Terror Attack - Another Theory

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TV channels, Social media, newspapers, public places everywhere there was discussion

of Paris terror attack of 13 Nov 2015. Paris attack was trending top on Facebook and
Twitter and government, public condemning this.
Almost 2-3 months before to this attack, somewhere in Raffle Place,
Sophisticated well-dressed 20-25 people belonging to different nationality and different
religion gathered and having a close room meeting. They were worried with recent
casualty happened due to sinking of refugee boats, finding body of 3 year old refugee kid.
All these incidents were trending a lot in Social and International media and having
positive sympathy to refugees.
Chairperson of the meeting, who was senior official of Unified Nation(UN) said that
"This is an inside news that UN and EU is planning to have immigration camp at various
places in Turkey-Syria border and people can apply for immigration from there itself.
This project will be called On the Fly. Once this will be implemented refugees will not
require travelling to Greece/Bulgaria and other EU countries via Turkey. In December
this year various international leaders are gathering for Global Warming summit in
Paris, UN will organize meeting of top leaders from developed and few developing
counties and ask them to provide asylum as much as they can. Sources said that few
countries have already committed for this and around January there will be immigration
camp in Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul & Izmir in Turkey. UN will also lobby for France and
UK to pledge for accepting more refugees, which is currently merely 20000-25000 for 5
years. He further added if this project is successful then same will be implemented in
Libya, Nigeria, Congo, Afghanistan and other locations having refugee problem.
There was pin drop silence in the room for few seconds after listening this and all were
having blank expressions on face. Attendees of this meeting were from various age
groups and includes political representative of few Asian and Western counties, some of
UN senior official working on refugee crisis, representative of renown health care,
builders, retail house, energy house, media house and few other billionaires whose
source of income is said to be investment banking.
After 10 minutes of chaos in the room, chairperson requested members to listen to him
and to keep quiet, after few attempt of request there was again silence in room and

chairperson started to speak again You could imagine that there will be enormous
impact on us once this On the Fly project will be implemented. It will first start from
Syria and then will impact in other continents having refugees. Because this serious issue
and going to impact all of us I like to present you some figure to understand
complication and then will open forum to discuss on how to deal with this situation
He plugged his encrypted USB into laptop, turned on projector and begins presentation.
First slide was showing what refugees needs and he cited These people needs Food,
Baby Food, Shelter, Medicines, Petrol & Diesel, Power, Households etc. All of this supply
is happening only through business houses sitting in this room and you are aware that
we were required to do lobby and spend money at various levels to get your house as
official suppliers of UN. I know we have already made enough profit but we will have no
scope in future after On the Fly. For example currently all the medical services are
provided by company of Mr Chang from South Asia, and he looked to Mr Chang
representing health care house with smile. This is helping you in various ways Mr
Chang, you are getting easy entry in all the geography by doing so called charity here and
UN is officially helping you to open hospitals in African countries. Although you are not
charging UN for providing medical treatment to these refugees but all the medicines
which UN is buying is being bought from pharmaceutical company of your group. So you
are not losing any money but getting benefitted by expending your business across
continents and in media as a leader of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
He further continued, I do not think need to explain how other business houses are
benefitted, all of us sitting here are gaining both monetary and social fame because of
these refugees.
He moved to another slide, in which he have listed ways how they are getting money. He
took a pause for some time for people sitting there to have a glance of points and started
to speak , Apart from Food, Shelter, Medical Aid, Petrol & Diesel there is major chunk
of money which comes from other sources as well, in which business houses are not
directly involved but investment bankers and political leaders sitting in this room plays
his role. They work collectively and cohesively to make it work. People trafficking, for
which bankers and leaders sitting here take huge amount from refugee and UN help
them to cross international borders from one country to another. I know in public you
leaders make statements that you hate each others, but you work in sync across the

borders to make this trafficking happen. Another big source of income is Prostitution in
which we identify good looking Boys and Girls who are greedy of money and our network
supply them within Turkey and across the globe based on demand. Our investment
bankers operate this business in their counties and manage supply.
He further continued Because of Adoption rules are getting strict for foreign national in
several countries; leaders sitting here identify cute kids from 3 to 10 years, keep them in
their orphanage home and sell those kids stating social service to western country
nationals, these nationals do not bother to pay money for the sake of faster processing.
You might be wondering, what could be reason to discuss this? My intention is to figure
out implications and losses of On the Fly Project. and he took a pause for few seconds.
Another business which will be impacted is Human Body Organs. We identify person
seems medically fit and have no relatives in refugee camps. We are doing through checkup of all organs which can be transplanted and based on demand send them to African
countries as UN worker. Over there Mr Changs hospitals transplant organs to patients.
We do this as a Social Service but charge a lot in terms of medical tourism and get huge
charity amount because we only target wealthy patients. We plan this transplantation
very accurately as from 1 donor we transplant organs to many patients, and then we
dispose donors body.
Once in a month our media friends sitting here write emotional articles on refugee
camp and upload few sensational and pity videos, images of refugees on YouTube &
Instagram which help to get lot of donation from International individuals.
We have ensured that charities to UN fund come only from single trust per country and
imposed a law stating this will help to identify legal source of money. Leaders sitting here
have their person in that trust; we use this charity amount for money laundering and
transfer black money across countries. We have purposefully enforced single vendor
policy, in which UN will shortlist single company which provides Food, Shelter house &
tents, Petrol & Diesel, household to refugees. Shortlisted company is formed by our
people and it purchase all stuff from business houses sitting here.
We have very fair distribution of profit sharing and provided employment to many
people around the world. People sitting in this room know this business model and profit

they earn each year. However your employees, media and people around the world
recognize your involvement in refugee camps as contribution to humanity.
He sipped some water from glass of water, took a pause and said let us have lunch and
then we will figure out how to deal with this situation.
Within an hour they all gathered again after lunch, chairperson stood and said I have
briefed about situation now all you intellectual please help to deal with this. You must
have calculated you losses if On the Fly will be in place and I think we all were discussing
this during lunch as well.
After 3 hours of discussion, brain storming and considering all aspects including political
gains, profit losses and future scope they concluded with few action items.
Chairperson stood from his chair and said
Ladies and Gentlemen let me summarize solution we all agreed upon. Our media house
will use their free-lance writer to write blogs and post videos on how refugees entry hits
economy of countries providing asylum. Across the globe they will air TV debates on this
and leaders will help to organize protest on refugee immigration. Investment bankers
and Leaders will ensure that immigrants having criminal background will do illegal
activity and media house will highlight those.
We need to increase hatred between natives and immigrants so that government will
resist implementing On the Fly project and stop refugee entry considering public
opinion. We will need to scare natives of providing shelter to refugee and to play with
people emotions on economical and religious background. I will work with few refugee
leaders residing in various countries and they will provoke migrants on the name of
religion and plan attacks on local residents. This will ensure that local residents will look
immigrants as suspicious and our work will be done.
Few months after this discussion Paris attack, California massacre and London knife
stabbing happened, all these attacks looks motivated by terrorist groups and they
claimed responsibility. A new trend is started in social media on stop refugee asylum.
Participants of Raffle Place meeting are relaxed now.

All characters, places appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons or place, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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