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ABOUT THE SEMINAR Ghana is no exception.

Though Ghana is not

a net contributor to climate change, the
The concept of climate change has moved harsh effects of climate change have been
from a mere hypothesis to a real theorem felt in recent times. The energy crises in
which is directly affecting our daily lives 2007 that plunged the entire country into
wherever we find ourselves. The ability of near total darkness as a result of the low
EFFECTS, ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION. the universe to preserve and sustain lives has water level in the lake can be attributed to
THE ROLE OF TEACHERS been proven for the first time to be climate change. Heavy torrential rains in
threatened by human activities. Climatic parts of the Northern, Volta and Western
ORGANISED BY conditions are changing drastically; very Regions in 2007 resulting in massive floods
high temperatures are being recorded for the in these areas are all symptoms of climate
first time, drought are happening in areas change. The recent high temperatures and
where rainfall was predominate, ice glazers heat waves across the length and breadth of
are melting at an alarming rate and heavy the country can also be attributed to climate
CENTRE OF ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND rainfalls are taking place in areas not known change. The Minister of Environment,
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT to experience very heavy rainfall resulting in Science and Technology recently warned of
floods and loss of property. All these have acute food shortages in Ghana if climate
@ been attributed to human intervention in the change is not adequately addressed. We
WESLEY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION areas of environmental pollution through the cannot therefore sit back like the Ostrich and
release of unprecedented quantities of pretend nothing is happening. Climate
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If no change is real and knows no boundaries each
effort is made to curtail or reduce the levels country must play its role in addressing this
DATE: 5TH MAY 2010
of pollution as a results of human activities issue and sensitising its populace about the
there may come a time when live on earth effect of climate change.
cannot be sustained. The need to preserve
HON. (MISS) ANIMA WILSON The seminar will focus on the creation of
our planet for future generations is more
DEPUTY REGIONAL MINISTER pressing now than ever before. Global awareness on climate change and the role of
attention is therefore geared towards the teacher.
CHAIRMAN adaptation and mitigating against the effect
MR. ANTHONY MENSAH of climate change.
Efficiency and Policy
 educate teacher trainees on climate   contribute to the development and  Environmental Pollution and
change; dissemination of clean energy Sanitation
 enhance the exchange of experiences and solutions in Ghana and Africa  Climate Change Mitigation and
good practices on climate change through collaborative Research and Adaptation
education among teachers and young Development with sister institutions  Training and Entrepreneurship
people; and across Africa and beyond;
 mobilize support for teacher training on  promote market-oriented businesses
climate change education; in Clean Energy in rural
communities as a way of reducing CONTACT US
poverty and rural-urban migration;
ABOUT CEESD  promote and develop local capacity Website:
in CDM project development in Email:
The seminar is being organised by the Ghana and Africa; Tel: 051 42270/ 051 42339
Centre for Energy, Environment and  partner national, regional, and
Sustainable Development (CEESD). international institutions working in Director:
CEESD is a non-for-profit organisation our thematic areas: Energy, Julius C. Ahiekpor
devoted to technologies that offer Environment, and Sustainable Email:
engineering solutions to global challenges Development; Phone: 0244529589
such as climate change, energy   promote energy, environmental- and
poverty, environmental degradation, and health-friendly technologies that
pollution on local communities in Ghana reduce or eradicate gender poverty;
and Africa. We identify problems facing and SEMINAR COORDINATORS
local communities and devise strategies and  advise policy makers on issues
innovations to solving them. We promote regarding Clean Energy, Edem Cudjoe Bensah
interventions that lead to sustainable Environmental Pollutions, and Lecturer, Kumasi Polytechnic
development of local communities through Climate Change. Email:
capacity building, research and Phone: 0246450842
development, volunteerism, and projects on WE WORK IN THE FOLLOWING
energy, agriculture and environment. AREAS: Edward Antwi
Assistant Director, CEESD
 Biofuels – Bioethanol, biodiesel and Email:
biogas production technology Phone: 0208250357
 Solar thermal and photovoltaic

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