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Foul Tracks: A DC 18 Spot check reveals

a set of deep, goat-like tracks. A character
with Track can determine that whatever
made these depressions walks upright, and
can easily follow them. The tracks only persist
for approximately 50 feet before mysteriously
2. Dead Fey: The PCs happen upon a dead
tree streaked with multicolored fairy blood.
Three sprite-like creatures, known as keld
piskies, are pinned here, their exsanguinated
bodies turned to gnarled wood. A DC
16 Knowledge (nature) check identifies these
creatures, while a DC 14 Knowledge (local)
check recalls dubious stories about fairy
blood being used to turn lead into gold.
3. Woodsmen: Three inexpert and
slightly drunk human hunters travel the
forest, trapping rabbits and tracking
game, specifically dunlied (see the Forest
Fauna sidebar). If the PCs get lost or are
looking for directions, these woodsmen
can point them back to their path with
somewhat questionable expertise.
4. Glowmold: The undersides of several
large rocks deep in the forest are covered in
rare, glowing mold. A character who makes
a DC 16 Survival check can harvest enough
of the mold without destroying it to serve
as a light source. Once removed from the
rock, the mold continues to glow with the
brightness of a torch for 3 days.
5. Wyvern Sighting: Any character who
makes a DC 20 Spot check notices an
ominous shadow and looks up quickly
enough to see a hunting blue wyvern
soar low over the tree tops. Unless the
PCs specifically (and especially loudly)
attempt to attract its attention, the
wyvern does not notice them.
6. Kobold Shaman: Kolmokmurk was
the former shaman of the kobolds who
now lair beneath the dwarven monastery.
He was exiled after he drank a
potion that killed him and animated
him as a zombie. The zombie kobold
now wanders the forest, thoughtless and
aimless, attended by Creeper, his dutiful
rat familiar (who now lives in his skull).
He wears a crude wood sign bearing the
word shaman in Draconic.
7. Giant Mosquito: A giant mosquito
(with the same stats as a stirge) crosses the
path of the PCs and attempts to soundlessly
attach itself to the character walking
in the rear. The disgusting insect flees if it
takes any damage.
8. Hunters Snare: Grung Knifetongue
(see area D) laid a number of dangerous
traps about the woods. Along an overgrown
deer trail, he set a camouflaged pit trap (see
DMG, 70), covered in leaves and supporting
the form of a dead rabbit.

9. Giant Moorsnake: An ophidian predator

crosses the path of the PCs (same stats
as a constrictor snake). During the day, the
moorsnake is too lethargic to attack and
merely slithers away. At night, though, it
might slip into camp and attempt to constrict
a sleeping PC.
10. Wolves: Two wolves in the service of
Graypelt (see Part 3) patrol the far reaches
of their masters claimed territory. They
viciously attack the PCs on sight, but both
flee if either is reduced to fewer than half
hit points, returning to the monastery to
inform their worg master.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13: Unsettlingly large crows loom in the
branches, cawing ominously as the PCs
pass but otherwise not harassing them in
any way.
45: As one PC passes a weeping willow tree,
an assassin vine growing on its trunk animates
and attacks.
Assassin Vine: hp 30, MM 20.
67: A pair of bugbear brothers are heard
arguing over the corpse of a lumberjack
they waylaid in a clearing ahead (Me
always gets toes, me like eats toes!). If the
PCs wait, the bugbears come to blows in
a couple of rounds. Their cousin (a thirdbugbear) relieves himself against a tree
further off but rushes to join any fight that
breaks out.
Bugbears (3): hp 16 each, MM 29.
89: Two muttering allips in the vague shape
of dwarves pass the party. They are on a fell
errand for whatever evil lurks below the
monastery ruins and do not attack unless
provoked, though their babbling
affects the
PCs unless they retreat out of range.
Allips (2): hp 26 each, MM 10.
1011: The body of a half-elf adventurer
clad in masterwork leather armor with a
masterwork longsword strapped to his hip
is slumped between a pair of large oak trees,
his skull bashed in. A bulky sack stained
with gore and bits of brain, tightly tied
shut, sits nearby. The sack contains a haul
of three hefty dwarven iron goblets set with
fire opals (120 gp each). One of them is animated
and brained the unlucky half-elf. If
it detects the PCs it lurches about, trying to
slay them too.
Animated Goblet: hp 15, MM 29 (Small
animated object).
1213: Sithmuk, an imp and formerly the
familiar of a tiresome windbag of a wizard
who met a gruesome end in Darkmoon,
appears in the PCs path in the form of a
hawk with a broken wing. If the PCs adopt

Sithmuk he bides his time and then tries to

steal their most powerful magic item before
turning invisible and fleeing.
Sithmuck the Imp: hp 13, MM 56.
1415: A drunken hill giant named Kardoblag
staggers through the wood uprooting
trees as he tries to maintain his balance.
Kardoblag met some ogres earlier and
accepted their offer to drink a foul spirit
of fermented darkwood leaf. When a jocular
argument over how to properly roast
halfling turned ugly, Kardoblag stove in
the ogres skulls and started home. In his
inebriation he misplaced his wedding ring
(he quickly slipped it off earlier when he
spotted a comely female among the ogres)
and now staggers about searching for it.
Normally he would delight in reducing the
PCs to paste, but with his head pounding
from drink he only wishes to find his ring
and get home (his wife will be angry enough
when he shows up drunk, much less ringless).
A DC 20 Search check locates his ring
and earns his gratitude (he might not smash
the PCs next time they meet).
Kardoblag the hill giant: hp 102, MM 123.
1617: The PCs hear a beautiful lilting female
voice on the wind. Perched on the branch of
large oak ahead, a harpy sings to a band of
four lumberjacks from Falcons Hollow, all
of whom march toward her waiting talons.
If saved, the lumberjacks thank the PCs profusely
and offer them their weeks wages in
thanks (a grand total of 20 sp).
Harpy: hp 31 each, MM 151.
1819: The PCs happen upon the fresh
corpse of large dire wolf. A DC 15 Heal or
Search check reveals five bolt-sized sharp
spines embedded in its neck and side. The
manticore who slew the wolf suddenly
bursts from the branches above and attacks
shortly after.
Manticore: hp 57, MM 179.
20: Any PC making a DC 15 Search check
notices a +2 shocking adamantine arrow stuck
in the trunk of a nearby tree, forgotten after
a frantic battle fought here long ago.
0110 1d3 tatzlwyrms1 2
1125 2d3 grigs 3
2630 1 dryad 3
3135 1d2 gricks 3
3640 1d4 allips 4
4150 2d6 kobolds 4
5155 1d3 owlbears 4
5670 1d2 pixies (no dance) 4
7172 2d4 shadows 5
7380 1d4 pixies (w/ dance) 6
81 1 hill giant 7
8284 1 nymph 7
85 1 greater shadow 8

8600 Wolf pack

2d6 wolves, 1d2 dire wolves, and 1 winter wolf 8

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