Xu Et Al CODDD Review2009

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Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2009 12(1):40-52

Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Ltd ISSN 1367-6733

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical research and development:

Metabolites, mechanisms and pathways
Ethan Y Xu, William H Schaefer & Qiuwei Xu*
Department of Safety Assessment, Merck Research Laboratories,
770 Sumneytown Pike, West Point, PA 19486, USA
Email: qiuwei_xu@merck.com
*To whom correspondence should be addressed

In recent years, quantitative metabolomics has played increasingly important roles in pharmaceutical research and development.
Metabolic profiling of biofluids and tissues can provide a panoramic view of abundance changes in endogenous metabolites to
complement transcriptomics and proteomics in monitoring cellular responses to perturbations such as diseases and drug treatments.
Precise identification and accurate quantification of metabolites facilitate downstream pathway and network analysis using software
tools for the discovery of clinically accessible and minimally invasive biomarkers of drug efficacy and toxicity. Metabolite abundance
profiles are also indicative of biochemical phenotypes, which can be used to identify novel quantitative trait loci in genome-wide
association studies. This review summarizes recent experimental and computational efforts to improve the metabolomics technology
as well as progress towards in-depth integration of metabolomics with other disparate omics datasets to build mechanistic models
in the form of detailed and testable hypotheses.
Keywords Biochemical mechanisms, identification, quantification, metabolic profiling, metabolomics, metabonomics, NMR, pathway
analysis, systems biology

DSS-d6 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium,
FDR false discovery rate, HSQC heteronuclear single
quantum correlation, LC-MS liquid chromatography mass
spectrometry, MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
MS mass spectrometry, NMR nuclear magnetic resonance,
RT-PCR reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction,
QTL quantitative trait locus

Metabolomics, also known as metabonomics [1] or
metabolic profiling [2], originated from Linus Pauling's
seminal vision of generating information-rich quantitative
response profiles from human biofluids to evaluate defined
diets for orthomolecular medicine [3], an alternative
medicine aimed at preventing and treating disease with
natural products. Since then, metabolomics has evolved
into a valuable tool in systems biology and permeated
into diverse areas such as investigative toxicology [4-8],
pharmaceutical lead optimization [9], environmental science
[10-12], epidemiology [13-15], disease and population
stratification [16-18], pharmacology [19-21], plant biology
[22-24], cellular biochemistry [25-27], and human nutrition
[28-32]. Throughout this review, the term 'metabolomics'
will be used to describe the application of analytical
chemistry tools to follow changes of endogenous
metabolites in biofluids, cells and tissues.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry
(MS) have been the most widely used analytical platforms

in fingerprinting spectral differences and profiling

endogenous small molecules in metabolomic analyses. 1D
H-NMR has the advantage of being precisely quantitative
and non-destructive, while simultaneously detecting all
proton-bearing molecules from one single spectrum.
Molecules are distinguished in 1D 1H-NMR spectra by their
chemical shifts, peak multiplicities and coupling constants.
H-NMR has a large linear dynamic range for quantification
and can detect in the micromolar range. MS, often coupled
with liquid or gas chromatographic (LC- or GC-) separation
techniques, has an advantage in sensitivity although it is
only semi-quantitative (or relatively quantitative) for most
applications. LC-MS or GC-MS identifies molecules based
on accurately determining mass-to-charge ratios of
molecular ions and their fragment ions, as well as the
associated retention time from the chromatographic
separation. MS has a lower detection limit in the nanomolar
range. This review will focus on data acquisition and
processing using NMR-based quantitative metabolomics,
and readers interested in MS analytical strategies and
algorithm developments in MS-based metabolomics are
referred to references [33-36].
Evolving from early limitations of analytical technologies,
a shift toward identification of all possible endogenous
molecules has been made possible by the high resolution
and sensitivity of modern NMR and MS technology,
developments of robust algorithms, establishment of
inclusive spectral reference libraries, and interactive
software. The identification of molecules is often driven

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical R&D Xu et al 41

by a need to understand and interpret the observed

changes of endogenous metabolites in terms of relevant
biochemical mechanisms and metabolic pathways, enabling
independent confirmation of any observation by orthogonal
or independent analytical platforms, different animal
models, and other 'omics approaches.
The interpretation of abundance changes of endogenous
biochemical pathways and metabolite-protein interaction
networks. Metabolic profiles are molecular representations
of physiological and functional status; they are molecular
phenotypes of functioning genes and proteins [22].
Metabolomes in higher organisms can be viewed in the
context of the extended central dogma of molecular
biology (see Figure 1). They are often affected by symbiotic
organisms [37,38], diets [39-41] and other environmental
factors [13,30,37,40].
This review begins by discussing data processing and
analysis algorithms for chemometric and quantitative
metabolomics. The importance of reference metabolite
databases will be highlighted in the context of quantitative
NMR metabolomics. An overview of recent literature will
be provided, describing efforts to integrate metabolomics
with other 'omics profiling technologies, and new data
analysis tools to extract biochemical pathway information
from metabolite identification and quantification.

