
some questions.

Claims Concerning the Autonomy of the Executive Branch


The Act was the product of joint action by the Congress and President Ford,
who signed the bill into law. It is therefore urged by intervenor-appellees that,
in this circumstance, the case does not truly present a controversy concerning
the separation of powers, or a controversy concerning the Presidential privilege
of confidentiality, because, it is argued, such claims may be asserted only by
incumbents who are presently responsible to the American people for their
action. We reject the argument that only an incumbent President may assert
such claims and hold that appellant, as a former President, may also be heard to
assert them. We further hold, however, that neither has separation-of-powers
claim nor his claim of breach of constitutional privilege has merit.


Appellant argues broadly that the Act encroaches upon the Presidential
prerogative to control internal operations of the Presidential office and therefore
offends the autonomy of the Executive Branch. The argument is divided into
separate but interrelated parts.


First, appellant contends that Congress is without power to delegate to a

subordinate officer of the Executive Branch the decision whether to disclose
Presidential materials and to prescribe the terms that govern any disclosure. To
do so, appellant contends, constitutes, without more, an impermissible
interference by the Legislative Branch into matters inherently the business
solely of the Executive Branch.


Second, appellant contends, somewhat more narrowly, that by authorizing the

Administrator to take custody of all Presidential materials in a 'broad,
undifferentiated' manner, and authorizing future publication except where a
privilege is affirmatively established, the Act offends the presumptive
confidentiality of Presidential communications recognized in United States v.
Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94 S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974). He argues that
the District Court erred in two respects in rejecting this contention. Initially, he
contends that the District Court erred in distinguishing incumbent from former
Presidents in evaluating appellant's claim of confidentiality. Appellant asserts

that, unlike the very specific privilege protecting against disclosure of state
secrets and sensitive information concerning military or diplomatic matters,
which appellant concedes may be asserted only by an incumbent President, a
more generalized Presidential privilege survives the termination of the
President-adviser relationship much as the attorneyclient privilege survives the
relationship that creates it. Appellant further argues that the District Court erred
in applying a balancing test to his claim of Presidential privilege and in
concluding that, notwithstanding the fact that some of the materials might
legitimately be included within a claim of Presidential confidentiality,
substantial public interests outweighed and justified the limited inroads on
Presidential confidentiality necessitated by the Act's provision for Government
custody and screening of the materials. Finally, appellant contends that the
Act's authorization of the process of screening the materials itself violates the
privilege and will chill the future exercise of constitutionally protected
executive functions, thereby impairing the ability of future Presidents to obtain
the candid advice necessary to the conduct of their constitutionally imposed
Separation of Powers

We reject at the outset appellant's argument that the Act's regulation of the
disposition of Presidential materials within the Executive Branch constitutes,
without more, a violation of the principle of separation of powers. Neither
President Ford nor President Carter supports this claim. The Executive Branch
became a party to the Act's regulation when President Ford signed the Act into
law, and the administration of President Carter, acting through the Solicitor
General, vigorously supports affirmance of the District Court's judgment
sustaining its constitutionality. Moreover, the control over the materials
remains in the Executive Branch. The Administrator of General Services, who
must promulgate and administer the regulations that are the keystone of the
statutory scheme, is himself an official of the Executive Branch, appointed by
the President. The career archivists appointed to do the initial screening for the
purpose of selecting out and returning to appellant his private and personal
papers similarly are Executive Branch employees.


Appellant's argument is in any event based on an interpretation of the

separation-of-powers doctrine inconsistent with the origins of that doctrine,
recent decisions of the Court, and the contemporary realities of our political
system. True, it has been said that 'each of the three general departments of
government (must remain) entirely free from the control or coercive influence,

direct or indirect, of either of the others . . .,' Humphrey's Executor v. United

States, 295 U.S. 602, 629, 55 S.Ct. 869, 874, 79 L.Ed. 1611 (1935), and that
'(t)he sound application of a principle that makes one master in his own house
precludes him from imposing his control in the house of another who is master
there.' Id., at 630, 55 S.Ct., at 874. See also O'Donoghue v. United States, 289
U.S. 516, 53 S.Ct. 740, 77 L.Ed. 1356 (1933); Springer v. Government of the
Philippine Islands, 277 U.S. 189, 201, 48 S.Ct. 480, 482, 72 L.Ed. 845 (1928).

But the more pragmatic, flexible approach of Madison in the Federalists Papers
and later of Mr. Justice Story 5 was expressly affirmed by this Court only three
years ago in United States v. Nixon, supra. There the same broad argument
concerning the separation of powers was made by appellant in the context of
opposition to a subpoena duces tecum of the Watergate Special Prosecutor for
certain Presidential tapes and documents of value to a pending criminal
investigation. Although acknowledging that each branch of the Government has
the duty initially to interpret the Constitution for itself, and that its
interpretation of its powers is due great respect from the other branches, 418
U.S., at 703, 94 S.Ct., at 3105, the Court squarely rejected the argument that
the Constitution contemplates a complete division of authority between the
three branches. Rather, the unanimous Court essentially embraced Mr. Justice
Jackson's view, expressed in his concurrence in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.
v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 635, 72 S.Ct. 863, 870, 96 L.Ed. 1153 (1952).


'In designing the structure of our Government and dividing and allocating the
sovereign power among three coequal branches, the Framers of the
Constitution sought to provide a comprehensive system, but the separate
powers were not intended to operate with absolute independence.' 418 U.S., at
707, 94 S.Ct., at 3107 (emphasis supplied).


Like the District Court, we therefore find that appellant's argument rests upon
an 'archaic view of the separation of powers as requiring three airtight
departments of government,' 408 F.Supp., at 342.6 Rather, in determining
whether the Act disrupts the proper balance between the coordinate branches,
the proper inquiry focuses on the extent to which it prevents the Executive
Branch from accomplishing its constitutionally assigned functions. United
States v. Nixon, 418 U.S., at 711-712, 94 S.Ct., at 3109. Only where the
potential for disruption is present must we then determine whether that impact
is justified by an overriding need to promote objectives within the
constitutional authority of Congress. Ibid.


It is therefore highly relevant that the Act provides for custody of the materials
in officials of the Executive Branch and that employees of that branch have

access to the materials only 'for lawful Government use, subject to the
(Administrator' s) regulations.' 102(d); 41 CFR 105-63.205, 105-63.206,
and 105-63.302 (1976). For it is clearly less intrusive to place custody and
screening of the materials within the Executive Branch itself than to have
Congress or some outside agency perform the screening function. While the
materials may also be made available for use in judicial proceedings, this
provision is expressly qualified by any rights, defense, or privileges that any
person may invoke including, of course, a valid claim of executive privilege.
United States v. Nixon, supra. Similarly, although some of the materials may
eventually be made available for public access, the Act expressly recognizes
the need both 'to protect any party's opportunity to assert any legally or
constitutionally based right or privilege,' 104(a)(5), and to return purely
private materials to appellant, 104(a)(7). These provisions plainly guard
against disclosures barred by any defenses or privileges available to appellant
or the Executive Branch.7 And appellant himself concedes that the Act 'does
not make the presidential materials available to the Congress except insofar as
Congressmen are members of the public and entitled to access when the public
has it.' Brief for Appellant 119. The Executive Branch remains in full control of
the Presidential materials, and the Act facially is designed to ensure that the
materials can be released only when release is not barred by some applicable
privilege inherent in that branch.

Thus, whatever are the future possibilities for constitutional conflict in the
promulgation of regulations respecting public access to particular documents,
nothing contained in the Act renders it unduly disruptive of the Executive
Branch and, therefore, unconstitutional on its face. And, of course, there is
abundant statutory precedent for the regulation and mandatory disclosure of
documents in the possession of the Executive Branch. See, e. g., the Freedom of
Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (1970 ed. and Supp. V); the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (1970 ed., Supp. V); the Government in the Sunshine
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b (1976 ed.); the Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 2101 et
seq.; and a variety of other statutes, e. g., 13 U.S.C. 8-9 (census data); 26
U.S.C. 6103 (tax returns). Such regulation of material generated in the
Executive Branch has never been considered invalid as an invasion of its
autonomy. Cf. Environmental Protection Agency v. Mink, 410 U.S. 73, 83, 93
S.Ct. 827, 834, 35 L.Ed.2d 119 (1973); FAA Administrator v. Robertson, 422
U.S. 255, 95 S.Ct. 2140, 45 L.Ed.2d 164 (1975).8 Similar congressional power
to regulate Executive Branch documents exists in this instance, a power that is
augmented by the important interests that the Act seeks to attain. See infra, at

Presidential Privilege

Having concluded that the separation-of-powers principle is not necessarily

violated by the Administrator's taking custody of and screening appellant's
papers, we next consider appellant's more narrowly defined claim that the
Presidential privilege shields these records from archival scrutiny. We start with
what was established in United States v. Nixon, supra that the privilege is a
qualified one.9 Appellant had argued in that case that in camera inspection by
the District Court of Presidential documents and materials subpoenaed by the
Special Prosecutor would itself violate the privilege without regard to whether
the documents were protected from public disclosure. The Court disagreed,
stating that 'neither the doctrine of separation of powers, nor the need for
confidentiality of highlevel communications, without more, can sustain an
absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege . . ..'10 418 U.S., at 706, 94 S.Ct., at
3106. The Court recognized that the privilege of confidentiality of Presidential
communications derives from the supremacy of the Executive Branch within its
assigned area of constitutional responsibilities,11 but distinguished a President's
'broad, undifferentiated claim of public interest in the confidentiality of such
(communications)' from the more particularized and less qualified privilege
relating to the need 'to protect military, diplomatic, or sensitive national
security secrets . . .' Ibid. The Court held that in the case of the general
privilege of confidentiality of Presidential communications, its importance must
be balanced against the inroads of the privilege upon the effective functioning
of the Judicial Branch. This balance was struck against the claim of privilege in
that case because the Court determined that the intrusion into the
confidentiality of Presidential communications resulting from in camera
inspection by the District Court, 'with all the protection that a district court will
be obliged to provide,' would be minimal and therefore that the claim was
outweighed by '(t)he impediment that an absolute, unqualified privilege would
place in the way of the primary constitutional duty of the Judicial Branch . . ..'
Id., at 706-707, 94 S.Ct., at 3107.


Unlike United States v. Nixon, in which appellant asserted a claim of absolute

Presidential privilege against inquiry by the coordinate Judicial Branch, this
case initially involves appellant's assertion of a privilege against the very
Executive Branch in whose name the privilege is invoked. The nonfederal
appellees rely on this apparent anomaly to contend that only an incumbent
President can assert the privilege of the Presidency. Acceptance of that
proposition would, of course, end this inquiry. The contention draws on United
States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 7-8, 73 S.Ct. 528, 532, 97 L.Ed. 727 (1953),
where it was said that the privilege 'belongs to the Government and must be
asserted by it: it can neither be claimed nor waived by a private party.' The

District Court believed that this statement was strong support for the
contention, but found resolution of the issue unnecessary. 408 F.Supp., at 343345. It sufficed, said the District Court, that the privilege, if available to a
former President, was at least one that 'carries much less weight than a claim
asserted by the incumbent himself.' Id., at 345.

It is true that only the incumbent is charged with performance of the executive
duty under the Constitution. And an incumbent may be inhibited in disclosing
confidences of a predecessor when he believes that the effect may be to
discourage candid presentation of views by his contemporary advisers.
Moreover, to the extent that the privilege serves as a shield for executive
officials against burdensome requests for information which might interfere
with the proper performance of their duties, see United States v. Nixon, 418
U.S., at 714, 94 S.Ct., at 3110; cf. Eastland v. United States Servicemen's Fund,
421 U.S. 491, 501-503, 95 S.Ct. 1813, 1820-1821, 44 L.Ed.2d 324 (1975);
Dombrowski v. Eastland, 387 U.S. 82, 84-85, 87 S.Ct. 1425, 1427, 18 L.Ed.2d
577 (1967) (per curiam), a former President is in less need of it than an
incumbent. In addition, there are obvious political checks against an
incumbent's abuse of the privilege.


Nevertheless, we think that the Solicitor General states the sounder view, and
we adopt it:


'This Court held in United States v. Nixon . . . that the privilege is necessary to
provide the confidentiality required for the President's conduct of office. Unless
he can give his advisers some assurance of confidentiality, a President could
not expect to receive the full and frank submissions of facts and opinions upon
which effective discharge of his duties depends. The confidentiality necessary
to this exchange cannot be measured by the few months or years between the
submission of the information and the end of the President's tenure; the
privilege is not for the benefit of the President as an individual, but for the
benefit of the Republic. Therefore the privilege survives the individual
President's tenure.' Brief for Federal Appellees 33.


At the same time, however, the fact that neither President Ford nor President
Carter supports appellant's claim detracts from the weight of his contention that
the Act impermissibly intrudes into the executive function and the needs of the
Executive Branch. This necessarily follows, for it must be presumed that the
incumbent President is vitally concerned with and in the best position to assess
the present and future needs of the Executive Branch, and to support invocation
of the privilege accordingly.


The appellant may legitimately assert the Presidential privilege, of course, only
as to those materials whose contents fall within the scope of the privilege
recognized in United States v. Nixon, supra. In that case the Court held that the
privilege is limited to communications 'in performance of (a President's)
responsibilities,' 418 U.S., at 711, 94 S.Ct., at 3109, 'of his office,' id., at 713,
and made 'in the process of shaping policies and making decisions,' id., at 708,
94 S.Ct., at 3107. Of the estimated 42 million pages of documents and 880 tape
recordings whose custody is at stake, the District Court concluded that the
appellant's claim of Presidential privilege could apply at most to the 200,000
items with which the appellant was personally familiar.


The appellant bases his claim of Presidential privilege in this case on the
assertion that the potential disclosure of communications given to the appellant
in confidence would adversely affect the ability of future Presidents to obtain
the candid advice necessary for effective decisionmaking. We are called upon
to adjudicate that claim, however, only with respect to the process by which the
materials will be screened and catalogued by professional archivists. For any
eventual public access will be governed by the guidelines of 104, which
direct the Administrator to take into account 'the need to protect any party's
opportunity to assert any . . . constitutionally based right or privilege,' 104(a)
(5), and the need to return purely private materials to the appellant, 104(a)(7).


In view of these specific directions, there is no reason to believe that the

restriction on public access ultimately established by regulation will not be
adequate to preserve executive confidentiality. An absolute barrier to all outside
disclosure is not practically or constitutionally necessary. As the careful
research by the District Court clearly demonstrates, there has never been an
expectation that the confidences of the Executive Office are absolute and
unyielding. All former Presidents from President Hoover to President Johnson
have deposited their papers in Presidential libraries (an example appellant has
said he intended to follow) for governmental preservation and eventual
disclosure.12 The screening processes for sorting materials for lodgment in
these libraries also involved comprehensive review by archivists, often
involving materials upon which access restrictions ultimately have been
imposed. 408 F.Supp., at 347. The expectation of the confidentiality of
executive communications thus has always been limited and subject to erosion
over time after an administration leaves office.


We are thus left with the bare claim that the mere screening of the materials by
the archivists will impermissibly interfere with candid communication of views
by Presidential advisers.13 We agree with the District Court that, thus framed,
the question is readily resolved. The screening constitutes a very limited

intrusion by personnel in the Executive Branch sensitive to executive concerns.

These very personnel have performed the identical task in each of the
Presidential libraries without any suggestion that such activity has in any way
interfered with executive confidentiality. Indeed, in light of this consistent
historical practice, past and present executive officials must be well aware of
the possibility that, at some time in the future, their communications may be
reviewed on a confidential basis by professional archivists. Appellant has
suggested no reason why review under the instant Act, rather than the
Presidential Libraries Act, is significantly more likely to impair confidentiality,
nor has he called into question the District Court's finding that the archivists'
'record for discretion in handling confidential material is unblemished.' 408
F.Supp., at 347.

Moreover, adequate justifications are shown for this limited intrusion into
executive confidentiality comparable to those held to justify in in camera
inspection of the District Court sustained in United States v. Nixon, supra.
Congress' purposes in enacting the Act are exhaustively treated in the opinion
of the District Court. The legislative history of the Act clearly reveals that,
among other purposes, Congress acted to establish regular procedures to deal
with the perceived need to preserve the materials for legitimate historical and
governmental purposes.14 An incumbent President should not be dependent on
happenstance or the whim of a prior President when he seeks access to records
of past decisions that define or channel current decisions that define or channel
current governmental obligations.15 Nor should the American people's ability to
reconstruct and come to terms which their history be truncated by an analysis of
Presidential privilege that focuses only on the needs of the present.16 Congress
can legitimately act to rectify the hit-or-miss approach that has characterized
past attempts to protect these substantial interests by entrusting the materials to
expert handling by trusted and disinterested professionals.


Other substantial public interests that led Congress to seek to preserve

appellant's materials were the desire to restore public confidence in our political
processes by preserving the materials as a source for facilitating a full airing of
the events leading to appellant's resignation, and Congress' need to understand
how those political processes had in fact operated in order to guage the
necessity for remedial legislation. Thus by preserving these materials, the Act
may be thought to aid the legislative process and thus to be within the scope of
Congress' broad investigative power, see, e. g., Eastland v. United States
Servicemen's Fund, 421 U.S. 491, 95 S.Ct. 1813, 44 L.Ed.2d 324 (1975). And,
of course, the Congress repeatedly referred to the importance of the materials
to the Judiciary in the event that they shed light upon issues in civil or criminal
litigation, a social interest that cannot be doubted. See United States v. Nixon,


In light of these objectives, the scheme adopted by Congress for preservation of

the appellant's Presidential materials cannot be said to be overbroad. It is true
that among the voluminous materials to be screened by archivists are some
materials that bear no relationship to any of these objectives (and whose prompt
return to appellant is therefore mandated by 104(a)(7)). But these materials
are commingled with other materials whose preservation the Act requires, for
the appellant, like his predecessors, made no systematic attempt to segregate
official, personal, and private materials. 408 F.Supp., at 355. Even individual
documents and tapes often intermingle communications relating to
governmental duties, and of great interest to historians or future policymakers,
with private and confidential communications. Ibid.


Thus, as in the Presidential libraries, the intermingled state of the materials

requires the comprehensive review and classification contemplated by the Act
if Congress' important objectives are to be furthered. In the course of that
process, the archivists will be required to view the small fraction of the
materials that implicate Presidential confidentiality, as well as personal and
private materials to be returned to appellant. But given the safeguards built into
the Act to prevent disclosure of such materials and the minimal nature of the
intrusion into the confidentiality of the Presidency, we believe that the claims
of Presidential privilege clearly must yield to the important congressional
purposes of preserving the materials and maintaining access to them for lawful
governmental and historical purposes.


In short, we conclude that the screening process contemplated by the Act will
not constitute a more severe intrusion into Presidential confidentiality than the
in camera inspection by the District Court approved in United States v. Nixon,
418 U.S., at 706, 94 S.Ct., at 3106. We must, of course, presume that the
Administrator and the career archivists concerned will carry out the duties
assigned to them by the Act. Thus, there is no basis for appellant's claim that
the Act 'reverses' the presumption in favor of confidentiality of Presidential
papers recognized in United States v. Nixon. Appellant's right to assert the
privilege is specifically preserved by the Act. The guideline provisions on their
face are as broad as the privilege itself. If the broadly written protections of the
Act should nevertheless prove inadequate to safeguard appellant's rights or to
prevent usurpation of executive powers, there will be time enough to consider
that problem in a specific factual context. For the present, we hold, in
agreement with the District Court, that the Act on its face does not violate the
Presidential privilege.


Appellant concedes that when he entered public life he voluntarily surrendered

the privacy secured by law for those who elect not to place themselves in the
public sportlight. See, e. g., New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84
S.Ct. 710, 11 L.Ed.2d 686 (1964). He argues, however, that he was not thereby
stripped of all legal protection of his privacy, and contends that the Act violates
fundamental rights of expression and privacy guaranteed to him by the First,
Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.18


The District Court treated appellant's argument as addressed only to the process
by which the screening of the materials will be performed. 'Since any claim by
(appellant) that his privacy will be invaded by public access to private materials
must be considered premature when it must actually be directed to the
regulations once they become effective, we need not consider how the
materials will be treated after they are reviewed.' 408 F.Supp., at 358. Although
denominating the privacy claim '(t)he most troublesome challenge that plaintiff
raises . . .,' id., at 357, the District Court concluded that the claim was without
merit. The court reasoned that the proportion of the 42 million pages of
documents and 880 tape recordings implicating appellant's privacy interests
was quite small since the great bulk of the materials related to appellant's
conduct of his duties as President, and were therefore materials to which great
public interest attached. The touchstone of the legality of the archival
processing, in the District Court's view, was its reasonableness. Balancing the
public interest in preserving the materials touching appellant's performance of
his official duties against the invasion of the appellant's privacy that archival
screening necessarily entails, the District Court concluded that the Act was not
unreasonable and hence not facially unconstitutional:


'Here, we have a processing scheme without which national interests of

overriding importance cannot be served . . ..' Id., at 364.


Thus, the Act 'is a reasonable response to the difficult problem caused by the
mingling of personal and private documents and conversations in the midst of a
vastly greater number of nonprivate documents and materials related to
government objectives. The processing contemplated by the Act at least as
narrowed by carefully tailored regulations represents the least intrusive manner
in which to provide an adequate level of promotion of government interests of
overriding importance.' Id., at 367. We agree with the District Court that the
Act does not unconstitutionally invade appellant's right of privacy.


One element of privacy has been characterized as 'the individual interest in

avoiding disclosure of personal matters . . ..' Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 599,
97 S.Ct. 869, 876, 51 L.Ed.2d 64 (1977). We may agree with appellant that, at
least when Government intervention is at stake, public officials, including the
President, are not wholly without constitutionally protected privacy rights in
matters of personal life unrelated to any acts done by them in their public
capacity. Presidents who have established Presidential libraries have usually
withheld matters concerned with family or personal finances, or have deposited
such materials with restrictions on their screening. 408 F.Supp., at 360.19 We
may assume with the District Court, for the purposes of this case, that this
pattern of de facto Presidential control and congressional acquiescence gives
rise to appellant's legitimate expectation of privacy in such materials. Katz v.
United States, 389 U.S. 347, 351-353, 88 S.Ct. 507, 511-512, 19 L.Ed.2d 576
(1967).20 This expectation is independent of the question of ownership of the
materials, an issue we do not reach. See n. 8, supra. But the merit of appellant's
claim of invasion of his privacy cannot be considered in the abstract; rather, the
claim must be considered in light of the specific provisions of the Act, and any
intrusion must be weighed against the public interest in subjecting the
Presidential materials of appellant's administration to archival screening.
Camara v. Municipal Court, 387 U.S. 523, 534-539, 87 S.Ct. 1727, 1733-1736,
18 L.Ed.2d 930 (1967); Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 21, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 1879, 20
L.Ed.2d 889 (1968).21 Under this test, the privacy interest asserted by appellant
is weaker than that found wanting in the recent decision of Whalen v. Roe,
supra. Emphasizing the precautions utilized by New York State to prevent the
unwarranted disclosure of private medical information retained in a state
computer bank system, Whalen rejected a constitutional objection to New
York's program on privacy grounds. Not only does the Act challenged here
mandate regulations similarly aimed at preventing undue dissemination of
private materials but, unlike Whalen, the Government will not even retain longterm control over such private information; rather, purely private papers and
recordings will be returned to appellant under 104(a)(7) of the Act.


The overwhelming bulk of the 42 million pages of documents and the 880 tape
recordings pertain, not to appellant's private communications, but to the official
conduct of his Presidency. Most of the 42 million pages were prepared and seen
by others and were widely circulated within the Government. Appellant
concedes that he saw no more than 200,000 items, and we do not understand
him to suggest that his privacy calam extends to items he never saw. See
United States v. Miller, 425 U.S. 435, 96 S.Ct. 1619, 48 L.Ed.2d 71 (1976).
Further, it is logical to assume that the tape recordings made in the Presidential
offices primarily relate to the conduct and business of the Presidency. And, of
course, appellant cannot assert any privacy claim as to the documents and tape

recordings that he has already disclosed to the public. United States v. Dionisio,
410 U.S. 1, 14, 93 S.Ct. 764, 771, 35 L.Ed.2d 67 (1973); Katz v. United States,
supra, 389 U.S., at 351, 88 S.Ct., at 511. Therefore, appellant's privacy claim
embracing, for example, 'extremely private communications between him and,
among others, his wife, his daughters, his physician, lawyer, and clergyman,
and his close friends, as well as personal diary dictablets and his wife's personal
files,' 408 F.Supp., at 359, relates only to a very small fraction of the massive
volume of official materials with which they are presently commingled.22

The fact that appellant may assert his privacy claim as to only a small fraction
of the materials of his Presidency is plainly relevant in judging the
reasonableness of the screening process contemplated by the Act, but this of
course does not, without more, require rejection of his privacy argument. Id., at
359. Although the Act requires that the regulations promulgated by the
Administrator under 104(a) take into account appellant's legally and
constitutionally based rights and privileges, presumably including his privacy
rights, 104(a)(5), and also take into account the need to return to appellant his
private materials, 104(a)(7),23 the identity and separation of these purely
private matters can be achieved, as all parties concede, only by screening all of
the materials.


Appellant contends that the Act therefore is tantamount to a general warrant

authorizing search and seizure of all of his Presidential 'papers and effects.'
Such 'blanket authority,' appellant contends, is precisely the kind of abuse that
the Fourth Amendment was intended to prevent, for "the real evil aimed at by
the Fourth Amendment is the search itself, that invasion of a man's privacy
which consists (in) rummaging about among his effects to secure evidence
against him." Brief for Appellant 148, quoting United States v. Poller, 43 F.2d
911, 914 (C.A.2 1930). Thus, his brief continues, at 150-151:


'(Appellant's) most private thoughts and communications, both written and

spoken, will be exposed to and reviewed by a host of persons whom he does not
know and did not select, and in whom he has no reason to place his confidence.
This group will decide what is personal, to be returned to (him), and what is
historical, to be opened for public review.'24


Appellant principally relies on Stanford v. Texas, 379 U.S. 476, 85 S.Ct. 506,
13 L.Ed.2d 431 (1965), but that reliance is misplaced. Stanford invalidated a
search aimed at obtaining evidence that an individual had violated a 'sweeping
and many-faceted law which, among other things, outlaws the Communist
Party and creates various individual criminal offenses, each punishable by
imprisonment for up to 20 years.' Id., at 477, 85 S.Ct., at 507. The search

warrant authorized a search of his private home for books, records, and other
materials concerning illegal Communist activities. After spending more than
four hours in Stanford's house, police officers seized half of his books which
included works by Sartre, Marx, Pope John XXIII, Mr. Justice Hugo Black,
Theodore Draper, and Earl Browder, as well as private documents including a
marriage certificate, insurance policies, household bills and receipts, and
personal correspondence. Id., at 479-480, 85 S.Ct., at 508-509. Stanford held
this to be an unconstitutional general search.

