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Stan J. Caterbone

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,

Registered in Pennsylvania

1250 Fremont Street

Lancaster, PA 17603

April 28, 2016

Me and Paul Allen, the Co-Founder of Microsoft

In 1987 I was lending money in both the commercial mortgage banking arena and also looking at
possible investments as a general partner with the network of financial professionals from my company,
Financial Management Group, Ltd.,. We had raised $90 million dollars in investments in our first nine
months of operation, August of 1986 to June of 1987. One of my clients was Reginald Pattey and his
wife. Reg was an executive for RCA Corporation, which later became Burhle Industries. Reg had
informed me that Harold Krall was forming a new company, which was later named Cardinal
Technologies, and asked me to see if there was an opportunity for me to fund the start-up. Now, also in
the mix was a close college friend of mine named Tom Circe, who had taken over his father's position as
Director of Personnel at RCA. Now, of course it never came to fruition because of me blowing the
whistle on International Signal and Control, or ISC in June of 1987.
Fast forward to the beginning of Advanced Media Group and my work at American Helix at 1857
Colonial Village Lane, Lancaster, PA, or Dale High's Greenfield Industrial Park. For the record, American
Helix was funded through my company Financial Management Group, Ltd., when Dave Deering solicited
Scott Robertson for financing for American Helix after a deal with an Angel Investor fell through. Scott
went and did the deal with Dale High and Company. Now, in the meantime, Harold Krall sold Cardinal
Technologies, or a majority stake to Paul Allen. Cardinal was located just 2 buildings down from
American Helix. In or about 1989 I met with Harold Krall, who took me on a tour of his company to see
if there were any joint venture opportunities between me and Cardinal Technologies.
Now, in that same time frame I had been contacted by Microsoft for a possible deal to sell them
2,000 applications of my CD Diagnostic software program, which was a joint venture between me and
the developer, Tom Brown, of Boston, Massachusetts. Tom had granted me the exclusive selling rights
worldwide. I had sold the software all over the world. It was a diagnostic tool to help people set up CDROM drives and test their performance. Microsoft had wanted to distribute it to their employees at the
headquarters in Seattle, Washington. Well, along came ABC News and the ISC scandal broke wide open
and I was again covered-up. And that is a fact, Jack!
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania

1250 Fremont Street

Lancaster, PA 17603

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In 1987 I became a federal whistleblower for the case of local defense contractor International
Signal and Control, or ISC. ISC was a black ops program for the NSA and CIA that was convicted in
1992 for an elaborate scheme to arm Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries with a broad array of
weapons, most notably cluster bombs. It was the third larges fraud in U.S. History at that time. I have
been a victim of organized stalking since 1987 and a victim of electronic and direct energy weapons
since 2005. I had also been telepathic since 2005. In 2005 the U.S. Sponsored Mind Control turned
into an all-out assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; hacking of all electronic devices;
vandilism and thefts of personal property, extortions, intellectual property violations, obstruction of
justice; violations of due process; thefts and modifications of court documents; and pain and torture
through the use of directed energy devices and weapons that usually fire a low frequency
electromagnetic energy at the targeted victim. This assault was no coincidence in that it began
simultaneously with the filing of the federal action in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288.
This assault began after the handlers remotely
trained/sychronized Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The main difference opposed to most
other victims of this technology is that I am connected 24/7 with the same person who declares
telepathically she is a known celebrity. Over the course of 10 years I have been telepathic with at least
20 known persons and have spent 10 years trying to validate and confirm their identities without
success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment and act on the numerous formal complaints that are
filed in their respective offices. Most complaints are focused on the routine victimization's of a targeted
individual including but not limited to stalking, harassment, threats, vandalism, thefts, extortion,
burglaries, false imprisonments, fabricated mental health warrants or involuntary commitments, pain
and torture to the body, and most often the cause of obstruction of justice is the computer hacking.
I have a very sophisticated and authentic library of evidence of the use of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control technologies on my father and brother that dates back to the 1940's while my father was in the
U.S. Navy after he graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Florida, including an affidavit
motorized and authenticated by my father in 1996. My brother served in the U.S. Air force and was
victim to LSD experiments of the infamous MKULTRA program in the late 1960's.

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In 2015 I filed an amicus curie on behalf of Lisa Michelle Lambert who was convicted in 1992 of
the murder of Laurie Show, both of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I currently am in litigation in the U.S. Third
Circuit Court of Appeals and in February of 2016 Lisa Michelle Lambert published her book titled
Corruption in Lancaster County My Story, which is available in bookstores and on I
am in frequent contact with her co-author, Dave Brown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
BILL to Pennsylvania House of Representative Mike Sturla (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) and City of
Lancaster Mayor Richard Gray in 2009. The draft legislation is the work of Missouri House of
Representative Jim Guest, who has been working on helping victims of these horrendous crimes for
years. The bill will provide protections to individuals who are being harassed, stalked, harmed by
surveillance, and assaulted; as well as protections to keep individuals from becoming human research
subjects, tortured, and killed by electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices, implants, and
directed energy weapons. I again reintroduced the bill to the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 2015
and frequented the Pennsylvania Capitol trying to find support and a sponsor; which I still do to this
In 2005 I, as a Pro Se Litigant filed several civil actions as Plaintiffs in the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States Third District
Court of Appeals, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, The Pennsylvania Superior Court, the
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, The Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania. These litigations included violations of intellectual property rights, anti-trust
violations, and interference of contracts relating to several business interests, harassment,
extortion, fraud, etc.,. . Central to this litigation is the Digital Movie, Digital Technologies,
Financial Management Group, Ltd,/FMG Advisory, Ltd., and its affiliated businesses along
with a Federal False Claims Act or Federal Whistleblowers Act regarding the firm of
International Signal and Control, Plc., (ISC) the $1Billion Dollar Fraud and the Export
violations of selling arms to South Africa and Iraq. This litigation dates back to 1987. In
1987 I microfiched some 10,000 pages of documents that prove this story without any doubt.
I also have recorded conversations of persons and government officials.
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania

