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Seminar report on

Effect of varying the Compression ratio and Injection

timing on performance in CI engine using MAHUA Biodiesel
A technical seminar report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree



Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. V. Raju Institute of Technology

Vishnupur, Narsapur, Medak District-502213

Department of Mechanical Engineering

B. V. Raju Institute of Technology

Vishnupur, Narsapur, Medak District-502213


This is to certify that the project entitled Effect of

varying the Compression ratio and Injection timing on
performance in CI engine using MAHUA Bio-diesel is the
bonafide work done by



Head of the department

It is my privilege and pleasure to express my profound sense of gratitude and
Indebtedness to all the Faculty members of Department of Mechanical
Engineering. I take the opportunity to offer my humble thanks to Dr. V. Murali
Krishna, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering, B.V. Raju
Institute of Engineering & Technology.

I also thank Dr. Ch. Venkateshwarulu, Principal, B.V.RAJU

I finally thank my family members and friends for giving moral strength
and support to complete this dissertation.


As the price of petroleum oil reaches a new high, the need of developing alternate fuels has
become acute. Alternate fuels should be economically attractive in order to compete with
currently used fossil fuels. Biodiesel, produce by the transesterification of vegetable oils or
animal fats with simple alcohols and catalyst attracts more and more attention recently.
Biodiesel is a clean burning diesel alternative and has many attractive features including
renewability, biodegradability, non toxicity and low emission. The aim of the present review
is to study the biodiesel production from transesterification process, effect of reaction
parameters on conversion of biodiesel yield and its combustion, performance and emission
characteristics. It observes that the base catalysts are more effective than acid catalysts.
Biodiesel is a notable alternative to the widely used petroleum- derived diesel fuel since it can
be generated by domestic and non domestic sources such as soybeans, coconuts, rapeseeds,
Jatropha, Karanja, rubber seed, Mahua, waste frying oil, etc. The main purpose of the
transesterification process is to lower the viscosity of the oil.

List of figures
List of tables and graphs
1. Introduction
1.1 Biodiesel
1.2 Biodiesel production
1.3 Biodiesel properties
1.4 Scope
1.4.1 Advantages
1.4.2 Disadvantages
2. Literature survey
2.1 Background
2.2 Literates reviews
2.3 Objectives
03. Biodiesel blends
3.1 Blending procedure
3.2 Quantication of methyl esters
3.2.1 Gas chromatographic method (GC)


3.2.2 High performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC)

3.2.3 Gel permeation chromatography method (GPC)
3.2.4 1H NMR method (proton nuclear magnetic resonance)
3.2.5. NIR spectroscopy (near infra red)
04. Performance and Emission of biodiesel
05. Results and discussion
06. Conclusion
07. References
List of figures
List of tables

List of figures
Fig01. Glycerol separated from biodiesel

Fig02. Pure biodiesel after water washing

List of tables
Table01: Properties of B20 blend

Table02: Engine specification


Compression ratio


Injection timing

BTDC Before top dead centre


Break thermal efficiency

BSFC Break specific fuel consumption

BSEC Break specific energy consumption

Unburned hydro carbon


Carbon monoxide


Free fatty acid

GCMS Gas chromatography mass spectrometry


Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry

ASTM American society for testing and material


Exhaust gas temperature


Indirect injection

1.1 Biodiesel
Biodiesel, an ideal alternative to fossil fuels, is very imperative for the sustainable
development of mankind. In recent times, the world is confronted with the twin crisis of fossil
fuel depletion and environmental degradations. The situations have led to the search for an
alternative fuel which should be not only sustainable but also environment friendly without
sacrificing the performance. The different sources for alternative fuels are edible and non-

edible vegetable oils, animal fats and waste oil (triglycerides). Vegetable oils, being
renewable, are widely available from variety of sources have low sulfur contents close to zero
and hence cause less environmental damage (lower green house effect) than diesel. In the
context of India, non edible vegetable oil can be the most viable alternative for petroleum
fuels since there is shortage of edible oils to meet the domestic requirements. It has been
found that neat vegetable oil can be used as a fuel in conventional diesel engines. However,
unmodified vegetable oils are glycerol, esters when used in diesel engines the glycerol poses
engine wear and performance problems due to higher viscosity and lower volatility. To
mitigate these problems, a variety of processes have been demonstrated for conversion of oil
glycerol to molecular forms similar to petroleum based diesel fuels. Biodiesel is chemically
defined as mono alkyl esters of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) type derived from
renewable lipid sources obtained from transesterification reactions.

