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This chapter discusses the result of the research. It presents findings and
discussions about the use of Audio Visual Media through Survey, Question, Read, Recite,
Review (SQ3R) as a method and video as a media to enhance
reading comprehension. This chapter covers research
, acting, observing, and ent of the students

The ri

implementation and discussion. Each

cycle of the research implementation consists of reflecting activities. This chapter alsc reading comprehension using
video th

1 Boyolali from March Visual

Media especially arrative text.

as a media to impro
not , 2015
and until
to April

reading comprehension and to Visual aids

through SQ3R method to improve students
reading comprehension. This chapter
describes and discusses the data collected in
this research.

V. .
The aims of this research are video
through SQ3R method enhances describe
the difficulties of imi

commit to user

The researcher conducted the action research in two steps. First, he did the pre-research and then he conducted the action research. The problem
identification was done through four techniques: interview, questionnaire, observation, and pre-test. The problems found before the action
research can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.1 The Problems and Causes Before Action


A. Reading Comprehension 1.
Determine The Main Idea
2. Identify Implicit Information

3. Identify Explicit Information




Determine the P


The students had difficulties in determining the

main idea in the text
students found difficulties in identifying
the implicit information
students found difficulties in identifying it
for the students to determine


It was difficult for the students to determine

The teacher does not use suitable method and


2. Teacher centered

media in teaching and learning activity

The teacher always talk while the students only
listen to the teacher

C. The Students
1. Noisy

Most students always talked to their friends when

they got bored

2. Passive learners

Most students were only passive in joining the class.

There were only few students who paid
attention to the teacher

3. Lazy doing homework

There were some students who did not do

their homework given by the teacher

4. Class Situation
1. Spending much time
The students spent much time for doing exercise and
in making group
2. Bored

The students were bored in joining reading class

3. Not paying attention

any students who did not pay

attention when the teacher gave explanation

Identifying the students problems and causes in ' g

processand causes in
d. Pretest
Identifying the students problems and causes in

a. Planning

- Preparing the materials, lesson plan, teaching aids, camera,

laptop, LCD, speaker, video, students worksheet, texts,

- Meeting 1

- Teacher explained SQ3R method and the purpose of the

lesson. He distributed narrative text entitled The
Greedy King and explained narrative text. He then
played a video The Greedy King to make the students
easier in understanding the text. Next, the students read
the text by using SQ3R method. The students observed
the text and underlined important information. Then the

based on underlined information. After that, they read the text

again to make sure that they understand the text and then
they discussed their answers in groups, and then they
told their answers that they got.
T eacher played a video again while the students analyzed and
revised their work. Next, the students answered the
questions given by the teacher. Last, the teacher and
students reviewed the text.

R method to enhance the

ension and distributed a 'lephanf \
Then, he played a 'lephanf. Next,
the students ile practicing SQ3R in


d then the students

e teacher. Last, the

Meeting 3

Meeting 4

Students did the presentation of the previous



njoyed the activity of watching videos and

text using SQ3R method.



the students score improved from the pretest to

posttest 1, they are: main idea (67.41 to 71.87),
implicit (70.97 to 72.77), explicit (68.36 to 73.43),
purpose (71.1 to 71.87), and reference (66.52 to

reading strategy helped the students

Class Situation:

The students motivation improved

Teaching learning process run systematically








The students were not shy to read English

The students score had not reached the KKM: main
idea (71.87), implicit (72.77), explicit (73.43),
meaning of word (66.1), purpose
071.87), and reference (73.21)

Class Situation:
ie students were noisy during discussing in

e. Revising

its were active

erstand the researcher
tor did not reach the
give more practices


Meeting 1

Meeting 2

- Meeting 3
e. Final

on the revision on the
us plan to
ie researcher
material, rst
a newan
text entitled
Treasure. Played
video and
explained the ati
narrative text. ve
Post-test 2
The students
Students were
the text
active and
responsible in
Strength: the
students of
students reading
skill in front of
and class
situation by
using Audio
Visual aids as
media through
SQ3R method
Weakness: few
students talked
by themselves
discuss in group
and tend to make
improvement of
reading skill in
narrative text

after leaming by using Audio Visual aids as media

through SQ3R method
- The improvement of class climate after learning by
using Audio Visual aids as media through SQ3R

The pre-research was conducted before the implementation of the study. The goal
of pre-research is to identify the problems and causes occurring during the teaching
learning process. The researcher focused on the identification of students problems and
causes in reading c
covered four steps:
teacher and students; (2) '

estionnaire to the students; (3)

ving pretest to the students.

earch, the problem could be : skill of narrative was low.
Based on the pn
ntified into two categories: was indicated by students' the
first, the students' read
explicit and implicit
difficulties in determin
the main idea, identif

text and
tanding t the reference of pronouns. itifying theeaning
The second problem is the class situation, where the researcher found some
indicators. The indicators were: the students were noisy during the teaching learning
process, they were not willing to read English, they tended to be passive, some of them
were lazy to do their homework, and they paid little attention to the teacher.