1250 Fremont Street

Lancaster, PA 17603
J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149;15-3400; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 15-03984; 14-02559; 05-2288; 06-4650
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

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Paul Allen
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul Gardner Allen (born January 21, 1953) is an American

businessman, philanthropist, investor, musician, and
innovator, best known as the co-founder of Microsoft,
alongside Bill Gates. As of March 2016, he was estimated to
be the 45th richest person in the world, with an estimated
wealth of $17.7 billion.[1]

Paul Allen

Allen is the founder and chairman of Vulcan Inc., which

manages his various business and philanthropic efforts. Allen
also has a multibillion-dollar investment portfolio including
technology and media companies, real estate holdings, and
stakes in other companies. He owns two professional sports
teams, the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football
League[2] and the Portland Trail Blazers of the National
Basketball Association.[3] He is also part-owner of the Seattle
Sounders FC, which in 2009, joined Major League Soccer.[4]
He is also the founder of Allen Institute for Brain Science,[5]
Institute for Artificial Intelligence,[6] Institute for Cell
Science[7] and Vulcan Aerospace.[8]

Paul G. Allen at Flying Heritage Collection, April


Paul Gardner Allen

January 21, 1953
Seattle, Washington, U.S.


Mercer Island, Washington, U.S.


Lakeside School

1 Early life and Microsoft
1.1 Microsoft
2 Science and research
2.1 Allen Institute for Brain Science
2.2 Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
2.3 Allen Institute for Cell Science
2.4 Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group
2.5 Allen Distinguished Investigator Awards
2.6 Allen Telescope Array
2.7 Miscellaneous
3 Environment and Conservation
3.1 Great Elephant Census
3.2 Sea Around Us
3.3 Global FinPrint
3.4 Initiative 1401
3.5 Smart City Challenge
3.6 Smart Catch

Alma mater Washington State University

(no degree)
Occupation Philanthropist, investor, entrepreneur,
author, sports owner, guitarist,
filmmaker, explorer, neuroscience
supporter and space pioneer
Known for Chairman and CEO Vulcan Inc.
Owner Seattle Seahawks and Portland
Trail Blazers
Part-owner Seattle Sounders
Founder Allen Institute for Brain
Founder Allen Institute for Cell
Founder Allen Institute for Artificial

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3.7 The International SeaKeepers Society
The arts
Museums and collections
Business ventures and investments
8.1 Financial and technology
8.2 Aerospace
8.3 Real estate
8.4 Venues
8.5 Vessels
9 Sports team ownership
9.1 Portland Trail Blazers
9.2 Seattle Seahawks
9.3 Seattle Sounders FC
10 Filmmaking
11 Books
12 Music
13 Awards and recognition
13.1 Honorary degrees and doctorates
14 See also
15 References
16 Further reading
17 External links

Co-founder Microsoft
Vice President, Pearce & Pearce
Net worth

US$17.7 billion (March 2016)[1]


Kenneth Sam Allen

Edna Faye Allen


Jody Allen (sister)

Website (

Early life and Microsoft

Paul Allen was born January 21, 1953 in Seattle, Washington to Kenneth Sam Allen and Edna Faye (ne
Gardner) Allen.[9] Allen attended Lakeside School, a private school in Seattle, where he befriended Bill Gates,
three years younger, with whom he shared an enthusiasm for computers.[10] They used Lakeside's Teletype
terminal to develop their programming skills on several time-sharing computer systems.[10] After graduation,
Allen went to Washington State University, where he joined Phi Kappa Theta fraternity,[11] but dropped out after
two years in order to work as a programmer for Honeywell in Boston, near where Bill Gates had ended up as
well.[10] Allen later convinced Gates to drop out of Harvard University in order to create Microsoft.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Paul Allen with his friend Bill Gates, in 1975, began marketing a BASIC
programming language interpreter.[10] Allen came up with the original name of "Micro-Soft," as recounted in a
1995 Fortune magazine article.[12] In 1980, after promising to deliver IBM a Disk Operating System (DOS) they
had not yet developed for the Intel 8088-based IBM PC, Allen spearheaded a deal for Microsoft to purchase a
Quick and Dirty Operating System (QDOS) which was written by Tim Paterson who, at the time, was employed
at Seattle Computer Products. As a result of this transaction, Microsoft was able to secure a contract to supply
the DOS that would eventually run on IBM's PC line. This contract with IBM was the watershed in Microsoft
history that led to Allen's and Gates' wealth and success.[10]

