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Starting a Business and Paying Taxes Indicators

07 April 2016, 02:00 PM at 6F, Center Conference Room, DTI Main Bldg., Makati City

In Attendance:
Department of Finance
Mr. Albert Yap
Mr. Rene Cris Rivera
Ms. Marian Albano

Mr. Jojit Mislang


Department of Trade and Industry

Dir. Emma Asusano
Department of Interior and Local
Dir. Anna Bonagua
Mr. Raymond De Asis
Ms. Marianne Anceno
Ms. Romana Galve

FVP Randy Montesa

Ms. Ninna Veran
Ms. Judy Kis-Ing
Development Bank of the Philippines
SVP Benel Lagua
Ms. Monagie Matammu
Ms. Ana Domingo

Securities and Exchange Commission

Ms. Regina Samson

AD. Mary Anne Lagura

Mr. Paul Obmina

Board of Investment

Bureau of Internal Revenue

A/CIR Charo Curiba
Atty. Beverly Milo
Mr. Rex Recoter

Dir. Domingo Bagaporo

Mr. EC Delos Reyes

Ms. Ada De Silva

Ms. Aurea Bay
Mr. Van Orpilla

Mr. Guillermo Luz

Mr. Ruy Moreno
AD. Malou Gesilva
Ms. Marina Saldana
Ms. Meirin Negapatan
Mr. Faisah Dela Rosa
Mr. Aries Espano

Pag-IBIG Fund

Private Sector - DAI

VP Reynaldo Malaya
Mr. Harlan Villanueva

Mr. Mr. Alex Kitain

Social Security System

Action Items/Agreements
For Starting a Business sub-taskforce:
1. QC LGU to submit copy of their proposed amendment of Local Government Code to NCC
before April 22 report of project repeal to Economic Cluster.
2. SEC and BOI to discuss proposal on expansion of IBRS
For Paying Taxes sub-taskforce:
1. Finalize MOA on e-payment service between LBP and QC LGU
2. QC LGU to provide a list of business with email addresses to Pag-IBIG and Philhealth for
marketing of social agencies e-services.
3. Pag-IBIG and Philhealth to
NCC Secretariat:
1. Prepare a letter of information for Paying Taxes sub-taskforce (Pag-IBIG and Philhealth)
re: e-government services
2. Finalize Doing Business Press Conference (program, presentation, website, etc.)
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by Mr. Guillermo Luz, NCC Co-Chairman,
Private Sector
2. The proposed agenda are as follows:
a. Agreements of April 1, 2016 meeting
b. Preparation for the SAB-PT Sub-taskforce press conference on April 14, 2016.
3. On the first item of agreements, SEC discussed and provided a copy of the IBRS
performance report based on the following period a.) April 1, 2014 to April 14, 2015 and
b.) April 15, 2015 to March 31, 2016. There are 25,458 corporations registered prior to the
implementation of IBRS while 124,102 corporations registered under IBRS. Data for JanApril 2015 and Jan-March 2016 are as follows:
January 1,532
January 1,572
February 2,235
February 1,722
March 2,611
March 1,614
April 1, 048
4. SEC informed the Chair that during the SEC En Banc Meeting last week, it was
recommended that proposal to implement electronic submission of registration application
and/or scanning of documents from satellite offices to H.O will be temporarily put on-hold
since they will be implementing Company Registration System (CRS) by June. In addition,
SEC will have a separate meeting with BOI to discuss expansion of IBRS in BOI facilities.
It was recommended that SEC may assign a personnel to BOI or to give trainings to BOI
personnel to pre-process, accept, and transmit documents for registration.
5. On the discussion to merge barangay clearance with city hall procedures, QC LGU
responded that they have submitted proposal to amend the Local Government Code to
Senate. Further, QC LGU expressed that there is a need to clarify and review barangay
position in the business regulations. QC LGU then requested to DILG to study said

6. GML requested to QC LGU for a copy of the proposed amendment/s for Local Government
Code. QC LGU acknowledged said request. He also discussed pre-payment agreement
for e-services. QC LGU responded that under the executive order for payment of eservices, there was a commitment for service-level. GML suggested to QC LGU to add
details of service-level in their website.
7. BIR provided a copy of the RMC No. 43 s. 2016 to NCC in response to clarifications on
SAB procedures. The memo will combine Primary and Secondary Business Registration,
thus, the application for authority to print manual receipts/invoices, registration of manual
books of accounts and the issuance of the COR can be done simultaneously in one day
or within 8 working hours provided that all documents are complete.
8. On the proposed expansion of SEC IBRS, BOI acknowledged possibility to operationalize
IBRS in BOI facility. This may serve as an extension office in Makati areas to incorporate
and assist all types of registrants. SEC acknowledged response from BOI and this will be
discuss with Dir. Sales.
9. For Paying Taxes, BIR provided NCC a copy of the RR No. 3-2016, which prescribes the
policies and guidelines on the adoption of credit/debit/prepaid card payments as additional
modes of payment of internal revenue taxes. Mr. Kitain informed the Chair that the BIR
regulation is currently implemented however, facilities is not yet available. In addition, BIR
has yet to release copy of the Implementing Rules and Regulation for RR No. 3-2016.
10. On the discussion of the NPRS, LBP emphasized that the NPRS served as the framework
for online transactions. This aims for an interoperability of LBP, DBP and bancnet
members to process bank transactions.
11. PhilHealth emphasized that NPRS may result to additional payment for service charge to
individually paying members. Philhealth reiterated that they have existing agreement with
LBP and bancet for e-PRS.
12. On the MOA signing for e-payment service, QC-LGU and LBP is still finalizing
content/provisions of the MOA. They inform the Chair that this will be part of the press
conference on April 21.
13. GML reminded the banks (LBP and DBP), BIR and Social Agencies (SSS, Pag-IBIG, and
PhilHealth) to aggressively promote and advertise electronic services for public
awareness. Currently, DBP has a promo on E-Pay to Win, a raffle promotional and
advertising strategy to encourage members to use e-payment services of partner
government agencies.
14. On the marketing strategy for online payment users, GML requested QC LGU to provide
list of email addresses/business information to Pag-IBIG and Philhealth. QC LGU
acknowledged said request.
15. On the preparation for the press conference, GML informed the sub-taskforces that this
will be on April 21 and he suggested the following:
a. For Starting a Business: quick update/overview of IBRS (to be presented by:
Commissioner Blas Viterbo)
b. Current QC LGU initiatives to streamline business payments with CTC and other
related SAB improvements.
c. For Paying Taxes, GML suggested to present/discuss improvements on the online
facility from BIR and/or SSS
d. Signing of the MOA on e-payment service between LBL and QC LGU. Also, NCC will
draft a letter of information for Pag-IBIG and Philhealth for their marketing collaterals.
16. The meeting was adjourned at 04:30 p.m. and follow-up meeting was scheduled on April
14 to finalize press conference program.

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