Based on the result of pre test, the students' mean score was 66.5 and the KKM
is (75). It is clear that the students' reading skill should be improved in order to get better
achievement. Besides, the mean score of each indicator of reading was still lower than
KKM. The mean score of each indicator is as follows: (1) determining the main idea was
67.41; (2) identifying implicit information was 70.97; (3) identifying explicit
information was 68.36; (4) determining the meaning of word was 69.2; (5)

1.1; and (6) determining the reference of pronoun was 66.52. the detailed can be shown in the table below
Table 4.3 Mean score of each reading indicator in pre-test

The above table still indicates that students were still weak in reading comprehension. Besides, they still had a problem in all indicators
of reading which is
proven by the achievement of those indicators ____

the teacher does not use interesting method and media in teaching; (2) the teacher
always talks while the students listen to the teacher (teacher centered). From
students: (1) they tend to be noisy while discussing in group; (2) most of them were
lower than the KKM 075). The causes are from teacher:
only passive in joining the lesson; and (3) there were some students did not do their
homework. From Class situation: (1) the students spend much time to do the exercises; (2) there were several students who did not pay attention
to the teacher; and (3) they were easy to get bored
The video and SQ3R method can improve the students reading skill, the students feel excited by watching the attractive video while they read
the related text, it makes them easier to understand the text. The students were easier to get ideas about what they are going to read and they can
imagine their description using the video as their guidance. They can read narrative based on the video with longe
paragraph and more detail information and also more supporting ideas in each paragraph. The video gives them stimulus so that they
can have something to describe about from they read. Video presents language in context so that learners can see whos or whats, where the
speakers are,
what they are doing, etc. all these visual clues can help
comprehension. Videos give stimulus about certain topics so that they
construct and generate the ideas.
e writer believes that the
sion. Therefore, he wants dio Visual Aids through SQ3R rgets of

n English I

implementation are

on by implemer



method to teach reading comprehens as follows:

able to


ose of the text

a. Students ari
b. Students are able to
c. Students are abl
d. Students are able to find out the meanii
f. Students are able to determine the reference of pronouns

B. Implementation of the Research

The Classroom Action Research was conducted in two cycles. Cycle one consist four meeting. Cycle two consist of three meeting and one
meeting. The steps of each cycle: 1) planning the action; 2) implementing the action; 3) observing the action; 4) reflecting the action; and 5)
revising the plan. The overall process of the research is presented in the following explanation

1. Cycle 1
a. Planning the Action
The researcher made planning for the cycle based on the problems faced by the students such as problem to catch the main idea
of the text, to get implicit and explicit information, to find out the meaning of words, to determine the purpose of the text, and to
determine the reference of pronouns.
The researcher used Audio Visual aids (laptop, video, power point,
speaker, LCD through SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review) a '\S' A

method to improve the students reading skill. The researcher planned four
consists of thre'

cycle and three meetings in the second cycle. The lesson tion run effectively. The lesson plan
activity, and post activity.

o make the ages: pre activity, :

b. Action

It was on

researcher walked toward class X4 and most of the students were still outside the class. The
researcher entered the class and then the students followed him.
ing (Monday

The researcher greeted the students and asked the class captain to lead the pray before the lesson started. He then checked the students
attendance. Next, the researcher explained about the definition of reading, the purpose of reading, the phrase of reading and also explained the
goal and the benefits of the lesson that day. He explained the SQ3R method that was used to understand the text. Then, he explained about the
part and strategy to apply this method

indicators of reading such as: (1) main idea; (2) implicit information; (3) explicit
information; (4) purpose of the text; (5) meaning of words; (6) reference of
pronouns. Next, the researcher asked them

stions. After th;

ur students and they had to discuss their

ed the students to tell their ents revised the answers so that all

stions can reviewed all qu

m answers, it was to get the conclusion from the
ast, the researcher and the students ns and
;xt, the
r played

ideo again

observed the video anc


The researcher distributed a text entitled The Greedy King to the

They looked so curious about that. The researcher played a video The
to under them 10 questions and ;
Greedy King to help the students in understanding the text. Next, he told all
students to read and observe the whole text. After that, he asked the students to
underline the important information, and then asked the students to make some questions based on the underlined information. He told them, the

wers, they felt excited

text. Then, the researcher gave
questions well.