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Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1982. His cancer was successfully treated by several months
of radiation therapy. However, he did not return to Microsoft and began distancing himself from the
company.[10] Allen officially resigned from his position on the Microsoft Board of Directors in November 2000
but was asked to consult as a senior strategy advisor to the company's executives and still owns a reported 100
million shares.[13]
Paul Allen has given more than $1.8 billion towards the advancement of science, technology, education, wildlife
conservation, the arts and community services in his lifetime.[14] The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation was
established to administer a portion of Allen's philanthropic contributions. Since its formation, the foundation has
given more than $494 million to over 1,500 nonprofits and[15] in 2010, Allen became a signatory of The Giving
Pledge, promising to give at least half of his fortune to philanthropic causes.[16] Allen has received
commendations for his philanthropic commitments including the Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy[17]
and Inside Philanthropy's "Philanthropist of the Year."[18]

Science and research

Allen Institute for Brain Science
In September 2003, Allen launched the Allen
Institute for Brain Science with a $100 million
contribution dedicated to understanding how the
human brain works. In total, Paul Allen has
donated $500 million to the institute, making it his
single largest philanthropic recipient. Since its
launch, the Allen Institute for Brain Science has
taken a Big Science and Open Science approach to
tackle projects. The institute makes research tools
available to the scientific community using an open
data model.[19] Some of the institutes most notable
projects include the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas,
Allen Human Brain Atlas and the Allen Mouse
Brain Connectivity Atlas. The Allen Institute is
also helping to advance and shape the White
Houses BRAIN Initiative as well as the Human
Brain Project.[20]

Paul G. Allen (right) studies a brain sample with Allen

Institute for Brain Science's CEO Allan Jones.

Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Science

Founded in 2014, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) main focus is to research and engineer
artificial intelligence.[21] The Institute is modeled after the Allen Institute for Brain Science and led by
researcher and Professor, Dr. Oren Etzioni. AI2 has undertaken four main projects, Aristo, Semantic Scholar,
Euclid and Plato. Project Aristo is working to build an AI system capable of passing an 8th grade science

Allen Institute for Cell Science

In December 2014, Allen committed $100 million to create the Allen Institute for Cell Science in Seattle. The

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institute is investigating and creating a virtual model of cells in the hope of bringing forth treatment of different
diseases.[23] Like the institutes before it, all data generated and tools developed will be made publicly available

Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group

Launched in 2016 with a $100 million commitment, The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group aims to discover and
support ideas at the frontier of bioscience in an effort accelerate the pace of discovery.[25] The group is led by
Tom Skalak and will be targeting scientists and research areas that some might consider out-of-the-box at the
very edges of knowledge.[26]

Allen Distinguished Investigator Awards

Allen launched the Allen Distinguished Investigators (ADI) Awards in 2010 to support scientists pursuing
early-stage research projects who often have difficulty securing funding from traditional sources.[27] The ADI
grant program backs pioneering researchers in the areas of emerging life sciences technology to cellular
decision-making and neural engineering with the intent that research made possible by these grants will advance
each respective field.

Allen Telescope Array

Paul Allen donated the seed money to build SETI's radio telescope array, eventually contributing $30 million to
the project.[28]

Allen has a flower fly named after him for his contributions to Dipterology, called Paul Allen's flower fly.[29]

Environment and Conservation

Allen has bankrolled a range of wildlife conservation projects over the past several years, including contributing
millions in direct gifts and grants to program, projects, initiatives and charities. By marrying technology
development with philanthropic interests, he is working to address the trafficking of endangered species and
ensure stable or thriving generations of wild animals.

Great Elephant Census

Allen provided more than $7 million to fund the census, the largest pan-African aerial survey since the 1970s.
The Great Elephant Census team is flying over 20 countries to survey the African savannah elephants with
hopes that the accurate and up-to-date data will spur immediate protective actions and long-term conservation
management plans.[30]

Sea Around Us
Allen began supporting the University of British Columbia's Sea Around Us Project in 2014 to improve data on
global fisheries as a way to fight illegal fishing. Part of his $2.6 million in funding will go to create FishBase,[31]
an online database about adult finfish.[32]
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Global FinPrint
Launched in July 2015, Paul Allen is funding the Global FinPrint initiative, a three-year survey of sharks and
rays in coral reef areas. The survey is the largest of its kind and designed to provide data to help conservation
programs. The initiative is a partnership between Allen's Vulcan Inc, Stony Brook University, Florida
International University, James Cook University and the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences. Survey results
will be made available in summer 2018.[33]

Initiative 1401
Allen backed a Washington state initiative to prohibit the purchase, sale and distribution of products made from
10 endangered species including elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, marine turtles, pangolins,
sharks and rays. The initiative gained enough signatures to be on the state's ballot on November 3, 2015, and

Smart City Challenge

Alongside the United States Department of Transportation, Allen and Vulcan Inc. launched the Smart City
Challenge,[35] a contest inviting American cities to transform their transportation systems. Created in 2015 with
USDOT's $40 million commitment as well as $10 million from Allen's Vulcan Inc., the challenge aims to create
a first-of-its-kind modern city that will demonstrate how cities can improve quality of life while lowering
greenhouse gas emissions.[36] The winning city will be named in June 2016.

Smart Catch
Created in 2015, the Smart Catch program is designed for chefs by chefs to recognize and promote restaurants
serving sustainable seafood. The program right now is being used by over 80 restaurants in Seattle.

