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Measuring Speed


Students use a cart, ramp, and track to measure the time it takes for a cart to roll 100
centimeters. They then calculate speed from their distance and time measurements.
They explore the units used for speed and the concept of speed as a rate of motion.
They further investigate speed by designing and conducting an experiment that
relates the speed of the cart to its release height on the ramp.


(with correlation to NSE 58 Content Standards)

The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion, and
speed. (PhysSci: 2)


Average speed is the distance an object travels divided by the time taken to travel
that distance. (PhysSci: 2)


Scientists design and conduct scientific investigations. They communicate their

procedures, results, and explanations to other scientists. (Inquiry:1)


Students should be able to design and conduct appropriate scientific investigations. This may include the use of experiments with multiple trials. (Inquiry: 1)


Good experimental design requires keeping as many variables as possible the

sameexcept for the one being testedso that any results can be ascribed to the
variable changed. (Inquiry: 1)


Mathematics is important in all aspects of scientific inquiry. (Inquiry: 1, 2)

controlled variable
tested variable
time interval


Activity 74 Measuring Speed


For the teacher


For each group of four students


track pieces







masking tape

book or heavy object (optional)

For each student


Scoring Guide: DESIGNING INVESTIGATIONS (DI) (optional)

Science Skill Sheet 5, Elements of Good Experimental Design

*Not supplied in kit

Masters for Student Skill Sheets are in Teacher Resources II: Diverse Learners. Masters
for Scoring Guides are in Teacher Resources III: Assessment.

Getting Started

Introduce students to the concept of speed.

Doing the Activity


(MATHEMATICS) Students take measurements and calculate speed.


Discuss the experimental variables in the investigation.

(DI ASSESSMENT) Students design and conduct an investigation.




(MATHEMATICS) Discuss speed and its units.


(MATHEMATICS) Review the definition of rate.if this works)

Measuring Speed Activity 74

An object in motion takes time to change its position. Speed is the measurement of the
rate of change in position and can be linear or rotational. The units for speed are a distance or an angle per unit of time, such as miles per hour or degrees per second.
Many moving objects do not travel at a constant speed. Instantaneous speed is the
term given to the speed of an object at any instant during its journey. Average speed
is the distance the object traveled divided by the total time elapsed in traveling that
distance. Objects can attain the same average speed through numerous different
series of instantaneous speeds. For example, one car might travel a certain distance at
a steady 40 mph, while another makes the same trip at a speed of 30 mph for the first
half of the trip and 50 mph for the second half. At the end of the trip, both cars will
have made the trip at an average speed of 40 mph although their instantaneous
speeds were different.
The term average in the context of average speed should not be confused with mathematical mean. In the example above, the average speed and the mathematical average of the speeds are the same, but this is not always the case. Another car making the
same trip could also average 40 mph having traveled at speeds of 20 mph, 30 mph,
and 60 mph, which gives a mathematical mean of 37 mphnot equal to the average
speed of 40 mph.
Speed (s) and velocity (v) are related concepts but are not the same thing. The velocity of an object includes both its speed and its direction. Whereas speed is a scalar
quantity, velocity is a vector quantity, which means it must be described by an amount
and a direction. This unit discusses the concept of speed only.
Negative acceleration, like any acceleration, is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and direction. In linear motion, the term negative acceleration refers to acceleration that is a result of either a slowing down in a positive direction or a speeding up
in a negative direction. For example, a car that applies brakes while moving forward
(positive direction) in a straight line has negative acceleration because the acceleration is in the opposite direction as the velocity. However, a car that is speeding up
while moving backwards in a straight line (increasing negative values) is also said to
have negative acceleration because, although it is speeding up, it is doing so in the
negative direction.
The term deceleration is used to refer to negative acceleration given in the first example above, that is, when the object is moving in a straight line in the positive (+) direction and has decreasing speed from an acceleration in the opposite direction (i.e.,
applying the brakes). Deceleration is a specific case of negative acceleration and
reflects the situation presented in the activity.


Activity 74 Measuring Speed


Introduce students to the concept of speed.

