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a. inhibits RNA synthesis

b. cannot be absorbed from intestine
c. interferes with protein synthesis in microorganisms
d. is effective only against gram - infections
***The therapeutic value of Fluconazole in fungal infectiosn rests on its ability to inhibit the
synthesis of
a. Purine
b. Pyramidines
c. Ergosterol
d. Cholesterol
e. Proteins
Drug used in the treatment of Rhematoid Artheritis
a. Toresemide
b. Leflunomide
c. Teniposide
d. etoposide
***Beta Lactamse inhibitor
a. Vancomycin
b. Sulbactam
c. Bacitracin
d. B and C
e. All of above
A 24 year old man statrted on anti-tubercular therapy dev which antitubular agent is most likely
to cause this?
a. Rifampin
b. Ethambutol
c. Isoniazid
d. Streptomycin
e. Para-aminosalicyclic acid
The first antimicrobial discovered was
b. salvarsan
c. streptomycin
Following treatment of an oral ascess with clindamycin, a patient develops a greenish, foulsmelling watery diarrhea with left lower quandrant pain. Other signs and symptoms include fever,
leukocytosis, and lethargy. If the toxin produced by Clostridium difficile is detected in the stool,
the patient would most appropriately be treated with
a. Cisapride
b. Gentamicin
c. Ioperamide
d. Metronidazole
e. sulfasalazine
Sulphonamide commonly used for burns as a topical application is:


Silver sufadiazide

***8 year old girl is bought to the pediatrician with several ring shaped lesionshave an
advancing scaly boarder and central clearing. The mom states that daughter has been spending a
lot of time playing with the neighbors cat. Microscopic exam of peripheral scales reveals hyphae.
Which of the following is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy?
a. Clotrimazole cream
b. Doxepin cream
c. Halobetasol propionate cream
d. Hydrocortisone acetate cream
e. Mupirocin cream
***Which of the following drugs require prior laxative administration before starting the
a. Niclosamide
b. Ivermectin
c. Albendazole
d. Quinacrine
Select the single best answer from the following statements about Gentamicin (garamycin)
a. Hepatic function must be monitored
b. Renal function must be monitored
c. Seizures may occur with single daily doses
d. High sustained blood levels are appropriately used to treat
nosocomial infections
A 30 year old man returns from trip to the Far East and complains of threof dysuria and a
purulent urethral discharge. You diagnose this to be a case of gonorrhea. Which of the following
is appropriate treatment?
a. Ceftriaxone IM
b. Penicillin G IM
c.Gentamycin IM
d.Piper acillin OV
e. Vancomycin IV
***The drug that is associated with a high incidence of maculo popular rash
b. ampilcillin
***Which of the following is a 3rd generation cephalosporin?
e. Ceftizoxime and ceftibuten
f. cefazolin
g. cefoxitin
h. cephalexin

***Which antibiotic is not given to pregnant women as it stunts fetus bone growth?
i. Penicillin
j. Chloramphenicol
k. Streptomycin
l. Tetracycline
***The risk of kernicterus is increased with sulfonamides b/c they
m. Inhibit metabolism of bilirubin
n. Compete for bilirubin binding sites
o. Diminish production of albumin
p. Increase turn over of erythrocytes
q. Depress the bone marrow
Various drugs may induce vitamin deficient states as an undesireable side effect. Vitamin B6
(pyridoxine) deficiency may be related to taking?
r. Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives
s. Vancomycin
t. Isoniazid
u. Penicillins
Which of the following is a narrow spectrum antibiotic?
v. Tetracycline
w. Ampicillin
x. Cefoperazone
y. Aztreonam
***a 57 year old man is administered a 1st generation cephalosporin intravenously as a
prophylactic measure immediately prior to a surgical procedure. Which of the following
medication did this patient most likely receive?
z. cefotaxime
aa. cefazolin
bb. ceftriaxone
cc. cefuroxime
dd. moxalactam
***a 30 year old male presents with symptoms of gonorrhea, also has chlamydial infection.
Which would be the best choice in treating him?
ee. Ciprofloxacin
ff. Nalidixix acid
gg. Levofloxacin
hh. Norfloxacin
*** Buffalo Hump associated with
ii. Tenofovir
jj. Indinavir
kk. Acyclovir
ll. Pencyclovir
****. a 31 year old woman develops infection with Onchocerca Volvulus. Which would be the
drug of choice in this patient?