The International SeaKeepers Society

A founding member, Paul Allen hosts its proprietary SeaKeeper 1000TM oceanographic and atmospheric
monitoring system on all three of his megayachts.[37]
Paul Allen also has a long history of investing in Africa. Including the following:
Microgrids, Paul Allen is currently funding the building of microgrids, which are small-scale power grids
that can operate independently, in Kenya to help promote reusable energy and empower its businesses and
Wireless broadband, Allen was an early investor in the Mawingu Networks, a wireless and solar-powered
Internet provider which aims to connect rural Africa with the world.
Off Grid Electric, a company focused on providing solar energy to people in emerging nations, Allen's
investment is giving Tanzanians the ability to access electrical service for a very little cost.[39]

In 2014, Paul Allen pledged at least $100 million toward the fight to end the Ebola virus epidemic in West
Africa,[40] making him the largest private donor in the Ebola crisis. He also created a website called

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Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 43 Filed 04/28/16 Page 9 of 24[41] as a way to spread awareness as well as serve as a way donors can fund projects in need.
The site additionally highlights organizations working to stop Ebola that Allen supports such as International
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Mdecins Sans Frontires, Partners In Health, UNICEF and World
Food Program USA. On April 21, 2015, Allen brought together key leaders in the Ebola fight at the Ebola
Innovation Summit in San Francisco. The summit aimed to share key learnings and reinforce the need for
continued action and support to bring the number of Ebola cases down to zero.[42] As part of his ongoing
commitment to end the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the Paul Allen Foundation partnered with the United
States Department of State and MRIGlobal to develop a new first of its kind medevac biocontainment units.[43]
These units will be used by the U.S. State Department to help safely evacuate healthcare workers who might fall
ill to infectious diseases such as Ebola.
In October 2015, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation announced it would award seven new grants totaling $11
million to prevent future widespread outbreaks of the virus.[44]

The arts
An active art collector, Paul Allen has gifted more than $100 million to support the arts.[45] On October 15,
2012, the Americans for the Arts awarded Allen with the Eli and Edythe Broad Award for Philanthropy in the
Arts.[46] Allen has also loaned out more than 300 pieces from his private art collection to 47 different venues. In
2013, Allen sold Barnett Newman's Onement VI (1953) at Sotheby's in New York for $43.8 million,[47]
surpassing its estimate of $30 million to $40 million.[48]
In 2015, Allen founded the Seattle Art Fair, a four-day event with 60+ galleries from around the world including
works from the Gagosian Gallery, David Zwirner and many others. The event drew thousands and inspired other
satellite fairs throughout the city.[49] Also in 2015, Allen announced that he'd be opening up Pivot Art + Culture,
a gallery that will be located in the new Allen Institute for Brain Science building. The gallery is scheduled to
open in the winter of 2015.[50]

Museums and collections

Over the years, Paul Allen has established several non-profit community institutions that feature his private
collections of historic artifacts. These include:
EMP Museum, a collection of rock 'n' roll and pop culture exhibits inside a Frank Gehry-designed
building at Seattle Center, established in 2000.[51] The EMP Museum also houses the Science Fiction and
Fantasy Hall of Fame.
Flying Heritage Collection, which showcases restored vintage military aircraft and armaments primarily
from the World War II era, established in 2004.[52]
STARTUP Gallery, a permanent exhibit at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science in
Albuquerque dedicated to the history of the microcomputer, established in 2007.[53]
Living Computer Museum, a collection of vintage computers in working order and available for
interactive sessions on-site or through networked access, opened to the public in 2012.[54][55]

In 1989, Paul Allen donated $2 million to the University of Washington to construct the Allen Library, which

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was named after his father Kenneth S. Allen, a former associate director of the University of Washington library
system.[56] In the same year, Allen donated an additional $8 million to establish the Kenneth S. Allen Library
Endowment.[57] In 2012, the endowment was renamed the Kenneth S. and Faye G. Allen Library Endowment
after Allen's mother (a noted bibliophile) died.[58]
In 2002, Allen donated $14 million to the University of Washington to construct the Paul G. Allen Center for
Computer Science and Engineering.[59] The building was dedicated in October 2003.[60]
In 2010, Allen announced a gift of $26 million to build the Paul G. Allen School of Global Animal Health at
Washington State University, his alma mater. The gift is the largest private donation in the university's

Business ventures and investments

Financial and technology
Vulcan Capital is the investment-arm of Allen's Seattle-based Vulcan Inc., which manages his personal
fortune. In 2013, Allen opened a new Vulcan Capital office in Palo Alto, California to focus on making
new investments in emerging technology and internet companies.[62] Recent investments include Redfin, and Audience Inc.
Patents: Paul Allen holds 43 patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.[63]
Apps: Allen backed A.R.O., the startup behind the mobile app Saga;[64] SportStream, a social app for
sports fans;[65] and a content-management app called Fayve.[66]
Interval Research Corporation: In 1992, Allen and David Liddle co-founded Interval Research
Corporation, a Silicon Valley-based laboratory and new business incubator that was dissolved in 2000
after generating over 300 patents,[67] four of which were the subject of Allen's August 2010 patent
infringement lawsuit against AOL, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Office Depot, OfficeMax,
Staples, Yahoo!, and YouTube.[68][69]
Ticketmaster: In 1993, Paul Allen invested $243 million to acquire 80% of Ticketmaster. In 1997, Home
Shopping Network acquired 47.5% of Allen's stock for $209 million worth of HSN stock.[70]

