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What a birthday party! 130 spirituality, ecology, economy One of the most exciting out-
people from 22 countries from and the social dimensions of comes of the GEN+10 conference
every continent came to the sustainability – defined the core at the Findhorn Foundation com-
Findhorn Foundation in the first shape of the week. munity was the creation of GEN
week of October 2005 to celeb- A Network that began life Youth Council, also known as
rate the tenth anniversary of just a decade ago has today “NextGEN”.
the Global Ecovillage Network developed into a rich and This new body evolved out of a
(GEN) and left enthused and diverse worldwide movement challenge thrown down by one
full of inspiration and energy for with multiple growing points. of GEN’s visionaries, Robert
the next decade to come. Pracha Hutanuwatr at GEN+10 During the tenth anniversary Gilman: “Who exactly is going
The event, which opened conference, we looked into the to take this movement forward?”
with a panel of ecovillage elders Centre stage for much of the mirror of who we are and come Sprinkled throughout the audience
reflecting on the successes and week long conference was away impressed. We also come were several dozen young people
lessons of the last decade and Gaia Education, an initiative to away with many new contacts, who responded to the challenge
ended with a phalanx of young create and disseminate an inter- challenges and projects to foster by considering their role in the
people declaring themselves national ecovillage curriculum and develop. ecovillage movement. For the
to be the ‘Next GEN’, truly (Ecovillage Design Education For more information, on remainder of the week long conf-
straddled the generations and – EDE) that was launched GEN and the conference erence, they gathered to discuss
struck a fine balance between during the conference. The four please contact Jonathan Dawson how they might serve to re-ignite
reflection and ambition. key themes of the curriculum – people’s ability to dream.
Next GEN’s mission is to ignite
world, providing a mechanism
Gaia University, founded in 2004 Gaia University provides peer, Portugal’s first green gathering, for channelling their passion into
to enable a worldwide confed- tutor and adviser support to en- Encontro Vida Verde, was organ-
eration of organizations to offer courage the associate to develop, ised by the Eco-village Network
accredited learning for a post- so they become potent, ecosocial, of Portugal, 26 - 28 August 05.
petroleum future, has announced actionist designers concerned Over 200 people, including
the launch of its first degree with meeting the needs of all life children and families, came
programmes for 2006. forms in the context of evolving together for the event.
Courses offered: BSc and MSc post-oil human cultures. Credit Over the three days, local
degrees in Integrative EcoSocial allowance is available for PDCs people – who still retain the
Design with specializations in and Diplomas, Ecovillage Edu- old skills – became teachers,
Permaculture, Ecovillage Design, cation, as well as some prior and showed how to build actions that will meet the needs
Life Transitions, Social Commun- learning and experience. “taipa” rammed earth walls, of the human community with-
ication, Appropriate Technology Andy Langford and Liora Adler, “xisto” stone/slate foundations, out degrading the environment.
and other areas of sustainability Gaia University designers and “barro” a bit like adobe but a Within the Global Ecovillage
and regeneration. Also in May founders expressed heartfelt cement like mix of clay+earth, Movement, Next GEN will create
an MSc degree and Diploma thanks to everyone in the GEN and and “cal” lime plaster. People a network that will empower
in the Regional Development Permaculture movements who were shown how to use trad- youth who, alongside their elders,
of Gaia University is offered at are helping in the development itional agriculture methods and can be effective architects and
the Gaia Center for Education of Gaia University. For further plough with the burro, the authors of a sustainable and just
& Research, Tennessee. details visit Gaia University’s Portuguese donkey. world. Specifically, the group
Gaia University’s website is to website There were demonstations, hopes to increase youth part-
be translated into Spanish and or email practical hands-on activities and icipation in the Global Ecovillage
Portuguese so expect training for self-development workshops. Movement, to facilitate training
Regional Center Development in Bread was baked from an earth opportunities, as well as to co-
Latin America, Brazil and Europe. oven each day. Local organic ordinate a robust intergenerational
The main threads common food was prepared in a refitted dialogue within the Movement.
to the workshop content of all kitchen, some cooked in solar They have already posted a
programmes are Permaculture ovens. Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Next GEN wiki (http://ecovillage.
design, design by the removal of non-violent communication,,
limiting factors, multi-disciplinary traditional dancing took place with a web site forthcoming,
and larger scale designs for town alongside natural spinning, and have begun planning a
and watershed energy descent, paint-making and soap making. Global Ecovillage conference
designing for conscious ecosocial Carlos on Acandi beach, helping There are plans to make this for 2007.
evolution and designing as a la Caravana make safe nests an annual event. For inform- For more info on the Global
synergistic, leaderful, group-based and tag sea turtles for the Dept. ation, contact Jonathan Evelight Ecovillage Network, visit their
action-learning process. of Marine Biology of Colombia. site at No. 47 Permaculture Magazine 37


