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3.3 Photovoltaic Power Generation

Photovoltaic power generation is a system that supplies the electricity consumed
in a house by generating electricity using sunlight during the day.

3.3.1 Purpose and key points of photovoltaic power generation

1. The amount of photovoltaic power generation largely varies depending on the
weather and time of the day.
2. Photovoltaic power generation provides the largest amount of power
generation during the daytime in the summer when the load at power stations
is in the highest and sells the surplus electricity.
3. The amount of power generation also depends on site condition such as
duration of shady hours
4. Photovoltaic power generation system distributors generally set a design life
of approximately 15 years for power modules and approximately 10 years for
power conditioners and provide approximately 10 years of warranty for the
entire system.
3.3.2 Energy







No photovoltaic power generation

Reduction in annual energy consumption up to 33.7 GJ(approx. 3kW of solar
cell capacity )
Reduction in annual energy consumption up to 45.0 GJ(approx. 4kW of solar
cell capacity )

3.3.3. Photovoltaic Power Generation

1. Regional solar radiation level

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2. Direction of installation and tilt angle

The sunlight utilization efficiency depends on the installation direction and tilt
angle of photovoltaic panels, but it is also depends largely by the latitude of the
building site. In low altitude regions, the roof pitch and direction can be relatively
flexible designed, as long as a sharp tilt angle is avoided, and it may be possible
to install photovoltaic panels on the roof of preferred design.

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In zone 6, for example Naha, utilization efficiency is 100% (due south), 94-95%
(east or west) and 88% (north). In addition, the higher annual power generation
might be achieved when the tilt angle is 20 o in south side roof.
On the other side, in Zone 5 for example Miyazaki, the utilization efficiency is
100% (south), 82-85% (east) or west and 64%(north). The highest efficiency for
the tilt angle is 30%.

3. Local conditions
The outside brightness of the direct solar radiation on a sunny is at least 15000
lux, with 7000-800 lux on a cloudy day and approximately 3000 lux in the shade.
Future development plans for the surrounding area should also take into
4. Cautionary Advice on installing photovoltaic panels
When installing photovoltaic panel on the roof in regions with heavy wind,
caution required to prevent damage caused by storm.

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In region where the salt damage is a concern, rustproof of metal parts such as
frame and bolt are essential.
3.3.4 Test calculation of photovoltaic power generation cost
Power generation simulation was performed and calculation was conducted for
Naha (Zone V) and Miyazaki (Zone VI) in order to determine the number of years
it will take to recover the initial cost of installation.

1. Calculation test result for Naha

2. Calculation test result for Miyazaki

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3.4 Solar Heat utilization methods for zone

The basic of reducing heating energy are to decrease heat loss from building,
and also increase heat gained by the building.
A method for obtaining natural heating effect using solar heat in a building called
passive solar heating.
3.4.1 Purpose and key points of solar radiation heat utilization.
1. Used to reduce heating energy consumption in winter
2. Solar heat radiation gain and utilization can be achieved using the three
methods: increasing the amount of heat gain (heat collection), controlling
heat gain loss (insulation) and effective utilizing heat gain while preventing a
decrease in room temperature(heat storage)
3. Major component that obtain solar radiation heat are glass windows opening.
But, glass windows are also easy to lose the heat because it has high solar


Energy conservation target levels

A. The Target Levels
Level 0
Level 1

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Heating energy reduction rate: none

Heating energy reduction rate: approx.

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Level 2
Heating energy reduction rate: approx.
Level 3
Heating energy reduction rate: approx.
Level 4
Heating energy reduction rate: approx.
B. Requirement for achieving the target level
1) Regional climate characteristic:
Passive solar zone classification (PSP) here is refers to the classification of
regional solar radiation characteristic based on solar radiation level and
temperature in winter. This categorizes Japan in 5 zones.
Zone A


Very cold region with low solar radiation

Cold region with low solar radiation level
Cold region with high solar radiation level
Region with high solar radiation level
Warm region with high solar radiation

2) Site Condition (Influence of obstruction of sunlight)

There are three categories of site building according to the influences of
Table 1 Site Classification by influence of obstruction of sunlight

Degree of obstruction of sunlight

Site 1

Site with large influence of obstruction of

sunlight (approx. 50%) where solar radiation
heat utilization is difficult
Site with small influence of obstruction of
sunlight (approx. 25%) where solar radiation
heat utilization is possible
Site with no influence of obstruction (0%)
where solar radiation of heat utilization is easy

Site 2

Site 3

How to check the sunshine hours

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sunshine hours


Advanced Building Environmental Engineering and Building Services

3) Building Direction
The solar radiation heat gain and utilization is largely depend to the
direction of the opening which serves as the heat collection area. It is
effectives within 30o east or west of due south, regardless of the regional
classification. If it exceed 30o from due south the heat collected from the
opening drastically decreases.
Therefore the direction of opening aims for heat collection must be within
30o of sue south