Allen confirmed that he was the sole investor behind Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne suborbital
commercial spacecraft on October 4, 2004.[71] SpaceShipOne climbed to an altitude of 377,591 feet (115,090 m)
and was the first privately funded effort to successfully put a civilian in suborbital space. It won the Ansari X
Prize competition and received the $10 million prize.[72]
On December 13, 2011, Allen announced the creation of Stratolaunch Systems. Stratolaunch is a proposed
orbital launch system consisting of a dual-bodied, 6 engine jet aircraft, capable of carrying a rocket to high
altitude; the rocket would then separate from its carrier aircraft and fire its own engines to complete its climb
into orbit. If successful, this project would be the first wholly privately funded space transport system.[73]
Stratolaunch, which is partnering with Orbital Sciences Corporation and Scaled Composites, is intended to
launch in inclement weather, fly without worrying about the availability of launch pads and to operate from
different locations. Stratolaunch plans to ultimately host six to ten missions per year.[74] On April 13, 2015,
Vulcan Aerospace was announced. It is the company within Paul Allens Vulcan Inc. that plans and executes

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projects to shift how the world conceptualizes space travel through cost reduction and on-demand access.[75]

SpaceShipOne Takeoff

Launch of the Rockets

on SpaceShipOne

(L-R) Marion
Blakely,"Mike" Melvill,
Sir Richard Branson,
"Burt" Rutan, Brian
Binnie and Paul G.
Allen reflect on a
mission accomplished
in 2004.

Paul Allen (third from

right) and Burt Rutan
(fifth from right) were
presented with the
Ansari X PRIZE by
members of the X
PRIZE Foundation in

SpaceShipOne can now

be found at the
Smithsonian Air and
Space Museum.

Real estate
Allen's Vulcan Real Estate division offers a full range of development and portfolio management services from
site selection and urban planning to build-to-suit construction, leasing and asset repositioning. Its real estate
model is based on quality, sustainable development that builds new value across the entire community. Vulcan
Real Estate is widely known for the redevelopment of the South Lake Union neighborhood immediately north of
downtown Seattle and nestled along the south shore of Lake Union. Today South Lake Union is a mixed-use
neighborhood that is home to many innovative companies that are leaders in technology, life sciences, global
health and business, many of which are located in Vulcan developed properties.[76] Vulcan has developed 6.3
million square feet of new residential, office, retail and biotechnology research space and has a total
development capacity of 10,000,000 square feet (930,000 m2). The South Lake Union redevelopment represents
one of the largest urban revitalization projects in the country. Allen's investments in South Lake Union have
proven to be an economic catalyst and more than $5.7 billion has been invested in the neighborhood since 2002
for development projects and public infrastructure improvements. Vulcan advocated for the Seattle Streetcar line
known as South Lake Union Streetcar, which runs from Seattle's Westlake Center to the south end of Lake

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Union. The Streetcar is a public and private partnership made possible because of a Local Improvement District
(LID) supported by businesses and residents along the line; The LID provided 50% of the funding while the
remainder came from Federal and State sources with no city money used for its development costs.[77] The
streetcar officially started operation on December 12, 2007. This development has been criticized as a
city-supported real estate investment for Vulcan Inc.,[78] and concerns over the loss of low-income housing have
been expressed.
In 2012, The Wall Street Journal called Allen's South Lake Union investment "unexpectedly lucrative" and one
that led to his firm selling a 1,800,000 square feet (170,000 m2) office complex to for US$1.16
billion, one of the most expensive office deals ever in Seattle.[79] "It's exceeded my expectations," Mr. Allen said
of the South Lake Union development.
In September 2014, Vulcan made a commitment to invest $200 million at Yesler Terrace where it will purchase
three land parcels from the Seattle Housing Authority as part of an ambitious redevelopment plan for the 30 acre
site located southeast of downtown Seattle.[80]

Sports and event centers: Allen invested more than $150 million in Portland's Moda Center, which he
now owns outright. He also contributed more than $140 million to help build CenturyLink Field in Seattle.
Seattle Cinerama: Allen purchased Seattle's historic Cinerama Theater in 1998, and upgraded it with 3-D
capability and digital sound, in addition to interior and exterior refurbishing. The theater installed the
world's first commercial digital laser projector in 2014.
Hospital Club: Allen opened the Hospital Club in London in 2002 as a professional and social hub for
people working in the creative arts.

The launch of Paul Allen's 414 feet (126 m) yacht, Octopus, secured its
position as one of the world's largest yachts in 2003.[81] As of 2013, it is
14th in the list of motor yachts by length. The yacht is equipped with two
helicopters, a submarine, an ROV, a swimming pool, a music studio and
a basketball court.[82]
Allen has loaned Octopus for a number of operations. Most notably,
Octopus was used in the search for a missing American pilot and two
officers whose plane disappeared off Palau[83] and the study of a rare fish
called a coelacanth among many others.[84]

Octopus off the Grand Cayman

Islands in 2010

In 2012, Allen along with the Royal Navy attempted to retrieve the bell
from HMS Hood, which sank in the Denmark Strait during World War II, as a national memorial.[85] In March
2015, an Allen-led research team found the Japanese battleship Musashi in the Sibuyan Sea off the coast of the
Philippines.[86] Musashi and her sister ship Yamato were two of the largest and most technologically impressive
battleships in naval history.
On August 7, 2015, Allen and his research team along with the Royal Navy went back again to the site of HMS
Hood and recovered the bell. The bell will be restored and given to the British Royal Navy to memorialize the
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1,415 men lost at sea.
Octopus is a member of AMVER, a voluntary group ship reporting system used worldwide by authorities to
arrange assistance for those in distress at sea.[87]
The ship is also known for its annual celebrity-studded parties hosted at Cannes film festival,[88] where Allen
and his band play for guests. These performances have included musicians such as Usher and Dave Stewart.[89]
Allen also owns Meduse and Tatoosh (yacht),which is one of the world's 100 largest yachts. In January 2016, it
was reported that Tatoosh allegedly damaged coral in the Cayman Islands.[90] In April 2016, the Department of
Environment (DoE) and Allen's Vulcan Inc. successfully completed a restoration plan to help speed recovery
and protect the future of coral in this area.[91]