Chemometric metabolomics and

quantitative metabolomics
Quantitative NMR analysis in biological systems can be
traced back to as early as 1971 [42], shortly after its
inception for quantitative chemical analysis [43]. The
accuracy and robustness of quantitative NMR have been

validated even in rigorous GMP (Good Manufacturing

Practice) environments for biological product release and
characterization [44,45]. As early as 1989, Nicholson and
his colleagues published a paper on quantitative 1H-NMR
analyses of excreted urine metabolites from rats dosed
with cadmium [46]. Given its nearly 100% natural
abundance and a large gyromagnetic ratio, 1H is the
most sensitive among all nuclei, including 31P and 13C.
Despite some early successes, 1D 1H-NMR spectra often
faced difficulties in the presence of overwhelming and
complicated overlapping peaks from dozens to hundreds
of detectable chemicals in tissues and biofluids.

Chemometric metabolomics
There are two different data analysis approaches in dealing
with the massive amount of complicated 1H-NMR spectra
in a metabolomic study. The first method is multivariate
pattern recognition or chemometric analysis [47].
Chemometric metabolomics focuses on the identification of
global trends in spectral peak patterns rather than on the
identification and quantification of endogenous metabolites
in spectra of overlapping signals from mixtures. The
analysis provides an unbiased representation of the whole
metabolomic dataset and saves a significant amount of
time by avoiding the tedious task of unambiguous
metabolite identification. However, there are growing
concerns over poor inter-laboratory reproducibility of
the multivariate metabolic fingerprints derived from
chemometric analyses, the inability to confirm chemometric
findings with complementary technologies, and the lack
of biological insights due to the absence of unequivocal
metabolite identification [48].
In recent years, several new techniques of multivariate
data analysis have been developed for chemometric

Figure 1. The extended central dogma of molecular biology.




Systems biology







Metabolite M1






42 Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2009 Vol 12 No 1

metabolomics. Statistical total correlation spectroscopy

(STOCSY), proposed by Cloarec et al at Imperial
College London, exploits the multicollinearity of the
chemical shift variables in a set of NMR spectra to
generate a pseudo-2D NMR spectrum that resembles
homonuclear total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) [49].
The application of STOCSY to NMR spectra often faces
the following challenges: (i) selection of a threshold value
of Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) when drawing
contour plots to filter out background noise; (ii) alignment
of NMR spectra to remove small variations in peak
position, line width, or peak shape due to the effect of pH,
concentration and ionic strength; and (iii) limited dynamic
ranges of peak intensities.
The Imperial College team later extended the STOCSY
concept to examine the correlation patterns between
NMR and LC-MS spectra, and named the new method
demonstrated that a number of metabolites were
identified by cross-correlations between NMR and LC-MS
peaks, therefore improving the efficiency of metabolite
identification for those metabolites detectable by both
techniques [50].
Built on multivariate projection models such as Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares
(PLS), the metabolite projection analysis (MPA) method
facilitates metabolite identification in a metabolomic
experiment [51]. NMR spectra for a set of known pure
metabolites are projected into the PCA or PLS models built
from the sample spectra, allowing for the instantaneous
identification of metabolites from scores plots without the
need for tedious annotation of signals on the loadings plots.
MPA has the obvious appeal in the practice of chemometric
metabolomics, but false positive metabolites cannot be
prevented. Manual inspections are often required to confirm
an identified list of metabolites.

Quantitative metabolomics
The second data analysis approach in NMR metabolomics
is the identification and quantification of endogenous
metabolites from the NMR spectra. This approach is now
known as quantitative metabolomics [52]. This analysis is
different from the traditional targeted metabolite analysis
used in clinical chemistry where the analytical protocols
are limited to the predefined set of metabolites while
changes of all other small molecules are ignored.
Quantitative metabolomics is unbiased and is suitable for
the identification and quantification of all detectable
metabolites. However, the metabolite identification process
is limited by the size of the NMR reference spectral library
of known endogenous metabolites. Unidentified NMR
peaks can still be captured in this open-ended quantitative
NMR analysis by recording the peak positions and scaled
intensities with respect to an internal reference compound
such as DSS-d6 (2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate
sodium). Additional NMR data acquisition such as 2D
homonuclear or heteronuclear correlation spectra in
combination with other orthogonal analytical methods

such as LC-MS can be deployed later to determine the

chemical structures of the metabolites. Identification of
endogenous metabolites is an interactive process. When
unexpected metabolites are identified in an open-profiling
experiment, other metabolites in the same or related
pathways can become candidates for follow-up targeted
analyses. This iterative metabolite analysis with a focus
on biochemical pathways has the potential to complete the
cycle of hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing in
the elucidation of underlying mechanisms of complex
diseases and drug-induced toxicities [14].
The advantage of the quantitative metabolomics approach
is highlighted in translational research projects, which
focus on the progress from preclinical to clinical testing
in the drug development process [53-55]. For example,
ex vivo metabolite profiles in cerebrospinal fluid can be
related to in vivo MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
measurements of the same set of metabolites in brain
[54]. Unlike genes and proteins, most endogenous
metabolites are identical across different tissues, organs
and species. It can be straightforward to relate
between different animal species. For example, the same
small molecules due to renal proximal tubule toxicities
are present in the urine of rodent, monkey and human
although the sequences of membrane transporter proteins
and genes of these molecules may vary among different
The practice of quantitative NMR metabolomics requires
correct NMR settings and sample preparation to achieve
signals. Attention has to be given to parameters such as
recycle delay, well-contained water suppression and the
spectral width. In order to avoid spin saturation, a recycle
delay of 5 to 7 T1 is often recommended. Applying water
suppression by selective shaped pulse such as in WET
(water suppression enhanced through T1 effects) [56] can
avoid the intensity attenuation of nearby peaks (especially
peaks due to anomeric protons of sugar molecules such
as glucose, mannose and galactose that appear close to
the water signal) or even exchangeable protons (eg,
urea). A large spectral window or sharp filters such as a
brick-wall digital filter can avoid peak clipping at either
side of the spectral window.
The consistency of spectral intensity can be maintained
by maintaining the same instrument settings throughout
the data acquisition process for all samples. This
consistency can also be achieved by scaling the spectral
intensity relative to the peak area of an internal reference
compound that is added at a known concentration. The
latter approach is preferred for its convenience and
consistency by including an internal reference compound
during sample preparation for quantification [57,58],
and enables calculation of absolute concentrations of
endogenous metabolites in each sample by peak area
integration or by spectral deconvolution methods, as
discussed below.

