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93 U.S.

23 L.Ed. 965


October Term, 1876

APPEALS from the Court of Claims.

The first case was argued by Mr. Walter H. Smith for the appellant, and
by Mr. Solicitor-General Phillips for the appellee. The second case was
argued by Mr. Thomas H. Talbot and Mr. E. R. Hoar for the appellant,
and by Mr. Solicitor-General Phillips for the appellee.
MR. JUSTICE BRADLEY delivered the opinion of the court.

Congress, in most of the legislative acts by which it has made donations of the
public lands to the States in which they lie for the purpose of aiding in the
construction of railroads, has stipulated that the railroads so aided shall be
public highways for the use of the government, free from all tolls or other
charge for transportation of its property or troops. The question has arisen
between the railroad companies owning these roads and the officers of the
government, whether this reservation includes the free use of the roads alone,
or transportation also. The companies claim, that, if they give to the
government the free use of their roads, it is all that is required of them. The
government claims that it is entitled to have free transportation on the roads,
and that it is the duty of the companies to perform it; and Congress has refused
compensation for such transportation, giving the companies, however, the right
to appeal to the Court of Claims. That court having been applied to, and having
decided adversely to the companies, they have appealed to this court, and the
cases are now before us for consideration.

The manner in which the question arises is stated with sufficient accuracy by
the counsel of one of the appellant companies, as follows:

'Was the plaintiff, by reason of being a land-grant railroad, bound to transport

the troops and property of the United States, free of charge, or had she a right to
a reasonable compensation for such services. . . .

'The act of May 5, 1864 (13 Stat. 64), made a grant of land, in the usual form,
to the State of Minnesota, to aid in the construction of plaintiff's road. That act
contained the following provisions: 'And the said railroad shall be, and remain,
a public highway for the use of the government of the United States, free from
all toll or other charge for [upon] the transportation of any property or troops of
the United States.' Sect. 5, p. 65. The seventh section provides,

"That the United States mail shall be transported over said road, under the
direction of the Post-Office Department, at such price as Congress may, by law,
direct: Provided, that, until such price is fixed by law, the Postmaster-General
shall have the power to determine the same.''By the act of Congress of June 16,
1874 (18 Stat. 74), making appropriations for the army for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1875, it was provided, 'That no part of the money appropriated
by this act shall be paid to any railroad company for the transportation of any
property or troops of the United States over any railroad which, in whole or in
part, was constructed by the aid of a grant of public land, on the condition that
such railroad should be a public highway for the use of the government of the
United States, free from toll or other charge, or upon any other conditions for
the use of such road for such transportation; nor shall any allowance be made
out of any money appropriated by this act for the transportation of officers of
the army over any such road when on duty, and under orders, as a military
officer of the United States. But nothing herein contained shall be construed as
preventing any such railroad from bringing a suit in the Court of Claims for the
charges for such transportation, and recovering the same, if found entitled
thereto by virtue of the laws in force prior to the passage of this act.' . . .

'The case turns upon the construction that should be given to the clause in the
act of 1864, which declares that 'the said railroad shall be, and remain, a public
highway for the use of the government of the United States, free from all toll or
other charge for [upon] the transportation of any property or troops of the
United States."

And the counsel for the appellants analyzes this provision as follows:

'This is a legislative declaration of three things: 1. That the railroad shall be a

public highway. 2. That the United States shall have the right to use the same
for the transportation of its troops and property. 3. That the United States, in the
transportation of its troops and property over such railroad as a public highway,
shall not be required to pay toll or other charge.'

It is somewhat singular that a provision apparently so simple in its terms should

give rise to such a wide difference of opinion as to its true construction. The
difficulty arises from the peculiar character of a railway as a means of public
travel and transportation. The case of a turnpike or a canal would have
furnished no difficulty whatever. Those thoroughfares are usually constructed
and owned by companies who have nothing to do with transportation thereon.
They merely furnish the thoroughfare. Had the provision in question related to
public works of this kind, it would have been clear that the right reserved to the
government would have been merely the right to use the works themselves (the
turnpike or the canal) free from toll. The words 'free from all toll or other
charge for the transportation of property or troops' would have referred, by
necessary implication, to transportation performed by the government itself,
either in its own carriages or vessels, or in carriages or vessels procured and
employed at its expense. No one would imagine for a moment that the turnpike
or canal company would be bound to furnish the means of transportation, much
less the propelling power and labor for performing it.