Sports team ownership

Portland Trail Blazers
Allen purchased the Portland Trail Blazers NBA team in 1988 from California real estate developer Larry
Weinberg for $70 million.[3] He was instrumental in the development and funding of the Moda Center
(previously known as the Rose Garden), the arena where the Blazers play. He purchased the arena on April 2,
2007, and stated that this was a major milestone and a positive step for the franchise.[10][92] Since taking over
the franchise, the Allen-owned Trail Blazers have reached the playoffs 19 times including the NBA Finals in
1990 and 1992 (As of July 2015)[93] According to Forbes, the Blazers were valued at $940 million in 2015 and
ranked No. 12 out of 30 NBA teams.[94]

Seattle Seahawks
Allen purchased the Seattle Seahawks NFL team in 1996 when former owner Ken Behring threatened to move
the Seahawks to Southern California.[2] Herman Sarkowsky, a former Seahawks minority owner, told The
Seattle Times about Allen's decision to buy the team, "I'm not sure anybody else in this community would have
done what [Allen] did."[95] The Seahawks are valued at $1.33 billion in August 2014 by Forbes, which says the
team has "one of the most rabid fan bases in the NFL."[96] Under the helm of Allen, the Seahawks have been to
the Super Bowl three times winning Super Bowl XLVIII and have won three NFC Championships (2005, 2013,

Seattle Sounders FC
Allen's Vulcan Sports & Entertainment is part of the ownership team of the Seattle Sounders FC, a Major
League Soccer (MLS) franchise that began play in 2009 at CenturyLink Field, a stadium also controlled by
Allen.[4] The ownership team also includes film producer Joe Roth, businessman Adrian Hanauer, and comedian
Drew Carey. The Sounders sold out every home game during its first season, setting a new MLS record for
average match attendance and the most season tickets sold in the league. Seattle Sounders FC is only the second
expansion team in MLS history to win the U.S. Open Cup tournament in its first season.


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Paul Allen and his sister Jody Allen are the owners and executive producers of Vulcan Productions,[98] a
television and film production company headquartered in Seattle within the entertainment division of Vulcan
Inc. Their films have received various recognition, ranging from a Peabody[99] to Independent Spirit
Awards,[100] Grammys[101] and Emmys. In 2014 alone, Allen's film, We The Economy, won 12 awards including
a Webby award for best Online News & Politics Series. The films have also been nominated for Golden
Globes[101] and Academy Awards[100] among many others. Vulcan Productions' films and documentary projects
include Far from Heaven[100] (2002), Hard Candy[102] (2005), Rx for Survival: A Global Health
Challenge[103][104] (2005), Where God Left His Shoes[105] (2006), Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on
Trial[106][107] (2007), This Emotional Life[108][109] (2010), We The Economy [110] (2014) Racing Extinction[111]
(2015) and Oscar-nominated Body Team 12[112] (2015).
In 2013, Vulcan Productions co-produced the Richard E. Robbins-directed film Girl Rising[113] which tells the
stories of girls from different parts of the world who seek an education. Globally over 205 million households
watched Girl Rising during the CNN and CNN International premieres,[114] and over 4 million people have
engaged with Girl Rising through websites and social media. Through the associated 10x10 program, over $2.1
million has been donated to help girls receive an education worldwide.[115]
Also in 2013, Vulcan Productions signed on as a producing partner of Pandora's Promise,[116] a documentary
about nuclear power, directed by Oscar-nominated director Robert Stone. It was released in select theaters
nationwide June 12, 2013 and on CNN on November 7, 2013. A variety of college and private screenings as
well as panel discussions have been hosted throughout the country.[117]

In 2011, Allen's memoir Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of
Microsoft, was published by Portfolio, a Penguin Group imprint. The
book recounts how Allen became enamored with computers at an early
age, conceived the idea for Microsoft, recruited his friend Bill Gates to
join him, and launched what would become the worlds most successful
software company. The paperback version of Idea Man, which included
a new epilogue, came out on October 30, 2012.[118][119]


Paul Allen and the Underthinkers

perform at the Allen Institute for
Brain Science's 10th Anniversary

Paul Allen received his first electric guitar at the age of sixteen, and was
inspired to play it by listening to Jimi Hendrix.[120] In 2000, Allen
played rhythm guitar on the independently-produced and eponymous
album Grown Men.[121] In 2013, he had a major label release on Sony's Legacy Recordings; Everywhere at
Once by Paul Allen and the Underthinkers.[122] described Everywhere at Once as "a quality
release of blues-rock that's enjoyable from start to finish."[123][124]

Awards and recognition

Paul Allen has received various awards recognizing many different areas including sports, philanthropy, and the