Ask students what things can contribute to a car

accident. Make sure speeding or driving fast is
mentioned. Explore students ideas of speed, using
the units described in the introduction and everyday examples. For example, in the United States,
car speed is typically measured in mph while km/h
is used for car speed in other countries. Point out
that scientists often measure everyday speeds in
m/s but that in this activity, students will measure
speed in cm/s.
Have students read the introduction
and Challenge to the activity. Ask them
how they think speed is measured. If
they respond with names of devices, such as a
speedometer or radar gun, ask, How did people
measure speed before those devices were invented?
All speed-tracking devices, whether modern or not,
measure the time interval it takes to travel a distance. A time interval is the elapsed time between
two events, such as the start and finish of a race. To
measure speed, the distance, or the length between
two points, is also measured. Guide students to
understand that the basic method of measuring
speed must involve measuring both of these quantities. Point out that because of this, all speed-measurement units are a combination of a distance unit
and a time unit.



(MATHEMATICS) Students take measurements

and calculate speed.

Distribute the materials for the activity and have

students review the procedure. Ask students, Why
do you think you are asked to do three trials?
Students should have the sense that repeating a
trial several times improves the quality of the data
set, but have them try to articulate the reason why.
Create a list of potential sources of error, or
unavoidable inaccuracies that occur because no


measurement can be made with perfect precision.

In this activity timing errors will cause the measured time to be sometimes too long and sometimes
too short. Sometimes students may stop the watch
too soon, and sometimes too late. Either case introduces error in the measurement. A persons reaction time is not a mistake but a limitation of one
part of the experimental process. Error can be
reduced by finding the mathematical mean of several measurements taken under the same conditions. In this experiment student groups average
results of three trials in an effort to minimize error.
Point out that although some errors are beyond
their control, students should try their best to be as
precise as possible to minimize their own errors during the experiment. This includes being consistent
about how they release the cart, how and where the
track is set up, and how the timer is used. For example, viewing the cart from above when timing it
across the start and stop points increases the timing
accuracy. As a class, review various methods for
timing the cart, and decide on a reasonably accurate one that all groups will use. Using the same
method allows groups to most easily compare and
pool their data.
Emphasize that in any experiment, no matter how
hard you try to do the procedure perfectly, there is
almost always some error. Explain that by doing
multiple trialswhich if done identically would
give identical resultsyou can see how much error
you have in your experiment. Point out that if there
is too much difference in measurements, you need
to figure out why and make corrections to your procedure, equipment, or technique.
Teachers Note: Before students complete the
procedure, make sure they have a way to prevent
the cart from rolling off the track and falling to the
floor. The cart will sustain damage and provide
inconsistent results if repeatedly handled in this
way. Either have students place a book or other
heavy object at the end of the track to prevent a
runaway cart, or have students perform the experiment on the floor.

Ask students to complete Part A of the Procedure.

They might notice that the cart slows down over the

Measuring Speed Activity 74

course of the track and may decide, in light of the

previous discussion, that this introduces error in the
experiment. If students raise this issue, point out
that the cart should slow down consistently in each
trial since the track is a controlled component of the
experiment. Since the slowing is occurring across all
trials, it is not a factor that will introduce noticeable
error in the data. If appropriate, briefly discuss the
friction between the cart and the track that slows
the cart. Because friction is formally introduced
later in the unit, it is sufficient at this point to
merely identify it and its effects.
In Procedure Step 7, students determine the speed of
the cart for each trial. Point out the equation for
speed = distance / time
Write the equation on the board, and introduce or
review its use with several examples, by asking such
questions as, What is the speed of a car that travels
100 miles in 2 hours? (50 MPH), and What is the
speed of a car that travels 30 kilometers in 1/2 hour?
(60 km/h). Reinforce the idea that the forward
slash (/) is read as per and means divided by.
When students finish the Procedure, have each
group report its results, and compile them on the
board. Students should find that the cart takes
between 1 and 2 seconds to travel 100 cm, as shown
by the sample data below. Results may differ
depending on variations in the cart and track.
Sample Results for Cart Speed















If any groups results are significantly different but

are consistent, try to determine the cause. If only a
few times are really different, point these out, and
discuss whether or not to discard these outliers as
bad data or to keep them in the data set. Typically