The District Court concluded that the Act's provisions for custody and
screening could not be analogized to a general search and that Stanford,
therefore, did not require the Act's invalidation. 408 F.Supp., at 366-367, n. 63.
We agree. Only a few documents among the vast quantity of materials seized in
Stanford were even remotely related to any legitimate government interest. This
case presents precisely the opposite situation: the vast proportion of appellant's
Presidential materials are official documents or records in which appellant
concedes the public has a recognized interest. Moreover, the Act provides
procedures and orders the promulgation of regulations expressly for the
purpose of minimizing the intrusion into appellant's private and personal
materials. Finally, the search in Stanford was an intrusion into an individual's
home to search and seize personal papers in furtherance of a criminal
investigation and designed for exposure in a criminal trial. In contrast, any
intrusion by archivists into appellant's private papers and effects is undertaken
with the sole purpose of separating private materials to be returned to appellant
from nonprivate materials to be retained and preserved by the Government as a
record of appellant's Presidency.


Moreover, the screening will be undertaken by Government archivists with, as

the District Court noted, 'an unblemished record for discretion,' 408 F.Supp., at
365. That review can hardly differ materially from that contemplated by
appellant's intention to establish a Presidential library, for Presidents who have
established such libraries have found that screening by professional archivists
was essential. Although the District Court recognized that this contemplation of
archival review would not defeat appellant's expectation of privacy, the court
held that it does indicate that 'in the special situation of documents accumulated
by a President during his tenure and reviewed by professional government
personnel, pursuant to a process employed by past Presidents, any intrusion into
privacy interests is less substantial than it might appear at first.' Ibid. (citation


The District Court analogized the screening process contemplated by the Act to
electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to Title III of the Omnibus Crime

Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. 2510 et seq. 408 F.Supp., at
363. We think the analogy is apt. There are obvious similarities between the
two procedures. Both involve the problem of separating intermingled
communications, (1) some of which are expected to be related to legitimate
Government objectives, (2) some of which are not, and (3) for which there is
no means to segregate the one from the other except by reviewing them all.
Thus the screening process under the Act, like electronic surveillance, requires
some intrusion into private communications unconnected with any legitimate
governmental objectives. Yet this fact has not been thought to render
surveillance under the Omnibus Act Unconstitutional. Cf., e. g., United States
v. Donovan, 429 U.S. 413, 97 S.Ct. 658, 50 L.Ed.2d 652 (1977); Berger v. New
York, 388 U.S. 41, 87 S.Ct. 1873, 18 L.Ed.2d 1040 (1967). See also 408
F.Supp., at 363-364.

Appellant argues that this analogy is inappropriate because the electronic

surveillance procedure was carefully designed to meet the constitutional
requirements enumerated in Berger v. New York, supra, including (1) prior
judicial authorization, (2) specification of particular offenses said to justify the
intrusion, (3) specification 'with particularity' of the conversations sought to be
seized, (4) minimization of the duration of the wiretap, (5) termination once the
conversation sought is seized, and (6) a showing of exigent circumstances
justifying use of the wiretap procedure. Brief for Appellant 157. Although the
parallel is far from perfect, we agree with the District Court that many
considerations supporting the constitutionality of the Omnibus Act also argue
for the constitutionality of this Act's materials screening process. For example,
the Omnibus Act permits electronic surveillance only to investigate designated
crimes that are serious in nature, 18 U.S.C. 2516, and only when normal
investigative techniques have failed or are likely to do so, 2518(3)(c).
Similarly, the archival review procedure involved here is designed to serve
important national interests asserted by Congress, and the unavailability of less
restrictive means necessarily follows from the commingling of the
documents.25 Similarly, just as the Omnibus Act expressly requires that
interception of nonrelevant communications be minimized, 2518(5), the Act's
screening process is designed to minimize any privacy intrusions, a goal that is
further reinforced by regulations which must take those interests into account.26
The fact that apparently only a minute portion of the materials implicates
appellant's privacy interests27 also negates any conclusion that the screening
process is an unreasonable solution to the problem of separating commingled


In sum, appellant has a legitimate expectation of privacy in his personal

communications. But the constitutionality of the Act must be viewed in the

context of the limited intrusion of the screening process, of appellant's status as

a public figure, of his lack of any expectation of privacy in the overwhelming
majority of the materials, of the important public interest in preservation of the
materials, and of the virtual impossibility of segregating the small quantity of
private materials without comprehensive screening. When this is combined
with the Act's sensitivity to appellant's legitimate privacy interests, see 104(a)
(7), the unblemished record of the archivists for discretion, and the likelihood
that the regulations to be promulgated by the Administrator will further moot
appellant's fears that his materials will be reviewed by 'a host of persons,'28
Brief for Appellant 150, we are compelled to agree with the District Court that
appellant's privacy claim is without merit.
First Amendment

During his Presidency appellant served also as head of his national political
party and spent a substantial portion of his working time on partisan political
matters. Records arising from his political activities, like his private and
personal records, are not segregated from the great mass of materials. He
argues that the Act's archival screening process therefore necessarily entails
invasion of his constitutionally protected rights of associational privacy and
political speech. As summarized by the District Court: 'It is alleged that the Act
invades the private formulation of political thought critical to free speech and
association, imposing sanctions upon past expressive activity, and more
significantly, limiting that of the future because individuals who learn the
substance of certain private communications by (appellant) especially those
critical of themselves will refuse to associate with him. The Act is furthermore
said to chill (his) expression because he will be 'saddled' with prior positions
communicated in private, leaving him unable to take inconsistent positions in
the future.' 408 F.Supp., at 367-368.


The District Court, viewing these arguments as in essence a claim that

disclosure of the materials violated appellant's associational privacy, and
therefore as not significantly different in structure from appellant's privacy
claim, again treated the arguments as limited to the constitutionality of the Act's
screening process. Id., at 368. As was true with respect to the more general
privacy challenge, only a fraction of the materials can be said to raise a First
Amendment claim. Nevertheless, the District Court acknowledged that
appellant would 'appear . . . to have a legitimate expectation that he would have
an opportunity to remove some of the sensitive political documents before any
government screening took place.' Ibid. The District Court concluded, however,

that there was no reason to believe that the mandated regulations when
promulgated would not adequately protect against public access to materials
implicating appellant's privacy in political association, and that 'any burden
arising solely from review by professional and discreet archivists is not
significant.' The court therefore held that the Act does not significantly interfere
with or chill appellant's First Amendment rights. Id., at 369. We agree with the
District Court's conclusion.

It is, of course, true that involvement in partisan polities is closely protected by

the First Amendment, Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46 L.Ed. 659
(1976), and that 'compelled disclosure, in itself, can seriously infringe on
privacy of association and belief guaranteed by First Amendment.' Id., at 64, 96
S.Ct., at 656. But a compelling public need that cannot be met in a less
restrictive way will override those interests, Kusper v. Pontikes, 414 U.S. 51,
58-59, 94 S.Ct. 303, 308, 38 L.Ed.2d 260 (1973); United States v. O'Brien, 391
U.S. 367, 376-377, 88 S.Ct. 1673, 1678-1679, 20 L.Ed.2d 672 (1968); Shelton
v. Tucker, 364 U.S. 479, 488, 81 S.Ct. 247, 252, 5 L.Ed.2d 231 (1960),
'particularly when the 'free functioning of our national institutions' is involved.'
Buckley v. Valeo, supra, 424 U.S., at 66, 96 S.Ct., at 657. Since no less
restrictive way than archival screening has been suggested as a means for
identification of materials to be returned to appellant, the burden of that
screening is presently the measure of his First Amendment claim. Id., at 84, 96
S.Ct., at 665. The extent of any such burden, however, is speculative in light of
the Act's terms protecting appellant from improper public disclosures and
guaranteening him full judicial review before any public access is permitted.
104(a)(5), 104(a)(7), 105(a).29 As the District Court concluded, the First
Amendment claim is clearly outweighed by the important governmental
interests promoted by the Act.


For the same reasons, we find no merit in appellant's argument that the Act's
scheme for custody and archival screening of the materials 'necessarily inhibits
(the) freedom of political activity (of future Presidents) and thereby reduces the
'quantity and diversity' of the political speech and association that the Nation
will be receiving from its leaders.' Brief for Appellant 168. It is significant,
moreover, that this concern has not deterred President Ford from signing the
Act into law, or President Carter from urging this Court's affirmance of the
judgment of the District Court.

Bill of Attainder Clause


Finally, we address appellant's argument that the Act constitutes a bill of

attainder proscribed by Art. I, 9, of the Constitution.30 His argument is that
Congress acted on the premise that he had engaged in "misconduct," was an
"unreliable custodian" of his own documents, and generally was deserving of a
'legislative judgment of blameworthiness,' Brief for Appellant 132-133. Thus,
he argues, the Act is pervaded with the key features of a bill of attainder: a law
that legislatively determines guilt and inflicts punishment upon an identifiable
individual without provision of the protections of a judicial trial. See United
States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 445, 447, 85 S.Ct. 1707, 1713, 1714, 14
L.Ed.2d 484 (1965); United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303, 315-316, 66 S.Ct.
1073, 1078-1079, 90 L.Ed. 1252 (1946); Ex parte Garland, 4 Wall. 333, 377,
18 L.Ed. 366 (1867); Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. 277, 323, 18 L.Ed. 356


Appellant's argument relies almost entirely upon United States v. Brown, supra,
the Court's most recent decision addressing the scope of the Bill of Attainder
Clause. It is instructive, therefore, to sketch the broad outline of that case.
Brown invalidated 504 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure
Act of 1959, 29 U.S.C. 504, that made it a crime for a Communist Party
member to serve as an officer of a labor union. After detailing the infamous
history of bills of attainder, the Court found that the Bill of Attainder Clause
was an important ingredient of the doctrine of 'separation of powers,' one of the
organizing principles of our system of government. 381 U.S., at 442-443, 85
S.Ct., at 1711-1712. Just as Art. III confines the Judiciary to the task of
adjudicating concrete 'cases or controversies,' so too the Bill of Attainder
Clause was found to 'reflect . . . the Framers' belief that the Legislative Branch
is not so well suited as politically independent judges and juries to the task of
ruling upon the blameworthiness of, and levying appropriate punishment upon,
specific persons.' 381 U.S., at 445, 85 S.Ct., at 1713. Brown thus held that
504 worked a bill of attainder by focusing upon easily identifiable members of
a class members of the Communist Party and imposing on them the sanction of
mandatory forfeiture of a job or office, long deemed to be punishment with the
contemplation of the Bill of Attainder Clause. See, e. g., United States v.
Lovett, supra, 328 U.S., at 316, 66 S.Ct. at 1079; Cummings v. Missouri, supra,
4 Wall., at 320.


Brown, Lovett, and earlier cases unquestionably gave broad and generous
meaning to the constitutional protection against bills of attainder. But
appellant's proposed reading is far broader still. In essence, he argues that
Brown establishes that the Constitution is offended whenever a law imposes
undesired consequences on an indvidual or on a class that is not defined at a
proper level of generality. The Act in question therefore is faulted for singling

out appellant, as opposed to all other Presidents or members of the

Government, for disfavored treatment.

Appellant's characterization of the meaning of a bill of attainder obviously

proves far too much. By arguing that an individual or defined group is attainted
whenever he or it is compelled to bear burdens which the individual or group
dislikes, appellant removes the anchor that ties the bill of attainder guarantee to
realistic conceptions of classification and punishment. His view would cripple
the very process of legislating, for any individual or group that is made the
subject of adverse legislation can complain that the lawmakers could and
should have defined the relevant affected class at a greater level of generality.31
Furthermore, every person or group made subject to legislation which he or it
finds burdensome may subjectively feel, and can complain, that he or it is being
subjected to unwarranted punishment. United States v. Lovett, supra, 328 U.S.,
at 324, 66 S.Ct., at 1083 (Frankfurther, J., concurring).32 However expansive
the prohibition against bills of attainder, it surely was not intended to serve as a
variant of the equal protection doctrine,33 invalidating every Act of Congress or
the States that legislatively burdens some persons or groups but not all other
plausible individuals.34 In short, while the Bill of Attainder Clause serves as an
important 'bulwark against tyranny.' United States v. Brown, 381 U.S., at 443,
85 S.Ct., at 1712, it does not do so by limiting Congress to the choice of
legislating for the universe, or legislating only benefits, or not legislating at all.


Thus, in the present case, the Act's specificity the fact that it refers to appellant
by name does not automatically offend the Bill of Attainder Clause. Indeed,
viewed in context, the focus of the enactment can be fairly and rationally
understood. It is true that Title I deals exclusively with appellant's papers. But
Title II casts a wider net by establishing a special commission to study and
recommend appropriate legislation regarding the preservation of the records of
future Presidents and all other federal officials. In this light, Congress' action to
preserve only appellant's records is easily explained by the fact that at the time
of the Act's passage, only his materials demanded immediate attention. The
Presidential papers of all former Presidents from Hoover to Johnson were
already housed in functioning Presidential libraries. Congress had reason for
concern solely with the preservation of appellant's materials, for he alone had
entered into a depository agreement, the Nixon-Sampson agreement, which by
its terms called for the destruction of certain of the materials. Indeed, as the
federal appellees argue, 'appellant's depository agreement . . . created an
imminent danger that the tape recordings would be destroyed if appellant, who
had contracted phlebitis, were to die.' Brief for Federal Appellees 41. In short,
appellant constituted a legitimate class of one, and this provides a basis for
Congress' decision to proceed with dispatch with respect to his materials while

accepting the status of his predecessors' papers and ordering the further
consideration of generalized standards to govern his successors.

Moreover, even if the specificity element were deemed to be satisfied here, the
Bill of Attainder Clause would not automatically be implicated. Forbidden
legislative punishment is not involved merely because the Act imposes
burdensome consequences. Rather, we must inquire further whether Congress,
by lodging appellant's materials in the custody of the General Services
Administration pending their screening by Government archivists and the
promulgation of further regulations, 'inflict(ed) punishment' within the
constitutional proscription against bills of attainder. United States v. Lovett,
328 U.S., at 315, 66 S.Ct., at 1078; see also United States v. Brown, supra, 381
U.S., at 456-460, 85 S.Ct., at 1718-1721; Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall., at


* The infamous history of bills of attainder is a useful starting point in the

inquiry whether the Act fairly can be characterized as a form of punishment
leveled against appellant. For the substantial experience of both England and
the United States with such abuses of parliamentary and legislative power
offers a ready checklist of deprivations and disabilities so disproportionately
severe and so inappropriate to nonpunitive ends that they unquestionably have
been held to fall within the proscription of Art. I, 9. A statutory enactment
that imposes any of those sanctions on named or identifiable individuals would
be immediately constitutionally suspect.


In England a bill of attainder originally connoted a parliamentary Act

sentencing a named individual or identifiable members of a group to death.35
Article I, 9, however, also proscribes enactments originally characterized as
bills of pains and penalties, that is, legislative Acts inflicting punishment other
than execution. United States v. Lovett, supra, 328 U.S., at 323-324, 66 S.Ct.,
at 1082-1083 (Frankfurter, J., concurring); Cummings v. Missouri, supra, 4
Wall. at 323; Z. Chafee, Jr., Three Human Rights in the Constitution of 1787, p.
97 (1956). Generally addressed to persons considered disloyal to the Crown or
State, 'pains and penalties' historically consisted of a wide array of
punishments: commonly included were imprisonment,36 banishment,37 and the
punitive confiscation of property by the sovereign.38 Our country's own
experience with bills of attainder resulted in the addition of another sanction to
the list of impermissible legislative punishments: a legislative enactment
barring designated individuals or groups from participation in specified
employments or vocations, a mode of punishment commonly employed against

those legislatively branded as disloyal. See, e. g., Cummings v. Missouri, supra

(barring clergymen from ministry in the absence of subscribing to a loyalty
oath); United States v. Lovett, supra (barring named individuals from
Government employment); United States v. Brown, supra (barring Communist
Party members from offices in labor unions).

Needless to say, appellant cannot claim to have suffered any of these forbidden
deprivations at the hands of the Congress. While it is true that Congress
ordered the General Services Administration to retain control over records that
appellant claims as his property,39 105 of the Act makes provision for an
award by the District Court of 'just compensation.' This undercuts even a
colorable contention that the Government has punitively confiscated appellant's
property, for the 'owner (thereby) is to be put in the same position monetarily as
he would have occupied if his property has not been taken.' United States v.
Reynolds, 397 U.S. 14, 16, 90 S.Ct. 803, 805, 25 L.Ed.2d 12 (1970); accord,
United States v. Miller, 317 U.S. 369, 373, 63 S.Ct. 276, 279, 87 L.Ed. 336
(1943). Thus, no feature of the challenged Act falls within the historical
meaning of legislative punishment.


But our inquiry is not ended by the determination that the Act imposes no
punishment traditionally judged to be prohibited by the Bill of Attainder
Clause. Our treatment of the scope of the Clause has never precluded the
possibility that new burdens and deprivations might be legislatively fashioned
that are inconsistent with the bill of attainder guarantee. The Court, therefore,
often has looked beyond mere historical experience and has applied a functional
test of the existence of punishment, analyzing whether the law under challenge,
viewed in terms of the type and severity of burdens imposed, reasonably can be
said to further nonpunitive legislative purposes.40 Cummings v. Missouri, 4
Wall., at 319-320; Hawker v. New York, 170 U.S. 189, 193-194, 18 S.Ct. 573,
575, 42 L.Ed. 1002 (1898); Dent v. West Virginia, 129 U.S. 114, 128, 9 S.Ct.
231, 235, 32 L.Ed. 623 (1889); Trop v. Dulles, 356 U.S. 86, 96-97, 78 S.Ct.
590, 595-596, 2 L.Ed.2d 630 (1958) (plurality opinion); Kennedy v. MendozaMartinez, 372 U.S. 144, 168-169, 83 S.Ct. 554, 567-568, 9 L.Ed.2d 644 (1963).
Where such legitimate legislative purposes do not appear, it is reasonable to
conclude that punishment of individuals disadvantaged by the enactment was
the purpose of the decisionmakers.


Application of the functional approach to this case leads to rejection of

appellant's argument that the Act rests upon a congressional determination of
his blameworthiness and a desire to punish him. For, as noted previously, see

supra, at 452-454, legitimate justifications for passage of the Act are readily
apparent. First, in the face of the Nixon-Sampson agreement which expressly
contemplated the destruction of some of appellant's materials, Congress
stressed the need to preserve '(i)nformation included in the materials of former
President Nixon (that) is needed to complete the prosecutions of Watergaterelated crimes.' H.R.Rep. No. 93-1507, p. 2 (1974). Second, again referring to
the Nixon-Sampson agreement, Congress expressed its desire to safeguard the
'public interest in gaining appropriate access to materials of the Nixon
Presidency which are of general historical significance. The information in
these materials will be of great value to the political health and vitality of the
United States.' Ibid.41 Indeed, these same objectives are stated in the text of the
Act itself, 104(a), note following 44 U.S.C. 2107 (1970 ed., Supp. V),
where Congress instructs the General Services Administration to promulgate
regulations that further these ends and at the same time protect the
constitutional and legal rights of any individual adversely affected by the
Administrator's retention of appellant's materials.

Evaluated in terms of these asserted purposes, the law plainly must be held to
be an act of nonpunitive legislative policymaking. Legislation designed to
guarantee the availability of evidence for use at criminal trials is a fair exercise
of Congress' responsibility to the 'due process of law in the fair administration
of criminal justice,' United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S., at 713, 94 S.Ct., at 3110,
and to the functioning of our adversary legal system which depends upon the
availability of relevant evidence in carrying out its commitments both to fair
play and to the discovery of truth within the bounds set by law. Branzburg v.
Hayes, 408 U.S. 665, 688, 92 S.Ct. 2646, 2660, 33 L.Ed.2d 626 (1972);
Blackmer v. United States, 284 U.S. 421, 438, 52 S.Ct. 252, 76 L.Ed. 375
(1932); Blair v. United States, 250 U.S. 273, 281, 39 S.Ct. 468, 471, 63 L.Ed.
979 (1919). Similarly, Congress' interest in and expansive authority to act in
preservation of monuments and records of historical value to our national
heritage are fully established. United States v. Gettysburg Electric R. Co., 160
U.S. 16 S.Ct. 427, 40 L.Ed. 576 (1896); Roe v. Kansas, 278 U.S. 191, 49 S.Ct.
160, 73 L.Ed. 259 (1929).42 A legislature thus acts responsibly in seeking to
accomplish either of these objectives. Neither supports an implication of a
legislative policy designed to inflict punishment on an individual.


A third recognized test of punishment is strictly a motivational one: inquiring

whether the legislative record evinces a congressional intent to punish. See, e.
g., United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S., at 308-314, 314, 66 S.Ct., at 1075-1078;
Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez, supra, 372 U.S., at 169-170, 83 S.Ct., at 568.

The District Court unequivocally found: 'There is no evidence presented to us,

nor is there any to be found in the legislative record, to indicate that Congress'
design was to impose a penalty upon Mr. Nixon . . . as punishment for alleged
past wrongdoings. . . . The legislative history leads to only one conclusion,
namely, that the Act before us is regulatory and not punitive in character.' 408
F.Supp., at 373 (emphasis omitted). We find no cogent reason for disagreeing
with this conclusion.

First, both Senate and House Committee Reports, in formally explaining their
reasons for urging passage of the Act, expressed no interest in punishing or
penalizing appellant. Rather, the Reports justified the Act by reference to
objectives that fairly and properly lie within Congress' legislative competence:
preserving the availability of judicial evidence and of historically relevant
materials. Supra, at 476-478. More specifically, it seems clear that the actions
of both Houses of Congress were predominantly precipitated by a resolve to
undo the recently negotiated Nixon-Sampson agreement, the terms of which
departed from the practice of former Presidents in that they expressly
contemplated the destruction of certain Presidential materials.43 Along these
lines, H.R.Rep. No. 93-1507, supra, at 2, stated: 'Despite the overriding public
interest in preserving these materials . . . (the) Administrator of General
Services entered into an agreement . . . which, if implemented, could seriously
limit access to these records and . . . result in the destruction of a substantial
portion of them.' See also S.Rep. No. 93-1181, p. 4 (1974). The relevant
Committee Reports thus cast no aspersions on appellant's personal conduct and
contain no condemnation of his behavior as meriting the infliction of
punishment. Rather, they focus almost exclusively on the meaning and effect of
an agreement recently announced by the General Services Administration
which most Members of Congress perceived to be inconsistent with the public


Nor do the floor debates on the measure suggest that Congress was intent on
encroaching on the judicial function of punishing an individual for
blameworthy offenses. When one of the opponents of the legislation,
mischaracterizing the safeguards embodied in the bill,44 stated that it is 'one
which partakes of the characteristics of a bill of attainder . . .,' 120 Cong.Rec.
33872 (1974) (Sen.Hruska), a key sponsor of the measure responded by
expressly denying any intention of determining appellant's blameworthiness or
imposing punitive sanctions:


'This bill does not contain a word to the effect that Mr. Nixon is guilty of any
violation of the law. It does not inflict any punishment on him. So it has no
more relation to a bill of attainder . . . than my style of pulchritude is to be

compared to that of the Queen of Sheba.' Id., at 33959-33960 (Sen. Ervin).


In this respect, the Act stands in marked contrast to that invalidated in United
States v. Lovett, 328 U.S., at 312, 66 S.Ct., at 1077, where a House Report
expressly characterized individuals as 'subversive . . . and . . . unfit . . . to
continue in Government employment.' H.R.Rep. No. 448, 78th Cong., 1st Sess.,
6 (1943). We, of course, do not suggest that such a formal legislative
announcement of moral blameworthiness or punishment is necessary to an
unlawful bill of attainder. United States v. Lovett, supra, at 316, 66 S.Ct. at
1079. But the decided absence from the legislative history of any congressional
sentiments expressive of this purpose is probative of nonpunitive intentions and
largely undercuts a major concern that prompted the bill of attainder
prohibition: the fear that the legislature, in seeking to pander to an inflamed
popular constituency, will find it expedient openly to assume the mantle of
judge or, worse still, lynch mob. Cf. Z. Chafee, supra, at 161.45 No such
legislative overeaching is involved here.


We also agree with the District Court that 'specific aspects of the Act . . . just
do not square with the claim that the Act was a punitive measure.' 408 F.Supp.,
at 373. Whereas appellant complains that the Act has for some two years
deprived him of control over the materials in question, Brief for Appellant 140,
the Congress placed the materials under the auspices of the General Services
Administration, 101, note following 44 U.S.C. 2107 (1970 ed., Supp. V),
the same agency designated in the Nixon-Sampson agreement as depository of
the documents for a minimum three-year period, App. 40. Whereas appellant
complains that the Act deprives him of 'ready access' to the materials, Brief for
Appellant 140, the Act provides that 'Richard M. Nixon, or any person whom
he may designate in writing, shall at all times have access to the tape recordings
and other materials . . .,' 102(c).46 The District Court correctly construed this
as safeguarding appellant's right to inspect, copy, and use the materials in issue,
408 F.Supp., at 375, paralleling the right to 'make reproductions' contained in
the Nixon-Sampson agreement, App. 40. And even if we assume that there is
merit in appellant's complaint that his property has been confiscated. Brief for
Appellant 140, the Act expressly provides for the payment of just compensation
under 105(c); see supra, at 475.