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On March 9, 2005, Paul Allen, Burt Rutan, and the SpaceShipOne team were awarded the 2005 National
Air and Space Museum Trophy for Current Achievement.[125]
In 2007 and 2008, Allen was listed among the Time 100 Most Influential People in The World.[126]
He received the Vanguard Award from the National Cable & Telecommunications Association on May 20,
On October 30, 2008, the Seattle-King County Association of Realtors honored Allen for his unwavering
commitment to nonprofit organizations in the Pacific Northwest and lifetime giving approaching US$1
In 2009, Allen's philanthropy as the long-time owner of the Trail Blazers was recognized with an Oregon
Sports Award[129]
On October 26, 2010, Paul Allen was awarded the W.J.S. Krief Lifetime Achievement Award for his
contributions to the field of neuroscience by the Cajal Club.[130]
On January 26, 2011 at Seattle's Benaroya Hall, Paul Allen was named Seattle Sports Commission Sports
Citizen of the Year, an award that has been renamed the Paul Allen Award.[131]
In 2011, Paul Allen was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[132]
On October 15, 2012, Allen received the Eli and Edythe Broad Award for Philanthropy in the Arts at the
National Arts Awards.[133]
On February 2, 2014, Allen received a Super Bowl ring as the Seattle Seahawks won the Vince Lombardi
On October 22, 2014, Allen received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Seattle Business Magazine
for his impact in and around the greater Puget Sound region.[135]
On December 31, 2014, Online philanthropy magazine, Inside Philanthropy, made Allen their inaugural
"Philanthropist of the Year" [18] for his ongoing effort to stop the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, breaking
ground on a new research center in Seattle, and his battle to save the world's oceans.
On July 18, 2015, Ischia Global Film and Music Festival recognized Allen with the Ischia Humanitarian
Award. Event organizers honored Allen for his contributions to social issues through his philanthropic
On August 25, 2015, Allen was named a recipient of the Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy for his
work to "save endangered species, fight Ebola, research the human brain, support the arts, protect the
oceans, and expand educational opportunities for girls."[137]
On October 3, 2015, the Center for Infectious Disease Research presented Allen with the 2015 "Champion
for Global Health Award" for his leadership and effort to fight Ebola.[138]

Honorary degrees and doctorates

Honorary degree from the Washington State University. The university bestowed its highest honor, the
Regents' Distinguished Alumnus Award, upon him.[139]
Honorary doctorate in Philosophy from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University[140]
Honorary doctorate of Science from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Watson School of Biological
Honorary degree from the cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne[142]

See also

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List of select cases of Hodgkin's Disease
Pirates of Silicon Valley, a 1999 film about the rise of the personal computer. Allen is portrayed by Josh

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86. Patricia Denise Chiu (March 3, 2015). "Explorers find 'most famous' Japanese WWII battleship off Romblon's
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107. "Project". Vulcan Productions. November 13, 2007. Retrieved August 4, 2014.
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119. Allen, Paul, Idea Man: a memoir by the co-founder of Microsoft (
printsec=frontcover), New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2011. ISBN 978-1-59184-382-5
120. Allen, Paul (2011). Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft. New York: Portfolio/Penguin. p. 250.
ISBN 978-1-59184-382-5.
121. "The Spokesman-Review". April 17, 2000. Retrieved 2015-07-31.
122. "Paul Allen: Plugged-in mogul". Retrieved 2015-07-31.
123. "Paul Allen and the Underthinkers: Everywhere at Once". August 5, 2013.
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August 4, 2014.
125. "National Air and Space Museum to Acquire SpaceShipOne, First Successful Privately Built Spacecraft". Retrieved 2015-07-31.
126. Pinker, Steven (May 3, 2007). "Paul Allen". TIME. Archived from the original on March 20, 2008. Retrieved
March 31, 2008.
127. "Anne Sweeney, Matt Blank Top Vanguard Award Winners".
128. Stroupe, James (May 22, 2008). "70th Annual First Citizen Award Honoring Paul Allen".
Retrieved July 28, 2011.
129. Alexander, Steven (February 3, 2010). "From Paul Allen to preps, Oregon Sports Awards finalists stood out in 2009".
130. "Paul G. Allen receives Krieg Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions in neuroscience".
131. "Seattle Seahawks Owner Paul Allen is Sports Citizen of the Year".
132. "Ed Felton elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences".
133. "A Celebration of National Leadership in the Arts". Archived from the original on October 29, 2013.
134. "Official Site of the National Football League". Retrieved August 4, 2014.
135. Nick Horton (November 2014). "The 2014 Community Impact Awards: Lifetime Achievement". Seattle Business
136. "Awarded Ischia Award". Paul Allen. 2015-07-20. Retrieved 2015-07-31.
137. "Medalists". Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy. Retrieved November 11, 2015.
138. "Paul G. Allen to Receive the Center for Infectious Disease Researchs "Champion for Global Health Award" - Center
for Infectious Disease Research". Retrieved November 11, 2015.
139. "Regents Select Paul Allen for Distinguished Alumnus Award - WSU News Washington State University". 1999-01-22. Retrieved 2015-07-31.
140. "SA's first deputy president among NMMU honorary doctorate recipients". 2014-03-31. Retrieved
141. "Oliver Sacks, Eric Kandel and Paul G. Allen to Receive Honorary Degrees at Watson School of Biological Sciences'
Commencement". Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Retrieved January 28, 2015.
142. [3] ( Archived (
// July 25, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.

