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Culture In its broadest sense, culture may be defined as:

Way of life, a design for living

Shaped patterns of behaviour and meaning of expectations and responses
Shaped by systems of vital ideas about the world
Filipino space consists of main multi-functional space necessarily relating with a lot of
extension spaces around it.
Father Bobby Rodrigo Perez III Filipino is organized as a space surrounding a
space as an excellent treatment of Filipino architecture.
Fernando Zialcita = We have a distinct spatial system. It is neither a Spanish nor
Antillian. Its Filipino
Dr. William Henry Scott, an episcopal wrote a powerful article, Cordillera architecture
of Northern Luzon, 1962, he presents along with accurate structural description of the
section of the houses
- In all those houses, one saw a small space enclosed by a bigger volume around it.
Felipe de Leon, Humanities Department in UP, talked about the space and aesthetics of
the Filipino Houses: transparency, flexibility, layering, organic, free, openness,
artistic, eastern, harmony with nature and multi-functional
- Windows all around ancestral houses
- Aliwalas, airy spaciousness and openness of interiors
- space surrounds space
- High value placed on being natural, informal, personal


Open House: In most Western cultures, guests are allowed to move around only within
the confines of the living room. In Filipino culture, guests may roam anywhere inside or
outside the house, even in the bedrooms.
Feel at home: How long can your relative or close friend temporarily stay in your


Filipinos rank first in religiosity and spirituality.

Maka-Diyos and maka-kalikasan are closely woven together in the Filipinos concern for
the environment.
These includes openness, freedom of expression, gender sensitivity, facility at conflict
resolution, resilience, flexibility, highly personalized approach at relationships, strong
family orientation, bayanihan spirit and passion for creative expression (as in the arts)


1. Bayanihan: the creation of alliances with neighbors and the helping attitude whenever
one is in dire need.
2. Close familial ties: Filipinos tend to uphold close family ties.
3. Pakikisama: pakikisama, or harmony, involves getting along with others to maintain a
harmonious relationship.
4. Hiya: shame is a motivating factor behind a behaviour. It is a sense of social propriety
and conforming to societal norms of behaviour.
5. Utang na Loob: Utang na loob or, debt of gratitude is owed by one to a person who has
helped him through the trials he had undergone.
Amor Propio: concern for self-image
Delicadeza: sense of discretion
Palabra de Honor: word of honor

Guidelines for shaping New Filipino Communities (Ponce) discusses Filipino sense of
community and spatial culture where it list the traditional Filipino neighbourhood lended
to have this features applied to her proposal of guideline.


Place Identity- how people incorporated place into the larger concept of their own
identities or sense of self.
Sense of Place a level of comfort and feelings of safety are associated with a place
Place Attachments a persons bond with the social and physical environments of a

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