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«CMeua-CllflfOOJl ... is a present-day, small in size camera intended for am amenu-Symbol


The camera incorporai s a hard coaled lens, an optical viewfinder, a betweenthe-lens shutter with wide diapa on of shutter speeds, a weather and distance s) rnbols scales, and flash-synchronizer and assures lhe widest choice of shuoling.

One or the characteristic lea lures of the camera

« emlHa- CllMBOJl» i sthe sysSmena-Syrnbol

lern of symbols used [or the exposure and distance setting.

The camera is r aled for work in temperature range from minus 15 to +450 C, without direct eliect of solar radiation and atmospheric precipitation.

Before using your camera, please acquaint yourself with the present Technical Descrip I ion and Operation I nstructions.

Film accepted, mill Picture size, 111m . Picture number Lens: hard coated

anastigmat T-43-:

focal lenglh, em , relative aperture


35 hutter speeds, s. . 1/250; 1/125;

1/60; 1/30; 1/15 s plus «B»

. 24 X 36 Distance s a le from I m up to 00

36 (infinity), from 3.5 It up to 00

three-element Light sensitivity scale of photo-

material from 16 to 250 OOST-ASA units or from 13 to 25 DIN units.

4 Thread di ameler for the Ii ghl

[/4 filler mount, mm . . _ . . . 35.5

3.1. Camera 3.2. asing


CMeIlO,CII>1BO.,. t 3.3. Oper ation Manual

« Smen8·Symbol 3.4. P<ll:king box .


4.1. Princ.ipa \ parts (Fig. 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6)

I I - Viewfinder. 2 - Indices ring. 3 - Lens.

4 - Diaphragm scale,

5 - Shutler release lever.

6 - Film light ensilivily scale. 7 - Rewind crank.

8 - Movable index of weather symbol scale.

9 - Distance scale.

10 - Distance scale index.


6 3 4 2

FIg. I

11 - Weather symbols (shut.

ter speed) setting ring.

12 - Weather symbol scale. 13 - Accessory shoe.

14 - Synchro contact.

15 - Film wind mechanism dIsengagement knob.

16 - Shutter speed sea Ie in-


17 - Shutter speed scale. J 8 - Tripod socket.

19 - Take-up spool.

20 - Viewfinder window

21 - Picture conn er reset


22 - Picture counter.

23 - Lever to cock shutter. 24 - Camera back.

25 - Pressure pad.

26 - Feed shaft.

27 - Back latch.

28 - Reminder scale.

FIg. 2

Fig. J

Fig. 4

4.2. Application

The weather symbol scale is intended lor shutter speed delerrninalion and ils setting.

The camera work program lor determination and seLling the exposure based on the weather symbols and lilm light sensitivity is given in the table.

When selll n g the sensi li v i ly of the loa ded film by the sea le (Fig. 7) whit 11 is 011 the front lens pad, at the same lime the required diaphragm which is given



ASA units

Film light sensitivity

DIN units


1/30 1/60 1/125 .. , 1/250
~ 4 4 4
5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
S S 8 8
16 16 16 15 16 .12 65 13(] 250

13 16 Ig 22 25

56 8 II


in the table is ~topped. For instance diaphragm f/8 c rresponds to the sensitivity of 65 GOST units,

. ~hetlshutter speed seiling is made in accordance wi h the symbols, correspondlI1g 0 lC weather at the moment of taking pictures.

If there is the sun. in the sky and there are no clouds, symbol «bright sun» ShO.llld be set! thai Will correspond 10 the shutter speed of 1/250 s. Thus, every begl nrier havlIll; no elementary knowledge in photography can operate with

camera «COleTT" GII"BO~ ot td

Smolla-Symbol» u oors.


Not e. Il Is necessary 10 remember that it is expediently to use the w ather symbols approximately Irom 8 a. m. 10 17-18 p. m in the period from April to August and from 10 a. rn to 14-16 p. rn, from September to March, When taking pictures in the deep shade In the sunny weal her it Is recommended 10 make a correction at weal her 5)"" bois setting, For instance, 5)'111 hoi evclled S1Jn~ should b. sel i"stead of symbol «bright sun-

The shutter speed setting method in accordance with the weather symbols cannot guaran-

lee good pictures in the early morning hours as well as in twilight and in lhe other bad light conditions especially when there is a dark period of year. Therefore in such cases the exponometer may be used or test shots can be done.

