Communication and Electronics 2

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produces a carrier for SSB and CW that is mixed in the demodulator to produce the audio signal

class of amplifier that produces the least harmonic

number of customer/ subscriber in 2G per cell
circuit that convert two-wire line to four wire line
dot in body-end-dot
relation of gain and collector current
also known as flicker noise
110% increase in normal voltage for a short period of time
rbe stands for
what is a graphical transmission line calculator
a tube that emits electron when the cathode is illuminated
combination of parabolic reflector and feed horn antenna
resistor with typical flicker voltage of 0.01-0.2 microvolt
filter that use acoustic wave at the surface of the substrate to produce desired signal
what is the difference between wireless bridge and a wireless hub
in battery/cell, the type of cell which has the largest diameter
types of cell that has the same electrolyte
have 3 op-amps, 7 resistors including a gain setting resistor
ideal output voltage of an op-amp when 0 voltage is applied to its input
equivalent of the cathode in a cell
brain of the computer
common IC packages
standard diameter of WORM (write only read many) disk
maximum modulating frequency for FM
minimum modulating frequency for FM
a video amplifier can amplify a frequency of ___
temperature coeffecient of resistance of silver
to avoid accidental flag
frequency of magnetron that is used in a microwave oven
welding process in a vacuum
coaxial cable used in older ethernet
maximum length of RS232C
series of logic and arithmetic program
type of microphone used in telephone
deadlock series
another term for super refraction
why tropospheric ducting is not frequently used
the physical height of an antenna is __ of its effective height
effeciency of parabolic antenna
a filter that can be connected between CB and antenna
input impedance of common collector is __

beat frequency
oscillator (BFO)
Class A
hybrid transformer
directly proportional
pink noise
roentgen biological
smith chart
hog horn
surface acoustic
wave (SAW)
the wireless bridge
has more power
silver cadmium,
silver zinc, nickel
0 volts
zinc container
TO, flat pack, dual inline
12 cm
20 Hz
bit stuffing
2.45 GHz
electron beam
RG 58/u
leap frog
button microphone
it is not reliable
1/2 to 2/3
universal coordinate
low pass filter

which cannot be measured by only one instrument

applying 2 to 5 kV between the anode and cathode
dirt in generator may cause
the color carrier is found __ lower than the audio carrier
because in line with this. Elastic of proton by
what is used to measure the specific gravity of battery electrode
the science of combination of electrical, mechanical, and magnetic
an instrument used to measure the potential difference, electron charge
loudness of clock ticking
what is the value of the load factor for a transformer to have negative voltage regulation
what materials are commonly used as substrate
which is not a system requirement for 3G cellular
frequency used to signal handoff between cell in cellular
known as the Ecommerce act of the Philippines
feedback element of an integrating op-amp
infinite input impedance, zero output impedance is a characterisitc of which amplifier
principal musical interval considered as dissonant
an amplifier where the output signal voltage is larger than the inpust signal voltage
why is there a need for a no-load test for transformer
to determine the relative frequency of the windings of the transformer
instrument used to measure the degree of misalignment for a shaft
what is the function of the summing amplifier
type of op-amp that is industry standard
percentage modulation needed in neutralizing an operating transmitter
what is the hydrometer reading of a fully charged lead acid battery
what is the effect on the resonant frequency of a monopole antenna if an inductor is connected at
the base
what is a small card that has embedded IC in itthat can store information
what is a volatile memory
for navigation, as well as marine and aeronautical communication and radar, what band is used
what is the primary frequency range of long distance skywave propagation
how long does transmit after for mobile drop outs
what is the peak wavelength of sunlight
digital microwave system uses what modulation
analog microwave system uses what type of modulation
what band of frequency is allocated for cable tv relay service
what do you call the wave of frequency directly above 300GHz
what system widely uses accelerometer
subatomic particle that has electrons, mu particle, and neutrino
what is a filter that uses acoustic waves on the surface of a substrate to achieve the desired
what is an amplifier w/ 2 inputs and 2 outputs where output is dependent on the difference of two
what type of coupling is used to produce low interference to frequency response
a class A amplifier has a conduction angle of __
a class C amplifier has a conduction angle of less than__