nn. Metranidazole
oo. Ivermectine
pp. Mebendazole
qq. Praziquantal
***a 24 year old man is found to be have athletes foot with involvement of the nail beds of
both toes. Which of the following antifungals would be most appropriate for this patient?
rr. Caspofungin
ss. Fluconazole
tt. Griseofulvin
uu. Terbinafine
vv. Nystatin
57 year old alcoholic is hospitalized in the intensive unit after a multivehicle accident. 20 hours
after the accident the patient develops a fever and a cough productive of purulent sputum. If a
chest radiography shows lobar consolidation and sputum reveals presence of Gram (-)
encapsulated rods, the most appropriate initial therapy would be
cefotaxime (IV)
xx. erythromycin (IV)
yy. gentamicin (IV)+ vancomycin (IV)
zz. ticarcillin-clavulanic acid (IV) + vancomycin (IV)
trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (PO)
a 16 year old female patient presents with complaints of non-productive cough, low-grade fever,
and a headache. The physician also notes a non- purulent media. She is treated with an
antibiotic that inhibits the translocation of the peptide chain along the mRNA. The antibiotic the
patient was given was
fff. streptomycin
A 30 year old pregnant female develops an UTI that is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Of the
following, which is the best agent to use in this patient?
a. tetracycline
b. levofloxacin
c. gentamycin
d. erythromycin
e. sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim
Various drugs may induce vitamin deficient states as an undesirable side effect. Vitamen B6
deficiency may be related to taking
a. Estrogen containing oral contraceptives
b. vancomycin
c. isoniazid

a patient being treated with a combination of drugs for pulmonary tuberculosis develops a
decrease in visual acuity and red green color blindness resulting from retrobulbar neuritis. Which
of the following agents is responsible fro these findings?
a. INH
b. streptomycin
c. rifampin
d. pyrizinamide
e. ethambutol
A jaundiced one day old premature infant with an elevated bilirubin is seen in the premature baby
nursery. The mother received an antibiotic combination preparation containing sulfamethizole for
the UTI on eweek before develivery. You suspected that the infants findings are caused by the
sulfamonamide b/c of following mechanism
a. increase the turnover of RBCs
b. compete for bilirubin binding sites
c. inhibit the metabolism of bilirubin
d. diminish production of plasma albumin
e. depress the bone marrow
A 19 year old male being treated for leukemia develops fever. You give agents that will cover
bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Two days later, he develops acute renal failure. Which of
the following drug was most likely responsible?
a. vancomycin
b. ceftazidime
c. amphotericin B
d. acyclovir
26 year old female with AIDs develops crytococcal memingitis. She refuses all intravenous
medication. Which antifungal agent can be given orally to treat the meningeal infection?
a. ketoconazole
b. amphotericin B???
c. fluconazole
d. nystatin
20 year old male with herpes simplex of the lips is treated with famciclover. What is the
mechanism of action of famciclovir?
a. cross linking of dna
b. strand breakage of dna
c. inhibition of viral dna synthesis
d. inhibition of nucleotide interconversions
e. inhibition of viral kinases
29 year old man from Africa is found to be having both T. Soliuma nd schistosomes. Which of the
following would be effective for both infestations?
a. mebendazole
b. albendazole
c. thiabendazole
d. praziquantel
e. ivermectin
Which of the following is a narrow spectrum antibiotic?

In competitive inhibition, sulfanilamide is used by a bacterium in an abortive attempt to
Synthesize PABA
Forms foilc acid
Resist effect of tetracycline
Synthesize proteins
Effective in management of mild to moderate pain, when anti-inflammatory action is not
A patient who was put on a antiviral therapy develops anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Which agent is he most likely on?
A 31 year old woman develops infection with whip worm.what is DOC?
A 40 yea old nale is HIV + with cluster of (cd4) count of 200/mm. Within 2 months, he
fevelopsWBC count of 1000/mm and hemoglobinWhat is the drug that most likely caused
the adverse effect?
Probable direct effect of colchione:
direct membrane stabilization
binds to intracellular tubulin causing dephosphorylation
decreases purine synthesis directly
prevents IL-1 release directly
Mechanism of action: isonizid:
Competitive inhibitor with PABA

Mycolic acid synthesis inhibitor

Inhibits RNA polymerase (binds to polymerase
Blocks protein synthesis like chloramphenicol
26 year old student returns from traveling in India with R upper quadrant discomfort and is
diagnosed with an amebic liver abscess. The DOC for this pt would be which of the following?
Diloxanide furoate
In the treatment of infectiosn caused by P. Aeruginosa, the antimicrobial agent that has proved to
be effective is
Penicillin G
Exam 4 2008
1. In presence of penicillin, what kills the bacteria?
a. it lacks a cell wall
b. it plasmolyzes
c. it undergoes osmotic lyses
d. it lacks a cell membrane
e. none of the above
2. A 30 year old man is diagnosed with gonorrhea. Which of the following is DOC?
a. Ceftriaxone
b. Tetracycline
c. Erythromucin
d. Polymyxins
e. Sulfa drugs
3. effective in management of mild to moderate pain, when anti-inflammatory action is not
a. penicillamine
b. sulfasalazine
c. acetampinophen
d. etodolac
e. piroxicam
4. Which of the following patients is least likely to require antimicrobial treatment tailored
to the individuals condition?
a. patient on chemotherapy
b. patient with renal disease
c. elderly pt
d. hypertensive pt
e. pt with hepatic disease
5. a 16 year old female pt presents with complaints of non-productive cough, low grade
fever, and a headache. The physician notes a follicular tonsillitis, She is treated with an