Then, if there is any wish, the photo amateur can take pi tures by the shutter speed or diaphragm scale, using his creative abilities.

The between-the-lens shutter offers the Iollowing automatic shutter speeds: 1/250; 1/125; 1/60; 1/30; 1/15 s.

Any shutter speeds which arc regulated by hand are got when the shutter speed scale is se! at index '1:8»,

The shutler is cocked by turning !he shutter's and the film wind lever till it will stop.


Flli! 5

Fig. 6


The required shutter speed setting is p rlorrncd by turning the weather symbol ring (shutter speed) to its coincidence with the index.

The lens diaphragm serves for adjusting the light aperture diameter.

The change of the lens opening is eifected by furning the diaphragm ring, The lens opening is changed in cases when it is desirable La i ncrease the depth of sharpness or when the light is 100 intensive at a selected shutter speed.

The steps of the shutter speed and diaphragm scales are calculated so that the increase and

decrease of the shutter speed and the diaphragm Fig. 7

hy one setting doubles OJ" makes two lime less

amount of lighl reaching the film. For instance,

the exposure lime is 1/60 s wilh an aperture ralio [/5,5, and the exposure time IIIU l be 1/30 s wilh an aperture ratio ff8, all other conditions being lhc 51l111C,

The figures engraved on tile shutter and diaphragm scales indicalc only Irachon denominators: [or example «250» instead of I : 250, «8» instead of 1: 8 clc, The viewfinder gives [he sharp frame edges.

The picture counter points to the number of shots you've taken, When the camera bark is opened the counter is automatically set Oil «-2» pictures. if iL dues not occur, cock the shutter withoul closing the camera back.



Beiore loading your camera, make sure lhat [he Itlrn is loaded into the cassettc properly.

For 1110si convenient loading of the camera, let an even end of tile film, II ilhout fractures and folds, protrude from lhe cassette at length of 110t more than 50-60 111 III

H a longer than 50-60 111m end of the film is protruding from the cassclle II ind Ihe unnecessary length of Ihe fi 1m back inlo tile cassette turning for thi~ purpose I he spool lug. Cu l off [he fractured or folded end of Ihe film.

On havi Ill; convinced lhal 211 even end of tile film no longer than 50-60 mm protrudes from [he cassette, vou ca 11 P r oceed Lo loa d the ca mer a.

It is necessary, [or this aim:

I. Open the lalch, hinge away lhe camera back and pull the rewind crank out of its sockel.

2. While holding the cassette in YOUI' left band and retaining the I Lig of the lake-up spool by [he finger of Your right hand. ell ga ge I he perf ora ti on of I he film end wi [11 the claw of the

Fig 8 Lake-up spool.

3. Pulling Ihe film (it wli1 go out of the cassette) insert the cassette into the camera (Fig.' 8).

4. heck up whether' the Iilm is I cated in the film channel in the proper way. The film should be rest on the slides of the projection aperture without warnings. The claws of the feed shaft should nler the slots of perforated film. ,'i Turn he rewind crank to lower it into its socket.

G. Close lhe camera back.

7. Turning the shutter cock lever and pressing down the shuller release lever, advance the film for two pictures until division «0» is set against the i ndex of the counter.

Set lhe reu-irider scale (Fig. fi) for a film you are going to expose, lest you should forget il. T" ihis end, malch a relevant value of film llght sensitivity in GOST, AS/I. or D!N units wi lh the symbol of the film lype. The reminder scale has the lollowinz denominations: «bright sun» which correspond to the colour fi 1111 ill the daylight, «lamp» which corresponds to the colour film ill the arti Iicial light. a seelor - (0 the white-and-black film.


Before laking pictures set [he shulter speed and diaphragm. In camera

• ,_.MCU8-CHM'''','. it can be done in two wavs: according to the weather symbols

O"ncI13·Synihoi - .

nne! by shuller speed scale and diaphragm scale.