Indeed, Congress has, in several instances, commencing as far back as 1824,

made donations of right of way, or grants of land, for canals and turnpikes, and
has made almost the exact reservation contained in the railroad grants. The first
was that made May 26, 1824, authorizing the State of Indiana to connect the
Wabash River with the Miami of Lake Erie; and the reservation was in these
words: 'And provided further, that the said canal when completed shall be and
for ever remain a public highway for the use of the government of the United
States, free from any toll or charge whatever, for any property of the United
States, or persons in their service in public business, passing through the same.'
4 Stat. 47.


On the 2d of March; 1827, an act, with precisely the same reservation, was
passed, making a grant of land to the State of Illinois, to aid in opening a canal
to unite the waters of the Illinois River with those of Lake Michigan. 4 Stat.
234. On the 2d of March, 1833, an amendment to this act was passed, which
declared 'that the lands granted to the State of Illinois, by the act to which this
is an amendment, may be used and disposed of by said State for the purpose of
making a railroad, instead of a canal, as in said act contemplated; . . . Provided,

that if a railroad is made in place of a canal, the State of Illinois shall be subject
to the same duties and obligations, and the government of the United States
shall be entitled to and have the same privileges on said railroad, which they
would have had through the canal if it had been opened.' Evidently the only
thing reserved in this case was the use of the road.

It will be observed that the last-cited act was passed in 1833, when railroads
were about being introduced as means of public communication in this country.
It is undoubtedly familiar to most of those whose recollection goes back to that
period, that railroads were generally expected to be public highways, on which
every man who could procure the proper carriages and apparatus would have
the right to travel. This was the understanding in England, where they
originated. The Railway Clauses Consolidation Act, passed in 1842, provided
in detail for the use of railways by all persons who might choose to put
carriages thereon, upon payment of the tolls demandable, subject to the
provisions of the statute and the regulations of the company. Acts of 5 & 6
Vict. c. 55. And suits were sustained to compel railway companies to keep up
their roads for the use of the public. King v. Severn R. Co., 2 B. & A. 646;
Queen v. Grand Junction, 4 Q. B. 18; 2 Redf. sect. 249; Pierce's American
Railway Law, 519. Most of the early railroad charters granted in this country
were framed upon the same idea Thus the charter of the Mohawk and Hudson
Railroad Company, granted by the legislature of New York in 1826 (which was
one of the earliest), after giving the company power to construct the road,
provided as follows:


'And shall have power to regulate the time and manner in which goods and
passengers shall be transported, taken, and carried on the same, as well as the
manner in which they shall collect tolls and dues on account of transportation
and carriage, and shall have power to erect and maintain toll-houses and other
buildings for the accommodation of their concerns.' Laws of 1826, p. 289.


In subsequent charters, granted in 1828 and succeeding years, the intent is still
more plainly expressed. Thus, in the charter of the Ithaca and Owego Railroad
Company, it is provided:


'Sect. 9. The said corporation shall have power to determine the width and
dimensions of the said railroad; to regulate the time and manner in which goods
and passengers shall be transported thereon; and the manner of collecting tolls
for such transportation; and to erect and maintain toll-houses, &c. Sect. 11. The
said corporation may demand and receive from all persons using or travelling
upon said rail the following tolls; to wit, for every ton weight of goods, &c.,
three cents per mile for every mile the same shall pass upon the said road, and a

ratable proportion for any greater or less quantity; for every pleasure-carriage,
or carriage used for the conveyance of passengers, three cents per mile, in
addition to the toll by weight upon the loading. Sect. 12. All persons paying the
toll aforesaid may, with suitable and proper carriages, use and travel upon the
said railroad, subject to such rules and regulations as the said corporation are
authorized to make by the ninth section of this act.' Laws of 1828, p. 17.