4) Methods for utilizing solar heat

Method 1
Method 2
Method 3

insulation performance of opening)
Methods for collecting heat from opening (enlarged
opening area for heat collection)
Heat storage method (use of heat storage material)

C How to achieve the target levels

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Energy conservation target level for solar radiation heat utilization are
determine by site condition (obstruction of sunlight), building direction,
and the use for utilizing solar radiation
In order to achieved the target levels of solar radiation heat utilization with
validated effectiveness, the following condition
1. Housing insulation level at least level 3
2. Opening area for heat utilization at least 10% ratio of opening area for
heat collection to the floor area (direction of the openings for heat
utilization must be within 30o east or west of due south).

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3.4.3 Steps for examining solar heat utilization technology

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3.4.4 Solar Heat Utilization methods

Method 1. Insulation methods for opening (enhanced simulation
performance of opening)
The heat insulation of building openings is the most important things to
me remind to secure the heat loss from the building.
a. Points to note when choosing materials for opening
- Glazing specification
Glazing is needed to increase heat gain and minimize heat loss. It is
believe that the effective glassing should be with low heat
transmission coefficient.
- Frame specification
In order to enhance insulation of windows frame, the effective way
is to make fitting and fixtures using wood, resin vinyl or other less
heat conductive material with high insulation performance

Method 2: methods for collecting heat from the openings (enlarge

opening area for heat collection

Although opening leads to significant heat loss, south facing

opening have a positive daily heat balance and it is effective to
enlarge opening area that serves as a heat collection area

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Method 3: heat storage method (use of heat storage material)


Heat storage technology prevent the overheating of the room by

absorbing heat during the day and decrease the room temperature by
releasing the absorbed and stored heat at night.
Building component that are effective in heat storage includes floors,
exterior walls and ceiling
Furniture, equipment and other living necessities in house might also
have the heat storage effect.

1. Materials of heat storage component

It is appropriate to use material with the following characteristic for the
heat storage devices:
a. Having large heat capacity
b. Being heat conductive
c. Quick heat absorption and emission from the surface
The heat capacity can be obtained in the following formula:
Heat capacity (Kj/oC) = volume of heat storage component (m 3) x
volume specific heat storage material)Kj/m3.oC)

2. Requirement for heat storage components

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3. Points to note when designing heat storage component

a. Position of the heat storage component
Heat storage effect becomes more apparent if the heat storage
component receives direct solar radiation and the amount of solar
radiation heat increase.
b. Area of heat storage component
The greater the area of heat storage component, the higher the heat
storage effect
c. Thickness of heat storage component
The heat storage component performance of material will not change if
the thickness exceed the effective thickness.

3.4.5 Estimating effects of adopting solar radiation heat utilization

1. Trial calculation methods

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2. Detailed setting of methods


Solar Water Heating

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3.5.1 Purpose and key points of solar water heating


Heat sources of domestic hot water system can be obtained from gas,
oil, electricity and natural energy
The initial costs of solar water heating are high, but once the
installation is completed, running cost can be dramatically reduced and
appropriate installation enables the recovery of initial cost during the
service life of devices.
Heat collection section of solar water heating is the most significant
influence on the amount of heat collection.
In hot humid regions which high number of solar radiation, a typical
heat collection area of 3 4 m2 can cover more than half of the annual
domestic hot water energy and solar water heating is an extremely
effective energy saving methods
Solar water heating devices are generally classified into solar water
heater and solar system.
Solar water heating devices require heavy heat collectors to be
installed on the roof and some models need a hot water storage tank.

Number of years for recovering initial cost of solar water heating device.

Definition of term
Some terms used in the previous Design Guidelines for low energy housing
with validated effectiveness (issued in June 2005) have been reviewed and
revised to comply with name and definition employed by the Japanese
Industrial Standard.

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3.5.2 Energy Conservation Target Levels for Solar Water Heating.
1. Definition of Target Levels

2. How to achieve the target levels

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3.5.3 Steps for Examining Solar Water Heating and Prerequisites
1. Steps for examining the feasibility of adopting solar water heating

2. Prerequisites
1) Local weather conditions
There is a possibility that solar heat cannot be sufficiently collected in the
following regions:
Regions with insufficient solar radiation
Regions with severe winters
Regions with high snowfall or snow cover
2) Surrounding conditions of the building sites
There is a possibility that solar heat cannot be sufficiently collected in the
following conditions:
There are many adjacent building obstruct solar radiation on the roof

There are many trees and other elements obstruct solar radiation on the
3) Building structures and others factors
In the installation of solar water heating, the building structures and roof
need to be designed by taking account to the weight of the devices,
especially if it is integrated with hot water storage section.