1.2 Bio-diesel production

The governing reaction that converts waste vegetable oil to biodiesel is a transesterification reaction in which liquid alcohol (usually methanol or ethanol) and a base
(usually sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide) is added to vegetable oil to produce
biodiesel and glycerin. Glycerin is a by product of the reaction that can be converted into
soaps, candles and other products. Once the reaction is complete and the two products
separated, the biodiesel has to be purified. One way to purify the biodiesel is by using water.
Since biodiesel is a non-polar molecule, the polarity of the water attracts and removes any
biodiesel has the impurities water separates from the biodiesel. This wash water is then
removed once it phase separates. The second method of removing impurities from biodiesel is
through the use of magnesol D-Sol, a synthetic magnesium silicate powder. The impurities in
the biodiesel attach to the powder as it is suspended in the liquid. This filtering powder does
not settle out, and as such, an additional filtration step is necessary to remove it.
The majority of biodiesel is made from vegetable cooking oil, though others may be
used. Examples include: plant oils such as peanut oil, animal oils such as animal fats,
and any cooking oil. Each of these oils contains long fatty acid chains and esters that can
be converted into biodiesel. Some of these oils have more of these molecules than

vegetable oil, but vegetable oil is much more commonly used due to its abundance and
low cost.

Fig1:Glycerol separated from biodiesel

Fig2 :Pure biodiesel after water washing

1.3 Biodiesel properties

Mechanical properties
What makes a fuel different from others are its Cetane number and heat of
combustion. The viscosity of a fuel is important because it influences the atomization of the
fuel being inserted into the engine combustion chamber. The biodiesel fuel property of having
the viscosity much closer to diesel fuel than vegetable oil helps create a much lower drop,
which burns cleaner. The other main property of biodiesel fuel is its lubricating property.
Adding Biodiesel also helps in reducing fuel system wear.
Physical properties
Observing the physical properties of biodiesel fuel, it is liquid which can be

different in color, from golden and dark brown, all depending on the production
feedstock. It is immiscible with water, has a high boiling point and low vapor pressure.
The flash point of biodiesel is considerably higher than that of petroleum diesel.
Biodiesel fuel has a density of ~ 0.88 g/cm, which is less than that of water.

Chemical properties

Studying the chemical properties of biodiesel fuel, its calorific value is about
37.27 MJ/L, which is 9% lower than regular petro diesel. It has practically no sulfur
content, and is frequently used as an additive to Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel.
Biodiesel fuel has an effect on copper-based materials and as well as zinc, tin, lead, and
cast iron. However, the stainless steels and aluminum are not affected by bio fuel.

1.4 Scope
Advantages of biodiesel

Produced from Renewable Resources: Biodiesel is a renewable energy source unlike

other petroleum products that will vanish in years to come. Since it is made from
animal and vegetable fat, it can be produced on demand and also causes less pollution
than petroleum diesel.

Can be Used in existing Diesel Engines: One of the main advantage of using
biodiesel is that can be used in existing diesel engines with little or no modifications at
all and can replace fossil fuels to become the most preferred primary transport energy
source. Biodiesel can be used in 100% (B100) or in blends with petroleum diesel. For

e.g.: B20 is called as 20% blend of biodiesel with 80% diesel fuel. It improves engine
lubrication and increases engine life since it is virtually sulphur free.

Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions (e.g., B20 reduces CO2 by 15%): Fossil fuels when
burnt release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that raises the
temperature and causes global warming. To protect the environment from further
heating up, many people have adopted the use of biofuels. Experts believe that using
biodiesel instead of petroleum diesel can reduce greenhouse gases up to 78%.

Grown, Produced and Distributed Locally: Fossil fuels are limited and may not be
able to fulfill our demand for coal, oil and natural gas after a certain period. Biodiesel
can work as an alternative form of fuel and can reduce our dependence on foreign
suppliers of oil as it is produced from domestic energy crops. It is produced in local
refineries which reduce the need to import expensive finished product from other

Cleaner Biofuel Refineries: When oil is extracted from underground, it has to be

refined to run diesel engines. You cant use it straight away in the crude form. When it
is refined, it releases many chemical compounds including benzene and butadiene in
the environment which are harmful for animals, plants and human life. Biofuel
refineries, which mainly uses vegetable and animal fat into biofuel releases less toxic
chemicals, if spilled or released to the environment.