Substantially the same provisions were contained in other charters granted in

1828 and 1829. Laws of 1828, pp. 197, 228, 296, 307, 403, 474; Laws of 1829,
p. 252. In 1830 and subsequent years, an abbreviated formula was employed,
but still apparently recognizing the possible use of the roads by the public;
giving, amongst other things, express power to regulate the time and manner in
which goods and passengers should be transported thereon, and power to erect
toll-houses, &c. So in the early charters granted by the legislature of
Massachusetts, it was usual, after granting a toll upon all passengers and
property conveyed or transported upon the road, to provide that the
transportation of persons and property, the construction of wheels, the form of
cars and carriages, the weight of loads, &c., should be in conformity to such
rules, regulations, and provisions as the directors should prescribe, and that the
road might be used by any persons who should comply with such rules and
regulations. This formula was continued down to 1835. See 2 Railroad Laws
and Charters, pp. 41, 60, 67, 77, 95, 103, 117, 124, 132, 141, 166, 195, 215.
Like provisions were inserted in various charters granted by the legislature of
Maine, some as late as the year 1837; and in 1842 a general law was passed,
requiring every railroad company whose road should be connected with that of
another company to draw over their road the cars of such other company; and,
on refusal so to do, the latter company was authorized to run its cars, with its
own locomotives over such road, being subject to the general regulations
thereof. See 1 id. 8, 22, 60, 63, 77, 310. Similar provisions as to the use of
railroads by the public are contained in several early charters granted by the
legislature of New Hampshire, coming down to a period as late as 1844. Id.
325, 335, 343, 364, 378, 411. In that year a statute was passed, entitled 'An Act
to render railroad corporations public in certain cases,' &c., by one section of
which it was provided, that said corporations, whenever thereto required by the
legislature, should permit all persons to run locomotives and cars on their road.
Id. p. 648.


In New Jersey, not only did the railroad charters contain provisions similar to
those above quoted with regard to the authority of the directors to regulate the
construction of carriages to be used on their roads, the weight of loads to be
carried, the times of starting and the rate of speed, but expressly declared that
such roads should be public highways. See Charter of Camden and Amboy

Railroad Company, Feb. 4, 1830. The charter of the New Jersey Railroad,
passed in 1832, distinguished between tolls for transportation in the cars of the
company and those of other persons; and provided that no farmer should be
required to pay any toll for the transportation of the produce of his farm to
market in his own carriage, weighing not more than one ton, when the load did
not exceed one thousand pounds.

The charter of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company, granted by the
legislature of Pennsylvania in 1832, expressly made the road a public highway,
and contained various provisions adapted to a road of that character; and no
doubt similar provisions were contained in other charters granted in that State.


In the case of Boyle v. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, 54 Penn.

310, decided in 1867, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania held that the charter
of the latter company made the road a public highway, on which all persons
might place vehicles of transportation on conforming to the regulations of the
company; and that in limiting the amount of 'tolls' demandable for
transportation on the road, the legislature had reference to 'tolls' charged to
other parties using the road, and not to the freights or charges for transportation
which the company itself was authorized to demand when performing


In Missouri, as late as the year 1847, the legislature, when incorporating the
Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company, subjected it to the same
restrictions and gave to it the same privileges before imposed and conferred on
the Louisiana and Columbia Railroad Company, created in 1837; amongst
which was the following: namely, 'that the company should have power to
prescribe the kind of carriage to be used on its road, by whom, whether to be
propelled by steam or other power, all cars being subject to the discretion of the
company, and no person to put any carriage on the road without its permission;
and the company was authorized to charge tolls and freight for the
transportation of persons, commodities, or carriages on the road; and it was
declared that the State and the United States should have the right, in time of
war, to use said road in transportation of troops or munitions of war in
preference to all other persons.' Missouri Railroad Laws, pp. 8-13. In reference
to this railroad (among others), Congress, in 1852, made a grant of land to the
State of Missouri, with the same reservation now under consideration, 'that the
said railroads shall be and remain public highways for the use of the
government of the United States,' &c. 10 Stat. 9. Read in connection with the
charter of the railroad, which the rule relating to laws in pari materia requires,
it is certain that, in this case at least, the reservation has relation to the use of
the railroad alone, and not to the transportation service of the company.


On the other hand, in Maryland, from the first railroad charter granted in 1826,
namely, that of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company,the legislature
has prohibited the use of railroads by any other company or person than the
companies owning the same, except with their consent. But even this legislation
is a recognition of the distinction between the railroad considered as a structure
adapted to general use, and its actual use by placing vehicles and conducting
transportation thereon. See Laws of Md. 1826, c. 123, sect. 18, and charters in
subsequent years in the Session Laws.


It is undoubtedly true, that, in practice, railroads, as a general thing, are only

operated by the companies that own them, or by those with whom they have
permanent arrangements for the purpose. These companies have a practical, if
not a legal, monopoly of thier use. The great expense of constructing and
managing cars and motive power fit to be used on railroads as they have
actually developed, the difficulty of strict compliance with the regulations
adopted, and the diversified ways in which the companies could make the
transportation business uncomfortable to those who might attempt to carry it
on, are a most effectual security against any interference with their business as
carried on by themselves. And in some of the States where railroads were
originally declared public highways, the right of the public to use them has been
expressly abrogated,as in Massachusetts, for example, by the act of 1845. See
Railroad Laws and Ch. 648.