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3.5.4 Solar Water Heating Methods
Solar water heating devices can be classified into the following
items in general:
1. Heat collection system (direct or indirect heat collection)
2. Heat collection medium (water, antifreeze solution, air and heat
3. Heat medium circulating method (forced or natural circulation)
4. Structure of heat collection and hot water storage section
(integrated or separated)
5. Heat collection section shape (flat plate, vacuum tube, etc.)

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Method 1: Securing heat collection area and other considerations
1. Heat collection area.
The most important factor in sufficiently collecting solar heat is to secure
the large heat collection area.

2. Direction of installation and tilt angle of heat collection section

Direction of installation
- The heat collection section should be installed on the south side as
much as possible
- The east sides is less effectives than the west side
- The north side has hardly any effect.
- It is necessary to locate with no shade from adjacent building or
other elements in the future.

Tilt angle
Generally, the maximum annual heat collection can be reached
when the installation angle (tilt angle) of heat collection section is
30oC. However, since there is no significant difference in heat
collection due to tilt angle in both hot and humid regions, please
choose a tilt angle approximately 60 oC by taking into account the
roof pith. A frame is required when installing heat collector at an
angle that is stepper than the roof pitch

Energy saving effect of heat collection area

1. In hot humid region, the 3-4m2 of heat collection area is recommended
2. The typical hot water storage section is 200L, which appropriate for 4m2
of heat collection area.

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Method 2 : Appropriate connection with auxiliary heat source

Method 2.a Not connecting with auxiliary heat source

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Method 2.b Connecting with auxiliary heat source using three way valve

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Method 2.c Connecting with auxiliary heat source using solar connection unit

Method 3: Adopting energy efficient circulating pump (photovoltaic

power only)

The photovoltaic system requires a circulating pump which circulates the

water and antifreeze solution if it is a force circulation types.
If the power consumption of circulating pump is high, energy
performances declines. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a model that
operate the pump only when needed, uses a low power consumption
pumps, or operates the pump using solar cell power.
Conventionally, pump with power consumption of nearly 100 W have
been commonly used, but, nowadays, there is a model with 20-65W
operate the motor, which achieved more energy saving.

3.5.5 Solar Water heating Planning and Consideration for Use

1. Consideration for sectional planning
a. Installing heat collector (wind protection)
To prevent heat collector from being blown away by strong
winds, it is effective to fasten them as closely as possible to the
roof and affix them a gentle angle (figure 4a). On the other hand,
when using frame in order to adjust the direction, heat collector
should be tightly fixed using wire or other means (Figure 4.b).
b. Installing hot water storage tank (separate type only)
It is necessary to locate heat collector, hot water storage tank
and water heater as close as together as possible

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Hot water storage is recommend install indoors for less heat

Circulating pipes should as short as possible

2. Consideration for Coefficient operation and control methods

There several cautions to follow when using system which connects a solar
water heating devices with an auxiliary heat source using a solar
connection unit
a. Preset temperature of water heater
When using a solar connection unit, the auxiliary heat source
communicate with the solar connection unit via communication cable
and hot water is discharged according to the preset domestic hot
water temperature of the auxiliary heat source remote control
To increase the solar heat utilization rate, it is important to set
domestic hot water temperature of the auxiliary heat source as low
as possible.
b. Adequate control of auxiliary heat source
In a system using a solar connection unit (method 2c) of the solar
heat water temperature is low than the preset domestic hot water
temperature, it is reduce to the upper tap water temperature limit
(30 to 35oC) by mixing with the domestic hot water and discharge it.

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3.5.6 Explanation of Solar Water Heating System

1. Solar heat collection system + heat medium circulation
The solar heat collection system is regarded as the most important
element that largely dictate the structures and the characteristic of
solar water heating devices.
a. Direct heat collection type
The direct heat system is a system that directly send water to
the heat collections panels where it is heated for domestic for
domestic hot water.
b. Indirect heat collection type
Indirect system is a system that circulates the antifreeze solution
instead of water between the heat collection section and the hot
water storage section. The heat collection section collect heat
while the hot water storage tank heat tap water using a heat
exchanger located inside the hot water storage tank.

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2. Layout of heat collection and hot water storage section

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3. Shapes of heat collection section

The flat type has a flat collection unit covered with insulation
material on the back and the transmission unit on the front. Heat
collection efficiency 40-50%
The vacuum tube type has a tubular heat collection unit that is
protected by tubular transmission unit and has vacuum gaps for
reinforced insulation. Heat collection efficiency 50-60%.

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