antibiotic that inhibits the translocation of the growing peptide chain along the mRNA.
The antibiotic that the pt was given was
a. chloramphenicol
b. cycloheximide
c. erythromycin
d. puromycin
e. streptomycin
6. You prescribed sulfamethoxazole trimethorpim to a 27 year old HIV + pt with
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Which of the following is know possible adverse effect
of this treatment which would make mandate to need folinic acid?
a. Anemia
b. High output renal failure
c. Kernicterus
d. Loss of balance
e. Disulfiram rxn
7. Prohylaxis against influenza A
a. Zalcitabine
b. Amantidine
c. Acyclovir
d. Idoxuridine
8. 31 year old woman develops infection with Taenia Saginata. Which would be the DOC?
a. Niclosamide
b. Metranidazole
c. Mefloquine
d. Mebendazole
e. Praziquantel
9. In competitive inhibition, sulfanilamide is used by a bacterium in an abortive attempt
a. synthesize PABA
b. form folic acid
c. resist effect of tetracycline
d. synthesize proteins
**10. A 29 year old woman is diagnosed with tubercoulosis. A careful history is a must b/c one of
the anit-tubular drugs is known to induce the microsomal cytochrome p450 enzymes in the liver.
That drug is
f. Isoniazid
g. Pyrazinamide
h. Rifampin
i. Ethambutol
j. Streptomycin
*11. Which of the following is not used against pseudomonas
a. piperacillin
b. carbenicillin
e. oxacillin

*12. Chloramphenicol causes

a. phototoxicity
b. staining of teeth
c. aplastic anemia
d. alopecia
*13. Select single best answer from the following statements about streptomycin
a. hepatic function must be monitored
b. renal function must be monitored
c. seizures may occur with single daily doses
d. high saturated blood levels are approximately used to treat nosocomial infections
14. Probable direct effect of colchione:
a. direct membrane stabilization
b. binds to intracellular tubulin causing dephosphorylation
c. decreases purine synthesis directly
d..prevents IL-1 release directly
15. Beta Lactamse inhibitor
a. Vancomycin
b. Sulbactam and clavulanic acid
c. Bacitracin
d. B and C
e. All of above
16. ***The therapeutic value of Fluconazole in fungal infectiosn rests on its ability to inhibit the
synthesis of
f. Purine
g. Pyramidines
h. Ergosterol
i. Cholesterol
j. Proteins
17. Chills, fever, and muscle aches are common rxns to which of the following antiviral drugs?
a. acyclovir
b. ganciclovir
c. interferon
d. osetamivir
e. ribavarin
18. Mechanism of action of tetra cycline
a. inhibits peptidyl transferase
b. causes misreading of mRNA
c. inhibits attachment of t-RNA
d. Terminates peptidyl long chain elongation
19. Synthetic analog of deoxyadenosine, active triphosphate form inhibits viral replication by
competitively inhibiting HIV reverse transcriptase, may be prescribed concurrently with
Zidovudine or given as monotherapy, major clinical toxicity is a close dependant



20. a pentanoic acid ester that inhibits gastric and pancreatic lipases
a. sibutramine
b. teriparatide
c. risedronate
d. orlistat
e. alendronate
21. Various drugs may induce vitamen deficient states as an undesirable side effect. Vitamen
B6 (pyridoxine) may be related to taking?
a. Estrogen containing oral contraceptives
b. Vancomycin
c. Isoniazid
d. Penicillins
22. The quinolone derivative that is most effective against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
a. Norfloxacin
b. Ciprofloxacin
c. Ofloxacin
d. Enoxacin
e. Lomefloxacin
23. A 24 year old man is found to be have athletes foot with involvement of the nail beds of
both toes. Which of the following antifungals would be most appropriate for this patient?
iii. Fluconazole
jjj. Griseofulvin
lll. Nystatin
24. a 36 year old man is administered a 1st generation cephalosporin intravenously as a
prophylactic measure immediately prior to a surgical procedure. Which of the following
medication did this patient most likely receive?
b.. cefazolin
c. ceftriaxone
25. A infant with severe respiratory syntcytial virus infection is best treated with
a. amantadine
b. Indinavir
c. Ribavarin
d. famcyclovir

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