Contributing To Global Efforts: Canada's New Approach To Global Climate Action Is Built On

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The Philippines Representative, Ms. Ruby Reyes, Chair of the Climate Change Commission, Mr.

Montealto, Also the representative of the European Union, Mico Lorenzo, representative of the green
peace international, Mr. John Lalas, and all other nation states, good morning. I am honoured to be
here in beautiful, hot, Manila representing Canada at this important Conference it is Canadas hope
that this conference will see progress on establishing a final agreement to address climate change.
By bringing together so many leaders, I am certain that we will have productive discussions towards an
agreement that would see all major emitters commit to do their fair share.
Canada is a country that has always done its part and has been continuing to do our part by remaining
fully committed to the development of an international climate change agreement that is fair, effective
and includes meaningful and transparent commitments from all major emitters.
The scientific evidence is clear: climate change is one of the greatest threats of our time. From
increased incidences of droughts, to coastal flooding, to the expanding melt of sea ice in our Arctic, the
widespread impacts of climate change compel Canada to take strong action now.
Contributing to Global Efforts
The Government of Canada is committed to working with international partners to reach an ambitious
global agreement this is anchored in science and leads the world towards a low-carbon, climate
resilient economy. Canada is also committed to supporting the poorest and most vulnerable countries
to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, and is doing its part to mobilize critical investments
that will achieve sustained emissions reductions in developing countries.
Canada's Priorities for COP 21
The science behind man-made climate change is unequivocal. Climate change is a global challenge
whose impacts will be felt by all countries, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable. Indeed,
impacts are already occurring across the globe. Strong action is required now and we as a nation,
intends to be a climate leader.
Canadas new approach to global climate action is built on:

Fact-based decision making and robust science, reflecting the latest findings from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Recognition of the necessity of transitioning to a low-carbon, climate resilient economy.

Strong collaboration with provinces and territories, and non-state actors to take concrete
climate action.

Support for climate resilient development and adaptation in countries that need it.

An Ambitious and Effective Global Agreement

Canada seeks the establishment of a durable, legally binding agreement that reflects the strong
political will of all Parties to take concrete action on climate change. The new agreement should
stimulate ambitious actions of all countries by accommodating different national circumstances and
evolving capabilities. Canada strongly supports an outcome in Paris that recognizes the important role
played by sub-national governments and non-state actors in the front-line efforts for addressing
climate change.
Keeping emissions in check
The agreement should provide a collective vision to keep global temperature increases to below 2C,
at the very least, and to send a strong signal of the global resolve of the needed transformation to a
low-carbon and climate resilient economy.

All Parties should put forward commitments to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases based on
their best efforts, and reflecting their national circumstances. All Parties should update their
commitments every 5 years, and each subsequent commitment should be progressively more
Enhancing accountability and transparency
A common robust transparency and accountability approach of regular reporting and review of Parties
commitments and their progress in implementing those commitments will provide assurances to the
international community that Parties are doing what they set out to do, thus maintaining the trust and
confidence needed to enhance cooperation between Parties.
Supporting climate change adaptation
The agreement should provide a prominent focus on adaptation, including building resilience and
reducing vulnerabilities. The agreement should reflect the critical importance of actions at the national
level, while promoting international cooperation and support for the poorest and most vulnerable
countries in their efforts to respond and adapt to climate change. The Paris outcome should also
recognize the importance and long-term nature of loss and damage associated with the impacts of
climate change.
Promoting cost effective climate policies
Canada recognizes that carbon pricing is one of the most effective policy measures to drive climate
action and the transformation of global energy systems towards cleaner alternatives. Likewise, carbon
markets can promote cost effectiveness and cooperation in reducing emissions. The agreement should
facilitate the use of international market mechanisms for implementing mitigation commitments in a
manner that ensures environmental integrity and avoids double counting of mitigation efforts.
Investing towards a low-carbon future for all
The agreement should facilitate the mobilization of climate financing from a variety of sources,
including by all countries in a position to do so, to build the capacity of those countries in need to
undertake meaningful mitigation action and to support them in adapting to the impacts of climate
change. The agreement should recognize strengthening of enabling environments as key for private
sector engagement and investment, the deployment of clean technologies, and innovation support.
Parties should also work together to restrict international public financing in maladaptive and highcarbon investments.
Sustaining momentum and progress
The Paris outcome should encourage timely ratification of the agreement by Parties, and establish a
comprehensive work program to finalize the implementation details to sustain momentum towards the
agreements entry into effect in 2020.
Seeking early wins in the pre-2020 period
Parties should continue work collaboratively to take concrete mitigation action in the pre-2020 period,
including efforts to reduce short lived climate pollutants, which are responsible for a substantial portion
of near term climate change and have health impacts. Parties should also work under the Montreal
Protocol to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a potent greenhouse gas.

Moving forward, Canada is actively preparing its contributions. We are engaging our provincial and
territorial governments who hold many levers for taking substantive and innovative action on climate
change. They have been an important part of Canadas progress and I expect their actions will be an
important part of Canadas contribution under a new international climate agreement. We are proud
of the work we have accomplished, and I can say with confidence that we will continue to take decisive
actions. As we approach an agreement will continue to work with our international partners and be
one of the strongest advocates for a final agreement that includes all major emitters. I am confident
we can achieve a final agreement. However, it will require courage and common sense. Thank you.

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