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Lesson Plan

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Lesson Author
First and Last Name: HAZIRAH AND HALIZA
School Name: IPTI
School City: JOHOR BAHRU
School State: JOHOR

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Lesson Overview
Lesson Plan Title: Tetris in daily life(The application of perimeter and area)
Curriculum-Framing Questions
What is the importance of learning perimeter and area?
Essential Question
How do you apply in daily life? (In what situation?)
How do you compute perimeter for various shape?
How do you compute the area?
Unit Questions What is the measuring tools?
What is the unit shall we use?
What is the formula for the different shape?
What is the length of the shape?
What is the width of the shape?
Content Questions
What is the perimeter of the shape?
What is the area of the shape?
Lesson Summary
Perimeter and area are important in our lives for example if the Form 1 students would like to
pack their lunch, they need to know the size of the lunch box for their food e.g. bread.
In this lesson, teacher will provide manila card of four different shapes such as circle, triangle,
rectangular and square. Now students are divided into four groups. For Group 1, they need to
measure perimeter of a rectangular card while for Group 2, they need to measure perimeter of
a circle card. For Group 3, they need to measure perimeter of a triangle card whereas Group
4 they need to measure perimeter of a square card. The measuring tools will be given to the
students and it is up to them to choose which tools are suitable to measure. Then they have
to calculate the perimeter using the formula that they have learned. After that, they need to
find the area for each shape and record the data. After they finish the task, they will exchange
the card to other groups until they have done all the shapes.
Now, they have to make their own shapes creatively and find the parameter and area for each
shape. At the end, the data will be compared among groups.

Subject Area(s): Click box(es) of the subject(s) that your lesson targets
Mathematics Science Art:      
Economics Regional Language Commerce:      
Statistics Physical Education Other: ICT
Business Administration Computer Science Other:      
Music Environmental Studies
Language Arts Home Science
Social Studies
Class: Click box(es) of the grade level(s) that your lesson targets
11-12 13-15
16-17 Resource
Gifted and Talented Others:

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School Examination Board Guidelines:
Student Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

Students calculate data from four different shapes so they know:
• Different shapes have different methods to compute the perimeter and area
• To use the measuring tools efficiently

Lesson Outcomes Include:

• Use the mathematical formula to calculate the perimeter and area.
• Learn to conduct a collaborative study and make comparative analyses
• Get use of all measuring tools and units
• Understanding the concept of calculating an area
• Learn to calculate area in many ways.

Skills developed:
 Students develop the skill of observation.
 Students develop the skill of leadership & organizing.
 Students develop the skill of collecting, analyzing & presenting data.
 Students develop creative & artistic skills.
 Students learn to collaborate and work in teams in class.

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