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1. How can we improve or scale up our current programs and projects?

Benchmark current performance to concretize bases for further

Identify strategies for sustainability
Form more partnerships for resource and knowledge sharing
Conduct outcome assessments for all programs
Utilize currently available technology in monitoring and databank
creation where applicable

a. What other suggested major deliverables can we commit for each of


Business-friendly and Competitive LGUs

Facilitate the formulation of the Local Economic Development
Framework and Revenue Generation Plan for each city and municipality
under NCR
Environment-protective, Climate Change-adaptive and Disaster
Resilient LGUs
Advocate maximum utilization of 5% DRRM Fund
CBDRRM - conduct TNA for barangays; involve resource persons from
Include tributaries in the zero-casualty program along major waterways
Implement a multi-sector Adopt-a-Creek program
Other areas of DRRM and monitoring
Focus efforts on Disaster Preparedness and provide necessary TA
(process guidance)
Socially Protective and Safe LGUs:
Relate KP to RA 9262, RA 9344, 7610 and other related laws

Accountable, Transparent, Participative and Effective Local Governance

MOAs/MOUs with partner organizations
Mainstream the use of Google Cloud Tech
Enhancement of BGPMS DCF
Intensify advocacy for LGUs with exemplary performance through
quad-media channels
Enhance online systems (LGPMS, FDPP)

Strengthened Internal Organizational Capacity

Capacity Building through continuous training
Legal education

2. What criteria or parameters do you use (and should use) in determining

target LGUs for our programs and projects?

Number of beneficiaries for a certain program or project

Physical and social environment
o Location
o Vulnerability of constituents
o Socio-economic composition
LGPMS / BGPMS results
Capability to implement, sustain and improve programs after DILG
Alignment of LGU priorities with national thrust

3. Which of our LGUs should be part of or covered by our programs and


All LGUs should be covered by the appropriate programs and projects

based on a comprehensive and critical assessment of their needs to
determine the best way to allocate scarce resources.

4. If our current interventions have already covered all LGUs, what other things
do we need to do to them to sustain our efforts in keeping with our desired
outcomes for LGUs?

Create an online monitoring system and databank

Institutionalize rewards and recognition for exemplary performance in
LGU service areas
Encourage collaboration between the Department, LGUs, the academe,
and private sector.
Conduct research and introduce innovations
Document best practices of high-performing LGUs for replication
Institutionalize Husay Balangay Program
Involve LGUs in strategizing for program implementation at their level
Mainstream RBME in all programs
o Data collection and analysis
o Feedback systems
o Outcome assessments

5. If cities in our jurisdiction happen not to be included in the government's

focus geographical areas for 2015, neither in the 18 MRBs nor the eastern
seaboard. what sort of interventions should we provide them in keeping with
our desired outcomes for LGUs?

Replicate programs through collaborative engagement

Establish partnerships with funding institutions
TA on project proposal preparation for local and foreign donors

TA to LGUs along MRBs on formulating the People's Plan and DRRM

Social Marketing campaign targeting excluded LGUs

6. What new programs can we introduce in lieu of the current ones?

Awards and incentive program for local officials

Localized SGH
Codification and Legislative Tracking
LGRC for all LGUs
Barangay DRRM Olympics
Inventory of DRRM fund utilization in all barangays
Community-based feedback system
Community Scorecard on Program Outcomes
Competency building
o Reiterate roles and functions of each position
o Competency profile
Interactive form submission
Information one-stop shop

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