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Trigger 1

1.What question does John Henry have to answer in this investigation?

From this investigation it consist many aspect. This accident starts with an inspection of the site it

Final resting position of vehicle

Skid marks of vehicle
Scrub marks and gouge marks
Whether one of them or both was responsible in this accident.
Types of vehicle that use.
Size of the vehicle.
Checked Safety in the car whether it function or not for both vechile.

2.What measurement and data does he need to take and collect?

From the site measurement are taken by the vehicle such as point of impact.

Measuring the amount of damage and damage profile of vehicle.

Might also include looking at driver qualification
Review other motor carrier compliance related material.
Know the distance before and after the collision for both vehicle.
Find The initial velocity and final velocity between both vechile during the accident.
The momentum of the impact during the accident.

3.What other information does he need to record in order to aid the investigation?
The mechanical components of the vehicles was a causative factor in the accident.

Mechanical component such as brake,steering,tires suspension may also be inspected and test

to avoid accident
The angle of both vechile before and after collision to know where the direction of both

vehicle after the collison.

The friction between the tyre and the road.
He need to check the weather when the accident.
- If it in rainy day the road will become less friction and slippery

4. What physics principles will John Henry need to use in order to help analyze the data and answer
his questions?.

From this type of accident the physics principle that use are called Conservation of linear momentum.

Which take into account the weight of vehicle the angle at which they collided and the places
where come to rest. The angle at which they collided and the places where they came to the

-Two of vehicle collision where one vehicle is travelling due south the other vehicle is travelling due
west. After these two vehicle collide the rule of physics tell us they will move generally southwest,
with all of the southward momentum resulting from the southbound vehicle.
5. If two cars moving at right angles to each other collide, in what direction do you expect the cars to
be moving after the collision?.

We can use principle or momentum to know where the direction of the direction of vehicle

after the collision if it moving the right angle and collide each other
The direction after the collision also can depends on which car hit first between each other or
depends on acceleration of both car.

6. What factors will influence the direction and distance traveled after impact?.

Collision speed for each vehicle be combined with it speed loss from pre-collision
Skidding to calculate its pre-braking speed.
The direction of both vehicle will be change depends on its speed and weight/mass

Trigger 2
1. Why would John Henry note the weather and the condition of the road? .

John Hendry must know the condition of vehicle before it use from the driver.

John Hendry need to check the weather and the condition of the road because maybe during

the accident occur in rainy day.

If this excident occur in rainy day ,the road will become slippery and less friction on the

road,so its can become cause of excident.

Because of the rainy day its will be effect to driver to see the sign at front.

2.Why did vehicle 1 travel further than vehicle 2?

Because the speed of vehicle 1 is faster than vehicle 2.

It will produce more momentum even the weight of vehicle 2 slighly higher than vehicle 1.

The impact of vehicle 1 at right angle is more than vehicle 2 the front left bumper vehicle 1.

3. John Henry has to determine whether the driver of vehicle 2 ran the stop sign and/or if the driver of
vehicle 1 was speeding.

This problem can be prove by calculate the angle and the direction after both vehicle collide.

The direction at both vehicle tend to the right where it is the direction of vehicle 1 before

The speeding of vehicle 1 more than vehicle 2.

4. Does John Henry have all the information he needs to determine the velocities?
Yes, because John Henry

know momentum produce on vehicle 2 and vehicle 1 cause of this

accident .The physics conceps was define Impulse is change the momentum. John Henry know the
momentum as product of mass and velocity. It is vector quantity having both magnitude and direction..
This solution can be related to get velocities.From this john Hendry can get this solution to determine
the velocities.

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