But the ascertained impracticability of the general and indiscriminate public use
of these great thoroughfares does not preclude their use by transportation
companies having no interest in the roads themselves. Such companies, in fact,
are actually engaged in conducting a vast carrying business on the principal
lines of railroad throughout the country. Nor does it preclude the idea, that it
may be of great importance to the government, in conducting its various
operations in peace and in war, to have the free use of railroads as
thoroughfares whenever it chooses to assume the conduct and management of
its own transportation thereon.


Be this, however, as it may, the general course of legislation referred to

sufficiently demonstrates the fact, that in the early history of railroads it was
quite generally supposed that they could be public highways in fact as well as
in name. This view pervaded the language of most charters granted at that
period, many of which still remain in force; and the railroads constructed under
them are, theoretically at least, public highways to this day. This fact affords
the only explanation of much of the language used, not only in those early
charters, but in many of those which have been granted since, the latter
adopting, as was natural, the forms of phraseology found prepared to hand. The

language referred to is only consistent with the idea that railroads were to be
regarded and used as public highways. The forms of legislative expression thus
adopted, and coming down from a period when they had greater practical
significance than they now have, bring with them an established sense, which
renders them free from all uncertainty and doubt. We know, as well as we
know the sense of any phrase in the English language which has a historical
meaning and application, what is meant when a railroad is spoken of in a law as
a 'public highway.' We know that it refers to the immovable structure stretching
across the country, graded and railed for the use of the locomotive and its train
of cars.

But it is not alone in charters which contemplate the creation of railroads as

public highways that we find evidence of the understood distinction between
railroads as mere thoroughfares, and the operations to be carried on upon them
by means of locomotives and cars. This is manifest from the fact, amongst
other things, that express power is invariably given (if intended to be conferred)
to the railroad company to equip its road, and to transport goods and passengers
thereon and charge compensation therefor. This practice evidently springs from
the conviction that a railroad company is not necessarily a transportation
company, and that, to make it such, express authority must be given for that
purpose, in compliance with the rule that no power is conferred upon a
corporation which is not given expressly or by clear implication.


In view of the legislative history and practice referred to, it seems impossible to
resist the conclusion, when we meet with a legislative declaration to the effect
that a particular railroad shall be a public highway, that the meaning is, that it
shall be open to the use of the public with their own vehicles; and that when
Congress, in granting lands in aid of such a road, declared that the same shall be
and remain a public highway for the use of the government of the United
States, it only means that the government shall have the right to use the road,
but not that it shall have the right to require its transportation to be performed
by the railroad company. And when this right of the use of the road is granted
'free from all toll or other charge for transportation of any property or troops of
the United States,' it only means, that the government shall not be subject to any
toll for such use of the road. This, we think, is the natural and most obvious
meaning of the language used, when viewed in the light afforded by the history
of railroad legislation in this country.


This was also the interpretation put by the Executive Department of the
government upon the reservation in question prior to the passage of the acts of
1864. At the breaking out of the late civil war, it became a matter of great
practical importance to the railroad companies which had received grants of

land subject to this restriction, whether they were or were not to receive any
compensation for transporting government property and troops in their cars. It
was held that they were, and that a reasonable abatement should be made for
the free use of the road, to which the government was entitled. The views of the
War Department were set forth in a communication from Mr. Cameron,
Secretary of War, to the president of the Illinois Central Railroad Company,
dated Aug. 15, 1861, in which he says, 'It has been decided by this department
that the clause in your charter (9 Stat. 467, sect. 4) gives a clear right to the
government of the United States to the use of your roadway, without
compensation, for the transportation of its troops and its property. As a proper
compensation for motive power, cars, and all other facilities incident to
transportation, two cents per mile will be allowed for passenger travel, subject
to a discount of thirty-three and a third per cent as due to government for charter
privileges. Payment for transportation of freights, stores, munitions of war, and
other public property, will be made at such reasonable rates as may be allowed
railroad companies, subject, however, to the abatement of thirty-three and a
third per cent, as before specified.' A movement to compel the same company
to transport property for the government free of charge was made in 1865; but
was reported against adversely by learned committees, after receiving from the
War Department a full explanation of the reasons upon which its action had
been based. See letter of Q. M. Gen. Meigs to Senator Sherman, dated Feb. 14,
1865, and the action of the Senate and House of Representatives, 2d Sess. 38th
Congress, Cong. Globe, vol. lxviii. pp. 890-902, 1045, 1387-1389. The same
views were fully expressed by the Attorney-General, when applied to for his
opinion, in 1872. 14 Opinions, 591. In accordance with these views, settlements
were made with the different companies concerned down to the passage of the
act of 1874, suspending payment, as before stated.

