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Business Profile

Name of the business Arcem food Products

Complete Address 121 Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas
Date of Establishment
How the business developed
Business tagline

- Reasons or factors why enter in an industry of producing medicinal and
- What are the objectives of Firm?(Please specify its long term and short term
Short term objectives- cater to local consumer
Long term - serve internationally
- Problems they have encountered in establishing their business and its
- What is the current strategy done by the firm? Food testing, partipating in
Internal Assessment

Who owns the business (short background)

How many employees? Boys? Girls? 4, 2m, 2f
Do they have legal benefits like SSS? PhilHealth
Working hours? Days? 7am to 5pm, M-S
Is there an issue or problem with the employees? Minor problems,
Is there a manager? Owner, Joel Magtibay (head of productions)
- Mission Statement:

Vision Statement:

- When and Who developed the mission and vision of the enterprise? Owner,
- Who is in charge in hiring employees? owner

Who is the treasurer/financial manager?(record keeping)

Who helped them in establishing their business? Owner, UPLB research



What are the duties of employees?

Production, processing, packaging

Who is the marketing manager? owner

Who is their target market and why? People with illness, health conscious
Who formulate the product? owner
Copy of financial statement
Size of the enterprise production area and its total area.
100 sq.m.
possible expansion
Started increase in sales in 2012

Problems encountered in production

Where is the supply came from? Specify how many kg of raw mats each item
they buy.(kahityung
some are planted, some areoutsourced
How do they control the quality of the product? Separate section after
Inventorymgt.Paanosilamaginventory? record keeping
What are their KEY strengths and weaknesses?
Strength- organic/chemical free
Weakness- packaging of products
Business and its Product
What is the first product produce? Malunggay noodles and malunggay pandesal
*Ilang products yungpinoproducenilabago mag boom yung business? Or
ilanyunginumpisahannilang products?
What is the main product of the firm?
Malunggay-based products
How many products are being processed by the firm?

Among these products, what is the best seller? Wellness tea, 8-in-1 coffee
New Product? Combinations of existing ingredients
Anongmga crops poyung ingredients nung products nyo aside sa squash,
malunggay and turmeric?
Lemon grass, guyabano

Meronpobakayong suppliers for raw materials nyo (Ingredients)? Or kayo

napomismoyungnagtatanimnungmga raw materials nyo?
Meronpobakayong suppliers paranamanposapag package pong products nyo?
Packaging was referred by DOST
Paanoniyopominamarketyungmga products ninyo? Recommendation, consignment,
*ask saknila kung anoanoyung key opportunities and threats nanaiisipnila
Opportunity- increase in demand because of health consciousness
Market globally

*Microenvironmental Analysis
- Customers, Competitors and Suppliers
Ask kungsino customers nila, mga competitors nila and yungsa suppliers.
Competitors- big companies from calabarzon
Ask kunganoyunglamangnila with their competitors chemical-free
Ask if magandabayung relationship nila with their customers and suppliers and
anoyungginawanilaparamapagandayun? yes
Critical Success Factors
Ask silakunganoanoyung critical success factors for them.
1) Right people
2) Good decision-making by the owner
Porters Five Forces
Rivalry among competing firms
*siguro ask langdito kung gaanokatindiyung competition sa Industry ng business.
Ask kungyung degree bang competition for them is high or low? High because of
commercial/synthetic products
Threat of new Entrants
*Ask kungnahirapanbasilangpumasok or mag establish saganitong industry given
lahatng factors (distribution channels, capital requirements etc.) yes lalo na sa
capital but assisted by DTI
Threat of substitute product
Are there any substitute parasa product nila?

Bargaining power of suppliers

*Kung tatanuginsila, mataas baa ng bargaining power nila as a supplier of these
Bargaining power of supplier because of quality of products
Bargaining power of consumer
*Same halos saknina sat ass. Baliktarinna lang.

Other questions:
Current products

Current process?

Current market?
Tapos ask to.
What is the new product?
What is the new target market?
What is the new technology? Electric dryer
Strategic analysis

) What do you think is the biggest threat to your company?

) Have you thought of ways in order to cope up with the impending threat?

) Up to what degree are you willing to do in order to address the threat?

) What area of business do you think your business is weak in? (Operation,
Human Resource, Finance, Marketing) marketing
) What ways have you thought of in order to address the weakness?
Media support, exhibit
) What do you think is the greatest strength of the company?

) Do you think the strength of the firm is utilized to its full capabilities? yes

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