Further reading
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Rich, Laura, The accidental zillionaire: demystifying Paul Allen (
/books?id=iBhNuAj_Tx4C&printsec=frontcover), Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. ISBN

External links
Paul Allen official home page (
Wikimedia Commons has
Appearances ( on
media related to Paul Allen.
Works by or about Paul Allen ( in libraries (WorldCat
Paul Allen ( collected
news and commentary at The New York Times
Paul Allen ( collected news and commentary at The Wall
Street Journal
Paul Allen ( entry from The Oregon
Paul Allen ( at
Business profile ( at Forbes
Paul Allen ( on Twitter
Business positions
Preceded by
Ken Behring

Seattle Seahawks owner



Preceded by
Larry Weinberg

Portland Trail Blazers owner



Preceded by
(expansion team)

Seattle Sounders FC owner



Retrieved from ""

Categories: 1953 births 20th-century American businesspeople 21st-century American businesspeople
American aerospace businesspeople American art collectors American billionaires
American communications businesspeople American computer businesspeople
American computer programmers American construction businesspeople
American documentary filmmakers American film producers American inventors American investors
American mass media owners American memoirists American philanthropists
American real estate businesspeople American record producers American rock bass guitarists
American rhythm and blues bass guitarists American soccer chairmen and investors
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American venture capitalists Businesspeople from Washington (state) Businesspeople in software
Cancer survivors Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Giving Pledgers
History of Microsoft Lakeside School alumni Living people Major League Soccer executives
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Musicians from Seattle, Washington Portland Trail Blazers owners Seattle Seahawks owners
Writers from Seattle, Washington
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Home Collections New Products



Former RCA executives make it big in




December 16, 1991 | By Valerie Reitman | Valerie Reitman,Knight-Ridder News Service

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"We Americans have talked ourselves into believing so many things that are totally inaccurate, including that we can't
compete," said Harold Krall, president of the company christened Cardinal Technologies Inc.
"We had a deep belief that manufacturing was an important strategy in 1987. Most thought [the strategy] was
unbelievable. Now, they come to visit."
The company stays nimble with its lean management, high-tech machinery that holds labor costs to just 5 percent of
expenses, and its automated design process that gives birth to new products -- from conception to consummation -- in
just eight to 10 weeks.

Nipper, the RCA mascot, needs money for a home

By comparison, it took RCA at least two years to develop a new product.

October 23, 1995

Nipper's master is barking up the right tree

Today, boxes of components from Korea, China and Taiwan arrive on the company's loading docks to be transformed
into computer modems, graphics adapters, keyboards, circuit boards, monitors and personal computers themselves, all

August 12, 1995

made in Lancaster and sent to vendors across the nation and Canada. Soon, they will go to Europe and Japan as well.

Stocks rise behind Morgan and Intel Down 50 points


Cardinal's products win shelf space and buyers mostly by virtue of their bargain prices. That's part of the company's
Toyota-like strategy of reinvesting profits from the lower-end items into building an increasingly sophisticated product

February 4, 1998

Find More Stories About

Many of Cardinal's competitors follow the California strategy of starting with technologically advanced products and
slashing prices over time, Mr. Krall said.
"Ours," Mr. Krall said, "is a bottom-up strategy."

New Products
Cardinal is anything but the typical U.S. entrepreneurial company.
It opened for business in 1987 like a jet taking off with no passengers, the partners say, outfitted with a 60,000square-foot manufacturing plant, a fleet of bosses and machinery, but no products.
It was born of a bargain-basement transaction struck in the wake of General Electric Co.'s 1986 acquisition of RCA
The seven partners now at Cardinal's helm were executives in RCA's new products division in Lancaster, which served
as an idea hatchery for RCA's consumer electronic line. GE had a similar facility in Portsmouth, Va.
Once it bought RCA, General Electric abandoned the consumer electronics business, giving it to Thomson S.A., a
French manufacturer, in exchange for Thomson's medical equipment division.
The seven executives -- some of whom had worked together 20 years -- put together a $4 million buyout of the GE/RCA

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division. The bulk of the purchase price wasn't cash, but the assumption of GE's liabilities.
The executives came up with about $800,000 of their own, by forking over their severance pay from RCA, taking out
second mortgages and sending spouses to work, Mr. Krall said. In addition, they took pay cuts of one-half to two-thirds
what they earned at RCA.

"It meant pledging all our life's assets," Mr. Krall said. "We put everything we had in life at risk. It was a deep commitment.
If it didn't work, it would have meant a lifetime of substantially suppressed lifestyle."
The two dozen other former RCA employees who joined Cardinal kicked in about $10,000 to $15,000 each in return for
shares in the company.
Cardinal picked up all of GE's sophisticated manufacturing equipment from the Portsmouth plant as part of the $4 million
"It was a bargain transaction," Mr. Krall said. "Without a bargain transaction, we could still have made it, but we couldn't
have found outside investors."
Even so, finding such financial angels was no easy task. Cardinal was spurned by venture-capital companies, but
eventually raised about $24 million from a network of private investors who gambled on the risky venture.
While five of Cardinal's seven principals were engineers or scientists, neither GE nor RCA had been in the computer
business. Nevertheless, they saw vast opportunity.
"Our goal was always to be a PC [personal computer] systems company," Mr. Krall said. And the executives brought a
wealth of experience that wasn't listed on their balance sheet.
Cardinal waded into its new business by first making modems, the devices that enable personal computers to send and
receive information over the telephone lines.
While it took months for Cardinal to hit its stride, two years later Cardinal emerged as one of the larger makers of modems,
a marketplace crowded with 135 vendors, according to Datapro Research Group Inc. in Delran, N.J.

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See Also
1. Computer Cleaning

5. How to Make Your Computer Faster

2. Assemble Computers

6. Entrepreneur Advice

3. Computer Repair Services

7. Business Plan Examples

4. Computers on Sale

8. How to Start a Business

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