Other features of the Act further belie any punitive interpretation. In

promulgating regulations under the Act, the General Services Administration is
expressly directed by Congress to protect appellant's or 'any party's opportunity
to assert any legally or constitutionally based right or privilege . . ..' 104(a)(5).
More importantly, the Act preserves for appellant all of the protections that
inhere in a judicial proceeding, for 105(a) not only assures district court

jurisdiction and judicial review over all his legal claims, but commands that any
such challenge asserted by appellant 'shall have priority on the docket of such
court over other cases.' A leading sponsor of the bill emphasized that this
expedited treatment is expressly designed 'to protect Mr. Nixon's property or
other legal rights . . ..' 120 Cong.Rec. 33854 (1974) (Sen. Ervin). Finally, the
Congress has ordered the General Services Administration to establish
regulations that recognize 'the need to give to Richard M. Nixon, or his heirs,
for his sole custody and use, tape recordings and other materials which are not
likely to be related to' the articulated objectives of the Act, 104(a)(7). While
appellant obviously is not set at ease by these precautions and safeguards, they
confirm the soundness of the opinion given the Senate by the law division of
the Congressional Research Service: '(B)ecause the proposed bill does not
impose criminal penalties or other punishment, it would not appear to violate
the Bill of Attainder Clause.' 120 Cong.Rec. 33853 (1974).47

One final consideration should be mentioned in light of the unique posture of

this controversy. In determining whether a legislature sought to inflict
punishment on an individual, it is often useful to inquire into the existence of
less burdensome alternatives by which that legislature (here Congress) could
have achieved its legitimate nonpunitive objectives. Today, in framing his
challenge to the Act, appellant contends that such an alternative was readily


'If Congress had provided that the Attorney General or the Administrator of
General Services could institute a civil suit in an appropriate federal court to
enjoin disposition . . . of presidential historical materials . . . by any person who
could be shown to be an 'unreliable custodian' or who had 'engaged in
misconduct' or who 'would violate a criminal prohibition,' the statute would
have left to judicial determination, after a fair proceeding, the factual
allegations regarding Mr. Nixon's blameworthiness.' Brief for Appellant 137.


We have no doubt that Congress might have selected this course. It very will
may be, however, that Congress chose not to do so on the view that a fullfledged judicial inquiry into appellant's conduct and reliability would be no less
punitive and intrusive than the solution actually adopted. For Congress
doubtless was well aware that just three months earlier, appellant had resisted
efforts to subject himself and his records to the scrutiny of the Judicial Branch,
United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94 S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974), a
position apparently maintained to this day.48 A rational and fairminded
Congress, therefore, might well have decided that the carefully tailored law that
it enacted would be less objectionable to appellant than the alternative that he
today appears to endorse. To be sure, if the record were unambiguously to

demonstrate that the Act represents the infliction of legislative punishment, the
fact that the judicial alternative poses its own difficulties would be of no
constitutional significance. But the record suggests the contrary, and the unique
choice that Congress faced buttresses our conclusion that the Act cannot fairly
be read to inflict legislative punishment as forbidden by the Constitution.

We, of course, are not blind to appellant's plea that we recognize the social and
political realities of 1974. It was a period of political turbulence unprecedented
in our history. But this Court is not free to invalidate Acts of Congress based
upon inferences that we may be asked to draw from our personalized reading of
the contemporary scene or recent history. In judging the constitutionality of the
Act, we may only look to its terms, to the intent expressed by Members of
Congress who voted its passage, and to the existence or nonexistence of
legitimate explanations for its apparent effect. We are persuaded that none of
these factors is suggestive that the Act is a punitive bill of attainder, or
otherwise facially unconstitutional. The judgment of the District Court is



100 Mr. Justice STEVENS, concurring.

101 The statute before the Court does not apply to all Presidents or former
Presidents. It singles out one, by name, for special treatment. Unlike all other
former Presidents in our history, he is denied custody of his own Presidential
papers; he is subjected to the burden of prolonged litigation over the
administration of the statute; and his most private papers and conversations are
to be scrutinized by Government archivists. The statute implicitly condemns
him as an unreliable custodian of his papers. Legislation which subjects a
named individual to this humiliating treatment must raise serious questions
under the Bill of Attainder Clause.
102 Bills of attainder were typically directed at once powerful leaders of
government. By special legislative Acts, Parliament deprived one statesman
after another of his reputation, his property, and his potential for future
leadership. The motivation for such bills was as much political as it was
punitive and often the victims were those who had been the most relentless in
attacking their political enemies at the height of their own power.1 In light of
this history, legislation like that before us must be scrutinized with great care.
103 Our cases 'stand for the proposition that legislative acts, no matter what their
form, that apply either to named individuals or to easily ascertainable members

of a group in such a way as to inflict punishment on them without a judicial trial

are bills of attainder prohibited by the Constitution.' United States v. Lovett,
328 U.S. 303, 315-316, 66 S.Ct. 1073, 1079, 90 L.Ed. 1252. The concept of
punishment involves not only the character of the deprivation, but also the
manner in which that deprivation is imposed. It has been held permissible for
Congress to deprive Communist deportees, as a group, of their social security
benefits, Flemming v. Nestor, 363 U.S. 603, 80 S.Ct. 1367, 4 L.Ed.2d 1435, but
it would surely be a bill of attainder for Congress to deprive a single, named
individual of the same benefit. Cf. id., at 614, 80 S.Ct., at 1374. The very
specificity of the statute would mark it as punishment, for there is rarely any
valid reason for such narrow legislation; and normally the Constitution requires
Congress to proceed by general rulemaking rather than by deciding individual
cases. United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 442-446, 85 S.Ct. 1707, 17111713, 14 L.Ed.2d 484.
104 Like the Court, however, I am persuaded that 'appellant constituted a legitimate
class of one . . ..' Ante, at 472. The opinion of the Court leaves unmentioned the
two facts which I consider decisive in this regard. Appellant resigned his office
under unique circumstances and accepted a pardon2 for any offenses committed
while in office. By so doing, he placed himself in a different class from all other
Presidents. Cf. Orloff v. Willougby, 345 U.S. 83, 90-91, 73 S.Ct. 534, 538-539,
97 L.Ed. 842. Even though unmentioned, it would be unrealistic to assume that
historic facts of this consequence did not affect the legislative decision.3
105 Since these facts provide a legitimate justification for the specificity of the
statute, they also avoid the conclusion that this otherwise nonpunitive statute is
made punitive by its specificity. If I did not consider it appropriate to take
judicial notice of those facts, I would be unwilling to uphold the power of
Congress to enact special legislation directed only at one former President at a
time when his popularity was at its nadir. For even when it deals with
Presidents or former Presidents, the legislative focus should be upon 'the
calling' rather than 'the person.' Cf. Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. 277, 320,
18 L.Ed. 356. In short, in my view, this case will not be a precedent for future
legislation which relates, not to the Office of President, but just to one of its
106 Without imputing a similar reservation to the Court, I join its opinion with the
qualification that these unmentioned facts have had a critical influence on my
vote to affirm.
107 Mr. Justice WHITE, concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.

108 I concur in the judgment and, except for Part VII, in the Court's opinion. With
respect to the bill of attainder issue, I concur in the result reached in Part VII;
the statute does not impose 'punishment' and is not, therefore, a bill of attainder.
See United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 462, 85 S.Ct. 1707, 1722, 14
L.Ed.2d 484 (1965) (White, J., dissenting). I also append the following
observations with respect to one of the many issues in this case.
109 It is conceded by all concerned that a very small portion of the vast collection
of Presidential materials now in possession of the Administrator consists of
purely private materials, such as diaries, recordings of family conversations,
private correspondence 'personal property of any kind not involving the actual
transaction of government business.' Tr. of Oral Arg. 55. It is also conceded by
the federal and other appellees that these private materials, once identified,
must be returned to Mr. Nixon. Id., at 38-40, 57-59. The Court now declares
that 'the Government (without awaiting a court order) should now promptly
disclaim any interest in materials conceded to be appellant's purely private
communications and deliver them to him.' Ante, at 459 n. 22. I agree that the
separation and return of these materials should proceed without delay.
Furthermore, even if under the Act this process can occur only after the
issuance of regulations under 104 that are subject to congressional approval,
surely regulations covering this narrow subject matter need not take long to
110 Also, 104(a)(7) suggests that the private materials to be returned to Mr. Nixon
are limited to those that 'are not otherwise of general historical significance.'
But, as I see it, the validity of the Act would be questionable if mere historical
significance sufficed to withhold purely private letters or diaries; and in view of
the other provisions of the Act, particularly 104(a) (5), it need not be so
construed. Purely private materials, whether or not of historical interest, are to
be delivered to Mr. Nixon. The federal and other appellees conceded as much at
oral argument.*
111 Similarly, although the Court relies to some extent on the statutory recognition
of the constitutional right to compensation in the event it is determined that the
Government has confiscated Mr. Nixon's property, I would question whether a
mere historical interest in purely private communications would be a sufficient
predicate for taking them for public use. Historical considerations are normally
sufficient grounds for condemning property, United States v. Gettysburg
Electric R. Co., 160 U.S. 668, 16 S.Ct. 427, 40 L.Ed. 576 (1896); Roe v.
Kansas, 278 U.S. 191, 49 S.Ct. 160, 73 L.Ed. 259 (1929); but whatever may be
true of the great bulk of the materials in the event they are declared to be Mr.
Nixon's property, I doubt that the Government is entitled to his purely private

communications merely because it wants to preserve them and offers

112 Mr. Justice BLACKMUN, concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.
113 My posture in this case is essentially that of Mr. Justice POWELL, post, p. 492.
I refrain from joining his opinion, however, because I fall somewhat short of
sharing his view, post, at 498 and 501-502, that the incumbent President's
submission, made through the Solicitor General, that the Act serves rather than
hinders the Chief Executive's Art. II functions, is dispositive of the separationof-powers issue. I would be willing to agree that it is significant and that it is
entitled to serious consideration, but I am not convinced that it is dispositive.
The fact that President Ford signed the Act does not mean that he necessarily
approved of its every detail. Political realities often guide a President to a
decision not to veto.
114 One must remind oneself that our Nation's history reveals a number of instances
where Presidential transition has not been particularly friendly or easy. On
occasion it has been openly hostile. It is my hope and anticipation as it
obviously is of the others who have written in this case that this Act, concerned
as it is with what the Court describes, ante, at 472, as 'a legitimate class of one,'
will not become a model for the disposition of the papers of each President who
leaves office at a time when his successor or the Congress is not of his political
115 I agree fully with my Brother POWELL when he observes, post, at 503, that
the 'difficult constitutional questions lie ahead' for resolution in the future.
Reserving judgment on those issues for a more appropriate time certainly not
now I, too, join the judgment of the Court and agree with much of its opinion. I
specifically join Part VII of the Court's opinion.
116 Mr. Justice POWELL, concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.
117 I join the judgment of the Court and all but Parts IV and V of its opinion. For
substantially the reasons stated by the Court, I agree that the Presidential
Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (Act) on its face does not violate
appellant's rights under the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments and the Bill of
Attainder Clause.1 For reasons quite different from those stated by the Court, I
also would hold that the Act is consistent on its face with the principle of
separation of powers.

118 * The Court begins its analysis of the issues by limiting its inquiry to those
constitutional claims that are addressed to 'the facial validity of the provisions
of the Act requiring the Administrator to take the recordings and materials into
the Government's custody subject to screening by Government archivists.' Ante,
at 439. I agree that the inquiry must be limited in this manner, but I would add
two qualifications that in my view further restrict the reach of today's decision.
119 First, Title I of Pub.L. 93-526 (the Act) does not purport to be a generalized
provision addressed to the complex problem of disposition of the accumulated
papers of Presidents or other federal officers. Unlike Title II of Pub.L. 93-526
(The Public Documents Act), which authorizes a study of that problem, Title I
is addressed specifically and narrowly to the need to preserve the papers of
former President Nixon after his resignation under threat of impeachment. It is
legislation, as the Court properly observes, directed against 'a legitimate class of
one.' Ante, at 472.
120 President Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. Less than two weeks earlier, the
House Judiciary Committee had voted to recommend his impeachment,
H.R.Rep.No. 93-1305, pp. 10-11 (1974), including among the charges of
impeachable offenses allegations that the President had obstructed investigation
of the Watergate break-in and had engaged in other unlawful activities during
his administration. Id., at 1-4. One month after President Nixon's resignation,
on September 8, 1974, President Ford granted him a general pardon for all
offenses against the United States that he might have committed in his term of
121 On the same day, the Nixon-Sampson agreement was made public. The
agreement provided for the materials to be deposited temporarily with the
General Services Administration in a California facility, but gave the former
President the right to withdraw or direct the destruction of any materials after
an initial period of three years or, in the case of tape recordings, five years.
During this initial period access would be limited to President Nixon and
persons authorized by him, subject only to legal process ordering materials to
be produced. Upon President Nixon's death, the tapes were to be destroyed
immediately. 10 Weekly Comp. of Pres. Doc. 1104-1105 (1974).
122 Those who drafted and sponsored Title I in Congress uniformly viewed its
provisions as emergency legislation, necessitated by the extraordinary events
that led to the resignation and pardon and to the former President's arrangement
for the disposition of his papers. Senator Nelson, for example, referred to the
bill as 'an emergency measure' whose principal purpose was to assure

'protective custody' of the materials. 120 Cong.Rec. 33848, 33850-33851

123 '(T)here is an urgency in the situation now before us. Under the existing
agreement between the GSA and Mr. Nixon, if Mr. Nixon died tomorrow,
those tapes if I read the agreement correctly are to be destroyed immediately; it
is also possible that the Nixon papers could be destroyed by 1977. This would
be a catastroph(e) from an historical standpoint.' Id., at 33857.
Senator Ervin similarly remarked:
124 'This bill really deals with an emergency situation, because some of these
documents are needed in the courts and by the general public in order that they
might know the full story of what is known collectively as the Watergate
affair.' Id., at 33855.
125 Efforts to apply the legislation more generally to all Presidents or to other
federal officers were resisted on the Senate floor. Thus, speaking again of the
unique needs created by the Nixon-Sampson agreement and the Watergate
scandals, Senator Javits stressed that 'we seek to deal in this particular
legislation, only with this particular set of papers of this particular ex-President.'
Id., at 33860. See generally S.Rep.No.93-1181 (1974).
126 It is essential in addressing the constitutional issues before us not to lose sight
of the limited justification for and objectives of this legislation. The
extraordinary events that led to the resignation and pardon, and the agreement
providing that the record of those events might be destroyed by President
Nixon, created an impetus for congressional action that may without
overstatement be termed unique. I therefore do not share my Brother
REHNQUIST's foreboding that this Act 'will daily stand as a veritable sword of
Damocles over every succeeding President and his advisers.' Post, at 545. If the
study authorized by Title II should lead to more general legislation, there will
be time enough to consider its validity if a proper case comes before us.
127 My second reservation follows from the first. Because Congress acted in what
it perceived to be an emergency, it concentrated on the immediate problem of
establishing governmental custody for the purpose of safeguarding the
materials. It deliberately left to the rulemaking process, and to subsequent
judicial review, the difficult and sensitive task of reconciling the long-range
interests of President Nixon, his advisors, the three branches of Government,
and the American public, once custody was established. As the District Court

128 'The Act in terms merely directs GSA to take custody of the materials that fall
within the scope of section 101, and to promulgate regulations after taking into
consideration the seven factors listed in section 104(a). Those factors provide
broad latitude to the Administrator in establishing the processes and standards
under which the materials will be reviewed and public access to them afforded.
. . .' 408 F.Supp. 321, 335 (1976) (footnote omitted).
129 In view of the latitude that the Act gives to GSA in framing regulations, I agree
with the District Court that the question to be resolved in this case is a narrow
one: 'Is the regulatory scheme enacted by Congress unconstitutional without
reference to the content of any conceivable set of regulations falling within the
scope of the Administrator's authority under section 104(a)?' Id., at 334-335.
130 No regulations have yet taken effect under 104(a). Ante, at 437. In these
circumstances, I believe it is appropriate to address appellant's constitutional
claims, as did the District Court, with an eye toward the kind of regulations and
screening practices that would be consistent with the Act and yet that would
afford protection to the important constitutional interests asserted. Section
104(a)(5) of the Act directs the Administrator to take into account
131 'the need to protect any party's opportunity to assert any legally or
constitutionally based right or privilege which would prevent or otherwise limit
access to such recordings and materials.'
132 The District Court observed that in considering this factor, the Administrator
might well provide for meaningful participation by appellant in the screening
process and in the selection of the archivists who would review the materials.
The court also observed that procedures might be adopted that would minimize
any intrusion into private materials and that would permit appellant an
opportunity to obtain administrative and judicial review of all proposed
classifications of the materials. 408 F.Supp., at 339-340.2 Finally, the court
noted that substantive restrictions on access might be adopted, consistent with
traditional restrictions placed on access to Presidential papers, and that such
restrictions could forbid public disclosure of any confidential communications
between appellant and his advisors 'for a fixed period of years, or until the
death of Mr. Nixon and others participating in or the subject of
communications.' Id., at 338.3
133 I have no doubt that procedural safeguards and substantive restrictions such as

these are within the authority of the Administrator to adopt under the board
mandate of 104(a). While there can be no positive assurance that such
protections will in fact be afforded, we nonetheless may assume, in reviewing
the facial validity of the Act that all constitutional and legal rights will be given
full protection. Indeed, that assumption is the basis on which I join today's
judgment upholding the facial validity of the Act. As the Court makes clear in
its opinion, the Act plainly requires the Administrator, in designing the
regulations, to 'consider the need to protect the constitutional rights of appellant
and other individuals against infringement by the processing itself or,
ultimately, by public access to the materials retained.' Ante, at 436.
134 I agree that the Act cannot be held unconstitutional on its face as a violation of
the principle of separation of powers or of the Presidential privilege that dervies
from that principle. This is not a case in which the Legislative Branch has
exceeded its enumerated powers by assuming a function reserved to the
Executive under Art. II. E. g., Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46
L.Ed.2d 659 (1976); Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 47 S.Ct. 21, 71 L.Ed.
160 (1926). The question of governmental power in this case is whether the
Act, by mandating seizure and eventual public access to the papers of the
Nixon Presidency, impermissibly interferes with the President's power to carry
out his Art. II obligations. In concluding that the Act is not facially invalid on
this ground, I consider it dispositive in the circumstances of this case that the
incumbent President has represented to this Court, through the Solicitor
General, that the Act serves rather than hinders the Art. II functions of the
Chief Executive.
135 I would begin by asking whether, putting to one side other limiting provisions
of the Constitution, Congress has acted beyond the scope of its enumerated
powers. Cf. Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1, 70, 77 S.Ct. 1222, 1258, 1 L.Ed.2d
1148 (1957) (Harlan, J., concurring). Apart from the legislative concerns
mentioned by the Court, ante, at 476-478, I believe that Congress
unquestionably has acted within the ambit of its broad authority to investigate,
to inform the public, and, ultimately, to legislate against suspected corruption
and abuse of power in the Executive Branch.
136 This Court has recognized inherent power in Congress to pass appropriate
legislation to 'preserve the departments and institutions of the general
government from impairment or destruction, whether threatened by force or by
corruption.' Burroughs v. United States, 290 U.S. 534, 545, 54 S.Ct. 287, 290,
78 L.Ed. 484 (1934). Congress has the power, for example, to restrict the

political activities of civil servants, e. g., CSC v. Letter Carriers, 413 U.S. 548,
93 S.Ct. 2880, 37 L.Ed.2d 796 (1973); to punish bribery and conflicts of
interest, e. g., Burton v. United States, 202 U.S. 344, 26 S.Ct. 688, 50 L.Ed.
1057 (1906); to punish obstructions of lawful governmental functions, Haas v.
Henkel, 216 U.S. 462, 30 S.Ct. 249, 54 L.Ed. 569 (1910); and with important
exceptions to make executive documents available to the public, EPA v. Mink,
410 U.S. 73, 93 S.Ct. 827, 35 L.Ed.2d 119 (1973). The Court also has
recognized that in aid of such legislation Congress has a broad power 'to inquire
into and publicize corruption, maladministration or inefficiency in agencies of
the Government.' Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S. 178, 200 n. 33, 77 S.Ct.
1173, 1185 n. 33, 1 L.Ed.2d 1273 (1957). See also Buckley v. Valeo, supra,
424 U.S., at 137-138, 96 S.Ct., at 690-691; Eastland v. United States
Servicemen's Fund, 421 U.S. 491, 95 S.Ct. 1813, 44 L.Ed.2d 324 (1975).
The legislation before us rationally serves these investigative and informative
137 powers. Congress legitimately could conclude that the Nixon-Sampson
agreement, following the recommendation of impeachment and the resignation
of President Nixon, might lead to destruction of those of the former President's
papers that would be most likely to assure public understanding of the
unprecedented events that led to the premature termination of the Nixon
administration. Congress similarly could conclude that preservation of the
papers was important to its own eventual understanding of whether that
administration had been characterized by deficiencies susceptible of legislative
correction. Providing for retention of the materials by the Administrator and for
the selection of appropriate materials for eventual disclosure to the public was a
rational means of serving these legitimate congressional objectives.
138 Congress still might be said to have exceeded its enumerated powers, however,
if the Act could be viewed as an assumption by the Legislative Branch of
functions reserved exclusively to the Executive by Art. II. In Youngstown
Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 72 S.Ct. 863, 96 L.Ed. 1153
(1952), for example, the Court buttressed its conclusion that the President had
acted beyond his power under Art. II by characterizing his seizure of the steel
mills as an exercise of a 'legislative' function reserved exclusively to Congress
by Art. I. 343 U.S., at 588-589, 72 S.Ct., at 867. And last Term we reaffirmed
the fundamental principle that the appointment of executive officers is an
'Executive' function that Congress is without power to vest in itself. Buckley v.
Valeo, supra, 424 U.S., at 124-141, 96 S.Ct., at 684-693. But the Act before us
presumptively avoids these difficulties by entrusting the task of ensuring that its
provisions are faithfully executed to an officer of the Executive Branch.4
139 I therefore conclude that the Act cannot be held invalid on the ground that

Congress has exceeded its affirmative grant of power under the Constitution.
But it is further argued that Congress nonetheless has contravened the
limitations on legislative power implicitly imposed by the creation of a coequal
Executive Branch in Art. II. It is said that by opening-up the operations of a
past administration to eventual public scrutiny, the Act impairs the ability of
present and future Presidents to obtain unfettered information and candid
advice and thereby limits executive power in contravention of Act. II and the
principle of separation of powers. I see no material distinction between such an
argument and the collateral claim that the Act violates the Presidential privilege
in confidential communications.
140 In United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94 S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039
(1974) (Nixon I), we recognized a presumptive, yet qualified, privilege for
confidential communications between the President and his advisors.
Observing that 'those who expect public dissemination of their remarks may
well temper candor with a concern for appearances and for their own interests
to the detriment of the decisionmaking process,' id., at 705, 94 S.Ct., at 3106,
we recognized that a President's generalized interest in confidentiality is
'constitutionally based' to the extent that it relates to 'the effective discharge of a
President's powers.' Id., at 711, 94 S.Ct., at 3109. We held nonetheless that
'(t)he generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated,
specified need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.' Id., at 713, 94 S.Ct., at
141 Appellant understandably relies on Nixon I. Comparing the narrow scope of the
judicial subpoenas considered there with the comprehensive reach of this Act
encompassing all of the communications of his administration appellant argues
that there is no 'demonstrated, specific need' here that can outweigh the
extraordinary intrusion worked by this legislation. On the ground that the result
will be to destroy 'the effective discharge of the President's powers,' appellant
urges that the Act be held unconstitutional on its face.
142 These arguments undoubtedly have considerable force, but I do not think they
can support a decision invalidating this Act on its face. Section 1 of Art. II vests
all of the executive power in the sitting President and limits his term of office to
four years. It is his sole responsibility to 'take Care that the Laws be faithfully
executed.' Art. II, 3. Here, as previously noted, President Carter has
represented to this Court through the Solicitor General that the Act is consistent
with 'the effective discharge of the President's powers':
143 'Far from constituting a breach of executive autonomy, the Act . . . is an
appropriate means of ensuring that the Executive Branch will have access to the

materials necessary to the performance of its duties.' Brief for Federal

Appellees 29.
144 This representation is similar to one made earlier on behalf of President Ford,
who signed the Act. Motion of Federal Appellees to Affirm 15. I would hold
that these representations must be given precedence over appellant's claim of
Presidential privilege. Since the incumbent President views this Act as
furthering rather than hindering effective execution of the laws, I do not believe
it is within the province of this Court to hold otherwise.
145 This is not to say that a former President lacks standing to assert a claim of
Presidential privilege. I agree with the Court that the former President may
raise such a claim, whether before a court or a congressional committee. In
some circumstances the intervention of the incumbent President will be
impractical or his views unknown, and in such a case I assume that the former
President's views on the effective operation of the Executive Branch would be
entitled to the greatest deference. It is uncontroverted, I believe, that the
privilege in confidential Presidential communications survives a change in
administrations. I would only hold that in the circumstances here presented the
incumbent, having made clear in the appropriate forum his opposition to the
former President's claim, alone can speak for the Executive Branch.5
146 I am not unmindful that '(i)t is emphatically the province and duty of the
judicial department to say what the law is.' Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137,
177, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803). As we reiterated in Nixon I:
147 "Deciding whether a matter has in any measure been committed by the
Constitution to another branch of government . . . is itself a delicate exercise in
constitutional interpretation, and is a responsibility of this Court as ultimate
interpreter of the Constitution." 418 U.S., at 704, 94 S.Ct., at 3105-3106,
quoting Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 211, 82 S.Ct. 691, 706, 7 L.Ed.2d 663
148 My position is simply that a decision to waive the privileges inhering in the
Office of the President with respect to an otherwise valid Act of Congress is the
President's alone to make under the Constitution.6
149 The difficult constitutional questions lie ahead. The President no doubt will see
to it that the interests in confidentiality so forcefully urged by THE CHIEF

JUSTICE and Mr. Justice REHNQUIST in their dissenting opinions are taken
into account in the final regulations that are promulgated under s 104(a). While
the incumbent President has supported the constitutionality of the Act as it is
written, there is no indication that he will oppose appellant's assertions of
Presidential privilege as they relate to the rules that will govern the screening
process and the timing of disclosure, and particularly the restrictions that may
be placed on certain documents and recordings. I emphasize that the validity of
such assertions of Presidential privilege is not properly before us at this time.
150 Similarly, difficult and important questions concerning individual rights remain
to be resolved. At stake are not only the rights of appellant but also those of
other individuals whose First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment interests may be
implicated by disclosure of communications as to which a legitimate
expectation of privacy existed. I agree with the Court that even in the councils
of Government an individual 'has a legitimate expectation of privacy in his
personal communications,' ante, at 465, and also that compelled disclosure of
an individual's political associations, in and out of Government, can be justified
only by 'a compelling public need that cannot be met in a less restrictive way,'
ante, at 467. Today's decision is limited to the facial validity of the Act's
provisions for retention and screening of the materials. The Court's discussion
of the interests served by those provisions should not foreclose in any way the
search that must yet undertaken for means of assuring eventual access to
important historical records without infringing individual rights protected by
the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments.
151 Mr. Chief Justice BURGER, dissenting.
152 In my view, the Court's holding is a grave repudiation of nearly 200 years of
judicial precedent and historical practice. That repudiation arises out of an Act
of Congress passed in the aftermath of a great national crisis which culminated
in the resignation of a President. The Act (Title I of Pub.L. 93-526) violates
firmly established constitutional principles in several respects.
153 I find it very disturbing that fundamental principles of constitutional law are
subordinated to what seem the needs of a particular situation. That moments of
great national distress give rise to passions reminds us why the three branches
of Government were created as separate and coequal, each intended as a check,
in turn, on possible excesses by one or both of the others. The Court, however,
has now joined a Congress, in haste to 'do something,' and has invaded historic,
fundamental principles of the separate powers of coequal branches of
Government. To 'punish' one person, Congress and now the Court tears into the
fabric of our constitutional framework.