Italian Ecovillage 8th Gathering of Iberian Ecovillages

SUSTAINABLE SUMMER SCHOOL ITALY Two major gatherings in Italy
Links between the Italian in the summer of 2005 have
‘sustainable contraction’ (dec- put the ecovillage movement
rescita felice) movement and firmly on the map in the country.
the ecovillage movement were The first was the annual general
strengthened further during assembly of the Italian Ecovillage
this summer school. Network (RIVE), which was held
at il Forteto, Vicchio, Firenze in
July. Il Forteto is a community
of about 100 people, founded in
the mid ’70s on a 500 hectares
property on the hills of Il Mugello,
north west from Florence. During
the meeting, it was agreed to
register RIVE as a non-profit Morning circle at the three day Spanish Ecovillage gathering
association which will enable the
organisation to move forward in In September 2005 over 450 and a window out of recycled
terms of fundraising and activities. people, interested in conscious bottles. The newly formed Net-
The GEN team at Sustain- The second gathering was and sustainable ways of living, work of Straw-bale Building met
able Contraction hosted by the new ecovillage gathered at Sierra de Gata, and presented a showcase of
Basilico in Vicchio di Prato, Extremadura for the annual strawbale building.
It was an extremely well
Tuscany and was aimed at three day Ecovillage gathering, Different sustainable living
attended event with over
communicating the ecovillage hosted and organized by the projects in Spain and Portugal
200 people of all ages. The
experience to local government ECOTOPIA Foundation under gave presentations. Water was
school was organised as a
administrators in Italy. The the umbrella of the Iberian omnipresent, with water dances,
think-tank on various topics,
conference was attended by over Ecovillage Network. water sculptures and present-
including sustainable eco-
150 people, including the mayor The natural surroundings were ations on Living Water. The
nomics, how to reduce
of Vicchio and two officers of magnificent. People camped next children had games, puppets,
consumption, complementary
Prato County. Workshops offered to the river, or stayed at the learnt Brazilian capoeira, and
currencies and right livelihood.
included one on facilitation and Molino Parador de Ti Mismo, made tons of friends. The
Ecovillages attracted a lot
consensus offered by Lucilla Borio community and homebase of gathering was a great experience
of interest as evidence that
and Permaculture and Ecovillage the ECOTOPIA Foundation. and inspiration and we all felt
another lifestyle is possible,
Design by Massimo Candela During the gathering experts part of something bigger than
leading a debate on how to
(both of Torri Superiori ecovillage). of all fields offered workshops. us. UTOPIA is alive.
put contraction into practice
The ecovillage concept in Italy is Eco-building pioneers and For further details, contact
in the short term.
now attracting many people from participants built a strawbale Maria Vazquez of the ECOTOPIA
Serge Latouche, the French
all walks of life. and bamboo arch, a solar oven, Foundation
philosopher and writer on
contraction, attended and exp-
ressed an interest in visiting OSLO PERMACULTURE PARKS GEN AT THE WEEC Brazillian Urban
Torri Superiore ecovillage. Ecovillagers in Norway, led by GEN was represented by a small
The contraction philosophy Claudio Madaune, have been team of European ecovillagers at A team of ecovillage educators
challenges the myth of sustain- involved in a programme to take the third World Environmental delivered a training programme,
able development and eco- permaculture design principles Education Congress (WEEC), Ecovillages: New approaches to
efficiency with perspectives for into the public parks of the held in Torino, Italy in October Urban Regeneration to local gov-
rural and urban communities. Norwegian capital, Oslo. Young 2005. Around 1500 people from ernment officials from across
For further details, please people worked with the theory 180 countries took part in four Latin America and the Caribbean
contact Lucilla Borio at and practice of landscaping and days of work. within the framework of CIFAL, gardening, with permaculture The GEN panel comprised: a programme of the UN agency,
approaches to consensual decision Drazen Simlesa, Andy Langford, UNITAR, in which GEN is a part-
ECOVILLAGE PETITION SENT TO making, conflict and team building, Massimo Candela and Lucilla icipating partner.
THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT work and social integration. Borio. The team’s presentation The session was hosted by
A public petition has been The project was undertaken in was “Ecology and economy: CIFAL Curitiba Brazil and pres-
sent to the Scottish Parliament two of Oslo’s public parks: Johan a union to forge” and it was ented a model for sustainability,
requesting that planning Sverdrups and Gråbeinsletta. received with keen interest. encouraging environmentally res-
legislation in Scotland be Features include pyramids, spirals, On the final day President ponsible design and development
amended to facilitate the circular gardens/flowerbeds and Gorbachov was the guest of of Latin American cities.
development of ecovillages. beds planted with a mixture of veg- honour and gave a vibrant Findhorn ecovillage is in the
The petition was heard in etables, flowers, medicinal plants, speech on the urgency of positive process of accreditation as a
December 2005. fruits, herbs, berries and vine plants. actions at all levels, political, member of the CIFAL network.
For further information Recycled materials like car tyres, educational and practical. For further details, visit http:
please contact the petition’s organic and construction waste The next WEEC will be held in //
sponsor, Eurig Scandrett were used. Info: changetheworld Durban, South Africa, in 2007 185.html or contact May East and GEN has been invited.

38 Permaculture Magazine No. 47

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