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English Task
Teacher : Offi Trisia, S.pd

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TAHUN 2016

Vegetarian is someone who doesnt it meat, and sometimes other animal product, mostly eat food that come from
plants, like grains,fruits,vegetables, and nuts.
There are three kinds of vegetarians :

Total vegetarian/vegans : those who exclude all kinds of meat and animals based products such as milk, butter
and eggs.
Lacto-vegetarian : those who do not consume meat,chicken and fish but allow milk and milk products.
Lacto-ovo-vegetarians : those who consume milk, milk products end eggs but exclude all kinds of meat.
Why are people vegetarian?
People have different reason for becoming vegetarian. Some follow vegetarian diet for health reason. For instance, a
diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains tends to be low in fat and cholesterol, which is good for your heart.
Usually,someone become a vegetarian to lose weight or lower their cholesterol (diet).
A vegetarian diet can help lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, aiding in the prevention of heart disease.
Additionally, vegetarian food is fibre-rich which helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation and reduce
the risk of colon cancer. A vegetarian diet is associated with higher consumption of fiber,folic acid,vitamin C and E,
magnesium, unsaturated fat, and countless phytochemicals.
If we choose pro with vegetarian lifestyle, we can see many benefit of it, there are:
1. May improve mood
Arachidonic acid is a substance that usually comes from dietary
are not high in arachidonic acid. This can be beneficial, as research
between arachidonic acid and mood disturbances. the
animal products and mood and confirmed that mood
when eating meat, fish, and poultry are restricted.
2. May reduce incidence of diabetes
According to George Washington University School of Medicine

animal. Vegetarian d
has shown a link

impact of restricting

improvements do happ



vegetarian diets offer an important benefit for the management of diabetes and can evenreduce likelihood o

development by one half.

3. Less Risk Stroke and Obesity
According to the University Hospital Ghent Department of Paediatrics in Belgium, following a vegetarian diet is

good way to reduce your chance at having a stroke or being obese.

4. Reduce Risk of Cataract Development.
Oddly enough,research released by oxford university has shown a relation between risk of developing cataracs an

diet vegetarian.
5. Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
According to the JCU University skin cancer research clinic, there is a relationship between a vegetarian diet an

decrease risk of cardiovascular disease. Why? Most of vegetarian diets are full of antioxidant rich foods. Antioxidan
are molecules that can reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress, including atherosclerosis.
6. Less Chance of developing kidney Stones.
New York UniversityLangone Medical Center reports that eliminating animal protein consumption in favor
vegetables will result in a higher urine pH ; whereas low urine Ph has been associated with stone formation.
7. It can satisfy all your nutritional requirements.

vegetarian or vegan, diet can be nutritionaly sound and appropriate for all ages and stages of life, including infant

the eldery, and even athletes. Good health, reduce incidence of disease and better management of existing heal
problems are all associated with following a vegetarian.

If we contra of vegetarian , vegetarian also have its own risk. We called its by vegan diets Danger. There are :
1) Low Protein diets can increase toxicity.
Phase liver detoxification is driven by amino acid ( the building blocks of proteins).Long-term vegan
diets tend to impair liver detoxification pathways According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, Protein deficiency
itself contributes to the harm done by toxins, since the livers ability to detoxify them depends on
adequate nutrition, especially good protein.
2) Historically, there are no cultures that have thrived by subsisting off of animal free diet.
Along with that goes eating foods that people have been consuming for generations. A dentist who
traveled the world to study the dietary behaviors and consequences of various dietary practices. Dr.
Price made the ground-breaking discovery about the link between a diet low in animal foods (thus low
fat-soluble vitamins) and tooth decay.
3) Vegan often favor soy products. Since protein is scarce when you avoid animal products, soy
products like edamame, tofu, soy protein powder and tempeh are often dietary staples. The reality is
that soy protein is very difficult to digest, thyroid suppressive and estrogenic due to phytoestrogens. It
also contains high levels of phytic acid that cause less assimilation of nutrients, as well as contain
trypsin inhibitors that can interfere with digestion.
4) vegan diets tend to be low in high quality protein.
According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, One thing that happens in the vegetable diet, heavily based on [the]
cabbage family, or beans, lentils and nuts, these proteins, in quality, rank about 15 times lower than the
highest quality protein. And so even though a person might think theyre eating nothing but protein
rich foods, beans and nuts, their quality is so low that their liver simply cant respond to the thyroid.
Last word
Well-planned vegetarian diets are healthy and help prevent chronic diseases also many benefit others. But make sure
to ask your dietician to guide you on how to include the 'at risk' nutrients by choosing the right foods in the right
combinations for a complete balanced diet.

Source :

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