154 Any case in this Court calling upon principles of separation of powers, rights of
privacy, and the prohibitions against bills of attainder, whether urged by a
former President or any citizen is inevitably a major constitutional holding. Mr.
Justice Holmes, speaking of the tendency of 'great cases like hard cases (to
make) bad law,' went on to observe the dangers inherent when
155 'some accident of immediate overwhelming interest . . . appeals to the feelings
and distorts the judgment. These immediate interests exercise a kind of
hydraulic pressure which makes what previously was clear seem doubtful, and
before which even well settled principles of law will bend.' Northern Securities
Co. v. United States, 193 U.S. 197, at 400-401, 24 S.Ct. 436, at 468, 48 L.Ed.
679 (1904) (dissenting opinion).
156 Well-settled principles of law are bent today by the Court under that kind of
'hydraulic pressure.'
* Separation of Powers
158 Appellant urges that Title I is an unconstitutional intrusion by Congress into the
internal workings of the Office of the President, in violation of the
constitutional principles of separation of powers. Three reasons support that
conclusion. The well-established principles of separation of powers, as
developed in the decisions of this Court, are violated if Congress compels or
coerces the President, in matters relating to the operation and conduct of his
office.1 Next, the Act is an exercise of executive not legislative power by the
Legislative Branch. Finally, Title I works a sweeping modification of the
constitutional privilege and historical practice of confidentiality of every Chief
Executive since 1789.
159 As a threshold matter, we should first establish the standard of constitutional
review by which Title I is to be judged. In the usual case, of course, legislation
challenged in this Court benefits from a presumption of constitutionality. To
survive judicial scrutiny a statutory enactment need only have a reasonable
relationship to the promotion of an objective which the Constitution does not
independently forbid, unless the legislation trenches on fundamental
constitutional rights.
160 But where challenged legislation implicates fundamental constitutional
guarantees, a far more demanding scrutiny is required. For example, this Court
has held that the presumption of constitutionality does not apply with equal
force where the very legitimacy of the composition of representative

institutions is at stake. Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 84 S.Ct. 1362, 12

L.Ed.2d 506 (1964). Similarly, the presumption of constitutionality is lessened
when the Court reviews legislation endangering fundamental constitutional
rights, such as freedom of speech, or denying persons governmental rights or
benefits because of race. Legislation touching substantially on these areas
comes here bearing a heavy burden which its proponents must carry.
161 Long ago, this Court found the ordinary presumption of constitutionality
inappropriate in measuring legislation directly impinging on the basic tripartite
structure of our Government. In Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 192, 26
L.Ed. 377 (1880), Mr. Justice Miller observed for the Court that encroachments
by Congress posed the greatest threat to the continued independence of the
other branches.2 Accordingly, he cautioned that the exercise of power by one
branch directly affecting the potential independence of another 'should be
watched with vigilance, and when called in question before any other tribunal .
. . should receive the most careful scrutiny.' Ibid. (Emphasis supplied.) See also
Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46 L.Ed.2d 659 (1976).
162 Our role in reviewing legislation which touches on the fundamental structure of
our Government is therefore akin to that which obtains when reviewing
reviewing legislation touching on other fundamental constitutional guarantees.
Because separation of powers is the base framework of our governmental
system and the means by which all our liberties depend, Title I can be upheld
only if it is necessary to secure some overriding governmental objective, and if
there is no reasonable alternative which will trench less heavily on separationof-powers principles.
163 Separation of powers is in no sense a formalism. It is the characteristic that
distinguished our system from all others conceived up to the time of our
Constitution. With federalism, separation of powers is 'one of the two great
structural principles of the American constitutional system . . ..' E. Corwin, The
President 9 (1957). See also Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 501, 85
S.Ct. 1678, 1690-1691, 14 L.Ed.2d 510 (1965) (Harlan, J., concurring in
164 In pursuit of that principle, executive power was vested in the President; no
other offices in the Executive Branch, other than the Presidency and Vice
Presidency, were mandated by the Constitution. Only two Executive Branch
offices, therefore, are creatures of the Constitution; all other departments and
agencies, from the State Department to the General Services Administration,

are creatures of the Congress and owe their very existence to the Legislative
165 The Presidency, in contrast, stands on a very different footing. Unlike the vast
array of departments which the President oversees, the Presidency is in no
sense a creature of the Legislature. The President's powers originate not from
statute, but from the constitutional command to 'take Care that the Laws be
faithfully executed . . ..' These independent, constitutional origins of the
Presidency have an important bearing on determining the appropriate extent of
congressional power over the Chief-Executive or his records and workpapers.
For, although the branches of Government are obviously not divided into
'watertight compartments,' Springer v. Philippine Islands, 277 U.S. 189, 211, 48
S.Ct. 480, 485, 72 L.Ed. 845 (1928) (Holmes, J., dissenting), the office of the
Presidency, as a constitutional equal of Congress, must as a general proposition
be free from Congress' coercive powers.4 This is not simply an abstract
proposition of political philosophy; it is a fundamental prohibition plainly
established by the decisions of this Court.
166 A unanimous Court, including Mr. Chief Justice Taft, Mr. Justice Holmes, and
Mr. Justice Brandeis stated:
167 'The general rule is that neither department (of Government) may . . . control,
direct or restrain the action of the other.' Massachusetts v. Mellon, 262 U.S.
447, 488, 43 S.Ct. 597, 601, 67 L.Ed. 1078 (1923).
168 Similarly, in O'Donoghue v. United States, 289 U.S. 516, 530, 53 S.Ct. 740,
743, 77 L.Ed. 1356 (1933), the Court emphasized the need for each branch of
Government to be free from the coercive influence of the other branches:
169 '(E)ach department should be kept completely independent of the others
independent not in the sense that they shall not cooperate to the common end of
carrying into effect the purposes of the Constitution, but in the sense that the
acts of each shall never be controlled by, or subjected, directly or indirectly, to,
the coercive influence of either of the other departments.'
170 In Humphrey's Executor v. United States, 295 U.S. 602, 629-630, 55 S.Ct. 869,
874, 79 L.Ed. 1611 (1935), the Court again held:
171 'The fundamental necessity of maintaining each of the three general
departments of government entirely free from the control or coercive influence,
direct or indirect, of either of the others, has often been stressed and is hardly

open to serious question. So much is implied in the very fact of the separation
of the powers . . ..' (Emphasis supplied.)
172 Consistent with the principle of noncoercion, the unbroken practice since
George Washington with respect to congressional demands for White House
papers has been, in Mr. Chief Justice Taft's words, that 'while either house (of
Congress) may request information, it cannot compel it . . ..' W. Taft, The
Presidency 110 (1916). President Washington established the tradition by
declining to produce papers requested by the House of Representatives relating
to matters of foreign policy:
173 'To admit, then a right in the House of Representatives to demand and to have
as a matter of course all the papers respecting a negotiation with a foreign
power would be to establish a dangerous precedent.' 1 Messages and Papers of
the Presidents 195 (J. Richardson Comp., 1899).
174 In noting the first President's practice, this Court stated in United States v.
Curtiss-Wright Corp., 299 U.S. 304, 320, 57 S.Ct. 216, 221, 81 L.Ed. 255
(1936), that Washington's historic precedent was 'a refusal the wisdom of
which was recognized by the House itself and has never since been doubted.'5
175 Part of our constitutional fabric, then, from the beginning has been the
President's freedom from control or coercion by Congress, including attempts to
procure documents that, though clearly pertaining to matters of important
governmental interests, belong and pertain to the President. This freedom from
Congress' coercive influence, in the words of Humphrey's Executor, 'is implied
in the very fact of the separation of the powers . . ..' 295 U.S., at 629-630, 55
S.Ct., at 874. Moreover, it is not constitutionally significant that Congress has
not directed that the papers be turned over to it for examination or retention,
rather than to GSA. Separation of powers is fully implicated simply by
Congress' mandating what disposition is to be made of the papers of another
176 This independence of the three branches of Government, including control over
the papers of each, lies at the heart of this Court's broad holdings concerning
the immunity of congressional papers from outside scrutiny. The Constitution,
of course, expressly grants immunity to Members of Congress as to any 'Speech
or Debate in either House . . .'; yet the Court has refused to confine that Clause
literally 'to words spoken in debate.' Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 502,
89 S.Ct. 1944, 1954, 23 L.Ed.2d 491 (1969). Congressional papers, including
congressional reports, have been held protected by the Clause in order "to

prevent intimidation (of legislators) by the executive and accountability before

a possibly hostile judiciary." Ibid. In a word, to preserve the constitutionally
rooted independence of each branch of Government, each branch must be able
to control its own papers.
177 Title I is an unprecedented departure from the constitutional tradition of
noncompulsion. The statute commands the head of a legislatively created
department to take and maintain custody of appellant's Presidential papers,
including many purely personal papers wholly unrelated to any operations of
the Government. Title I does not concern itself in any way with materials
belonging to departments of the Executive Branch created and controlled by
178 The Court brushes aside the fundamental principle of noncompulsion,
abandoning outright the careful, previously unchallenged holdings of this Court
in Mellon, O'Donoghue's and Humphrey's Executor. In place of this firmly
established doctrine,6 the Court substitutes, without analysis, an ill-defined
'pragmatic, flexible approach.' Ante, at 442. Recasting, for the immediate
purposes of this case, our narrow holding in United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S.
683, 94 S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974), see infra, at 515-516, the Court
distills separation-of-powers principles into a simplistic rule which requires a
'potential for disruption' or an 'unduly disruptive' intrusion, before a measure
will be held to trench on Presidential powers. 7
179 The Court's approach patently ignores Buckley v. Valeo, where, only one year
ago, we unanimously found a separation-of-powers violation without any
allegation, much less a showing, of 'undue disruption.' There, we held that
Congress could not impinge, even to the modest extent of six appointments to
the Federal Election Commission, on the appointing powers of the President.
We reached this conclusion in the face of the fact that President Ford had
signed the bill into law. 8
180 But even taking the 'undue disruption' test as postulated, the Court engages in a
facile analysis, as Mr. Justice REHNQUIST so well demonstrates. We are told,
under the Court's view, that no 'undue disruption' arises because GSA officials
have taken custody of appellant's Presidential papers, and since, for the time
being, only GSA and other Executive Branch officials will have access to them.
Ante, at 443-444.
181 This analysis is superficial in the extreme. Separation-of-powers principles are
no less eroded simply because Congress goes through a 'minuet' of directing

Executive Department employees, rather than the Secretary of the Senate or the
Doorkeeper of the House, to possess and control Presidential papers. Whether
there has been a violation of separation-of-powers principles depends, not on
the identity of the custodians, but upon which branch has commanded the
custodians to act. Here, Congress has given the command.
182 If separation-of-powers principles can be so easily evaded, then the
constitutional separation is a sham.
183 Congress' power to regulate Executive Department documents, as contrasted
with Presidential papers, under such measures as the Freedom of Information
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (1970 ed. and Supp. V), does not bear on the question. No
one challenges Congress' power to provide for access to records of the
Executive Departments which Congress itself created. But the Freedom of
Information Act, the Privacy Act of 1974, and similar measures never
contemplated mandatory production of Presidential papers. What is instructive,
by contrast, is the nonmandatory, noncoercive manner in which Congress has
previously legislated with respect to Presidential papers, by providing for
Presidential libraries at the option of every former President. Title I, however,
breaches the nonmandatory tradition that has long been a vital incident of
separation of powers.
184 The statute, therefore, violates separation-of-powers principles because it
exercises a coercive influence by another branch over the Presidency. The
legislation is also invalid on another ground pertaining to separation of powers;
it is an attempt by Congress to exercise powers vested exclusively in the
President the power to control files, records, and papers of the office, which are
comparable to the internal workpapers of Members of the House and Senate.
185 The general principle as to this aspect of separation of powers was stated in
Kilbourn v. Thompson:
186 '(E)ach (branch) shall by the law of its creation be limited to the exercise of the
powers appropriate to its own department and no other.
187 '(A)s a general rule . . . the powers confided by the Constitution to one of these
departments cannot be exercised by another.' 103 U.S., at 191.
Madison also expressed this:

188 'For this reason that Convention which passed the ordinance of government,
laid its foundation on this basis, that the legislative, executive and judiciary
departments should be separate and distinct, so that no person should exercise
the powers of more than one of them at the same time.' The Federalist No. 48,
p. 335 (J. Cooke ed. 1961) (quoting Jefferson).
189 In the 1975 Term, in the face of a holding by a Court of Appeals that the
separation-of-powers challenge was meritless, we unanimously invalidated an
attempt by Congress to exercise appointing powers constitutionally vested in
the Chief Executive. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S., at 109-143, 96 S.Ct., at 677693.
190 The Constitution does not speak of Presidential papers, just as it does not speak
of workpapers of Members of Congress or of judges.9 But there can be no room
for doubt that, up to now, it has been the implied prerogative of the President as
of Members of Congress and of judges to memorialize matters, establish filing
systems, and provide unilaterally for disposition of his work papers. Control of
Presidential papers is, obviously, a natural and necessary incident of the broad
discretion vested in the President in order for him to discharge his duties.10
191 To be sure, we recognized a narrowly limited exception to Presidential control
of Presidential papers in United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94 S.Ct. 3090,
41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974). But that case permits compulsory judicial intrusions
only when a vital constitutional function, i. e., the conduct of criminal
proceedings, would be impaired and when the President makes no more 'than a
generalized claim of . . . public interest . . .,' id., at 707, 94 S.Ct., at 3107, in
maintaining complete control of papers and in preserving confidentiality. That
case, in short, was essentially a conflict between the Judicial Branch and the
President, where the effective functioning of both branches demanded an
accommodation and where the prosecutorial and judicial demands upon the
President were very narrowly restricted with great specificity 'to a limited
number of conversations . . ..' Moreover, the request for production there was
limited to materials that might themselves contain evidence of criminal activity
of persons then under investigation or indictment. Finally, the intrusion was
carefully limited to an in camera examination, under strict limits, by a single
United States District Judge. That case does not stand for the proposition that
the Judiciary is at liberty to order all papers of a President into custody of
United States Marshals.11
192 United States v. Nixon, therefore, provides no authority for Congress'
mandatory regulation of Presidential papers simply 'to promote the general
Welfare' which, of course, is a generalized purpose. No showing has been

made, nor could it, that Congress' functions will be impaired by the former
President's being allowed to control his own Presidential papers.12 Without any
threat whatever to its own functions, Congress has by this statute, as in Buckley
v. Valeo, exercised authority entrusted to the Executive Branch.13
193 Finally, in my view, the Act violates principles of separation of powers by
intruding into the confidentiality of Presidential communications protected by
the constitutionally based doctrine of Presidential privilege. A unanimous Court
in United States v. Nixon could not have been clearer in holding that the
privilege guaranteeing confidentiality of such communications derives from the
Constitution, subject to compelled disclosure only in narrowly limited
194 'A President and those who assist him must be free to explore alternatives in the
process of shaping policies and making decisions and to do so in a way many
would be unwilling to express except privately. These are the considerations
justifying a presumptive privilege for Presidential communications. The
privilege is fundamental to the operation of Government and inextricably
rooted in the separation of powers under the Constitution.' 418 U.S., at 708, 94
S.Ct., at 3107.
195 President Lyndon Johnson expressed the historic view of Presidential
confidentiality in even stronger terms in a letter to the GSA Administrator:
'(S)ince the President . . . is the recipient of many confidences from others, and
since the inviolability of such confidence is essential to the functioning of the
constitutional office of the Presidency, it will be necessary to withhold from
public scrutiny certain papers and classes of papers for varying periods of time.
Therefore . . . I hereby reserve the right to restrict the use and availability of any
materials . . . for such time as I in my sole discretion, may . . . specify . . ..'
Hearing before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government
Operations, on H.J.Res. 632, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., 17 (1965).
196 As a constitutionally based prerogative, Presidential privilege inures to the
President himself; it is personal in the same sense as the privilege against
compelled self-incrimination. Presidential privilege would therefore be largely
illusory unless it could be interposed by the President against the countless
thousands of persons in the Executive Branch, and most certainly if the
executive officials are acting, as this statute contemplates, at the command of a
different branch of Government.14

197 This statute requires that persons not designated or approved by the former
President will review all Presidential papers. Even if the Government agents, in
culling through the materials, follow the 'advisory' suggestions offered by the
District Court, the fact remains that their function abrogates the Presidential
privilege. Congress has, in essence, commanded them to review and catalog
thousands of papers and recordings that are undoubtedly privileged. Given that
fact, it is clear that the Presidential privilege of one occupant of that office will
have been rendered a nullity.15
198 There remains another inquiry under the issue of separation of powers. Does
the fact that the Act applies only to a former President, described as 'a
legitimate class of one,' ante, at 472, after he has left office, justify what would
otherwise be unconstitutional if applicable to an incumbent President?
199 On the face of it, congressional regulation of the papers of a former President
obviously will have less disruptive impact on the operations of an incumbent
President than an effort at regulation or control over the same papers of an
incumbent President. But this 'remoteness' does not eliminate the separation-ofpowers defects. First, the principle that a President must be free from coercion
should apply to a former President, so long as Congress is inquiring or acting
with respect to operations of the Government while the former President was in
200 To the extent Congress is empowered to coerce a former President, every
future President is at risk of denial of a large measure of the autonomy and
independence contemplated by the Constitution and of the confidentiality
attending it. Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 47 S.Ct. 21, 71 L.Ed. 160
(1926). Indeed, the President, if he is to have autonomy while in office, needs
the assurance that Congress will not immediately be free to coerce him to open
all his files and records and give an account of Presidential actions at the
instant his successor is sworn in.17 Absent the validity of the expectation of
privacy of such papers (save for a subpoena under United States v. Nixon),
future Presidents and those they consult will be well advised to take into
account the possibility that their most confidential correspondence, workpapers,
and diaries may well be open to congressionally mandated review, with no time
limit, should some political issue give rise to an interbranch conflict.
The Need for Confidentiality
201 The consequences of this development on what a President expresses to others

in writing and orally are incalculable; perhaps even more crucial is the
inhibiting impact on those to whom the President turns for information and for
counsel, whether they are officials in the Government, business or labor
leaders, or foreign diplomats and statesmen. I have little doubt that Title I and
the Court's opinion will be the subject of careful scrutiny and analysis in the
foreign offices of other countries whose representatives speak to a President on
matters they prefer not to put in writing, but which may be memorialized by a
President or an aide. Similarly, Title I may well be a 'ghost' at future White
House conferences, with conferees choosing their words more cautiously
because of the enlarged prospect of compelled disclosure to others. A
unanimous Court carefully took this into account in United States v. Nixon:
202 'The expectation of a President to the confidentiality of his conversations and
correspondence, like the claim of confidentiality of judicial deliberations, for
example, has all the values to which we accord deference for the privacy of all
citizens and, added to those values, is the necessity for protection of the public
interest in candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh opinions in Presidential
decision-making.' 418 U.S., at 708, 94 S.Ct., at 3107.
203 In this same vein, Mr. Justice POWELL argues that President Carter's
representation to the Court through the Solicitor General that Title I enhances
the efficiency of the Executive Branch is dispositive of appellant's separationof-powers claim. This deference to the views of one administration, expressed
approximately 100 days after its inception, as to the permanent structure of our
Government is not supported by precedent and conflicts with 188 years of
history. First, there is no principled basis for limiting this unique deference. If
and when the one-House veto issue, for example, comes before us, are we to
accept the opinion of the Department of Justice as to the effects of that
legislative device on the Executive Branch's operations? Second, if Title I is
thus efficacious, why did the President who signed this bill into law decide to
establish a Presidential library in Ann Arbor, Mich., rather than turn all of his
Presidential materials over to GSA for screening and retention in Washington,
D.C., where the materials would be readily accessible to officials of the
Executive Branch? And why, suddenly, is Congress' acquiescence in President
Ford's actions consistent with the supposed foundation of Title I?
204 Third, as pointed out by Mr. Justice BLACKMUN, ante, at 491: 'Political
realities often guide a President to a decision not to veto' or, indeed, a decision
not to challenge in court the actions of Congress. See n. 18, infra. Finally, it is
perhaps not inappropriate to note that, on occasion, Presidents disagree with
their predecessors on issues of policy. Some have believed in 'Congressional
Government'; others adhered to expansive notions of Presidential power. It is, I

respectfully submit, a unique idea that this Court accept as controlling the
representations of any administration on a constitutional question going to the
permanent structure of Government.
205 Title I is also objectionable on separation-of-powers grounds, despite its
applicability only to a former President, because compelling the disposition of
all of a former President's papers is a legislative exercise of what have
historically been regarded as executive powers. Presidential papers do not, after
all, instantly lose their nature quadrennially at high noon on January 20.
Moreover, under Title I it is now the Congress, not the incumbent President,18
that has decided what to do with all the papers of one entire administration.
206 Finally, the federal appellees concede that Presidential privilege, a vital incident
of our separation-of-powers system, does not terminate instantly upon a
President's departure from office. They candidly acknowledge that 'the privilege
survives the individual President's tenure,' Brief for Federal Appellees 33,
because of the vital public interests underlying the privilege. This principle, as
all parties concede, finds explicit support in history; former President Truman
in 1953 refused to provide information to the Congress on matters occurring
during his administration, advising Congress:
207 'It must be obvious to you that if the doctrine of separation of powers and the
independence of the Presidency is to have any validity at all, it must be equally
applicable to a President after his term of office has expired when he is sought
to be examined with respect to any acts occurring while he (was) President.' 120
Cong.Rec. 33419 (1974). (Emphasis supplied.)19
208 To ensure institutional integrity and confidentiality, Presidents and their
advisers must have assurance, as do judges and Members of Congress, that their
internal communications will not become subject to retroactive legislation
mandating intrusions into matters as to which there was a well-founded
expectation of privacy when the communications took place. Just as Mr.
Truman rejected congressional efforts to inquire of him, after he left office, as
to his activities while President, this Court has always assumed that the
immunity conferred by the Speech or Debate Clause is available to a Member
of Congress after he leaves office. United States v. Brewster, 408 U.S. 501, 92
S.Ct. 2531, 33 L.Ed.2d 507 (1972). It would therefore be illogical to conclude
that the President loses all immunity from legislative coercion as to his
Presidential papers from the moment he leaves office.
209 The Court correctly concedes that a former President retains the Presidential

privilege after leaving office, ante, at 448-449; but it then concludes that several
considerations cut against recognition of the privilege as to one former
President. First, the Court places great emphasis on the fact that neither
President Ford nor President Carter 'supports appellant's claim . . ..' Ante, at
449. The relevance of that fact is not immediately clear. The validity of one
person's constitutional privilege does not depend on whether some other holder
of the same privilege supports his claim.20 The fact that an incumbent President
has signed or supports a particular measure cannot defeat a former President's
claim of privilege. If the Court is correct today, it was wrong one year ago in
Buckley v. Valeo, when we unanimously held that Presidential approval of the
Federal Election Campaign could not validate an unconstitutional invasion of
Presidential appointing authority.
210 Second, the Court suggests that many of the papers are unprivileged. Of the
great volume of pages, appellant estimated that he saw only about 200,000
items while he was President. Several points are relevant in this regard. We do
not know how many pages the 200,000 items represent; the critical factor is
that all papers are presumptively privileged. Regardless of the number of pages,
the fact remains that the 200,000 items that the President personally reviewed
or prepared while in office obviously have greater historical value than the
mass of routine papers coming to the White House. Mountains of Government
reports tucked away in Presidential files will not likely engage the interest of
archivists or historians, since most such reports are not historically important
and are, in any event, available elsewhere. Rather, archivists and historians will
want to find and preserve the materials that reflect the President's internal
decisionmaking processes. Those are precisely the papers which will be
subjected to the most intensive review and which have always been afforded
absolute protection. The Court's analytically void invocation of sheer numbers
cannot mask the fact that the targets of the review are privileged papers,
diaries, and conversations.
211 I agree that, under United States v. Nixon, the Presidential privilege is
qualified. From that premise, however, the Court leaps to the conclusion that
future regulations governing public access to the materials are sufficient to
protect that qualified privilege. The Act does indeed provide for a number of
safeguards before the public at large obtains access to the materials. See
104(a). But the Court cannot have it both ways. The opinion expressly
recognizes again and again that public access is not now the issue. The
constitutionality of a statute cannot rest on the presumed validity of regulations
not yet issued; moreover, no regulations governing public access can remedy
the statute's basic flaw of permitting Congress to seize the confidential papers
of a President.

