16 Bibliography

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Periodicals and Journals:


Business India, Mumbai

Business Today, New Delhi.
Business World, Mumbai
Business Standard
Capital Market, Mumbai
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Monthly Review, CMIE
Chartered Accountants, New Delhi.
Chartered Secretary, New Delhi
Dalal Street Investment Journal Mumbai
Economic & Political Weekly, Mumbai
Express Investment Week, Mumbai
Fortune India, Mumbai
Indian Journal of Accounting
Indian Journal of Commerce
Journal of Investing, New York
Journal of Portfolio Management, New York
Indian Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Economic
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Review of Financial Studies
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
The Journal of Business
The Journal of Political Economy
Financial Analysts Journal
Global Finance Journal
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance by Stem Stewart & Co.
Financial Management Association
Journal of Instructional Techniques in Finance
Journal of international Financial Management and Accounting
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institute and money
Journal of Investing
Journal of Investment Management
Journal of Performance Measurement
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
Journal of Behavior Finance
Journal of Alternative Investment
Mutual Fund Insight Magazine by Value Research Journal

News Papers:
The Business Standard
The Economic Times
The Financial Chronicle
The Financial Express
The Hindu Business Line
The Indian Express



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