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North South University

Research proposal on MKT470

Section: 4
Group no: 8
Date: June 19, 2013

Group Members
Md. Oliur Rahman

ID# 092 0509 030

Sangeet Khisa

ID# 101 0782 030

Sameer Yousef Ameer

ID# 102 0825 030

Md. Eiakub Jamil

ID# 103 0109 530

Standardization Vs. Customization- Colgate toothpaste customized in the

local Market is it profitable or not?

Colgate was the first toothpaste in a collapsible tube, introduced in 1896, when it had previously
been sold in glass jars since 1873.
Present in India since the 1930s, Colgate is almost synonymous with toothpaste in the Indian
market. It is accepted well both in the rural and urban areas. It has been ranked as the 17th most
trusted brand in India by The Brand Trust Report
It is indeed a pleasure for us to do the research proposal in this interesting topic. This is the
research proposal. Therefore, we would to convey our regards for your valuable knowledge that
you shared with us.

It is the goal of this research proposal to layout a report on Colgate how it is profitable in
Bangladeshi market by customizing the core product.

Find out Customized Colgate is popular in Market or not. We will analyze the problems and
provide necessary Solutions.

Null Hypothesis(H0): Customized version of Colgate toothpaste is Popular in the local market.

We will do both qualitative and quantitative research. We will do both field work and collect
secondary data. For our primary research, we will conduct a survey in the Bashundhara R/A
People and ask for their views and experience of using this toothpaste. To that end we will design
a questionnaire with different types of questions so as to get a range to the opinion and also to
answer the questions of our research.

Research Design
Our paper will be divided in several sections, the most important of which are the Introduction,
Background, Data Presentation and Analysis, and Summary of Findings. Within these sections
our will be Research Design based on our research questions.

Data analysis
Qualitative Study:
Given the exploratory nature of some aspects of the objectives, we will provide you qualitative
information. Focused result will be used to explore and understand the attitude of potential
customers toward the product and this also measure how the widespread these attitudes are.

Quantitative Study:
We purpose to carry out study using a questioner. This has been chosen as a cost effective way of
contacting relevant respondents. We fell that this questioner gives us the opportunity to select
people accurately and swiftly. This gives an assurance of achieving the desired number and type
of respondents
Some of the survey questions are given below1. Do you use Colgate toothpaste?
2. Do you think Colgate is a good toothpaste ?
Sample size:
We have made the decision to carry out over at least 50 people for our survey. This will give a
spared of responses and opportunity to identify interesting differences.

Research Report
Report is made primarily as a course requirement of Marketing Research (MKT470). The
effort will be there to demonstrate the learning from this course in the report.
Report will include market profile, customer characteristics, target group, data collection,
analysis of the data, implication etc.
The structure of the report will follow standard report writing format.

Once this has been approved there will be a formal presentation of all findings, along
with the conclusion drawn on the appointed date.

Time and Cost Estimates



Type of Cost


Preparing Questionnaire

3 days

Conducting Survey

7 days


1x60=60 tk. (10 extra)


120 tk. (aaprox.)

Data entry & Analysis

3 days


60 tk.

Typing, editing & formatting

3 days

Printing & Binding

1 day

Cover Page

20 tk.


20 tk.


20 tk.


300 tk.

Colgate toothpaste is a Multinational product. From the research survey, we will try to figure out
the reasons behind the popularity of Colgate toothpaste by data analysis, data collection and
finding the proper solution of the problems.

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