212 In concluding that Title I on its face violates the principle of separation of
powers, I do not address the issue whether some circumstances might justify
legislation for the disposition of Presidential papers without the President's
consent. Here, nothing remotely like the particularized need we found in United
States v. Nixon has been shown with respect to these Presidential papers. No
one has suggested that Congress will find its own 'core' functioning impaired
by lack of the impounded papers, as we expressly found the judicial function
would be impaired by lack of the material subpoenaed in United States v.
213 I leave to another day the question whether, under exigent circumstances, a
narrowly defined congressional demand for Presidential materials might be
justified. But Title I fails to satisfy either the required narrowness demanded by
United States v. Nixon or the requirement that the coequal powers of the
Presidency not be injured by congressional legislation.
214 The discussion of separation of powers concerns, of course, the structure of
government, not the rights of the sole individual ostensibly affected by this
legislation. But Title I touches not only upon the independence of a coordinate
branch of government, it also affects, in the most direct way, the basic rights of
one named individual. The statute provides, as we have seen, for governmental
custody over and review of all of the former President's written and recorded
materials at the time he left office, including diary recordings and conversations
in his private residences outside Washington, D. C. 101(a) (2).
215 The District Court was deeply troubled by this admittedly unprecedented
intrusion. Its opinion candidly acknowledged that the personal-privacy claim
was the 'most troublesome' point raised by this unique statute.21 In addition to
communications and memoranda reflecting the President's confidential
deliberations, the District Court admitted that the materials subject to GSA
review included highly personal communications.
216 'Among all of the papers and tape recordings falling within the Act, however,
are some papers and materials containing extremely private communications
between (Mr. Nixon) and, among others, his wife, his daughters, his physician,
lawyer, and clergyman, and his close friends, as well as personal diary

dictabelts and his wife's personal files . . . Segregating those that are private
from those that are not private requires rather comprehensive screening, and
archivists entrusted with that duty will be required to read or listen to private
communications.' 408 F.Supp. 321, 359 (DC 1976).
217 Given this admitted intrusion, the legislation before us must be subjected to the
most searching kind of judicial scrutiny.22 Statutes that trench on fundamental
liberties, like those affecting significantly the structure of our government, are
not entitled to the same presumption of constitutionality we normally accord
legislation. Moore v. City of East Cleveland, 431 U.S. 494, 499, 97 S.Ct. 1932,
1935, 52 L.Ed.2d 531 (1977). The burden of justification is reversed; the
burden rests upon government, not on the individual whose liberties are
affected, to justify the measure. Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, 431 U.S.
209, 263-264, 97 S.Ct. 1782, 1813-1814, 52 L.Ed.2d 261 (1977) (Powell, J.,
concurring in the judgment). We recently reaffirmed the standard or review in
such cases as one of 'exacting scrutiny.'
218 'We long have recognized that significant encroachments on First Amendment
rights of the sort that compelled disclosure imposes cannot be justified by a
mere showing of some legitimate governmental interest . . . (W)e have required
that the subordinating interests of the State must survive exacting scrutiny.'
Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S., at 64, 96 S.Ct., at 656.
219 Constitutional analysis must, of course, take fully into account the nature of the
Government's interests underlying challenged legislation. Once those interests
are identified, we must then focus on the nature of the individual interests
affected by the statute. Id., at 96 S.Ct., at 632. Finally, we must decide whether
the Government's interests are of sufficient weight to subordinate the
individual's interests, and, if so, whether the Government has nonetheless
employed unnecessarily broad means for achieving its purposes. Lamont v.
Postmaster General, 381 U.S. 301, 310, 85 S.Ct. 1493, 1498, 14 L.Ed.2d 398
(1965) (Brennan, J., concurring).
220 Two governmental interests are asserted as the justification for this statute: to
ensure the general efficiency of the Executive Branch's operations23 and to
preserve historically significant papers and tape recordings for posterity.24 Both
these purposes are legitimate and important. Yet, there was no serious
suggestion by Congress that the operations of the Executive Branch would

actually be impaired unless, contrary to nearly 200 years' past practice, all
Presidential papers of the one named incumbent were required by law to be
impounded in the sole control of Government agents. The statute on its face,
moreover, does not purport to address a particularized need, such as the need to
secure Presidential papers concerning the Middle East, the SALT talks, or
problems in Panama.25 Indeed, the congressionally perceived 'need' is a far
more 'generalized need' than that rejected in United States v. Nixon by a
unanimous Court.
221 As to the interest in preserving historical materials, there is nothing whatever in
our national experience to suggest that existing mechanisms, such as the 20year-old Presidential Libraries Act, were insufficient to achieve that purpose.26
In any event, the interest in preserving 'historical materials' cannot justify
seizing, without notice or hearing, private papers preliminary to a line-by-line
examination by Government agents.
222 In contrast to Congress' purposes underlying the statute, this Act intrudes
significantly on two areas of traditional privacy interests of Presidents. One
embraces Presidential papers relating to his decisions, development of policies,
appointments, and communications in his role as leader of a political party; the
other encompasses purely private matters of family, property, investments,
diaries, and intimate conversations. Both interests are of the highest order, with
perhaps some primacy for family papers.27 Cf. Moore v. City of East
Cleveland, supra, 431 U.S., at 499, 97 S.Ct., at 1935-1936.
223 Title I thus touches directly on what Mr. Justice Powell once referred to as the
'intimate areas of an individual's personal affairs,' California Bankers Assn. v.
Shultz, 416 U.S. 21, 78, 94 S.Ct. 1494, 1526, 39 L.Ed.2d 812 (1974)
(concurring opinion). The papers in both of these areas family and political
decisionmaking are of the most private nature, enjoying the highest status under
our law. Mr. Justice Brennan recently put it this way: 'Personal letters constitute
an integral aspect of a person's private enclave.' Fisher v. United States, 425
U.S. 391, 427, 96 S.Ct. 1569, 1588, 48 L.Ed.2d 39 (1976) (concurring in
judgment). An individual's papers, he said, are 'an extension of his person.' Id.,
at 420, 96 S.Ct., at 1585. Mr. Justice Marshall made the same point: 'Diaries
and personal letters that record only their author's personal thoughts lie at the
heart of our sense of privacy.' Couch v. United States, 409 U.S. 322, 350, 93
S.Ct. 611, 626, 34 L.Ed.2d 548 (1973) (dissenting opinion). In discussing
private papers, he referred even more emphatically to the 'deeply held belief on
the part of the Members of this Court throughout its history that there are
certain documents no person ought to be compelled to produce at the
Government's request.' Fisher v. United States, supra, 425 U.S., at 431-432, 96

S.Ct., at 1591 (emphasis supplied) (concurring in judgment). This echoes Lord

Camden's oft-quoted description of personal papers as a man's 'dearest
property.' Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 628, 6 S.Ct. 524, 531, 29 L.Ed.
746 (1886).
224 One point emerges clearly: The papers here involve the most fundamental First
and Fourth Amendment interests. Since the Act asserts exclusive Government
custody over all papers of a former President, the Fourth Amendment's
prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures is surely implicated.28
Indeed, where papers or books are the subject of a government intrusion, our
cases uniformly hold that the Fourth Amendment prohibition against a general
search requires that warrants contain descriptions reflecting 'the most
scrupulous exactitude . . .,' Stanford v. Texas, 379 U.S. 476, 485, 85 S.Ct. 506,
511, 13 L.Ed.2d 431 (1965). Those cases proscribe general language in a
warrant or a statute of 'indiscriminate sweep . . ..' Id., at 486, 85 S.Ct., at 512.
Title I, commanding seizure followed by permanent control of all materials
having 'historical or commemorative value,' evidences the 'indiscriminate
sweep' we have long denounced. This 'broad broom' statute provides virtually
no standard at all to guide the Government agents combing through the papers;
the agents are left to roam at large through confidential materials, something to
which no other President and no Member of Congress or of the Judicial Branch
has been subjected.
225 The Court, while recognizing that Government agents will necessarily be
reviewing the most private kinds of communications covering a period of five
and one-half years, tells us that Stanford is inapposite. Several reasons are
given. The Court suggests that, unlike the instant case, the seizure in Stanford
included vast quantities of materials unrelated to any legitimate government
objective; in addition, the Stanford intrusion constituted an invasion of the
home in connection with a criminal investigation. That last consideration relied
on by the Court can be disposed of quickly, for by its terms, just as in Stanford,
Title I commands seizure and review of papers from appellant's private
residences within and outside Washington, D. C., 101(a), for the purpose,
among others, of criminal proceedings brought by the Special Prosecutor,
102(b), and to make the materials available more broadly 'for use in judicial
proceedings.' 104(a)(2). Title I is not needed for this purpose, since a
narrowly defined subpoena can accomplish those purposes under United States
v. Nixon. Title I is in effect a 'legislative warrant' reminiscent of the odious
general warrants of the colonial era.
226 As to the Court's first consideration, its 'quantity' test is fallacious. The
intrusion in Stanford was unlawful not because the State had an interest in only

part of many items in Stanford's home, but rather because the warrant failed to
describe the objects of seizure with the 'most scrupulous exactitude.' Stanford is
not a 'numbers' test, the protection of which vanishes if unprotected materials
outnumber protected materials; it is, rather, a test designed to ensure that
protected materials are not seized at all. Title I on its face commands that
protected materials be seized wherever found including the private residences
mentioned reviewed, and returned only if the Government agents decide that
certain protected materials lack historical significance. The Act plainly
accomplishes exactly what Stanford expressly forbids.
227 In addition to Fourth Amendment considerations, highly important First
Amendment interests pervade all Presidential papers, since they include
expressions of privately held views about politics, diplomacy, or people of all
walks of life, within and outside this country. Appellant's freedom of
association is also implicated, since his recordings and papers will likely reveal
much about his relationships with both individuals and organizations. In
NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449, 462, 78 S.Ct. 1163, 1171-1172, 2 L.Ed.2d
1488 (1958), the Court said:
228 'This Court has recognized the vital relationship between freedom to associate
and privacy in one's associations.'
229 Accordingly, in passing on a statute compelling disclosure of political
contributions, the Court, in Buckley v. Valeo, imposed the strict standard of
'exacting scrutiny' because of the significant impact on First Amendment rights.
230 The fact that the former President was an important national and world political
figure obviously does not diminish the traditional privacy interest in his papers.
Forced disclosure of private information, even to Government officials, is by no
means sanctioned by this Court's decisions, except for the most compelling
reasons. Cf. Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 97 S.Ct. 869, 51 L.Ed.2d 64 (1977).
I do not think, for example, that this Court would readily sustain, as a condition
to holding public office, a requirement that a candidate reveal publicly
membership in every organization whether religious, social, or political. After
all, our decision in NAACP v. Alabama, supra, was presumably intended to
protect from compelled disclosure members of the organization who were
actively involved in public affairs or who held public office in Alabama.
231 The Court's reliance on Whalen v. Roe, supra, in rejecting appellant's privacy
claim is surprising. That case dealt with the State's undoubted police power to
regulate dispensing of dangerous drugs, the very use or possession of which the

State could forbid. 429 U.S., at 603, and 597 n. 20, 97 S.Ct., at 878 and 875 n.
20. Hence, we had no difficulty whatever in reaching a unanimous holding that
the public interest in regulating dangerous drugs outweighed any privacy
interest in reporting to the State all prescriptions, those reports being made
confidential by statute. No personal, private business, or political confidences
were involved.
232 In short, a former President up to now has had essentially the same expectation
of privacy with respect to his papers and records as every other person. This
expectation is soundly based on two factors: first, under our constitutional
traditions, Presidential papers have been, for more than 180 years, deemed by
the Congress to belong to the President. Congress ratified this tradition by
specific Acts: (a) congressional appropriations following authorization to
purchase Presidential papers; (b) congressional enactment of a nonmandatory
system of Presidential libraries; and (c) statutes permitting, until 1969, a
charitable-contribution deduction for papers of Presidents donated to the United
States or to nonprofit institutions.
233 Second, in the absence of any legislation to the contrary, there was no reason
whatever for a President to take time from his official duties to ensure that there
was no 'commingling' of 'public' and 'private' papers. Indeed, the fact that the
former President commingled Presidential and private family papers, absent
any then-existing laws to the contrary, points strongly to the conclusion that he
did in fact have an expectation of privacy with respect to both categories of
234 On the basis of this Court's holdings, I cannot understand why the former
President's privacy interests do not outweigh the generalized, undifferentiated
goals sought to be achieved by Title I. Without a more carefully defined focus,
these legislative goals do not represent 'paramount Government interests,' nor is
this particular piece of legislation needed to achieve those goals, even if we
assume, arguendo, that they are of a 'compelling' or 'overriding' nature. But
even if other Members of the Court strike the balance differently, the
Government has nonetheless failed to choose narrowly tailored means of
carrying out its purposes so as not unnecessarily to invade important First and
Fourth Amendment liberties. The Court demanded no less in Buckley v. Valeo,
and nothing less will do here. Cf. Hynes v. Mayor of Borough of Oradell, 425
U.S. 610, 620, 96 S.Ct. 1755, 1760, 48 L.Ed.2d 243 (1976).
235 The federal appellees point to two factors as mitigating the effects of this

admitted intrusion: first, in their view, most of the President's papers and
conversations relate to the business of Government, rather than to personal,
family, or political matters; second, it is said that the intrusion is limited as
much as possible, since the review will be carried out by specially trained
Government agents.
236 Even accepting the Government's interest in identifying and preserving
governmentally related papers in order to preserve them for historical purposes,
that interest cannot justify a seizure and search of all the papers taken here.
Since compulsory review of personal and family papers and tape recordings is
an admittedly improper invasion of privacy, no constitutional principle justifies
an intrusion into indisputably protected areas in order to carry out the
'generalized' statutory objectives.
237 Second, the intrusion cannot be saved by the credentials, however impeccable,
of the Government agents. The initial problem with this justification is that no
one knows whether these agents are, as the federal appellees contend,
uniformly discreet. Despite the lip service paid by the District Court and
appellees to the record of archivists generally, there is nothing before us to
justify the conclusion that each of the more than 100 persons who apparently
will have access to, and will monitor and examine, the materials is indeed
reliably discreet.
238 The Act, furthermore, provides GSA with no meaningful standards to minimize
the extent of intrusions upon appellant's privacy. We are thus faced with
precisely the same standardless discretion vested in governmental officials
which this Court has unhesitatingly struck down in other First Amendment
areas. See, e.g., Hynes v. Mayor of Borough of Oradell, supra. In the absence
of any meaningful statutory standards, which might help secure the privacy
interests at stake, I question whether we can assume, as a matter of law, that
Government agents will be able to formulate for themselves constitutionally
valid standards of review in examining, segregating, and cataloging the papers
of the former President.
239 Nor does the possibility that, had Title I not been passed, appellant would
perhaps use Government specialists to help classify and catalog his papers
eliminate the objections to this intrusion. Had appellant, like all his recent
predecessors, been permitted to deposit his papers in a Presidential library,
Government archivists would have been working directly under appellant's
guidance and direction, not solely that of Congress or GSA. He, not Congress,
would have established standards for preservation, to ensure that his privacy
would be protected. Similarly, he would have been able to participate

personally in the reviewing process and could thus assure that any
governmental review of purely personal papers was minimized or entirely
eliminated. He, not Congress, would have controlled the selection of which
experts, if any, would have access to his papers. Finally, and most important,
the 'intrusion' would have been consented to, eliminating any constitutional
question. But the possibility of a consent intrusion cannot, under our law,
justify a nonconsensual invasion. Actual consent is required, cf. Schneckloth v.
Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218, 93 S.Ct. 2041, 36 L.Ed.2d 854 (1973), not the mere
possibility of consent under drastically different circumstances.
240 Finally, even if the Government agents are completely discreet, they are still
Government officials charged with reviewing highly private papers and tape
recordings. Unless we are to say that a police seizure and examination of
private papers is justified by the 'impeccable' record of a discreet police officer,
I have considerable difficulty understanding how a compulsory review of
admittedly private papers, in which there is no conceivable Governmental
interest, by Government agents is constitutionally permissible.
Bill of Attainder
241 Under Art. I, 9, cl. 3, as construed and applied by this Court since the time of
Mr. Chief Justice Marshall, Title I violates the Bill of Attainder Clause. In
contrast to Title II of Pub.L. 93-526, the Public Documents Act, which
establishes a National Study Commission to study questions concerning the
preservation of records of all federal officials, Title I commands the
Administrator to seize all tape recordings 'involv(ing) former President Richard
M. Nixon' and all 'Presidential historical materials of Richard M. Nixon. . . .'
101(a)(1), (b)(1). By contrast with Title II, which is general legislation, Title I
is special legislation singling out one individual as the target.
242 Although the prohibition against bills of attainder has been addressed only
infrequently by this Court, it is now settled beyond dispute that a bill of
attainder, within the meaning of Art. I, is by no means the same as a bill of
attainder at common law. The definition departed from the common-law
concept very early in our history, in a most fundamental way. At common law,
the bill was a death sentence imposed by legislative Act. Anything less than
death was not a bill of attainder, but was, rather, 'a bill of pains and penalties.'
This restrictive definition was recognized tangentially in Marbury v. Madison, 1

Cranch 137, 179, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803),29 but the Court soon thereafter rejected
conclusively any notion that only a legislative death sentence or even
incarceration imposed on named individuals fell within the prohibition. Mr.
Chief Justice Marshall firmly settled the matter in 1810, holding that legislative
punishment in the form of a deprivation of property was prohibited by the Bill
of Attainder Clause:
243 'A bill of attainder may affect the life of an individual, or may confiscate his
property, or may do both.' Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 87, 138, 3 L.Ed. 162.
(Emphasis supplied.)
244 The same point was made 17 years later in Ogden v. Saunders, 12 Wheat. 213,
286, 6 L.Ed. 606, where the Court stated:
245 'By classing bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the
obligation of contracts together, the general intent becomes very apparent; it is
a general provision against arbitrary and tyrannical legislation over existing
rights, whether of person or property.' (Emphasis supplied.)
246 More than 100 years ago this Court struck down statutes which had the effect
of preventing defined categories of persons from practicing their professions.
Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. 277, 18 L.Ed. 356 (1867) (a priest); Ex parte
Garland, 4 Wall. 333, 18 L.Ed. 366 (1867) (a lawyer). Those two cases
established more broadly that 'punishment' for purposes of bills of attainder is
not limited to criminal sanctions; rather, '(t)he deprivation of any rights, civil or
political, previously enjoyed, may be punishment . . ..' Cummings, supra, at
247 Mr. Chief Justice Warren pointed out that the Constitution, in prohibiting bills
of attainder, did not envision 'a narrow, technical (and therefore soon to be
outmoded) prohibition . . ..' United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 442, 85
S.Ct. 1707, 1711, 14 L.Ed.2d 484 (1965). To the contrary, the evil was a
legislatively imposed deprivation of existing rights, including property rights,
directed at named individuals. Mr. Justice Black, in United States v. Lovett,
328 U.S. 303, 315-316, 66 S.Ct. 1073, 1079, 90 L.Ed. 1252 (1946), stated:
248 '(The cases) stand for the proposition that legislative acts, no matter what their
form, that apply either to named individuals or to easily ascertainable members
of a group in such a way as to inflict punishment on them without a judicial trial
are bills of attainder prohibited by the Constitution.' (Emphasis supplied.)

249 The only 'punishment' in Lovett, in fact, was the deprivation of Lovett's salary
as a Government employee an indirect punishment for his 'bad' associations.
250 Under our cases, therefore, bills of attainder require two elements: first, a
specific designation of persons or groups as subjects of the legislation, and,
second, a Garland-Cummings-Lovett-Brown-type arbitrary deprivation,
including deprivation of property rights, without notice, trial, or other hearing.30
No one disputes that Title I suffers from the first infirmity, since it applies only
to one former President. The issue that remains is whether there has been a
legislatively mandated deprivation of an existing right.
251 Since George Washington's Presidency, our constitutional tradition, without a
single exception, has treated Presidential papers as the President's personal
property. This view has been congressionally and judicially ratified, both as to
the ownership of Presidential papers, Folsom v. Marsh, 9 Fed.Cas. 342 (Mo. 4,
901) (CC Mass.1841) (Story, J., sitting as Circuit Justice), and, by the practice
of Justices as to ownership of their judicial papers.
252 Congress itself has consistently legislated on this assumption. I have noted
earlier that appropriation legislation has been enacted on various occasions
providing for Congress' purchase of Presidential papers. See Hearing before a
Special Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations on
H. J. Res. 330, 84th Cong., 1st Sess., 28 (1955). Those hearings led Congress to
establish a nonmandatory system of Presidential libraries, again explicitly
recognizing that Presidential papers were the personal property of the Chief
Executive. In the floor debate on that measure, Congressman John Moss, a
supporter of the legislation, stated: 'Finally, it should be remembered that
Presidential papers belong to the President . . ..' 101 Cong.Rec.9935 (1955).
Indeed, in 1955 in testimony pertaining to this proposed legislation, the
Archivist of the United States confirmed:
253 'The papers of the Presidents have always been considered to be their personal
property, both during their incumbency and afterward. This has the sanction of
law and custom and has never been authoritatively challenged.' Hearing on H.
J. Res. 330, supra, at 32.
254 Similarly, the GSA Administrator testified:
255 'As a matter of ordinary practice, the President has removed his papers from the

White House at the end of his term. This has been in keeping with the tradition
and the fact that the papers are the personal property of the retiring Presidents.'
Id., at 14. (Emphasis supplied.)
256 In keeping with this background, it was not surprising that the Attorney
General stated in an opinion in September 1974:
257 'To conclude that such materials are not the property of former President Nixon
would be to reverse what has apparently been the almost unvaried
understanding of all three branches of the Government since the beginning of
the Republic, and to call into question the practices of our Presidents since the
earliest times.' 43 Op.Atty.Gen. No. 1, pp. 1-2 (1974).
258 I see no escape, therefore, from the conclusion that, on the basis of more than
180 years' history, the appellant has been deprived of a property right enjoyed
by all other Presidents after leaving office, namely, the control of his
Presidential papers.
259 Even more starkly, Title I deprives only one former President of the right
vested by statute in other former Presidents by the 1955 Act the right to have a
Presidential library at a facility of his own choosing for the deposit of such
Presidential papers as he unilaterally selects. Title I did not purport to repeal the
Presidential Libraries Act; that statute remains in effect, available to present
and future Presidents, and has already been availed of by former President
Ford. The operative effect of Title I, therefore, is to exclude, by name, one
former President and deprive him of what his predecessors and his successor
have already been allowed. This invokes what Mr. Justice Black sain in Lovett,
supra could not be constitutionally done:
260 'Those who wrote our Constitution well knew the danger inherent in special
legislative acts which take away the life, liberty, or property of particular
named persons because the legislature thinks them guilty of conduct which
deserves punishment. They intended to safeguard the people of this country
from punishment without trial by duly constituted courts.' 328 U.S., at 317, 66
S.Ct., at 1079-1080. (Emphasis supplied.)
261 But apart from Presidential papers generally, Title I on its face contemplates
that even the former President's purely family and personal papers and tape
recordings are likewise to be taken into custody for whatever period of time is
required for review. Some items, such as the originals of tape recordings of the
former President's conversations, will never be returned to him under the Act.

262 I need not, and do not, inquire into the motives of Congress in imposing this
deprivation on only one named person. Our cases plainly hold that retribution
and vindictiveness are not requisite elements of a bill of attainder. The Court
appears to overlook that Mr. Chief Justice Warren in United States v. Brown,
supra, concluded that retributive motives on the part of Congress were
irrelevant to bill-of-attainder analysis. To the contrary, he said flatly: 'It would
be archaic to limit the definition of punishment to 'retribution." Indeed, he
expressly noted that bills of attainder had historically been enacted for
regulatory or preventive purposes:
263 'Historical considerations by no means compel restriction of the bill of attainder
ban to instances of retribution. A number of English bills of attainder were
enacted for preventive purposes that is, the legislature made a judgment,
undoubtedly based largely on past acts and associations . . . that a given person
or group was likely to cause trouble . . . and therefore inflicted deprivations
upon that person or group in order to keep it from bringing about the feared
event.' 381 U.S., at 458-459, 85 S.Ct., at 1720.
264 Under the long line of our decisions, therefore, the Court has the heavy burden
of demonstrating that legislation which singles out one named individual for
deprivation without any procedural safeguards of what had for nearly 200 years
been treated by all three branches of Government as private property, can
survive the prohibition of the Bill of Attainder Clause. In deciding this case, the
Court provides the basis for a future Congress to enact yet another Title I,
directed at some future former President, or a Member of the House or the
Senate because the individual has incurred public disfavor and that of the
Congress. Cf. Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 89 S.Ct. 1944, 23 L.Ed.2d
491 (1969). As in United States v. Brown, Title I, in contrast to Title II, does
'not set forth a generally applicable rule,' 381 U.S., at 450, 85 S.Ct., at 1715; it
is beyond doubt special legislation doing precisely the evil against which the
prohibitions of the 'bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the
obligation of contracts . . .' were aimed. Ogden v. Saunders, 12 Wheat., at 286.
265 The concurring opinions make explicit what is implicit throughout the Court's
opinion, i. e., (a) that Title I would be unconstitutional under separation-ofpowers principles if it applied to any other President; (b) that the Court's
holding rests on appellant's being a 'legitimate class of one,' ante, at 472; and
(c) that the Court's holding 'will not be a precedent.' Ante, p. 486.
266 Nothing in our cases supports the analysis or Mr. Justice STEVENS, ibid.,
Under his view, appellant's resignation and subsequent acceptance of a pardon
set him apart as a "legitimate class of one." The two events upon which he

relies, however, are beside the point. Correct analysis under the Bill of
Attainder Clause focuses solely upon the nature of the measure adopted by
Congress, not upon the actions of the target of the legislation. Even if this
approach were analytically sound, the two events singled out are relevant only
to two possible theories: first, that appellant is culpably deserving of
punishment by virtue of his resignation and pardon; or second, that appellant's
actions were so unique as to justify legislation confiscating his Presidential
materials but not those of any other President. The first point can be disposed of
quickly, since the Bill of Attainder Clause was, of course, intended to prevent
legislatively imposed deprivations of rights upon persons whom the Legislature
thought to be culpably deserving of punishment.
267 The remaining question, then, is whether appellant's 'uniqueness' permits
individualized legislation of the sort passed here. It does not. The point is not
that Congress is powerless to act as to exigencies arising during or in the
immediate aftermath of a particular administration; rather, the point is that
Congress cannot punish a particular individual on account of his 'uniqueness.'
If Congress had declared forfeited appellant's retirement pay to which he
otherwise would be entitled, instead of confiscating his Presidential materials, it
would not avoid the bill-of-attainder prohibition to say that appellant was guilty
of unprecedented actions setting him apart from his predecessors in office. In
short, appellant's uniqueness does not justify serious deprivations of existing
rights, including the statutory right abrogated by Title I to establish a
Presidential library.
268 The novel arguments advanced in the several concurring opinions serve to
emphasize how clearly Title I violates the Bill of Attainder Clause; Mr. Justice
STEVENS although finding no violation of the Clause, admirably states the
case which, for me, demonstrates the unconstitutionality of Title I:
269 'The statute before the Court does not apply to all Presidents or former
Presidents. It singles out one, by name, for special treatment. Unlike all former
Presidents in our history, he is denied custody of his own Presidential papers;
he is subjected to the burden of prolonged litigation over the administration of
the statute; and his most private papers and conversations are to be scrutinized
by Government archivists. The statute implicitly condemns him as an unreliable
custodian of his papers. Legislation which subjects a named individual to this
humiliating treatment must raise serious questions under the Bill of Attainder
Clause.' Ante, at 484.