It is not without significance, in this connection, that in other grants, when

Congress intended to provide for transportation being performed by the
railroad company, explicit and proper language is used for that purpose. As in
the case of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, chartered by Congress July 1,
1862, where it is enacted that the company shall transmit despatches over its
telegraph lines, transport mails, troops, and munitions of war, supplies, and
public stores, upon its railroad, for the government, whenever required to do so
by any department thereof, and that the government shall at all times have the
preference in the use of the same for all the purposes aforesaid, at fair and
reasonable rates of compensation, not to exceed the amount paid by private
parties for the same kind of service. 12 Stat. 493. In this case compensation was
provided for. In other cases the transportation was to be furnished without
charge. After the discussion in 1865, before referred to, Congress made several
grants of land, with the express reservation that the government property should

be transported over the roads concerned at the cost, charge, and expense of the
company owning and operating the same, when required by the United States
so to do, using language entirely different from that under consideration in the
cases now before the court. See acts of 1866 (14 Stat. 95, 237, 241, 290, 338,

But suppose, in the cases under consideration, the States of Kansas and
Minnesota, to which the land-grants were directly made, had themselves
severally chosen to construct the railroads in question, to be operated and used
by any individuals or transportation corporations who might see fit to place
rolling-stock thereon upon payment of the proper tolls, would the government
have had any further right than that of using the road with its own carriages free
of toll? It certainly could not have the right to use the carriages of third persons
placed on the road; nor, from any thing contained in the act of Congress, could
it require that the State should procure and place rolling-stock on the road. All
that the act reserves is the free use of the railroad. Of course this implies, also,
the free use of all fixtures and appurtenances forming part of the road, and
which are essential to its practical use, such as turntables, switches, d ep ots,
and other necessary appendages. Lord Chancellor Cottenham, in the case of
Cother v. The Midland Railway Company, 2 Phill. 473, said, 'The term
'railway,' by itself, includes all works authorized to be constructed; and, for the
purpose of constructing the railway, the company are authorized to construct
such stations and other works as they may think proper.' 1 Redf. on Railw.,
sect. 105. The 'works' referred to by the Lord Chancellor were those permanent
and immovable appendages which constitute parts of the completed structure.


We are of opinion that the reservation in question secures to the government

only a free use of the railroads concerned, and that it does not entitle the
government to have troops or property transported by the companies over their
respective roads free of charge for transporting the same.


In coming to this conclusion, we do not place any great stress upon the use of
the work 'toll,' as being a word peculiarly applicable to charges for the use of a
highway, as contradistinguished from the charge for transportation, which is
more properly denominated 'freight;' for whilst this is undoubtedly true, it must
be conceded, that, in the actual language of railroad legislation, the word 'toll' is
very often used to express the charge for transportation also. Our opinion is
based rather upon that marked distinction which the mind naturally makes, and
which is so generally made in railroad legislation between the road as a
thoroughfare and the transaction of the carrier business thereon, whether by the
railroad company itself or by other persons, and the manifest intent of
Congress, in the legislation under review, to reserve only the free use of the

road, and not the active service of the company in transportation.


The objection that it would be inconvenient for government to provide

locomotives and cars for the performance of its transportation cannot be
properly urged. The government can do what it always has done, without
experiencing any difficulty, employ the services of the railroad and
transportation companies which have provided these accommodations. It might
be very convenient for the government to have more rights than it has stipulated
for; but we are on a question of construction, and on this question the usus
loquendi is a far more valuable aid than the inquiry what might be desirable.


