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The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day
(The feast of the descending of the Holy Spirit)2
The Lord is coming on earth as word. Amen, amen, amen. Stand before Me and receive
Me and put My word into the book, sons who keep watch in the way of My coming as word on
earth. I have cried in a voice of calling to life to every man who wants to pass from death to life,
and you have shared My calling and many have come to the spring.
I am above the garden of the meeting with all the hosts of saints and angels. All the saints
are of royal seed, for I, the Lord am the heavenly King, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. Amen. I
have come as the mysterious Shepherd on the Romanian land and I pour Myself out into its midst
with the river of life so that all the nations of the earth may drink of it and that the man may
learn the way, the truth and the life, and to put the way of life under his feet, for I am full of mercy
for the man. (See the selection topic: This word is the river of life, r.n.)
Peace to you, Romanian Jerusalem, My people of sons born of My word from the end of
the time! Peace to you, for I have established you to prepare for Me days of wedding, and that I
may draw good wine from My well and to put it on the table, for the wedding guests that came
to My table with you to drink, My bride people. Oh, how sweet My calling is and how deep My
sighing after the man is, and how much I labor for the time of the fulfilling of the greatest
Scripture, the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man. Oh, the man cannot deny himself and
come after Me if there is no one to teach him to come. I want to give teaching from the book to
the man, for the man learns only emptiness, only death. I am full of longing and I cross the heaven
and the earth with the word, and with it I search the mans heart to teach him the repentance for
the forgiveness of his sins. I want to teach the man My love and I want to give him My advice and
I want to give him My face. I want to save the human kind from the sin and to come into his way
with My miracle from the end of the time, for you, My Jerusalem of Romanians, are My tool
with which I cleanse My threshing floor and gather the wheat into My barns, to burn up the
chaff with unquenchable fire, and then to come down on earth with eternal glory to bring
together under it My elected ones, whom I have gathered from one margin of the heaven to the
others with My loving word, with which I come to shepherd the man. Amen.
I embrace you all within a spirit of Whitsuntide; those who have truly come to the spring
to drink of it to your repentance and for the forgiveness of your sins, for not all who have come go
back healed. Peace to you, those who have truly come to My spring of word! Blessed will be all
who will know to drink from Me, for those who will know to drink are those who will come
to life in a spirit of repentance to the forgiveness of their sins, because I, the Lord, came two
thousand years ago on earth and fulfilled all the Scriptures written about Me into the law of Moses,
in the prophets and in the psalms, to preach the repentance for the forgiveness of the sins to all the
nations, starting from Jerusalem. Amen.
Peace to you, those who know to drink and to receive from My Spirit, for he who does not
receive from My Holy Spirit, does not come to life and does not pass from death into life. Oh,
open up your ears and eyes and receive in you the glory of My word that I may teach you with it
the repentance for the forgiveness of your sins. The man cannot repent unless he looks at himself


Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.


to see his sins and the mans sins are not forgiven unless he gives them up through repentance and
then by the holiness of his life.
I have called you to the spring of life, man who looks for life. It is not found anywhere else
but only with God and here is how I come into your way to make you used to knowing Me and to
listening to My voice, which calls you from death to life, for the glory of those that are earthly will
soon be put out under the brightness of My glory, for I have come with the saints from heaven on
earth and I have become word of the Holy Spirit and I have become a well of life so that those
who are thirsty may drink of it and then to be able to see Me. Amen.
I offer you a sweet voice in the word, man poor of life. I walk with the spirit of life after
you for what you call life is not the spirit of life. I came down two thousand years ago from near
the Father and I became a man being conceived within a body of a Virgin that I could be born in
a body on earth so that the man may not say that he cannot become God from God by becoming
one body with Me through My Body, which I left for the man in a mysterious way by My sacrifice
on the cross, and to make the man the son of the Father and then to draw him to the Father, for I
came into the man to make him divine by the grace with which the Father sent Me after the man.
When I created the man, I made him into My image and after My likeness. I looked at
Myself, man, when I made the man. As a master looks into the mirror to make his own image, the
same way I looked at Me when I made the man. Then I breathed a spirit of life out of Me over
him, and this is how God created the man into His image and after His likeness. I had been crying
for five thousand years for the man after he fell down from heaven by haughtiness and then the
Father made Me come down after him. I became then Man from the man, for it was not possible
to save the man otherwise from his falling from the heaven. It was not possible otherwise to give
the man back the life from the beginning, when it was not death, when there was not emptiness in
heaven and on earth. The man built by God had become emptiness in heaven by haughtiness and
he fell down on earth and then the man also became emptiness on earth. I had been crying for five
thousand years for the man, after the place and after the day of My rest and then I came down on
earth in the flesh and I glorified Myself in him with the glory that I had from the Father, and then
I paid the price of the mans life, leaving My body to death like the man does, to show the man
My godly Body and Blood, the heavenly one on earth, and then I told the man: Whoever does
not eat of My flesh and does not drink of My blood, will not have life in himself, and he who
eats and drinks of the God, Who became flesh, that one will never die. (John 5:53). Amen.
I come from heaven down on earth to pass the man from death to life, for there is no one
to teach the man the life, its way and its truth. Oh, man, who is the man to teach you? The man is
emptiness on earth. Who shall put under your feet the way to teach you with it? Who shall speak
to you that the man fell from heaven by his haughtiness and that he has to humiliate himself for
the repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, so that his eyes may be opened afterwards? Who
else but Me? I loved you and it was out of love that I became Man, to give the price for your life,
My life, man who fell from heaven by haughtiness and then by disobedience to God, Who made
you into His image. I have come again towards you. My Father sends Me when I come and I do
not come otherwise, and I tell you this to remind you that you did not listen and do not listen to
God. Oh, can you not listen to God, man? How comes that you can listen to yourself and not to
God? Man, you are not God. You are an abortion if you do not listen to God. You have been
listening to yourself and not to God for seven thousand years, and the man cannot deny himself if
there is no one to teach him the love of God and then his life from heaven on earth in man. I have