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical R&D Xu et al 43

Metabolite quantification has also been proposed with 2D

H-13C HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum correlation)
spectroscopy [59]. The large chemical shift dispersion
along the 13C dimension helps to resolve overlapping
peaks that often complicate 1D 1H-NMR spectral analysis
for metabolomics. However, a single internal quantitative
reference is not sufficient to quantify all metabolites using
2D HSQC because the cross peak intensities depend on
many factors such as one-bond 1H-13C coupling constants
of individual 1H-13C pairs. Therefore, quantification has
to rely on external calibration curves. Given hundreds
of NMR-detectable endogenous metabolites, setting up
calibration curves for all of these chemicals is unrealistic.
Large sample quantities are also recommended to achieve
an adequate signal-to-noise ratio within a manageably
samples such as cerebrospinal fluid are often limited in
availability. Hence, metabolite identification via 2D
heteronuclear NMR appears to be practical only when
large quantities of materials are available (eg, plant
metabolomics studies).

Data analysis algorithms for quantitative

The calculation of metabolite concentrations from NMR
spectra is often carried out by two different approaches.
Traditionally, metabolite concentration is determined

using peak area integration when peaks are well resolved.

This approach is based on the principle that detected
NMR signals are produced by electromagnetic pulses,
which respond linearly with the concentration of
distinctive nuclei (eg, methyl protons in acetate) in the
analyzed samples. This is exemplified by a recent study
that measured lipid components of skin samples using
well-resolved lipid peaks [60]. However, overlapping
peaks frequently appear in the NMR spectra of biological
samples. In such cases, deconvolution algorithms have
to be applied to assist metabolite quantification.
The second approach is based on spectral lineshape
deconvolution. An NMR spectrum of a biological sample
can be viewed as a linear composition of the spectra of
each of the individual components. Therefore, a complex
mixture spectrum can be decomposed into constituent
reference spectra with corresponding coefficients to
account for their relative abundance in the original
spectrum. NMR spectra of individual metabolites are often
distinctive and characteristic based on the number of
peaks, peak positions, peak multiplicity, and splitting
patterns of peak multiplicity (ie, coupling constants).
Deconvolution can be achieved either by manual
adjustment of peak intensity and position for all constituent
peaks [57] or by automated deconvolution algorithms
(Figure 2).

Figure 2. An example workflow and an illustration of deconvolution for quantitative NMR metabolomics.

Sample preparation
Spectral optimization
Data acquisition
Phase, reference,
Search reference

Peak integration

Quantify and

Add an internal
reference standard
(eg, DSS-d6 )
Pulse calibration,
water suppression
Scale spectra with
an internal reference
(eg, DSS-d6)

SVD, least squares

Metabolites and quantities





(A) A typical flow chart of quantitative NMR metabolomics. (B) An illustration of lineshape-based deconvolution of overlapping NMR peaks
for metabolite quantification. The solid curves represent original NMR peaks, while dashed curves (with solid circles) represent the fitted
peaks based on reference chemicals. Two lower curves (dashed and dot-dashed) are deconvolved peaks of taurine and trimethylamine
oxide (TMAO), respectively. The intensities of the deconvolved peaks are the products of the reference spectra of taurine and TMAO and their
contributing coefficients.
DSS-d6 2, 2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium, SVD singular value decomposition

44 Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2009 Vol 12 No 1

Singular value decomposition (SVD) provides a single

unique answer to quantifying and identifying metabolites
in mixtures by solving linear response equations [58]
without requiring initial seeding values to start the
calculations. Unlike least squares regression (see below),
SVD only produces coefficients for spectra of contributing
metabolites, thus avoiding forced negative coefficients
often seen in least-squares fitting. The accuracy and
robustness of the SVD method has been demonstrated
on a set of synthetic mixtures, and in quantifying taurine
and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) from rat urine samples
in the crowded spectral region between 3.23 and 3.27 ppm
An alternative deconvolution method solves the linear
response equations by least squares regression. A method
called LCModel has been widely used for in vivo MRS
quantification of endogenous metabolites in human and
animal brains [61,62]. Gipson et al developed a weighted
least squares method on binned spectral intensities to
search for differences among treatment groups and
identifying metabolites [63]. In this algorithm, weighting
factors are inversely proportional to signal variances so
that peaks of significant intensities are weighted more
Keys to the success of deconvolution-based quantification
algorithms include exhaustive collection of reference NMR
spectra and development of robust algorithms and efficient
software for peak alignment. Significant progress has
been made in building reference spectra databases to
facilitate metabolite identification and quantification.
However, improvements are still required in the
development of peak alignment algorithms, and the
implementation of such algorithms in interactive data
processing software.