Equally untenable is the idea, that, because railways are not ordinarily used as
public highways, therefore the appellation of 'public highways,' when given to
them, must mean something different from what it has ever meant before, and
must embrace the rolling-stock with which they are operated and used. Such a
method of interpretation would set us all at sea, and would invest the courts
with the power of making contracts, instead of the parties to them. It is
contended by the government, that though it be not entitled to the active
services of the company, but only to the use of the 'railroad,' that, at least, this
term (railroad) must be regarded as including the equipment of the road as a
part thereof, and that the government should be adjudged to have the free use of
the locomotives and cars of the company, as well as the track. But, as
suggested, we cannot see any good reason for this position. No doubt the word,
as used in certain connections and in particular charters and instruments, may
properly have a wider latitude of signification, so as to include the equipment
and rolling-stock as accessory to the track, constituting together one
incorporated mass or corpus of property as the subject-matter of the particular
enactment or disposition. It is not our purpose to question the propriety of this
view in the cases and for the purposes to which it may be applicable. But
where, as in the laws under review, the railroad is referred to throughout in its
character as a road, as a permanent structure, and designated and required to be
a 'public highway,' it cannot, without doing violence to language, and
disregarding the long-established usage of legislative expression, as shown in
the previous part of this opinion, be extended to embrace the rolling-stock or
other personal property of the railroad company.


The decrees of the Court of Claims in the several cases must be reversed, and a
new decree made in favor of the respective petitioners, in conformity with the
principles of this opinion; that is to say, awarding to each of them compensation
for all transportation performed by them respectively of troops and property of
the government (excepting the mails), subject to a fair deduction for the use of
their respective railroads.





I propose to state briefly the reasons why I cannot concur in the judgment of
the court in these cases.


The grants of lands to these railroads are of great value, and were made before
a single dollar was expended in their construction, and were so necessary to the
success of these enterprises, that it may be safely assumed that the roads would
not have been built without them.


The only compensation, which can properly be so called, to the United States,
is found in the following proviso to the third section of the grant to the
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa F e Railroad Company: 'The said railroad and
branches shall be and remain public highways for the use of the government of
the United States, free from all toll or other charge upon the transportation of
any property or troops of the United States.' 12 Stat. 773. This act was passed in
1863; and a grant to the other company, passed in 1864, contained a proviso in
the same words, with the substitution of the word 'for' in place of the word
'upon' preceding the word 'transportation.'


The only question in these cases is, What right or privilege did Congress intend
to secure to the government by this proviso?


Notwithstanding the argument, built upon the assertion that railroads in

England were first used as other roads by the persons who used them furnishing
their own vehicles of transportation, and, perhaps, motive power, and that there
may possibly exist at this day one or two short railroad tracks connecting coalmines with other railroads, on which each mining company furnishes its own
cars and locomotives, I venture the assertion, that there does not now exist in
the United States, and has not ever existed, any railroad track over which the
general public actually ran, each man for himself, his own cars propelled by his
own locomotives, and managed and controlled by his own conductors,
engineers, brakesmen, &c. In short, I deny that at the date of these grants there
was in existence any practicable system anywhere in the United States by which
the government or any one else could use the track of a railroad without using
its usual and necessary appurtenances; namely, its cars, locomotives, d ep ots,
agents, officers, and servants. I will not discuss the proposition, because its
truth or falsehood is open to the observation and experience of all men who
know any thing of the present railroad system of the world.


It follows, that if the United States secured any thing by the proviso, the use of
the road by the government, for which no toll or other charge was to be made,
must be the only use which is at all practicable, and the same use which is
made of it by all others who have occasion to employ it.


Nothing is gained in the argument by the criticism on the phrase, 'public

highway for the use of the government.' Railroads, such as we have described
them, and limited in the manner of their use to their own rolling-stock, managed
by their own officers, are, if not technically so, really public ways. They exist
nowhere except by statutory authority of the government. They would not be
tolerated for a moment in any State of the Union, unless they were free in some
mode of use to all the public. They no more dare to refuse to transport persons
and property of the general public over the whole or any part of their road, than
a ferryman would refuse to do the same thing over his ferry.


They have received grants, corporate subscriptions, and municipal gifts, on the
ground that they are for the public use, which could be valid on no other
ground. Loan Association v. Topeka, 20 Wall. 661. And they are subject to
such legislative regulations as are ferries, bridges, turnpikes, and other public
means of conveyance and transportation, where they have secured no restriction
on this legislative power either by contract or by constitutional provision.


