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Maritime Law #3
Dr. Eng. Trika Pitana
Program Double Degree Teknik Sistem Perkapalan

1. A Ship
2. Nationality and Registration


Why it is neccessary to define a ship

Definition of ship is relating to the governed

Definition and Characteristic

No universal definition of a ship provided either
by the domestic legistlation or by any source of
international maritime law.
A ship is defined as any self propelled sea going
vessel used ini international sea borned trade for
the transport of goods, passengers, or both with
exception of vessel less that 500 GRT (United
Nation Convention on Condition for Registration
of Ship, 1986) (For the purpose of ship


Definition and Characteristic #2

Any vessel used for the carriage of goods by sea ( The
Hague Visby Rules)
Any sea going vessel and seaborne craft of at type
whatsoever constructed or adapted for the carriage of
oil in bulk as cargo provided that a ship capable of
carrying oil and other cargoes shall be regarded as a
ship only when is actually carrying in bulk as cargoe
and during any voyage following suc carriage unless it
is proved that it has no residue of such carriage of oil in
bulk a board (Internation Convention on Civil Liability
for Oil Pollution, 1984)

Definition and Characteristic #3

Vessels means any ships or craft or any
structure capable of navigation (Intenational
Convention on Salvage, 1989)
A ship means any vessel mechanically
propelled registered in a teritory for which
the convention is in force, engage in the
trasnport of cargo or passenger for the
purpose of trade, engage in a voyage at sea (in
most maritime labour convention)


The charactiristic feature of a vessel

Traditional meaning, A ship is a floating
structure with its floating capacity partly due
to hollow construction.
The construction must be intended for, and be
capable of, moving on or throught water.
The construction must have a certain
minimum dimension.
The purpose for which it is constructed and
rge business in which it is engaged.

Considered Factors
Whether the strcuture is designed to be
mobile and capable of transportation across
the water;
Whether it is subject to the common perils of
the sea.
Whether it is designed to be permanently
fixed in position.
Whether vessel status is consistent with
statutory or other policy consideration.


Definition and Characteristic

UU no 17 tahun 2008, ttg Pelayaran:
Kapal adalah kendaraan air dengan bentuk dan
jenis tertentu, yang digerakkan dengan tenaga
angin, tenaga mekanik, energi lainnya, ditarik
atau ditunda, termasuk kendaraan yang berdaya
dukung dinamis, kendaraan di bawah
permukaan air, serta alat apung dan bangunan
terapung yang tidak berpindah-pindah.

Floating structure ??
Hover craft ?? (she could be operated in land
and water)
WIG (Wing in Ground), it looks like a air plane
rather that a ship. It mostly proceeds in air
rather that in water.


Nationality and Registration of a ship

General Remark
Nationality serves above all to determine
that the person upon whom it is conferred
enjoys the rights and is bound by the
obligations which the law of the state in
question grants to or imposes on its nationals


Nationality of Ship
Concept of nationality was extended to vessel
due to the existence of the right of the
freedom of the sea and navigation.
General principle:
Every state has the right to sail ships flying its flag
on the high seas and no state must extend its
sovereighty beyond teritorial water.

Nationality of Ship
Legal consequences: a vessel is under flag states
jurisdiction and control, at least with regard to
identification and accountability of shipowner and
operators as well as with regard to administrative,
technical, economic and social matter.
The applicability of flag states taxation system,
social and welfare legislation, criminal jurisdiction
as well as possible consequences in private law


Nationality of Ship
There must be genuine link between state and
the ship. (art. 91 UNCLOS)
Genuine link is the legal and functional
responsibilities assumed by the flag state when
it confers its national character upon a ship.
Registration respresent the legal requirement
while the functional component pertains to
periodic survey, safe and proper working
conditions, and social welfare of the crew.

The purposes:
To list ships entitled to fly the states flag and
which, therefore, come within the national
jurisdiction of that state, and for which the state is
To grant or confirm the nationality of a vessel;
To record property rights and registerable charges
on ships.


A vessel is subject to the obligation of being entered in
the register of ship if she meets the relevant national
A vessel which is not subject to the obligation of being
entered in the register of ship may be entered upon the
application of her owner, especially where he wants to
use his vessel as security.
No ships shall be entered in the register of ships of two
or more state at a time.
The register is kept by the competent administrative
authority and is available with a legitimate interest in
obtaining information contained there in.

The data are entered in the registered of ships in
accordances with the law and regulation:

The name of the ship and the previous name and

registry, if any.
The place or port registration
The international call sign of the ship, if assigned;
The name of the builder, place of building, and year
of building of the ship
The description of the main technical characteristic of
the ship.
The name, address, and as appropriate the
nationality of the owner or of each of the owner.


Status Hukum Kapal

Status hukum kapal dapat ditentukan setelah
melalui proses:
a. pengukuran kapal;
b. pendaftaran kapal; dan
c. penetapan kebangsaan kapal.

Pasal 158
(1) Kapal yang telah diukur dan mendapat Surat Ukur dapat didaftarkan di Indonesia
oleh pemilik kepada Pejabat Pendaftar dan Pencatat Balik Nama Kapal yang
ditetapkan oleh Menteri.
(2) Kapal yang dapat didaftar di Indonesia yaitu:
kapal dengan ukuran tonase kotor sekurang-kurangnya GT 7 (tujuh
kapal milik warga negara Indonesia atau badan hukum yang didirikan
berdasarkan hukum Indonesia dan berkedudukan di Indonesia; dan kapal milik
badan hukum Indonesia yang merupakan usaha patungan yang mayoritas
sahamnya dimiliki oleh warga negara Indonesia.
(3) Pendaftaran kapal dilakukan dengan pembuatan akta pendaftaran dan dicatat
dalam daftar kapal Indonesia.
(4) Sebagai bukti kapal telah terdaftar, kepada pemilik diberikan grosse akta
pendaftaran kapal yang berfungsi pula sebagai bukti hak milik atas kapal yang
telah didaftar.
(5) Pada kapal yang telah didaftar wajib dipasang Tanda Pendaftaran.



IMO (1993), Maritime Law, Compendium for
Model Course 6.08
N.P. Ready (1998), Ship Registration, LLP,
Business of Shipping Series
UU no 17 th 2008, tentang Pelayaran


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