so that users can easily inspect and correct the

development process, it is important to clarify the
requirements for sample preparation, NMR data acquisition,
spectral pre-processing and deconvolution algorithms.
For example, the inclusion of a quantitative internal
reference would help scale spectral intensity consistently
and uniformly, and correct data acquisition settings would
warrant consistent spectral quality and ease the process
of spectral phase and baseline correction.
Deconvolution algorithms could facilitate not only the
quantification of overlapping peaks but also that of lowintensity peaks. The integration of low-intensity peaks
is often plagued by low signal-to-noise ratios. It is often
straightforward to recognize a compound of low abundance
in a 1H-NMR spectrum by overlaying distinctive reference
peaks onto a sample spectrum. Both overlapping and
low-intensity peaks account for a significant portion of
signals in NMR spectra. Deconvolution algorithms are
therefore indispensable to quantitative metabolomics in
their capability to extract the abundance profiles of
hundreds of metabolites from a single 1H-NMR spectrum.
One successful example of deconvolution-based NMR
quantification has been the profiling of serum lipoproteins
measured lipoprotein subclasses such as chylomicrons,
very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The approach
circumvented the need to physically separate each
subclass of particles while achieving satisfactory results.

Reference databases for metabolite

identification and quantification

The need for peak alignment is common in the processing

of NMR and chromatography data. Although peak alignment
can be conducted manually, it is preferable to have it
performed by software tools implementing robust alignment
algorithms. Various algorithms are being developed and
tested such as the fuzzy Hough transform for aligning
peaks in an image representation of NMR spectra [64],
and several warping algorithms to align sample peaks
to pre-selected reference peaks using interpolation of
spectral data points [65-69]. Developing an algorithm to
achieve global alignment for all peak regions of a spectrum
is a challenge. It is more practical to align peaks locally
in a few selected small regions where quantifying by
deconvolution would follow. The intensities of peaks in
other regions for the same molecules can be constructed
with the deconvolution coefficients. Alignment and
quantification can, therefore, be further evaluated by
comparing reconstructed peak intensities with actual
NMR peaks in those regions.

Current estimates suggest that there may be as few as

2500 to 3000 endogenous metabolites (active or present)
in the human metabolome; however, this number is
expected to change as the metabolite detection technologies
become more sensitive and comprehensive [48,73].
The chemical structures of many of these endogenous
metabolites are known during the enzymatic transformation
in metabolic pathways, and are often conserved among
different species across phylogeny. While chemometric
metabolomics could focus on examining global trends
in spectral patterns without identifying the underlying
metabolites, the practice of quantitative metabolomics
requires the extraction of detectable and recognizable
metabolite abundance profiles from the spectra of
complex mixtures of biofluids (eg, urine, plasma/serum,
cerebrospinal fluid), tissue biopsies or cultured cell lysates.
The collection of quantitative 1D 1H-NMR spectra of pure
compounds to build a spectral reference database is
essential for this metabolite identification and quantification

A flexible and powerful software interface should combine

existing, robust algorithms to efficiently process the peak
alignments, and be able to highlight misaligned regions

Currently, there are a few public and proprietary NMR

spectral libraries. These include the Human Metabolome
Database (HMDB; freely available) [74], the Madison

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical R&D Xu et al 45

available to academic users) [75], the Chenomx database
(proprietary) [57], and many other proprietary databases.
HMDB (www.hmdb.ca) contains NMR spectra for at least
755 pure chemicals. Among them are 1D 1H and 2D 1H-13C
HSQC NMR spectra. These chemicals include not only
endogenous metabolites but also xenobiotics found in
human biofluids at concentrations of > 1 M. Similarly,
MMCD (mmcd.nmrfam.wisc.edu) contains NMR spectra for
477 compounds. These spectra include 1D 1H, 13C, 13C-DEPT
(Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer), 2D
homonuclear and heteronuclear spectra. For metabolomic
studies based on LC-MS, METLIN (metlin.scripps.edu)
has become a valuable database tool since it became
available in 2005 [76,77]. KEGG (www.genome.jp/kegg)
and PubChem (pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) remain the
most useful all-purpose metabolite databases, offering
hyperlinked biochemical and chemical knowledge not
captured in those specialized metabolite databases for
NMR and LC-MS metabolomics.
HMDB provides annotations to each metabolite, for example,
the matrices (eg, biofluids and tissues) where those
metabolites are usually found, with normal and abnormal
reference ranges of concentrations. The collection of
this type of information is tedious, involving literature
searching, semi-automated text mining and exquisite
measurements in targeted biomatrices [78]. This
information is especially valuable at the stage of postidentification biochemical interpretation of changes in
metabolite abundance. It is not uncommon for a preclinical
toxicity study to be limited by the number of test subjects
especially, with non-rodent large animals where normal
population variability is difficult to assess. In those cases,
biochemical interpretation of a metabolomic profiling
experiment will benefit from the use of historical data in
published literature or databases.

concentrations of reference compounds should be similar

to the concentrations commonly found in samples. The
concentration of the internal reference standard (eg, DSS-d6)
should also be similarly close. High concentrations can
affect chemical shifts, distort peak line shapes, and
contribute to variance of quantification when sample
concentration is disparately lower than that of a reference
compound. A typical concentration range for a reference
compound is ~ 1 to 2 mM, at which most abundant
chemicals in biofluids are detected by 1D 1H-NMR and a good
signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved by acquiring reference
spectra in a short time.
Given the invaluable role of NMR reference spectra for
metabolite identification and quantification, establishing
a commonly shared database containing a library of
quantitative NMR reference spectra will undoubtedly save
time and cost by avoiding duplicate efforts. The large
size of a library with contributions from all participants
can accelerate quantitative NMR metabolomics. However,
standardization of spectral collection conditions and
spectral quality still remains to be set. Quality control
standards will need to be achieved before NMR spectra
can be accepted for repository.