270 The immediate consequences of the Court's holding may be discounted by

some on the ground it is justified by the uniqueness of the circumstances in
short, that the end justifies the means and that, after all, the Court's holding is
really not to be regarded as precedent. Yet the reported decisions of this Court
reflect other instances in which unique situations confronted the Judicial
Branch for example, the alleged treason of one of Founding Fathers. United
States v. Burr, 25 F.Cas. 187 (No. 14,694) (CC Va.1807). Burr may or may not
have been blameless; Father Cummings and Lawyer Garland, in common with
hundreds of thousands of others, may have been technically guilty of 'carrying
on rebellion' against the United States. But this Court did not weigh the
culpability of Cummings, Garland, or of Lovett or Brown in according to each
of them the full measure of the protection guaranteed by the literal language of
the Constitution. For nearly 200 years this Court has not viewed either a 'class'
or a 'class of one' as 'legitimate' under the Bill of Attainder Clause.
271 It may be, as three Justices intimate in their concurring opinions, that today's
holding will be confined to this particular 'class of one'; if so, it may not do
great harm to our constitutional jurisprudence but neither will it enhance the
Court's credit in terms of adherence to stare decisis. Only with future analysis,
in perspective, and free from the 'hydraulic pressure' Holmes spoke of, will we
be able to render judgment on whether the Court has today enforced the
Constitution or eroded it.
272 Mr. Justice REHNQUIST, dissenting.
273 Appellant resigned the Office of the Presidency nearly three years ago, and if
the issue here were limited to the right of Congress to dispose of his particular
Presidential papers, this case would not be of major constitutional significance.
Unfortunately, however, today's decision countenances the power of any future
Congress to seize the official papers of an outgoing President as he leaves the
inaugural stand. In so doing, it poses a real threat to the ability of future
Presidents to receive candid advice and to give candid instructions. This result,
so at odds with our previous case law on the separation of powers, will daily
stand as a veritable sword of Damocles over every succeeding President and his
advisers. Believing as I do that the Act is a clear violation of the constitutional
principle of separation of powers, I need not address the other issues considered
by the Court.1
274 My conclusion that the Act violates the principle of separation of powers is
based upon three fundamental propositions. First, candid and open discourse
among the President, his advisers, foreign heads of state and ambassadors,

Members of Congress, and the others who deal with the White House on a
sensitive basis is an absolute prerequisite to the effective discharge of the duties
of that high office. Second, the effect of the Act, and of this Court's decision
upholding its constitutionality, will undoubtedly restrain the necessary free
flow of information to and from the present President and future Presidents.
Third, any substantial intrusion upon the effective discharge of the duties of the
President is sufficient to violate the principle of separation of powers, and our
prior cases do not permit the sustaining of an Act such as this by 'balancing' an
intrusion of substantial magnitude against the interests assertedly fostered by
the Act.
275 With respect to the second point, it is of course true that the Act is directed
solely at the papers of former President Nixon.2 Although the terms of the Act,
therefore, have no direct application to the present occupant or future occupants
of the Office, the effect upon candid communication to and from these future
Presidents depends, in the long run, not upon the limited nature of the present
Act, but upon the precedential effect of today's decision. Unless the authority of
Congress to seize the papers of this appellant is limited only to him in some
principled way, future Presidents and their advisers will be wary of a similar
Act directed at their papers out of pure political hostility.
276 We are dealing with a privilege, albeit a qualified one, that both the Court and
the Solicitor General concede may be asserted by an ex-President. It is a
privilege which has been relied upon by Chief Executives since the time of
George Washington. See, e. g., the dissenting opinion of THE CHIEF
JUSTICE, ante, at 509-510. Unfortunately, the Court's opinion upholding the
constitutionality of this Act is obscure, to say the least, as to the circumstances
that will justify Congress in seizing the papers of an ex-President. 3 A potpourri
of reasons is advanced as to why the Act is not an unconstitutional infringement
upon the principle of separation of powers,4 but the weight to be attached to any
of the factors is left wholly unclear.
277 The Court speaks of the need to establish procedures to preserve Presidential
materials, to allow a successor President access to the papers of the prior
President, to grant the American public historical access, and to rectify the
present 'hit-or-miss' approach by entrusting the materials to the expert handling
of the archivists. Ante, at 452-453. These justifications are equally applicable to
each and every future President, and other than one cryptic paragraph, ante, at
453-454, the Court's treatment contains no suggestion that Congress might not
permissibly seize the papers of any outgoing future President. The unclear
scope of today's opinion will cause future Presidents and their advisers to be
uneasy over the confidentiality of their communications, thereby restraining

those communications.
278 The position of my Brothers POWELL and BLACKMUN is that today's
opinion will not result in an impediment to future Presidential communications
since this case is 'unique'5 appellant resigned in disgrace from the Presidency
during events unique in the history of our Nation. Mr. Justice POWELL
recognizes that this position is quite different from that of the Court. Ante, at
492-498. Unfortunately his concurring view that the authority of Congress is
limited to the situation he describes does not itself change the expansive scope
of the Court's opinion, and will serve as scant consolation to future Presidential
advisers. For so long as the Court's opinion represents a threat to confidential
communications, the concurrences of Mr. Justice POWELL and Mr. Justice
BLACKMUN, I fear, are based on no more than wishful thinking.
279 Were the Court to advance a principled justification for affirming the judgment
solely on the facts surrounding appellant's fall from office, the effect of its
decision upon future Presidential communications would be far less serious.
But the Court does not advance any such justification.
280 It would require far more of a discourse than could profitably be included in an
opinion such as this to fully describe the pre-eminent position that the President
of the United States occupies with respect to our Republic. Suffice it to to say
that the President is made the sole repository of the executive powers of the
United States, and the powers entrusted to him as well as the duties imposed
upon him are awesome indeed. 6 Given the vast spectrum of the decisions that
confront him Domestic affairs, relationships with foreign powers, direction of
the military as Commander in Chief it is by no means an overstatement to
conclude that current, accurate, and absolutely candid information is essential
to the proper performance of his office. Nor is it an overstatement to conclude
that the President must be free to give frank and candid instructions to his
subordinates. It cannot be denied that one of the principal determinants of the
quality of the information furnished to the President will be the degree of trust
placed in him by those who confide in him. The Court itself, ante, at 448-449,
cites approvingly the following language of the Solicitor General:
281 "Unless he can give his advisers some assurance of confidentiality, a President
could not expect to receive the full and frank submission of facts and opinions
upon which effective discharge of his duties depends." See Brief for Federal
Appellees 33.

282 The public papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had the advantage of
discharging executive responsibilities first as the Commander in Chief of the
United States forces in Europe during the Second World War and then as
President of the United States for two terms, attest to the critical importance of
this trust in the President's discretion:
283 'And if any commander is going to get the free, unprejudiced opinions of his
subordinates, he had better protect what they have to say to him on a
confidential basis.' Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight
D. Eisenhower, 1955, p. 674 (1959).
284 The effect of a contrary course likewise impressed President Eisenhower:
285 'But when it comes to the conversations that take place between any
responsible official and his advisers or exchange of little, mere slips of this or
that, expressing personal opinions on the most confidential basis, those are not
subject to investigation by anybody; and if they are, will wreck the
Government.' Ibid. (Emphasis added.)
286 There simply can be no doubt that it is of the utmost importance for sensitive
communications to the President to be viewed as confidential, and generally
unreachable without the President's consent.
287 In order to fully understand the impact of this Act upon the confidential
communications in the White House, it must be understood that the Act will
affect not merely former President Nixon, but the present President and future
Presidents. As discussed above, while this Act itself addresses only the papers
of former President Nixon, today's decision upholding its constitutionality
renders uncertain the constitutionality of future congressional action directed at
any ex-President. Thus Presidential confidants will assume, correctly, that any
records of communications to the President could be subject to 'appropriation'
in much the same manner as the present Act seized the records of confidential
communications to and from President Nixon. When advice is sought by future
Presidents, no one will be unmindful of the fact that as a result of the
uncertainty engendered by today's decision, all confidential communications of
any ex-President could be subject to seizure over his objection, as he leaves the
inaugural stand on January 20.
288 And Presidential communications will undoubtedly be impeded by the

recognition that there is a substantial probability of public disclosure of material

seized under this Act, which, by today's decision, is a constitutional blueprint
for future Acts. First, the Act on its face requires that 100-odd Government
archivists study and review Presidential papers, heretofore accessible only with
the specific consent of the President. Second, the Act requires that public
access is to be granted by future regulations consistent with 'the need to provide
public access to those materials which have general historical significance . . ..'
104(a)(6). Either of these provisions is sufficient to detract markedly from the
candor of communications to and from the President.
289 In brushing aside the fact that the archivists are empowered to review the
papers, the Court concludes that the archivists will be discreet. Ante, at 451452. But there is no foundation for the Court's assumption that there will be no
leaks. Any reviews that the archivists have made of Presidential papers in the
past have been done only after authorization by the President, and after the
President has had an opportunity to cull the most sensitive documents. It strikes
me as extremely naive, and I daresay that this view will be shared by a large
number of potential confidants of future Presidents, to suppose that each and
every one of the archivists who might participate in a similar screening by
virtue of a future Act would remain completely silent with respect to those
portions of the Presidential papers which are extremely newsworthy. The
Solicitor General, supporting the constitutionality of the Act, candidly
conceded as much in oral argument:
290 'Question: . . . I now ask you a question that may sound frivolous, but do you
think if a hundred people know anything of great interest in the City of
Washington, it will remain a secret?
291 '(Laughter.)
292 'Mr. McCree: 'MR. JUSTICE POWELL, I have heard that if two people have
heard it, it will not.' Tr. of Oral Arg. 46.
293 It borders on the absurd for the Court to cite our recent decision in Whalen v.
Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 97 S.Ct. 869, 51 L.Ed.2d 64 (1977), as a precedent for the
proposition that Government officials will invariably honor provisions in a law
dedicated to the preservation of privacy. It is quite doubtful, at least to my
mind, that columnists or investigative reporters will be avidly searching for
what doctor prescribed what drug for what patient in the State of New York,
which was the information required to be furnished in Whalen v. Roe. But with
respect to the advice received by a President, or the instructions given by him,

on highly sensitive matters of great historical significance, the case is quite the
opposite. Hence, at the minimum, today's decision upholding the
constitutionality of this Act, mandating review by archivists, will engender the
expectation that future confidential communications to the President may be
subject to leaks or public disclosure without his consent.
294 In addition to this review by archivists, Presidential papers may now be seized
and shown to the public if they are of 'general historical significance.' The
Court attempts to avoid this problem with the wishful expectation that the
regulations regarding public access, when promulgated, will be narrowly
drawn. However, this assumes that a Presidential adviser will speak candidly
based upon this same wishful assumption that the regulations, when ultimately
issued and interpreted, will protect his confidences. But the current Act is over
two and one-half years old and no binding regulations have yet been
promulgated. And it is anyone's guess as to how long it will take before such
ambiguous terms as 'historical significance' are definitively interpreted, and as
to whether some future Administrator as yet unknown might issue a broader
definition. Thus, the public access required by this Act will at the very least
engender substantial uncertainty regarding whether future confidential
communications will, in fact, remain confidential.
295 The critical factor in all of this is not that confidential material might be
disclosed, since the President himself might choose to 'go public' with it. The
critical factor is that the determination as to whether to disclose is wrested by
the Act from the President. When one speaks in confidence to a President, he
necessarily relies upon the President's discretion not to disclose the sensitive.
The President similarly relies on the discretion of a subordinate when
instructing him. Thus it is no answer to suggest, as does the Court, ante, at 450451, that the expectation of confidentiality has always been limited because
Presidential papers have in the past been turned over to Presidential libraries or
otherwise subsequently disclosed. In those cases, ultimate reliance was upon
the discretion of the President to cull the sensitive ones before disclosure. But
when, as is the case under this Act, the decision whether to disclose no longer
resides in the President, communication will inevitably be restrained.
296 The Court, as does Mr. Justice POWELL, seeks to diminish the impact of this
Act on the Office of the President by virtue of the fact that neither President
Ford nor President Carter supports appellant's claim. Ante, at 441, 502 n. 5. It
is quite true that President Ford signed the Act into law, and that the Solicitor
General, representing President Carter, supports its constitutionality. While we
must give due regard to the fact that these Presidents have not opposed the Act,
we must also give due regard to the unusual political forces that have

contributed to making this situation 'unique.' Ante, at 494 (POWELL, J.,

concurring). Mr. Justice POWELL refers to the stance of the current Executive
as 'dispositive,' ante, at 498, and the Court places great emphasis upon it. I
think this analysis is mistaken.
297 The current occupant of the Presidency cannot by signing into law a bill passed
by Congress waive the claim of a successor President that the Act violates the
principle separation of powers. We so held in Myers v. United States, 272 U.S.
52, 47 S.Ct. 21, 71 L.Ed. 160 (1926). And only last Term we unanimously held
in Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46 L.Ed.2d 659 (1976), that
persons with no connection with the Executive Branch of the Government may
attack the constitutionality of a law signed by the President on the ground that
it invaded authority reserved for the Executive Branch under the principle of
separation of powers. This principle, perhaps the most fundamental in our
constitutional framework, may not be signed away by the temporary incumbent
of the office which it was designed to protect.
298 Mr. Justice POWELL'S view that the incumbent President must join the
challenge of the ex-President places Presidential communications in limbo,
since advisers, at the time of the communication, cannot know who the
successor will be or what his stance will be regarding seizure by Congress of
his predecessor's papers. Since the advisers cannot be sure that the President to
whom they are communicating can protect their confidences, communication
will be inhibited. Mr. Justice POWELL'S view, requiring an ex-President to
depend upon his successor, blinks at political and historical reality. The
tripartite system of Government established by the Constitution has on more
than one occasion bred political hostility not merely between Congress and a
lameduck President, but between the latter and his successor. To substantiate
this view one need only recall the relationship at the time of the transfer to the
reins of power from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, from James Buchanan to
Abraham Lincoln, from Herbert Hoover to Franklin Roosevelt, and from Harry
Truman to Dwight Eisenhower. Thus, while the Court's decision is an invitation
for a hostile Congress to legislate against an unpopular lameduck President,
Mr. Justice POWELL'S position places the ultimate disposition of a challenge
to such legislation in the hands of what history has shown may be a hostile
incoming President. I cannot believe that the Constitution countenances this
result. One may ascribe no such motives to Congress and the successor
Presidents in this case, without nevertheless harboring a fear that they may play
a part in some succeeding case.
299 The shadow that today's decision casts upon the daily operation of the Office of
the President during his entire four-year term sharply differentiates it from our

previous separation-of-powers decisions, which have dealt with much more

specific and limited intrusions. These cases have focused upon unique aspects
of the operation of a particular branch of Government, rather than upon an
intrusion, such as the present one, that permeates the entire decisionmaking
process of the Office of the President. For example, in Youngstown Sheet &
Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 72 S.Ct. 863, 96 L.Ed. 1153 (1952) (Steel
Seizure Cases), this Court held that the President could not by Executive Order
seize steel mills in order to prevent a work stoppage when Congress had
provided other methods for dealing with such an eventuality. In Myers v.
United States, supra, the Court struck down an 1876 statute which had
attempted to restrict the President's power to remove postmasters without
congressional approval. In Buckley v. Valeo, supra, the Court struck down
Congress' attempt to vest the power to appoint members of the Federal Election
Commission in persons other than the President.
300 To say that these cases dealt with discrete instances of governmental action is
by no means to disparage their importance in the development of our
constitutional law. But it does contrast them quite sharply with the issue
involved in the present case. To uphold the Presidential Recordings and
Materials Preservation Act is not simply to sustain or invalidate a particular
instance of the exercise of governmental power by Congress or by the
President; it has the much more far-reaching effect of significantly hampering
the President, during his entire term of office, in his ability to gather the
necessary information to perform the countless discrete acts which are the
prerogative of his office under Art. II of the Constitution.
301 It thus appears to me indisputable that this Act is a significant intrusion into the
operations of the Presidency. I do not think that this severe dampening of free
communication to and from the President may be discounted by the Court's
adoption of a novel 'balancing' test for determining whether it is constitutional.7
I agree with the Court that the three branches of Government need not be
airtight, ante, at 443, and that the separate branches are not intended to operate
with absolute independence. United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 707, 94
S.Ct. 3090, 3107, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974). But I find no support in the
Constitution or in our cases for the Court's pronouncement that the operations
of the Office of the President may be severely impeded by Congress simply
because Congress had a good reason for doing so.
302 Surely if ever there were a case for 'balancing.' and giving weight to the
asserted 'national interest' to sustain governmental action, it was in the Steel

Seizure Cases, supra. There the challenged Presidential Executive Order

recited, without contradiction by its challengers, that 'American fighting men
and fighting men of other nations of the United Nations are now engaged in
deadly combat with the forces of aggression in Korea'; that 'the weapons and
other materials needed by our armed forces and by those joined with us in the
defense of the free world are produced to a great extent in this country, and
steel is an indispensable component of substantially all of such weapons and
materials'; and that a work stoppage in the steel industry 'would immediately
jeopardize and imperil our national defense and the defense of those joined
with us in resisting aggression, and would add to the continuing danger of our
soldiers, sailors, and airmen engaged in combat in the field.' 343 U.S., at 590591, 72 S.Ct., at 868 (App. to opinion). Although the 'legislative' actions by the
President could have been quickly overridden by an Act of Congress, id., at
677, 72 S.Ct., at 933-934 (Vinson, C.J., dissenting), this Court struck down the
Executive Order as violative of the separation-of-powers principle with nary a
mention of the national interest to be fostered by what could have been
characterized as a relatively minimal and temporary intrusion upon the role of
Congress. The analysis was simple and straightforward: Congress had
exclusive authority to legislate; the President's Executive Order was an exercise
of legislative power that impinged upon that authority of Congress, and was
therefore unconstitutional. Id., at 588-589, 72 S.Ct., at 867-868. See also
Buckley v. Valeo.8
303 I think that no only the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, but the
Legislative and Judicial Branches as well, will come to regret this day when the
Court has upheld an Act of Congress that trenches so significantly on the
functioning of the Office of the President. I dissent.

For proceedings prior to convention of the three-judge court, see Nixon v.

Richey, 168 U.S.App.D.C. 169, 513 F.2d 427, on reconsideration 168
U.S.App.D.C. 172, 513 F.2d 430 (1975). See also Nixon v. Sampson, 389
F.Supp. 107 (DE 1975).

No opinion was given respecting ownership of certain permanent files retained

by the Chief Executive Clerk of the White House from administration to
administration. The Attorney General was unable definitively to determine their
status on the basis of then-available information. 43 Op.Atty. Gen. No. 1
(1974), App. 228.

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stayed any order
effectuating the decision in Nixon v. Sampson pending decision of the three-

judge court whether under 105(a) the instant case was to 'have priority on the
docket of (the District) court over other cases,' Nixon v. Richey, 168
U.S.App.D.C., at 173, 177, 188-190, 513 F.2d, at 431, 435, 446-448. The threejudge court was of the view that 'the central purpose of Congress, in relation to
all pending litigation, is to have an early and prior determination of the Act's
constitutionality' and therefore did not request dissolution of the stay until entry
of judgment. 408 F.Supp., at 333-334, n. 10.

This interpretation has abundant support in the legislative history of the Act.
Senator Javits, one of the sponsors of S. 4016, stated: '(The criteria of 104(a))
endeavor to protect due process for individuals who may be named in the
papers as well as any privilege which may be involved in the papers, and of
course the necessary access of the former President himself.
'In short, the argument that the bill authorizes absolute unrestricted public
access does not stand up in the face of the criteria and the requirement for the
regulations which we have inserted in the bill today.' 120 Cong.Rec. 33860
Senator Nelson, the bill's draftsman, agreed that the primary purpose to provide
for the American people a historical record of the Watergate events 'should not
override all regard for rights of the individual to privacy and a fair trial.' Id., at
33851. Senator Ervin, also a sponsor and floor manager of the bill, stated:
'Nobody's right is affected by this bill, because it provides, as far as privacy is
concerned, that the regulations of the Administrator shall take into account . . .
(the) opportunity to assert any legally or constitutionally based right which
would prevent or otherwise limit access to the tape recordings and other
materials.' Id., at 33969.
See also id., at 33960 (remarks of Sen. Ervin); id., at 37902-37903 (remarks of
Rep. Brademas).

Madison in The Federalist No. 47, reviewing the origin of the separation-ofpowers doctrine, remarked that Montesquieu, the 'oracle' always consulted on
the subject,
'did not mean that these departments ought to have no partial agency in, or no
controul over the acts of each other. His meaning, as his own words import . . .
can amount to no more than this, that where the whole power of one department
is exercised by the same hands which possess the whole power of another
department, the fundamental principles of a free constitution, are subverted.'
The Federalist No. 47, pp. 325-326 (J. Cooke ed. 1961) (emphasis in original).

Similarly, Mr. Justice Story wrote:

'(W)hen we speak of a separation of the three great departments of government,
and maintain that that separation is indispensable to public liberty, we are to
understand this maxim in a limited sense. It is not meant to affirm that they
must be kept wholly and entirely separate and distinct, and have no common
link of connection or dependence, the one upon the other, in the slightest
degree.' 1 J. Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 525 (M. Bigelow, 5th
ed. 1905).

See also, e. g., 1 K. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise 1.09 (1958); G.

Gunther, Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law 400 (9th ed. 1975); L.
Jaffe, Judicial Control of Administrative Action 28-30 (1965); Cox, Executive
Privilege, 122 U.Pa.L.Rev. 1383, 1387-1391 (1974); Ratner, Executive
Privilege, Self Incrimination, and the Separation of Powers Illusion, 22 UCLA
Rev. 92-93 (1974).

The District Court correctly interpreted the Act to require meaningful notice to
appellant of archival decisions that might bring into play rights secured by
104(a)(5). 408 F.Supp., at 340 n. 23. Such notice is required by the
Administrator's regulations, 41 CFR 105-63.205 (1976), which provide: 'The
Administrator of General Services or his designated agent will provide former
President Nixon or his designated attorney or agent prior notice of, and allow
him to be present during, each authorized access.'

We see no reason to engage in the debate whether appellant has legal title to the
materials. See Brief for Appellant 90. Such an inquiry is irrelevant for present
purposes because 105(c) assures appellant of just compensation if his
economic interests are invaded, and, even if legal title is his, the materials are
not thereby immune from regulation. It has been accepted at least since Mr.
Justice Story's opinion in Folsom v. Marsh, 9 Fed.Cas. No. 4,901 pp. 342, 347
(CC Mass.1841), that regardless of where legal title lies, 'from the nature of the
public service, or the character of documents, embracing historical, military, or
diplomatic information, it may be the right, and even the duty, of the
government, to give them publicity, even against the will of the writers.'
Appellant's suggestion that the Folsom principle does not go beyond materials
concerning national security and current Government business is negated by
Mr. Justice Story's emphasis that it also extended to materials 'embracing
historical . . . information.' Ibid. (Emphasis added.) Significantly, no such
limitation was suggested in the Attorney General's opinion to President Ford.
Although indicating a view that the materials belonged to appellant, the opinion
acknowledged that 'Presidential materials' without qualification 'are peculiarly
affected by a public interest' which may justify subjecting 'the absolute

ownership rights' to certain 'limitations directly related to the character of the

documents as records of government activity.' 43 Op.Atty.Gen. No. 1 (1974),
App. 220-230.
On the other hand, even if legal title rests in the Government, appellant is not
thereby foreclosed from asserting under 105(a) a claim for return of private
materials retained by the Administrator in contravention of appellant's rights
and privileges as specified in 104(a)(5).

Like the District Court, we do not distinguish between the qualified 'executive'
privilege recognized in United States v. Nixon and the 'presidential' privilege to
which appellant refers, except to note that appellant does not argue that the
privilege he claims extends beyond the privilege recognized in that case. See
408 F.Supp., at 343 n. 24.


United States v. Nixon recognized that there is a legitimate governmental

interest in the confidentiality of communications between high Government
officials, e. g., those who advise the President, and that '(h)uman experience
teaches that those who expect public dissemination of their remarks may well
temper candor with a concern for appearances and for their own interests to the
detriment of the decisionmaking process.' 418 U.S., at 705, 94 S.Ct., at 3106.


Indeed, the opinion noted, id., at 705 n. 15, 94 S.Ct., at 3106, that Government
confidentiality has been a concern from the time of the Constitutional
Convention in 1787, the meetings of which were conducted in private, 1 M.
Farrand, The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, pp. xi-xxv (1911),
and the records of which were sealed for more than 30 years after the
Convention. See 3 Stat. 475, 15th Cong., 1st Sess., Res. 8 (1818). See generally
C. Warren, The Making of the Constitution 134-139 (1937).


The District Court found that in the Hoover Library there are no restrictions on
Presidential papers, although some restrictions exist with respect to personal
and private materials, and in the Roosevelt Library, less than 0.5% of the
materials is restricted. There is no evidence in the record as to the percentage of
materials currently under restriction in the Truman or Eisenhower Libraries, but
in the Kennedy Library, 85% of the materials has been processed, and of the
processed materials, only 0.6% is under donor (as distinguished from securityrelated) restriction. In the Johnson Library, review of nonclassified materials is
virtually complete, and more than 99% of all nonsecurity classified materials is
unrestricted. In each of the Presidential libraries, provision has been made for
the removal of the restrictions with the passage of time. 408 F.Supp., at 346 n.


Aside from the public access eventually to be provided under 104, the Act

mandates two other access routes to the materials. First, under 102(b), access
is available in accordance with lawful process served upon the Administrator.
As we have noted, see n. 7, supra, the appellant is to be advised prior to any
access to the materials, and he is thereafter free to review the specific materials
at issue, see 102(c); 41 CFR 105-63.301 (1976), in order to determine
whether to assert any rights, privileges, or defenses. Section 102(b) expressly
conditions ultimate access by way of lawful process upon the right of appellant
to invoke any rights, defenses, or privileges.
Second, 102(d) of the Act states: 'Any agency or department in the executive
branch of the Federal Government shall at all times have access to the tape
recordings and other materials . . . for lawful Government use . . ..' The District
Court eschewed a board reading of that section as permitting wholesale access
by any executive official for any conceivable executive purpose. Instead, it
construed 102(d) in light of Congress' presumed intent that the Act operate
within constitutional bounds an intent manifested throughout the statute, see
408 F.Supp., at 337 n. 15. The District Court thus interpreted 102(d), and in
particular the phrase 'lawful use,' as requiring that once appellant is notified of
requested access by an executive official, see n. 7, supra, he be allowed to assert
any constitutional right or privilege that in his view would bar access. See 408
F.Supp., at 338 n. 18. We agree with that interpretation.

