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Deciduous forests can be found in the

eastern half of North America, and the

middle of Europe. There are many
deciduous forests in Asia.

Zones in the deciduous


Deciduous forests


South America has two big areas of

deciduous forests in southern Chile and
Middle East coast of Paraguay. There are
deciduous forests located in New Zealand,
and southeastern Australia also.

The average annual temperature in a

deciduous forest is 50 F. The average
rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year.

The first zone is the Tree Stratum zone. It

contains such trees as oak, beech, maple,
chestnut hickory, etc.

The small tree and sapling zone is the

second zone. This zone has young, and
short trees.

The third zone is called the shrub zone.

Some of the shrubs in this zone are
rhododendrons, azaleas, mountain laurel,
and huckleberries.

The Herb zone is the fourth zone. It

contains short plants such as herbal plants.

The final zone is the Ground zone. It

contains lichen, club mosses, and true

Animals in deciduous forests

The Bald Eagle is a large fierce looking

bird. Its name in Latin means "the sea
eagle with a white head".

Brown bears are comparatively larger than

black bears and are often found in cool

The most distinctive feature of raccoons is

the mask-like pattern on its face, and its
front paws.

The American burying beetle or giant

carrion beetle is between 25 and 45 mm
long and can be identified by its distinctive
orange-red markings. These nocturnal
species are critically endangered and are
on the verge of extinction.

The American black bear is the most

common bear species in North America.
These bears hibernate in winters. They are
omnivorous and feed on anything
depending on the location and availability.
This native species communicate by
grunting and marking trees using its teeth
and claws.

The bobcat is an adaptable predator found

in the deciduous and coniferous woodlands
of North America. It is twice as large as the
domestic cat but a little smaller than the
Canada lynx.
Beavers are large semi-aquatic rodents
who are known for building dams and
canals. They build small lodges with the
help of sticky mud, alongside water bodies.
Beavers are herbivores and their diet
includes tree barks, twigs, leaves and water

Although coyotes can live

anywhere, deciduous forests are one of
their favorite dwellings. Also known as
American jackals, they usually hunt in pairs.

Their diet consists of small mammals,

reptiles, mice and fruits.

Andrs Felipe Hoyos Marrugo

5th grade
British School

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