Biodegradable and Non-Toxic: When Biofuels are burnt, they produce significantly
less carbon output and few pollutants. As compared to petroleum diesel, biodiesel
produces less soot (particulate matter), carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and
sulfur dioxide. Flashpoint for biodiesel is higher than 150C whereas the same is about
52C for petroleum diesel, which makes it less combustible. It is therefore safe to
handle, store and transport.

Better Fuel Economy: Vehicles that run on biodiesel achieve 30% fuel economy than
petroleum based diesel engines which means it makes fewer trips to gas stations and
run more miles per gallon.

Positive Economic Impact: Biofuels are produced locally and thousands of people
are employed in biofuel production plant. Since biodiesel is produced from crops , an
increase in demand for biodiesel leads to increase in demand for suitable biofuel
crops. Moreover, it creates less emission by reducing the amount of suspended
particles in the air. This reduces the cost of healthcare products.

Reduced Foreign Oil Dependance: With locally produced biofuels, many countries
have reduced their dependance on fossil fuels. It may not solve all problems in one
blow but a nation can save billions by reducing their usage on foreign oil.

More Health Benefits: Air pollution cause more deaths and diseases than any other
form of pollution. Pollutants from gasoline engines when released in the air, form
smog and make thousands of people sick every year. Biodiesel produce less toxic
pollutants than other petroleum products.

Disadvantages of Biodiesel

Variation in Quality of Biodiesel: Biodiesel is made from variety of biofuel crops.

When the oil is extracted and converted to fuel using chemical process, the result can
vary in ability to produce power. In short, not all biofuel crops are same as amount of
vegetable oil may vary.

Not Suitable for use in Low Temperatures: Biodiesel gels in cold weather but the
temperature that it will gel depends on the oil or fat that was used to make it. The best
way to use biodiesel during the colder months is to blend it with winterized diesel fuel.

Food Shortage: Since biofuels are made from animal and vegetable fat, more demand
for these products may raise prices for these products and create food crisis in some
countries. For e.g.: the production of biodiesel from corn may raise its demand and it
might become more expensive which may deprive poor people from having it.

Increased use of Fertilizers: As more crops are grown to produce biofuels, more
fertilizer is used which can have devastating effect on environment. The excess use of
fertilizers can result in soil erosion and can lead to land pollution.

Clogging in Engine: Biodiesel cleans dirt from the engine. This proves to be an
advantage of biofuels but the problem is that this dirt gets collected in fuel filter and
clogs it

Literature survey
2.1 Background
Biodiesel production is part of a sustainability movement that is occurring throughout
the country. It is a movement that many colleges and universities are beginning to participate
and implement green methodologies to minimize contributions to global warming. In
addition, a biodiesel processor feasibility study was conducted to determine how beneficial
the production of biodiesel is. Substantial research in the efficiency or cost analysis of using
biodiesel as an alternative fuel was not performed.
The research in biodiesel revolves around mahua oil as the feedstock. Initially the
difference in quality of different blends of biodiesel was analyzed. Some research was
then conducted on fueling heavy duty diesel engines with the mahua oil. Then the focus
on the use of other biodiesels and amount of emissions exerted by different biodiesels
are same almost.

2.2 Literate review

Researchers from various parts of the world have carried large number of
experiments with biodiesel as a replacement fuel for internal combustion engines. The
name biodiesel was introduced in the United States during 1992 by National Biodiesel Board
(NBB) which pioneered its commercialization. Biodiesel is currently defined in the technical
regulations EN 14214 or ASTM 6751-02[7].
Goering et al [12] studied the properties of different vegetable oils and modified
fuels for automotive applications and reported that vegetable oils have acceptable cetane
numbers (35-45), high viscosity (50 Cst) high flash points (220-285 C) and high pour points (6 to 12 C) and appreciable heating values (about 90 % of diesel) and low sulfur content ( <
0.02% ).
Ziejwski et al (1984) fueled engine with sunflower derived biodiesel. Shrinivasa &
Gopalkrishnan (1984) used karanja based bio-diesel. Bio diesel's ability to reduce emission
was recognized by Schumacher et al (1992) and reported reductions in smoke density when