The researcher together with the students reviewed all questions given by the researcher. The discussion was finished. The researcher
concluded the lesson and asked the students to ask questions. He reflected the lesson and prepared the next lesson. Finally, he said thank you for
your attention and see you next meeting.It was on Wednesday, April l st, at 08.30 a.m. as usual the researcher greeted and checked the students
attendance. Before he began the lesson, he reviewed the last material and checked the students understanding about previous lesson by asking
them randomly.

He began
to distribute a text entitled The Flying
- - IM
' * "Elephant
and told them to *


the video before observing the whole text. Then the he

A 1 Minformation that they got individually. After

got in group. The



ct\ step was the students

and answers. The researcher playedhad

againat while
students based
least ten
answers so that all questions can be answered well.

In the end of lesson, the researcher announced that every group would present their work next meeting. The presentation would be
conducted by three aspects: l) they had to retell the line of the story; 2) they had to show the important information that they underlined; 3) they
had to show their questions and answers.
Next, the researcher reviewed the lesson together with the students. He concluded the lesson and teaching learning process ended. He
reflected the lesson and prepared next lesson, then he closed the lesson by saying good bye and see you next meeting to the students.

It was Saturday, April 4th, 08.30 a.m. the researcher came to class X4. Next, he greeted the students and checked the students attendance.
Then, he started the teaching learning process.

ed again about the strategy of SQ3R, to make sure the students understood about SQ3R.
He reviewed the last material and


text entitled The Flying

students about Elephant. Then, he asked to t began. He

told to the presentation,
after that he them.

the presentation
The researcher came to class X4 and greeted the students, he asked the
class captain to lead the pray. Next, he said no cheating had
it by of
in front
The presentation was going well ask some questio asked
do their
Then, he distributed the students worksheet, he told the students to do their test till
about the impori
the end of the lesson.
, [ to. theasked
questions to
roup prepared well, t the last
:hiss who
said goodthey
byev group. There were two students who asked questions and
they answered well. The third group also prepared well,
The bell
in the discussion section they could answer two
The seco
ion ended. esented the questions correctly. The other presentations were
successfully done. The researcher felt excited and all the
students mastered the text completely.
story better than
The time was almost up, the researcher told the
students that they would have post-test in the next
meeting, the test is multiple choices and he asked them to study well. Then, the researcher closed the lesson and said good bye and see you next
meeting.It was Monday, April 6th, 07.30 a.m. that day as was informed in
previous meeting that the students would have post-test.

The first meeting was conducted on Monday, March 30 th 2015

at 07.00 a.m. in X4 classroom SMAN 1 Boyolali. When the
researcher walked towards the class, the students were still
outside and then followed the researcher entering the clas
The students became excited when they knew that they would
be taught by new teacher. The researcher explained that he would
teach them for seven or eight meetings. In this meeting the
researcher focused on improving the students ability in reading

He explained the SQ3R method that was used to understand the text. Then he explained about the part and strategy to apply this method; (1) they
had to observe the whole text; (2) they had to underline the important information then make question based on their important information; (3)
they had to read the text again; (4) they had to tell their answers; and (5) they had to review the text together.
The researcher distributed the text The Greedy King and played the
video while the students observed the video. And then, the students
applied SQ3R method to understand the text well. After the students
finished in making questions, they discuss their answers in group and told
their answers that they got, then the researcher and the students reviewed
all questions and answers to get the conclusion.
The researcher then played the v:
analyzed and revise> questions andrk. Next, he gave the students 10
estions well. He then reviewed together
questions with the


and concluded the lesson.

at 08.30 a.m. the researcher started the material and checked the
dnesday, .

ibout previous lesson randomly.

students to join
oup and distributed the new
video. Next, the students discussed
the text while practicing SQ3R in
group. The researcher played the video again and then they answered the
questions given by the teacher. He then reviewed the text with the students
together. In the last lesson, he announced that in the next meeting they
would present their work. The presentation would be conducted by three
aspects: (1) they had to retell the line of the story; (2) they had to show the
important information; and (3) they had to show the questions and

In the last lesson, the researcher reviewed the lesson together with the
students. He reflected and concluded the lesson.

