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Theteacheristhepsychiatrist(IcallmyselfGillianConnersfromHarvard). The students
are the characters they have prepared, using the character sketch sheet.
In the first part of the scene, get the students to introduce themselves to each other as a
group. One by one, they state their names, their past, and their problems. The
psychiatrist then shows the poison pen letter and says she knows who sent it, and she is
not afraid.
In the second part, pair off the students, preferably by similar problems. This is the
should part of the exercise. Each student tells his or her partner a little bit more about
the problems s/he is having and the parter needs to give three pieces of advice. You
should go out more, for instance. After they have had enough time, ask each student to
tell the best piece of advice s/he received: He said I should go out more.
In the third part, pair the students again, with a new partner. Each pair examines the
doodles and the artist tries to "explain" why s/he has drawn them. The partner must have
a different explanation-- get the pairs to talk about their favorite drawing in front of the
class and what the drawing means. After the last doodle has been described, the
psychiatrist suddenly keels over, dead-- poisoned!
The Murder Investigation
Hand each student one of the Round One cards and give a number each student can
wear on his/her back. The students read the round one cards carefully. They do NOT
carry them around. They must try to remember the details. Explain that you are the
investigator (as well as students 13-16). Tell the students that since they were all
witnesses, they need to help by saying what they saw and heard. The students mingle and
speak together about their clues. After ten minutes, one student dies! You can then pull
out the additional clues, like another mysterious letter, or a knife with fingerprints, or
poisoned candy (get a student to try some) or a tape with mysterious voices use your
imagination! The students then vote in pairs who they think the killer is.
Part two
Hand out the Round two cards. Again the students read them. Start round two. Again,
after 10 minutes, two students die. Pull out more clues and let the students vote. Keep a
tally of all votes.
Part three
Hand out the Round three cards. Again the students read them. Start round three.
Again, after 10 minutes, one student dies. Pull out more clues and let the students vote.
Keep a tally of all votes. Whichever student has the most votes is the killer. If they have
voted for number one (the real killer) that student must confess. Otherwise, the student
must say, I am innocent!!

Murder trial
Whoever was voted the killer is now on trial. If that person was innocent, they should
plead innocent. Otherwise, if the students picked the killer, who confessed, that person
should plead innocent by reasons of insanity.
Hand out the courtroom vocabulary.
You are both the judge and the court clerk. Ask for volunteers for the following roles:
Four lawyers (two prosecution, two defense.) Divide the remainder of the class into
defense witnesses and prosecution witnesses. The defense team must figure out a defense
for the defendant: The other side has to find a motive for the crime. The students can be
ANYONE now: the mother, the father, a psychiatrist it is up to the students.
Give both sides lots of time to prepare their cases; it should be about 20 minutes. During
this time they decide on witnesses, make exhibits, and think of questions.
HOWEVER, their case can change by whatever the other side does. If the prosecution
has a mother called to the stand first, then the defense, if they also have a mother, will
have to change their witness. This is a very noisy trial. The witnesses give the lawyers
suggestions and help throughout. The only person they cant talk to is the person on the
stand, who is on their own!
Unlike a real court case, the sides take turns to call witnesses. First do the opening
statements. (The prosecution then calls its first witness, and questions him/her. The
defense cross-examines, etc. Then the defense calls a witness.)
Everything must be accepted. The students cannot argue that the psychiatrist is not
qualified. If the students hand the judge a blank piece of paper and say its an x-ray, that
is what it is.
Rules of the trial:
Everything is accepted as true. You may have to change your case!
Feel free to help the lawyers. Talk to them
HAVE FUN! Dont get mad. Its a language game, not a competition.
After the trial is over, do the closing statements and then decide the verdict. (Usually if
the defendant is the real murderer, I find that person guilty and give them the electric
chair. All characters say goodbye one by one. If the defendant was actually innocent, I
try to find that person innocent.

Go to the internet and find out the meaning of the vocabulary below:
I was feeling very depressed last night. I think I suffer from depression.
He has a lot of manias. He suffers from kleptomania and egomania.
Im really phobic about enclosed spaces. I think I have claustrophobia. But strangely
enough, I also have agoraphobia.
For years Ive suffered from OCD. I have both obsessions and compulsions.
My doctor says she thinks Im neurotic!
I get hysterical very easily.
Choose one of these words and find out the symptoms. If you wish, your character could
have one of these problems.
Look up MANIA or PHOBIA on the internet. See if you can find one that would fit your
character. For instance, arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Be prepared to explain
your problem during the group therapy session.