fueling biodiesel of Soybean oil. Christopher (1997) conducted two tests in Chicago using
biodiesel as fuel. The testing proved that the biodiesel could be used as a feasible alternative
Masjuki and Prasad et al [3], have respectively used esterifed Palm oil to conduct
experiments on diesel engine. Torque, brake power, SFC & brake thermal efficiency were
found comparable to that of diesel fueled engine. M. Senthilkumar [13], T. Ganapathy [14]
and P.Ravi Kumar has investigated methyl ester of jatropha oil as fuel and showed that
transesterfication reaction improved the properties of the ester.
Emulations also find attraction to use as a fuel in diesel engines due to the reduction in
smoke and NOx emission using oil water emulsion as fuel (Lin and Wang 2003) [16]. G.
Amba Prasad & P. R. Mohan (2003) have studied effect and supercharging on the biodiesel of
Cotton seed oil on DI diesel engine. Ramdhas A.S. et al (2006) have experimented
methyl ester of rubber seed oil on diesel engine. Rahman & Ghadge (2007) [17] have
concluded that mahua based biodiesel can be safely blended up to 20% with mineral diesel
and could be a suitable alternative fuel. The similar conclusion is reached by Lin Y (2007)
about waste oil based biodiesel.
The exhaust emission characteristics of diesel engines operated with biodiesels have
been studied by many researchers. A review of research papers of Quick, Barsic and Lhumke
revealed that with the use of biodiesel the harmful exhaust emission particularly CO and
sulfur compounds are reduced as compared to mineral diesel operation.
Several researchers (Rahman, Phadtare 2004, Agrawal et al 2001, and Md Norun
Nubi 2006 He Bao, Hamelinck) [11,17-22] have observed that the exhaust emissions are
affected by the use of biodiesel. It is known that biodiesel generally causes on increase in
NOx emission and decrease in unburned hydrocarbon (HC), CO and particulate matter (PM)
emission relative to diesel fuel. However, there are a very few reports of study of performance
and emissions characteristics of CIDI engine fueled on blends karanja biodiesel and neem
biodiesel with dieselfuel optimizing the relevant working parameters.

India has rich and abundant forest resources with wide range of plants and oil seeds.
The potential of tree borne oil seeds (TBO) is not fully explored. According to an economic
survey of Government of India about 175 million hectors of land is classified as waste or
barren land. Wild crops cultivated in waste land also form a source of biodiesel. Besides,
some species of plants yielding non edible oils, like karanja also called honge (Pongamia
pinnata) and neem (Azadirachta indica) may play significant role in providing resources.
Country like India in tropical Asia is the primary habitat for neem and karanja crops. It is
estimated that India alone has theoretical potential to produce 350,000 tons of neem oil per

2.3 Objectives
The use of mahua oil biodiesel blended with mineral diesel l as substitute for
conventional mineral diesel (ASTM D2) in diesel engine is reasonable and prospective in
India. For such a proposal, modification of diesel engine structure is unnecessary and
expensive for large number of existing engines operating in rural sector, as confirmed by the
literature. However, there are certain differences in physical and chemical characteristics of
mahua oil and diesel oil. It is found that the oil mixture / blend will not ensure the desirable
results unless the working parameters are readjusted according to the results of
experimentation. The purpose of the investigation is to analyze the effects on diesel engine
performance when fueled with the blends of biodiesel and diesel in various proportions on
volume basis. The fuel blends investigated for performance analysis are 100% diesel (B00),
blend of 10% biodiesel and 90% diesel (B10), blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel (B20),
blend of 60% biodiesel and 40% diesel (B60), 100% biodiesel (B100). The experimentation
further extended to procure most desirable values for the relevant working parameters and
their optimal combination based on the results. The performance parameters like brake
thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and exhaust emissions are considered for
the discussions.

Table01: Properties of b20 blend

Fuel properties

ASTM D6751 biodiesel Straight diesel


Density at 15c




Kinematic viscosity at 860-900




Cetane index








Flash point(c)




Fire point(c)

min 130



Carbon residue(%)

min 145



Acid value, mg KOH




Biodiesel blends
3.1 Blending procedure
Typical blends include a two percent biodiesel/ninety-eight percent petroleum mix

(B2), five-percent biodiesel/ninety-five percent petroleum mix (B5), twenty percent

biodiesel/eighty percent petroleum mix (B20), and pure biodiesel (B100). B20 is the most
common of these blends, as it retains the majority of the engine s power. On average,
biodiesel produces 3.2 units of energy per gallon. It is a clean burning fuel, which has
significantly less carbon emissions when compared to petroleum. For
example, a B20 blend decreases the carbon emissions by fifteen
3.2 Quatification of methyl esters
Various analytical methods were developed for analyzing mixtures containing fatty
acids esters and mono, di, and triglycerides obtained by the transesterication of vegetable
oils. Analysis were performed by a thin layer chromatography/ameionization detector