The words 'public highways for the use of the government' only express that the
roads are to be open to the use of the government as to others, and are
introductory to the modification of the terms on which this use is by the
contract conceded to the United States; namely, that it is to be 'free of toll or
other charge upon the transportation of any property or troops of the United


Much stress in the argument of counsel is laid upon the word 'toll,' which, it is
said, is inapplicable in any other sense than a charge for the use of the roadbed. If we should concede this, it would advance the argument but little; for the
use of the road is to be free from toll or other charge on transportation. Now,
what is suit brought for in these cases but for a charge for transportation,a
charge upon transportation by these companies? If it is not a toll, it is another
charge for transportation. If it is a toll, it is equally to be free.


But the word 'toll' has never been restricted to the limited sense here contended


In 6 Com. Dig. 349, art. 'Toll' a 'toll thorough,' which is the class of tolls

relating to ways, is said to be 'a sum demanded for a passage through a

highway or for a passage over a ferry.' In the case of the ferry, it surely will not
be said that the toll is for the use of the river; nor will it be denied that it is for
transportation over the river by means of the ferryman's boat, his labor, and if it
be in a steamboat, it is the very class of means used by a railroad company. A
'toll thorough,' then, as understood at the common law, did include compen
sation for something more than the use of a road-bed or a water-way, and did
include, when applied to a proper case, compensation for the means of
locomotion and transportation used by the party who claimed the right of toll.

So, also, 'toll' is the word used to express the compensation allowed by law or
custom to a miller for grinding grain. 2 Bouv. Law Dict. 598. Now, the motive
power of ancient mills in England was principally the water of rivers or other
streams, and the owner of the grain did nothing but to bring his grist to the mill
and carry it away. It is true that in this country there is, and has been, a class of
mills run by horsepower, where the owner of the grain furnished the horses,
and the other party the mill; and in these, also, the compensation is called by
both statutes and customs, 'toll.' These instances are sufficient to show that
neither by the common law of England, by its statutes, nor by customary usage
there or in the United States, is the word 'toll' limited to compensation for the
use of a road, a way, a mill, or a ferry, where the moving power comes from the
party using it; but, on the contrary, that it is and always has been applied to
compensation for such use when the thing used, and the motive power by
which it was used, came from the party charging the toll, as well as when it
came from the party paying it.


It is, therefore, a word properly used to express the charges made by railroad
companies for transportation of persons and property in the manner which is
now usual, and, I may add, universal.


We are seeking to ascertain the meaning which the Congress of the United
States attached to a certain form of words; and if that body had, before the use
of the words in the two statutes which we are construing, made any public and
official declaration of the sense in which they used them, both the grantees in
these later statutes, and this court, must be bound by that declaration.


The form of proviso under consideration had been adopted in many previous
grants of land for railroad and other purposes; among others, in 1852, to the
State of Missouri, for the Hannibal and St. Joseph and the Pacific Railroad.


Upon the outbreak of the rebellion these roads suffered very much from the

intestine war of the State, and were called upon almost beyond the extent of
their ability for transportation of troops, food, and munitions of war, for the
government of the United States. It was found that if they were to do all this
without compensation they would soon be bankrupt, and had better abandon
their property to the government.

In view of this great hardship, unanticipated by any one at the date of their
grants, Congress made provision by the joint resolution of March 6, 1862 (12
Stat. 614), for an equitable arrangement by which the companies could
discharge some portion of their obligation, and yet receive from the government
such compensation, during the existence of the war, and in view of the public
exigency, as might be just and reasonable. But the preamble declared, that in
doing this they did not waive the right of the United States to have their
property and troops transported free from toll or other charges of said railroad,
as contemplated by the provisions of the grant already referred to.


Here was, in 1862,the year before the first of the grants under consideration
was made, and two years before the other,a declaration by Congress, placed
on the statute-book, that they understood and claimed that this form of words
gave them the right to have all their troops and property transported by these
companies free of charge; and that as full performance was, in the condition of
things at that time, impossible, they waived the exercise of that right as long as
the war lasted, and would make a provisional arrangement for that time to
enable the companies to get along.


Were not the parties who received and acted upon grants made the next year
bound to know and understand the sense in which Congress used this form of
words? Can they now be heard to say that another and far different meaning
was attached to them by Congress from that which the same body asserted for
them a year before? If they did not wish to accept the grants under that
construction, they need not do it. But if they did accept them, and have sold the
land, they are bound by the public statutory construction previously given by
Congress of the meaning which they attached to the words used in the grants.
For these reasons, I am of opinion that the judgment of the Court of Claims
ought to be affirmed.

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