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State of SMEs in Pakistan

In the industrial development of a country the importance of the SME sector
cannot be overemphasized. SMEs constitute nearly 90% of all the
enterprises in Pakistan; employ 80% of the non-agricultural labor force; and
their share in the annual GDP is 40%, approximately. However, unlike large
enterprises in the formal sector, a small and medium enterprise is
constrained by financial and other resources. This inherent characteristic of
an SME makes it imperative that there should be a mechanism through
which it may get support in different functions of business including technical
upgradation, marketing, financial and human resource training &
SMEDA is the flagship organization of Pakistan which is providing the
necessary services to help SMEs overcome the weaknesses that are
endogenous to their very nature. It is an autonomous body working under
the umbrella of the Ministry of Industries & Production and contributes
towards the growth and development of SMEs in Pakistan through:
(i) the creation of a conducive and enabling regulatory environment;
(ii) development of industrial clusters;
(iii) and the provision of Business Development Services to SMEs in all areas
of business management.
Adhering to a clear mandate and a logical path to achieve quantitatively
verifiable targets, SMEDA carries out comprehensive analyses of
international trends, national policies and other macroeconomic factors
affecting SMEs in Pakistan for a gradual progress towards the creation of a
favorable business environment for its key clients the SMEs of Pakistan. At
the same time, we also interact with the SMEs working in industrial sectors
such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Textiles, Handloom Weaving, Transport,
Leather, Marble & Granite, Carpets and Light Engineering. This interaction
takes place at the individual as well as collective level to provide proactive
and responsive financial, technical, management and marketing services to
At the collective level SMEDA addresses the problems and needs of SMEs in
the form of an industrial cluster a concentration of largely homogenous
enterprises within a certain geographical area. SMEDA interacts with the
stakeholders operating in such clusters on a regular basis and collects first
hand information about their problems and needs. During this interaction,
the issues are prioritized and the important problems are selected for
detailed working through which the projects/programs are identified.

SME support through cluster development program is provided on two

1. Regulations and policy level support
2. Institutional & networking support
In the policy level support, problems related to any Government department
or Government policy/regulation are studied and, if found valid, are
advocated with the concerned authorities. At the institutional level, SMEDA
provides support to SMEs by creating networking amongst the concerned
stakeholders or by directly starting development projects in the clusters.
Such projects may include establishing a training institute, building a
common facility centre, building a model plant with state-of-the-art
technology for SMEs to emulate through reverse engineering. These projects
also include upgrading technology in a particular industrial sector and
starting a program-lending scheme for this purpose in collaboration with the
financial institutions.
Up to now, SMEDA has been involved in cluster development projects in the
areas of Boat Modification in Marine Fishery Sector, Credit for Auto Vendors,
Carpet Weaving, Marble & Granite, Dates & Apples Processing, Wooden
Furniture, Leather Garments, Ceramic Kilns, Cotton Ginning, and Glass
Bangles Cluster.
Some of the important cluster development projects undertaken by SMEDA
1. Ginning Technology Up-Gradation
2. Program Lending For Power Looms
3. Computer Aided Design Centre (Common Facility Centre-Sialkot)
4. Designing Institute for Garments (Peshawar)
5. Accessories Sector Study
6. Development of Handloom Cluster
Horticulture/Fruits and Vegetables
7. Establishment of Cool-Chain Agriculture Export Processing Zone
8. Fruit Processing Facility (NWFP in Collaboration with EPB)
9. Assistance to Set Up Horticulture Export Board
10. Revitalization of Sunflo Cit-Russ for Citrus Cluster Development.
11. Apple Treatment Plant in Balochistan (Co-Ordination with EPB)
12. Program Lending Boat/Engine Modification, Gwadar District
13. Establishment Of Shrimp Farms
14. Fish Processing Facility In Gwadar (Feasibility Study)
Granite & Marble
15. Export Warehouse Marble (Azakhel NWFP)

16. Establishment of Model Quarry and Training Institute Marble

17. Joint Ventures and Technology Transfer Arrangements (NWFP)
18. Five New Gem Mines To Be Operationalized (NWFP)
19. Lapidaries Program Lending (NWFP)
20. Glass & Ceramics
21. Ceramics Kiln Up-Gradation: Common Facility Centre, Gujrat
22. Sanitary Ware & Pottery Sector Kiln Up-Gradation
23. Bangles Kiln Up-Gradation (Hyderabad)
24. Agri-Mall One Stop Shop for Agriculture Inputs
25. Support Services for Agricultural Credit (SSAC)
26. Establishment of 3 Private Sector Warehousing & Trade Promotion
Facilities in Afghanistan
The third area of SMEDAs functioning is the provision of Business
Development Services to SMEs. For this purpose we have set up Helpdesks
in all four of our regional offices where any SME in need of SMEDAs services
can simply walk in and obtain over the counter products such as Project
Briefs, Pre-feasibility Studies and Regulatory Procedures, along with advice
on specific problems. SMEDA Helpdesk Services include:
Assistance in Raising Finance.
Financial Advice.
Project Identification.
Business Plan Development.
Technical Advice.
Marketing Advice (Branding, Labeling, Packaging, Distribution, Promotion,
Company Incorporation, Export Registration, & Regulatory Advice.
Sales Tax, Custom Duty, Excise Duty, etc.
Electronic Commerce Support.
Business Matchmaking.
Accounting & Bookkeeping Services.
Information Services (Library, Databases, Project Briefs, Pre-feasibility
Studies, Business Guidebooks).
As a part of its Business Development Services, SMEDA also provides Human
Resource Training services by conducting extensive training need analysis of
different SME clusters. SMEDA has so far conducted more than 230 training
courses and workshops focusing on developing sector specific skills.
SMEDA, envisions to become a model of public-private partnership for better
facilitation of the small & medium enterprises in Pakistan through the
creation of a more equitable, transparent and conducive regulatory

environment for the businessmen. SMEDA believes in synthesizing homegrown solutions to the problems of SMEs, based on global information and
local wisdom achieved through cross-country analysis, experience of
indigenous entrepreneurs and constraints of the governme

Development of Small and Medium Enterprises during pre

nationalization period in Pakistan: issues, challenges and remedies
Dr. Soomro Riaz H.*, Dr. Aziz Farooq**
*Assistant Professor, Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences, Hamdard
University, Karachi
**Assistant Professor, Business Administration Department, Federal Urdu
University of Arts, Science & Technology, Karachi
Online published on 24 January, 2015.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play significant role in economic
development of the country. There are approximately 3200,000 SMEs in
Pakistan contributing significantly towards the improvement of the socio
economic conditions of the country. The nationalization process began on
January 2, 1972 in Pakistan was a policy measure programme with objective
to improve the economy of Pakistan. This process began after the separation
of East and West Pakistan therefore economic development could vary
during these periods. The objective of this study was to review the
development of SMEs in general and apparel SMEs in particular before the
nationalization process in Pakistan. This was an exploratory study and data
was collected through secondary sources provided. The study was
qualitative in nature. The deductive approach was used for the data analysis.
This study found that importance of the small and medium enterprise
realized in the early years of independence. The common issues and
challenges during this period were lack of financing facilities, raw material
availability, outdated machines used for the production, marketing, market
knowledge, location of SMEs, modernization and expansion of SMEs, to
improve the technological, economic and social conditions, development of
relationship between small and medium enterprises. The issue issues and
challenges of textile and apparel sector were not different. The solutions
were provided to solve these problems yet at the end the problems were
same. Overall non serious attitude of the Government of Pakistan towards
the development of small and medium enterprise was observed during pre
nationalization period.

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