come again after you. My Father sends Me when I come and I do not come otherwise, and I tell
you this to remind you that you listen to yourself and not to God, and as for Me, I listen to My
Father when I come after you to teach you to pass from death to life loving God and His life
in your life and in your body. Oh, who told you to listen to yourself and to listen to the man? The
one who does not have God as his father, it does this; he listens to himself and to the man and falls
by haughtiness down on earth.
Behold the book of your life, man, who are called to life! Learn the book of the life,
man, for I have come to give you teaching from the book, to teach you humility and then the
book, to be taught and not to be empty on earth. The dead have came to life from the tombs and
they stay in tens of thousands in groups-groups before this word, and you, man with a body on
earth, do not see them. Oh, how are you supposed to see them if you did not learn the book from
heaven, the wisdom of life without death, which sees in the man? Come, get up from your blood,
and wash into the river of My word so that your eyes and your mind may be opened and to see My
glory and to see My coming, for I am before you with the time of the fulfilling of the greatest
Scripture, the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man, with power and much glory, coming on the clouds, accompanied by saints and angels and speaking on earth the word of the
resurrection from the dead. Amen. (See the selection topic: He comes the same way as He
ascended: He comes with the clouds, r.n.)
I have facilitated the day of memorial of those who have been waiting for seven thousands
years in the dust of the earth, and they stand in a row to drink of the word of the resurrection of
the dead the river, which flows from Gods mouth, the Word, the miracle from the end of the time
over the living and over the dead, over the dead and over the living, for the dead are those who
hear My word, not the living ones. (See the selection topic: The dead hear My voice3, r.n.)
However, I have made My coming through those who are in their bodies, both for the living
and for the dead in their bodies, and this is the judgment of those who do not believe in Gods
works over the earth and over the man. This word is both the mans judgment, and also his
life, if he comes back from death to life in order that he may see afterwards. Amen. (See the
selection topic: The fearful judgment4, r.n.)
I am a mysterious Shepherd and the man, who is flesh and nature cannot, he cannot understand the mystery of My coming, the mystery of My being in man, My mysterious body, which
comprises the man in such a way that God may make him by grace, and that My grace to be able
to work from man and over the man. I am the mans Creator from beginning to end. I have come
to cleanse the man from sin, and for the man to see after that and to shine on earth.

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Drink water, man! Drink and eat for your eyes to be opened! Come to the spring of washing
because I have come as word on earth to preach to all the nations the repentance for the forgiveness
of the sins, man that have been waited by God. I bow before you like a God. You should also bow
as a man, for life means My Spirit in the man, you man, who have been called to the spring.
Oh, the garden of My meeting with the man is filled with saints and angels in tens of thousands, children who receive My word to the man. All the heavenly hosts, all the hosts of the
saints crown the celebration of the meeting of the Holy Spirit between Me and the man in
the sky. And you are those who are tired, who did what I commanded you, and who have prepared
a feast of word for Me and you have let known those of this little village from here to come as well
and to learn the mystery of My coming, with My glory, which carries Me to the man by My work
with you into the midst of this little village, chosen by God for His coming. I embrace you within
a great mystery. I enshroud you within heavenly ornaments because you made many people come
and sit and listen to the voice of My coming over the earth. Teach them the way, the truth and the
life. Teach them the Book of Life and the glory of life, for I have embraced all within the word of
the Holy Spirit, within the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Who is the Teacher over the man. Amen.
Peace to those who really take Me from the spring! And again, I will embrace them within
the word of the Holy Spirit in My love and My longing after the man.
Peace to you, children who are tired and exhausted for My days of glory over the earth and
over the man! I breathe over you and I give you from Me to be able to do for Me and to alleviate
My sigh, which has been crying after the man. Peace to you! And stand before Me, for I will stay
in word again and again and I will perfume the garden of the meeting with a spirit of heavenly
celebration on earth. And I will make it be known, sons, and I will give you of My Spirit, and He
will give from you from above and you will be the sharers from Me, and you will teach the man
the way, the truth and the life. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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