Elucidating biochemical mechanisms of

diseases and drug toxicities

The proprietary Chenomx database is a part of the

metabolomics software for 1D 1H-NMR spectral analysis
and contains at least 270 reference compounds. This
NMR database has two additional dimensions affecting
metabolite peak appearance: pH and NMR field strength.
Because chemical shifts of many metabolite peaks are
sensitive to pH, the collection of NMR spectra over a
range of pH conditions and the inclusion of pH-dependent
chemical shifts in the database help to search for chemicals
and peak alignment when pH-indicative chemicals such
as imidazole or difluorotrimethylsilanylphosphonic acid
(DFTMP) [79] are added during sample preparation
for monitoring solution pH. In addition, spectral peak
dispersion is dependent on the magnetic field of the NMR
spectrometer: high-field magnets can often resolve
otherwise overlapping peaks. This feature is particularly
relevant to line shape-based metabolite quantification, where
proper peak dispersion helps to align peaks in the reference
spectra to their corresponding peaks in sample spectra.

In toxicity studies, metabolomics, transcriptomics and

proteomics can all yield useful information about changes
in biochemistry related to the toxicological and pathological
effects. However, biochemical interpretation of results from
each of these 'omics individually can lead to premature
conclusions as many toxicants may perturb cellular
processes at multiple molecular levels. In recent years,
the concept of systems biology has emerged to describe
the integrated study of complex biological systems at
multiple molecular levels that are consistent with the
extended central dogma of molecular biology (Figure 1). This
has inspired a similar concept of systems toxicology [80]
to describe a system-wide evaluation of a living organism
before and after perturbation by toxicants or stressors
via the integration of molecular profiling data and
measurement of conventional toxicological endpoints.
Integration of data from different 'omics platforms can
lead to coherent modeling of perturbed biochemical
processes and reduce the effects of measurement noise.
Many studies have attempted to integrate molecular
profiling data from various combinations of transcriptomics,
proteomics and metabolomics. In those experiments,
biofluid and tissue samples collected from the same set of
animals or from comparably treated animals were analyzed
in parallel by applying different 'omics technologies. Most
of these studies presented integrated results at the level
of interpretations already drawn from separate analyses
of individual datasets rather than co-analysis of different
'omics datasets [81].

Quantitative reference spectra require the presence of an

internal reference such as DSS-d6, or other appropriate

Given the difficulty of integrating different 'omics data

types in the context of a detailed biological model
[82], one solution is to generate testable hypotheses

46 Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2009 Vol 12 No 1

concerning potential protein and transcript changes

that can occur based on measured drug-induced changes
of well-known small-molecule metabolites. Chen et al
applied LC-MS metabolomic analysis of deproteinized
serum samples from control and dextran sulfate sodium
(DSS)-treated mice to investigate the pathogenic
mechanism of acute ulcerative colitis [83]. The
team found that DSS treatment elicited an increase
(LPC; 18:0) over oleoyl LPC (18:1) that bore a striking
desaturase 1 (SCD1) knockout mice. This observation
led to the hypothesis that DSS might downregulate hepatic
SCD1 at the mRNA or protein level. After verifying this
hypothesis by real-time RT-PCR (reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction) of whole liver mRNA and
immunoblot analysis of liver microsomes, the researchers
further conducted a series of experiments to reveal
that inhibition of SCD1-mediated oleic acid biogenesis
exacerbates proinflammatory responses to DSS challenges.
This case study has provided a compelling demonstration
of the power of conventional hypothesis-driven integration
of targeted mRNA and protein measurements with the
analysis of metabolomics data in discovering novel
therapeutic targets and diagnostic biomarkers. In
addition, the study illustrates how phenotypic similarities
between drug-induced toxicities and genetic disorders
such as inborn errors of metabolism could be exploited
to facilitate the discovery process of toxicity biomarkers
Experiments have also been carried out to integrate
metabolomics with transcriptomics data analysis at the
deeper level of detailed biological models [85]. Urine NMR
metabolomic and kidney transcriptomic profiles were
obtained from the same set of animals dosed with the
nephrotoxicants, cisplatin or gentamicin, and metabolitetranscript correlation analysis was performed in the
context of relevant literature knowledge of renal
physiology. The two types of data were used together
in a pathway enrichment analysis (see below) and for the
calculation of correlation coefficients before any inferences
were drawn. By using urinary profiles of identified
than binned NMR spectral regions from chemometric
analysis, Xu et al were able to build a detailed model,
including genes for membrane transporters involved
metabolites and upstream transcription factors that are
downregulated by the nephrotoxicants entering the
tubular epithelial cells. This research could be extended
to the examination of global metabolite-transcript
correlation networks for potential revelation of additional
biochemical pathways perturbed by nephrotoxicants.
Although the available data might be insufficient for the
application of more advanced methods of causal inference
such as Bayesian networks [86], knowledge-guided
visualization of correlation patterns is expected to offer
more insight to the mechanisms of drug-induced target
organ toxicities.