3) The Third Meeting

It was Saturday, April 4**1 at 08.30 a.m. the researcher came to class
X4 and checked the students attendance. There was no students absent
today. Then, he reviewed the previous lesson, he explained again the
strategy to apply SQ3R method and asked some questions to the students
about The Flying Elephant.

of the story; (2) they they

w had
the important information; (3) and ;ir questions and answers. Each group had 15
ation, after that the audiences might ask
their ons to th

Ther id eigh
the uestions.sentatior

*roups who presented their work. The first group


p, the
seco:asked them group presented the story better than the first
rell and there were
the red the presentation well and there were two students stions.
The other groups also did their presentation earcher felt
excited and all the students mastered the text

He told the students to join their group and let them prepared their
presentation. He explained the rule that: (1) they had to retell the line
In the end of the lesson, the researcher announced that the next
meeting they would have post-test 1, the test is multiple-choice and he
asked them to study well.
4) The Fourth Meeting

It was Monday, April 6th, as was informed in previous meeting that

the students would have post-test 1. Before the test began, the researcher
asked the class captain to lead the pray. There was no student who was
absent today. They were ready to do the test. It seemed from their face,
they were serious to do the test.The researcher distributed the students
worksheet and told the students to do their test by themselves. The test
est and post-test 1
well and the researcher
walked around while observing the students. There were no students who
were cheating. In the end of the test, he said thank you for doing the test
by themselves.
Table 4.4 the result of
Post-test 1

68 98




d. Reflection

1) Strengths

a. The Strengths in Reading Comprehension

Based on the result of the pre-test and post-test 1, the researcher can
report that there is improvement in students reading comprehension
although the mean score of indicators still has not reached the KKM (75).
The improvement can be shown from the mean score of indicator which
improved such as: the ability to find main idea increased from 67.41 to
71.87; the ability to determine the implicit information increased from

70.97 to 72.77; the ability to determine the explicit information increased

from 68.36 to 73.43; the

ability to determine the purpose increased from 71.1 to 71.87; and the ability to determine
the reference of pronouns increased from 66.52 to 73.21. Besides, the students average
score improved from 68.98 (pre- test) to 71.54 (post-test 1).
b. The Strengths in Classroom Situation
1) The students motivation in the class improved because Audio
ome more active and involved in
combined with SQ3R method is helpful for the
y rea

e Audio Visual media help the students to

read effectively.


vL \

teaching learning activities run

to the

systematically due

yj JL

mplementation of Audio Visual through

g\ JL (3 ,sJP
SQ3R method.

2) Weaknesses

4) The students were not shy to read

English text in class.

ttention to the researcher while he gave

a. Reading Skill
Based on the table 4.4, it is clear that the weakness of cycle 1 is the
little improvement in each indicator. The students score were 71.87 in
main idea, 72.77 in implicit information, 73.43 in explicit information,

66.1 in meaning of words, 71.87 in purpose, and 73.21 in reference of

pronouns. Those scores still has not reached the KKM (75).
b. Class Situation
1) The students were noisy during discussing in group
2) Only certain students were active

3) Sometimes, the students did not understand the researchers

instruction because he used English during the teaching and
learning process.
e. Revising The Plan

ing weaknesses in cycle 1.

indicator i
To solve the problem occurring in cycle 1, the researcher
revised the plan so that the problems will not occur in the next cycle. It is to
reaknesses of the implementation from Audio Visual as
to the indicators of reading
, the students always took much M
sy during discussion. to the
indicators, it is hoped that
understand the points of each

4) Maximize the use of video, it is clear that the video helped them to
understand the text easier. Besides, the video provided subtitle and
sound, hopefully they become more active.
5) Giving the students more chance to express their ideas, by expressing
their ideas, it can make other students gave more suggestions and
share their ideas.
6) Giving guidance to the students in using reading strategies, it can help
them to understand the strategies of reading clearly.
2. Cycle 2

ons could help them to understand the


a. Planning the Action

The researcher made planning for cycle 2 to solve the weaknesses which
were found in the first cycle. The researcher revised those plans as follows:
1) Giving more practices related to the indicators of reading
2) Reducing time in group activity, the students always took much time
for making group, they were noisy during discussion.