3.2.1 Gas chromatographic method (GC)

Gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of glycerol, mono-,
di-, and triglycerides in vegetable oil methyl esters has been developed. In principle, glycerol,
mono, di, and triglycerides can be analyzed on highly inert-columns coated with a polar
stationary phases without derivation. The inertness of the column, required to obtain good
peak shapes and satisfactory recovery, cannot be easily maintained in routine analysis. Most
reports on the use of GC for bio-diesel analysis employ ame-ionization detectors (F1D),
although the use of mass spectrometric detector (MSD) would eliminate any ambiguities
about the nature of the electing materials. Since mass spectra unique to individual compounds
would be obtained.

3.2.2 High performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC)

A general advantage of HPLC compared to GC is that time and reagent consuming

dramatization are not necessary, which reduces analysis time. The rst literature on HPLC
method describes the determination of overall content of mono, di, and triglycerides in fatty
acid methyl esters by isocratic liquid chromatography using a density detector. The separation
was achieved by coupling a cyano modied silica column with two GPC columns;
Chloroform with an ethanol content of 0.6% issused as an elutent. This system allowed for the
detection of mono, di, and triglycerides as well as methyl esters as classes of compounds. The
system was useful for the study of degree of conversion of the transesterication reaction.
HPLC with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) was used to determine the amount of free
glycerol in vegetable oil esters. The HPLCPAD method has proved to be simple, rapid and
accurate. The major advantage of this method is its high sensitivity. The simultaneous
detection of residual alcohol is also possible with this technique [29]. HPLC equipped with a
refractive index detector was used for the analysis of bio-diesel produced from soya-bean oil
[13]. The HPLC mobile phases was consisted of acetone and acetonitrile. Mono, di, and
triglycerides were quantied to study the reaction kinetics for transesterication.

3.2.3 Gel permeation chromatography method (GPC)

A method for simultaneous analysis of transesterication reaction products mono-, diand triglycerides, glycerol and methyl esters was developed using gel permeation chromatography coupled with refractive index detector . The mobile phase was HPLC grade THF
(Tetra Hydro Furan) at a ow rate of 0.5 ml/min at room temperature and the sample injection
size was 10 macro lit. Sample preparation involves only dilution and neutralization. GPC was
used to evaluate the inuence of different variables affecting the transesterication of
rapeseed oil with anhydrous ethanol and sodium ethoxide as catalyst. GPC has made the
quantization of ethyl esters, mono-, di-,and tri-glycerides and glycerol.

3.2.4 1H NMR method (proton nuclear magnetic resonance)

The yield of transesterication reaction utilized 1H NMR depicting its progressing

spectrum. The yield of methyl esters was calculated by comparing the peak area of methoxy
and methylene protons.

3.2.5. NIR spectroscopy (near infra red)

NIR spectroscopy has been used to monitor the transesterication reaction. The basis
for quantization of the turnover from triglycerides feed stock to methyl ester product is
differences in the NIR spectra of their classes of compounds. The mid range IR spectra of
triglycerides and methyl esters of fatty acids are almost identical and offer no possibility for
distinguishing. engine performance without any difculties. The parameters,which dene the
quality of bio-diesel, can be divided into two groups. One group contains general parameters,
which are also used for mineral oil based fuel and the other group especially describes the
chemical composition and purity of fatty acid alkyl esters.
Among the general parameters for bio-diesel the viscosity of fatty acid methyl esters
can go very high levels and hence it is important to control it within an acceptable level to
avoid negative impacts on fuel injectors system performance. Therefore viscosity
specications proposed are nearly same as that of the diesel fuel as shown in bio-diesel
Flash point of a fuel is the temperature at which it will ignite when exposed to a ame.
The ash point of bio-diesel is higher than the petro-diesel, which is safe for transport
purpose. Cold lter plugging point (CFPP) of a fuel reects its cold weather performance. At
low operating temperature, fuel may thicken and might not ow properly affecting the
performance of fuel lines, fuel pumps and injectors. Normally either pour point or CFPP are
specied. Cetane number is indicative of its ignition characteristics. Higher the cetane number
better it is in its ignition properties. Cetane number affects the engine performance parameters
like combustion, stability, driveability, white smoke, noise and emissions of CO and HC. Biodiesel has higher cetane number than conventional diesel fuel, which results in higher
combustion efciency.

