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Zach Tsarnas

Chapter 11 The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian

Key Names, Events, and Terms
1. Aaron Burr Ran with Jefferson as democratic republicans and was
supposed to be the vice president after a tie in votes. Eventually did
become vice president. Also killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
2. Negro President A term used to describe Jefferson as he
approved of slavery in the south.
3. Naturalization Law of 1802 Reduced the requirement to be a US
citizen to 5 years thus eliminating alien acts.
4. Judiciary Act of 1801 One of last laws passed by federalist
congress that appointed 16 federal judges whom were appointed by
John Adams.
5. Midnight judges Judges whos commission went in on the last
day of John Adams term.
6. John Marshall A Chief Justice who Adams appointed to the
Supreme Court and was a Federalist.
7. Marbury v. Madison A court case held by the Supreme Court in
which Marbury, a midnight judge, had sued the secretary of state
James Madison for refusing to allow his appointment to follow
through. Even though he was Federalist, Chief Justice John Marshall
chose Madisons side and established judicial review.
8. Judicial Review The Supreme Court has the final decision on what
is constitutional.
9. Barbary Pirates Pirates who attacked merchant ships that ventured
into the Mediterranean.
10. Tripolitan War A war with the pasha of Tripoli that started in
1801 when they were dissatisfied with its share of protection money.
Jefferson sent a small navy and thus created peace in 1805.
11. Napoleon Bonaparte The king of France after the French
Revolution and made the deal with the United States for the
Louisiana Purchase.
12. Louisiana Bought from the French and doubled the size of the
US. Was bought for a very cheap price and brought wilderness to
the US.
13. James Monroe Negotiated with the French minister for the
purchase of Louisiana. Paid 15 million dollars even though Jefferson
said to only spend 10 million.
14. Louisiana Purchase The ceding of Louisiana to the US from
France for 15 million dollars.
15. Meriwether Lewis The personal secretary of Jefferson who was
sent to map the Louisiana territory that was purchased.

16. William Clark A young army officer who assisted Lewis in the
Corps of Discovery.
17. Sacajawea A Shoshone Indian woman who aided Lewis and
Clark on their journey through the land.
18. Hamilton/Burr Duel After Burr attempted to have New England
and New York secede from the union, Hamilton found out and Burr
then challenged him to a duel. At the duel, Hamilton refused to fire
thus leading to his death. Hamilton was a leading figure in the
Federalist Party.
19. Orders in Council Issued in the beginning of 1806 by the
London government and closed European ports under French control
to foreign shipping. Stopped American trade.
20. Impressment The forcible enlistment of sailors which took place
after American ships were seized by the British.

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