3) Giving guidance qu

i) Ma: uni sou

suggestio 6)


f reading.


e the use of video, it is clear

help them to u:
the text
Besides, th

ss their ideas, by students gave more

o helped them to
ided subtitle and

- ^ the students in using reading strategies, it can erstand the strategies of reading
In this cycle, the researcher taught the same narrative text as the first cycle
but he used different texts. Moreover, the researcher gave the students more
chance to share in understanding the narrative text.

b. Action
1. The First Meeting (Monday, April 20th, 2015)

It was Monday, the first meeting in the cycle 2. Before the researcher
started the lesson he asked the captain to lead the pray, then he greeted and
checked the students attendance. He reviewed the last material and asked the
students about their difficulties in reading especially narrative.
Before starting the activity of lesson he prepared the new plan to enhance
the weaknesses which arise in previous cycle. They are: (1) giving more
practice to the students related to the indicators of reading; (2) reducing time
in group activity; (3) giving guidance questions related to the indicators; (4)
maximize the use of video; (5) giving the students more chance to express
their ideas; and (6) giving guidance to the students in using reading strategies.
Then he gave them clear explanation and gave ore examples of question
especially on the indicators which had not reached the KKM. The researcher
also ga to ask about their difficulties. Next, he Greatest Treasure and played
The researcher asked them to join their
group and reduce their discussing
in students ibuted the new text The
to the
group to maximize their understanding.
Next, he played the video The Greatest
Treasure again, it was hoped that the students can understand the text easily.
And then he asked the students to do the steps of SQ3R and gave them
guidance in applying the SQ3R especially in making questions related to the
indicator of reading. So, they could do their work well. The researcher gave
them more guidance in making questions related to the indicators and also he
asked them to share their ideas and suggestions in group, so that their group
could be more active and hoped that they could work the task well. The
researcher then played the video again, it was hoped that the students could
understand the text well.

After the students finished understanding the text, they underlined the
important information, and made some questions and answers. Then, he gave
them 10 questions related to the text and asked the students to answer the
questions well, by giving more practices, it could help them to understand the
indicator of reading. Next, the researcher reviewed the text with the students
together. he told them that next meeting each group had to present their work
in front of class. Finally, the researcher closed the class by saying Good Bye.

ril 22th, 2015)

cle was conducted the students and group

It wa:
from 8.30
checked thi
er told them each group had one read the them five
were ei
ten to fifteen minu
its meaning. about
the impo:

and gave

text and students asked questions, they asked ir questions

Group two presented their work and there
were two students who asked and they asked
some questions to the presenter. The presenter

could not answer two questions and then the researcher helped them by
guiding them to answer those questions. The next group until the last group
also presented well and the audience participation also increased. After
finished the presentation, the researcher asked the students to discuss what is
the moral value of this story?, one of the students said friendship is
everything sir, yea good, almost right, the moral value of this text is
friendship is more valuable than money the researcher replied.

Finally, he made reflection of the lesson that day and announced that next
meeting they would have post-test 2. He closed the lesson by saying Good
3. The Third Meeting (Saturday, April 25th, 2015)
The third meeting was conducted on Saturday, April 25 th at 8.30 a.m. in
class X4 SMAN 1 Boyolali. That day was the post-test 2, there were 32

checked the students attenc the students.




test. The researcher came to the class, he greeted and



st began, the researcher told them that he autes to

minutes be
ie would be replaced 15

er 40 questions and the brea ^

this lesson ended.

would give 60

he researcher told that the time

submitted their remaining time difficulties i: a.m. the
sheet to the researcher. There were about researcher
30 minutes the remaining time to discuss about their ng
especially in reading narrative. At 10.00 them that was
the last
meeting, he closed the
lesson and said Good Bye.
c. Observing
1) The First Meeting

It was the first meeting in cycle 2, the students were enthusiastic to join the
lesson. In this meeting, the researcher wanted to revise the weaknesses in
previous plan and focused on improving the students ability in reading skill.

Before he started the lesson, he gave them clear explanation and gave
more examples especially on the indicators which had not reached the KKM,
he also gave an opportunity about their difficulties. The researcher asked the
students to join their group and distributed a new text The Greatest Treasure
and then he played the video. He gave the students guidance in applying SQ3R
method especially in making questions. He also gave more chance to the
students to share
in group, so that the other students could
their ideas and

each other and could do on, the researcher gave them more lated to the reading indicators.

er played ,he video again to make sure that they

guidance in making questio

en the researcher gave them some In the

last lesson,

It was Wedi
explaining SQ

lay, April 22 , the researcher started the lesson by JK. M

e students to join their group

2) T


and gave them chance to prepare the presentation. In this meeting the students
did their presentation about The Greatest Treasure. The researcher gave
them tem to fifteen minutes to do their presentation.
There were eight groups who presented their work this meeting. The
presentation ran well, each group mastered the material well and the audiences

also gave great response to the presenter.