Emerging applications of metabolomics in

genotype-phenotype association studies
The characterization of genotype-phenotype associations
for complex human diseases remains a challenging task
because of the involvement and complicated interplay of
multiple genes and environmental factors. Quantitative
trait loci (QTL) are regions of the genome that contribute to
variations in a quantitative trait as measured on continuous
scales [87]. The critical difference between a qualitative
Mendelian trait and a quantitative trait is not the number of
segregating loci, but the effect size of phenotypic variations
between genotypes in comparison to the individual
variation within genotypic classes [88]. While classical
QTL analysis can readily associate a broad genomic region
with a physiological phenotype, it usually does not reveal
the molecular mechanisms underlying that phenotype. In
recent years, transcriptomic profiling of mRNA abundance
by microarrays has been deployed to expand the types of
phenotypes analyzed in genetic linkage and association
studies [87]. Genetic correlations between such gene
expression QTL (eQTL) with organism-level phenotypes
would facilitate the identification of causal mutations and
pinpoint the perturbed molecular pathways that result in a
particular phenotype [89-91].
The route to linking a QTL to a physiological phenotype
often involves the consideration of changes in the steadystate levels of endogenous metabolites, in addition to
changes in mRNA abundance. Those changes in metabolite
abundance could correlate with various genetic, epigenetic,
environmental modulations of the organism-level phenotype
[22,92]. Some metabolites are important intermediates
in signal transduction pathways that can regulate gene
expression at the transcriptional level [93]. As such, plant
biologists have introduced the concept of metabolic QTL
(mQTL) into quantitative genetics. The first report in this
field demonstrated the application of mQTL mapping as a
novel approach in tomato improvement [94]. The
metabolite profiling was limited to a targeted selection
GC-MS. Correlation analysis of all of the possible pairs of
metabolite and physiological phenotype allowed the
modeling of several regulatory networks of plant
metabolism. Keurentjes and coworkers applied untargeted
LC-MS metabolomic profiling to the genetic analysis of
natural variations of metabolite abundance in Arabidopsis
[95]. This proof-of-concept study identified mQTLs for
~ 75% of all mass peaks detected by LC-MS, suggesting
that the abundance of most plant metabolites is under
quantitative genetic control. mQTL mapping in Arabidopsis
was later integrated with eQTL analysis to show that
natural variations in aliphatic glucosinolates have
feedback control on the transcript abundance of
genes that encode enzymes involved in glucosinolate
biosynthesis [96].
mQTL mapping was first applied to the genetic analysis of
mammalian metabolic phenotypes by Dumas et al [97]. The

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical R&D Xu et al 47

research group used chemometric NMR metabolomics to

profile a subset of serum samples from a diabetic inbred
strain (GK) crossed with a normoglycemic strain (BN) of
rats (F2), and identified approximately 110 consistent
mQTLs with LOD scores (logarithm of odds ratio) greater
than 3 (ie, the likelihood of a given QTL not linked to the
trait is less than 1 in 1000). After statistical validation
with rigorous permutation tests at a threshold false
discovery rate (FDR) of 0.05, approximately 12 of
the mQTLs were found to be significant. To overcome the
lack of metabolite identities in the association of
chemometric NMR fingerprints with genomic regions,
the authors also assigned candidate metabolite names to
approximately 158 mQTLs by searching their in-house NMR
spectral database. One particular spectral region, centered
on chemical shift 7.86 ppm, was experimentally confirmed
to represent benzoate. Dumas et al then incorporated
liver transcriptomic data from the two parental strains
to suggest that the benzoate-associated mQTL on
chromosome 14 might represent the candidate gene
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B (Ugt2b). The gene identity
was confirmed by a genomic Southern blot analysis,
suggesting that Ugt2b deficiency in GK rats may account
for serum benzoate accumulation in F2 animals carrying
the GK mQTL homozygous genotype.
The power of integrating mQTL with eQTL analysis to
reveal genetic architecture and molecular pathways
demonstrated by Ferrara and coworkers in a study of
F2 intercross between diabetes-resistant and diabetessusceptible mouse strains [98]. Targeted profiling of
67 liver metabolites was conducted by combining the
application of stable-isotope internal standards and LC-MS
(for amino acids and acylcarnitines) or GC-MS (for organic
acids). Genotypic analysis was integrated with liver mRNA
profiling and metabolite profiling data to construct
causal phenotype networks for the genetic control of
hepatic metabolic processes using a novel method [99].
One of the advantages of targeted metabolite profiling
with absolute quantification by MS analyses is the rapid
resolution of biochemical pathway information from simple
visualization of metabolite-metabolite and metabolitetranscript correlation patterns. This causal network
model further predicted that the modulation of glutamine
and/or glutamate levels should lead to changes in
the transcript abundance of three genes, encoding
alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (Agxt), arginase 1
(Arg1) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (Pck1).
The directionality of this prediction was confirmed in vitro
when glutamine (10 mM) was added to cultured primary
hepatocytes; real-time RT-PCR assays indicated that the
mRNA expression of all three genes was upregulated.

