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Hildur Jackson, from Denmark, reports on the growing ecovillage movement

in Japan and records her impressions of this fascinating country.

he newest ecovillage Above: it work this way? Will Japan once Happily, I let go of my
network, NEN (Nippon A traditional again surprise the world by taking fears and experienced a Japan,
Ecovillage Network), village outside a good idea and carrying it out where the old, highly evolved
has just been created in Japan, Hiroshima. quickly and professionally, much culture is still cherished and
and is about to start building faster than in other countries? felt throughout. We met
its first ecovillage in Shiga Only time will tell. But they are modest, friendly, quiet, polite
District, just outside of Kyoto. enthusiastic and eager to be part people everywhere and there
It will be situated on 12 hectares of the international network. was no noise in the streets at
(30 acres) of land near lake night in Kyoto with its two
Biwa, the biggest lake in Japan. JAPAN TODAY million considerate inhabitants.
Roughly 250 houses are planned Arriving in Tokyo on 4th I was struck by the focus on
and eight young designers of November after 11 hours in cleanliness, from taxi seats
various educational backgrounds a plane from Denmark, I was covered with white lace, white
(architects, farmers, landscape filled with anticipation and fear. gloves for the steering wheel,
designers, biologists) have been This is the country where the constant hot towels packed in
hired by the real estate deve- first nuclear bomb was dropped. plastic to wash our hands, free
lopers group, Akimura, to do the This is also, however, the place Kleenex distributed at train
design and be the core residents Below: of a post World War II economic stations, to the washing of floors
of the ecovillage. Hildur Jackson. miracle. After an unprecedented in trains after each trip. The
In quite the opposite to all growth in population, however, food was exquisitely served in a
other countries we know of, the they are now in the twelfth variety of small bowls and plates
ecovillage movement in Japan year of economic stagnation. on trays of colored lacquer and,
started from the top down – a My husband, Ross Jackson, of course, eaten with chopsticks.
developer in co-operation with and I were invited to be part Every meal seemed to include
local politicians initiated and of inaugurating the Japanese raw fish. Frequent rain showers
planned the first ecovillage. Will network. made umbrellas an essential part

26 Permaculture Magazine No. 36

of the daily outfit, and umbrella years before Europe and the
stands are found in front of all USA. Now they are looking for
hotels, stores and houses. new models.”
From Tokyo, we immediately
took the Shinkansen, a bullet AKIMURA-SAN
train, to Kyoto, 400km (250 & THE YOUNG GROUP
miles) south. The electronic One evening we were taken to a
notice above the door indicated formal dinner given by Akimura-
a speed of up to 300km (186 san, a major real estate developer
miles) an hour. The landscape and initiator of the first Japanese
is covered with concrete houses ecovillage, Kobunaki, about to
and overhead power lines, but be started this year. His son,
when it becomes a little more Takashi, is leader of the young
rural you see small rice fields group of eight. On the way we
and vegetable gardens and many had an hour’s meeting with the
traditional houses with glazed chief planners of the 2005 World
tile roofs, with the corners often Expo to be held in Aichi, Japan
decorated with tile dragons. with sustainable communities as Above: except for group facilitation and
Traditional houses typically have one of the three main themes. The young conflict resolution. They had
parchment sliding doors, rice The restaurant is new but group with been carefully chosen from five
mats on the floor, low tables looks very traditional and Hildur. thousand university graduates,
and offer a traditional Japanese beautiful. It is designed by one and six out of eight are women!
lifestyle. of the ‘young people’, a slim, How the rest of the residents of
Japanese gardens are found tall Japanese woman architect, the first ecovillage will be found
everywhere with trees trimmed Sonoe Koshimuzu. is not yet resolved.
to be decorative and not I was discreetly asked by The group are creating a
for shade. I could not help Akimura-san to sit with the new model for ecovillages not
constantly recalling the line ‘young group’ of potential seen before, and they will have
from somewhere, “It is nature ecovillagers during dinner at a to invent their way as they go.
still, but nature methodized.” side table, while Ross and Bernard Akimura as landowner, initiator,
Japan is self-sufficient in rice were seated in a big square in the father and funder is a real strength,
but imports 70% of its food center of the room with the host but he comes from a traditional
for the 130 million inhabitants. and local dignitaries. I happily Above: property developer’s background
With many of the big companies proposed a round introducing Terraced and that could be the Achilles
moving to mainland China, the ourselves, our backgrounds farming. heel. How do you develop real
Japanese are vulnerable and and our dreams and passions. democracy and equality under
they are on the lookout for new We had a great time sharing, Below: such circumstances?
models and ideas. As economist laughing and dreaming together. Akimura-san
and social innovator, Bernard The round revealed that the and his son, HITTING THE WALL
Lietaer1 put it, “They have hit team covers all the relevant Takashi Bernard Lietaer explains as we
the wall economically, just some aspects of ecovillage design, Akimura. sit down in the evening in the
hotel lobby, “Japan is the first of
the major economies to hit the
wall of structural development.
The standard explanation of the
Japanese situation is manage-
ment and lack of reforms. But
things are structural when they
do not improve with business as
usual. So what are the structural
“Firstly, the age wave (many
old people) will not go away.
Secondly, jobless growth will not
go away and new technologies
will just make it worse. Thirdly,
the environmental crises
will not go away and neither
will monetary instability. 87
countries have gone through a
major monetary crisis over the
past 25 years. Japan has all these
problems. So does the US and
Europe. It is a world problem. No. 36 Permaculture Magazine 27