From its exhaustive survey of the legislative history, the District Court
concluded that the public interests served by the Act could be merged undre
'the rubric of preservation of an accurate and complete historical record.' Id., at


S.Rep. No. 93-1181, pp. 3-5 (1974); H.R.Rep. No. 93-1507, p. 3 (1974); 120
Cong.Rec. 37904 (remarks of Rep. Abzug.) See also 102(d) of the Act.
Presidents in the past have had to apply to the Presidential libraries of their
predecessors for permissionial libraries of their predecessors ernmental actions
relating to current governmental problems. See 408 F.Supp., at 351-352.
Although it appears that most such requests have been granted, Congress could
legitimately conclude that the situation was unstable and ripe for change. It is
clear from the face of the Act that making the materials available for the
ongoing conduct of presidential policy was at least one of the objectives of the
Act. See 102(d).


S.Rep. No. 93-1181, pp. 1, 3 (1974); H.R.Rep. No. 93-1507, pp. 2-3, 8 (1974);
Hearing on GSA Regulations Implementing Presidential Recordings and
Materials Preservation Act before the Senate Committee on Government
Operations, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., 256 (1975); 120 Cong.Rec. 31549-31550

(1974) (remarks of Sen. Nelson); Id., at 33850-33851; Id., at 33863 (remarks of

Sen. Ervin); id., at 33874-33875 (remarks of Sen. Huddleston); id., at 3387533876 (remarks of Sen. Ribicoff); Id., at 33876 (remarks of Sen. Muskie); id.,
at 33964-33965 (remarks of Sen. Nelson); id., at 37900-37901 (remarks of Rep.
Brademas). See also 101(b)(1), 104(a)(7) of the Act.

As to these several objectives of the legislature, see S.Rep. No. 93-1181, . 1,

3-4, 6 (1974); H.R.Rep. No. 93-1507, pp. 2-3, 8 (1974); 120 Cong.Rec. 3154931550 (1974) remarks of Sen. Nelson); id., at 33849-33851; Id., at 3790037901 (remarks of Rep. Brademas); id., at 37905 (remarks of Rep. McKinney).
See also 102(b), 104(a) of the Act.


Insofar as appellant argues a privacy claim based upon the First Amendment,
see Part VI, infra. In joining this part of the opinion, Mr. Justice STEWART
adherest to his views on privacy as expressed in his concurring opinion in
Whalen v. Roe, 429 U.S. 5898 607, 97 S.Ct. 869, 880, 51 L.Ed.2d 64 (1977).


The District Court, 408 F.Supp., at 360 n. 54, surveyed evidence in the record
respecting depository restrictions for all Presidents since President Hoover. It is
unclear whether President Hoover actually excluded any of his personal and
private materials from the scope of his gift, although his offer to deposit
materials in a Presidential library reserved the right to do so. President Franklin
D. Roosevelt also indicated his intention to select certain materials from his
papers to be retained by his family. Because of his death, this function was
performed by designated individuals and by his secretary. Again the record is
unclear as to how many materials were removed. A number of personal
documents deemed to be personal family correspondence were turned over to
the Roosevelt family library in 1948, later returned to the official library in
1954-1955, and have been on loan to the family since then. It is unclear to what
extent these materials were reviewed by the library personnel.
President Truman withheld from deposit the personal file maintained in the
White House by his personal secretary. This file was deposited with the library
upon his death in 1974, although the terms of his will excluded a small number
of items determined by the executors of his will to pertain to personal or
business affairs of the Truman family. President Eisenhower's offer to deposit
his Presidential materials excluded materials determined by him or his
representative to be personal or private. President Kennedy's materials
deposited with GSA did not include certain materials relating to his private
affairs, and some recordings of meetings involving President Kennedy,
although physically stored in the Kennedy Library, have not yet been turned
over to the library or reviewed by Government archivists. President Johnson's
offer to deposit materials excluded items which he determined to be of special

or private interest pertaining to personal or family affairs.


Even if prior Presidents had declined to assert their privacy interests in such
materials, their failure to do so would not necessarily bind appellant, for
privacy interests are not solely dependent for their constitutional protection
upon established practice of governmental toleration.


We agree with the District Court that the Fourth Amendment's warrant
requirement is not involved. 408 F.Supp., at 361-362.


Some materials are still in appellant's possession, as the Administrator has not
yet attempted to act on his authority under 101(b)(1) to take custody of them.
See Brief for Federal Appellees 4 n. 1. Moreover, the Solicitor General
conceded at oral argument that there are certain purely private materials which
'should be returned to (appellant) once . . . identified.' Tr. of Oral Arg. 58-59.
The District Court enjoined the Government from 'processing, disclosing,
inspecting, transferring, or otherwise disposing of any materials . . . which
might fall within the coverage of . . . the . . . Act . . ..' 408 F.Supp., at 375. As
the District Court's stay is no longer in effect, the Government should now
promptly disclaim may interest in materials conceded to be appellant's purely
private communications and deliver them to him.


The Solicitor General implied at oral argument that the requirement of the
guidelines directing the Administrator to consider the need to return to
appellant 'for his sole custody and use . . . materials which are not (Watergate
related) . . . and are not otherwise of general historical significance,' 104(a)
(7), is further qualified by the requirement under 102(b) and 104(a)(5), that
the regulations promulgated by the Administrator take into account the need to
protect appellant's rights, defenses, or privileges. Tr. of Oral Arg. 37-38.


Appellant argues that screening under the Act contrasts with the screening
procedures followed by earlier Presidents who, 'in donating materials to
Presidential libraries, have been able . . . to participate in the selection of
persons who would review the materials for classification purposes.' Brief for
Appellant 151 n. 68. We are unable to say that the record substantiates this
assertion. The record is most complete with respect to President Johnson, who
appears to have recommended the individual who was later selected as Director
of the Johnson Library, but seems not to have played any role in the selection of
the archivists actually performing the day-to-day processing. 408 F.Supp., at
365 n. 60. Moreover, we agree with the District Court that it is difficult to see
how professional archivists performing a screening task under proper standards
would be meaningfully affected in the performance of their duties by loyalty to
individuals or institutions. Ibid.


Appellant argues that, unlike electronic surveillance, where success depends

upon the subject's ignorance of its existence, appellant could have been allowed
to separate his personal from official materials. But Congress enacted the Act in
part to displace the Nixon-Sampson agreement that expressly provided for
automatic destruction of the tape recordings in the event of appellant's death
and that allowed appellant complete discretion in the destruction of materials
after the initial three-year storage period.
Moreover, appellant's view of what constitutes official as distinguished from
personal and private materials might differ from the view of Congress, the
Executive Branch, or a reviewing court. Not only may the use of disinterested
archivists lead to application of uniform standards in separating private from
nonprivate communications, but the Act provides for judicial review of their
determinations. This would not be the case as to appellant's determinations.


The District Court found, 408 F.Supp., at 364 n. 58, and we agree, that it is
irrelevant that Title III, unlike this Act, requires adherence to a detailed warrant
requirement, 18 U.S.C. 2518. That requirement is inapplicable to this Act,
since we deal not with standards governing a generalized right to search by law
enforcement officials or other Government personnel but with a particularized
legislative judgment, supplemented by judicial review, similar to condemnation
under the power of eminent domain, that certain materials are of value to the


The fact that the overwhelming majority of the materials is relevant to

Congress' lawful objectives is in contrast to the experience under the Omnibus
Crime Control Act. A recent report on surveillance conducted under the
Omnibus Act indicates that for the calendar year 1976 more than one-half of all
wire intercepts authorized by judicial order yielded only nonincriminating
communications. Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts, Report on
Applications for Orders Authorizing or Approving the Interception of Wire or
Oral Communications, Jan. 1, 1976, to Dec. 31, 1976, p. XII (Table 4).


Throughout this litigation appellant has claimed that his privacy will
necessarily be unconstitutionally invaded because the screening requires a staff
of 'over one hundred archivists, accompanied by lawyers, technicians and
secretaries (who) will have a right to review word-by-word five and one-half
years of a man's life . . ..' Tr. of Oral Arg. 16. The size of the staff is, of course,
necessarily a function of the enormous quantity of materials involved. But
clearly not all engaged in the screening will examine each document. The
Administrator initially proposed that only one archivist examine most
documents. See 408 F.Supp., at 365 n. 59.


Appellant argues that Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 394 U.S. 147, 150-151, 89

S.Ct. 935, 938, 22 L.Ed.2d 162 (1969); Cox v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 536, 85
S.Ct. 453, 13 L.Ed.2d 471 (1965); Staub v. Baxley, 355 U.S, 313, 319-321, 78
S.Ct. 277, 280-281, 2 L.Ed.2d 302 (1958); Thomas v. Collins, 323 U.S. 516,
538-541, 65 S.Ct. 315, 326-327, 89 L.Ed. 430 (1945); and Lovell v. griffin, 303
U.S. 444, 452-453, 58 S.Ct. 666, 669, 82 L.Ed. 949 (1938), support his
contention that '(a) statute which vests such broad authority (with respect to
First Amendment rights) is unconstitutional on its face, and the party subjected
to it may treat it as a nullity even if its actual implementation would not harm
him.' Brief for Appellant 169. The argument is without merit. Those cases
involved regulations that permitted public officials in their arbitrary discretion
to impose prior restraints on expressional or associational activities. In contrast,
the Act is concerned only with materials that record past activities and with a
screening process guided by longstanding archival screening standards.


Article I, 9, applicable to Congress, provides that '(n)o Bill of Attainder or ex

post facto Law shall be passed,' and Art. 1, 10, applicable to the States,
provides that '(n)o State shall . . . pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law .
. ..' The linking of bills of attainder and ex post facto laws is explained by the
fact that a legislative denunciation and condemnation of an individual often
acted to impose retroactive punishment. See Z. Chafee, Jr., Three Human
Rights in the Constitution of 1787, pp. 92-93 (1956).


In this case, for example, appellant faults the Act for taking custody of his
papers but not those of other Presidents. Brief for Appellant 130. But even a
congressional definition of the class consisting of all Presidents would have
been vulnerable to the claim of being overly specific, since the definition might
more generally include all members of the Executive Branch, or all members of
the Government, or all in possession of Presidential papers, or all in possession
of Government papers. This does not dispose of appellant's contention that the
Act focuses upon him with the requisite degree of specificity for a bill of
attainder, see infra, at 471-472, but it demonstrates that simple reference to the
breadth of the Act's focus cannot be determinative of the reach of the Bill of
Attainder Clause as a limitation upon legislative action that disadvantages a
person or group. See, e. g., United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 474-475, 85
S.Ct. 1707, 1728, 14 L.Ed.2d 484 (1965) (White, J., dissenting); n. 34, infra.


'The fact that harm is inflicted by governmental authority does not make it
punishment. Figuratively speaking all discomforting action may be deemed
punishment because it deprives of what otherwise would be enjoyed. But there
may be reasons other than punitive for such deprivation.'


We observe that appellant originally argued that 'for similar reasons' the Act

violates both the Bill of Attainder Clause and equal protection of the laws.
Jurisdictional Statement 27-28. He has since abandoned reliance upon the equal
protection argument, apparently recognizing that mere underinclusiveness is not
fatal to the validity of a law under the equal protection component of the Fifth
Amendment, New Orleans v. Dukes, 427 U.S. 297, 96 S.Ct. 2513, 49 L.Ed.2d
511 (1976); Katzenbach v. Morgan, 384 U.S. 641, 657, 86 S.Ct. 1717, 1727, 16
L.Ed.2d 828 (1966), even if the law disadvantages an individual or identifiable
members of a group, see, e. g., Williamson v. Lee Optical Co., 348 U.S. 483, 75
S.Ct. 461, 99 L.Ed. 563 (1955) (opticians); Daniel v. Family Ins. Co., 336 U.S.
220, 69 S.Ct. 550, 93 L.Ed. 632 (1949) (insurance agents). 'For similar reasons'
the mere specificity of law does not call into play the Bill of Attainder Clause.
Cf. Comment, The Supreme Court's Bill of Attainder Doctrine: A Need for
Clarification, 54 Calif.L.Rev. 212, 234-236 (1966); but see Comment, The
Bounds of Legislative Specification: A Suggested Approach to the Bill of
Attainder Clause, 72 Yale L.J. 330 (1962).

Brown recognized this by making clear that conflict-of-interest laws, which

inevitably prohibit conduct on the part of designated individuals or classes of
individuals, do not contravene the bill of attainder guarantee. Brown
specifically noted the validity of 32 of the Banking Act of 1933, 12 U.S.C.
78, which disqualified identifiable members of a group officers and employees
of underwriting organizations from serving as officers of Federal Reserve
Banks, 381 U.S., at 453, 85 S.Ct., at 1717. Other valid federal conflict-ofinterest statutes which also single out identifiable members of groups to bear
burdens or disqualifications are collected, Id., at 467-468, n. 2, 85 S.Ct., at
1724-1725 (White, J., dissenting). See also Regional Rail Reorganization Act
Cases, 419 U.S. 102, 95 S.Ct. 335, 42 L.Ed.2d 320 (1974) (upholding transfer
of rail properties of eight railroad companies to Government-organized


See, for example, the 1685 attainder of James, Duke of Monmouth, for high
treason: 'WHEREAS James duke of Monmouth has in an hostile manner
invaded this kingdom and is now in open rebellion, levying war against the
king, contrary to the duty of his allegiance; Be by and with the advice and
consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons in this parliament
assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the said James duke of
Monmouth stand and be convicted and attainted of high treason, and that he
suffer pains of death, and incur all forfeitures as a traitor convicted and
attainted of high treason.' 1 Jac. 2, c. 2 (1685) (emphasis omitted).
The attainder of death was usually accompanied by a forfeiture of the
condemned person's property to the King and the corruption of his blood,
whereby his heirs were denied the right to inherit his estate. Blackstone traced

the practice of 'corruption of blood' to the Norman conquest. He considered the

practice an 'oppressive mark of feudal tenure' and hoped that it 'may in process
of time be abolished by act of parliament.' 4 W. Blackstone Commentaries*
388. The Framers of the United States Constitution responded to this
recommendation. Art. III, 3.

See, e. g., 10 & 11 Will. 3, c. 13 (1701): 'An Act for continuing the
Imprisonment of Counter and others, for the late horrid Conspiracy to
assassinate the Person of his sacred Majesty.'


See, e. g., Cooper v. Telfair, 4 Dall. 14, 1 L.Ed. 721 (1800) ("all and every the
persons, named and included in the said act (declaring persons guilty of
treason) are banished from the said state (Georgia)"); 2 R. Wooddeson, A
Systematical View of the Laws of England 638-639 (1792) (banishment of
Lord Clarendon and the Bishop Atterbury). See Kennedy v. MendozaMartinez, 372 U.S. 144, 168, n. 23, 83 S.Ct. 554, 567, 9 L.Ed.2d 644 (1963).


Following the Revolutionary War, States often seized the property of alleged
Tory sympathizers. See, e. g., James's Claim, 1 Dall. 47, 1 L.Ed. 31 (1780)
('John Parrock was attainted of High Treason, and his estate seized and
advertised for sale'); Respublica v. Gordon, 1 Dall. 233, 1 L. Ed. 115 (1788)
('attainted of treason for adhering to the king of Great Britain, in consequence
of which his estate was confiscated to the use of the commonwealth . . .').


In fact, it remains unsettled whether the materials in question are the property
of appellant or of the Government. See n. 8, supra.


In determining whether punitive or nonpunitive objectives underlie a law,

United States v. Brown established that punishment is not restricted purely to
retribution for past events, but may include inflicting deprivations on some
blameworthy or tainted individual in order to prevent his future misconduct.
381 U.S., at 458-459, 85 S.Ct., at 1720. This view is consistent with the
traditional purposes of criminal punishment, which also include a preventive
aspect. See, e. g., H. Packer, The Limits of the Criminal Sanction 48 61 (1968).
In Brown the element of punishment was found in the fact that 'the purpose of
the statute before us is to purge the governing boards of labor unions of those
whom Congress regards as guilty of subversive acts and associations and
therefore unfit to fill (union) positions . . ..' 381 U.S., at 460, 85 S.Ct., at (72).
Thus, Brown left undisturbed the requirement that one who complains of being
attainted must establish that the legislature's action constituted punishment and
not merely the legitimate regulation of conduct. Indeed, just three Terms later,
United States v. O'Brien, 391 U.S. 367, 383 n. 30, 88 S.Ct. 1673, 1682, 20
L.Ed.2d 672 (1968), which, like Brown, was also written by Mr. Chief Justice

Warren, reconfirmed the need to examine the purposes served by a purported

bill of attainder in determining whether it in fact represents a punitive law.

The Senate pointed to these same objectives in nullifying the Nixon-Sampson

agreement: '(1) To begin with, prosecutors, defendants, and the courts probably
would be deprived of crucial evidence bearing on the defendants' innocence or
guilt of the Watergate crimes for which they stand accused. (2) Moreover, the
American people would be denied full access to all facts about the Watergate
affair, and the efforts of Congress, the executive branch, and others to take
measures to prevent a recurence of the Watergate affair may be inhibited.'
S.Rep. No. 93-1181, p. 4 (1974).


These cases upheld exercises of the power of eminent domain in preserving

historical monuments and like facilities for public use. The power of eminent
domain, however, is not restricted to tangible property or realty but extends
both to intangibles and to personal effects as involved here. See Cincinnati v.
Louisville & Nashville R. Co., 223 U.S. 390, 400, 32 S.Ct. 267, 268, 56 L.Ed.
481 (1912); Porter v. United States, 473 F.2d 1329 (CA5 1973).


Particularly troublesome was the provision of the agreement requiring the

automatic destruction of tape recordings upon appellant's death.


In condemning the enactment as a bill of attainder, Senator Hruska argued that

the bill seizes appellant's papers and distributes them to litigants without
affording appellant the opportunity judicially 'to assert a defense or privilege to
the production of the papers.' 120 Cong.Rec. 33871 (1974). In fact, the Act
expressly recognizes appellant's right to present all such defenses and privileges
through an expedited judicial proceeding. See infra, at 481-482.


The Court in United States v. Brown, 381 U.S., at 444, 85 S.Ct., at 1712,
referred to Alexander ander Hamilton's concern that legislatures might cater to
the 'momentary passions' of a "free people, in times of heat and violence . . .."
In this case, it is obvious that the supporters of this Act steadfastly avoided
inflaming or appealing to any 'passions' in the community. Indeed, rather than
seek expediently to impose punishment and to circumvent the courts. Congress
expressly provided for access to the Judiciary for resolution of any
constitutional and legal rights appellant might assert. S.Rep. No. 93 1181, pp. 2
6 (1974).


Regulations guaranteeing appellant's unrestricted access to the materials have

been promulgated by the Administrator and have not been challenged. See 41
CFR 105-63.3 (1976).


In brief, legislative history of the Act offers a paradigm of a Congress aware of

constitutional constraints on its power and carefully seeking to act within those
limitations. See generally Brest, The Conscientious Legislator's Guide to
Constitutional Interpretation, 27 Stan.L.Rev. 585 (1975).

For example, in his deposition taken in this case, appellant refused to answer
questions pertaining to the accuracy and reliability of his prior public
statements as President concerning the contents of the tape recordings and other
materials in issue. He invoked a claim of privilege and asserted that the
questions were irrelevant to the judicial inquiry. See, e. g., App. 586-590.

At the debate on the impeachment of the Earl of Danby, the Earl of Carnarvon
recounted this history:
'My Lords, I understand but little of Latin, but a good deal of English, and not a
little of the English history, from which I have learnt the mischiefs of such kind
of prosecutions as these, and the ill fate of the prosecutors. I shall go no farther
back than the latter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign: At which time the Earl of
Essex was run down by Sir Walter Raleigh, and your Lordship very well know
what became of Sir Walter Raleigh. My Lord Bacon, he ran down Sir Walter
Raleigh, and your Lordships know what became of my Lord Bacon. The Duke
of Buckingham, he ran down my Lord Bacon, and your Lordships know what
happened to the Duke of Buckingham. Sir Thomas Wentworth, afterwards Earl
of Strafford, ran down the Duke of Buckingham, and you all know what
became of him. Sir Harry Vane, he ran down the Earl of Strafford, and your
Lordships know what became of Sir Harry Vane. Chancellor Hyde, he ran
down Sir Harry Vane, and your Lordships know what became of the
Chancellor. Sir Thomas Osborne, now Earl of Danby, ran down Chancellor
Hyde; but what will become of the Earl of Danby, your Lordships best can tell.
But let me see that man that dare run the Earl of Danby down, and we shall
soon see what will become of him.' (Footnote omitted.) As quoted in Z. Chafee,
Jr., Three Human Rights in the Constitution of 1787, p. 127 (1956).

See Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79, 94, 35 S.Ct. 267, 270, 59 L.Ed. 476.

Cf. Calder v. Bull, 3 Dall. 386, 390, 1 L.Ed. 648:

'That Charles 1st. king of England, was beheaded; that Oliver Cromwell was
Protecter of England; that Louis 16th, late King of France, was guillotined; are
all facts, that have happened; but it would be nonsense to suppose, that the
States were prohibited from making any law after either of these events, and
with reference thereto.'

'QUESTION: Well now, suppose Mr. Nixon has prepared a diary every day
and put down what, exactly what he did, and let's suppose that someone thought

that was a purely personal account. Now, I can just imagine that someone might
think that it nevertheless is of general historical significance.
'MR. McCREE: May I refer the Court to need No. 5? 'The need to protect any
party's opportunity to assert any legally or constitutionally based right or
privilege which would prevent or otherwise limit access to such recordings and
'And I submit that this Act affords Richard M. Nixon the opportunity to assert
the contention that this diary of his is personal and has not the kind of historical
significance that will permit his deprivation; and that would then have to be
adjudicated in a court.
'QUESTION: Well, do
'MR. McCREE: And ultimately this Court will answer that question.
'QUESTION: Well, how do you so you would agree; then, that 104 must be
construed must be construed to sooner or later return to Mr. Nixon what we
might call purely private papers?
'MR. McCREE: Indeed I do.
'QUESTION: Can you imagine any diary thinking of Mr. Truman's diary,
which it is reported, was a result of being dictated every evening, after the day's
work can you conceive of any such material that would not be of general
historical interest?
'MR. McCREE: I must concede, being acquainted with some historians, that it's
difficult to conceive of anything that might not be of historical interest. But
'QUESTION: Yes. Archivists and historians, Like journalists.
'MR. McCREE: Indeed they are.
'QUESTION: think that everything is.
'MR. McCREE: But this legislation recognizes that a claim of privacy,
a claim of privilege must be protected, and if the regulations are insufficient to
do that, again a court will have an opportunity to address itself to a particular

item such as the diary before it can be turned over.

'And for that reason, we suggest that the attack at this time is premature
because the statute, in recognizing the right of privacy, is facially adequate.
And the attack that was made the day after it became effective brought to this
Court a marvelous opportunity to speculate about what might happen, but the
regulations haven't even been promulgated and acquiesced in so that they have
become effective.' Tr. of Oral Arg. 38-40.
'(Mr. HERZSTEIN, for the private appellees:)
'But there's just no question about the return of personal diaries, Dictabelts, so
long as they are not the materials involved in the transaction of government
'Now, the statute, I agree, could have been drafted a little more clearly, but we
think there are several points which make it quite clear that his personal
materials are to be returned to him.
'One is the fact that statute refers to the presidential historical materials of
Richard Nixon, not to the person(al) or private materials.
'The second is that, as Judge McCree mentioned, criterion 7 calls for a return of
materials to him, and if you read those two in conjunction with the legislative
history, there are statements on the Floor of the Senate, on the Floor of the
House, and in the Committee Reports, indicating the expectation that Nixon's
personal records would be returned to him.
'QUESTION: Could you give us a capsule summary of the difference between
what you have just referred to as Nixon's personal records, which will be
returned, and the matter which will not be returned?
'MR. HERZSTEIN: Well, yes. Certainly any personal letters, among his family
or friends, certainly a diary made at the end of the day, as it were, after the
'QUESTION: Even though the Dictabelt was paid for out of White House
'MR. HERZSTEIN: That's right. That doesn't bother us. I think it's incidental
now. But we do have a different view on the tapes, which actually recorded the
transaction of government business by government
employees on government time and so on. The normal tapes that we've heard so

much about.
'The Dictabelts, Mr. Nixon has said, are his personal diary. Instead of writing it
down, in other words, he dictated it at the end of the day. And we think that's
'QUESTION: I want to be sure about the concession, because this certainly is
of historical interest.
'MR. HERZSTEIN: That's right, it is, but we do not feel it's covered by the
statute. We have acknowledged that from the start.
'QUESTION: Is this concession shared by the Solicitor General, do you think?
'MR. HERZSTEIN: We believe it is.
'QUESTION: What about that?
'MR. McCREE: About the fact that the paper belongs to the government and so
forth, we don't believe that makes a document a government documen(t). We
certainly agree with that.
'Beyond that, if the Court please
'QUESTION: What about the Dictabelts representing his daily diary?
'MR. McCREE: I would think that's a personal matter that would be should be
returned to him once it was identified.
'QUESTION: Well, is there any problem about, right this very minute, of
picking those up and giving them back to Mr. Nixon?
'MR. McCREE: I know of no problem. Whether it would have to await the
adoption of the regulation, which has been stymied by Mr. Nixon's lawsuit,
which has been delayed for three years,
'QUESTION: How has that stymied the issuance of regulations, Mr. Solicitor
'MR McCREE: One of the dispositions of the district court was to stay the
effectiveness of regulations. Now, I think it held up principally the regulations
for public access. The other regulations are not part of this record, and I cannot
speak to the Court with any knowledge about them.' Id., at 57-59.

Although I agree with much of Parts IV and V, I am unable to join those parts
of the Court's opinion because of my uncertainty as to the reach of its extended

discussion of the competing constitutional interests implicated by the Act.