Pathway and network analysis in

The biochemical interpretation of complex transcriptomic,
proteomic and metabolomic profiles often requires the
use of pathway and network tools that provide integrated
visualizations of differential expression patterns measured

by molecular profiling, and of the interaction networks

of cellular components extracted from knowledge bases
of biomedical literatures. In the field of microarray
transcriptomics, statistical algorithms, such as gene set
enrichment analysis (GSEA), gene set analysis (GSA)
and parametric analysis of gene set enrichment (PAGE),
have gained widespread popularity for the interpretation
of genome-wide expression profiles in the context of
biochemical pathways associated with predefined specific
sets of genes [100-102]. Open-source tools such as GenMAPP
(genmapp.org) and VisANT (visant.bu.edu) as well as
commercial tools such as MetaCore (GeneGo Inc) and
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems Inc) have
enabled the visualization of biochemical interactions between
genes, proteins and metabolites as functional modules or
canonical pathways [103].
The typical number of known metabolites identified
by the current NMR and LC-MS technologies is in the
order of hundreds while a microarray transcriptomic
experiment can readily profile tens of thousands of genes.
The scale difference between measurable metabolomes
and transcriptomes has made the application of most
enrichment analysis algorithms to metabolomics data very
challenging. Only simple enrichment analysis, such as
hypergeometric ranking without direct use of the metabolite
abundance values, has been applied to the pathway
analysis of metabolic profiles [85]. Additional difficulties
in applying pathway analysis algorithms to metabolomics
data arise from the lack of a controlled vocabulary for the
functional annotation of metabolite identities. Availability
of a widely accepted metabolite ontology (MO), which is
analogous to gene ontology [104,105], will allow more
transcriptomics pathway analysis tools to be adapted
to the field of metabolomics (Figure 3). The Ontology
Working Group (OWG) was established in 2006 as a part
of the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (msi-ontology.
sourceforge.net), but a delivery timetable for a practical
MO has yet to be announced.
In the absence of powerful pathway analysis algorithms
for metabolomics data, one effective approach to obtain
insights into the perturbation of metabolic pathways is to
overlay plots of metabolite abundance across treatment
groups onto the canonical pathway maps. To discover
novel metabolic biomarkers for drug-induced oxidative
stress, Soga et al analyzed liver metabolite profiles from
vehicle- and acetaminophen-treated C57BL6 mice using
capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionization
time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOF-MS) [106]. By
pre-analyzing 569 pure metabolite standards selected from
the KEGG LIGAND database, these researchers identified
132 standard metabolites among 1859 CE-TOF-MS peaks
detected in both groups of mouse liver samples. Using
self-developed software tools for the differential display of
metabolites between controls and acetaminophen-treated
animals, the researchers discovered extensive depletion
of glutathione (GSH) and its oxidized form GSSG. Another
significantly changed cationic metabolite (m/z 290.135),
which was unknown at the time of analysis, was later

48 Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2009 Vol 12 No 1

Figure 3. Metabolite ontology integrates metabolite databases to enable knowledge-based pathway enrichment analyses.
Cross referencing
by name and ID mapping

Pathway ontology





Flat files parsing






Browsing, searching,
pathway enrichment analysis


Metabolite ontology can serve as a controlled vocabulary to integrate the cross references of endogenous metabolites in public databases
by synonym and identity (ID) mapping. Expert knowledge can be curated from published literature to construct a pathway ontology for
metabolomics. A pathway ontology can be used to index PubMed abstracts and full-text articles to build a document-metabolite matrix, on
which significantly changed metabolites in a metabolomics experiment can be mapped to functionally related biochemical pathways. Among all
public metabolite databases, HMDB (Human Metabolome Database) appears to have the most inclusive coverage of metabolite synonyms and
IDs, while BioCyc appears to contain the most detailed pathway ontology for endogenous metabolites.
ChEBI Chemical Entities of Biological Interest, HMDB human metabolome database, KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.

identified as ophthalmate using tandem MS. Ophthalmate

differs from GSH by the replacement of the cysteine residue
with 2-aminobutyrate. Given the knowledge that ophthalmate
is an analog of GSH, the overlay of differential metabolite
profiles onto the pathway diagrams of GSH and
ophthalmate biosynthesis immediately suggested that
-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) might be activated
during GSH depletion and/or that glutathione synthetase
(GS) might possess an affinity for -glutamyl-2-aminobutyrate (a dipeptide in ophthalmate), although lower
than for -glutamylcysteine (a dipeptide in GSH). Thus,
insights from the visualization of differential metabolite
profiles in the context of metabolic pathways reaffirmed
ophthalmate to be a potential oxidative stress biomarker that
responds to GSH depletion.
The overlay of differential profiles onto canonical metabolic
pathway maps was expanded by Munger et al to include
abundance profiles of both metabolites and enzyme-coding
mRNA transcripts [107]. Targeted LC-MS/MS metabolite
quantification was applied and parallel microarray analysis

was used to investigate the metabolome dynamics of

human fibroblast (HF) cells during the course of human
cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. Although targeted
metabolite quantification via selected reaction monitoring
is labor intensive, the use of isotope-labeled internal
standards reduces many inherent experimental artifacts
of LC-MS, such as ion suppression, and can produce highquality metabolite datasets. HCMV-induced increases of
cellular metabolites involved in glycolysis, the Krebs cycle,
and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis were found to be
mirrored by the transcriptional upregulation of enzymes in
the same metabolic pathways. HCMV induction of cellular
enzymes was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR and
enzymatic activity assays. Another control experiment
to compare the metabolite profiles from quiescent
mock-infected G0 cells, HCMV-infected quiescent G0 cells
and actively growing cells led to the conclusion that HCMV
did not modify the cellular metabolome by merely releasing
the cell cycle arrest and that the virus reprogrammed host
cell metabolic status to produce a unique signature of