3) The Third Meeting

This was the last meeting in cycle 2, as informed before that this meeting
the students would have post-test 2. The researcher told them that he would
give 60 minutes to answer 40 questions. The test ran well and the students
showed great response to do the test.
In the remaining time, the researcher used it to discuss with the students
learning English,
est 2 especially
Post-test 2
Determine the reference of pronoun
Mean 68.92

d. Reflection
After doing the second cycle of action research, there were found some
improvement on the students attitude toward the lesson and class climate. Based
on the result of the post test score of cycle 2, the researcher could report that
there was improvement on students reading.

1) The Improvement of Students Reading Skill

Based on the result of the post-test score of cycle 2, the researcher

could report that there was improvement on students reading. The mean
score improved from 71.54 to 76.01 in post-test cycle 2.
In post-test 2, there are some indicators which are improved. The
indicators which improved and have reached the KKM are: (1) the





eased ce of

There are some indicators of reading which have not reached the KKM
(75), they are: (1) determining the main idea 74.1 and (2) identifying the
explicit information 72.25 2) Class Situation

Few students were noisy during group discussion

A few students did not understand the instruction given by the


Some students were still shy to read English in class

e. Final Reflection

Having implementing the research in two cycle, the English teacher

reflected several positive result in the second cycle. The use of Audio Visual
aids as media through SQ3R method changed students reading skill and class
climate in SMAN 1 Boyolali. The improvement could be recognized from the
improvement from cycle one to cycle two.
C. Research Finding

ment of the students reading skill and the

and post-test. T improvement of class si implemented.
media and SQ3R method ed with the ones before the
The fm research.
' ion when Audio Visu
able 4.b the research

The findings of the research were gathered from several data. They were from interviews, questionnaires, observations,
documents, fie ld notes, and score of pre-test
Research Finding

Before Action Research

After Action Research

in determine the reference ofh.The students were able to

d.The students were willing to

The improvement of the students learning activity

b. Only certain students who were a. The students enjoyed and



interested in the classroom



in comprehending the text


b. All the students involved

activity to teaching learning



information, fmding the explicit information, determine the purpose of text, fmding the
meaning of word, and determine the reference of pronouns.

use of Audio
above, we kniat
can nding
the aids ance the indicator of reading idea,
fmding the implicit
as media throu comprehension su

1. The Improvement of Students Reading Skill

The use of Audio Visual aids as media through SQ3R method had improved the
students reading skill. It could be seen from their improvement of each indicator: the
students can find the main idea, find the implicit information, find the explicit
information, determine the meaning of word, determine the purpose of text, and determine
the reference of pronouns. The comparisons mean score between pre-test,


> the

post-test 1, and post-test 2 can be shown in table belo

Chart 4.1 the average students score


Based on the chart above, it can be concluded that the students had better
achievement at the end of research. Pre-test was conducted before the action while posttest was taken after each cycle. The students reading comprehension was improved after
the use of Audio Visual aid as media through SQ3R method implemented.
The result


a. The us
students reading ability in


shown the

The students
in p

Chart 4.2 students improvement in finding main idea



following showed the detail improvement.

a through SQ3R method enhance s 67.41 while the students mean score 71.87 and post-test 2 was 74.1. The
improvement indicator
snsion in finding ]

b. The use of Audio Visual aids as media through SQ3R method enhance students
reading ability in finding the implicit information
The students mean score in pre-test was 70.97 while the students mean
score in post-test 1 was 72.77 and post-test 2 was 79.9. The improvement
indicator of students reading comprehension in finding the implicit information
was 8.93.

aids as media through SQ3R method enhance 3ilitv in finding the explicit information

e-test was 68.36 while the students

Chart 4.4 students improvement in finding explicit information

and post-test 2 was 72.25. The rehension in finding the

d. The use of Audio Visual aids as media through SQ3R method enhance students
reading ability in determining the meaning of word

The students mean score in pre-test was 69.2 while the students mean
score in post-test 1 was 66.1 and post-test 2 was 77.22. The improvement
indicator of students reading comprehension in determining the meaning of word
was 8.02.

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