How Point of View Affect A Story

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How Point of View Affect a Story

This essay will be about how a change in point of view can change a story. The first
paragraph will be about how the plot would change if the point of view is changed. The
second one would be how the point of view changes the characterization on a story. The
last one will be how the theme is changed when the point of view does. In the next
paragraph I will write about how setting changes with point of view.
The point of view from the short story "A Rose for Emily" is told from the townspeoples
point of view and I will write how it would change if it were told from Tobe's point of view
and how it would change the plot. When the townspeople could only smell a rotting thing
Tobe knew it was Homers dead body. This gives us the perspective of a person that
others do not pay attention to, so it is like an omniscient point of view. He could even
explain why Emily killed Homer. The townspeople guess how Homer was killed but Tobe
saw how he was murdered. If Tobe saw how Homer was murdered he could explain some
of Emilys reasons. This could clear many doubts about the actions she took and for the
reader to fall deeper into the story. Finally, he could explain the transition of Emilys life
from the death of her father to her death. He could tell stories of how it was like when
Homer was alive and the activities that were done at the house. Then, he could relate how
it was when Emily murdered Homer and the darkness came in. The next paragraph will be
about how the characterization would change.
This paragraph will be about how characterization on the short story The Trouble
would change if it were told from the Fathers point of view. The main change would be the
exposition of the characters in the story. Like the white guy he was seen like someone else
in the room in the original story. But from the Father eyes he could even be the murderer
of his wife. Some other characters could be the priest and the doctor. For the Father the
priest was a bad person at the beginning of the story and he changed his way of thinking
of him during the story. The doctor was seen like he was some kind of god that could save
the Mother. The last character could be the little boy that was the original narrator. The kid
would be seen how he really is and not how the reader could picture him. His feelings
could be described in a fatherly way not as the kid describes himself. The next paragraph
will be about how a different point of view changes the theme.
This last paragraph will be about how the theme on the short story White Heron
would change if it were told from a first person point of view with the character Sylvia. A big
example of change will be when Sylvia was walking home with the cow at the beginning of
the story. We will not get the same feeling about The Hunter as Sylvia from the beginning,
it would be intensified. Also, we could see better how she interacts with all the elements of
nature. Another major change will be the feeling of Sylvia with The Hunters ideas to
preserve what he loves. The main revelation Sylvia had was inside of her brain and we
could just overlook it and not understand why she will not give up the white herons hiding
place. The realization that killing the things you love doesnt make sense would come from
the reader not from the story. The last important change would be that we can know a The
Hunter a little bit better. We could knew what his purpose from the beginning of the story

was and there would be no story. Then Sylvia could realize earlier The Hunter idea and not
inviting him to her home. The next paragraph will be the conclusion of the essay.
This essay was about how the point of view change a story. The first paragraph was
about how the short story "A Rose for Emily" can change with another characters point of
view. The second one was about how different it could be if a different family member look
into a problem. The last paragraph was about how can point of view can change
completely the theme of a story. This essay shows a few changes that could happen to a
short story if the point of view is changed.

Juan Luis Obiols

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