students want to discard the outliers. In either case,

point out that although these times are significantly different, it doesnt necessarily mean they
are wrong.
3. Discuss the experimental variables in the
Explain that the factors that influence the speed of
the cart are all variables, or factors that could all
have any number of values, depending on the situation. In this experiment, there are many controlled
variables, that is, variables the investigator holds
constant or ignores in order to analyze a relationship between other variables without interference.
In this investigation, students control some variables, such as the mass of the cart, the angle of the
ramp, and the surface of the track. A tested variable
is one that is systematically changed so the investigator can determine its effect. By changing only one
variablein this activity, the release heightstudents can observe and compare changes caused by
that factor. Variables that are neither controlled
nor tested are called uncontrolled variables, and
they are the ones the investigator either ignores or
is unable to control. In this investigation, for example, the levelness of the surface that students laid
their track on is not controlled.
4. (DI ASSESSMENT) Students design and conduct
an investigation.
Have students begin Part B by predicting what
would happen if they changed the release height
and then writing down a procedure to test their
prediction. Emphasize for them the importance of
controlling all variables except the one they are
testingramp height. If appropriate, hold a class
discussion to come up with a reasonable experimental design to test the effects of release height on
Once you have approved each groups procedure,
distribute the equipment, and let students complete
the investigation. Point out that if they realize that
some part of their procedure is wrong, they should
correct it as they go along and note the change in
their notebooks.


Activity 74 Measuring Speed


be used to evaluate student work from Part B. If
appropriate, provide each student with a copy of
the Scoring Guide and/or Science Skills Student
Sheet 5, Elements of Good Experimental Design.
Or, you might hold off on the evaluation for now,
and instead use the skill sheet to model how to control variables and create a procedure. Even if you
decide to score this portion of the activity, you may
still hold a class discussion to come up with a reasonable experimental design together. After students complete their experiment, encourage each
of them to revise and rewrite their procedures
before turning them in to be assessed. Let students
know in advance how you will be providing feedback for this assessment.

Sample student data for this response is shown in

the tables below.
Sample Student Data for Part B:
Height and Cart Speed
Release Height A


Time (s)













Release Height B

Level 3 Response:
Procedure for Determining the Effect of Ramp
Height on Cart Speed



Time (s)











1. Connect the ramp and the two straight tracks.

2. Measure out and mark 50 cm point on the track.
3. Release the cart with its rear axle at the Notch A,
and time it until it reaches the 50 cm mark.



4. Record the time taken and the distance traveled.

5. Calculate the speed, and record it in the table.
6. Do two more trials, and calculate the mathematical mean of the speeds.
7. Repeat the experiment for Notches B and C.

Release Height C


Time (s)













Briefly discuss students predictions and results.

Most students will have correctly predicted that
increasing the starting height will increase the
speed of the cart. When they are reviewing the
data, remind students of the error due to timing the
cart. It may be helpful when comparing speeds of
the carts that traveled over different distances that
the timing errors are more significant in the slower
speeds because it is a larger portion of the time


Measuring Speed Activity 74


(MATHEMATICS) Discuss speed and its units.

Although suggestions for introducing the terms

median and mean in the investigation are not
included here, they are referred to parenthetically
in the activity. If your students are familiar with
these terms, this activity provides a good opportunity to review and reinforce them.
When discussing Analysis Question 1, some groups
might have picked the middle (median) value.
Others are likely to have found the average
(mean) for their three trials, or perhaps even for all
the trials by the entire class. Explain that averages
are a mathematical way to find the middle value.
If necessary, review how to calculate a mean. Point
out that finding the average value helps take into
account any errors. If one trial is extremely different
than the others, however, it may be the result of a
significant error and may skew the results. It is
sometimes appropriate to discard such a value,
especially if the experimenter is aware of a possible
source of error in the value. Emphasize that more
trials increase the likelihood that the average is representative.
When discussing Analysis Question 2, emphasize
that any combination of distance and time units is a
legitimate unit for measuring speed. In the United
States, most people are concerned with speed when
driving their cars or motorcycles. The U.S. unit for
road distances typically is miles, so it is most convenient to measure car speed in mph. The common
unit for road distances in most other countries is
kilometers, so it is most convenient for drivers in
other countries to measure speed in kph. Scientists
most often use m/s because that is the standard
international (SI) unit.
Point out that we often use units that are both convenient and give friendly numbers between 1 and
1,000. For example, common units for speed such as
mph and kph, are measured per hour, instead of
per second, minute, or year. Using seconds or minutes would make common speeds too small (e.g. 30
mph = 0.5 miles per minute), and using days or
years would make them too big (e.g. 60 MPH =
1,440 miles per day). These units are not incorrect,
just less desirable. To help get this point across, you

can ask questions, such as, What unit would be

most convenient to measure how fast your fingernails grow? Students should suggest such units
as mm/month or cm/year as opposed to
meters/month or miles/year.
Analysis Question 4 provides practice in and reinforcement for using the equation
speed = distance/time
by requiring students, when given the time and the
speed, to find the distance. To use the equation,
many students find it easier to rearrange it:
distance = speed x time
If needed, demonstrate how to rearrange the equation mathematically. The discussion of Analysis
Question 4 also provides an opportunity to introduce or review the conversion of units from centimeters to meters to kilometers and from seconds to
minutes to hours.

