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222 U.S.

32 S.Ct. 185
56 L.Ed. 314


JOSIAH V. THOMPSON, as Trustee for Lida Eleanor Purcell
Fitz Gerald et al.
No. 849.
Submitted December 18, 1911.
Decided January 15, 1912.

Messrs. William A. Stone, Michael J. Ryan, and James Gay Gordon for
plaintiff in error.
Messrs. Samuel Untermyer, William J. Sturges, and Irwin Untermyer for
defendants in error.
Memorandum opinion by direction of the court. By Mr. Chief Justice

The object of this suit was to enforce a trust created by the plaintiff in error for
the benefit of his wife and three minor children, to declare a lien on certain
property dedicated to the purposes of the trust for the removal of two trustees,
etc. Josiah V. Thompson, one of the trustees, was a plaintiff, and joined with
him were the wife and minor children of Fitz Gerald, the latter represented by
their guardian ad litem. The remaining trustees were made defendants,
individually and in their capacity as trustee and as partners.

All the plaintiffs except the minor children were citizens of Pennsylvania. The
minor children were aliens and resided in Ireland. Lenhart, one of the
defendants, was a citizen of Pennsylvania, while Fitz Gerald, his codefendant,
was an alien and a British subject. Fitz Gerald applied to remove to the United
States court on the ground that, on properly aligning the parties to the
controversy, his codefendant Lenhart was a plaintiff, and that, as the residence
of the guardian ad litem was controlling so far as the interest of the minors was
concerned, the controversy was one between citizens of Pennsylvania on the

one hand and Fitz Gerald, an alien, on the other. The further contention was
urged that the cause was embraced in the clause of 1 of the removal acts of
1887-88 [24 Stat. at L. 553, chap. 373, 25 Stat. at L. 434, chap. 866, U. S.
Comp. Stat. 1901, p. 509], conferring original jurisdiction upon circuit courts of
controversies 'between citizens of a state and foreign states, citizens, or
subjects,' and that the following clause of the 2d section of the act was

'Any other suit of a civil nature, at law or in equity, of which the circuit courts
of the United States are given jurisdiction by the preceding section, and which
are now pending, or which may hereafter be brought, in any state court, may be
removed into the circuit court of the United States for the proper district by the
defendant or defendants therein, being nonresidents of that state.'

The trial court denied the application, and subsequently granted the relief
prayed by the bill. On appeal the supreme court of the state of Pennsylvania
affirmed the decree, and in the opinion delivered held that no error was
committed in denying the application to remove. Because of this latter ruling
the cause was brought here. The defendants in error now move to dismiss the

The right to remove from the state court which was asserted had no legal
foundation. Lenhart was charged with a repudiation of his obligations as trustee
by a refusal to apply the trust funds as required by the trust agreement. Not only
was an accounting by him asked and an injunction prayed to prevent him from
disposing of the partnership property which was dedicated to the trust, but his
removal as trustee was also sought. Under these circumstances it is plain on the
face of the record that no possible rearrangement of the parties could have been
made converting Lenhart into a party plaintiff which would be consistent with
the relief which it was the object of the suit to obtain. In this state of the case
the assertion that there was a denial of a Federal right by the overruling of the
application to remove is so manifestly frivolous and devoid of merit as not to
form the basis of jurisdiction, and to render it necessary to grant the motion to

Writ of error dismissed.

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