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Amoo, Sam K
Head of Department and Senior Lecturer
Private and Procedural Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of
LLM, University of Toronto
BA LLB, University of Zambia
BBA, University of Ghana
Last/latest publication: Amoo, SK. 2008 [Forthcoming]. Introduction
to law, materials and cases. Windhoek: Macmillan Education
(+264 61) 246 141
Bangamwabo, Francois-Xavier
Faculty of Law, University of Namibia
LLM, National University of Ireland
LLB, University of Zimbabwe
Registered Attorney, Zimbabwe
Last/latest publication: Bangamwabo, F-X. 2006. The independence and
the impartiality of ad hoc international criminal tribunals: The case
study of the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda. Dublin:
University of Ireland.
(+264 61) 206 3766
Bsl, Anton
Resident Representative
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
PhD in Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
PhD in Theology, Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg
Last/latest publication: Horn, N & Bsl, A (eds). 2008. Human rights
and the rule of law in Namibia. Windhoek: Macmillan Namibia.
(+264 61) 225568

Diescho, Joseph Brian

Honorary Professor of Government and Political Studies, Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth
Director and Head of International Relations and Partnerships, University
of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria
BA (Law), BA (Hons), MA, DLit et Phil (Fort Hare University)
MA, MPhil, PhD (Columbia University)
Last/latest publication: A series of articles on Afrikan leadership
(+27 12) 337 6005
Hinz, Manfred O
Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Namibia
UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Democracy, Human Rights and
Documentation Centre, Faculty of Law, UNAM
PhD in Law, University of Mainz
Habilitation completed with appointment as professor at the University
of Bremen
Last/latest publication: Hinz, MO & Patemann, HK (eds.). 2006. The
shade of new leaves. Governance in traditional authority: A southern
African perspective. Mnster: Lit Verlag.
Horn, Nico
Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Namibia
William Paton Fellow, University of Birmingham
Visiting Scholar, International Human Rights Clinic, Public Interest and
Clinical Education, Stanford Law School
PhD, University of the Western Cape
MA, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
LLM, University of South Africa
BTh (Hons), University of South Africa
BProc, University of Johannesburg
Last/latest publication: Horn, N & Schwikkard, PJ. 2008. Commentary
on the new Namibian Criminal Procedure Act, Volumes 1 and 2.
Windhoek: Orumbonde Press.
Co-drafter, with renowned scholars such as Ron Sider and Glen Stassen,
of the recent Confession against nuclear armament: Evangelicals
for National Security through International Cooperation.
Horn, N & Bsl, A (eds). 2008. Human rights and the rule of law in
Namibia. Windhoek: Macmillan Namibia.
(+264 61) 206 3622

Indongo, Lovisa
Legal Practitioner
MSc, University of Wales
LLB, University of Namibia
B Juris, University of Namibia
Last/latest publication: Contributor to Horn, N & Schwikkard, PJ. (eds).
2008. Commentary on the new Namibian Criminal Procedure Act,
Volume 1. Windhoek: Orumbonde Press.
(+264 61) 290 5000
Kangueehi, Kaijata
Head of Department and Lecturer
Department of Commercial Law, University of Namibia
Member, Magistrates Commission
Member, Board for Legal Education
Legal Practitioner, High Court of Namibia
BA, LLB, PG Dip (Tax), University of Cape Town /
(+264 61) 257351
(+264 61) 206 3651
Kavendji, Clive
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Namibia
Legal Practitioner, High Court of Namibia
B Juris and LLB, University of Namibia
Last/latest publication: Access to the criminal justice system through
legal aid. Unpublished LLB dissertation, University of Namibia.
(+264 61) 257351 / 206 3737
Ruppel, Oliver C
Director, Human Rights and Documentation Centre, Faculty of Law,
University of Namibia
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Namibia
LLD, University of Pressburg
LLM, University of Stellenbosch
MM, University of Hagen
PG Dipl Phil, University of Munich
LLB Hons (German State Law Exams)

Last/latest publications: Hinz, MO & Ruppel, OC (eds.). 2008. Biodiversity

and the ancestors: Challenges to customary and environmental law.
Case studies from Namibia. Windhoek: Namibia Scientic Society
Ruppel, OC. 2007. Interdisziplinre Schlsselqualikation Mediation.
Hamburg: Schriftenreihe Auergerichtliche Koniktbeilegung
Verlag Dr Kovac. or
(+264 61) 206 3664
Ruppel-Schlichting, Katharina
Business Manager and Senior Legal Researcher, Legal Research and
Development Trust of Namibia
LLD, University of Bratislava
LLM, University of Stellenbosch
LLB Hons (German State Law Exams)
Last/latest publication: Kanganje, A & Ruppel-Schlichting, K. 2008.
Manual Do Delegado De Lista/Angola Election observer manual.
For the parliamentary elections 2008. Luanda: Konrad-AdenauerStiftung /Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Democracia.
(+264 61) 305 045
Shivute, Peter
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Namibia
MA LLB, University of Cambridge
LLM, University of Warwick
Last/latest publication: Shivute, P. 2008. The rule of law in sub-Saharan
Africa An overview. In Horn, N & Bsl, A (eds). Human rights and
the rule of law in Namibia. Windhoek: Macmillan Namibia.
(+264 61) 279901
Skeffers, Isabella
Programme Ofcer, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Candidate legal practitioner
LLM candidate, University of Namibia
LLB, University of Namibia
B Juris, University of Namibia
Last/latest publication: Amoo, SK & Skeffers, I. 2008. The rule of law in
Namibia. In Horn, N & Bsl, A (eds). Human rights and the rule of
law in Namibia. Windhoek: Macmillan Namibia.
(+264 61) 225568

Tjombe, Norman
Human rights lawyer
Director, Legal Assistance Centre
B Juris and LLB, University of the Western Cape
Member of various NGO boards (e.g. Open Society Foundation of
Southern Africa, the Namibia Democracy Support Centre, the
Namibia Nature Foundation, the Namibia Development Trust, the
Nyae Nyae Development Foundation, Katutura Community Radio)
Last/latest publication: Tjombe, N. 2008. Water A human right?.
Windhoek: Legal Assistance Centre.
(+264 61) 223356 / 81 122 3356
VonDoepp, Peter
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, USA
Research Afliate, Institute for Public Policy Research, Namibia
MA and PhD, University of Florida
BA, University of New Hampshire
Last/latest publication: VonDoepp, P. 2008. Context-sensitive inquiry in
comparative judicial research: Lessons from the Namibian judiciary.
Comparative Political Studies, 41(11):15151540.
Villalon, Leonardo & VonDoepp, P (eds). 2005. The fate of Africas
democratic experiments: Elites and institutions. Bloomington,
Indiana: Indiana University Press.
(+1 802) 656 4451

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