Past life-- something that affected your life to make you see a psychiatrist.

Present life: job, quirks, problems

Why would you want to kill the psychiatrist?

Prepare five doodles that your character might draw

Dear Con ,
you are a
#$?!*% and
will di-ie
love, your killer



Card one
You are the murderer.
You need to keep this
quiet, of course. Go
around and talk to as
many people as you
can, giving them this
false lead. You saw
someone park a car
in front of the
doctors office and
enter 5 minutes
before the session.
The car was pink, a
Cadillac convertible
with two doors. The
person was wearing
jeans. Tell this to as
many people as you
Card five
You are pretty sure
you know who the
killer is. Thats
because you saw
someone early this
morning drive up to
the doctors office,
carrying flowers that
looked poisonous.
The car was a Volvo
family car, silver,
with four doors. The
person was young,
and wearing jeans.
Tell this information
to as many people as
you can.

Card two
You are feeling very
nervous about the
murder. After all,
you live right next
door to the doctor.
You saw someone
drive up to the
doctors house last
night in a yellow
Volkswagen beetle
that was very old and
beat up. That person
was wearing a grey
coat and carrying a
large flask of yellow
coloured liquid. You
could swear you saw
the person trying to
break into the
doctors office! After
10 minutes, die.
Card six
Youre scared! You
are sure you know
who the killer is.
You suspect # 4.
Why? Because you
saw # 4 enter the
doctors office last
night, carrying a
coffee urn with the
grounds already in it!
There was probably
poison in those
grounds. Plus
number four looks
guilty. Tell this to as
many people as you

Card three
You feel very calm
and collected. Thats
because you know
YOURE not the
killer. You are pretty
sure you saw the
killer enter the
doctors office half an
hour before the
session. That person
was a woman. She
looked a great deal
like the psychiatrist
a daughter maybe?
Some kind of revenge
killing, you figure.
Tell this information
to as many people as
you can.

Card four
You are feeling very
angry about this
situation. You had a
date tonight with a
wonderful person, and
now you will have to
miss it. You dont
understand what is
taking so long to solve
the case. The killer is
a jealous woman. The
doctor has told you in
the past that a jealous
woman was bothering
him/her. Tell this to as
many people as you

Card seven
You are sitting near
the doctors desk,
crying. You secretly
loved the doctor. Cry
this information out to
as many people as
you can. Also tell
them you saw
someone, as you
watched the doctor
day in and day out,
drive to the doctors
office in a yellow car.

Card eight
You cant stand staying
in this stuffy room
another moment! Try
to break out, but only
through a window,
yelling that you cant
take it anymore. Also,
tell people that you are
certain the killer is
person number two,
because you dont like
person number two,
and because they drive
a pink car.

Card nine
You feel very shy
about this case. You
are not sure what to
do. You are pretty
sure you saw person
number one early
this morning driving
around in a yellow
car, and looking at
the doctor as she
walked to work.
But you like number
one, so youre not
sure you should tell.
Tell a selected few
this information.
Card thirteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the
killer is, tell the
chief detective.

Card ten
Quietly pray in the
corner. Tell people
you are praying for
the doctor. You saw
someone driving a
red Honda Accord
three door toward
the doctor this
morning and almost
killed her as she
crossed the street!

Card eleven
You find all of this very
funny. You are
laughing and joking.
But you also need to
give the information
that the doctor only
drank herbal tea. You
are pretty sure you saw
number 8 put a tea bag
in the doctors cup.
Tell this information to
as many people as you

Card twelve
You feel very, very
guilty. After all, you
are a thief. Spend the
time trying to steal
things from the other
suspects. Also tell
everyone that you saw
the doctor stealing
something from
number ten during the

Card fourteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the
killer is, tell the
chief detective.

Card fifteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the killer
is, tell the chief

Card sixteen
You are a detective
Find out everything you
can from the witnesses.
If you KNOW who the
killer is, tell the chief



What have you found out so far?

Clue list (cars, clothing, suspects)

Who do you think is the killer so far?


Card one
You are the still the
murderer, of course.
You want to lead
people on a wildgoose chase, so tell
them that you were a
good friend of the
doctor, and the
doctor told you s/he
was very afraid for
his/her life. Tell this
to as many people as
you can.
Card five
You are pretty sure
you saw number four
talking to the doctor
five minutes before
the murder while
everyone else was
talking about
something else. You
are pretty sure you
overheard number
four threatening the
Card nine
Things are getting
bad for you. Tell
everyone that you
might be the killer
and think you have
suppressed the
Card thirteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the

Card two
You are dead. But
you can still give
information as a
ghost! Tell people
you think the killer
was number six
because you saw
number six holding a
knife, earlier with
gloves on.