Metabolomics in pharmaceutical R&D Xu et al 49

permissive infection [107]. Additional insights into HCMV

perturbation of host cell metabolism might be revealed if
the authors could apply metabolite-transcript correlation
analysis to their high-quality datasets.
Correlation analysis can be deployed as a powerful tool
for the integration of molecular profiling data to offer
insight to the mechanisms of toxicity when measurement
noise from bioanalytical platforms can be managed to be
consistently less than the animal-to-animal variability of
in vivo drug toxicity studies. Cross-tissue correlation
transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data for
the selection of accessible biomarkers in drug-induced
hepatotoxicity [108]. Data were combined from LC-MS
analysis of plasma and liver lipids, targeted GC-MS analysis
of several classes of plasma metabolites, LC-MS analysis
of liver proteins, and microarray profiling of liver mRNA
to build correlation networks in a rat hepatotoxicity study
of an undisclosed drug candidate. At the threshold
FDR-adjusted p value of 0.15, 172 significant correlations
between plasma and liver analytes and 17,327 significant
correlations within liver analytes were identified. Nine
disjoint correlation subnetworks emerged from the
172 plasma-to-liver correlation pairs with the most
interesting of these being the one centered on hepatic
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1), the three
tryptic peptides of which were significantly elevated by
drug treatment. Eleven forms of triglycerides were
uniformly lower in the plasma while six of these forms
accumulated in liver tissues of drug-treated animals,
which is consistent with the histopathological observation
of hepatic steatosis. However, only observing correlation
patterns between the hepatic abundance of a drug
metabolism enzyme UGT1A1 and that of plasma or liver lipid
profiles is not sufficient to establish any direct mechanistic
links between UGT1A1 and lipids in the context of druginduced hepatotoxicity. The integration of correlation
analysis with literature knowledge was important for the
researchers to generate a testable hypothesis that the
drug or its metabolites might impair hepatic triglyceride
export by altering the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine.
Significant correlations can often be identified between
metabolites and transcripts involved in seemingly unrelated
metabolic pathways, making the biochemical interpretation
of those correlation patterns very difficult. To circumvent
this inherent difficulty in system-wide correlation network
analysis, Xu et al used global pathway enrichment
analysis and relevant literature knowledge to focus
their metabolite-transcript correlation analysis in the
context of renal physiological processes perturbed by
model nephrotoxicants [85]. The examination of the
detailed topology of enriched canonical pathways in the
MetaCore knowledgebase led to their discovery of negative
correlations between urinary glucose abundance and kidney
mRNA levels of sodium-dependent glucose transporters
SLC5A1/2 and those between monocarboxylates and
literature that had not yet been captured in MetaCore led

to the discovery of the negative correlations between

neutral amino acids and the orphan renal transporter
SLC6A18 as well as the positive correlations between
transporter genes and their putative upstream transcription
factors. This type of 'targeted' correlation analysis
provides rational links between two disparate datasets
and reveals new biological insights to the underlying
biochemical mechanisms in the form of concrete and testable
hypotheses. This data analysis method might have wider
applicability to the integrated pathway analysis of diverse
'omics datasets in computational systems biology.


Quantitative metabolomics is expected to be increasingly

integrated into the process of drug discovery and
endogenous metabolites in biofluids and tissues allow
scientists to survey global cellular responses to perturbations
and to observe mechanistic biochemical interactions in
preclinical disease models and toxicity studies. The addition
of metabolomics to the systems biology toolbox holds
the promise of delivering safer and more efficacious drug
candidates to pharmaceutical development pipelines.
Quantitative metabolomics is poised to play increasingly
important roles in identifying novel efficacy and toxicity
biomarkers for the pharmaceutical industry despite being
database dependent and more tedious to conduct than
the currently dominant chemometric metabolomics. This
review has focused on the recent progress in developing
innovative strategies and database tools to streamline the
workflow of quantitative metabolomics. It remains a major
challenge for quantitative metabolomics to determine more
quantifiable metabolites in body fluids and tissue biopsies
to enable better coverage of the cellular metabolome.
On the other hand, the precise metabolite identities and
abundance profiles from quantitative metabolomics have
already enabled the deep integration of metabolomics
with other 'omics technologies to complete the circle of
systems biology. This tight integration has also significantly
facilitated the extraction of pathway and network
information from metabolomics data for the generation
of testable hypotheses on the underlying mechanisms of
complex diseases and drug-induced toxicities.


The authors would like to thank Jill Williams for her

meticulous preparation of Figures 1 and 3, and Xiaodan
Zhang for his contributions to the generation of Figure 2
and Figure 3 prototypes. We are grateful to Dr Frank
Sistare for his support of our metabolomics projects and
critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank Drs Steve
Pitzenberger, Michael Klimas and Michael Lassman for their
valuable comments on the manuscript.



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