HIROSHIMA’S ECOVILLAGE and we can share our concern
STRATEGY – PEACE WORK OF and anguish for the future.
THE FUTURE An ecovillage world would be
400km (250 miles) further much more decentralized, more
south, we arrived by Shinkansen reliant on renewable energy,
in Hiroshima and were taken and less dependent on oil and
immediately to a brainstorming the enormous power centers
meeting with city officials, a local that result from a fossil energy
think tank, the peace movement world. It would thus be more
and big business. They wanted to peaceful. Ken seems to know
hear our ideas on how to promote everybody and be capable of
peace. Everything in the city is minor miracles.
new – naturally! They want to
learn about ecovillages with the JAPANESE HOSPITALITY
Chronologically, they were first Above: idea of making ecovillages their Our visit was carefully planned
hit in 1990. Europe started in Meeting at new peace strategy. with many different contacts
1995 and the US in 2001. Hiroshima Since the bomb, peace and a rich program. We saw the
“In Europe we still believe it is prefecture work has been very prominent Peace Museum with many
not structural and that things will with local city in Hiroshima. Ken Kenichi deeply moving photos of how it
improve, but the Industrial Age is administration, (Ken) Kawamura is behind all looked then – before and after
dying. Japan is waking up saying: think-tank and this initiative and has got the the atom bomb. We were then
this is a structural problem. We business people. city administration and the taken to an old, beautiful Shinto
need to invent new ways of local business community to Shrine built on the waterfront
organizing society. This is co-operate. He is an of Miya-jima island, a major
now accepted in Japan. But impressive personality. oyster area.
there is not yet consensus Born in Hiroshima, The next day, the leader
on the new development he went into a Zen of the Hiroshima think-tank,
mode. So everybody is monastery at the age of 18, Hamamoto-san, took us into
trying new models.” giving up a promising the mountains to see traditional
Bernard expects that in professional tennis villages and get a feeling of the
five years Europe will have career. After half a year of traditional Japan. The forests in
the same realization that we meditating daily for nine the mountains were glowing in
need to find new solutions hours, he could feel and red and yellow colors. The old
to structural problems and hear nature and decided villages in the mountains are just
find new definitions of to make conservation beautiful and the people still live
what development is. “The a major purpose of his from terrace farming the steep
Japanese are more open life. He now teaches at mountain slopes. A neighbor
to radical new ideas like two universities, as well warned us as we approached
the ecovillage model and as being on the board of some old mud houses reinforced
complementary currencies several venture capital by bamboo, “There are evil
because they have tried all companies and of the spirits lurking in the houses”.
the conventional solutions in Above centre: E-Square consultancy (Ecology We heard later that there are
the early 1990s and they have Ross with Ken and Economy = E2) and NEN. plans to make the whole valley
not worked. The Japanese came Kawamura I was deeply moved by the a heritage area.
to me, as they did to you, on and Michiyo people there. They have really Hamamoto-san invited us to
their own initiative, asking for washing hands embraced the ecovillage vision his home on the way back, an
a Japanese version of both my before entering
books. I did not even have an the sacred
agent. They are organizing a Shinto Shrine at
symposia on complementary Miya-jima.
currencies. The most powerful
planning organization in Japan
– the Meti (government and
business) – wants to experiment
with complementary currencies.
Japan has the greatest number of
such systems in the world (4,000
systems in all have been created
in 20 years). What we see now
are the first simple models, which Right:
will look primitive in 10 years’ Ross visiting
time just like the Wright brothers’ the site of the
first attempt at flying. Later they new ecovillage,
will be more refined.” Kobunaki.

28 Permaculture Magazine No. 36

unusual gesture in Japan. Four this may make all the difference.
generations live in adjacent Many developers are ready
houses linked by beautiful to start projects, we are told.
vegetable gardens in the middle When the Japanese decide to do
of the city. It appears to be a something, it really happens.
well functioning community. It is So we will be watching!
just 3km (2 miles) from the
epicenter. People here ran into 1 In the late 1980s, Bernard
the forest behind the houses to Lietaer helped formulate the
survive when the bomb fell, we Gaia Trust strategy with Trust
were told. founders, Hildur and Ross
The consensus feeling among Jackson. Together they agreed
our many Japanese friends is on a strategy that would create
more space for Yin, the female
aspect (how we relate to each Above: promote a global consciousness
other and nature and organize Kiytaka that experiences the whole planet
community) and let Yang Hamamoto, as a living organism of which
(technology and economy) his mother-in- human beings are a part of the
play a supportive role. law and Ross whole. They have pioneered the
This later became the Gaia outside the Global Ecovillage Network, an
Trust’s ecovillage strategy. mini-community alliance of ecovillage projects all
Bernard has now developed for four over the world and are engaged
this perspective further in generations. in developing new paradigms
that ecovillages will take off in his books, The Future of which create a sustainable and
Japan. They still have a deeply Money and The Mystery of just society.
grounded feeling of community, Money. They have both been Left: Hildur edited Creating
a respect for nature and the translated into Japanese. Bamboo and Harmony – Conflict Resolution
need for balance and harmony. mud buildings in Community and co-authored
Because Japan is the only Hildur and Ross Jackson founded in a remote Ecovillage Living – Restoring the
industrialized country that still the Gaia Trust in 1987, a Danish village in the Earth and Her People with
has its traditional villages intact, charity whose objective is to mountains. Karen Svensson. No. 36 Permaculture Magazine 29

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