(MATHEMATICS) Review the definition of rate.

In conclusion, discuss the concept of rate by first

asking students if they have ever heard the term
rate, and, if so, if they know what a rate is. If
needed, explain that a rate is a ratio of two different
kinds of measurements. Speed, for example, is a
rate that depends on the value of both distance and
time. Speed is the distance traveled in (or per) a
given time. Rates, such as speed, are typically calculated by dividing one measurement by another.
Speed is calculated by dividing the distance an
object travels by the amount of time it takes to travel
the distance. The units for speed, such as miles per
hour, reflect the fact that a speed is calculated by
Challenge the class to come up with other examples
of rates and describe the two measurements needed
to determine the rate. Given the preceding example, many of the rates students come up with are
likely to be time-related. If necessary, point out that
there are other types of rates, such as miles per gallon for fuel consumption, the price per dozen for the
cost of eggs, or the amount of Euros you would get
for an American dollar. Show students an everyday
example of a rate familiar to them. One example
would be a simple demonstration of adding water
drops to a container to illustrate the contrast


Activity 74 Measuring Speed

between a slower and a faster rate. In the water

drop example, neither the number of drops that
have fallen into the container nor the length of time
the drops have been falling are sufficient by themselves to indicate the rate at which the cup is filling.
To determine the rate, you must know the number
of drops and the time taken to add these drops.
Both of these quantities must be known in order to
determine the rate of drops per second.



According to your data from Part A, what

is the speed of the cart?
A typical time for the 100 cm distance is between
1 and 2 seconds. The speed would then be in the
range of 50-100 cm/s.


According to your data from Part B, what

is the effect of release height on speed?
Student data will vary but should reflect a trend
of the cart slowing down as release height
decreases. For example, the sample student
responses in the Teaching Suggestions show the
speed went from 123 cm/s to 82 m/s to 56 m/s as
the height was decreased from notch A to B to C.


List some common units for speed. Why

are there so many different units?
Three common units for speed are miles per
hour (MPH), kilometers per hour (kph or km/h)
and meters per second (m/s). Different speed
units are used because there are many different
units for distance and time, and some units are
more convenient to use than others in different

5. What is a cars speed, in m/s, if it travels:

a. 5 meters in 0.1 seconds?

50 m/s

b. 5 meters in 0.2 seconds?

25 m/s

c. 10 meters in 0.2 seconds?

50 m/s


Reflection: Why do you think speeding

is a factor in about 20% of fatal car
Answers will vary. Students are likely to suggest
increased stopping distance, less time to swerve
out of the way, and greater impact force. Or,
they may suggest that a car that is not designed
to go faster will be more difficult to control at
higher speed.
Extension 1
Teachers can post student data on the SEPUP
website by clicking on the TEACHERS button
located under SEPUP USERS on the home page,
and selecting ISSUES AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE on the
pull-down menu to find on-line forms for posting data. Students can access the posted data by
clicking on the STUDENTS button located under
the heading SEPUP USERS, and then selecting
menu, and then clicking on COMPARE DATA to find
tables with student data from SEPUP classrooms.
Extension 2
Because this problem requires some fairly complicated unit conversions, it may not be appropriate for all students. It is most suitable for
students who enjoy solving challenging math

in Part B:

The police could issue speeding tickets in Questions 5a and 5c because in both cases the car is
going 112 MPH, but in 5b it is going 56 MPH.

a. increased your confidence in the results?

a. 50 m/s = (50 m/s) x (60 s/min) x (60 min/hr)


What part(s) of your experimental design

= 180,000 m/hr

Students are likely to suggest that the repeated

trials and averaging increased confidence.

180,000 m/hr = 180 km/hr x (0.62 miles/km)

b. decreased your confidence in your results?

Students are likely to suggest that using your
eyes to judge where to start the cart and to
determine when to start and stop the timer
decreased confidence. They might have also
noticed a lag time from seeing to stopping
the timer.


= 112 MPH

25 m/s = (25 m/s) x (60 s/min) x (60 min/hr)

= 90,000 m/hr
90,000 m/hr = 90 km/hr x (0.62 miles/km)
= 56 MPH


same as a.

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