Neutralization number is specied to ensure proper ageing properties of the fuel. It

reects the presence of free fatty acids. Carbon residue of the fuel is indicative of carbon
depositing tendencies of the fuel. Carbon residue for bio-diesel is more important than that in
diesel fuel because itshows a high correlation with presence of free fatty acids, glycerides,
soaps, polymers, higher unsaturated fatty acids and inorganic impurities. The presence of high
level of alcohol in bio-diesel cause accelerated deterioration of natural rubber

Performance and Emission characteristics


Conventional Internal Combustion Engines can be operated with bio-diesel without

major modication. In comparison to diesel, the higher cetane number of bio-diesel results in
shorter ignition delay and longer combustion duration and hence results in low particulate
emissions and minimum carbon deposits on injector nozzles. It is reported that if an engine is
operated on bio-diesel for a long time, the injection timing maybe required to be readjusted
for achieving better thermal efciency. Various blends of bio-diesel with diesel have been
tried, but B-20 (20% bio-diesel + 80% diesel) has been found to be the most approximate
blend. Further studies have revealed that bio-diesel blends lead to a reduction in smoke
opacity, and emissions of particulates, unburnt HCS, CO2 and CO, but cause slightly increase
in nitrogen oxides emission. All the blends have a higher thermal efciency than diesel and so
give improved performance. A concentration of 20%bio-diesel gave maximum improvement
in peak thermal efciency, minimum break specic energy consumption and minimum smoke
opacity. Hence B-20 was recommended.

Biodiesel reduces tailpipe particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbon
(HC),and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from most modern four-stroke
CI engines.
These benefits occur because the fuel (B100) contains 11% oxygen by
The presence of fuel oxygen allows the fuel to burn more completely, so
fewer unburned fuel emissions result. This same phenomenon reduces air
toxics, because the air toxics are associated with the unburned or partially
burned HC and PM emissions. Testing has shown that PM, HC, and CO
reductions are independent of
the feedstock used to make biodiesel.
Nitrogen gas (N2) - Air is 78-percent nitrogen gas, and most of this passes right through
the car engine.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) - This is one product of combustion. The carbon in the fuel bonds
with the oxygen in the air.
Water vapor (H2O) - This is another product of combustion. The hydrogen in the fuel

bonds with the oxygen in the air.

Carbon monoxide (CO) - a poisonous gas that is colorless and odorless
Hydrocarbons (HC) or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced mostly from unburned fuel that evaporates Sunlight breaks these down to form
oxidants, which react with oxides of nitrogen to cause ground level ozone (O3), a major
component of smog.
Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, together called NOx) - contributes to smog and acid rain,
and also causes irritation to human mucus membranes.

Table02: Engine specifications


Four stroke single cylinder




Eddy current dynamometer

Fuel flow transmitter

0-500mm WC

Temperature sensor

PT 100,K type, RTD thermocouple

Piezo_sensor range


Engine controlling unit

PE3 Series ECU

Lubrication system

Forced feed system

Results and discussion

Effect of varying compression ratio on blends

Effect of varying injection timing on blends

Effect of varying C.I ratio on blends

Effect of varying I.T on blends are discussed

Co% v/s CI

BTE% v/s CI

UBHC ( ppm ) v/s CI

Alternate fuels for diesel engines have become increasingly important due to
decreasing petroleum resource and environ-mental consequences of exhaust-gases from
petroleum-fuelled engines. A number of studies have shown that triglycerides hold promise as
alternative fuels for diesel engines. However, the high viscosity, low volatility and poor cold
ow properties of triglycerides, which result in severe engine deposits, injector choking and
piston ring sticking have prevented triglycerides from being used directly in diesel engine.
Various blends of bio-diesel with diesel have been tried, but B-20 has been found to be the
most appropriate blend. The quality of bio-diesel is most important for engine part of view
and various standards have been specied to check the quality. As per the analytical method
reported in literature high performance liquid chromatography method is suitable to analyze
the reaction intermediates and products of transesterication reaction. Economic feasibility
study shows that the bio-diesel obtained from non-edible oil is cheaper than that from edible

When biodiesel blend was increased, BSFC and EGT increased where BTE reduced
But when CR was increased and IT was advanced, the above trend got reversed.
The study also concluded the safe use of B20 blend for the existing constant speed IDI
engine at all ranges of C.I and I.T .
Experiments were conducted to see performance(BTE and BSFC) and emissions
parameters (EGT, CO and HC).

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