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UEMK3313 Chemical Process Control and Instrumentation

Discussion 9
A continuous stirred-tank heating system is shown in Figure Q5. Steam is manipulated to
supply heat, Q to achieve desired temperature of the outlet stream, T. Assuming that the
liquid level in the tank does not change with time and the temperature of the inlet stream
is the only disturbance to the system. The inlet temperature, Ti at steady state is 110 oC.

Figure Q5


Derive the transfer function and draw the block diagram of the closed-loop
control system with proper labels.


It is suspected a delay occurs in the control system. Determine the time

delay in the process which the measurement is T = 125 oC at 10 minutes
after the disturbance increases in step input manner of 30 oC. The system is
installed with a proportional controller. [Note: The range of temperature
transmitter is 80-180 oC and a linear valve is used. All electrical signals
range 4-20 mA and pneumatic signals range 3-15 psig. The transfer function
for valve Gv = 4.3 103. Assume no dynamics on all the devices. Given the
density of the liquid = 1200 kg/m3; Volume of the tank = 600 liters; Flow
rate w = 120 kg/min; Specific heat capacity, C = 4.2 kJ/kg.oC]

UEMK3313 Chemical Process Control and Instrumentation

Discussion 10
Raymond is assisting his plant manager to determine the delay of control valve on the
stability of control loop. Basically, the chemical closed-loop process control with the
block diagram is shown in Figure Q2. The tuning of the controller must be sufficient to
handle set point and disturbance.
Gv =

1 s

Gp =

Gd =
G m A = G mB = K m = 4 and G = Gv G p G m
2s + 3
s +1







Figure Q2


Calculate the tuning design of both disturbance change and set point change
for a Proportional-Integral controller for ITAE methods when = 2.


Determine the range of time delay for the process that provides stable
control to the system using ITAE tuning method as found in part (a) for both
disturbance change and set point change.
Raymond has decided to install a control valve with delay of = 2.8.
Describe the response whenever there is disturbance or set point change
(4 marks)


UEMK3313 Chemical Process Control and Instrumentation

Discussion 11
Brine feed flow (m3/min)

Disturbance (m3/min)

Level set point, Xsp (m)

Discharge flow







Figure Q1
Figure Q1 shows the closed-loop block diagram (bottom) of an integrating
process for a tank with a pump (top) in the exit line has G p =
and G d = .
The process is controlled by a proportional controller Gc = Kc, where K c = 2 ,
K mA = K mB = 2 and Gv = K v = 1 . The level at steady state is 2 m.
(a) Determine the closed-loop transfer function for set-point change. What is
the offset for the level when set point is changed from 2 to 4 m? Sketch the
closed-loop level response and indicates the level when time reaching first
and second and offset on the sketch.
(b) Determine the closed-loop transfer function for disturbance change. What is
the offset for a level when the disturbance is changed from 0.3 m3/min to 0.1
m3/min? Sketch the closed-loop response and indicates the response when
time reaching first and second and offset on the sketch.
(c) Comment on the need for integral action in the controller to remove offset
for this process in parts (a) and (b).

UEMK3313 Chemical Process Control and Instrumentation

Discussion 12
Brooke is a trainee engineer who was given a task to study the dynamics of new
continuous stirred tank heating system to be installed in the factory as shown in Figure
Q5. He has conducted experiments to determine the response of the open loop system (i.e.
without control) with the following information obtained.

Figure Q5
When the power input was changed stepwise from 2 to 2.5 kW from the
steady state, the system response in the following manners for first order



At initial steady state, the process temperature at 100 oC.


3 minutes after changing the power, the temperature is 240 oC.


40 minutes later, the temperature is 300 oC.

Derive the transfer function and draw the block diagram of the closed-loop
control system with proper label
Determine the closed loop response at 20 minutes for T (t ) after the
disturbance increases in step input manner of 60 oC. The system is installed
with a proportional controller of Kc = 2. [Note: The range of temperature
transmitter is 80-300 oC and Gv = Kv = 1 10-5 dimensionless. All electrical
signal range 4-20 mA and pneumatic signal range 3-15 psig. Assume no
dynamics on all the devices.]

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