To set the shutter speed and the diaphragm llsing the weather symbols iI is nccessarv beforehand 10 set the film sensilivily on the scale, which is mounted ori Ihe front pari of the lens by rotating the indexed ring up [0 ils coinci-


Fig. 9

Fig. 10

deuce with the corresponding value of film light sensitivity. At this moment. l!le diaphragm ~n the lens will be set up to definite reading which is

c n on the diaphragm scale.

This done, we must see what is the .weather like (the colour of the sky) and turning the weather symbols ring (the shutter. speed) set [he index in lronl of the corresponding weather symbol (Fig. 9).

N 0 I e. Wh~n chooslng l he weather symbols it Is pe rrnll ted In h a ve certa I n d Iff e renee bel ween [he skv a nrl I he 5 ym be I as a II ! tv" syrn bois ca n nol cover "! I 1\ e al her (.h) conditions. I ~ spite cl this. the neg. II ves gal alter taking pictures In accordance with Ihe won l he r 5)mbols mill' be used In printing when lokln!! lhc enla r aer and choosing Iho ~orrcsllondln'( 1'11t~t" pn ncr. Tokint! pictures on colour Hlrn, the best quail" C;l1' he obtained wll11 the lens stopped down 10 Im,r, and more

Taking pictures by the scales, shutter speed is set on the shutter speed scale by turning the weather' symbols (shut ler speed) setting ring (Fig. 10), The required reading of the diaphra~1l1 is set by turning indexed ring relative to diaphragrn scale. This ring is in the front parl of lhc lens.

Then it is necessary 10 locus the lens for sharp image. To do Ihis the distance 10 (he

t1 3.5 4 5 710. 15 3D ~ ""

M I 1;Z ~2 1.5 2 3 i,1 5 10.;.tt object should be determined and lhe lens should be sel in accordance with lhe symbols (<<group», «landscape» etc.) or with

Fig. II the distance scale digit d in meters and feel (Fig. 11).

Looking through the viewfinder frame the shol (Fig. 12).

To lake the pictures release the huller by smoothly depressing shutter lever. Advance t1.1C film to get ready for another shot by lurnlng the cockin g lever as far as II goes.

The camera incorporates a design which makes it possible 10 use a flash bulb [Fig. 13). To synchronize the bulb flash with the Iull opening of the shutter, provision is made for a synchronizer which gets actuated automatically as soon as the shutter is released.

The cam fa has a diaphragm shutter which enables shoaling with the electronic flash at anv shutter speed. .

AT T E 1- I 0 Nt The camera

c CMeHB-CII."OO •• » Is clesle ncd for

Smena·SymllOI ~

cahleless connection wilh lh. [lash Fig. 12

bu I b, I herd are. the con necll n go ter-

mtnats are provided in the ~ho. (0 be 115NI for flxhlg lhe acccsso rtes.

Alter shooting th last picture, lhe film should be wound Into lhe cassette, To this end, depress [he knob disengaging the lilm wind mechanism. [he knob remaining dipped, put aside the lever of the film rewind crank and (urn the latter in the direction of an arrow. Afler winding open the camera back latch, pull the rewind

crank and lake cassette out of lhe camera.

N 0) I e. If [he dlseng ag ing k nub of tile film wlntl mech an lsrn has failed [0 he fixed III tile sunken posu lcn keel' the knob pressed rlow n ul' YOLir [inga arul hrlng Ihe shu+t cr cock lever up 10 lhe stop.


l landle the camera wilh care.

Cnnlaminaled lenses deteriorate pictures sharpness, so it is necessary 10 keep lenses always clean. The objective and viewfinder could be wiped from the outside only using 3 clean cambric or linen cloth, on having breathed on them.

Never lake the camera apar l.

Never wipe Ihe plnstlc part of the camera wilh alcohol. acetone and active solvents.

8. CEPTA CE G.~Tlfl ATff'

Camera «'\leLl" CII.\[no., ') No. J.#WIitoII1Pl'lns \V\llh

'"' Srncna -Syrn hoi .... 1.&\'

lhe Iechntcnl dncurncnlulion and i~OUlld fil [or service. ~

Oulput dale /3. !J. III J9 _------";~~:_--_


jhe requi remcnt of

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