cathode spluttering
flashovers and
unstable voltage
compton effect
20 phons
glass and ceramic
load capacitor
voltage amplifier
to determine
magnetizing current
and loss
by phasing out
dial indicator
it multiplies the input
signal voltage to the
gain of the circuit
LM 341C
100% or more
slightly less than 1.3
resonant frequency
smart card
3 to 30MHZ
1 to 5 sec
12.17 to 13.20 MHz
millimeter wave
navigation system
surface acoustic
wave (SAW) filter
differential amplifier
direct coupling
360 degrees
180 degrees

if line impedance is equal to the load impedance

symbols produced by 16 QAM
number of channel produced by baseband bus topology LAN
what is used for television to produce special effects and production switching
what is the promary use of fiber optics
disadvantage of plastic fiber optics
what is the frequency of the middle C
what is the frequency of the first octave of the middle C
advantage of plastic fiber optic
in satellite communication, what determines the EIRP
what is an amplifier that directly couple optical signal without converting it into electrical form
what protocol is packet switching
what is introduced to eliminate "singing"
what is the other name for eddy current
what type of circuit is this XR-2280
bandwidth of op-amp with negative feedback
bandwidth of op-amp without negative feedback
a robot hand is called
a robot arm is called
an op-amp that is ultra precession
what is the disadvantage of using double receivers instead of two individual receivers

why is the differential amplifier better than regular amplifier

what is the nominal open circuit voltage of lead acid battery
what is the reading in lead acid voltage when fully charged
the lowest level of the OSI protocol, dealing with matters such as voltages and current levels
the third layer of the OSI protocol
what is a plug-in circuit board for a computer that contains the necessary hardware and firmware
to connect the computer to a local area network
method in manufacturing IC in which the elements do not penetrate the substrate
thin ethernet is also known as
in SDLC and HDLC, what is the bit sequence that consist the flag
the public key is used to encrypt the message. A __ is required to decipher it
the 10BaseT ethernet is restricted to a length of__
what protocol is common for bus networks
what is a typical velocity factor for coaxial cable
what is a typical velocity factor for twin lead
what is a typical velocity factor for open wire line
the velocity factor of transmission lines varies from___
used to indicate the capability of computer to handle data
two freedom of axis
what is the nominal flasher rate of a flasher lead

there is no standing
long distance
telephone system
high attenuation
inexpensive and
sattelite antenna,
height and receiver
optical amplifier
via net loss (VNL)
Foucault current
operational multiplier
narrower because of
high gain
end effector
end manipulator
when one receiver
goes bad, the entire
receiver will also be
because differential
gives more accurate
output than the
regular amplifier
physical layer
network layer
network interface
card (NIC)
epitaxial method
private key
CSMA/CD protocol
0.5 to 0.9
three times a second

ways to prevent polarization in a battery

what do you call the movement of free electron in a semiconductor material
what are the advantages of tape catridge over open reel and cassette broadcasting
refers to the use of radi frequency field to produce deep heating in body tissue
a complete master oscillator or power amplifier system contained by a single evacuated envelope
the practical application of current drawn from bodies of animals including human to power
electronic devices and appliances
ratio of width to height of a television picture
the portion of the horizontal blanking pulse before the sync pulse
the portion of the horizontal blanking pulse after the sync pulse
what would be the reliable range for mobile-mobile
telephone channel is designed to carry voice signal with __ bandwidth
what effect for satellite system to rotate keeps their beam in one direction
silicon solar cell

vent a cell, add a

material rich in
oxygen, add a
material that will
absorb hydrogen
control current
easily plugged,
checked and stored
aspect ratio
front porch
back porch
1 to 10 miles
gyroscopic or
flywheel effect
photovoltaic cell

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