Card six
You are even more
scared! Try to get
out of the room is
you can. This is
getting too
worrisome. You are
sure you saw
someone dressed
exactly like number
five carrying a knife
earlier in the week!
Card ten
You are starting to
get irritated at the
detective/s. Tell
people that you
think the killer/s are
probably the
Card fourteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. .

Card three
You still feel very
calm and collected.
The doctor told you
s/he was pretty sure
number one wanted
her dead. She wasnt
sure why, but she
received a nasty letter
from number one
threatening her. Tell
this to as many people
as you can. After 10
minutes, die.
Card seven
You have suddenly
become very brave.
Go over to number six
and comfort that
person. Tell everyone
about number eight
telling you s/he is the

Card four
You are feeling very
angry about this
situation, but starting
to get nervous. Your
date was with number
two! Tell this to as
many people as you
can. Also tell them
you saw number seven
holding a dangerous
weapon. After number
3 dies, die.
Card eight
You have decided that
person number nine is
very attractive. Tell
everyone in the room
that you know such an
attractive person could
not be a killer.

Card eleven
You are starting to feel
guilty. After all, long
ago, you had an affair
with the doctor. Tell
everyone this

Card twelve
Keep trying to rob
people. Tell them as
well that you are pretty
sure number one was
taken out of the
doctors will.

Card fifteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the

Card sixteen
You are a detective
Find out everything you
can from the witnesses.



What have you found out so far?

Clue list (cars, clothing, suspects)

Who do you think is the killer so far?


Card one
You are the still the
murderer. You need
to keep this quiet, of
course. Tell people
you are pretty sure
the killer is the child
of the doctor. But
you dont know
which of the suspects
was the doctors son.
You saw this in the
doctors will.
Card five
You are starting to
realize that the
person you saw this
morning was number
one! Tell as many
people as fast as you
can! After ten
minutes, die.
Card nine
You are starting to
think that everyone
is going to die. Tell
people that you are
pretty sure number
six is the killer
because s/he looks
scary. But also say
you know that
number one wrote
up the doctors will.
Card thirteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the
killer is, tell the
chief detective.

Card two
You are dead. But
you can still give
information as a
ghost! Tell people
you saw number one
the other day,
purchasing a gun and
a knife.

Card three
You are dead. But
you can still give
information as a
ghost. Tell people
you think number 4
was the killer and has
committed suicide to
cover up the fact.

Card four
You are dead. But you
can still give
information as a ghost.
Tell people you think
number seven is the
killer. You have
learned in the afterlife
that number 7 was in
love with the doctor.

Card six
You have decided
that the detectives are
idiots. Tell people
you saw the detective
dating number one
the other day..

Card seven
You are crying again.
You are yelling that
the end of the world is
near. You think
number three is the
killer and committed

Card eight
You have fallen in love
with all the detectives.
Tell them you once
sold number one a
yellow car. You are
also sure number one
is the relative of the
Card twelve
You are starting to feel
guilty and afraid.
Return anything you
have stolen with an
apology. Also tell
people you saw number
one enter the doctors
office before the
murder. Number one
paid you not to tell.

Card ten
You have decided to
start living it up.
Pull out some gin
and start drinking.
Also tell people that
you think the killer
is whoever keeps
trying to steal from
the others.

Card eleven
You are very
disappointed in the
situation. You love
your life and dont
want to die. You are
pretty sure that number
six is the killer because
s/he told you once s/he
hated the doctor.

Card fourteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the
killer is, tell the
chief detective.

Card fifteen
You are a detective
Find out everything
you can from the
witnesses. If you
KNOW who the killer
is, tell the chief

Card sixteen
You are a detective
Find out everything you
can from the witnesses.
If you KNOW who the
killer is, tell the chief



What have you found out so far?

Clue list (cars, clothing, suspects)

Who do you think is the killer so far?

Judge (your honor)




The defense
The prosecution
The defendant

Witness stand

Objections (I object,
your honor!)
a) Leading the
b) Hearsay
c) Irrelevant
d) Harassing the
Do you swear to tell the
truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?
Opening statement
Closing statement
Contempt of court

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