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Model 1:

Task 2:
As the rate at which lightning strikes is very low (f = 0.06 = 6%), it is
possible to have maximum number of trees on the ridge wile attaining
very high average number of trees survive. Due to the nature of the
model whereby fire would spread to its adjacent trees, if the entire ridge is
filled, once lightning strikes anywhere on the ridge, all trees will get
burned. As such, using 100% growth rate, we simply turn the survival of
the trees into either 21 trees survive or none does. As such, it is expected
that 6% of the times, all trees are burnt and 94% all trees survive. This
brings us an expected number of (21 * 94 / 100) = 18.8 average number
of trees survive.

Experiment setup:

Stop condition: ticks = 100, i.e. 100 summers.

Experiment results:

Y-axis is the final value of avg (after 100 summers), X-axis is the value of

Task 3:
As we can see from the graph, the trend shows an increase in the final
value of avg the higher the value of prob-growth is. The final value of avg
approaches an asymptote of 21 (the maximum number of trees that can
survive after each summer). Final value of avg grows exponentially where
prob-growth ranges from 0% to 10% and approaches its maximum point
at prob-growth = 100%. As such, we can conclude that 100% is the best
growth rate.
One of the real-life scenario whereby this model is applicable is the game
of battle ship. Each clump (adjacent trees together separated by an empty
space) represents a ship. In the model, lightning can strike anywhere.
Once lightning hit a tree, the entire clump dies. In the game of
battleship, the canon ball can land anywhere. Once a canon ball hits any
coordinate that contains a part of the ship, the entire ship sinks. The
objective of the battleship game is to have as many ship remaining as
possible (while sinking all the enemy ships). This model, once turned into
a 2D model, would be a perfect analogy of a battleship game.

Model 2:
Task 2:
The diversity of on-going fashion trend
This can be measured using clumps. Running the model shows that the
initial uniform random distribution of agents separates themselves into
different clumps. Each clumps has a few central agents while the rest
distribute around them. The central agents are crowded and therefore

they move. This makes other agents feel either crowded or lonely, shifting
the central of the clumps. Diversity can be seen by the number of clumps
there are. Each clump represents one trend with a few major players.
Strength of each fashion trend
This can be measured by the number of agents present in each clump.
The more crowded a clump (trend) is, the stronger it is as it is followed by
many agents (the majority).

Fig 2. Agents separate themselves into clumps

The distribution of agents status
This can be implemented with the use of monitor and/or plot, by counting
the number of agents with color red or green.

There are certain limitations to these measurements. When we run the

simulation, we see clumps. However, an arbitrary definition is required to
draw such boundaries around each clump. The definition of which agents
belong inside or outside a clump is also arbitrary. If we treat the plane as
knowledge space, then every agent, despite inside or outside clumps,
would have a different location. Nevertheless, agents that share the same
clump can be considered to share the same knowledge.
The relative location of each clump is constantly changing as more and
more agents follow the high-status ones while the high-status ones try to
move away from the majority. These high-status agents are often located
in the center of the clumps and are very influential in the direction the
entire clump is heading.
This model features the idea of collectivity in society. A few conclusions
that can be drawn from the model are:
Agents constantly change their idea in a knowledge-space as an
effect of over-crowding
Certain ideas or agents are considered high-status and important
Agents have tendency to copy and follow such important ideas
This model truly captures the essence of fashion, where a few major
players set the trend and the majority would follow and copy the idea.
However, this is not only applicable to fashion, but also in other areas
such as scientists, youth sub-cultures, etc.
One way to improve this model is to have a clear definition of boundaries
such that clumps and be grouped for more visibility. This also open up
doors for further measures and collection of statistics.

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