By way of illustration, the District Court observed that the following archival
practices might be adopted to limit invasion of appellant's constitutionally
protected interests:
'1. A practice of requiring archivists to make the minimal intrusion necessary to
classify material. Identification by signature, the file within which material is
found, general nature (as with diaries, or dictabelts serving the same function),
a cursory glance at the contents, or other means could significantly limit
infringement of plaintiff's interests without undermining the effectiveness of
screening by governmental personnel. Participation by Mr. Nixon in
preliminary identification of material that might be processed without word-byword review would facilitate such a procedure.
'2. A practice of giving Mr. Nixon some voice in the designation of the
personnel who will review the materials, perhaps by selecting from a body
archivists approved by the government.
'3. A practice of giving Mr. Nixon notice of all proposed classifications of
materials and an opportunity to obtain administrative and judicial review of
them, on constitutional or other grounds, before they are effectuated.' 408
F.Supp., at 339-340 (footnotes omitted).
I agree with the views expressed by Mr. Justice WHITE, ante, at 487-491, on
the need to return private materials to appellant.

The District Court noted the existence of: 'a basic set of donor-imposed access
restrictions that was first formulated by Herbert Hoover (and) followed by
Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. Under this scheme the
following materials would be restricted:
'1) materials that are security-classified;
'2) materials whose disclosure would be prejudicial to foreign affairs;
'3) materials containing statements made by or to a President in confidence;
'4) materials relating to the President's family, personal, or business affairs or to
such affairs of individuals corresponding with the President;
'5) materials containing statements about individuals that might be used to
embarrass or harass them or members of their families;

'6) such other materials as the President or his representative might designate as
appropriate for restriction.
'President Franklin Roosevelt imposed restrictions very similar to numbers 1, 2,
4, and 5, and in addition restricted (a) investigative reports on individuals, (b)
applications and recommendations for positions, and (c) documents containing
derogatory remarks about an individual. President Truman's restrictions were
like those of Hoover, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, except that he made
no provision, like number 6 above, for restriction merely at his own instance.'
408 F.Supp., at 338-339 n. 19 (citations omitted).

The validity of the provision of 104(b) for possible disapproval of the

Administrator's regulations by either House of Congress is not before us at this
time. See 408 F.Supp., at 338 n. 17; Brief for Federal Appellees 26, and n. 11.

There is at least some risk that political, and even personal, antagonisms could
motivate Congress and the President to join in a legislative seizure and public
exposure of a former President's papers without due regard to the long-range
implications of such action for the Art. II functions of the Chief Executive.
Even if such legislation did not violate the principle of separation of powers, it
might well infringe individual liberties protected by the Bill of Attainder Clause
or the Bill of Rights. But this is not the case before us. In passing this
legislation, Congress acted to further legitimate objectives in circumstances
that were wholly unique in the history of our country. The legislation was
approved by President Ford, personally chosen by President Nixon as his
successor, and is now also supported by President Carter. In view of the
circumstances leading to its passage and the protection it provides for "any . . .
constitutionally based right or privilege," supra, at 496, this Act on its face does
not violate the personal constitutional rights asserted by appellant.

Cf. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 635-637, 72 S.Ct.
863, 870-871, 96 L.Ed. 1153 (1952) (Jackson, J., concurring): 'When the
President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his
authority is at its maximum, for it includes all that he possesses in his own right
plus all that Congress can delegate. In these circumstances, and in these only,
may he be said (for what it may be worth) to personify the federal sovereignty.
If his act is held unconstitutional under these circumstances, it usually means
that the Federal Government as an undivided whole lacks power. . . .' (Footnote
omitted.) See also Williams v. Suffolk Insurance Co., 13 Pet. 415, 420, 10
L.Ed. 226 (1839):
'(T)his Court ha(s) laid down the rule, that the action of the political branches
of the government in a matter that belongs to them, is conclusive.'

Later, I will discuss the importance of the legislation's applicability to only one

In this, Mr. Justice Miller was but expressing the earlier opinion of Madison,
who declared in The Federalist No. 48, p. 334 (J. Cooke ed. 1961).
'The legislative department derives a superiority in our governments from other
circumstances. Its constitutional powers being at once more extensive and less
susceptible of precise limits, it can with the greater facility, mask under
complicated and indirect measures, the encroachments which it makes on the
coordinate departments.'

Statutes relating to departments or agencies created by Congress frequently are

phrased in mandatory terms. For example, in the 1949 legislation creating the
General Services Administration, Congress provided as follows:
'The Administrator is authorized and directed to coordinate and provide for the .
. . efficient purchase, lease and maintenance of . . . equipment by Federal
agencies.' 40 U.S.C. 759(a).
Even with respect to international relations, Congress has affirmatively imposed
certain requirements on the Secretary of State:
'The Secretary of State shall furnish to the Public Printer a correct copy of every
treaty between the United States and any foreign government . . ..' 22 U.S.C.

Cf. Mr. Justice WHITE's discussion in United States v. Brewster, 408 U.S. 501,
558, 92 S.Ct. 2531, 2560, 33 L.Ed.2d 507 (1972) (dissenting opinion), where
he spoke of the 'evil' of 'executive control of legislative behavior . . ..'
(Emphasis supplied.)

This Presidential prerogative has not been limited to foreign affairs, where, of
course, secrecy and confidentiality may be of the utmost importance. See A.
Bickel, The Morality of Consent 79 (1975); W. Taft, The Presidency 110

The Court's references to the historical understanding of separation-of-powers

principles omit a crucial part of that history. Madison's statements in The
Federalist No. 47 as to one department's exercising the 'whole power' of another
department do not purport to be his total treatment of the subject. The Federalist
No. 48, two days later, states the central theme of Madison's view:
'It is equally evident, that neither (department) ought to possess directly or

indirectly, an overruling influence over the others in the administration of their

respective powers.' The Federalist No. 48, p. 332 (J. Cooke ed. 1961).
(Emphasis supplied.)
Indeed, Madison expressly warned at length in No. 48 of the inevitable dangers
of 'encroachments' by the Legislative Branch upon the coordinate departments
of Government.
But aside from the Court's highly selective discussion of the Framers'
understanding, the Court cannot obscure the fact that this Court has never
required, in order to show a separation-of-powers violation, that Congress
usurped the whole of executive power. Any such requirement was rejected by
the Court in Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46 L.Ed.2d 659
(1976). There, we held that Congress could not constitutionally exercise the
President's appointing powers, even though under that statute the President had
the power to appoint one-fourth of the Federal Election Commission members,
and even though the President had 'approved' the statute when he signed the bill
into law.

Nowhere is the standard clarified in the majority's opinion. We are left to guess
whether only a 'potential for disruption' is required or whether 'undue
disruption,' whatever that may be, is required.

The federal parties filed three briefs in Buckley. The main brief, styled the
'Brief for the Attorney General as Appellee and for the United States as
Amicus Curiae,' explicitly stated that the method of appointment of four of the
members of the Commission was unconstitutional. See pp. 6-7, 110-120. The
Attorney General signed this portion of the brief as a party (see pp. 2, 103 n.
65). The Executive Branch therefore made it clear that, in its view, the statute
was unconstitutional to the extent it reposed appointing powers in Congress.
The second brief, styled the 'Brief for the Attorney General and the Federal
Election Commission,' generally defended the Act but took no position
concerning the method of appointing the Commission. See p. 1 n. 1. The third
brief was filed by the Commission on its own behalf only; it defended the
appointment procedures, but it was not joined by the Attorney General and did
not express the view of the President or of any other portion of the Executive

As to congressional papers, see supra, at 510-511. Despite the Constitution's

silence as to the papers of the Legislative Branch, this Court had no difficulty
holding those papers to be protected from control by other branches. See also
Mr. Justice Brennan's dissenting opinion in United States v. Brewster, 408 U.S.
501, 532-533, 92 S.Ct. 2531, 2547, 33 L.Ed.2d 507 (1972), where he quotes

approvingly from Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 26 L.Ed. 377 (1881),
and Coffin v. Coffin, 4 Mass. 1 (1808). In both of those cases, written materials
by legislators were deemed to be protected by legislative immunity from
intrusion or seizure.

This discretion was exercised, as we have seen, by President Washington in the

face of a congressional demand for production of his workpapers.
Obviously, official documents fall into an entirely different category and are
not involved in this case.


Appellees, of course, would view that sort of intrusion as an intra branch

confrontation, since United States Marshals are officials of the Executive
Branch, at least so long as the District Judge simply ordered the Marshals to
take custody of and to review the documents without turning them over to the
court. This is, of course, sheer sophistry.


Of course, United States v. Nixon pertained only to the setting of JudicialExecutive conflict. Nothing in our holding suggests that, even if Congress
needed Presidential documents in connection with its legislative functions, the
constitutional tradition of Presidential control over Presidential documents in
the face of legislative demands could be abrogated. We expressly stated in
Nixon that '(w)e are not here concerned with the balance between . . . the
confidentiality interest and congressional demands for information . . ..' 418
U.S., at 712 n. 19, 94 S.Ct., at 3109.


In his concurring opinion, Mr. Justice POWELL concludes that Title I was
addressed essentially to an 'emergency' situation in the wake of appellant's
resignation. But his opinion does not present any analysis as to whether this
particular legislation, not some other legislation, is necessary to achieve that
end. Since Title I commands confiscation of all materials of an entire
Presidential administration, Title I was simply not drafted to meet the specific
emergency it purports to address. Besides omitting any discussion justifying the
need for Title I, Mr. Justice POWELL's opinion relies entirely on the possibly
limiting regulations to be promulgated at some future point by the GSA
Administrator, which will protect 'all constitutional and legal rights . . ..' Ante,
at 497. This conclusion, of course, begs the precise question before us, which is
whether the act of congressionally mandated seizure of all Presidential
materials of one President violates the Constitution.


Civil service statutes aside, we know now that an executive official cannot
replace all of his underlings on the basis of a patronage system. Thus, as a
matter of constitutional law, a Chief Executive would not be at liberty to
replace all Executive Branch officials with persons who, for political reasons,

enjoy the President's trust and confidence. Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 96
S.Ct. 2673, 49 L.Ed.2d 547 (1976).

I cannot accept the argument pressed by appellees that review is rendered

harmless by the fact that many of the documents may not be protected by
Presidential privilege. How 'harmless' review justifies manifestly 'harmful'
review escapes me.


President Truman, for one, objected to Congress' efforts to coerce him after he
was no longer in office in connection with matters pertaining to his
administration. See infra, at 522.


It would be the height of impertinence, after all, to serve a legislative subpoena

on an outgoing President as he is departing from the inauguration of his
successor. So too, the people would rightly be offended, and more important, so
would the Constitution, by a congressional resolution, designed to ensure the
smooth functioning of the Executive Branch, requiring a former President,
upon leaving office, to remain in Washington, D.C., in order to be available for
consultations with his successor for a prescribed period of time.


The fact that the President signs a bill into law, and thereafter defends it,
without more, does not mean, of course, that the policy embodied in the
legislation is that of the President, nor does it even mean that the President
personally approves of the measure. When signing a bill into law, numerous
Presidents have actually expressed disagreement with the legislation but felt
constrained for a variety of reasons to permit the bill to become law. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt repudiated the 'Lovett Rider' later struck down by this
Court in United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303, 325, 66 S.Ct. 1073, 1083, 90
L.Ed. 1252 (1946) (Frank-furter, J., concurring). President Ford did not request
this legislation in order to assure the effective functioning of the Executive


Since by definition the concern is with former Presidents, I see no distinction in

Congress' seeking to compel the appearance and testimony of a former
President and in, alternatively, seeking to compel the production of Presidential
papers over the former President's objection.


Clients asserting the attorney-client privilege have not, up to now, been

foreclosed from interposing the privilege unless a similarly situated client is
willing to support the particular claim.


The District Court concluded its discussion of the privacy challenge as follows:
'We would be less than candid were we to state that we find it as easy to
dispose of Mr. Nixon's privacy claims as his claim of presidential privilege.'

408 F.Supp., at 367.


Although the District Court expressly concluded that the former President had a
'legitimate expectation' that his Presidential materials would not be subject to
'comprehensive review by government personnel without his consent,' id., at
361, the Court nonetheless deemed the compulsory intrusion permissible given
the constitutionality of the federal wiretap statute, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2520,
which of course permits substantial governmental intrusions into the privacy of
individuals. Not only is this analogy imperfect, as the District Court itself
admitted, 408 F.Supp., at 364, but this analysis fails to apply the 'exacting
scrutiny' called for by our decisions. Above all, the present statute fails to
provide any of the stringent safeguards, including a warrant, mandated by Title
III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Indeed, the
District Court flatly admitted as much. Ibid.


Administrative efficiency is obviously a highly desirable goal. See, e.g., Dixon

v. Love, 431 U.S. 105, 114, 97 S.Ct. 1723, 1728, 52 L.Ed.2d 172 (1977);
Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 347-349, 96 S.Ct. 893, 909-910, 47
L.Ed.2d 18 (1976). However, I am constrained to recall that 'administrative
efficiency' has not unformly been regarded as of 'overriding importance.'
Indeed, claims of administrative efficiency have been swiftly dismissed at times
as mere 'bald assertion(s).' Richardson v. Wright, 405 U.S. 208, 223, 92 S.Ct.
788, 796, 31 L.Ed.2d 151 (1972) (Brennan, J., dissenting). Numerous other
opinions have held that individual interests, including the right to welfare
payments, 'clearly outweigh' government interests in promoting 'administrative
efficiency,' Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 90 S.Ct. 1011, 25 L.Ed.2d 287
(1970) (opinion of Brennan, J.). And, Mr. Justice Marshall in Shapiro v.
Thompson, 294 U.S. 618, 634, 89 S.Ct. 1322, 1331, 22 L.Ed.2d 600 (1969),
stated that when 'fundamental' rights are at stake, such as the 'right to travel,'
government must demonstrate a 'compelling' interest, not merely a 'rational
relationship between (the underlying statute) and (the) . . . admittedly
permissible state objectives . . ..'


The initial interest in preserving the materials for judicial purposes has
diminished substantially. Since the Special Prosecutor has disclaimed any
further interest in the materials for purposes of possible criminal investigations,
the only conceivably remaining judicial need is to preserve the materials for
possible use in civil litigation between private parties. The admittedly important
interests in the enforcement of the criminal law, recognized in United States v.
Nixon, are no longer pressed by the Government.


If there were a particularized need, the statute suffers from greater overbreadth
than others we have invalidated.


At the time the Title I was passed, appellant had made tentative arrangements
with the University of Southern California in Los Angeles for the establishment
of a Presidential library, under the terms of the Presidential Libraries Act. App.
167-168. That has now ripened into a formal agreement so that in the event
Title I is invalidated, appellant's historical materials will be housed in a facility
on the USC campus under terms applicable to other Presidential libraries of
past Presidents.


The Court's refusal to afford constitutional protection to such commerciai

matters as bank records, California Bankers Assn. v. Shultz, 416 U.S. 21, 94
S.Ct. 1494, 39 L.Ed.2d 812 (1974), or drug prescription records, Whalen v.
Roe, 429 U.S. 589, 97 S.Ct. 869, 51 L.Ed.2d 64 (1977) only serves to
emphasize the importance of truly private papers or communications, such as a
personal diary or family correspondence. These private papers lie at the core of
First and Fourth Amendment interests.


The fact that GSA initially secured possession of the Presidential papers
through the agreement with the former President does not change the fact that
the agency was commanded by Congress to take exclusive custody of and
retain all Presidential historical materials. Moreover, everyone admits that the
Act contemplates a careful screening process by Government agents. The fact
that the governmental intrusion is noncriminal in nature does not, of course,
render the Fourth Amendment's prohibitions inapplicable. See South Dakota v.
Opperman, 428 U.S. 364, 96 S.Ct. 3092, 49 L.Ed.2d 1000 (1976).


'The constitution declares that 'no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be
'If, however, such a bill should be passed and a person should be prosecuted
under it, must the court condemn to death those victims whom the constitution
endeavors to preserve?' Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch, at 179.


Title I fails to provide any procedural due process safeguards, either before or
after seizure of the Presidential materials. There is no provision whatever
permitting appellant to be heard in the decisionmaking process by which GSA
employees will determine, with no statutory standards to guide them, whether
particular materials have 'general historical value.' No time restraints are placed
upon GSA's decisionmaking process, even though this Court has consistently
recognized that, when dealing with First Amendment interests, the timing of
governmental decisionmaking is crucial. E. g., Freedman v. Maryland, 380 U.S.
51, 85 S.Ct. 734, 13 L.Ed.2d 649 (1965); Marcus v. Search Warrant, 367 U.S.
717, 81 S.Ct. 1708, 6 L.Ed.2d 1127 (1961). Under those holdings, any statute
which separates an individual, against his will, from First Amendment

protected materials must be strictly limited within a time frame. Title I, in

contrast, places no limits with respect to GSA's retention of custody over
appellant's papers; three years have already elapsed since seizure of the papers
in question.

While the entire substance of this dissent is devoted to the constitutional

principle of separation of powers, and not to the other issues that
the Court addresses separately, it seems to me that the Court is too facile in
separating appellant's 'privacy' claims from his 'separation of powers' claims, as
if they were two separate and wholly unrelated attacks on the statute. The
concept of 'privacy' can be a coat of many colors, and quite differing kinds of
rights to 'privacy' have been recognized in the law. Property may be 'private,' in
the sense that the Fifth Amendment prohibits the Government from seizing it
without paying just compensation. A dictabelt tape or diary may be 'private' in
that sense, but may also be 'private' in the sense that the Fourth Amendment
would prohibit an unreasonable seizure of it even though in making such a
seizure the Government agreed to pay for the fair value of the diary so as not to
run afoul of the Eminent Domain Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Many states
have recognized a common-law 'right of privacy' first publicized in the famous
Warren and Brandeis article, The Right to Privacy, 4 Harv.L.Rev. 193 (1890).
Privileges, such as the executive privilege embodied in the Constitution as a
result of the separation of powers, United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 94
S.Ct. 3090, 41 L.Ed.2d 1039 (1974), and the attorney-client privilege,
recognized under case and statutory law in most jurisdictions, protect still a
different form of privacy. The invocation of such privileges has the effect of
protecting the privacy of a communication made confidentially to the President
or by a client to an attorney; the purpose of the privilege, in each case, is to
assure free communication on the part of the confidant and of the client,
The Court states, ante, at 459, that 'it is logical to assume that the tape
recordings made in the Presidential offices primarily relate to the conduct and
business of the Presidency.' Whatever the merits of this argument may be
against a claim based on other types of privacy, it makes crystal clear that the
Act is a serious intrusion upon the type of 'privacy' that is protected by the
principle of executive privilege. The Court's complete separation of its
discussion of the executive-privilege claim from the privacy claim thus enables
it to take inconsistent positions in the different sections of its opinion.
The Court's position with respect to the appellant's individual privacy heightens
my concern regarding the privacy interest served by executive privilege. In
attempting to minimize the Act's impact upon appellant's privacy, the Court

concludes that 'purely private papers and recordings will be returned to

appellant under 104(a)(7) of the Act.' Ibid. However, this conclusion raises more questions than answers. Under 104(a)(7),
the return of papers to the appellant is conditioned on their being 'not otherwise
of general historical significance.' Given the expansive nature of this phrase, see
Tr. of Oral Arg. 39, it is quite conceivable that virtually none of the papers will
be returned, and the Court's representation is an empty gesture. See also
104(a) (6). What is meant by 'purely private papers'? Is a personal letter to or
from the President, but concerning the duties of the President considered
'private,' or is a document replete with personal communications, but containing
some reference to the affairs of state, 'purely private'? The dictabelts of the
President's personal recollections, dictated in diary form at the end of each day,
are assumedly private, and are to be returned. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 59. But the
dictabelt dictation is also recorded on the voice-activated White House taping
system, and those tapes will be retained and reviewed. Hence, appellant's
privacy interest will not be served by the return of the dictabelts, and the
retention of the tapes will seriously erode Presidential communications, as
discussed infra, at 553-558. By approaching these issues in compartmentalized
fashion the Court obscures the fallacy of its result.
I fully subscribe to most of what is said respecting the separation of powers in
the dissent of THE CHIEF JUSTICE. Indeed, it is because I so thoroughly
agree with his observation that the Court's holding today is a 'grave repudiation
of nearly 200 years of judicial precedent and historical practice' that I take this
opportunity to write separately on the subject, thinking that its importance
justifies such an opinion.

I am not unmindful of the excesses of Watergate, and of the impetus it gave to

this legislation. However, the Court's opinion does not set forth a principled
distinction that would limit the constitutionality of an Act such as this to
President Nixon's papers. Absent such a distinction:
'The emotional aspects of the case make it difficult to decide dispassionately,
but do not qualify our obligation to apply the law with an eye to the future as
well as with concern for the result in the particular case before us.' Brewer v.
Williams, 430 U.S. 387, 415, 97 S.Ct. 1232, 1247, 51 L.Ed.2d 424 (1977)
(Stevens, J., concurring).

Indeed, there is nothing in the Court's logic which would invalidate such an Act
if it applied to an incumbent President during his term of office. It is of course
not likely that an incumbent would sign such a measure, but a sufficiently
determined Congress could pass it over his veto nonetheless.

In my view, the Court's decision itself, by not offering any principled basis for
distinguishing appellant's case from that of any future President, has a present
and future impact on the functioning of the Office of the Presidency. Hence the
validity of the reasons asserted by the Court for upholding this particular Act is
a subject which I find it unnecessary to address in detail. I feel bound to
observe, however, that the Court, in emphasizing, e. g., ante, at 443-444, the
fact that the seized papers are to be lodged with the General Services
Administration, an agency created by Congress but housed in the Executive
Branch of the Government, relies upon a thin reed indeed.
Control and management of an agency such as the General Services
Administration is shared between the incumbent President, by virtue of his
authority to nominate its officials, and Congress, by virtue of its authority to
enact substantive legislation defining the functions of the agency. But the
physical placement of the seized Presidential papers with such an agency does
not solve the separation-of-powers problem. The principle of separation of
powers is infringed when, by Act of Congress, Presidential communications are
impeded because the President no longer has exclusive control over the release
of his confidential papers. The fact that this Act places physical custody in the
hands of the General Services Administration, rather than a congressional
committee, makes little difference so far as divestiture of Presidential control is

My Brother STEVENS, ante, at 486-487, seeks to attribute a similar uniqueness

to the precedential value of this case, but his observations are directed to
appellant's bill-of-attainder claim, rather than to the separation-of-powers

Article II empowers him 'by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate' to
make treaties, to appoint numerous other high officials of the Federal
Government, to receive ambassadors and other public ministers, and to
commission all the officers of the United States. That Article enjoins him to
'take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,' and authorizes him to 'give to
the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their
Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.' It is
difficult to imagine a public office whose occupant would be more dependent
upon the confidentiality of the advice which he received, and the confidentiality
of the instructions which he gave, for the successful execution of his duties.
This is particularly true in the area of foreign affairs and international relations;
in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Corp., 299 U.S. 304, 319, 57 S.Ct. 216, 220221, 81 L.Ed. 255 (1936), this Court stated:
'Not only, as we have shown, is the federal power over external affairs in origin

and essential character different from that over internal affairs, but participation
in the exercise of the power is significantly limited. In this vast external realm,
with its important, complicated, delicate and manifold problems, the President
alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He
makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone
negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude; and Congress
itself is powerless to invade it. As Marshall said in his great argument of March
7, 1800, in the House of Representatives, 'The President is the sole organ of the
nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations.'
Annals, 6th Cong., col. 613. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations at a
very early day in our history (February 15, 1816), reported to the Senate, among
other things, as follows:
"The President is the constitutional representative of the United States with
regard to foreign nations. He manages our concerns with foreign nations and
must necessarily be most competent to determine when, how, and upon what
subjects negotiation may be urged with the greatest prospect of success. For his
conduct he is responsible to the Constitution. The committee consider this
responsibility the surest pledge for the faithful discharge of his duty. They think
the interference of the Senate in the direction of foreign negotiations calculated
to diminish that responsibility and thereby to impair the best security for the
national safety. The nature of transactions with foreign nations, moreover,
requires caution and unity of design, and their success frequently depends on
secrecy and dispatch.' U.S. Senate, Reports, Committee on Foreign Relations,
vol. 8, p. 24.'

As a matter of original inquiry, it might plausibly be claimed that the concerns

expressed by the Framers of the Constitution during their debates, and similar
expressions found in the Federalist Papers, by no means require the conclusion
that the Judicial Branch is the ultimate arbiter of whether one branch has
transgressed upon powers constitutionally reserved to another. It could have
been plausibly maintained that the Framers thought that the Constitution itself
had armed each branch with sufficient political weapons to fend off intrusions
by another which would violate the principle of separation of powers, and that
therefore there was neither warrant nor necessity for judicial invalidation of
such intrusion. But that is not the way the law has developed in this Court.
Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803), not only established the
authority of this Court to hold an Act of Congress unconstitutional, but the
particular constitutional question which it decided was essentially a 'separation
of powers' issue: whether Congress was empowered under the Constitution to
expand the original jurisdiction conferred upon this Court by Art. III of the

Any argument that Marbury is limited to cases involving the powers of the
Judicial Branch and that the Court had no power to intervene in any dispute
relating to separation of powers between the other two branches has been
rejected in Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 47 S.Ct. 21, 71 L.Ed. 160
(1926); Humphrey's Executor v. United States, 295 U.S. 602, 55 S.Ct. 869, 79
L.Ed. 1611 (1935); and Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 96 S.Ct. 612, 46 L.Ed.2d
659 (1976). In so doing, these cases are entirely consistent with the following
language from United States v. Nixon:
'In the performance of assigned constitutional duties each branch of the
Government must initially interpret the Constitution, and the interpretation of
its powers by any branch is due great respect from the others. The President's
counsel, as we have noted, reads the Constitution as providing an absolute
privilege of confidentiality for all Presidential communications. Many decisions
of this Court, however, have unequivocally reaffirmed the holding of Marbury
v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803), that '(i)t is emphatically the
province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.' Id., at 177.'
Id., at 703, 94 S.Ct. at 3105.

For the reasons set forth by THE CHIEF JUSTICE, ante, at 512, it is clear that
the circumstances in United States v. Nixon, involving a narrow request for
specified documents in connection with a criminal prosecution, provide no
support for the Court's use of a balancing test in a case such as this where the
seizure is a broad and undifferentiated intrusion into the daily operations of the
Office of the President.

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